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FINAL FIRE REPORT ‘BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SuRVICH Honsoanen RD. Non 85 ‘mer Line Jarred” Right of Way cause; R008 fron sngulaboy on. euabrgcblah & Glashna Ch AN Protble O ponee Sele by Tasting. i resell et Cp, ha A aad Teton EE ele ae reso O82 35. = windeor Gonatsghson Pattie [Ss bo Bet oxnee aoi'd apt lnscoed = =. 8 BNR Feld Popeengol com ate eee Peete Vie Uh seh TUL aLnieat (yea 6908 * ora eee ganache! cee ‘Muon aisseel ast Tamited Gproab fake cca ene ee aoe ee ae gp eg ea eee ear ra {DAMAGE oor $00,782); ue page #2 eae One Me ag Ms ay aay a ee SaracRIny we Gm eomanse gf GY oe caltand NO a a ate UM a emer Ssedeeng eee Thloor Consastien 9G) tea. ""Osninenta.of aren. ~ Section 120 of "Foreat het er eee Pach Aly, — coms DISTRICE FORDSTER'S RECOMMENDATIONS: Conca J f(a geseane) VICTORIA Usa ost: Lede Ree, AR EY Cate Compe thie page for al ees (1) Not conte by 10 sa. of dy falling discovery, 2) Over $800 wut cons, } G) Over $500 toa dager, SIZE (und 1 exe, estinate to netet Yo: wo “ACCRSSIDILITY: (eatet ile) from 2 ‘CONDITIONS AT DISCOVERY: FIRELINE CONSTRUCTION: Wind¥00.___. Blevatlon 3004. H Slope (%) 50. Bxporure Southerly |—__tarcenied ope Hisgh a = Ground cover_Sxaahon, Ele. lids Old Stach Danger roing-edaval. Fitgh.= Extrouo ewes: = TEaTS aes ae ech" bed | ros vue ted 10, 009.0, ft. on mo |b |S an Ei and reset yoyas fot Tease F whe [Reproduction ‘FG (natural) | 38 | ate | sem <— wee sais ne | Non-somrsereil corer. Pee ocean] ia laters rn tk cama 7 igo ee | ee —_____{rayatty,fs12ing-| Profits | 13S.bateu.t, |_R/iL_¥4D on Logetng ronda & buokine eaata) | cit, | apewaesis sonia —|+-bS0ay atnnermeee eons Rang, oe.—_Tovedne Toad Olutan Bridga($30,000) Culverts(150Q1_ 31.4500. ae Le Be MacMillan Bloedel Faure: cited during appeal ruling ‘The B.C, Appeal Cour suled Davey reduced this (937% for $094,400 of the more than ‘Tuesday that NoeMlilan Bloc-- per cent Elion tin dat iaied fo thke acon to ect "They" ruled that Roy'Dayid “Hydro, represented by iis fosses na ulllondoliar Adams, a Master employed ty . Alan MeBachern, argued hat forest fire and relaered ity Windsor” Conetrustion “G9t2) the clan for sup rot damage demnoge.catm to the BC, Sie Tidy also war 27% pr conto Was. inaeriaily increased be- frome Count registrar for as-| ait abd that Windsor wes cause the timber. compan Tenement earibuly responsible for le falled to remove the timber in “Tw ‘Appeal Couct judges emoloyee ‘reasonable time. ‘also refused to allow the for- Mr. Justice A. E, Branca ‘The Appeal Court ruled that oat company's clam of $198. Asehted “from the: majority. complacency induced by sb; Si Gorvieling snags mal ve, and. would have rep Bray sence of visible sap rot snd 21 for, falling 230 oT; don of respensely. ilepated savings from the = Tn ‘the: Appeel Coue$idg- eotileion ‘of one rad, ted to tees were dean - eit the two men were fn & slourdown of wil road. eon : le ‘E < negligent for falling to move . struction and logging in the ih an appent by Bede Hts of sock io safe boaed ates. Air Jstce und Foyer Authority, Bas “BE, piece of tock on safe tvart avted that before the Van Horne and Alex Bray fora and Soforebiating them, fire wes" under coat, tho agtioat aB.C. Supreme Court Recording’ to evldenes the timber Gem was planing how vad of $121,659 to Mac ache “Wag supported {o salvage timber and hed e- Ian Bloedel, The award arose Fire, \itwouellaround neasiy Visod al0-year plan to do so. from fire Aust 36, 187, Stumps and those Wero sel “Had the plan been adhered ‘which damaged 6400 aeres Of fire when the conductor was 0, it is clear that a substan Umber. fnowed ‘om tic'pele and til