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WELDING INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Aws Modale 1 Ql-l Why is therean increaing nead for weld quality? a) Safe ») Economics ©) Less conservative design é Governmentregulations QI-2 What AWS documents describe the rules for CWLostifeation program? a) AWSSS ) AWSDL 2 ASO a AWSS1 2) AWSI4I Q1-3 Weld quality contol begins afer welding has been initiated _ QI-A What AWS document contains the CWI application fmm’? a) AWSDILI ©) AWSS.I 4) AWS Welding Handbook, Volume 1 2) AWSSS QUS What is goncrally considered to be the most important quality of a welding inspector? 48) Graduation from a welding vocational program b) — Anenginecring degree ©) Anassoctatede 2) Held catitied welder corificze Q16 O17 aus Quo olt0 ‘The vision requirements fora CWL ars a) 2020-vision b) 2040 vision 4) The inspostor cannot weer glases ©) 230/00 vision ‘The acronym “KASH? stand for: 1b) Keowledge, applicaion, skill and habits ©) Knowledge, attude, skills and honesty Knowledge, application, skills and honesty 2) Knowledge, altitude, sincerity and honesty ‘The welling inspector should havea basic understanding of a) Welding processes 1b) Nendesinictive testing methods 8) amdbabove 4) Codes and standards ‘The trm used to describe a delay in the production sshedule to part inspection a) NDE 2) Preinspaction 8) Reference point ©) Arestrike Inspection report cometions should be made by: 4) Rewtitingthe entirereport 'b) Reporting he correction othe welding foreman ¢) Telling welder what was done @ eee ae igs QUI A simple definition of ‘ethics’ is 4) Using common sense and honesty b) Living by therules ©) Reing fairand impartial ima" (Q1-12 For communication io be effective, it should fom a “continuous logy” Dy False OU-13 The welding inspector must often communicate with a) Welders b) Supervisors ) Welding engineers 4) Members of management QU-14 NDE pasonnel (aber than visual) should be cetfid wo what document? a Qed DLL 2) APLiT04 ® ©) Certfeaton isnot needed QUIS You must ave a high school diplomato become a CWI. a Tue QU-I6 The CWL exam has several pats these are b) Fundamentals, basic, code ©) Basie, vision test fundamental 4) Code, vision ast, practical ©) Nene ofthe above QL-IT The CW exam requires that the D 1.1 cadebe used forthe open book code test. Seems gets QU-I8 The CWI exam contains three pats, ech two hour long, jms b) False QI-19 The ttle ofthe AWS Standard, *A3.0" is a) Filler Meta Specifications ©) Guideto CWI Conification 8) Requirements for CWI certification ©) Naneoftbe above (01-20 API Standard 1104 covers the fabrication of the cross-country bridges. a) Tae ») 01-21 Some of the approved codeystandards for the open book portion ofthe CWL exam. are AWS DILL, APIL104, ASME Section VII, ASME IX, ASME B31.1 MIL_STD-248D, and MIL_-STD 1680 (SH)? b) False (Q1-22 Priorto string sjob assignment, the welding inspector should detenine: a) What code, standard, or specification applies 1) What inspections should be conducted 2) When inspections shouldbe conducted 4) Where records are maintained gets SAFE PRACTICES Aws Module 2 Q2-1 The welding inspector is expected 19 which of the following safety hazards: a) Radiation b) Falling objects ©) Electrical shocks enna Q22._A document, which covers safdty in welding and cuting, is: a) AWSDILL b) APL 0g 4) ASME See VIlL ©) ASMEB3LI 23 The most important componert of an effocve safety and health programis: 2) Safety rales b) Safety procedures ©) Protective equipment as G24 Sakety taining is mandated unde provisions of AWS“Saie Practice” 2) ASME Code 8) Welding Handbook, Volume 2 ©) Neneoftheabowe Q2-5 The shlveviation MSDS’ mesns: a) Managanent Support and Daily Safety b) Matera Strenath and Dscontiruiy Shoot 4) Materit Srengthand Data Sheet 2) Nene ofthe above ge ts0 26 The abbreviation ‘TLV" means: Total Linear volume fc) Tack Length Value 4) Threshold Limiting Value ©) Nene oftbe above 02-7 Employers must make all applicable MSDS data to their employees. Dy False (02-8 Perscnnel must be trained to recognize hazards, Dy False 02-9 A ‘Hot Work Permit” is required fr: 4) Allwolding opsrstions: b) —Alleuting operations ©) All preheat ©) Alloftheabove (02-10 Eye hazard foundin welding cperations inslude 2) Flying panies >) Radiation ©) Smoke and fumes 2:11 Prtaiveeapment mt sie rae prion om wldng atin PE er ) Safety goggles with iter plates a) Protective screens ©) Properly postioned barricades eu ons Quid qs Qs qr eis Suitable clothing materials for welding and euting re a) 65% cotton, 