When Heaven Called Back

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Chapter 1

It saved all of our lives! A few weeks ago I began to pay particular attention to the
things of the spirit. I realized that there was some kind of a curse or some kind of a spell
being cast over my house and my family. Strange events were happening and it didnt
make any sense at first, but as it continued, I knew I was in a battle with the evil one and
I needed supernatural helpfast. Ive fought and won many spiritual battles before, but
nothing to the likes of this. I WAS UP AGAINST A GIANT! And I needed God Most
High to come quickly and to bring His army with Him.
I was overwhelmed with the spirit of fear so much so, that I couldnt sleep at night, and
didnt have any peace during the day. I would just lay down in the bed weeping and
praying for Gods blessing and protection for me and my family. My appetite was fading
and though I tried, I could not eat a thing. I would always think about my father and how
he loved, protected and comforted me whenever I needed it. I could just feel his arms
around me and remembered how wonderful that feeling was. Theres nothing else in the
world like it. A fathers love.
Well I talked with the Holy Spirit and asked Him what shall I do? and He instructed
me to get a bottle of oil from the store the next time I go there. So I did. I bought two
bottles of oil and anointed them in the name of Jesus the Christ and poured them onto the
sidewalk outside and all over the entire area, beginning at the front door, the gate, and the
windows, the mailbox and the parking spaces. I spoke the 91st Psalms as I done this
religious ceremony and believed God for a divine intervention. I began to call Michael,
the Archangel and his army. Come Holy Spirit and bring Michael the Archangel with
you, I need help now! I was so afraid and shaken to the core, but I knew I had to be
obedient to the Lord and do my part also in winning this battle.
I had to restore faith in my spirit again, trust all of Heaven to hear my prayers and know
that help is on the way. And I still felt alone many times after that. I constantly cried out
loud Oh God, please help me come now fix this situation make it go away why
is this happening to me? Ive been a good Christian and lived like the bible saysso
how did I get here? Then the Holy Spirit said to me fast and pray So I did for three
days and I continued to wait on the Lord. And nothing changed. I was a nervous mess. I
thought God wasnt hearing me.

Chapter 2

On a Sunday evening I picked up my phone, and decided to look up my churchs

website. I needed to see my pastors face. A familiar kindred spirit of whom Ive sat
under the leadership for many years. A minister that is true to Gods word and does not
bend or compromise. I am so privileged to be a member of this great church that started

in New Orleans, Louisiana. I joined that great movement in the nineteen eighties and it
was the smartest thing Ive done with my life. To God be the glory! Its so dear to me that
I get very emotional just talking about it. (Im tearing up now). Anyway, I gazed at the
photo of him and his beautiful wife and read just a little bit of the story on the cover page,
because its overwhelming.
A city of refuge thats what his father, Senior Pastor Charles Green use to say when
describing the sanctuary each time the congregation came in, and I absolutely adored
hearing that. I knew it was a safe place for me and my kids. And besides I liked the folks
there, they were nice, warm and real, just like family. Yep, that church had everything and
God was pleased. And the anointing continues at their new location in Metairie,
Louisiana the LifeGate Church. While I was staring at the picture of my Pastors, I
thought that I should at the least call and leave my prayer request on the voicemail. It
gave me comfort in doing so. Then I just laid there in bed weeping with fear until I went
to sleep.
The next day, Monday afternoon my phone ranged I heard it but I was busy getting
ready to go to the supermarket, and suddenly I stopped whatever it was that I was doing,
and picked up the phone and dialed the number on it. (Silly me I didnt recognize the
number, duh!) Hi, did you just call? I said to the person on the other end. Yes, I did
He answered. Who is this? I asked. Its Pastor Michael Green when he announced
who he was, I almost fainted. OH MY GOD! is all I could say. He actually called me!
Preachers dont do that, they are very busy people. Their schedules and itineraries are all
over the place. Most of them have to clear their calendars just to spend time with their
families. And he actually called me! OH MY GOD! Heaven called me back!
Here I was on the phone talking with my Pastor from New Orleans. Hi Kertranka, did
you get my message? I left a prayer for you on your voicemail Pastor Michael Green
said to me. No, I just dialed the number on the phone I said. Be sure to listen to the
message, I prayed a prayer of blessings for your family he continued. Sure, I am going
to do that I replied. I asked about his wife and kids, his parents (whom I love so much).
These folks are extremely dear to me. They have been an important structure in my life. I
still stand because of what was taught to me years ago. The Bible. We talked for a little
while and I was sure to let him know how much I love his ministry and family. He told
me to look on their website and see what events are going on and to keep in touch. He
was very kind to me.

Chapter 3

I felt the Holy Spirit comfort me as my wonderful pastor was talking over the phone.
It was so emotional I dont know if he heard it, but I began to cry as I spoke with him. It
was the most single important phone call of my life. One I would cherish forever. God

heard my prayers and Heaven called me back. God also sent the Archangel Michael with
all of his army, just as I asked Him to, and now I know that my help is here. To God be
the Glory! So Im going to keep believing that this evil situation is over, and we are safe
and God has moved it away from me and my family, in Jesus name, amen
I listen to My Pastors prayer quite often, because it gives me confidence in my faith.
And its always good to hear a friendly voice. Oh yeah, and one more thing. My Pastor
spoke that God sends His Holy Spirit over here in Richardson, Texas to meet our needs.
Thanks. Im going to share this story forever Heaven called me back!


I was able to sleep again
I now have peace again,
I was not afraid
And spoke the things my Pastor said.

I dedicate this little book to my wonderful amazing Pastor Michael Green, his family and
ministry, who I love and pray for daily yep, I never stopped either.

To all my readers
God bless and prosper,

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