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I Vol. 55, No. 43 ] O c t o b e r 22, 1943 I

mommas ^ • • • •

FOUNDED 1888 • • Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN.NJ FIVECENTS cmrr

Marcantonio the 12th New Jersey District
has named two principal can-
High School chose ten. new
members in Its regular fall Ensign Flood
didates to fill two vacancies at election. Those vrtio were
Volturno Hero the United States Naval Acade-
my. Donald P. Buhrer of Cedar
elected are: George Hamberg-
er, William Dey, Leonard Car-
Dies In Blimp
utenant Joseph N. Mar- Grove who finished first Is a done, Eric Stockholm, Jerry St. Ensign James J. Flood, for-
cantonio, son of Mr. and Mrs. graduate of Mlilburn High Clalr, Donald Bennett, Jack mer Mlilburn High School base-
F, Marcantonio of 72 Rector School and formerly resided Christiansen, Albert Marcan- ball and basketball star, was
street, was one of the Army here. tonio, Charles Walker, and one of eight officers and en-
engineers whose heroic work In Frank Chlaravallo. listed men to lose their lives
t h e face of strong enemy op- • when two Navy blimps crashed
position, won a crossing of the Girl Scout off the New Jersey coast early
Volturno river in Italy last
week. Drive Planned Republicans To Saturday morning.
was recovered by Coast Guards-
His body

American correspondents men after having been washed

watched the engineers fight to
The annual Girl Scout fin-
ancial drive for Its $2,000 budget
Dine And I ote ashore.
span the river with pontoon One of the dirigibles plunged
has been set for October 25th Plans for the annual dinner Into the ocean following the
bridges, driving the Germans through November 1st. This
i k at each attempt to halt and get-together of Township collision but the other was able
will include the opening of Girl Republicans next Wednesday to make the Lakehurst sta-
n- work. Writing of It. one Scout Week on October 31st
of them, Reynolds Packard. ENSIGN James J. Flood, well evening at the Chantlcler, are tion. Of the lost ship's crew,
and will this year be' cele- known High School athlete who going forward in the hands of but one man was saved. Fog
said: brated by the largest number
nn lean soldier dead lay lost his life last Saturday in the Millburn-Short Hills Re* is blamed for the accidt m
of Girl Scouts in the organi- crash of Navy blimps. publican Club. Walter E. Edge,
piled at the ends of bridges zation's history. Local Scouts Ensign Flood was born in
across the Volturno River, but • candidate for governor will Elizabeth and while attending
are aiming at increased mem- speak.
1 rice they paid ended in bership also. school here, made his home
• v and their fellows were
n force across the
Girl Scout Week commemo-
rates the birthday
Ration Book 4 Township voters are soon to with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H.
be stirred from their lethargy Hauser of Old Hollow road. He
stream to drive the Germans and called upon to vote in the luated in 1B40 and in 1941
back toward Rome.
31, 1860 of Juliette Gore
founder of Girl Scouting Best Seller election, Tuesday, November 2. enlisted in the Naval Cadets.
Registration Is up to normal He was sent to St. Bonaven-
Free expenditure of lives of the United States, and local
American combat engineers services will be held on that Town: i)i r residents began I ring a recurrence of the ture College and later to Chapel
won 1 in way. When the pon- day in St. SteVen's Church at stream Ini I th irarlou choo! primary fiasco, when only Hill, N. C, finishing the latter
1 bridges were laid, the 11 A. M. iiuesday to get ration book about 10 per cent of the voters with his commission.
collapsed and fell back, 4. Plenty of volunteer workers went to the polls, workers will Assigned to coastal patrol
As the war progresses more
beaten in one of the great am- and more time is being given were on hand and the whole make a special drive for elec- duty, Ensign Flood was
phtbtan operations of the war procedure moved smoothly. tion day. tinned at Lakohurst flying the
to training girls to meet com- i n urcraft on their
in Italy. munity needs which have be- Uncle Sam has already writ- Republican leaders hold the
Some of the dead were naked, come urgent because of the i three best sellers and this state has every chance to M i ui , m u t i n g missions along
>• •• who had plunged into the war. Through these servi last book wlM i i about make name Edge to the governor's I in- Atlantic sea lanes. They
water to swim across under a the girls are learning thai him eligible for the Pulitzer chair but to do so, it must cast and planes accounted for the
rain of German shells. But now 1 Lse or something. In Mlilburn its full vote. sudden termination of the Ger-
citizenship in a democracy
there was a quite along the means giving as well u roe alone 13,000 copies will be dis- At the same time local voters man sub sinkings that marked
battle front, the quiet that fol- ing—giving service to the na- pnminT are asked to approve the pro- the early stages of the war on
lows battle and marks victoi tion U well 1, 1 reiving from The new htuehure Li not not- position for submission of a coastal .shipping.
*>r defeat. it the rights and privileges and new constitution, one that will Last Thursday Ensign Flood
tor its binding but the
Pour times in one sector east protection of citizenship. It content is .strictly class. Blue, make for an end to Hague dom- was a guost at the Hauser home
Capua American Army en- been laid that the BlOSt im- ination of state affairs. here and in the afternoon visited
green, red and black inks are
'ineers had to cease their portant or each genet skillfully laid on by printd] "While there are no local the High School during foot-
bridge-building to drive back contests the fight for governor i:iil practice. There he was
l i o n I . 1
,i l ll i i ' l i I l-i • - 1I". t - i I I• :i i. the Government Printing Of-
counter-attacks by the Ger- and protect tin one thai <-> fice LQ<9 n el] toi tta ktt sure to and a new constitution make it given a salute and welcome by
mans, who tried their best to hi\.:;. T h e Girl Scouts of Mill- be pleased. an important year," say work- tin- band, squad members and
hold the northern bank. ers. the student body. He left the
burn • taking t h e c o m m u n i - That bowliir IOOE to be
"The Jerries knew we were Hauser home after dinner to
ty to iu] •; • till <u. again thi tuned comes as a complete • return to his post and duties.
coming and were ready, but year. T h e prog) 1 la tor urprlse as the public was as- The Flood family resides at
they couldn't halt us," said
Lieutenant Marcantonio.
$2,000.00 1 all oi Mlilburn, i> • iio new rationing was
itcmplated. New books how-
Fast Work Port. Richmond at the present
Pour men died at Marcan- • Perhaps the Illness of A. ROM time and two other sons arc in
• i contain I • ••" inil sheets of
Meeker was responsible for the the Navy also.
tonio's side. Another eight un-
der his command were wounded. Three Ensigns coupon: calling '.> >< s "spare'
Board of Edvication going
But they threw the German? Albert A. Binghii! through its Tuesday evening
back, spanned ninety yards of
water, most of which was over
Mr, and Mr- Albei 1 B. Bingb
90 Whitney road; Francis J.
i h o 1 I •'•''•'• '• i -:
turn np bhelr nosea at
-."ii 1 ,i r o l i session with less than the us-
ual amount of discussion. Such
Tons of Scrap
their heads and gave the Al- Desmond, son of Mr. Thou ad 1 ty to 'Tiide sm foi was the case in any event, but Twenty-seven tons of set
lied tanks, jeeps and heavy ar- A. Desmond, 9 Delbarton dj ye • trlkes". 'i't'-t naajoi Ity how- Mr. Meeker is recovering i MiUburn's contribution to
tillery a route of passage. and Donald Scott, Jr., son ol i -viii 11!' content. will soon be back with a fresh ihr Srrap Bank Wednesday.
This correspondent wacthed Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, 1 above is Tii ;<-i bunch of nuts for the eduet ; rags and metal made up
them knock out the last Ger- lor road, received• editor's > • n Ion aftu studying tors to crack. total iind today the Town-
man counter-attack, and when as ensigns in the Unite \ Stai book 4. n mas be I mo- Mrs. Rayone Mook was named bright and clean as
't was over the military traf- Naval Reserve Wedi bile editor would say each High School librarian and one of those new iron pennies.
fic plunged across. completing the fifteen-week v - i i a spare tire so we'll just Dorothy Barnhart a teacher In Tin and paper collections will
"Some of those men deserve training coursi Q ie New spaj agony Glenwood school. A new jani- be coming along as time passes
'he credit," Lieutenant Mar- York U. S. N. H lp tij , . . >iners them, tor has been named for the but metal is now scarce as hen's
cantonio said, and he pointed School. U (her it is bowling High School and South Moun- teeth h n
dead crumpled at the In impressive <•< • naonii • , tin pares-Oi spare rib*. tain's revamped heating ar-
I the bridge. Marcantonio the graduating > wore • rangements are coming up to PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY and
• '.till wet from swimming in by Captain John K. Rich- RUBBER STAMPS mpt expectations. This I ' rlst complete secretarial service.
«d wading the river with ene- ards, U. S. N. thi School vice, low prices. Item Office, and the grinding ; new Marion M. Copcutt, Chatham
V steel falling around him. manding Officer 249 Main Street, Millburn.—Adv. speed mark. road, Short Hills 7-3044—Adv.
J"age 2 J
The Millburn &» Short Hills ITEM [ October 22,

Make News Flying Mission
Monday night found Mill- Technical Sergeant Vincent
burn's Town Fathers in the A. Schauler, Jr., 26, gon of Mr.
doldrums as regards business and Mrs. Vincent A. Schauler,
but it did prove Alderman de- 78 Church street, has completed
Camp can get excited on occas- 50 missions as a B-17 Flying
ion and that is news. Fortress aerial gunner.
It was all over a referee's de- "I hope that I get a chance
cision in last Saturday's foot- to take a crack at those Japs
ball game but the deCamp ora- before they quit," Schauler
tory and gestures may be a said. Beginning his combat
hopeful sign for taxpayers when career early In April he finished
the 1944 budget ball is put in his 50th mission September 5.
play. In a raid over Vlterbo Airdrome.
Committeeman Kain was ab- Italy..'
sent from the session but that Schauler is a native of Belle-
is understandable. A candidate ville, N. J., and Is married to
for re-election next month, he Marabelle Vogel Schauler of
was on a speaking tour in the St. Louis, Mo.
hinterland. He was greeted with
cheers at Chatham Corners
when he said the latest word
on route 22 was that it would
hole up at Livingston.
There has been no mention
heretofore of the route tun-
neling under the Township
emerging at Springfield, but A recent photograph of Walter E. Edge, Republican candidate . for Governor of New Jersey.
such a solution may suit every- In his current campaign, Edge, New Jersey's Governor during World War I, former United States
Senator, and Ambassador to Prance, Is stressing his program to deal adequately with New Jersey's
Augustine Pantorio acquried postwar problems. Millburn Republicans will meet him at the Chantlcler October 27.
title to the plot at 956 Ridge-
wood road, paying the Town- the Short Hills, Millburn and
liii $1,500, and at the same Move Workroom RED C R O S S W O R K E R S
Springfield Board of Realtors,
time announcement was made needed for surgical dressings.
that yet another tax delinquent October 13th, the following
property on Meeker place may The Red Cross surgical dress- were elected officers for the
•OOP 11; i ve a new owner. ing workroom in Millburn has coming year: President, H
Henry Lanahan of Gap View moved next door to 63 Millburn Berrlen McCain; Vice-Presldent, Refrigerator REPAIRS
road, was reappointed to the avenue. Two overseas Red Cross Arthur Wiley; Secretary, Paul "See The Marks Bros."
Planning Board for a four year nurses will speak at the Christ 8. Tichenor; Treasurer, Robert RADIO SALES CORP.
term and E. Bernard's leave of Church workroom on Thursday Buxmell; Go\ternor, Frederick! 3*1 Millburn Avenue
absence as tax collector, was morning, October 28th. Craig. Mlliburn 6-0015
extended to December 31. •
Millburn completed its pre- AT THE annual meeting of
paration for construction of
the Joint Trunk Sewer relief
project, appropriating $47,500 of Bendix REPAIRS
new money to cover war costs.
Other communities, party to "See The Marks Bros."
the construction, are expected RADIO SALES CORP. URGES YOU TO
3*7 Mlllburn Avrnui-
to follow suit so that work can
begin soon. Millburn 6-0015

The careful use of electricity help* con-

OIL PAINT serve materials, fuel, transportation and

manpower, all vitally needed in the success*
ful prosecution of the war.
ONE COAT Because of this your Government has
launched a Nation wide program to enlist
OVER WALL PAPER AND the voluntary .cooperation of everyone in
MOST INTERIOR SURFACES the conservation of electricity and Other
Utility services.


J. A. Krug, Director of the Office of War
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COSTS NO MORE THAN ORDINARY with capacity now under construction,
WATER PAINTS... BECAUSE OF ITS is ample to meet all foreseeable electric
EXTRA SPREADING CAPACITY needs. But, it is essential to save the
use of electricity wherever possible so
as to reduce directly or indirectly the
F L A T L U X . S N O T A F A D . .BUT demands for materials, fuel, transporta-
CAN ALWAYS BE REPAINTED, AT ANY TIME The Jersey Central Power and Light Co.
is glad to cooperate in this program by urging
FOR ALL INTERIOR SURFACES its customers to mak ; the most efficient use • Hammermill Bond Typewriter
Paper is clean and usable down to
This durable long-lasting finish can be applied over wall- of lights, appliances and other equipment. the last sheet.
paper, wall board, brick, piaster, wood, concrete, basement Remember that it tal:es fuel, manhours and Its pleasing appearance and
tile and many other interior surfaces. FLATLUX will not m i l materials to bring the convenience of electric adaptability to typewriting, car-
service to your home. Use what you actually bon copies and pen or pencil work
metal surface*, nor warp or raisa the grain of wood surfaces account for its popularity in thou-
as so many water paints wHI i : I t is also alkali resistant.
need, but don't wast.; it! sands of homes and offices.
Box of 500 Sheets

.'S2t Millburn Ave. Millburn 6-0469
Telephone Millburn 6-1
& LIGHT CO. Millburn & Short Hills Item
249 Main St. Millburn, N. j .