35% polyester >) Wool ©) Chemically rested cotton ©) Naneoftbe above Before working on equipment whore machinery guards have been removed, a Lock’ Tag and Try” procedare should he completed by False In voiding fumes during welding, the most important facior is 4) Thetypeot tase metal b) The typeor ster metal ©) The Typeof welding process sie neeeaoraaaas 11s notimportant to consider ventilation daring welding and cutting eperations. When entering confined spaces; a ‘standby’ isnot required Some ofthe ioxicmaterials the welder may be exposed to are 2) Cadmium >) Chromium ©) Nickel @) Lead Proper usageand handing of compressed gas cylinders include a) Net welding on cylinders ) Not including the cylinders in the ground or dectrical dreuit 2) Securing tham properly deena tn (02-19 Acetylene bocomes unstable above what pressure? a) Spi b) ops 4) Nene ofthe above (2-20 Oxygenisa lammable gas a) The ») (Q2-21 Electrical currents above appreximately 6 milliamperes are considered: a) Netharmit b) Primary currenis ©) Hamiut CE (2-22 When operating gas eylndrs, the primary valve should be opened: 4) Allortheway onan acetylene cylinder 1) One tur an anoxygen eslinder ee a aaa gets METAL JOINING AND CUTTING PROCESSES AWS Module 3 Q3:1 Which of the following is the fumction of the flux coating coating of a SMAW clectrade? a) Insulating b) Alloying ©) Deudition 32. Inthe AWS system SMAW electrode designations, the next 19 the last digit refers to: 2) lexpsc trong )) clecvode satin ew ©) Neneoitheabove Q33° Which of the following is an incorrect statement about a SMAW clectrode as E24? 1b) The weld deposit has a minimum tensile strengts of 70,000 psi ©) Its suitable for use inthe lt and horizontal filet positions only 4) It 8 electrode for welding carbon steel ©) Neneoftheabove Q8-4 OF the following, which is notan essential part of ofa sypicd SMAW system? 4) Constant current power supply ©) Covered electrode 4) Electrode lead ©) Work (grcund ead Q3-5 Which ofthe following welding problems is the resuk of disorted magnetic fekt that deflcts the welding arc? a) Cds b) Short circuiting 4) Insufficient welding currant 36 037 as eo os10 Which of the following is not considered atypeofa metal transfer for GMAW? 4) Shortckouitng >) Spay ©) Glohuker ©) Pusel ae Which of the following types of metal transfer in GMAW provides the lowest ampuntof heatto the work pieee, and therefore prone incomplete fusion! >) Spray ©) Globular 4) Droplet 8) Pulsed are Which of the following gases can be usad as shielded gases for GMAW? 2) Carbon dioxide b)Argonoxygsn ©) Argoa-caibon dioxide death ‘Which of the fllowing is not considered as welding process? a) SMAW ») GMAW 2) ECAW e) None ofthe above INthe dectricsystem for FCAW, the second digit(1) in an electrode marked (ENIT-5) refers to sue he ce composition 2) Usability ©) Nene ofthe above Q3-11. Which of the following isnot an essential clomant of an FCAW systern? 4) Constant voltage power supply b)— Tubularelecrode ©) Wire fasder e) Wotk grcund) lead 03:12 Whataspects ofthe GTAW and PAW processes is dificult than forthe other ae welding procesces? b) Power supply ©) Shielding a) Allofthesbowe 2) Nene ofthe above (Q-13 Shielding forthe GTAW and PAW processes is diferent for other than are welding processes? 2) Granule fx Sl @ Oxygen 2) Nene ofthe above (Q3-14 A green stipe ona Tungsten dectrode designation: 1b) 1ethoristedungsten ©) Zirconiated tungsten None ofthe above (03:15 When welding Aluminum with the GTAW process, what ype of welding aurent is ‘most commonly used? 2) cep 8) DCEN 4) amdbabove ©) bandeabove (Q3-16 SAW and ESW processes are similar in that 2) Bothare an are welding process ee eur ORs 9 320 321 en Solidification cracking duc to improper width-to-depth ratio of the weld bead is setious problem primaily wih which welding process? a) SMAW FC L 4) Allortheabove Which of the following are no’ common to beth GTAW and PAW? Nenconsumeable tungsten clestrode ¢) Shielding gas nozzle @— Exemally appled fille meal 2) Nene ofthe shove What techaigue is employed with PAW to produce ful penewration welds without ‘edge preparation? venically upward along the joint? saw 2) FCAW 4 amdbabove Which of the following is not an advantage ofthe ESW process? 4) High dopesiton rate ©) Capable of joining thick sections 4) Notendency for angular distortion ‘Which welding process is considered to bea chemical welding process? a) OAW ©) GMAW a) GTAW ©) SMAW 32 at 328 326 ar 0328 Brazing diffrs from welding inthe: a) Nofiller metals used Anoxyfuel fame is used 4) Allfibe above For satisfactory results, a braze joint should have: 4) Clean joint surfaces 1b) Armill clearance betwean picocs tobe joined ©) Alargesurfice area forthe jointarea 4) Heatsouree Which of the following is an advantage of brazing? 