Math 1 Syllabus - Mrs King

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Math 1 - Mrs.

Mrs. Kings Classroom Expectations:
1) Be in class on time.
2) Be ready to work and have ALL of your materials
3) Be Positive & Polite! Negativity will not be tolerated in my class.
4) Be attentive and productive in class.
a) This means:
i) taking notes, active participation in activities, and work during quiet work times.
b) Cell Phones will be out of sight and out of mind and if I see them in use:
i) 1st time - Given verbal warning. (Put it away or its mine.)
ii) 2nd time - I will confiscate the cell phone until lunch.
iii) 3rd time - I will confiscate the cell phone until school dismisses
iv) 4th time - I will call home .This is consistent disregard for the rules and an office referral
will be written with cited disrespect and disregard for the Classroom Management Plan.
Provides students the opportunity to study concepts of algebra, geometry, functions, numbers and
operations, statistics and modeling throughout the course. These concepts include expressions in the real
number system, creating and reasoning with equations and inequalities, interpreting and building simple
functions, expressing geometric properties and interpreting categorical and quantitative data.

1st thing when you come in:

You will take out your laptops and notebooks and place your backpacks in the designated area of the
classroom. Place completed homework on your desk so that it can be checked. Each homework assignment
MUST have your name, date, and lesson heading written on them.

Absent from class:

Absent for a test or quiz: If you are absent the day of a test/quiz you MUST make it up within three
days of returning to school. This class is fast paced and its important to stay current with the
material. (Missing tests can be completed during career prep or before school.)
Absent for a regular class: If you are absent from a class you will need to complete the warm-up,
notebook, guided practice and homework when you return to school. (You will have two days to
turn in the homework.)
On your Google Classroom you can find the in-class assignments as well as the homework. Its best
to try and complete as much class work (and homework) as possible before coming to the next math
class. That way you wont fall behind the rest of the class. If you are absent come in during career
prep time or before school as soon as possible and make up missing warm-ups and notes.

A combination of lecture, class discussion, presentations, videos, cooperative learning, and
problem-based learning will be used in this course. Grades will be determined by the satisfactory
and timely completion of assignments. The grade of each assignment is based on the prerequisite
given for each assignment.
Final grades will be based off Tests, and weekly quizzes. Remember no first quiz grade is final.
Classwork will be a requirement if you wish to requiz.
I, ______________ have read and understood the policies, expectations, and procedures listed above.
Student Name:________________________ Date:__________
Student Signature:_____________________

Parent Name:_________________________ Date:__________

Parent Signature:______________________
Parent Phone:_________________________ Preferred contact? Text / email / call
Parent Email:_________________________

PLEASE: If you need help, ask for it!! I would love to help you!!
If there are any specifics not covered above that you need/want to know OR need/want me to know please
share them below.

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