<1 In* Mtllburti Short Hills ITEM
Oorpt will provkle All holders of Standard Nu- further plans for using more Its annual installation of of-
inteen Course to dMMt. T»l»-
ptKMM IUd Cross Headquarters
trition certificates are eligible
for thU course and are urged
Canteen workers are being
ficers on Thursday evening,
October 28th, at 8:30 P. M. in
morning. Oteobar M. MUlbum ft-1188 to enroll In to take advantage of this op- Washington School, Taylor
toatm Is starting at UM das* and raquagt traospor- portunity as Canteen workers GUY R. BOSWORTH Post No. street, Millburn. An interesting
la Summit. B i d tattoo. a n needed at the Hospital and 140, American Legion will hold program has been arranged.

on hand-mid* rt«r-
•onntlnf with a molt un-
of •TaT-over-pMch rayon

Yoa appreciate them especially at this time of year when frosty evening! make
the warmth at lamplight io inviting. We've brilliant crystal, hand cat and
hand polished. Classic tole. Heirloom china. Unique hand-carved wood.
Exquisitely decorated porcelain. Quaint reproductions and adaptations of oil
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from a wonderful selection at Hahne & Co.
HAHNt & CO. Ump», 2nd Fl*er
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Handsome lole, charming and dig

iied in mellow anti<l" A •
convenient three-way indirect

HAHNE & CO., Newark, N . j

I Page 4 ]
The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM [ October 22, 1943 ]

Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell

Short Hills Emily Roberts of New York, spent last week-
end In Short Hills, the guests
Dinner Tendered
of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuart
Weds Tomorrow of Adams avenue. On Tuesday, Concert Artist
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and their
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Roberts daughter Marcia, journeyed to Maurice Eisenberg, famous
of 62 Old Short Hills road have Boston( where they were the 'cellist of 112 Cypress street,
announced the engagement of guests for several days, of Mr. who gave a recital at Town
their daughter Emily to En- and Mrs. Robert Rledel, former- Hall Sunday afternoon, was
sign John F. Hall, son of Mr. ly of Morristown. tendered a testimonial dinner
Of THE WBER and Mrs. Roy Hall of Spring at the Town Hall Club, follow-
Creek road, Rockford, Illinois. ing the recital, by two hundred
By Edith Clifford The wedding will take place friends and admirers. Many
The largest party during the tomorrow at 4:30 P. M. at the Christ Church were present from the Mill!-
past week-end, was that on First Presbyterian C h u r c h , Art Center. Among the cele-
Sunday, given by Mrs. George
Two Parties Springfield. Mrs. Paul P. Vlk- Guild To Open brities attending were Russell
C. Dreher of Hobart Gap road. len of Newton, Pa., college Kingman and Mr. and Mrs.
The affair was an out-door pic- •For Bride-Elect roommate of the bride will be On Tuesday, October 26, the
Wayman Adams. E. Stanley
nic for sixty members of the matron of honor. Miss Ellen Turnbull of Millburn, was mas-
Women's Guild of Christ ter of ceremonies.
A.W.V.S. Guide Service of the Miss Gladys Benedict Chand- Hind of Maplewood, the bride's Church will hold its opening
Newark Army Air Base of which ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cousin, will be junior • brides- meeting with celebration of
Mrs. Dreher is chairman. For Leigh Chandler of Hemlock maid. Mr. Coleman Hall, the Holy Communion at 11 A. M.,
road, who will become the bride groom's brother, of Rockford
the past year, this group has
done guide work, the Short of Langdon Ryder Littlehale of and Mr. Paul F. Vlklen will be
with Mr. Lane Barton of Grace phi Omega
Church, Orange, as the speak-
Hills group serving three days Cranford, on Saturday, was attendants. A reception will er. Following the service, lunch-
every week. Besides the local feted at two parties the past follow the ceremony at the eon will be served In the Par-
Meets Today
members present, were others week. home of the bride's parents. ish House. Workers are needed
from the Northern New Jersey On Saturday, Mrs. Charles Miss Roberts Is a graduate for sewing, knitting and sur- Northern New Jersey Alum-
contingent. Pfc. Gordon L. Bien of Twin Oak raod, gave of Millburn High School and gical dressings every Tuesday. nae Chapter of Chi Omega So-
Dreher of Camp Shelby, Miss., a tea and shower in Miss Mt. Holyoke College. She has Mrs. Dean Emery is Guild presi- rortiy will meet October 22, at
is expected home Sunday on a Chandler's honor. On Sunday, been employed by the J. Walter dent. the home of Mrs. C. C. Price
two weeks' furlough to be spent Lt. and Mrs. Samuel S. Con- Thompson Co., New York ad- of Brooklawn drive. Mrs. Thos.
with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. nor gave a cocktail party at vertising frlm. Ensign Hall Is Gallagher will assist the host-
Dreher. One Fifth avenue, New York. a graduate of Rockford High ess.
Guests at both parties were the School and Amherst College. Lt. Knott Engaged •
Mrs. George Lippitt Lewis of bridal attendants and a few He recevied a degree 0/ J. D. Virginia University, from where
Hobart avenue, has returned friends. from the University" of Michi- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wo- in October, 1044 he will ma-
from a visit of several days Tonight, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce gan Law School. therspoon of Plerson road, triculate at Harvard University
with her son Pvt. Lawrence B. D. Nichols of Llewellyn Park, • Maplewood, gave a dinner party Medical School. David Clark
Lewis, U. S. Feild Artillery, who brother-in-law and sister of llott of West road announce the last Friday night, at which is a junior at the Putney School,
is stationed at Fort Bragg, N. the bride to be will entertain at birth of a son, David Loomis, time they announced the en- Putney Vermont, planning to
C. dinner following the rehearsal. on Thursday, October 14th. gagement of their daughter, enter M.I.T. in 194S.
* The wedding will take place In Barbara Jean, to Lt. John H.
Miss Doris Schwanhausser, *
Christ Episcopal Church. Bill Klncaid, son of Mr. and Knott, Army Air Forces, son of Mrs. Page Chapman Jr., for-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. * Mr. and Mrs. Percival L. Knott merly of Short Hills and now
Frederick Schwanhausser of Mrs. E. L. Kincaid of Wyndham
terrace, who Is a student at of White Oak Ridge road. of Morristown, has been visit-
Hobart avenue, was home from Mrs. Stanley Holmes has re- ing her father, E. H. Cluett In
Wellesley College, from Thurs- turned to her home in Mt. Peddle S c h o o l , Hightstown, The couple are graduates of
Dora, Fla., after visiting her spent last week-end with his Columbia High School. Miss Troy, N. Y.
day until Tuesday, over the
long week-end between terms. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. parents. Wotherspoon a t t e n d e d . the •
* and Mrs. A. P. Clow of Hemlock Miss Oden McKay, daughter Washington School for Secre- Ensign Pierce A, Cassedy Jr.,
Major Fitzhugh Quarrier, U. road, for the summer. of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. McKay I irlei i!'-i [lance is a P-38 U.S.N. son of Dr. and M
S. Signal Corps, attached to • of Highland avenue, attended pilot and i. ' itloncd at Eph'ra- Cassedy of Nottingham road,
the First Fighter Command, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. a houseparty from Thursday ta, Wash. is home on a IS days' leave
New York, visited his parents, Smith and son Barry, formerly until Tuesday, at Kezar Falls, • from Atlanta, Ga., where he is
Mr. and Mrs. Archie B. Quar- of Hobart Gap road, have Me., where she and live other Miss Marni Clarkson, former- stationed with the Air Corps.
rier of Ferncliff terrace, over moved to New York City. classmates at Wellesley College, ly of Millburn township, is now Ensign Cassedy and his fiancee,
last week-end. were the guests of another a Freshman at Goucher College, Miss Corlnne Steers of South
Dr. and Mrs. W. Denton Tay- Orange, daughter of Captain
Mrs. Ernest. K. Halbach of lor of Farley road, returned on classmate, Miss Claire Reid. Towson, Maryland, having won
the New England Regional Theodore E. Steers, U.S.A. and
Stewart road, is making an in- Tuesday from Jacksonville, Fla., On October 29th, Miss Helen Mrs. Steers, are visiting her
definite visit with her son-in- where they have been for the Scholarship offered by the col-
Ann Lincoln, daughter of Mr. lege. Private first class Robert relatives in Boston and Ver-
law and daughter, Captain and past two weeks. Franklin B. Lincoln of 116 Wel- mont this week.
Mrs. John L. Kemmerer Jr., of • lington avenue, will return to H. Clarkson, has been selected
Atlanta, Ga. During the past week-end, Ohio Wesleyan College, where by the Army to complete his
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Voorhees she will be a junior. Pje-medical training at West DON'T PORGKT THB SHALL AJ>».
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Ge- of Woodcrest avenue, and Miss •
wehr of Gap View road, have Marcla Huntoon, daughter of Miss Margaret Deuel, daugh-
concluded a two weeks' stay at
their camp in the Adirondacks
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Huntoon
of Hobart avenue, were at
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Deuel of Hawthorne road, en-
at North River, N. Y. Their son Cape Charles Va., visiting with tertained at luncheon on Sat-
Captain Arthur Gewehr, U.S. their son, John D. Voorhees, M. urday. After luncheon her DR. GEORGE A. MURRAY
M.C, who was wounded at Pu- M. 2 C, U.S.C.G. who is sta- guests attended the Mlllburn-
lagi, has returned to active tioned at Norfolk. Glen Ridge football game. Those WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE
duty in the Southern Pacific. * present were: Joan Jordon, FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY
Their other son Captain Ralph Paul J. Conley, Merchant Nancy Hough, Debby Ann Dur-
Gewehr, U. S. Army Air Force, Marine, of Seattle, Washington, llng, Jane Miller, Nancy Farrar, ASSOCIATED WITH
is in England. Mrs. Gewehr en- is spending a few days with Sue Ledtrecker, Cherlon Cairns,
his brother-in-law and sister, Peggy Landa and Bunny Stack- DR. CORNELL GROSSMAN
tertained her luncheon-bridge
club on Wednesday at her Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh house. AT
home. of Kilmer drive. Conley recent-
• ly concluded a trip around the 46 OLD SHORT HILLS ROAD
Mrs. Dean Emery of Highland world.
avenue, returned on Friday, • MILLBURN, N. J.
after spending a few days at Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. El- TELEPHONE MILLBURN 6-0006
her Cape Cod home at Qulsset,
* "See The Marks Bros." U. TO 6:80 P. M. DAILY 0 A. M. TO 6 P . M.
[O 1 , rUWSDAY,
David B. Andrews Jr., son RTDA.1 FOB I • •• m i E N C I E S ONT/T
of the David Andrews of Mid- RADIO SALES CORP. SI . 1. \VS. » A. M. TO 1* FRIDAY
vil Millburn Avena*
hurst road, is a se"hlor at the Millburn 6-0015
New Hampton School, N. H. this

A ROLLING BAR CART Charming English Resi-

dences and Colonial Homes
For Sale and Rent in
that is not at nil related to a 'tea wagon' by
Short Hills, Maplewood,
virtue of its graceful X construction and its
nerous removable tray is the smartest gift
for a young newly-wed couple we have ever shown
South Orange, and Summit.

L. J. »A I / I I
V»ur IV<n>rH.v For
<>r Bent With tt/ikea J
AT BETTY TELFER'S 521 Millburn Ave., Short Hills
< KldrewDod Rd. * Glen Ave.
O. jt-3100 arm. S. O. »-6«74 til A II,1 in Si Mill hum
[ October aa, 1943 J The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM
CATHERINE MULROY. of (enlisted) quota of the WAVES. ROBERT K. DALY of Ber-
Short Hills New York City, was thrown
from a horse In South Moun-
She is now at the Navy training nardsville recently purchased
school (Hunter College) Bronx, the Lane home on Delwick
Mrs. Frederick C. Wurti has tain Reservation on Sunday, New York. i a n e through F. P. Craig. Daly,
returned to her home on Old while she was riding near Olen Miss McPherson is a daugh- a Newark lawyer, is connected
Short Hills road, after spending avenue. She was treated by Dr. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. with the firm, Brady and Daly.
aeveral days In Washington, D. Harry Weinberger for a dls- Norman C. McPherson of Short *
C , visiting her brother-in-law K»ted finger and bruises about Hills and attended the Short T H E B E N E F I T Bridge of the
a n d slater, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce the head and back. Hills Country Day School and Women's Auxiliary of Overlook
Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Oldfields School, Glencoe, Mary- Hospital for the replenishment
make their home on their 90 land. of Hospital linen, will be held Thanksgiving seem a long
f o o t yacht, "The Colleen," which
Is moored at the Washington
Service News • in the Beechwood Hotel on way off? Not a s far as you
A new recruit at the U. S. Friday, October 29th at 2:30 think! Even with a rationed
nt Basin. Mrs. WUrta has Naval Training Station, Great P. M. menu, you want your table to
Stuart L. Varner, son of Mr. look festive. Visit the Wiss Gift
h a d as her guests all summer, and Mrs. Milton K. Varner, 34 Lakes, Illinois, is John James
O'Cone, i7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shop, Newark, for a handsome
another sister, Mrs. K. M. Whitney road, Is now enrolled Michael O'Cone, 20 Millburn line of china and exquisite
lUckeraon and daughters Kare- as an aviation cadet In the Call Millburn 6-0228 FOR
avenue. crystal. It helps make any meal
l y n and Doris, and she accom- Army Air Forces Pre-Fllght Viennese Chocolate a party. (Tickets a t Millburn
panied them t o Washington, School for Pilots at Maxwell
John Horton, S. 1/c, son of
where they will spend the Win- Field, Alabama, located on the Mrs. A. Horton of 316 Millburn Sacher House Torte Theatre for R. E. Field).
t e r with the Wallaces. outskirts of Montgomery, the avenue recently completed the from MELLIE WEISS Want to feel like licking your
capital of Alabama. 103 Main S t Millburn weight !n wild cats? Then sup-
Mr. and Mrs. C. 8pence Pur- course of Radio Instruction at plement your diet with vita-
neU of Martlndale road, have Here the new class of cadets the Great Lakes Naval Training mins for extra energy. Not a
h a d as their guest Lt. Robert is receiving nine weeks of in- Station, Illinois. After spend- medicine but a basic food.
Holder, UJ3.M.C. who was en- tensive military, physical and ing a 66 hour furlough at home You'll benefit by them. John-
route from the South to his academic training preparatory he reported to the Naval Air son's Pharmacy carries all
n e w post in Ohio. Mrs. Robert to beginning their actual flight Base in Maryland where he is leading brands.
Heywood, Mrt. Purnell's moth- Instruction at one of the many awaiting further orders. •
er, who makes her home with primary flying schools in the For those frilly dance frocks
h e r son-in-law and daughter, Army Air Forces Eastern Flying I told you about a t Rose Gal-
NOT HOW MUCH bralth's, you'll really need a
la expected home from a month Training Command. BUT HOW LITTLE
I n Whltefleld, N. H., about No- • fitting evening wrap. Rose Gal-
Pvt. Virginia E. Creter, We never advise anyone braith has just what you want,
vember 1st. as to how much should either a beautiful long black
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.
• Creter of White Oak Ridge be spent on a funeral— velvet or a cuter short bunny
OUY R. BO6WORTH Post No. road, WAC in North Africa, has but we do advise every- wrap. Don't miss them girls.
140, American Legion and their been assigned as a statistical one not to spend more *
Auzilalry will have installation -clerk with the Joint re-arma- than they can afford. Home laundering causes the
o f new officers on Thursday ment committee. The family's position in greatest war worker absentee-
October 38th at 8:30 P. M. In • the community is one ism! Morey La Rue surely helps
Washington 8chool. Joseph F. Private James K. Wright, son thing that helps determ- this condition with its modern
Swankle will be Installed as of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright of ine how elaborate the dis- laundry facilities. Housewives
new commander of the Post Sagamore road, Wyoming, has play should be, and that are urged to assist in the na-
and Mrs. Swankle as President returned to Rose Polytechnic in turn determines the tional emergency by doing small
of the Auxiliary. This Is an Institute at Terre Haute, In- cost. articles themselves.
open meeting and all those in- diana, after spending a week's As far as we are con- What comes In your mind
-sted are Invited t o attend. furlough at home. cerned, every funeral gets when you think of fresh paint?
Private Wright Is the same expert attention Do your kitchen, bedroom, fur-
• and is approached with
under the army specialized niture or window sills need a
ON TUESDAY morning 0. F. the same spirit of rever- shining new coat to beautify
training program has al-
Ranweller of Montvlew avenue, ( ence and respect. And in and preserve them? Tiger's
ready CO!
<>rted to police that two every case our prices are Hardware Store carries BPC for
uable rings had been stolen basic course. William and ProtpKt Stt. based on honest values. your painting pleasure.
from his former home on • EAST ORANGE
Miss Margaret Robertson Mc- *
Brooklawn drive. Mr. Raw well- Optn Thurtday Evtnlngi |}muuj'« Jfamral l a w .' ; tl :.; Hallowe'en without
er reported the theft must have Pherson, 20 years old of Pine •Ml » P. « . AUTStBD U. TOUNO. Director doughnuts and older? Children
occurred between October 3rd Terrace West , last week was 144-149 Main St. Miilburn
of all ages enjoy this taste
and Oth. sworn Into the Women's Re- ESTABLISHED 1908
; here's cold crisp
serve, U. 8. Naval Reserve, as air and a lighted pumpjd
an apprentice seaman in the every window. When you plan
your Hallowe'en party, plan to
your doofl and crul-
len ' : ter*s Bakery.
PF'c need your help, too! »
Here's a chance of a lifetime
to get a miniature estate right
here in Short Hills. A seven
room house — 3 baths — on
well shrubbed lot with a bab-
GIRL SCOUTS O* bling brook. See this dream-
house by calling The Sn.
Company, Short Hills 7-3400,
for an appointment.