4) Easeofjoning thick sections ) Ability to join dissimilar metals ©) amdbabove ‘Of the following metas, which canner be efficiently, cut using OFC? 2) Methyl acstylene —propaicne (MPS) >) Propane ©) Acetylene 4) Methane (natural gas) Which of the fllowing cutting prosesses can out any metal? a) OFC by CAGA 2) PAC 2) amdbabove ‘The width ofa cutis referred to asthe ) Gp b) Dros a Drag 2) Neneofabove 329 0330 sl ‘The SMAW power supply canbe a) DCEN b) AC 3) DCEP ©) aundeabove Ofte following, which is anoncontact welding process, requiring no electrode and is not influenced by the presence of magnetic fel? a ESW b) Paw 4) amdbaboe ©) Nene ofthe above Which of the following uses a focused beam of electrons asa heat source for fusion welding? >) ESW ) EGW @— amdeabove 2) Nene ofthe above WELD JOINT GEOMETRY AND WELDING SYMBOLS Aws Module 4 Q41 Which of the following is not considered atypeof jaunt? 2) But oT ) Comer ©) Bége Q42 The type offoint formed when the vo pieces to be joined li in parallel planes and thar edges overlap is called? a) Comer » oT 2) Bdge ) ) But QU3- That portion of single bevel butt joint where the pisces to be joined come closet together is refered to as the? Radius I 2) Bovel angle Grove angle ©) None ofthe above O44 Ina single V-groove weld, the sloped surfaces agrinst which the weld metal is applied ar called? a) Root face b a 4) Groove angle ©) Bevel angle 045 The wype of weld produced by filing an elongated bole in an overlapping member attaching ito the member beneath is called a? a) Plug weld b) Spat weld ©) Seamwold ; 8) Nene ofthe above aio ‘The type of weld conigurition formed whan the lngth of e round bar is placed paallel agaiusta Ma surface is a? by) Singl-fiare-V 2) Edge lange 4) Corner Mange ©) None ofthe above ‘The ype of weld used to build up thinned surfaces provided a layer of corrosion pretestion. Or provide a layer of abvasion resistant materia, i refered to asa? a) Edgeweld b) Flare weld ©) Flange 4) Slot weld ‘The type of weld having a generally triangular cross seston and which is applied to either aT, comer, orp jot is called a? 4) Flange weld >) Flareweld 4) Slot wold ©) Spot weld In a completed groove weld, the surface of the weld on the side ftom which the ‘welding was completed on the nea side ofa joint is called? ) Crown Weld reinforcement a) Root 2) Cap pass ‘The ype of weld applied to the opposite side of a joint before a ingle V-groove ‘wold is completed on the near side fa joint is called a Nel rough weld ©) Back veld 4) Root weld ©) None oftheabove o4ti Qui an Od Ina completad weld, the junction between the weld face and base metal is called the? a) Root b) Weld edge ©) Weld reinforcement Leg ‘The height of the weld face above thelase metal in groove weld is called the? 2) Gow 5) Bueleup © Face 2) Nencofthe above Ina fille weld, the eg and size arethe same for what type of configuration? 2) Effet throat B) Concave weld 4) Unoqua eg filet ©) Oversized weld When boking at the crass scciion of a camplted groove weld, the difference ‘etiveen the fusion face and the Weld interface is called the? 1b) Depth of penstration ©) Root parcraticn 4) Joitpmeratien ©) Effective throat For aceneave fillt wold, which throat dimensions are thosems? ‘Theoretical and effective ©) Theoretical and actual 4) Alloftheabove ©) Nene ofthe above (Q4-16 Ina partial penctrafon single V-groove weld, the dimension measured fn the Jointool w where the weld panaration sepsis? a) Jointpmeratien 1) Effective throat <) — Restipaeraien 4) Depthotrtusen 2) Weld interface Q417 The Sze ofa spot weld is determined by it? 2) Depth of fasion ©) Denthof penetration a) Thelness 2) Nene ofthe above (Q4-I8 The primary element of any welding syrabol is referred tons the? a Tal 1b) Arow: 4) Amow side ©) Weld symbol (04-19 Information appearing above the reference line refers tothe? a) Nearside b) Arrow side ©) Farside ©) None ofthe above (04-20 The graphic description of thetype of weld is called the? 2) Tal Welding symbol a Anow Q421 When aweld symbol is canteredon the reference line, this indicates? 