potion of the damaged Hydro and ts employes Van four charger of letrcy,,imbor. would have been ro Horne ‘were held 6 pep cent “each generating emendoug moved by the ead of 1089 jresponsible for. the blaze, eat iom approximately 3. with only x relatively small aused yen blasting kaocked “milion wattsy'went nto the volime. to Be removed Jn tho a'ecndjetor froma Hydro ground in hazardous forest yest 13 tranemlasion pole at the west . fire weather. "IE that had beon done the fend of Sproat Take on Vane The. fire burned from Aue claim for damage by sap tot ‘couver Talat. ‘gust unlit easly. September would have been. materially ‘yates the. Appeal ‘Couit std the Appeal Cowrtjuiges edu," he 5 jude idee eellgene for. found. that faire to build ‘He said he would allow the Judes seidcyne monlgent for. Toots and log the harged aves appeal, insofar as i rates to fala o eenertna the revenge. damage enused by _ tho falure of MacXilan Bice Pec hang and woe ear: | #8B 0 Get to miligsle ty damages, jously . responsible for Van is ‘and would refer the matter to ously, response for Van uatter “how miley tinbet the Tegistat™ to deter Horne's uoeience in felling ap removed seme damage vhat the sep s0t Toss would fo, asta insulelors 8 GY Youd be case by sap rot havo. Doon fad the sear sites Cat supoored He ut fa ths ease acounted Togeing plan boon atsed ot Tower pol, fer stating the” “eee eee Mri erry eecteiely tothe imps, for leaving orcs we iy sonata te Tadgmont sid that do. energhing he. wire. would have been one step that would have ‘prevented oss oveir- tng raven, “a department of grays employes supervs- ing the, art. Alera oti Hichway,Snprovement peo) tty et boom eld 35 per cet Seshonsile inthe Ba St Dreme Court Judgment Shu Appeal Cour Jastses sD, Taggat and HM Date (end hour August 16, 1967 od inode 50 hours ! a No iNAL FIRE REPORT Nop SEB. SEPARATE HISTORY 1a conse frm, hve fusheraporopite Information periining to the fre. Give bret penne progres of e-igling in lly cocloges order and by hour whee eppsabs), noting meltods ted, fre tebsiou, dius wet wih, et, Make ary sumac fda fr tabiae form ©, lly ‘ol men and eghpmsnt used, weathee dat If receded atthe fi, Foret Offers nes on Me, el Altech copie of any writen Isirvetions, boring pera, ele, pestaning fo the fie. State any oval ebervtions or econendaoos you wish to mete. Solephone col revolved from the Dopartuant of iigheaye (dour iowse), Alboral, reporting # fire on the Tofino bite Road right of way, west of ‘the Taylor nivor brid ‘ho Departannt of HMgweye ated thatthe fice had bon caused ty 0 ponur ne wkch ha broken from Masting Wy the read conatristion grows. Tse report of a bokeh pote Lina Iatar proved to be Sncorrecte Apparently the gener poe at the atte of the fire had been Jarred or struck by svek from the Uasty chloe one poner Iine to Brook frve froa the dnaulaiony falieg aoross a guy Linas be te power pole mts Bud to both eldas of the right of way, Uw eleetele aurent pureed down Doth gy 1snoty eadbing ona sor £048 oh ah aide of tha suk of ways Fos information obtained Lntar, Wh fires soul of the Tofine Haina ‘nd acrooa Sutton Greok wore extn dy tho road construction eres The five or fren north of tho Tofino Hgimay were apparently not noticed for a period of tras Tw hdatory Of aveuta fottoning tho outbrusk of to Fire until tne arrival of the Forvst Service ts very vagwos Ve havo boon une to obtain ary definite tnforeation for thia poriod of ‘xo, to our oatiafaation, sb litre and orur Authority advice that thety rveords slow the Antttel pover fetture occarod at 2hi27 hours (Peotfle Daylight se)s They ‘149 adulon thot the Line wal be re-onenciee’ by autoastte relays after the power would bo