Good news boys! The Mill-
burn Men's Shop has a grand
new line of all-wool reversible
coats. Altho low in cost, these
coats will serve many purposes.
By all means see them and also
in past y their ski caps for cold days
contril \ ahead. — Adv.
of our
; $0 I'OI (.0
i For a magnificently large
wedding . . . or a charm- STATES
ingly small ceremony
Exquisitely smooth .-."•
. . . smart lettering si BONDS
. . . correct in every c!f
£ . . . let us show you the
complete line.
Millburn & Short Hills Item
MS M»lu Ht. *•"**
[Page6] The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM [ October 12, 1943

appropriation therefor and authorising

the imuance of temporary notes to ELKCTION NOTICE
"Katinka" Opens U.SMatinA- finance such Improvement," adopted by
the Township Committee on the 19th
ilny of May, 1941 and that the pay- Notice is hereby sivm that a Otm-
ment of the portion of the cost of said rrul Kin-linn will be hfM an T a w a u ,

At Paper Mill "Sonny Boy improvements to b* borne by the Town-

nhlp of Mlllbum tn the County of Rssex.
pursuant to said contract (hereinafter
Novrmhrr 2nd. IM3, 1 A. M. to •
M. Kaatern War TIB».

WBL7CBR, described as "purpose") la not a our- O»IISTSJ*»

rent expense of saM Township, and Twelve Assemblymen
that It IN necessary to Issue obligations Konr Frtriioldcn
"Katinka", Rudolf Frlml's pursuant to the Local Bond Law to One Member of the TOWMDIB f n w l m •
spirited operetta of Russia and finance surti purpose and that the e»- Out T a x Collector
the near East in days before FORMER BOXER WHO ROSE t'raated maximum amount of money Juotlra* of lh» Paste*
necessary to be raised from all sources
FROM THE RANKS TO A LIEUTENANCY, to finance such purpose < Including; the
the war, is going at the Pa- RECENTLY LEO A SUCCESSFUL Items described In Section 2 of this First district—Spring Street from MMI-
per Mill Playhouse with a vim ordinance) la $186,000, and that H.ttO hurn Avenue to Willow Street, to Orchard
PATROL AGAINST THE JAP - •if such sum la to be provided by the Street, to Orchard Street line, to Uafcsa*
and sparkle which will make ANESE A T G U A D A L C A N A L . iluwti payment appropriated either by line, to Main Street, to Parkview Drive,
naid ordinance or by this ordinance, to Wihlttlngham Terrace, to Mounlelnrtsw
it rival in popularity the earlier and that the estimated amount of Road, to Parkview Drive, to Mlllbum
productions of "Sweethearts," bonds or notes necessary to be Is- Avenue, to Wyoming Avenue, to I. -ka-
aued for such purpose, Including- the wanna R. R.. to Main Street, to UBS-
and "Naughty Marietta." The notes of the aggregate amount of 171,- iiurn Aveuu* to Spring Street.
principals, Andzia Kuzak and 260 heretofore, authorised by said or- Polling place—Washington School
dinance adopted on the ltth day »f Taylor SHreat.
Donald Gage are in fine voice May, 1941, la 1118.7(0.
Beoond nutrlct—Maplewood tin* trom
and an additional Interest is Rldgewood Road to Railway lllver. ta>
Section I. It la , h«fl.y ditermlned Olsn Avenue, to ReservatlaD. to L l n g a i
given by the Specialty dances ana stated that the estimated maximum Street, to Myrtle Avenue, to Bailey Hum*.
of an Oriental character per- amrunt of motwy necimtary to be to Rldgcwood Road, to Maplewood itB*.
raised from all t o u r o s to flnano* Mid Polllng plai-e— Wyoming Softool, 1} Cfr~
formed by Henry Schwarze, KENNETH FLACK purpose, heretofore<", Includes a« press Street,
Nina Frenkin and Anna Kon- RECENTLY RECEIVED a pmrt of the cost of smli purpose the
sum of $15,000 which Is estimated to Third District— Union lln* from Orofcevr*)
stance, the latter two being be necessary to finance (c) ungtaeerliig Street Mm- to I«ckaw*nna R. R., to
and Inapection eosta and legal expenses hnrt Avenue, lu Highland Avenue, to
Russian by birth and training. and (b) the coat of Issuinir the obliga- Cresaent, to Crescent Place, to
tions authorised for aucn purpose. In- Hills Avenue, to Lackawaona K. R.. t*»
The score contains several of cluding: printing-. itdv»rtUnmenlH of or- Boiltvell Road, to Mlllbum A n t K
Friml's most popular airs as WAS STARTED O N dUmnrLM and notice lit ».il* ard (o) to Ululi.o Mrarl. to Rectur HtreK. I*
OCT.6AM0 FINISHED the extent permttMl by IMttiun 40:1-66 Spring Bir«*t. to Willow Street, to Of>
"Viennese Girls," "Allah's Holi- OCT. S O J O W . of «al<l Luoal Bond Law, Inter**! on auch oaurU Strict, to Orchard StrMt IBB*. « •
day," "My Paradise," "Rackety obligations. Union lino.
Tilting nlam — Racquets Club.
Coo," and "In A Hurry." This Section 3. It is hereby determined Or**MBti
production is notable for the and atatsd that not leas) llian $8.21.0 of
the moneys appropriated under the cap-
l-ourth DUnlot — Union II
Mi'kawaiina. M. R.. to I'assalo stii
quality of t h r supporting cast tion "down payment" or "capital Im- to Llvingaton line, to Paraoaag* I -
which includes Clarence Nord- provement fund" tn builirata of said Rnnil, to Illdgc Drive, t o Highland A s
Township heretofore adopts! In available nuis to Hobart Avenu*. tr » - - » ~ — —
strom, Elizabeth Houston, Har- to finance said purpose, and $8,600 of U it., tn Un.un lln*.
iia'Id moneys In addition to the S3760 I'nlllng i>l*r« — Racquw
old Patrick, Yolanda Lupachini, appropriated by said ordinance adopted Cre scant.
Jay Velie and Albert Carroll. on the 19th day of May, 1(41) Is hare,
by appropriated to auch purpose In ac- Klfth District — Highland Av
cordance with Section 40:1-11 of suld from Hobart Avenue, to Rids* Drhra. *m
Those who visit the Play- !<ocai Bond L i w . Paraonag* Hill Road, to Livingston U s * .
house during this month will to Weal Orange line to South Or
Hwtlon 4. To flnano* said purrMMc, line, to Railway River, to (Men *
have the additional pleasure of shade to harmonize with your Bund Anticipation Note* of said Town- to Wondor*»i Avenus, to KarUy
to Old Short Hills Road to '
seeing a really outstanding ex-
hibition by Edward Dufner N. LessSpeed china. Light green mains a de-
lightful background for ivory
sMlp of aji unres-ats principal amount
not exceeding- (47.500 are hereby au-
thorised and shall be l«»ued pursuant
to said Local Bond LAW, in a ntlcluntlon
Avenue, to Highland Avuuw.
PollJnc plao* — Hobart Avenue
61 Holm rt Avenu*.
A. for many years a resident or yellow china. For a really of the Issuance of bonds. Said Bowl
of Short Hills and nationally Calling excessive speed the bold effect dye them red or Anticipation Note* are authorised and
sixtti DlMtrlot — Laokawanna
frmn Lnckawanna R. It., to Oli
number one enemy of tires and shall be Issued in adiftlon to tha to KuH.rvullon, to Linden ttrett.
known as a painter of both blue and use them with your $71,360 of notes authorized by said Myrtle Avenu*, to Bailey Road, l» ~ '
portrait and landscape. gasoline, O.P.A. has called on gay colored breakfast set. ordinance adopted on the 19th dav of wiuul It ad. to Maplewood line, to -
May. 1««1. Bald notes shall bear in-
ratoining boards to bring the teract at a rat* which snail not exceed
lino, to Vnux Hall Road, to U U H m m
In the hall and lobby are facts concerning the critical T.BCAX N0T10B six percontum <«%) per annum. All
A\anu». to Wyoming Avsaue, to
wniina 11. H., to Laokawanna Pk
shown a number of landscapes tire shortage to the attention AN ORDINANCE MjtfUNQ AH AD-
matters with respect tn said note*
not determined by tht* ordlnano* Khali I'ulHiilt . plao* — Wyoming School M
and marines by Edith R. Abbot of local police departments and IHTIONAI. APPROPRIATION TO be determined by resolutions tn be here- Cyiirem Street.
of New York. Miss Abbot spends MBBT THE COOT OF OOMBTRUCT- a f t e r adopted. Hovrnth District — Main Street fro»»
1 or their cooperation by-In- IIUNK 8BWKR Union line, to Parkview P
her summers In Orr's Island tensifying enforcement of the m OAUXILIARY
T M H t A m n AND AN n is t-> - i- • I I In. I tlnaham Terrao*, to Moan' <
and her work portrays admir- SEWER, PtTlHI'ANT iiml •un-.l that the period of usefuln*p» tn Parkview Drive, to XUHurn » ™ <
35-mlle an hour speed limit. It HI i n \ r CONTRACT BK- of sahl purpose, according- to Hat reason- io Vaux Hull Road, to VMM U*s».
ably the rugged character of says: UN THB TOWNSHIP OP able life. Is a period of forty year* Mnin tHreet.
Mil : i 1 N THE COUNTY OF computed from the date of snld bonds. "VolMng Plaoo - - South Mountain
the Maine coast and the bril- M l CERTAIN OTHER
liant and changeful color ef- "This country faces the most MS DATED THB I 'Section 6. It Si hereby determined
865 Ridgawood Road. «
acute shortage of tires since the 1«TH i.r. 1941, AND uml mated that the Supplemental Debt BUlhth District — Bodwell Road _
fects of the northern seas. AVTHOKIZINO TICB ISSUANCE tiratmnenl ' required by said Local Bond Mlllbum Avenuo. to Lackawanna, IX.
beginning the war. Conse- TEMPORARY NOTBS TO is been duly made ami filed In iiort Hills Avenue, to Cr**c*nt m ,
FINANC'K SUCH APPROPRIATION. th* office of the TowmMip Cloilc of to The Creacent, to Hobart Avoaua. t o
quent 1 M |j more Important s a i d Township, and that auch statement Old Short Hills Road, to Farley Ruad. I
now than ever before to invoke my filed show* that the sroe* debt of Wuudcr««t Avenue, to Olen Aveaa.
Boots For All nil poiBible meat cuM of tire
run: 11 ition.
IT ORDAINED bjr the Townshp
tea of the Township of Mill-
n the County of K i H i , as fol-
s a i d Township/ a s deflnwl (n Seotlun
40:1-70 of said Local Bond. Law, Is In-
creased by this ordinance by $47,600,
Lnckawanna Plao*, to Laoltawaniwi
R.. to Main Street, to MlllUurn A.v*aM**x.
to Spring street, to R*otor 8t«»»«. t «
lovvn (not I«M than two-third* of all a n d that the nMlawtlons auUiorlwd by Blaloa Street, to Mlllliurn Av*nu». u>
As a result of relaxation ol "in :i(li|it!uii i n M i . -M i v : h u r t the members thwmf affirmatively oon» this ordinance will be within all debt Bodwell Road.
MM): limitations prescribed by aald Local Polling place — Hl(h School, 11 CM4
rubber boot rationing regula- ;rv W 8 i i i 11. .1 D i n t a S t i ' :I i Bond Law. Short Hill* Road.
tightening gasoline supply sit- flection 1. It U hereby determined
tions, many who formerly were and mated that the Township of 1(111- Seotlim 7. Thl« ordinance shall take
R8SEX <•
rfrect twenty <Jay« after the first pub-
unable to get this type of foot- uation. Rationing boards are burn. In the County of K I W I , haa here- ,, thereof aicer final passage. 0»" ELKCTIONtl.
tofore entered Into * Joint contract
wear because their jobs were now making every effort to with the City of East Orange, The Attest: ELMBBt J HBIutMA>rN.
pare down ration allotments— Township of HllUlde. n the County of SIAIKMKNT
not connected with war pro- The Town of Irvlnaton, The The ordinance published herewith baa
duction or with public health approximately 243,408 gallons Ip of Maplewood, in the County Iwen finally naraid by the Townohln
of Bsaex. The City of Newark. The
or safety, will now be able to have already been reclaimed Boroiwh of Roselle Park, The Village CcanmHtee of the Township of Millburn,
In. the County of Ksiwx. In the State
Everybody rrnd* ttie Cla«*lfl«* adwssr-
do so. by our boards in the current of South Oranfte, The City of Sum- of New J«raey, on the lath day of ii«,i». r a w "Hip ud t b * » . If U»**»» U
rue Townahip of Union, in the October, 1-843. and hte twenty-day period Hiirn to bring re«ultM.
Released entirely from ra- drive to recapture a million and County on, e,nd The Town of of limitation within which a ault. ac-
tioning, restrictions are the fol- a half gallons of over-issued or Weit Orange, municipal oorporaitflon* of [>roce«dlng questlunins the va-
ite of New Jeraey, whloh pro- Ikllts i i ) ' ihiance can be com-
lowing;: all types of olive drab, n i l Issued rations. vides fur the conatruotion of a re-

To Fuel Oil Users:

< a provided In the Local Bond
ink newer with IU* appurtenance* Law, has becun to •• [rasa the date
clay, or khaki colored boots; "Obviously the most vital Job ii auxiliary aewer, purauant to of th» flrHi ! "ii ••• nils state-
all over the shoe boots; and which confrom ;<!i of us now u 40:63-811 to 40:63-139. Inclusive. in- in
-»«1 Statute* of New Jersey, THBODORE L. WIDMAYEB.
all lightweight, ankle-fitting is that of !• eeplng our 11 rei ind i» an ordinance entitled
TowiWttlp Clerk of the Townahip of Government restricts
! .uithortilnc the exeou- make It necessary for u s
boots which depend upon our cars in top running condl- J i >l Joint contract
UM m m tlie County of ESH«X.
stretch at the ankle for fitting. l ion, and to eliminate any nnhlp of Millburn In to ask our customers' c o -
• r S u f i anil rertai
Eligibility for rationed be- driving practices which • i j i' . fur th.» construction of operation to the following
low-the-knee (Type 4) boots rubber and gasoline or wh h a relief trunk newer with Its arpur extent:
tenanm. to HUpplement n. port!
has been broadened to include cause cars to deteriorate." i of the Jdlnt outlet or trunk Please keep a check on
persons who need such boots
in their work, regardless of oc-
It urged motorists to cooper-
ate by observing the speed
i i '
the capacities M
for the maintenance thereof,

in; re-apportlonjnent of
its' lot
:<Un* tunnel
the *,PPOT-
USED CARS your fuel oil supply a n d
notify us in advance when
cupation. Application should limit and by having tires re- iovlded capacities to deliver.
in said relief trunk sewer, making- an
be made to local rationing capped before they are worn
boards. beyond the recapping point. BOUGHT Please arrange that
drivers can make deliver
In connection with the boots • although you are not a t
released from rationing, It TINTED DOILIES home. The government i
was stressed that all retail-
ers are required to file with the
It some of your table doilies
and Eunners look washed out
FOR CASH not allow any emergency
•all-back deliveries.
District OPA 20 Washington try tinting them some delicate
place, Newark, a report of how
many pairs of each type they
have on hand. This must be
done before they may sell the
(Uiinme rriii I
non-rationed boots. PRESCRIPTIONS KILLED
I ISM Replaced
Cadillac Oldsmobile Co.
Vacuum Cleaner Repairs •istered Optometrist
Donald Hults 25 Vose Avenue
MILLBURN 6 0 0 0 8
"See The Marks Bros." SOUTH ORANGE
A. 0. SKELER 2.^ South Mountain Road Next Door to Post Office NlflHT PBONB SDMMIT
321 MiUbnrn Avonu* Jewcltr *nd Optician S. O. 2-7069
Millburn 6-0015 Till Mllllmni Are., UffibBn Millburn 0-0695 COAL - (H)KE FUEL OIL
>ctobci- 22,
Tht MMburn 6* Short Hills ITEM