4) ‘That the welder can pur the weld on either side 2) That the dssigner doosn'tknow whore the weld should go 44) That the welder should weld in whatever postions the weld in ©) None ofthe above (04-22 A triongularshaped wold symbol represents what ype of weld? a) Bevel groove ») Flaregroove ©) Flange grome = (04-25 The first dimension appearing to the immediate right of the weld symbol generally refers tothe? a) Weld rénforement b) Root opening ©) Pitch distance 2) Nencofthe above (4-24 Inthe case of plug or lot weld, a dimension placed within the weld symbol would indica? ) Slot weld wiih ¢) Pug weld diameter 4) Angle of countersink 2) None ofthe shove (4-25 The required spotweld ‘size’ parameter can be showa as? a) A dimension to the right ofthe symbol 1b) A dimension of the required nugget dameter 2) Ayal fr the rquited strength por spot 4) amdbabove Q4.26 A number appearing to the right of the spot weld symbol refers to? a) Spot weldsize b) Spot weld length ©) Number of spots required ©) Nencofthe above (427 The part of the welding symbol which an be used to covey any additional informacion tha eanao: be shown otherwise is referred 038? a) Theweld symbol b) Thesrrow ©) Thereferenee line e) None ofthe above (0428 A number in parentheses just shovetbolow the weld symbol ia welding symbol for slot welds describes! a) Thelength of weld The typeof weld 4) The typeof destrode to use ©) Nene ofbe above (04-29 A umber not in parenthesis to the eft of the grove weld symbol in a welding ‘ymbol refers tothe! b) The length of weld ©) Theweld quality standard 2) Theweld procadureto use ©) Nene ofthe above DOCUMENTS GOVERNING WELDING INSPECTION AND QUALIFICATION AWS Module 4 QS-1 Which of the fillowing do notcontain job quality requirements? a) Codes b) Drawings ©) Sprcifcations ©) Standards Q5-2_ Of the following, which can be considered mandatory? a) Codes Standards a) Drawings 2) Nene ofthe above QS-3. The typeof document that haslogal sts by definition is >) Standard ©) Specification 4) Bothaand babove e) — Alloftheabove QS-A The type of document that dsscxibes the resuirements for a paticalar material or ‘component is refered Wo a a) Code b)Staneard ©) Sprvification @) And babove Q5-5 Something set up and established by authority as a rule io measure quanity, quality, value, weight, te a ifteation oC 2) Drawing ©) Nene of the above (Q5-6 The jobdocuments that best describe the size and configuration of a weldmen! ae a) Codes b) Standards 8) Drawings ©) Neneofbe above 05-7 Of the following types of documents which have general acceptance in the welding indasry? a) Contacts standards >) Spwoficatons a (Q5-8 The code that covers the welding of steel suuctures is a) ASME Section IX ASME aa) APLIO4 e)ASMEBSLS (Q5-9 The code that covers the design of metalic unfired prssure vessals is 4) ASME Section x1 Sh ASME Son ©) ASME Section X a) APLiIO4 ©) AWSDLI (Q5-10 The series of specifications covering the requirements for welding electrodes is designed: 2) AWSDLI AWS DI4X a) ASTIMAS 2) ASTM ARS Q5-11 Which ofthe flowing mathods for controlling materials i a fabrication shop, is ‘most suitable for automaton? gs Qs Osi Qss Qs16 sit 4) Color coding 5) Alhosmarccadng Heat number tansfer| ©) Segregation byalioy Whict Section ofthe ASME Code covers qualifiestion of welders? a) Section >) Sestion XI ©) Section VIE ‘Tolerances are required on drawings to 4) Guide heingpector on permissible size vations ) Show the total ammount of variation permited from the design size OMMBAAmE bao 4) None ofthe shove ‘Tolerances can be expresse: 2 see ‘As plas orminus dimension aces bey cris None 0’ the above Drawing notes can be clasilied as: 2) General >) Loeal o fications 2) None ofthe above Hold point refer to: ae ¢) A shutdown at the end ofthe day 4) None ofthe above ‘The weldinginspoctor| snot responsible for chocking to make sure all velding and testing personnel have adaquate cemiticaions. a) Tue (QS-18 The American Welding Society has doveloped how many welding codes? a Ow b) Two ©) Three Simms” (Q5-19 When inspecting unfired pressure vessels to the ASME Codse, the inspector will usually use several different Sectons? Dy False 05-20 What Section ofthe ASME Code ae the filler materials found? Section ©) Sectionll, Part D @ Section IX 2) Nene ofthe above (Q5-21. Standards are mover considered mandatory Seis (Q5-22 Base metals used in fabrication canbe bought per which ofthe following? a) ASTM Standards b) ASME Cede, Section I, Part A and B ©) It not rapured to specify bose metal 2) Naneo!the above (Q523 The AWS Specifications designated ASX refer 0 a) ees b) utes for brags ©) Cross country pipelines 4) Prossure vssot fabyication (Q5-24 Ancffective material control system will: Qs25 9826 527 Qs28 Qs20 4) Beassimple as possible >) Containchecks and balances ) Net be necessary