cut off for tho vecond tee £ the short ofzoutt wan ati21 Jn the Lina, he AnLeseh fasnure, and iro conditions im tha Taylor River arva apparently wore extromly hasandous. Stamp Lookout voathur readings at 26100 hours worot tuadity 26, Fuel Moisture Sticks 545, Tempertury 90, find Si 7, Drow Index 20) Danger index 12, Tala Lookout 40 located 12} uilon oast of the origin of tho fire oy Page 2 Fico namne__TAY_ RINAL FIRB REPORT Wo SE SEPARATE HISTORY (7) _ Weeonce fou, gle trther appropiate Infouniton pecélaing t tho Gee. Give bet pertinent Date (end howe) USL hours 125100 houre 15105 hours progress of fre-htng In daly elvonloglal cxder (end by hove where applcale), noing methods ‘ed fie bebiviou, dilutes met with, et. Mako any sume of data In abuts form; eg. daly tally of men and eqtpment wie, weather dats If recorded a he fe, Foret Ofer’ nee on fir, ee ‘Atech copie of ery writen instructions, burning perms, ele, petaning fo the fre, SLs any sneral bsarvation or recommendaons you wh o make ‘born Lookout wonthor roalings at 16100 hours woret tualtty 2 iol Motatuve Sticks hify Tomperature 2, Kind $20, Drought Index 25, Benger Tndos 13. ‘Tide LeokGue 40 Located 26 silus eave of te’ fira origin Sprout lake Division, Wickil1an Blowdel Linkted, nesthur station (aoar stasp taokout) woathor reatlnge at 16100 houre wares inLdsty 205 Pus) okature Sticke (elash) $5 (tuber) 7 Tosperature 12, Mint G12. Tie station 49 located 13 niles east of fifo origins Goqyany hazard rating on this dato was lis Norwal elogure line tu 75+ Road Construction rex conststed,oft Departsant of Miyomaye pervonnel ~ $ indoor Consteuetion (1962) Ltd, ~ 25 mon, 2 Saitteare cate, 3 erumdeay 3 dunp trucks, 2 Loading shove 2 comprestory sd 1 rocker ‘The Doparteont of Mghayy asvievs Uo above eogany oquipasnt was Introd on an hourly basse Fire roported by Hangar lsloy to Ws Gray, Plre harden of Sproat Lake Division, Helf2an tosdel Linktod, 40 the Tofino Publte Noad pavose through trea Fam Theeneo 21s Requested Forust Induptrtea Flying Yankure Lids to bo alorteds Assttant Tanger Aslgeant and teo Foreat Protection Asstatanta aod herd tools oputohed to fire area xith purpy hos Instructed Gs Jorgonaon, Project Suparvisor of Sproat Lake Division, to authorize use of late alrersft on fires ire donyenson advised punpsy ho ‘and wen etopatehed to fires Firat wator drop on fire by lava aireraft LL, Rerly action by Mare afroraft was due to the fact that the airorast way taxiing for take-off at the tina fire roport recetveds aay : Fie name, Page 3 PINAL FIRE REPORT Now SEPARATE HISTORY In cone fmm, gt farther appropiate locaton persung to the fee. lve brit petdnent ogres of -nlng, in dally, ceencogea order (and by hour whece aplcale), noting methods ed, fee behavou, dues set with, et Make any eunimaties of dat la taulat form, eg daly taly‘of men and equipment used, weather dna recorded at tho Gt, Forest Otcer mes on fire, le ‘tach copie of any vrten lsractons, bning perm, el, petainlng To tho Be. Slate sy Dato (oud hour) genera aberrations or recommendations yu wih fo make, sia Regarding the Initio drope of tio Uars alreratt, wo were told that tho Strat drop steged the fire completoly, tho soeond drop partially hit ‘the f1ro, and the force of the wind frou the Beccnd drop scattered the fire over a eonaidorebie arene 5S hours Ditls Oren, “Protection Officer, Vancouver, notified of action taken 28210 houra Acstatant Nanger'A. Atlgaard and one Forest Protection Asstatant arrive ab fre, Size at tis tine = axproxinately 7 acruss Fire burning hots wars noted, dropping on fire arva when wen arrived, Wind W1S+ Wo aotton on the {re by tho road construction cron ai tie tine as ore wore xoving oquipsent to safer areas. 