First Aid And THE SEASON CLOSES He is a graduate of the Uni-

Dr. Murray Opens versity of Pennsylvania in 1924,
and has been practicing in
Other Courses Dental Office Newark bef6re Becoming asso-
ciated with Dr. Grossman in
The Bed Cross Motor Corps Millbum.
Dr. George A. Murray has
has started a refresher course
opened dental offices in asso-
in First Aid under Chief Hayes,
an dalso a Millburn Township ciation with Dr. Cornell Gross- DR. GEO. A. KAEGI
man at 46 Old Short Hills road. SURGEON CHIROPODIST
map reading course. There U H o s n br appointment
still time to Join these and Dr. Murray was formerly school Tueadar — Ttmnday — Saturday
anyone Interested in Motor dentist in • Mlllburn, South 3«1 Millborn Are., Woolworth BW«.
Corps work might like to take I'hone Mill born C-0161
Orange and Maplewood.
advantage of this opportunity
to fill these requirements. Mo-
tor mechanics course will be-
gin t h e ninth of November.
he last monthly meeting
Motor Corps Mrs. A. W.
: was awarded her second
year service stripe and Mrs. W.
mm S Minute*1 Walk from l u t a w u H
It. It. Station and P. 8. Bus Stop at
Phone Short Hills 7-3000
Frank Cnrrington, Direetor
A. Cudlipp received her first 'Good Httvtnil W U did I Do Wrong?' MOW PLAYING THkl OCTOBER 30th
* Horton, 316 Mlllburn avenue, Among those enrolled for the M
waa graduated last week from fall semester are: Caryl Wilson A T I N K A
Service News the Service School for Radio-
men at the U. S. Naval Train-
Junge, 64 Locust avenue; Al-
vin E. Wunderllch, 30 Marion
Houston, Harold Patrick, Yolambt Luparhini, Jaj Velle.
Albert Carroll. Mu»le by Rudolf Frlml
lotion Cadet Charles KJ ing Station, Oreat Lakes, ill. avenue; and Virginia Ruth EXDIKO SATURDAY. "THE VAGABOND KINO"
Button, son of Marion EL But- Maintenance of a good scholas- Drum, 25 Parkview drive; and MATS. Wvdneadar and Saturday, g:2Si KM, $1.10. $1.68
ton of 12 Parkview drive has tic record won for him recog- Helen Louise Hene, Lupine way.
EVES. 8:25 11.10, $1.65. $S.SO
nition as a "qualified striker" TICKETS "t Box Office and Kresie Department Store, Newark
d at Courtland, Alabama, Miss Junge is a pledge of Zeta Box Office Open at 10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. H. No Hundar Performancea
Army Air Forces Basic for advanced rating in his Eve». 8:*5 Sharp (Over at l«:Sfl). Mat*. «:*S Sharp (Over at 4:B0).
specialty. Tal Alpha sorority.
Flying 8chool for the third
stage of training as a cadet •
air base, only until re- O., opened early this month.
the site of flourishing
;ields. is alive today with
the roar of Uncle Sam's planes. APPLIANCE REPAIRS

essfully compeltlng his "See The Marks Bros,"
ad phase of navy train-
Ml Mlllbsn Aveou.
Bluejacket John A. Horton,
19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Millbum 6-0016
Air Force Pilot's
to his Sister
"Al f n r •arrfcw"

Moving Odorless
Dry (leaning
Cold Storage
Rug Cleaning
Floor Coverings
For Furs

Alterations & Repairing
Rimback Storage Millburn Cleaners

Corner Millburn Avenue & Spring Street*

Telephone: Millbum 0-2000

...A Telephone Operator

New Jersey, 5 5 ^ are in action at the
Every plane-every gun—every ship our
switchboards — the others are linemen, in-
men use 'somewhere out there' in battle
stallers, engineers, test and maintenance
action—is the product of organized effort
men, workers at desks and business ma*
here at home—the work of many skilled,
chines, and those who keep working quar-

PRINTING determined hands.

Winning this war is a team job far
surpassing anything known before. The
ters ready for each day's task.
• * *
Your every printing need — be it a simple business card Working together and »ith tit.
telephone service depended upon so greatly
a multi-page be I efficiently, beautifully «nd to speed war production and keep home operation of telephone users, they are
onomically produced in our thoroughly equipped shop. front action going smoothly is typical of making existing telephone facilities meet

this team effort in which every worker in the emergency with a high degree of

every job has a part. Of the 15,000 men rffi, I doing a team job of the
Kind that is traditional with American*.
women doing the telephone job in

34 MUlbnro M 2 0 0
9 Main Street
managed by Mrs. Reynier J. THE BOARD of Directors of of the Women's State Republi- Thursday, Octbeor 28th, at 105
Public Service Corporation of Women Republicans can Club of New Jersey, Inc., Main street from 9 to 4 o'clock.
Sept. Employment Wortendyke's group. The Pro-
gram, will include songs by a
Parent- Teacher New Jersey October 19 declared at Essex House Monday, Oc- •
the regular quarterly dividends tober 18.
Male Quartette from the church
ea Here Are Active On Wednesday, October 27 THE CITIZENS Committee of
Shozvs Increase choir and an address by Mrs.
Harold C. Case of Scranton,
for the quarter ended Decem-
ber 31 of $2 per share on the at 2:00 P. M. members of the the Millburn U. S. O. will meet
Millbum High School P.-T. A. 8 percent cumulative preferred
A meeting of the Board of local club will have tea at in Washington School on Mon-
As one of its contributions to Pa. the Independent Women's Re- Griffith Auditorium, Newark day, October 25th at 8:15 P.
will hold a tea on Monday stock; $1.75 on the 7 percent
solution of the manpower
afternoon, October 25th at 3:15, cumulative preferred; $1.25 on
publican Club was held last with the Women's Republican M. The executive 'committee
problem in New Jersey the V.
in the cafeteria of the school. the no par value $5 cumulative
Wednesday morning, October Clubs of Essex County. This will meet earlier in the eve-,
S, Employment Service of the
War Manpower Commission
Fire, Fire, Mrs. John R. Patterson and preferred, and the regular
13 at the home of the Presi-
dent, Mrs. George C. Dreher.
will take the place of the Regu- ning at 7:30.
lar October meeting. The Hon-
placed a total of 36,157 men Mrs. Arthur E. Thevenet will monthly dividend for December Meetings of the Board will be orable Walter E. Edge and other
and women in employment dur-
ing September. The placements
Who Has, Etc. preside at the tea table. Tea
music will be played by an in-
of 50 cents a share on the 6
percent cumulative preferred,
held on the second Wednesday
of each month.
candidates will be present. Washer REPAIRS
all payable on or before De- • "See The Marks Bros."
repreaent a total increase of Millburn firemen were on the strumental ensemble under the Representatives of the club,
verge of calling the classified cember 15 to stockholders of including Mrs. Dreher and THE WOMEN'S GUILD of the' RADIO SALES CORP.
163.7 per cen^ over job place- direction of Frederick Bove. 321 Mffiburn Atone
ments effected by the employ- advertising department of The record November 15. Mrs. Gaston L. Chanier, were Wyoming Presbyterian Church
Parents are invited to attend Millburn 6-0015
ment agency In September of Item Tuesday night to insert and meet the teachers. present at a luncheon meeting will hold a rummage sale on
last year. Millburn's average a "Lost" ad. The copy would
kept pace with/ other communi- have read "Lost—in vicinity of
ties. / Main and Mechanic streets one
While the September records, fire. Plenty of flame, good glow
compiled by the Division of He- and nice smoke. Last seen short-
ports and Analysis, and an- ly after engines arrived."
nounced today by State Direc- The firemen wern't the only
tor Russell J. Eldridge, show ones who saw the fire that
that September job placements wasn't, as residents in the vi-
fell below the all time record cinity of Main and Mechanic
of last August, they reflect the saw flames leaping up in the

*Sm, I can do a
big task being done by the USES direction of Seven Bridge Road.
in recruiting and channeling At 8:05 Daniel Marcantonio, of
workers to New Jersey's help- 55 Mechanic street turned in
hungry employers. an alarm.
The drop in job placements When firemen arrived they
from 42,968 in August to 36,157 saw the flames and laid hose
in September was chiefly due, and carried it in the direction
Eldridge said, to the fact that of the fire. When they got to

approximately 6,000 fewer tem- the Water Company fence, the
porary workers were supplied to flames disappeared. A thorough
food processing canneries in search revealed no fire and
September than were placed in no scorched earth.
such occupations during the Chief Hayes scooted around
August labor crisis in the state's to Seven Bridge Road in his
canneries. car, but although he saw the
flames enroute, by the time he
got there the sky was bare.
Ration Books 4
Residents from as far away as
Wyoming avenue reported see-
ing the local version of the
Are Also Census northern lights.
Maybe 8:05 is becoming Mill-
With the distribution of War burn's witching hour, for at
Ration Book 4 about completed, that time last Friday night, a
the OPA announced that the driverless bus, supposedly hors
application forms the public de combat and parked at the
filled in at the schools this curb, suddenly started to roll.
week will be forwarded by ra- It crossed Millburn avenue
tioning boards to the U. S. Bu- where it was parked, leaped
reau of the Census in Washing- the curb and knocked down
ton where they will be used as about 20 feet of fence at num-
th ebasis of a population sur- ber 177.
vey. Elmer Stokes, of 211 Main
Ration Book 4, it was dis- street, the driver, told police
closed, will be used beginning he thought the emergency brake
November 1, for canned and must have slipped, and the
processed foods and for sugar. grade proved too much of a
nrwn stamns A. B. and C will temptation to the idle bus, anx-
%<*A Vat \>Yc*tw&fc& too&s \o\is t o

ber 1 through January 15, 1944. Through Miss Prances I«.
Only green stamps in Boot 4
will be used at this time. Others Scbenck, tlie Yarn Department
will be announced later. of the A.W.V.S. has become in-
Egg ceiling prices in northern terested in knitting tiny hug-
Kew Jersey for the period Oc- me-tights for refugee children.
tober 24 to November 3 show no This is a projcet of the Sal-
increase in Grades B and C, vation Army. Any odds and
but an advance of a cent to ends of yarn may be used, and
two cents a dozen in Grades it is surprising how cute and
attractive they turn out.
AA and A. The hug-me-tights are being WOMEN OF NORTH JERSEY!
sent to Russia and Greece.
Through Miss Schenck's efforts YOU—who may not need to work...
Dessert Bridge 1928 have been made, 147 of YOU—who could never deny a soldier the weapon
these being Millburn's contribu- Out of 1900 jobs women can do 1550.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of St. tion for the past six months. that could save his life
Rose of lima Church, will hold Directions for knitting them
Millions of women just like you are now producing
YOU—who can keep vital invasion weapons moving
a dessert-bridge at the school may be obtained at A.W.VJ3. whole shiploads of war-goods—faster—
hall Tuesday afternoon, October Headquarters, 359 Millburn ave- from this North New Jersey area—one of
26 at 1:30. Mrs. Harold Stov- nue. * the three most important war production more accurately than men!
all is chairman and Mrs. Cor- The need for knitted gar- And the need for you Aere is desperate! So
nelius J. Curtin, vice-chairman. ments is growing constantly, and areas in the entire country . . .
Ticket Chairman is Mrs. Wm.A. W. VJ5. has wool for all YOU—who have it in your own hands to end the desperate that our local counties may not meet
J. Holtmeier. types of garments.
local war-job aids . . . their war production quotas.
THE WOMAN'S Society of Y O U . . . the woman who should be working now So take a war-job! Full-time. Or part-time.
Christian Service of Morrow
Memorial Methodist Church,
VITAMINS because local manpower is lacking! Take one of thousands of unfilled war-jobs I All kinds
Wortzel Bros. Reg. Ph. G.
Maplewood has selected Wed- • • • of jobs. Waiting for Victory . . . and you I
nesday, October 27, 6:45 P. M. Central Cut Rate
for a Harvest Home Dinner. The DRUG STORE CAN YOU DO A MAN'S WORK? The record shows you can do it!
Fried Chicken dinner will be 323 MHlburn Ave. LISTEN! Housewives. Grandmothers. Debutantes. No experience needed. Just willingness. Gocd pay
College women! while you learn.
LISTEN! Even you who never drove a nail • • •
IN BUYING PRINTING in your life before! A d now! Mail coupon below.
JUST STICK TO A Actually, on some jobs, government tests prove your Or call at War Job Headquarters near you.
GOOD PRINTER AND type of woman TWICE AS GOOD AS MEN. Or at U.S.E.S. office. See addresses below. NOW!

. . . is youia when we print youi letterheads, envelopes, MAIL COUPON NOWI
folders and booklets. We give your work the distinction
Apply War Job Headquarters . . . or any U.S.£5. office
of pleasing typography, clean press work, and high quality 24 Braaferd W O M , Naworfc, M. J. • * *•
paper... we put fine craftsmanship into every job and use Ye* 1 wort to W p g r t A * war over qUcktr and M m goad poy whHedohgt

MILLBURN, 357 Millburn Avenue, Saad M booklet abort job*. I am MwMted to warldngi

(WHICH) * « * * « • •
PAPERS Near Slain Street T»» coupon does not obligate m* to hike a Job.
i I
to give your "printed salesmen" more selling power. NAME. I


Maplewood Center I
• * PHONE.
The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM
[ Page 10 ] The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM [ October 22, 1 •

Editor, The Item:

The Defense Perhaps some of your read-
ers may be interested in the
x>o<xxx>ooo<xx> stand taken by Senator Hawkes
The News
on the World Peace resolution
as expressed in his enclosed
letter. I have tried to answer
him and enclose my letter also.
"The time has come," the Walrus said
"To talk 6t many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and aealln* ws.»
Of oabbagea — and kings."

' Founded In 1888

THE MILLBURN' ana SHORT HILLS ITEM la published e m y Friday by
The Item Publishing and Printing- Company, a corporation, at 249 Main
Street, Millburn, N. J. Editor, H. G. More.
(Official Notices of meetings,
courses, dates and general Informa-
tion In regard to Local Defense will
be found In this colump each week.)