uness the fabrication i fornuclear work 4) Bebase on ‘frst in-first cut’ UNS refers w a) Utited Nondestructive Society 1) United Naticnal Sandards semaiiiaaiaen e) None ofthe above Who is normally responsible for the qualification of welding procedures and welders? a) Welder b) Architect 4) Engivoer ©) Calle body Which of he following processes is not considered prequalified in accordance with AWSDI.I? a) Shielded mettare b) Submerged are 2) Spray tansfer gas motl re ©) Flux cored OF the fellowing types of test specimens, which dy APL and not ASME for procedure and welder qudlification testing use? 2) Facebend >) Rootbend ©) Side bend 2) Tensile What is the pipe welding position where the pipe romains fixed its axis horizontal, sorte welder must weld arcund the join?” a) 1G 2G ‘OMNSG a 6 ) 6GR (Q5-30 What is the pipe welding position wha the axis of the pipe lies fixed at a 43- degree angle? a 1G ») 2G 9 3G ©) None ofthe above (Q531. Whatisthe pips position test forwelders who are tying to qualify to weld T, Kand ¥ couneetions? a 1G ») 2G ) 6 o 6 2 (Q532 If welder qualfios to wold with E6010 electrode, which isan F3 group electrode, his aso qualified to weld with al ofthe following except (05.33 With relation to procedure and welder qualifcston, which ofthe following can be sn important tak forthe welding inspector? 4) Watching the welding qualification est b) Identifying samples ©) Cuttingand testing specimens aces (Q534 For most odes, ifa walder continues to use particular process and procedure, how long does his qualification romain in fFect? >) S moms ) Lyew a) 3yeas ©) Until produces ejectable weld METAL PROPERTIES AND DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Module 4 “The property of metal that describes thei resistance to indentation is elle a) Stonath b) Toughness a) Ductlity ©) Nene ofthe above ‘The property of metal dhat deseribes thei ability to eany a load is a) Stength ») Toughness ©) Hardness 8) Ductiity ©) Nene oftbe above Generally.asstength increases for carbon steels, the ductility ) Increases 1b) Stays the samme 4) [snot relaiedto strength 2) Nene ofthe above ‘The propery that describes the ability ofa metal to deform whan pressed i: a) Strength 1b) Toughness ©) Hardness Saat ‘The type of strength related to a meal’s behavior whan the load is spplied in a cyclic manner a) Tensile b) Compressive ®)— Torsioml einai ‘The yield strength of a matrial is determined by O68 Q6-10 2) Impastiesting b)—Tensiletesting ©) Hardness isting a) Theoffetmathod ‘wanddabove Which meal properties ae dtwely related? a) Conductivity and strength 1b) Stongth and dvetility ©) Suength andhardhess aa ‘The ahilty ofa mstl to adsorb energy is called a) Suen >) Ductiity ©) Hardness 2) Nene ofthe sbove “The met property afeeted by the surface condition ofthe sample is 2) Tensilestrenath >) UTS ©) Hardness ©) Alloftheabove Which of the following clement is ganerally considered to have the most prcngunced affect on the properties and performance of carbon steel? a) Aluminum 2) Manganes: Chromium ©) None ofthe above ‘Which alloying clement is commonly added to steel to improve its corrosion resstance? a) Carbon b) Aluminum ©) Silicon 2) Nene ofthe above (Q6-12 Hydrogen in the moten weld metal can cause: 2) Unk b) Overlap ©} Cuding 4) Porosity (Q6-13 Which propsty cannot be determined from tensile test? 4) Litimate tensile steagh b) Percent elongation ©) Percent reduction of area e) Yiekisrength Q6-14 A matal’s ductility can be expressed as: 4) Percent elongation ») Percent reduction of area a 2) bandeabove (Q6-15 A tensile specimen having 2 crass sectional area of 0.25 square inches fas ata oat ‘of 15250 pounds. What & thetensie strength? (Tensile Stenghh= Load Ate2) 2) 3813 psi <) 6,100 pst 4) 58500 psi ©) Nene ofthe above Q6-16 The point at which a matal’s behavior changes from elastic to plastic (onset of ‘permanent defermation) is referred toas: b) Liliate tensile steagh ©) Modulus of elasticity @— Young's modulus 2) Nene ofthe shove (Q6-17 What is the percent elongation of a specimen whese otiginsl gaye length as 2 inches and final gage Length was 2.3 inches? 7 2 ©) None ofthe above (Q6-18Tae family ofhardncss tests that uses both a trinor and major load is called a) Brinnel Viekers 8) Kroep ©) Neneoftbe above 06-19 Which of the following testare refered 10 as microhardness test? 2) Rockwell >) Vickers ©) Knoop @)_amndhahove 6-20 What ype of test uses a weighted pendulum, which strikes a notched test specimen’? 