Data Quality Is Job One: Massive Testing Using Difference Cubes

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Data Quality Is Job

Massive Testing
Using Difference

Marketing Technologies Group

N Concepts
N Implementation
N Limitations
N Demo

Marketing Technologies Group

How Do We Know If The
Numbers Are Right
N Compare new results to a benchmark set of
“control” data
N Make it repeatable
N Automate it
N Document it

Marketing Technologies Group

Make It Routine
N If it's not fast and easy it won’t get done
N Do it every time you make a change
N Make it part of your Data Quality Standard

Marketing Technologies Group

Control Data
N Correct set of target data
N Validated and blessed
N Already exists for conversions, modifications
N If you don't have it - make it (get the users to)
N Makes testing fast and easy and documented
N Forces users to clearly specify the logic
N Provides numeric examples
N Organize control data into Essbase friendly

Marketing Technologies Group

Using Excel Different Sheets
N Control
N Test
N Difference sheets

Marketing Technologies Group

Understanding Difference Cubes
N Any two similar cubes of N dimensions can
be loaded to two members of dimension
N E.G. Any two 5 D cubes can be loaded to
two members of a 6 D cube
N The third member can be the difference

Marketing Technologies Group

Difference Cube Design Options
N Export and import
N Partitioning
N Dynamic calcs
N Stored calcs
N Zoom and pivot
N Essbase Query Designer
N Report scripts

Marketing Technologies Group

N Different members on dimensions
N Different dimensions
N Calc order
N Block creation
N Version incompatibility
N Canceling of opposite errors

Marketing Technologies Group

Differing Outlines
N Same dimensions- different members
N Different dimensions

Marketing Technologies Group

Calc Order Issues
N Difference of the sums
N Sum of the differences

Marketing Technologies Group

Error Cancellation Issues
N Absolute Value

Marketing Technologies Group

Analyzing and Reporting Differences

N Static sheets
N Zoom and pivot on differences
N Essbase Query Designer
N Report scripts
N Triggers

Marketing Technologies Group

Excel Difference Sheet Tips
N Formulas to synch member names
N Comparing missing text
N Creating checksums
N Creating summary sheets
N Using data filters

Marketing Technologies Group

Automating Difference Cubes
N Freeze the Control cube
N Make changes to the Test cube
N Copy the Test cube (without data)
N Add the Difference dimension
N Add members for Control, Test, Difference, Absolute
difference, Pct difference, etc.
N Set up @XREFs, Alias, Formulas, Dynamic calc settings

Marketing Technologies Group

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