Very sincerely yours

Mrs. Herbert Copelin Bugbird,

Although Leonard Dreyfuss Short Hills, N. J.
Advertising Manager.
The Walrus
It's a pleasure to note we
Willard H. Baetsmer. Official newspaper of the Township of Millburn.
has submitted his resignation Dear Mrs. Bugbird:
Subscription rales, by mall, postpaid: One year two dollars; sli months,
still have several resident;;
as State Civilian Defense Di-
one dollar; payable In advance. Single copies five cents each. Entered swell incomes.
in the Post Office In Millburn, N. J., as Second-Class Mali Matter. Thank you for your letter of *
rector, a post he has held October 2nd concerning Sen-
nearly two years, Governor Edi- ate Resolution 114. There was a time when
Over The Top Again son announced this week that they'd have been termed "swol-
I believe it would be impos- len" but not any more.
at bis request, Dreyfuss will sible for this country to return
Last week E. N. Vious dropped a thought that John Fairfleld carry on until the end of* the to a state of isolationism in It may be just coincide nc
and his War Fund Committee might profit by, a "booster" award Governor's term In mid-Jan- the postwar period. All nations but New Jersey's "Good Will
when the drive goes over the top. uary. must be giving their very seri- Commission" makes its annual
John may not be planning a thermometer on the bank build- Drey/uss submitted his resig- ous thought and study to post- report at the same time Secre-
Ing but we know he's looking for hands to give that last shove nation from the unsalaried post war plans. They must be study- tary Morgenthau gives us the
that means the successful climax. on September 25, explaining to ing ways and means for pro- names of these sustalningg
Now that the pin-up miss Is again back in one piece, she the Governor that his own ducing a hoped for enduring members of our commun .
might be induced to become the booster, or cutting through the company, the United Advertis- peace. •
insulation, there could be material for first and second prizes. ing Corp., is "heavily engaged However, as we sit today it Messrs Con way and Baden
Anyway it's a thought and War Fund folks have a chance to In war production. It should is, in my opinion, utterly im- hausen can read the colli-
get it across ahead of Brother Morrison and his fourth war loan. have my attention and I am possible to draw a blueprint or sion's report and at least
Not ethical prehaps, but all's fair in love and war and these anxious to return to it." pass any kind of a resolution comfort from that portion
are the latter, sure nuf. "You would be helping Civil- that could possibly be helpful wherein it bewails the fact Its
ian Defense In New Jersey and when the postwar period ar- appropriation Is inadeqiv.
the war effort," the Governor rives. In the first place, none *
'Share The Roast' '-An Idea wrote, "if you can possibly carry of us today know who our Al- At that, $5,060 for Good Will
on your office until the first of lies may be -when this war is In a state our size, mean.\ |u
the year or until my term ex- ended. We have. already seen one of two things.we're getting
Getting our ration books this week is the simplest part of It. pires about the middle of Jan- great changes in the nations It dirt cheap or spread dam
Now comes the problem of getting what the books call for. uary. I know that your private associated together in this war thin, like today's' butter.
Pockets and hand bags bulge with good points, good that Is business is also engaged in —both among the Allies and *
until would be spenders try to find something to, satisfy their war work and that your pres- among the Axis powers. How But for the report tellim
craving. ence there Is needed. But I do then can we make definite some had been pa. ; -
Big families have the edge in this ration business for they hope that you can find your plans for the postwar period who'd have thought there was
ii take home a joint or sizable roast and not have to knaw on way clear to continue with me when there Is very apt to be any?
It tor the rest of the month. Still to be devised is a small roast until the end of my term." further drastic changes in the The hard thing to ! ,
that won't disappear in the cooking, or a size three, lamb leg. In agreeing to continue, Drey- line-up? that the Township has bu \ two
There's a sameness in just slices of this and that and then fuss said he was conscious of Sincerely yours, men in the high income
maybe, a gob of chopped meat for variety. the fact that Civilian Defense A. W. HAWKES brackets.
In The Item classified section today is a want ad that sounds is of vital importance today, •
like a reasonable solution to one's family troubles and if it works, as it was a year and a half Koh. A. w. Kawl
it may become standard practice for all. Where are all oui u
ago. The Senate, Washington, D. C. ers with their overtime pay
"Share the wealth," "Share the tires," "Share the roast." It *
taln't socialism, what is it. "Whether we have a bombing Deaj Senator Hawkes: The Treasury can't )• wrong
or not, is to me, of secondary Thank you for taking time
• though, for years of trial and
importance," he said. "Military to answer my letter regarding error have shown me In error
Bomething that should be corrected is the custom of making authorities tell me that this the Peace Resolution 114;
social visits that last four, six, and sometimes eight hours. However, in answering your and my trials In vain
Suppose you ask a friend to report for dinner at seven and time our Army will be demobil-
qualifying statements, I would *
he hangs around till one A. M. That's too long and yet when your ized slowly; therefore our po- like to ask the following: Looking around ai some t>i
guest returns your hospitality you will be put down as Impolite lice and fire departments will Wouldn't you agree that the our beautiful homes, the crowd
uniess you put in an equal number of hours. Thus Is misery com- not be back to normal peace- people who know what they ed* night clubs and then UM
pounded. time (strength until many drives that always exceed tt*
months after peace Is declared. want and work for It, usually
At noon men manage to have some pleasant visits in an hour We must expect more catas- get their way, while those who quota, how come Is the go
and a half. Dinner is a more leisurely occasion but three hours trophies such as occurred on are undecided about things lose toin?
should be sufficient, even If the evening includes cards. Ninety-nine and nine b th
Sure, I know I'm getting old. our railroads recently because out? If this Is so and granted of our fojks must be making
the condition of equipment is then wha tour nation wants is IlltV
their little do double di"
• at low ebb and expereinced per- peace for the world (our in- somehow.
Comment by Frank Sullivan in PM on the statement of sonnel is lacking. tegrity demands It) the time
Frank R. Wilson of the Department of Commerce that the women has come for us to courageous- I wonder how it feels to be
now in this country outnumber the men for the first time: "Child care and Juvenile de- ly pass a resolution stating a big public benefactor '
linquency will become a matter
"The American man plendid bargaining position at of increasing concern the long- that we are ready to cooper- that?
this moment, if he plays his c .IQS right, and If Dr. Frank R. Wil- er the war lasts. ate with other nations who also
want the peace kept. When we Working one day a week toi
son isn't kidding us. One matter on which the men might take a yourself and the other fivi Ua
•tend right now, and make a test ease of their new status, is the "So, every department of take this lead our true Allies
the public good, ought to
business of lighting cigarettes for great, strapping women. The Civilian Defense, both in the will be found without difficul-
custom is even more ridiculous today than it was before ladles Protective and Community War ty. title a fellow to a testimonial
became welders. A lady welder reaches for a cigarette, disclosing Service divisions, becomes in- Thanking you again for your dinner or sou- f
a bicep that Lionel Strongfort might envy, but whatever poor little creasingly Important from this kind attention, I am, like.
emaciated man Is in the room has to struggle to his feet, chase point on." Sincerely yours, *
Bll over hell and gone, find a mat^h and rush over to light Boa- Dreyfuss, by resigning and MARX BAYNE BUGBIRD When a dinner invitation
dicea's cigarette for her. Sudden strenuous exertion like that could agreeing to serve to the end • commands a thank-you note
bring a heart attack on a man these days. The men should make of Governor Edison's term Editor, The Item: according to Emily Post, i] n I
their rostiion clear. No more lighting cigarettes for women."— leaves the incoming Governor A year from now Millburn our townsmen's bouui
Exchange. free to appoint a new Defense should have a Community Chest worthy of its reward.
Director who will also be a embracing everything t h e com- «
Ed member of the War Cabinet. munity is asked to support In "They work while you sleep"
SERIES of Sunday it°r, The Item: The present War Cabinet is the way of charities and activi- used to be said of a well I nown
morning meetings of Morrow Car Owner in last week's Item composed of Governor Edison,
Memorial Men's F e l l o w s h i p is lucky. I-received a govern- Defense Director Dreyfuss, Ad- ties. One coverage of t h e town is
patent medicine.
Group at 9:30 each week, is ment check for 20 cents cover- jutant General James I. Bow- all men and women should be It's true of taxes todas no
well under way. Prof. Robert L. ing my old shoe, and now I ers, Col. Charles D. Schoeffel, fooling.
Brunhou^e follows his address can't buy that one back or any superintendent of the State called upon to make, aside from •
of last Sunday on the same other for love nor money "in Police; William E. Ohland, the theA Red Cross.
lot of timr. a lot of shoe
but I'll bet a hat few if anj ol
subject: "The Development of fact I can't even get a permit governor1!* executive assistant leather and a lot of energy go the objectors ever rang a door
American Democratic Thought." Car Owner should know that for defense; George Stanger, bell to ask for subscriptions.
Closely allied to the ethical rubber bounces and he has no president of the Senate; Man- • in multiple drives and why P. A. T.
living needed for assured hap- reason to expect to catch a field G. Amlicke, speaker of the not end them once a n d for all?
piness among men, were the tire on the rebound at any- Assembly and John E. Boswell, I understand several local
groups wished to join the War OVER THE TOP
principles set forth by the/ where near what he got for former speaker of th Assembly
Founding Fathers of Our Own it. In fact there's probably a and a member of the public Fund drive this year but were
denied because of lack of time
United States. How closely did lot of time and a half bouncing Utilities Commission. with
for adequate preparatoin. With
John Adams define Democracy in the new price he's asked to 12 months to go, they should UNITED STATES WAR
as the natural development of pay. •
the Christian Life? TIRE DOPE RED CROSS WORKERS be in t h e Chest next y<
A lot of people will say
needed for surgical dressings.
( October 24, 1943 ]
^ The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM ( Pagc ,, ,

Cooperative New Guinea Front w , „

Blueberry squares
Kit Bags 2 cups flour
2/3 cup milk
The Junior Service League of
Short Hills Is cooperating with 1 1/2 cups berries
the Red Cross by making 388 4 teaspoons baking powder
kit bags which must be done by 1/2 cup granulated sugar
December 1st. In this coopera- 1/4 teaspoon salt
tive effort the material to make 5 tablespoons fat, melted
the bags Is supplied by the 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Red Cross Area Office, the ar-
ticles which go into the bags, Mix flour, baking powder and
such ss writing paper, playing salt. Add fat and milk. Mix
cards, cigarettes, chewing gum, lightly and pour at once into a
candy a pocket sise book, shoe greased shallow pan. Press down
laces, shoe rag, soap and razor until soft dough is about two-
blades, are supplied and paid thirds inch thick. Quickly
for by the local Chapter and spread with other ingredients,
mixed together. Bake 12 min-
the labor is supplied by the utes in a moderately hot oven.
Junior Service League. Cut in squares and serve fresh
The Junior Service League Is with butter.
meeting by geographical groups
to do the sewing. Oroups met
last week at Mrs. Cairns, Mrs.
Budd's, Mrs. Conroys, Mrs. Gal-
lagher's and Mrs. Rhodes'. SUNDAY DINNER,
•Found From Figurings
SOLDIERS EXAMINE damaged Zero one of the new square-wing type, left behind on a
n perturbations were dis- New Oulnea airstrip recently captured by Australian and American troops. A number of Zero's ^
damaged by Allied filers were left behind by'the Japanese, who are being steadily pushed out of
played in the orbit of the
planet Uranus, two astronomers, New Oulnea bases and airfields. i
working without each other's
knowledge, arrived at the con- 1/4 teaspoon paprika
clusion that an unknown planet
was causing the disturbance.
Seaside Casserole 3 tablespoons butter, melted FOR HOME, SCHOOL Delicious Italian - American ,
Mix ingredients and pour in- OR OFFICE cooking. Also a la carte. <
They figured this planet could
be found at a certain location, 1 cup cooked fish, any kind to a buttered shallow baking GREETING CARDS
dish. Sprinkle with one-third — TOYS —
and a telescope proved their
calculations to be correct. Thus
1 tablespoon chopped onions
1 cup cooked lima beans cup grated ov finely cut cheese.
Bake 25 minutes in a moderate- ALPER'S TheNewMillbrook'
was discovered the planet Nep- 1 tablespoon minced parsley 200 Main St. Millburn 6-1475<
tune. ly hot oven — about 400 degrees. 45 MAIN ST. MI 6-0674
3 tablespoons flour
1/3 teaspoon salt
M WORING CAKE 2 cups tomatoes
Flavoring may be put into,
the cake as the last ingredient. COSMETICS
Or it may be added to the
creamed sugar and shortening
mixture, since a few more stirs
Hits mixture are fine for
Wort/el Bros. Re*. Ph. G.
Central Cut Rate
pood Date texture. 323 Millburn Ave.


Ideal for the Man in Service

or Children Going to Camp

Itoxed Kit Contain* Indelible Ink, Ink Pad,
JL HE WAR PRODUCTION BOARD has asked us all to conserve fuel,
transportation, manpower and critical materials. All of these are
and a Rubber Stamp of Your Own Name required for the manufacture of gas, therefore any reduction you
can make in your use of gas will contribute toward this nation-
wide conservation program.
Millburn & Short Hills Hem,
Millburn, N. J.
You waste fuel when you waste hot water. Have all leaky
faucets repaired at once. Use hot water only when essential. Never
I want an Indelible Stamping Kit with a1 rubbe r stamp
let it run unnecessarily.
of the name. Saving gas can help to speed victory. Ths
Government is counting on your cooperation*
I will call for the Kit after one week
Mail the Kit to me at:


D Remittance eneloned 1 ! Charge

[ Page 12 ] The Millbum &* Short Hills ITEM [ Octobci aa,

Wyoming Miss Gerar

Church Bride
Miss Catherine Ellzabeti
ardiello, daughter of Mr tad
Mrs. Joseph G. Gerardiello of
241 Main street, became the
NOTES 6 J E W S / OF THE WEEK bride on Sunday of Priv
drew Prezlosl, Jr.( son of '
and Mrs. Prezlosi of SUM:
By Edith Clifford Orange. The ceremon <
Miss Nancy W h i t t e m o r e , of Mr. and Mrs. William Tighe formed in St. Rosi ol ; Ima1!
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lau- of 35 Blaine street. Church. A reception followed at
rens E. Whittemore of Berkeley • Vittorio Castle, Newark.
road, had as her week-en-i Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Spencer of
30 Walnut avenue have re- Miss Mary Gerardiello wu
guest, her roommate at Ober- her sister's maid ol honor.
lin College, Miss Kathryn Ro- ceived word that their son, Sgt.
Albert It. Spencer is the radio Miss Dorothy Preziosi, si ••• r of
binson of Mountain Lakes. On the bridegroom and Mi
Sunday Miss Whittemore enter- operator on the transport plane
taking Secretary of State Hull Gallltelli, were bridesmaid*
tained at tea for other Ober- Michael Volino of West field
lin girls including, the Misses and his party to Moscow, Rus-
sia for the conference. Spencer best man and ushers were Sgts.
Phyllis Ghildrey of Millbum, William Johnson and Niche
and Correen Schmidt, Lucille is with the Transport Squadron
at LaGuardia Field, New York. Pannullo.
Lomax, and Virginia Norden of The bride wore a gow
Maplewood. They will all leave
November 1st, for the fall term. ivory satin with a yoke of
* ported Calais lace out 11
Mrs. John Holllster is stay- South Mountain TELEPHONE MEN who have gone to war from this district,
are not forgotten by their associates carrying on at home. Here
pearls. An Ivory tulle »eU !
from a Juliet lace cap. She car-
Ing with her parents, Mr. and (left to right) Kathryn Dolan of 57 High street, West Orange; Mrs. ried white orciiin,;. bou irdl
Mrs. George B. Thomas of Pvt. John R. Dover of the Edna O. dePlanque of 14 Boyden parkway South, Maplewood, and
Marine Detachment, Dartmouth, and gladiolus. Her attendant
Chestnut street, for an Indefin- Helen O. Gemlner of 661 Lincoln avenue, Orange of the district wore cloud blue faille
ite period. will arrive tomorrow to spend
a week's furlough with his plant staff of the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company are shown with beaded Juliet caps and
• packing Christmas boxes for those who now have overseas ad-
mother, Mrs. Lena M. Dover of illusion veils. Their bi ;
Mrs. John C. Taylor of Pel- 46 Parkview drive. dresses.
ham, N. Y., arrived on Sunday were of fall flowers.
* Mrs. Prezlosl is a gradi
to spend a week with her son Mrs. J. Elton Gee of 904
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. an dMrs. T. W. Inseal Millburn High School. Private
Ridgewood road, entertained
H. Taylor of 145 Glen avenue.
her sewing club this week. Millburn of the Wyoming Village, enter-
tained at their home last week-
Preziosi was graduated from
Columbia High School
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Oliver of Those attending were Mrs. Pfc. Marlon M. Wolfe, U. S. end for Mr. and Mrs. C. A. tended Seton Hall College be-
15 Reeve Circle, will give a William Carson, Miss Bert Car- M. CMW. R., daughter of Mr. Brown of Buenos Aires, Argen- fore entering the Army. He Is
Hallowe'en party, October 30th son, Mrs. Francis Green, Miss and Mrs. David H. Wolfe of 11 tina. with the Antl-Aircraft Cos
for their daughter, Kathleen Elsie Green, Mrs. Otto Knitter Douglas street ,1s home from Artillery.
and Mrs. Albert Teitscheid. •
and twelve of her classmates Cherry Point, N. C, on a week's MISS DOROTHY L. SONN, •
a t the Wyoming School. Mr. Paul French Howe of furlough. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. the First Presbyterian Trinity
Chicago, III, has Ueen the A. Sonn, 19 Reeve Circle, Is Church, South Oran in
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Teague day, a t their luncheoi i tn
drick of 65 Cedar street, had as guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. N. scheduled to be graduated from
Heyman of Mountain View road, and son of 4 Bodwell terrace Parish House. Mrs. Stickle.
their week-end guests, their ii.'i returned from a season Bucknell University, October 23,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest this week. when the university holds its spoke on the Social Educ;i;
spent at Point Pleasant Beach, and Action Work of the Mi
P. Kendrick and Mrs. Howard N. J. first fall commencement. At
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. MacDon- and Orange Pre-sbyterial letj
Culbertson, all of Philadelphia. ald of Chicago, 111., who are Bucknell Miss Sonn has been
* MUs Marjorle Link of New active as publicity manager of of which she i creti i
en route to Florida, are visiting
Pvt. W. B. Erickson Jr., U.S. ii'.-ir son and his wife, Mr. and York, was the guests last week the Women's Glee Club and of
M.C., who is studying at the Mrs. H. P. MacDonald of 906 for several days of Mr. and several Cap and Dagger dra-
Naval Research L a b o r a t o r y Mrs. Howard Wright of 23 Dun-
Radio School, Washington, D.
Ridgewood road.
can street.
matic society productions. She
is a member of Kappa Delta,
/Miss Coe Honon a
C , spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mauger * social fraternity for women.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A buffet supper and kitchen
of Ridgewood road, have ended Mrs. M. Kehoe, formerly of •* shower was given last Sunday
Erickson of 212 Sagamore road.
* a several days1 stay in Wash- 29 Meeker place, has moved to MRS. JUDSON K. STICKLE by Miss Eleanor Morten on of
ington, D. C. 47 Spring street. of Whitney road was guest of South Orange, In honor of
Lt. Commander H. M. Stew-
a r t of 729 Ridgewood road, who Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ma- the Woman's Association of Miss Marjorie Coe of MHlburn,
Tech. Sgt. Frederick M. Gray,
h a s been with the Federal Bu- U. S. Signal Corps, who has har, who were married in St. who will become the brldt ol
reau of Marine Inspection and been stationed at Camp Van Teresa's Church, Summit, on ORDER TO IAMIT George E. Martin ol MUlers-
Navigation, was recently com- Dorn, Miss., has been trans- October 8th, have returned October 14, 1943 ville, Pa., on Saturn
missioned in the U. 8. Coast from their wedding trip on I I . 1 1 ; (ii RALPH XV. HYATT, fle-
ferred to Camp Bowie, Texas.
Guard and Is at present sta- He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. the Poconos. They will make
tioned In New York. ilnir home In Wyoming Vil- Furauant to it l< ' << lOUGENE F . BUY WAR BONDS
Frederick Gray of 26 Undercllff H <i KMANN. Surrogate of t h e Counts
* road. lage. Mrs. Maher is the former • i in day made, on the appli-
cation of the undersigned. Executors of
Pvt. Charles Cozzens, son of Miss Rita Margaret Kentz, Maid deceased, notice is 'hereby given
Mrs. H. M. Stewart, who has Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fried- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John la ih
• .iiii.n [o n
ni'irs of said deceased, to
i i under oath or
finished his basic training at man and children Regina and J. Kentz of Mountain avenue, u i i ii-ii. ii n I I i i . im i . i i n i . i , ,,, • i .

Camp Crowder, Mo., is now tak- Lewis of Myrtle avenue, left Summit. .i . n i l
i Ittilo I
: 11
i h . t:ii<
!!,[ ; . d a t e or
•>! ..II.I d e c e a s e d ,

ing advanced training. on Friday for Toronto, Canada, ii . >.'.ili in forever b a r r e d froim pro«e-
•ii .in HI recoverinK the s'ame ag/alnst
to visit Mrs. Frediman's par- John J. Blauvelt, Jr., U. S. N. in. 11 h i •i 1 l n ' i .
Miss Mary Ann Schmaelzle of R., who is in the Navy V-12 at I [I.II.I ri UNION T R U S T COMPANY
ents' Mr. and Mrs. B. Swartz
Cedar street, entertained Miss Bates College, Maine, is ex- MAUD It. M. H Y A T T
for three weeks. J O H N W. H Y A T T
Eleanor Wiltsie of Mary Mount pected home Sunday to spend Sorg & iSor*. P r o c t o r s
744 I h oad .'. I.
School, Tarrytown, over last Mrs. Robert Green of Maple- a week with his parents, Mr. New«ur!<. -N J MODERNIZE YOUR
week-end. wood gave a shower on Wed- and Mrs. Blauvelt of 17 Bod- Oot B, 12. 19
• nesday for Mrs. Handly Dick- well terrace. At Our Low—Estimate Prices
Mr. Walter Turnbull, of Ot- inson of Millburn and Miss
tawa, Canada, principal secre-
tary to Prime Minister Mac-
Kenzie King of Canada, visited
Joan Young of Maplewood.
Mrs. Dickinson is the former
Wortzel Bros. Reg. Ph. G.
Thos. R. Douglas Co.
Miss Mildred Ritter, who was Established 1893
his brother and his wife, Mr. married September 5th to Cor- :
and Mrs. E. Stanley Turnbull poral Dickinson. She is making
LAST l i •
Todar and Tomorrow
of 232 Sagamore road, last her home with her parents, Mr. 323 Millburn Ave. 108 MUlhurn Are. Mlllburn S-0344
week. and Mrs. Edward Rtiter of Wy- ALSO
• oming avenue. Cpl. Dickinson "MELODY PARADF,
Sgt. Vincent Tighe and Mrs.
Tighe, the former Miss Felice
Price, returned to Louisville,
is stationed in Tampa, Florida.

Sun. Mvn. T u « . Oct. 84,' 85, £6
C'iiry Grant — Larnlur D M
SOUTH QRANGIE STORAGE CORP. S19 Valley Street, South Ontncp
Kentucky on Thursday after needed for surgical dressings. On SUIIH- Prnffrum ~~-\ South Orange 2-4000
spending 10 days with the lat- BLESSED c.MiNT"
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I.HIM' Yrlc* — l^Hm
M. Price of Chestnut street. Sgt.
Tighe, who is stationed at Fort
Knox, took part in a horse
Dr. G. Youngelson U.MI. rim,
— i DUkM
. 1.I9.80
II eBatl — Will him i
— tit
demonstration at the races on (FOOT AILMENTS) "BEST FOOT FORWARD"
Sunday. While the couple were Theatre Bide. 350 Stillborn %»«. i DDITIi
Telephone Millburn 6-1772 Hi
home the Tighe's had a family "HARRIGAN'S KID" 1
„ ' , .,
reunion. Stg. Tighe Is the son Oobl» Uiudlik — Wai, (lurian
October 21, 1943 ] The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM [ Page 13

the confidence of the devout

'Sergeant Bimbo * BONDS OVER AMERICA * -
clients proclaims "the patron Keep Honey Cool
of difficult and hopeless cases."
Devotions will begin at 3:40 P. In hot weather you may find
And 'Sgt. Fleet' "Eternal vigilanc*
M. and wilt be conducted by the that honey doesn't look up to
Rev. C. G. Moore. par. It keeps best If tightly
"Sergeant Bimbo" canine it the price of Lib- University of Virginia sealed in a dry place at a room
pal of L. R. Lefferson of Fair- erty."
Thomas Jeffer- temperature of about 70 degrees
field drive, is the first enlistee
from Short Hills, in the War
•on, author of
these words, left a
monument to free-
Salad Royal Fahrenheit. When the room
temperature is between 80 and
Dog Fund of Dogs for Defense, dom, the Univer- 2 avocados 90 the cupboard' shelf is no
Inc. and as such has. been sity of Virginia at 1 cup cubed oranges longer the place for it.
named recruiting officer for Charlottesville. 1 cup cubed grapefruit
Short Hills. 1 tablespoon lemon juice NOTICE OF SETTXJSMENT
"Sergeant Fleet," owned by 1-4 cup French dressing ESTATE Or MARION F A B I, E T
Bank President and Mrs. 1 cup cress STRICKLER. deceued.
Robert F. Smith of Jefferson Cut avocados in halves, re- Notice '!• hereby evlen that MM Ar-
avenue, as the first enlistee move seeds and rinds and cut roimta of the Subscriber, Executor of
imiii Millbum, is official re- In Europe one of the the last Will and T»»t*ment of MARION
oldest seats of learn- into thin strips. Mix in a little FARLEY 8TBtCKI.BR. dacwaed. will be
erultlng officer there. . ing is the University minted and stated by the Surrocata
of the dressing and chill. Chill ard reported lor lettlemant to tha Or-
of Prague in Bohemia
Dogs for Defense is an or- founded in 1348. It the mixed oranges and grape- phan'* Court of the County of Sax • i o
Tuesday, tha 30th d«y of Novembei
ganization helping to defray was seized by the fruit. Drain avocado strips and Dated October 13, 1»<3.
the cost of securing canine en- Nazis and now only lay on the other fruits placed • CLINTON DK WITT VAN SI«JLEN
Nazi theories of a >IE A Moore, P4«ctor»,
listments for the armed ser-
vices. The Army, Coast Guard
Be Vigilant super-race are taught. on cress in a salad bowl. Add 31 Clinton Street,
lemon Juice to dressing. Newark, 2, N. J.
and other branches take over Buy War Bonds Oct. 2J, as, Nov. e. 1>, 18

the cost of training and main-

tenance once dogs are accepted
for service, but the preliminary
WANTED—Used Sewing Machines
Phone or write Mr. Mac Lean
1 of procurement is up to ning socials and forum will once
,-lvlll i l l on October 24 at Rosary Shrine, SEWING MACHINE SALES AGENCY
again be instituted. Mrs. Seth
Dog owners can assist in Ben-Ari is chairman of ar- Summit, will be dedicated to 159 Maplewood Ave., Maplewood S. <>. 3-064G
this work by enrolling their rangements. the Apostle Saint Jude whom , OPSLN EVENINGS
pets in the War Fund either as •
privates or officers. Sergeant MRS. LEWIS and Mrs. Nixon
Bimbo will induct recruits, Mr. attended the two-day Red Cross
and Mrs. Lefferson doing the National Conference on Volun-
paper work which makes them teer Special Services, held ut
WACS, WAVES or something the Waldrof, New York City
to lie war's doggiest service. on October ltth and 12th. The
* Millburn-Short Hills Chapter
ROTARY District Governor was one of the few New Jersey
Joshua Golightly's itinerary for Chapters Invited to attend.
neKt week comprises South
Check it Now!
Orange, Hoboken and Bloom-


services, October 22, at Congre-
i i> B'nai Israel, Rabbi Mel-
W.iit/cl Bros. Reg. Ph. G. Look over your supply
vin Kleffer will preach on the Central Cut Rate of Letterheads, Bills,
subject. "Genesis — Another DRUG STORE
Beginning for Us." Friday eve- 323 Millburn Ave.
Envelopes and other
business forms now,
and re-order soon to
MEN WANTED avoid possible later
ALSO WOMEN AND BOYS disappointment.
Plus opportunity for overtime earnings.
UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY now and in the fu-
ture, in the manufacturing and chemical departments of
one of America's progressive companies.
ULTRA-MODERN PLANT. Sanitary surround-
Call Millburn 6-1200
ings. Congenial co-workers. Healthful atmosphere.
Low-cost cafeteria.
Vacations with pay.
You spend approximately ONE-QUARTER of your
life on your job. Think of your surroundings when se- The
lecting a WORKING HOME. •
Phoae irbo are en iged in essential work will m MILLBURN &>
be considered without a Statement of Availability
in accordance
re "iiiiun8.
with War SJatpower (
onmisi lor
"No. 70" stop at our plant. Lackawanna Station short 149 Main Street
Apply at once.


Lafayette Park

• '" • • kforrii A v e . a n d AI ei Road i
The Millburn &* Short Hills ITEM [ October 22,

Jayvees Beat BOWLING * | After School

* * SPORTS * * Summit, 6-0
Recrearion Play Program
AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES Last Monday the Blue and The Recreation Department,
ia conjunction with the Board
White second team took the
measure of the Summit High of Education, has inaugurated
jayvees by a 6-0 count, on the an after-school play program
Blue D.rops Hilltopper's field. in the Township's elementary
2OO! ~ Receiving the opening kick
"A" League
.schools. According to George
H. Bauer, supervisor of recrea-
Tough Game Bowlers This Week
off it took the locals only five
plays to punch over the games
tion, the program is being con-
only score. From his own forty Team Standing ducted by Panzer' College un-
In one of the hardest fought dergraduates, who are paid
"A" League — Pritchard 211, yard line Dan Weidner threw a Team W. L. Av. H.S.
battles seen on the local" grid- from Recreation Department
MacDougall 213, Marcan- pass to John Macce who con- So. M t 7 2 854.5 956
iron In recent years the Blue funds.
tonio 215, 264, Catullo tinued to the Summit 1 thirty- Taylor Pk .. 7 2 840.2 897
and White eleven dropped a
thrilling 20-13 Suburban Con-
204, Ellwanger 214, 215, five. Another pass failed, and Am. Legion 5 4 834.2 878 The play-periods are held on
ference decision to a surprised
Apgar 223, Johnson 233, Weidner and Haugh cracked Lynches 4 5 852.3 938 Tuesday's and Thursday's, with
GHen Ridge team last Saturday.
Terona 225, Goglia 210, the line for five yards. Weid- Marshails . 4 5 782.5 867 grammar-school age children
Dante 202, Gilmore 212, ner again fired a pass to Macce Alps Rest. . . 3 6 826.8 957 going from 3 to 4, and 7th
Matching the favored Ridg- Oliger 201, LaTourette Y. M. Club 3 6 801.1 888 and 8th graders from 4 to 5:30.
ers point for point the locals who crossed the goal line.
226. New Mlllb'k 3 6 792. 818 With the high school facilities
left the field at half time with In the second period the in use by their own students
the score tied at seven all. Bad "C" League — Tighe 222, Wil- heavier Millburn squad again
son 202, Boslavage 206, Individual Standing for intra-mural and varsity
breaks and two close decisions threatened, Paul Back, speedy athletics, the younger children
« Meyer 222, Gentile 214, Individual G. Av. H.S.
In t h e final half proved to be halfback, gained forty yards on had previously had no oppor-
Miller 211. Marcantonio .. 9 189.1 264
the downfall for Art Nelson's two jaunts around end to place tunity for supervised play.
Business Men's League — Johnson 9 183.4 233
dauntless band of warriors. the ball on the Summit thirty.
Meislnger 200, 212, Trow- A Weidner-Macce pass carried
Dante 9 183. 203 The Panzer students and
Neither team was able to Stleve 6 179.1 204 their schedules follow: Mar-
fashion a score during the bridge 210, Kennard 226. to the ten. On the fourth
ground play Weidner was Pritchard 9 178.8 211 garet Kerrigan—Tuesdays Hid
opening stanza. At one point 600 Series "A" League Thursdays at Hobart Avenue
stopped on the one yard line. Happich 9 178.4 205
Glen Ridge drove to the Mill- Marcantonio 183, 215, 264—662 School. Elberta Mellen—To-
Millburn h a d started another Foley 9 176.7 198
burn fifteen-yard line before Johnson 191, 179, 233 — -603 day's at South Mountain,
threatening drive as the half Apgar 9 176.5 223
the Blue and White defense Oliger 9 174.8 201 Thursday's at Glenwood. Char-
tightened. Near the end of the ended.
and Studwell scored after sev- Lynch 9 174.5 205 lotte Ellman—Tuesday's at Wy-
period Seeley Romaine of the Summit threatened twice dur- oming and Thursday's at Wash-
en bitterly negotiated ground La Tourette .... 9 174. 226
visitors skirted right end for ing the second half. Bob Miles ington.
plays. Ellwanger 9 173.3 215
thirty yards but fumbled after ran to the Millburn twenty-five,
a vicious tackle by George Otto. Millburn is the first team to and a pass from John Pritot to
Doug Leander recovered for score on Glen Ridge, as no