2) Brinnat tost b) Fatigue tes ©) Tensiletest 4) Microhardness test (6-21. Endurance limit isan expression used foe what type of esting? Qo2 0628 9624 625 ») Hardness ©) Souninass 4) Tension ©) None ofthe above ‘The metal property that relates to amital's deforming withoat failing is callxk a) Tensilestength ©) Hardness 8) Toughness ©) Naneofbe above Which testis not consileed a ‘soundness test? >) Facebend ©) Fillet reac @)— Rootbend e) Nick break ‘The type of wing used io evaluate the type of microsructue presen is a met called 2) Tensile >) Hardness ©) Toughness ©) Nene ofthe above Whieh of he following tests canbe used to judge the soundness of @ weld? a) Nick break b) Sido bond ©) Facebend 4) Fille break METRIC PRACTICE FOR WELDING INSPECTION AWS ou Qn 73 qa qs Q76 Module 7 A S00Ib can of welding electrodes weighs how many kg? a) 2TKg 25K 4d) 23000 Kg ©) Nene ofthe above [A weld joint measured and found to be 345.0 mm long, How long is that jit in terms of inches? a) 135in 2) 87in a) 87610 ) 130in What isthe wine food speed that is measured io be 1 in/min? 4) 0.070. ms 714i mms 4) Omnis 2) Smms Which of the following are the proper base urit(s0 linear measurement in the system? a) Yord >) inch ©) Foot @ Mie ‘What isthe base unit for measuring mass in the SLunits? a) Mater ©) Mega Pascal Lier ©) None ofthe above ‘The federal Government has initiated the requirement that all fstare government documents rust be published using the SI system, 7 ars. Qn quo qui Qn Qn by False ‘The mori systom, or SI Isfar move complicated than tho US systom, a) Tue Many U.S industries presently use the SI by False ‘Tobe rast effective, the US worker must now which measurement systom? a) Mattie b) SL saan AWS has mandated the requirerert thatthe meri system be used, 2) Te AWS has prepared guide for aiding the tansition to matication. Its designation is: 2) DL >) Seetion VIN 2) A30 ©) None ofthe above ‘Which of the fllowing countries are not officially onthe SI system a) Japan ») Britain 2) Mexico 2) Austin Inthe US customary systam, what is thebase unit ‘ounce’ used to mossure” a) Mass b) Volume 4) Distance QT14 The USsystemof mencuterent is hase on powers of 10, a) Tue Q718 Prossire and tensile strength are measured inthe SI using what asthe hace unit? a Ler b) Meter ©) PRG a) Newon 2) Hotz QT16 Match the following tems with the property measure. a Ampere 1. Fraquency - Hote 2 Energy, = © Joule 3. Elericcuen = 4. Mater 4 Mass Kilogram = 5. Length Q717 Match the following prefixes with hecorset values, a Megs 11,000 bil 2 ool «Kilo 31,000,000 a Micro 4 0001 - Conti 5. 0.000001 2 O718. Match the following tems with the most appropriate SI units a (faites! G. Eee. = >. Presure 2 MMse ©) Deposttonrte 3. Magapsscal & Wrefedrate, 4 Kilopascl < iene cn st x2 983 84 ons WELDING METALLURGY FOR THE WELDING INSPECTOR AWS Module 8 ‘Asa metal hested: a) Energy'is added o the structure b) —Thestoms move futher apart ©) Thestoms vibrate more vigorously endgame ‘The ate of matter, which exhibits the least amount of energy, is: b) Liquid Gas 4) Quasi-liguid 2) Nene ofthe shove A problemoccurring in weldments caused by the nonuniform esting producad by ‘the welding operation a) Porosity Incomplete fasion 4) Slag nclusiens ©) Naneoftheabowe ‘which ofthe following isnot emethod wed to diminats or reduce residual 4) Vibratory stess relief ¢)—Thormal srs aot 4d) Pecning ©) Annealing ‘The type of alloying in which the alloy stoms are located in the spaces between the atoms ofthe parent metal isroferod to as: 4) Atomic alloying b) —Suistituionalalleying ©) Space alloy ©) Nene ofthe above Q86 Rapid quenching of steel from the austenitic ange results ina hard, bite surucure known as: a) Polite >) Carbide ©) Cementte @)reaite Q87 Very low cooling of steel may resuk in the production of soft, ductile mictesuucwte which as lamellar sppewance when reviewed under high magnification. This structure is referred tas 4) Martensite ©) Bauite 4) Feri ©) Cementite Q88 When rapid cooling produces martansite structure, what sub-critied heot treatm may beappliad to impiove the ductility of hesteel? 