25180 houre Maro alrorart GP-Lvi roturnud to Lana’ duo to ovustuating of enginds This ovortwating wes cavaod Uy existing high air tesperature at tine of soblons By this tine three drops had buen made by the ares kinduor Construction orew and 3 dapartwont of igtmaye personnel put‘on fires ‘ Forvot Protection Asstatant ani 6 Windsor mon ert on weet flank of fre te consimct handeguards 116100 houre Pusp ond hose arrive at fire with gaeond Forust Protection AgoLutants Spot fixe noticed on eaut aide of Tofino Mighnay nour Taylor River bridges 16105 hours ire puep ast up An Taylor iver noer Taylor bridge with cue Forest Protection Assistant and 2 Mndeor mene 2 Departsont of ligwaye won Lute patrolling rund fer rolling ozs and rooks 16410 hours Increase An wind to uot 25 slog par hour causing severe spotting aouth of Taylor River, Second lara hoster, LIK, uakos one drop, Unatle to tof bridge, as far a0 1,000 fost An advence of Fires curtain at tite tino tie LoosLity of drops ThLe hoster (GPHLIK) hed to rotam to baeo at 16x25 due to mvctunteed disriouttions 116120 hours Moore pumps and aon ordered 16130 hours | "Fire epresding reptdly easteend, being pualidd by strong wost winds Dua to heavy oooke and leave pump ane won witidrein on east flank, Taylor ivor bridgo in dangor of burnings Date (and ow) 261LS houra 16150 hours TAS hows 17:25 houra 27H0 hours. 27s hours 18100 hours 16110 hoare 118120 hours Fre nema AE FINAL FIRE REPORT Nona SEPARATE HISTORY In conche form, gve farther appropriate Information rrting tothe fe, Give brief pertinent progr of feign, In dally chonoogea oder (and by houe where applicable) ning methods Ud, behavior, dienes set wih, et, Make ay euaris of daft tabula forms ey dly of men and equipment used, weather dia recorded atthe Se, Pret Ofer meson Ae ‘Auch copies of any water instcustons, baring pez, ete, petalnag to the Be. Sato say noel observation of recommendations you wie to nek Bind Dog roports atzs of fire at $0 acres plus, on arrival at fire ith canso 34 ‘wo qiditionsl pusps end hose dlepetehud to fire from Nanger Stations (Gonse to box wort ond saute odges of fires Forest Protection Ai tant arrives with nore panpa aid hoves 3 Macon Mowdel Lids wan arrive with tanker tiucks isd Dog reports that fire eaut of Taylér River tridye ond souta of ‘Tofino Highway 48 burning out of eontrelé Spot fire notteed near top of the northwest lene Pusps and cron of 9°(3 Maoiiten Mlocdal Litday $ Rindaor Construction, Btdsy and 1 Forest Protection Assistant) atteqpting to gave north olde of bigivay approxtsately § milo east of Toylor River bridyos Congo unable to bord north aide of road dua to tho hoavy amka covers South side of fire burning and evonning = 1 HactiMlan Uicedol Ltd fire bruck in Us areas Mars boabor IAK taking off for ascond Light} fret drop extimated at 17480 howe. Ganao 3 lands on Lekes Bind Dog precueding to Mbsmt because of ‘afr congestion over fires woo Wacken Meade Le Komedy take Divieton, ores of 60 con arrive at woot flank of Siro with 2 slipon tankss Fire on northvost ridge burning floresly 4n all disvetions and hes bumt south to te Tofine Htghsay. Hiro roported to be out of control and buming worth aeroee Brunch 505. 