Jim Schaeffer placed the ball
the Blues. one had penetrated beyond the on the two, where the Millburn
"C" League Women s League
Ridgers' thirty yard line be- defense tightened and held.
In the second period Glen
Ridge after receiving a punt fore Saturday's game. Ben Pa- Near the end of t h e game a Team Standing
lubmo completed ten of twen- series of passes from Joe Klelz- Team Standing Team W. L. Av. H.S.
on their forty-five yard stripe
started their big offensive. Run- ty-one aerials but three were men to Bill George carried to Team W. L. Av. H.S. M. Mixers . . 7 2 632.6 703
ning plays by Romaine, Jim Intercepted at crucial moments. Millburn's fifteen but Charles So. M t . .» 6 3 789.1 919 Eagles B 4 622.2 682
Studwell, and John Berdan and Seeley Romaine highly-touted Haugh Intercepted a pass to Lack. Tav. . 6 3 788.3 952 K. Knacks 5 4 587.8 648 J
Studwell's aerial to Frank back of the visitor's was out- end the threat. Effenbees .... 6 3 776.6 844 DubonneU.. 4 5 650.7 676
Leonard carried to the Blues' shone in individual brilliance Parkviews . . 5 4 746.2 799 Int'rnafnata 3 6 595.5 663
The line-up:
twenty. Two more ground plays by Millburn's own fullback, Squaw Hill . 4 5 770. 834 L. Strikes . . 3 6 584.1 619
gained nine yards, and Stud- Millburn — Wlttkop, Mac Sub'rbanltes 3 6 757.2 888
"Jarrin' John" Pritchard.
well tossed to Berdan for the le; St. Clair, O'Brien, It; Wil- Five Aces . 8 6 732.1 801
Tomorrow the squad jour- Individual Standing
score. Leonard place kicked the liams, Franke, lg; Falla, c; Am. Legion 3 8 710.3 768
neys to Caldwell to take on Individual G. Av. H.S.
extra point. Stone, rg; Horton, Clausner, lg;
the charges of "Chief" Bonnel. Individual Standing Evans 9 160.4 222
Marcantonio, Hamberger, re;
It took the Blue and White The line-up: Individual Q. Av. H.8. Sdoscla 9 140.5 178
Back, Miller, Rogers, qb; Weid-
only seven plays to march down Glen Ridge — Leonard, le; Maurer 6 184.4 261 Niendorff 9 139.3 169
ner, lhb; Stleve, r h b ; Haugh,
the field and tie the score. Diercks, It; Watkins, Mortimer, Wilson 9 175.6 202 Helss 9 135. 161
George Otto returned the kick- lg; WJllard, c; Keller, rg; Par- Tighe 9 173.7 222 D. Tighe 9 133.8 147
off to the Rldger's forty-five lin, r t ; Perry, Hoffman, re; Di- Summit — Flers, George, le;
Fitzmaurlce .... 6 170.2 213 Stoeckle 9 133. 16»
yard line. Ben Palumbo passed Miro, qb; Berdan, Corbo, lhb; Nickolian, It; Hamilton, lg;
Meyer 9 167.5 222 Oerardlello .... 6 131.1 155
to Peyton Robertson for nine Studwell, rhb; Romaine, fb. Hendrlckson, c; Everett, rg;
Henderson .... 6 167.2 189 Anderson 9 130.3 176
yards, and John Pritchard Millburn — Robertson, le; Peterson, r t ; Goldstein, re;
Horack 6 167. 195 Renlo 9 129.4 166
cracked center to the visitors' Cattallo, It; Hindenlang, St. Fuhs, Miles, qb; Pretot, lhb;
Mathews 9 162.5 184 Wynn 0 128.8 169
twenty-five. Two more blasts Clair, lg; Leander, c; Henshaw. Jamison Kielzmen, r h b ; Solmo,
fb. Brown 9 162.3 166 Tyriver 9 126.5 153
at the line by Pritchard set Stone, Car done, rg; Lomakin, Clullo 9 160.4 192 Rappaport .... 9 124.3 157
up Palumbo's seven yard pass at: Dey, Macce, re; Lincoln, Clark 9 160.2 201 High Individual Score on A l -
to Bill Dey in the end zone. Wagner, qb; Palumbo, Weidner, OHara 9 159.5 174 leys 1 rnd 2, Evans. 222; A l -
Palumbo's toss to Pritchard was
good for the extra point.
rhb; Otto, lhb; Pritchard, fb. Hallowe'en High Individual Score on Al- leys 3 and 4. Scio«cia 178; A l -
leys 3 and 4, Maurer 261; Al- leys 5 and 6, Evans 180.
The second half opened with Glen Ridge .... 0 7 7 6 — 20
Glen Ridge driving for their Millburn 0 7 6 0—13 Dance leys 5 and 6, Tighe, 222.

second touchdown. Scored by • vrATiiMKNT o r UHHUIHM1II
John Berdan. The Blue and The Recreation Department
Business Metis League .<• (• m i i i, o « "••! i h t e , nuu * • -
White would not give up and
again knotted the count on a Winner Goes will sponsor a Hallowe'en Dance
at the South Mountain School Team S t a n d i n g

i i - ,

, . f ,•

Mli n
, . 1 " i l l !

; l t l > l ,• t > '1

;. lUln
i ' M i , u r n

••' - ' • >


S h u r l

''I I U -
A l l-

march which covered seventy Kymnasium on October 29th. USl U ii |»]

Tram W. L. Av. H.S.

To Penn State
I I ••,,.•.. ,,• | .,. I .• • M l I ' " ' ' •••'•!, •: T . l l

yards. All residents of the Township I-I i m i n . , i •., S ' 6 W' " • Blrvut, 'liliMi iB .
R a c q . Club 8 1 780.3 845 N. . 1 . H a . M " i E, N f t l l b u ' II. N . -' • i
Pritchard again led the at- may attend and admission < dent, i lUhi i itul t o c k h o t * r: D !..
C r u s a d e r s .. 7 2 775. R51 K
tack with his dynamic ground Bill Winner, who has; handled free. iiii'-. Mlllbui n ' i ' " ' • ' < '•'• • ' ' -
T i g h e s E. .. 5 4 756.1 830 - rr., '•• \ ' - . • • ' • kbotd»i ;
forays. At Midfield Palumbo men's and boys' athletics at It will be a costume party W. M i . ; .• i U ipUwood. H, J..
Millers Mkt. 5 4 729.4 310 I .. !, holdei
passed to John Macce for five Taylor Park for the Recreation and games, contests a n d spe- Y o u n g s M. 4 5 730.5 865 K • I . . - I I I I : , • l l . ' l ' l t • ' ' . . 1 1 . 1

yards. Co-Captain Henshaw Department for the past sum- cial features are planned.
', . • i...i.i." i . ho'dln
B e e c h c r o f t . . 3 6 757.1 849 " or more of total (imouol
ripped off tackle to the Ridg- mer, will leave today to enroll • < • • • . ,, . . H I i • • w i 1 1
' " . :
' !
" • " :

ers' forty. Palumbo fired passes N. H a w k s . . 3 6 744.7 811 Trust Co., Kumntit, N. J-
at Penn State University. mer at Taylor Park. C. B . F a r m s 1 3 G91.5 760 • w o r n t o iii'l s o b • i : | >
' ' • • m »
to Otto and Pritchard which thUi fourteenth <lay "t October. 1943.
Bill has been a volunteer The tests were conducted by fl-RED WANNER,
brought the ball to the enemy's Noatry Public.
worker at the Park for several Ben Palumbo, Red Cross in- Standing
years, and upon his graduation structor and Recreation Depart- Individual G. Av. H.S.
Another pass, Palumbo to Ot- from Millburn High School last ment life guard.
to carried to the fifteen. Lin- Meisinger 9 183.4 239
June was employed on a full- The ten who passed are Lois Kannard I ni.2 226
coln ran to the seven, and time basis. Musgrave, Elizabeth Malvossi,
Pritchnrd scored on two line Moses 6 164.1 211
Stella DeClassis, Rose Autullo, Saladinn 9 163.4 188
smashes. An attempted pass Dot Carlton, Joe Catallo, George
for extra point was called back Norman 3 163.2 198
Wagner, John Caffrey, Nick
for Interference, and a line Red Cross Awards Caivano and Robert Raiman.
Walters 3 163.3 183
plunge failed. Pillman 6 163 179
Glen Ridge scored their final Ten Certificates • Lee 9 161. 181
RESULTS in the Recreation Veenstra 9 160.8 195
tally in the final period. Allen
Department's touch football Perkins 9 160.5 201
Covbo led the advance which Ten Millburn boys and girls league, played last Saturday Wyckoff 9 159.7 185
started late in the third frame. have received certificates from are as follows: Yale 14, Prince- Stoeckh 9 158.8 183
From Millburn's forty yard the Red Cross, indicating they ton 7; Army 28, Navy 19. h Individual Score on Al-
strip a pass from Studwell to successfully passed the Red
Berdan covered twenty yards. Cross life-saving tests last sum-
• ; 1 and 2, Sheppard 204; Al-
DON'T BE too eager. leys 9 and 4, Meislnger 239,
manac Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

26 27 28
Morgan; "HEIR9 TO HOV.D." Deanna Durbin, Joseph Cot-
iLim O o t o b t r " - " • " B H > 8 T ""OOT FORWARD," Lurllle Ball,
W urn O»xton, "HARRIOAM 8 KID." Hobby Rwdlck,
Mllllam O»r»an, Octotier 24-28. "MR. I.UCKY," Cary
BVKNT," Ootober M-31). "DBgTOOVBa," "I.ARUENY
WITH MUSIC, October 31-Novarab»r 1.

CASTLE, 1115 Clinton Avenue.

FACF, IT," Bob Hope, Betty Hutton, October 22-23. "THE
FAL.LEN SPARROW," 'ol-;i Gar^iM, Maure.m O'Hare.;
"KATTNKA." Andila KnwUc and' Donald Oa*e. Oo- ••ADVBNTUKE8 OiF A ItOOKIK. • October M-20. "ABOVE AMBRICA.N LEGION — Meets Fourth Tburadajr o : emcb
l**r fi-SO. HUSPIC1ON," "MBWDy PARADE," October 27-30. month. 6 P. M., lleoreation Building, Taylor Hark.
• HERS TO HOLD" Dfanna Durbin, JOBeph Cotten: "TWO
•HOKBT8 TO LONDON," Alan Curtis, Mlchele Morgan, AMERICAN LBQION AUXILIARY — Merit second Tues-
Ootober :il-.\'ovimber S. day of each month, t P. M.. Recreation Building. Taylor

T h • • • tntrtH an
Friday of e&oh month at 7:00 o'clock P. M.

FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. Continental L o d n -


i r i l l l l i at •*••» STANLEY, 983 South Orange Avenue Mnta second and fourth Tuesday of each month, g P. M.
time — kat
"MH. MICKY," Gary Grant, I^rilne Ua.y; "MEXICAN First National Bank Bulldins.
Itrtr PPrTFUWK BliKSSBD KVHJ.-JT," October 22-28, "DE- ITALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION — Meet* the first
8TROTKR," "LARCENY WITH M'JSUC," October 29- No- Tuesday of each month at Maaoofe Hall. Bank Building.
vember 4.
• MILLBURN BRANFORD, 11 Branford Place.
KIWANI8 CLUB — M«»;» a t Chantlelar* every
day noon for luncheon and proerrem.

U-tS. "MR. MJGKT." -Cary Orent, t..*raln« Day; "MHXI- third Friday of each month. 1:10 P. M. at Club House, 189
vor; "HIT THE ICE," Ootober Main Street, Millburn
ult\VAItf>." Luollt* null. William 0a«-
ii.viiltKlAN'H KID." Bobby luuldck. William Q*r. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS — Meets first and thl-<J
^ ^ ^ ^ K t r M-»0. "THK KAN*AN, " "FIRHT COMBS ELIZABETH Thursday of each month. 8:30 P. M., St Rose of Lin*
^ ^ • i O C . " October 11-November I. ~
REGENT, 39 Broad Street. MASONIC CLUB — Meets the first Tuesday of each
* UNION month In the Masonic Club rooms. Bank Bu.ldlnK. Mill!.urn
"LBT'4 FACB IT." Bob Hope, ito-ty Mutton: FALSHI AQB." Ottlxwr 21-27. "HEAVEN CAN WAIT," Dnn HEM'S CLUB — St Stephen's Church — Meets third
FACB8." Stanley »<!•»•, BUI H»nry. October 31-13. "THE Am»ch», <^ne Tlerney; "BOMBERS MOON." Goorga Itlil. >4aj of earn month — 8:16—Parish House. 13& Main
FALLEN SPARROW." John GarfloM, Maureen O'Hara; Monteromery, Annabslla, Ootober 28-N«emtMr 3. Btrtal
TICKETS TO LONDON." Al*n Cunt*. Uiolwle Morgan; nexday of lune. Ortolwr December. February and April si
"HRltt> TO HOLO." Paann* Ddrbln. Joiunh Cotton. Oc- RITZ, 1148 East Jersey Street. the Barberry Corner Tea Boom.
October 31-Novtmt»r I. ••nBSTRQYRR." "THB GOOD FELLOW,' Octobir Jl- MII.I.BIRM BRPI'BLICAN CLUB — Meets the rourtb
J7. "ADVENTURESS OF TARTU," "SV\UNCI SHIFT MAI- Thnrnrtay of each month. 8:00 P. M.
* SUMMIT U S , " October 28-Novemb»r 3.
IIM i n r n v DATXRY ri.I'B — MWIF m the Chanticler
each Tuesday noon for lun'cheon and program.
HK3T FOOT. FORWARD," Lucjjj* te. Ins held third Thursday of each month. Charles Qax-
Octcbar t j - I t i. . Ivy Ti'fraiM-. secretary.