3 venchin <) Annealing @) Normalizing ©) None ofthe above (Q89 Itis determined that a welding procedure is esting an excassve heat input. Which ‘of the changes listed blow would result inthe reduction of hest input a) Decrease eurent b) Decrease voltage 2) Increase travel spoed demeimmtane eid eine 0810 The use of prebeat will tend to: 2) Result na wider heat affected zone ) —Producea lower heat affected zone hardness €) Slowdown the cooling rate 4) Reduce the tendency to produce martensite in the heat affected zone 8 oat oss xis sis Which of the following changes will varrantan addition or inerase inthe required preheat? a) Decreased carbon equivalent 1b) Increased carbon eqpvalent ©) Increase base mot thickness 4) aande above What heat treatment is chanscteizad hy holling the ptt at the austentizing ‘cmporature fr some time and then show cooling inthe fismace? a) Normalizing b chin 2) Tenperng e) Sues eller What heat treatment characterized by holding the part at austenitizing lemperature and thon cooling in sl sir? ) Quenching ©) Annealing 4) Temparing ©) Swessrebet Stool heated above the lover transformntion temperature (A1,) will change micro structural alignment. This temperature is? >) BNF ©) 1560 @) 36000 2) Nene ofthe above Atom is solid (fozen) state a) Have a specific “home” position }) Have no dstinet structure ©) Areesseniially fixed in a definite sructured position e) None ofthe above Qaie ait gals 819 0820 What is the heat input for « molten weld pool at 5 ipm travel speed, 25 volts, and 100 aenperes? (Aumps X Vols X 60 / 100) a) 300J!in 1) 300,000 4m a 3.03.40 ©) None ofthe above (One way that toms are added toa pure metal to froma allay is: Banat ©) Automatically 4) Solidification ®) Diffusion “The process where carbon is added tothe suriace ofa ste! to harden itis Desiniatin Precipitation hardening 8) Quntine ©) Nene ofthe shove Stool exists in which ofthe following crystal traces? a Bc b) FCC 2) BCC. 2) ACP Which of he following usually follows quenching? b)stessrelieving ©) Normalizing @) Annealing 2) Nene ofthe above Q821 Which of the following can be accomplished using cithor thermal or mechanical vechniques? a) Amealing 1b) Temperng S chin e) None ofthe above Q822. Which of the fallowing results inthe safest condition fr carbon steel? a) Anmeating 5) Quenchng ©) Stes relieving a) Temperng 2) Namalzing (Q823_ Fora steel having a chemistry of 0.16% carbon, 0.4% manganese, 0.09% nickel, 0.25% chromium (025% copper. and 0.40% moiyhdenum, what is its Carbon Equivalent? (CE=YC + S6Mnv6 + MNS + 960n1S + 9¢CW/I3-+9%¢M0/ 4) a 023 b) 034 037 a oat Q824.Stanlss Stels are defined as having at least what percent chromium? a) m% 15% a) 20% 2) 30% (Q825 Which of he following methods can reduce Sensitization, or carbide precipiation, of austenite stainless sds? 2) Solution annealing, water quenching D) Using stabilized grades containing titanium oc niobium (colurium) ©) Using the low grades ef stainless stels inless steels ©) Using high carbon Q826 Metals must bomolion for diffusion to oseur. a) True (Q827 Hydrogen can éiffuss into aso metal at roomtemperstue by Fale QR28. Metals ean dissolve into each other when hoth are in the solid form. by) False 0829 The process whereby nitrogen is dissolved ini the surface of the carbon stolis! 2) Sensitization 1b) Nitragen removal | rburzing 2) Nene the shove Q830 Welding meuturgy is concerned with the changes Ihe metals during welding b) False 95 WELD AND BASE METAL DISCONTINUITIES AWS Module 9 ‘A discontinuity is: a) Alwaysadefect 1b) Alwaysarejact ©) Always acceptible 2) None ofthe above ‘The aitcality of a weld discontimity can be judged on the basis of a) Whebe >) Whether ©) Whether it has sharp end condition 2) Nenof the above What discontinuity is enerally considered tobe mast severe? a) Porosity 1) Incomplete fasion ©) Slog inclusion e) Arestnike Which of the fillowing discontinuities isles key to he seen visually? Toc erack Undercut @) Overlay 2) Nene ofthe shove Undarbead cracks can seul fom which of the folowing welding practices? a) Useof wet electrodes 1b) Welding o contaminated stole 2) Welding overpaint e) None ofthe above Q96 The weld discontinuity that results foem improper temnination ofthe welding axe is refered toas a) Undereut b) Over 4) Incomplst fasion ©) Alloftheabove 097 OF the fallowing processes, which ae unlikely to have slag inclusions in a completed, weld? a) SMAW ° =, a SAW 2) Nene ofthe above Q98 The discontinuity dhat resus flom she enapment of gis within the weld css sean is referredtoas: a) Crack b) Slag inclusion ©) Incomplete fision ‘mitt ‘oF the above Q99. What wold discontinuity esuls whon the welder tavols to slowly, causing excess weld metal 1 low oat of the joint and lay on the base metal surface without fusing? a) Undereut b)Urate fill 4) Incomplete fasion ©) None ofthe above Q9.10 What weld metal discontinuity wesults when the welder fils to completely fll the weld groove! by Undereut ©) Overlap 4) Incomplete fasion ©) Nene ofthe above Q911 Excessive weld metal budldup on a groove weld isrefirred