6 fone withdrayn due to extrove hazard ‘ALL pon and equipesint on fron fru. Fire eroing on both gidos of Tofino filyimay. ln’ phoking up to approainately LO mllus per hour fron woste lara boubor LEK in faction on the prugent northeast fans me Ort Fle pane. FINAL FIRE REPORT Non ARE pee 5 SEPARATE HISTORY Jn conc form, see futher appoptiotlalormatin pesiining to the re. Give Wet gstnnt ropes of ie-Sphng, tn dally ehrnotoglest ender (and by hoe were appieable), noting tathade Sod, fe bhsioue,dileties met wit, ele, Make any surtmare of data absar form; eg, dally tally of men and equipment ved, weather dst If recoded ot the fe, Foret Offset tes on fie, ee ‘Atech copies of any writen Tastoeons, burning ptm, ete, pectsnng tothe fe. Sate any Date (end hour) gsneialobsretions or recommendations you wish fo mck 18150 hours Mars bosbor LYL taking off for socom flight over fire. Sovon drops made on north edge of fire to feotlitate removal of equipaent from Branch 00D. Yast drop nade ub 19130 hoarse 19110 hours en Heli, Ing Production anager of MaclI1an Moods] Id. reports | from cospany Dini Dog thats (a) Fire witnin 1 afte of wost end of Sproat Lake (0) Fire burning oo both-elden of valley heading oast (6) more yng danger that tho fire wold epvoad dom both video of Sproat Takis 20100 hours Piro hag nowt reuchod Diane £00,-appraxteatoly 3p wiles oast of the fire ortgin. Anpraxtzately (0 Company’ won fru MacWWilin Dioedol Tey ‘Sproat lake Diviston, arrive ab fire aroay flank puted bask to Taylor og dispe 21100 hors ‘otal daricmos haapors ary attorpts to ascertain extant of fire. 20130 hours | 12 zon on . Protection for Taylor og dusp oot up. Approximately 30 mon on night ehtft August 16th and 17th for moving of oguipsant from Sproat lake Divioton. Yannoty Divieton eto¥e constructing eat gun! elong woot flank all nights ‘ The balance of thts nlght wav: spt organising erors an aqui pont {for action on the fottoving eave 23100 hora Tin the axcoption of the nest flenky very RLLtLe affective ation posstulo on thte day due to tha rapid aprvad and tho heat Of the fire Mie fire hod burned to the houd of Taylor Arty Sproat Lake, but now owed oonvtdorably because of nights ‘taylor River bridge destroyads Tofino-Klbomd lilghway closed to traffic for fear of injuries to travelling public by hoavy equipzant on oad and fear of fra *bloxing-ap again. ‘TOTAL! NUMMER OF PORISY SERUIUS UN! ON PAYROLL THTS DATE, 57 Fico nemo_TAL nee PINAL BIRB REPORT Nou SBI SEPARATE HISTORY (25 __ treoncla fom, sive father appropiate ifoation persang 10 the fie, iv bet pertinent progress of fie Sighting, tn dally chronological order (and by howe whee agplcale), noting methods ‘ed re behviour, cals wt with le. Make any summaries ot dats fa tabla frm; eg daly ‘aly of men and eglpment used, weather data If rcorded at the Sie, Foret Offers meson fe, le ‘tach copies of any writen inseatios,beeving pers, ee, pevaning fo the Bo. ‘Stale soy Date (aid howe) general obzervatlons or recommendalons you with to mak. suguot 27, 1967] (01100 noure 1 Yosdor and 1 yarder and 2 rig-up untt removed from Branch $0SD. 08100 houre Meeting with Ucoli2en Wood! tds porsonnel. at Sproat Lako Divieka hoadgirtore to dtocuse plan of actious Prasont at tate necting: Gitte Svorre = Divitonal Logging Engineory Sproat Lake bivielon Dy adelitto = chtef Fire Provontion Officer Ds Watts Cader Protection Officer Dalle furner = Managers logging operations Gon He11 ~ Wanayor, log production, Hogion 2 Ke Ley = Rongor, Ranger Dlatriet 25 J.De Hatley ~ Protoction Officory Dri tish Columbia ‘ Forest Sorvies Bstinated atxe of fLre = 3,000 acros Senoral_Gontyol Flan . (2), Hand guard to ba constricted along fire edge at Usclons Greck * outh of Sproat Lake (2) Branch 22 to bo ‘extended onto top of ridgo boteeen Sproat and Groat Central Laks foy acoas aid fire sontrol. () Ganstruction of eat guanda from Branch 500 to top af ridyo went oft, Porters (4)- Construction of est quarda slong west flank of fre fron Toflne Highways ) Construction of cnt guards at Two Rivers Are and Antlor ond Snow Groekas (5) Pop to be ant up at various Takes nt anamps on Haye top north (OB ginase aeemamaed 05100 