WYOMING ASSOCIATION — - C o u n c i l m e e t e »»oond Tufn-

STRAND i,i ir pach n*)"ntn except J u l y a n d A u g u s t a t 8:30 P M
in Wyomlnv . h i . ii..nse. Linden Street. Arthur Sawyer
;i«rl O u t m , October « - « S . "ADVBNTl.REB
TAXI M1STBR." William B»ndl». Joseph CVVTHOI.IC r>AI*QHTa!R8 — Meets s e c o n d a n j toartk
^ ^ • n r . October l«-tt. MILLBl'RN PWBLIC LIBRARY hours: Monday 10 A. H«*4a| a r k BOMfe. 8 : 3 0 P. M.. S i Buae of Lima
M. to 9 P. M.; Tuesday, Wsdnesday. Thursday, Friday and SriuHii MaN
* MADISON Saturday 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. The Cliildrsn's Department JOCKKT HOLLOW I l K l . n T R I A L C L I ' B — Ma*t« t h ! r a '
will be open trom J P. M. M 6 fc U. dWU U < It a v. . . I , . - rles »' n i l ' i i o n t h . 8 P . M... E i e c i W t t l o n I'.ujltllng
iv. T U B MARINBS." WaJImee Bwry, "Mc- ti P. M. on Saturday. i\. loi P a r t
BReOKLYN." October i t - } ! . "AKHIAL
m l , , Morris. Richard Arlen: "CTIA unm Arxn.iAFiT OF ST ROSV or i.m.vs
1, Judy Oanova, October 14-:». HU1AIITY TREATMENTS FOR THE HOME liy Kay CHI RCH .nents rirsi Mnnday of each month ai a pi listed
Hardy I've, easy, inexpensive, and practical ways to give place to be named at previous ni- .
new befu™ to your homo. Exact information is given on
. m a k e slip cover., drftperle. and reuphol.ter furnt- ORDER 01 ' • :. arttw BUI Cbl :.;er —
* MORRISTOWN ture. .... 11 : •• i n ' . • • • • .• . • i: ameb sscmth. s i \ M .
First Natlos H ..
i •< ,MK AND GET IT by George Martin la a cook book
COMMUNITY, South Street. for UM in out of door fireplaces - and has many help- ORDER O . -• rH >l and rourtb
Ml nuggestlons fur constructing such place.. rhoi : ol "•!• ^ I1 | | Kirat Natlttnal Bank
BARRY WAS A LADT." Luclll* Ball, Red, 8WI- .i:ng.
tber ?J-t7. n WORLD - AND WBLCOMB TO IT," by James
O l ' N C I . I R — Meets

irr,rr , . of the most original and perceptive of \ . • ' . : ' '. , i . . ' : • i • : . i '

. :•' iI,'! i | 1. I -ith 8 P M R u c r e a t l o n

PARK Bu Idlns, Taylor Park.
•.., • • • ! . , . i, c o r a t ! o n . b y t h e a u t h o r .
' KINGDOM FOR A COOK." "FAL«XW IN DAN- TMDMEN OF THK .I'S'I l. _ Meets third Thursday
.. Lonwa*. Je«n BroolM. October 22-23. '''OOfr- „.,1 u .,. H i> to TO BXBRCISB," by Peter J. of each munih. S P. M.. Klrai National Baak Building.
1 AMOvlfT" "SHERLOCK ItOI'MBS FACES ' , ReaiVr. over forty can now turn
Ootober 14-l«. ' "•. . ;, n .. t w n U -two early morning broadcast.
irly n
,,i. i
"•• ° « l llaten i the belief that some day
» Dr. Stelncrohn Is fully
..... .i
iI o u
! i •

... II. !• "

CAMEO l e K" •>•• ' ' ' and
i H e I
Win !'•'•."
I-.. i>, irk.
N'M I,- i.. '«
S FA< foui practlos chap1 ; : | ; ; ;wpi i - Club dinner, stu-ond Saturday «•
vacat!ona and hob-
|l . . I ' 1
•acb month MI 7 P M Oames and entertainment fniin*
, i.. IIIB liromfteld, the atory MKNK N1OHT at Wyomlnj club every Monday nlarbt
Hrlflgfl. Plrnt pong and other games, 8 P. M.
! n
• » * • « ^ « « « »

•,•.: : : i n . •

•: \
* EAS1 -E ">•• • torel|rn

HOLLYWOOD, CentrsI Avsnue at Harrison.

.•. - a s FOOTBALL — Mtllburn a t Caldvre.ll. October 23.
•:;..-,:';a5'.tJ1rtaBpr^.--.^ FOOTBALL — Clifford Scott a t MUlburn, October 30.
Ho» ; «*
* ORANGE , n o '••''•
' ^ " and objectivity n eee..ary
" ,>f,en lacklne In contemporary ac-
2:46 P. M.
' ' " , ,«
« th Pitfa
Pitfalls entirely. John FOOTBALL — MUlburn a t Roselle Park. Novembtr 8,
10 Main Sti ' " " h n ° B ed - A r m / . Libyan »:00 P. M.
: r; s« FOOTBALL — Verona a t Mlllburn. November 13
. . , • • " •• • • " ' • ' •

1 1
B - "One Man> FOOTBALL. — Madison ait Mlllburn, November 28.
:'. •'• V. M .
.nnual Republican dinner and rally, Wed-
nesday, October 27, a t the Chanticler.
' :• i | | . 1 1 o f T o '.. D ••:
* IK :, , ,; i: i...i High School Auditorium, Fridav

SANFOR Avenue at San ford. . .....

. [ 1 :

I P-gc 16 J The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM [ October 2a, 1943 ]

portion of the property will bo

• Classified Ads * ALL KINDS of oarpontry repairs. John
T. WoUtenholme. Telephone 8. O.
Hartshorn Sells m
devoted to garden apartment*
after the war.
3-0856. 2M-6844
"A" GA.3 HATIOKT Book No. I" 546071 F
luiucd lo Charles I.. Chatmran. Find-


wanted — any subject,
Springfield Land THE DISPOSITION of a man
er please return to Millburn Ration any alie, any coniiilmi. Describe *.n<1 The Hartshorn Estate this to return to the scene of his 22-1-BB76 Unusual opportunity for refined price In first letter. Cox 874, Luke
week sold all their real estate folly is well nigh irresistible,
girls with good educational back- Mohawk. New Jersey. 16-4-8(61
EL3ON wrUt watch. !.»« lw-
tween Meekar Place and b'jtr inn field ground. Experienced and also recent
n o o HOUSE, not too small. Call Short
property holdings In Springfield. •
graduates needed.
last Thursday. Call Millburn 6-1499. Hllta 7-29G0-W. 2J-1-6S81 The property, amounting to I THINK it must be con-
2S-1-5685 Ultra modern offices, alr-condltloned,
vacations with pay, low cost cafeteria, SOMEONE to share roast of beef. Will fifty acres, was bought In a ceded that this country now
• CK LEATHER iiockat l>ook near congenial co-workers. n*a»t raro, medium or well done and cash transaction Tuesday by has a good five-cent cigar plus
Fisher1* Hairdressers, ClmtbHm Eoad, divide wltli persons willing to split
Short Hills. Saturday, October 16th Excellent transportation. Buses No. cost -in cash and ration points. Offer Elmer N. Rlnhart, Summit real tax.
n 5:30 a.nd 6 P. M. Llbural re- 70" stop at our office. Lackawanna Is contingent upon ability to ret cut
: i Call Short Hills 7-3289. Station snort distance. Also em- and arrive at mutually satisfactory estate operator. •
22-1-8088 ployee group ride plan. time. Address Oven Honst. care of EVERYBODY is expecti ••'•
Apply at once. Item. 2S-1-6477 The Hartshorn Estate has
GLASSES In leather caw. L»s£ Sat- been a taxpayer in Springfield buy War Bonds to the utmost
i.i.i. October 8th >»[wwii Kinu's C IB A WANTED TO BUY
of his ability.
. i t and Woolworth. Finder Call Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. for the past sixty years. Five
South Orange 2-D689. 22-3-5689 Lafayette Park PLAT TOP DESK, preferably with tin*-
(Junction Morris Ave. & River Rd.) wrlter compartment in renter. Phone years ago they sold the first
•OLINE RATION books A and B Summit, N. J. 8. O. 1-0872. 2J-1-KSH parcel of their holdings* to
1 Bued to Bailey B. Scott, Canue-
Brook Road. Millburn. Finder please ONE iO" OR It" boy1* bloycle. Phone Behnfleld & Kemp, Mlllburn OPA
•• in n to Millburn Ration Board. Short Hills 7-2474-B. 16-J-S«««
28-1-5033 SERVICES OFFERED realtors, who developed Colfax Has Nothing To Say
PEARL BRACELET with diamond WOMAN wishes laundry to t»k« home.
APPRAISERS—ANTIQUES—INTERIORS Manor and Spring Brook Park 110.800. Modern Colonial home. I
We buy and sell antique furniture,
Charms. Heward. Phone Short Hills Curtains, ruffled. Co.ll ell weuk. •liver brlo-a-bra.c. rues. Jewelry, old on the purchased land. onto, 1st floor tevvtorr. * Hied
7-3061-J. 22-1-S88S Mitchell S-B3I3. iJ-3-8867 gold and sliver, palatines, book* and bnths, dlnlnc nook. ..Near Catholic
prints. Art HSxohance. 971 Millburn The deal consummated this Church, bus and trains.
'•«'" OAS RATION Book Issued to A. hi M.|,li> Avenue, IMllburn, N. J. MI «-lT«B. 113, BOO. Wowkreet see lion. 8 rooms,
Eri illl, 103 Mountain View Road. No. KMPLOYMENT AGENCY ITtf-1114 week comprises-14 acres adjoin- 3 bnths, double hulf-iwn
Ration Board.
Firmer return in Millburn
22-1-5690 COOKS. Couples. Naraae. Hou» Work- ing Colfax Manor, and 36 acres An Interwtlnf home in n In fir le-
firs All first claw help with beet FOR BALK cation.
references, Second floor. 1087 Spring-
running from Springfield Cen- For three and ethers—
1I.ACK COCKKR Spaniel Wednesday POT STOVE. Call Sliort Hill* 7-J4I4
1 ns near Millburn center. Very field Avenue, Irvitwton, n e w Centre.
between 9-10 momlnr*. M-I-B67*
ter northwest to the Millburn
friendly anawert to name Nicky. Finrt-
; phone Weutfield 2-4662. S2-1-B881
Phone 'Essex d-6471.
POT DRLL.Y coal heattnc »t«ve. t o n !
line..Some Millburn acreage was Arthur J. Wiley
PIANO TUNINO IS. pipe fittings, 110.00. Call Short Hill* included in the deal, running Realtor and Appraiser
HEXP WANTED FEMALE Good used pianos (or n l e . 7-S016. 11-1-5679 to Mechanic street. ee Main st. MI. s-om m w
Reginald B«loher, Chatham i-2tU Experience — Integrity —
YOUNG WOMAN aa hostess and offlca
worker In Millburn. Pleasant sur- DANIEL MASSIMO. Landscape Garden- BUT liveable, six-room house.
• recently had new roof. Tllo shingles.
According to Mr. Rlnhart, a
1 ilngs. Thlrty-ei»ht hour week. sr, Stone and Cement work. It Churota painted and papered throughout.
:if to Box F caxe Item. 22-1-5683 Street. Millburn t-OJID-M. »-tf-CM) Three bedrooms. HvlneT room, dining
room, modem kitchen, dry cellar.
Deloo oil heat, consumption of oil
HKLP WANTED •mall, easy to beat. 2 oar (a rat*.
Realty In splendid condition Inside
and out. Mlllburn 6-0(61-W. 12-1-6680
American Type Founders Inc. YOUTH'S BSD. maple, with detachable Want the Boys Back Sooner
•die boards, steel sprlns unit mat-
trees. Like new. CaJi 3. O. M i l l .
Needs Learners At Once 18 Edzewood terrace. 21-1-6674 Hyatt Needs You! All Types of Jobs!
BOY'S COLUMBIA bicycle. Call Mill-
burn «-0»»0-W. 11-1-SI73

Become a "Soldier of Production" THREK-I'lECK (Ilnlnjf room **t.

blnet, quartered oak, leaded clius
front, inllrror back. Klaaa shelves.


and Be Paid well while learning Telephone Millburn (1-0003-J, IS Main
street. 22-3-6611
PLAT PEN, scale, cbmblne-tlon radio
to become a milling machine and clock. Phone Mlllburn «-04«S. * MACHINE OPERATORS

or Lathe Operator DAVENPORT In cood condition, 111.00:

eplnet desk, tlS.OOi walnut onest of
* CLEIfl^
Do not apply If presently engaged In tfar work • Kmploymenl Office open, 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Mondays
unless released by present employer through Saturdays. Availability statement required.
or the War Manpower Commission MONDAY, OOTOUKJR 3JMl — S to 10
P. M. at 43 ChMtnut street. Wyomln«—
iployment office open dally 8 AM.-6 P.M. — Saturday to 3 PM. Dlnlnr room m*lt*; 4x13 Wilton run
a with protective mat; 2 bureaus; old *
lee box; kitchen cabinet; table; pot
Good Pay — Overtime — Good working conditions utove; fibre rug and other house-


hold articles.
specifications. For prompt service and
low prices oonsult The Mlllburn A
200 Elmora Ave., Elizabeth Short Hills Item, S i t Main Street.
Mlllburn. Telephone Klllborn 8-1*09. Fourth Sireet Harrison, N. J.
1 : Raritan Road Clark Township, N. J.
' I i HJCTRiC mtrlierator, t
••tt, recent model In perfeot
condition, 1150.00. Short Hills 7-3470. K a s y to roach. T a k e bua 40 which c o n n e c t s w i t h all N«warli "
18-M81T llnefc. dr, D., L. and W. to Harrison. Or, H. and M. tube* t., li m l , »
P l a n t 1B opposite ml" Mation.
tion. Price reasonable. Call after 6:00 • :, roach. T a k e bua ns from E l i s a b e t h . Take but :• I I
P. M. Mlllburn 8-083»-J. 1B-3-B6B0 Woodl , 'iHi Amboy, R a h w a y and W . N I I L M .
STEADY WORK BATHBNETTE. in «ood condition and
folding coach in f*.lT condition. Call
Short Hills 7-1(31. 8-S-B836
SEVEN ROOM house In Springfield. En-
AND AN closed porch. L&raw baok yard. Near
bua lines. Economical ooal heat. Ask-
ing «4600. C»ll Mlirburn 6-1200.

OPPORTUNITY HOME). 7 rooms. S baths — sleepinc

, h — Meam heat — 1 car i t r s i t .
Morris Avenue and Wayside, Short
HIIIS. Plot aomoo — »>,ooo. MUI-
TO LEARN A TRADE burn Bulldlnc and Ix>an AMOctatlsn.
Persons In war work or essential activities not considered
without statement of availability.
I r o n i z e d Yeast i-oosi/e 60Tablets 5 9 c
FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT Facial Tissues 200 t
Proof of Your Place of Birth Required. AND COURTEOUS SERVICE
' l
I L y O l l ' s Tooth Powder Limit "t 2 50c si/e
Apply Monday to Saturday—1:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.
FEDERAL US. 9M BUYERS FOR THE Limit of 2 5 0 c Tube or Jar J


Salt Wheh.n Week 5 lbs. 17^
LINCOLN HIGHWAY, KEARNY, N. J., OR FRANK CREGER S.O. 2-7575 Phillipg'Milk of Mag.Tah.25es: 30 for 13'
DREMUS AVF. AND PORT STREET, PORT NEWARK, N. J. Millburn Ave. cor. Wyoming
Hill's Cold Tablets 1.1
Apply to U. S. Employment Service Office On Our Premises. FOR RENT Csi/c
BUR NO. 4 Direct from Pennsylvania Station In Newark N J " ' 05 W O l a with kttohi I I Doan's Kidney Pills 75 40 *
to Port Newark Tards. leg) . near 72 bus and 0 I * W.
'i ihort 7-2815-J after 7 P.
DIRKCT TRAIN SERVICE to both yards at starting and quit-
ting times (day shift only to Port Newark) via Central Rail-
• , . . , .


8 I
road of New Jersey—Broad St., Ferry St., and Rast Ferry St.
111 , : ••.•••
(Inurd Kvrrjr Nifht It tOlOO P. M.
Or! i !• I •'. 111ITME
. LI [te


INTERVIEWS 8:30 A. M. TO 5 P. M. •'I D»hydr».t«i-. Write WALKS J1ORNCT

8-3-6838 • 843 Millburn Ave. Millburn

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