toa: 4) Excessiveconvexi ©) Overill 4) Alloftheabove 2) Nene ofthe above (Q9-12 The weld discontinuity that resus trom the initiation of the welding sre outside the wed jontis refered a: a) eames b)Undoeut ©) Overlap 2) Sorach start (09-13 What weld discontinuity shows yp asa light region on a radiograph? a) Porosity ©) Slag nchusien| &)— Amdbabove ©) Bandeabow (Q9-14 Which of the following isnot a base metal discontinity, resulting fiom improper steel making practices? a) Lamination ©) Seam 4) Pipe shrinkage 2) Neneofthe ahove VISUAL INSPECTION, OTHER NDE METHODS AND EXAMINATION SYMBOLS AWS Module 10 QID.1 Which of the following Nondestnictive tasting methods are Hnited 1 he detetion of aurfice discontinuities? a) Visual b)—-Penetrant 2 ea ©) Bandcabo 0102. Tobe mos effective visual inspection shouldbe performed when? 8) Before welding b) During welding pa ©) None ofthe above (Q1D.2 The tine period during which the ponctrant remains onthe surface of the part tes i called what? allowing it to be anv into any surface dscontin a) Waiting time 1) Penetrating ime 2 cae e) None ofthe above Q104. Which type of magnetizing current provides the best iron particle mobility? >’) DC ©) DCEP 4) Bandcabove 2) Alloftheabove (Q10.3 What MT technique ceuld be used forthe discovery of longitudinal Nas b) Side shat ©) Coil shot (ongitudinal magpotization) 8 Amdbabove ©) Bandcabove QID.6 Which of the fallowing magnetizing mahods produce «circular magnetic feld in thotest pice? a) Headshot ) Passing an electrical curent through theprt ©) Prod ©) Nene ofthe above Q10.7 Which of the following magnetizing mehods cen produce a longitudinal filed in the test piece? 2) Headshot >) Coil shot ©) Yoke 8 Ait Q10.8 What NDT methods are bes fr evaluating subsurTace porosity? De — ©) Alloftheabove Q10.8 Which of he following statement is cortect for radiographic testing? a) A reduction in thickness will producea ight image on the fila ‘A low dersity discontinuity will produce alighter image o the Film @ Amdbabove 2) Bande above (Q10.10Radiographe testing (RT) canbe performed using wich ofthe folowing? a) Xray machine b) Cesium 137 ©) iridium 102 4) Cabal 60 O10.,1MT canbe wed most effectively to inspect which ofthe following? )—_Austentie stainless steel welds en carbon steel 1b) Austenie stainless stl welds on stainkess sted Q10.12Which of the following discontinuities will not usually be revealed using RT? a) Crack b) Incomplete joint panetation ©) Poros 2) Nene ofthe above (Q10.13 What isused during radiography to indicate the resolution sensitivity of radiouraph? >) Desimeer ©) Leadsereen 4) Alloftheabove ©) None ofthe above (QID.14Which Nondestructive test method uses sound exergy as probing medium? a MT RT a OT 9 ET (Q10.15 The process whereby ultrasonic indications are related to dimensions in a test standard isrefered to as? Setu ©) Standardization Synchronization 2) Neneof the shove (Q10.16As-welded groove welds ate usally iaspeted Utasonicaily using what technique? a) Stright beam b) Shear wave 2 Je boa ©) Alloftheabove (Q10.17Capitary action plays a role in which NT methed’? b) ‘a eat OT a MT 9 a) MT >) UT ET 2) Bande above mer b) RT MT a UT (Q10.22Whieh NDT acthod is mast likely to reves subsurface laminations in a rlled pte! a) kT ‘mau 2) ET a) MT (Q10.23Piczoelectricty isa property used by which NDT method? kT @) Amdbabove (024 whith bteciquetrantng magni in offre whan conducting testing? b) Singl direction ©) Residual magnetism 4) Alloftheabove ©) None ofthe above (Q10.25What resolution sensitivity i normally required for RT? ») 9 a 2 (10.26 What isthe basic element of evaluation in any quality coneral program? 2) Rami stng etn es @)— Alloftheabove ©) Naneoftbe above (010.27 When should the applicable job documents be reviewed? 4) forthe job completed 1b) Before the welding begins ©) Atany time when information smeeded en (Q10.28What isthe role of the AWS CWI in NDE? 4) See that inspections are done ) Verify personnal qualifications for NDE inspection ©) Prepare proper records Sce that oper records are maintained (Q10.29A number in parentheses just sbave or belowa est symbol describes: a) The longth of weld to be tested b)_Theextenoftestin 4) The typeof est to perform 2) Nene ofthe above Q10.20A number to the Fight of a nondestructive testing gnbul refers to the 4) Number of test topperforr ¢) Thespplicable quilty standard 4) Thetestproceditsto we ©) None ofthe above (010.31 Test information above the reference line refers to the arrow side: a) Tue

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