houre Alle shift marshalled at Sproat Lake sorshelling yards 06100 hours Very heavy ssoke Layer covering entire fire ava down tp 900 foot olovation. Unable to dotoruino,extont of fire on ridges 06015 houra Fire gonerally filta atl ecctlonss Gate’ conatmicting guards along at Clank from Tofino Highway to Branch $054 60 son, 2 cates and 2 slip-on tanks from Kennody Laks Divioion at £irvs 11 eat comenoing construction of accous rom frou Branch $00 enroute ‘9 Doran Lake woe ‘eer Pace 7 06115 houra 07400 hours 30100 hours 12100 hours 13130 houre Fro name+_ TAY. se FINAL FIRE REPORT No. ‘ SEPARATE HISTORY In conc frm, pve farther appropiate Information pstling tothe Ase. Give tie ptnent progtes of reign, In daly enlopeal order (ant by Hour where applcble, nating methods Used, do behaviour, diteutes Het With es. Make ny summa of data le tabular ory. dally tally ‘of men aed equipment ves, weather dia recorded a thoi, Forest OMe seo i, et Attch copies of any van inscyton, burning permits, ee peraning to the re. State any general obiervalos oc recomendations you with fo make .h eais opontng guarde north of Tofino Highway Sotwoen Branch $20 ‘and Hranoh 00 on aust flank of free Cats barged serves Tro Nivore Ans to coumonse construction of guard on south aldo of Sproat Iakos Attansion of Branch 307 to Link ith giants Comonoauant of hand guard up Useless Crock on acuthoast flak 40 pon ond 2 punpe in thie areas Commoncosant of extension fro Dranch 22 up to ridge top butxean Sproat and Groat Contral, Lakos. siLtpeon tankors pusplng on all aceosoible Menke, Ganeo 3 and tint Dog wnuble to operate dis to heavy sxokes Ute lytro crews repatring transmission Line to Hout Couste Reconnateance of fire attanpted by Nangor K. Waloy and Js ustloy, Protection Offieur, in Hleltoopter OFC, Uhauscasafid dua to heavy exoko Layur down to $00 foot Level, Wind ight coutorly. Dopartsont of Ilighwayy ecammnoed eonatrustion of qulvert sores Teylor Rivers Mating Uetwoon MaclLLlen Movdel Lids and Furost Sarvice to discuss Fesponsihiiity of partive concerned on the Cire. txbers provants Maoutitun ioater Lite ie Had = ‘Produotion Uanager Rogion Z Ds mdolifte ~ tof Fixe Prevention Offteor, Woods Del, Barner ~ anager Logesng Oporations Fats Garsison =" anayor Englneering & Development ads Poroon = anager Forestry Operations Fills Hatghtour = Supervisor Forsstry Operations D, Watts = Gilet Protection Officer WR, Ghighoin~ ——anttant Vico Prosidant & Gonaral anager alt, Svorre = Divietonal Engineer (Sproat Lake Division) ‘eres “ie Pogo 8 Dato (ond ou 16100 hones 117130 hour 217135 hours 18100 hours ONAL, PRB REPORT SEPARATE HISTORY 1a concho fom, gre futher appropriate information petiing tothe fis, lve bie pecnent progress of fire-fighting, In daly shronolopet order (and by hour where applicable), nosing ietiods ‘ied ee behiviour, dis met wih te. Moko any summa of dat in taba fore dally ‘aly of men and eqlpnen wed, weather dat if ecordel mde Be, Forest Ofc’ times on fi 6. ‘Altech copies of any witen Instructions, tarnng permits te, poctelning to the fie. Stale any seseal obcrvation or recommends ors youth to make. Bovout Sov Habe Fore = District Forester Dalle Oven = ‘Onset Protection Officer Jee Batley = Protoction Officer Ke tinloy = Rongors Fanger Diotrict 25 Discussion of the following pointa ab the meetingt (a) Five fighting oporational plans (8) Manposeie ond equipoant, (e) Rovtxtotion of traffic on niyhaay (a) Tnetquetions to Sproat Laka Divieton on fighting of fire whieh had spread onto T+Pele 2h, (0) Wee of water boabors at dvorotion of asiliiian Dloadel Ltde (€) Contact to BGs Mylzo ror divecntinuation of posor Af fire spraads cast of present locations control plan svetinge to ba held trice datly betwsen Company and Forest Service at O00 anc) 16:00 hourne rs lal Togeoth, Logeing anager, Sproat Take Division, appointed overall fire boo - Tt wae noted at Uite moting thot the fire was considared a Hacuiltan Mosde Lids rogponsibility ex Sire hal epreed onto theky property, Wind changed from east to wast wost days during the fire and w najor dotoraining factor in the epruad of the fire on the auccesding days. Fire ploking up with wind of 5 to B alles por hours lara bosber TAK had unde by drops on advanoing edge of mortivest ‘ane up to thie tines Walteopter Oro dtapatehad to Canpbeld ivr firey OsFs Pearhe Laying of hooe connanoed fron wnt of Branch S050 up wosb flank 4m fffort to control advance of fire wast thrvugh satire tlaber on ateepy rocky torratns BINAL FIRB' REPORT fee SEPARATE HISTORY Tn concte fom, pve frther ppeopite Infection psig to the fice, lve bret pertinent progres ef Begg in daly, ceoncegeal oer (and by hou where applicable), necting methods Used, fe behaviour, efiaes met with et. Make any summaries of data le tabula forms diy ‘timen and equipment used, weather data if ecorded at th he, Forest Office tine on fre, 6 Altech copies of any writer Istoctons, buning pei, et, pelle Uo the Be,” Slte any Dato (aud hous) genre aberrations or ecommsndsion you wish to mee, £24100 hours Record of wosther from Coupany weather station: ‘Hise Huntanty, ‘Toxperatuxe fied fanart 00 1 a cole 6 i058 7 @ can 1610089 6 a eae 8 oral HowER OF FOREST SENIICE Me OH PAMMOLL THIS DATE ~ 30.0 fay 1 298 5100 'bowra iro on aouthenst fTank hae turned above thn down and across hare tard constrvetsd at, Useleas Orvoke an Lu now burning An 20 to 33 year old ArFrams Logetng slesh anto a Light easterly win. ALL over sectors of fire | vory qulate Antire fire ares covored by an axtremly beaxy asvice Leyors 06100 noure on and equipanntaguesbiod for sorning shitty approxinately 21h pon, 20 catsy 17 tenkorey and 6 purge plus hooey Sronkdown of fire avons oo follows SHOW GREEK (South of Sprot Lake ~ 20 ean dlapatchod to censtrvict dud guant An onter to chook aproad of fire An old A-Frame slack, s1o0 4 plan to bickEire from hand guard, Af constmated in tine, to take advantage of favourable windy Hose Foley to bo oct ups 2 cats being barged up Sproat Lao for Shon Orvok oat guard through slash acene Use of eats very Lisitaly duo to atespy r00kyy Yorroine Yo roa, access on touth aldo of Take. salance of or placed on various eectirs and flanks. UES? FLAME © out guards completed fron Totsno tltyhesy to Branch $050. Hosa rolay ayaten up from ranch $us0 eumténuings RANGE $20 area = Cet guards boing RoRstructed along east fans . Hose ay eoueneed norti Prom Branch $200 along north ovat flank of fire DBRAVOH 22 AREA = Exteneton from thie Branch continuing, 2 cate ‘and falters working in thie expas ee Date (end hour) 20130 houre 32135 houre 212130 boure 23130 hours 4x00 hours 15100 hhoore 16100 houre ons hours 117100 hours PINAL FIRE REPORT SEPARATE HISTORY s, __ Ta conc fo, ge ftber appopste Information perting fo the 6s. Give bee entent rogeas af e-fhng i ly evento order Cod by hour wee npeal), wng metho {See Reavor elie et with, ee” Make ary sau ei able fons e+ tay omen od egepnes ed extra Hf eared te one Otter nes one ets ‘tach cope of ey wit asco, bring peel, ete, pertaing fo thee Ste 0 somal ebaerns oredr ou ih me Addsttoal eat to assiot tho 2 oats constructing guard up couth olde of Sproat take near Two Rivers Arms company Brglneering ant Gruteing oxen enpoyod in making a gonna recermalscance of fizo area and in locating roed and hand guarda» Above tated in locating epot fires Ueyend main fire and locating corer also top acuroes on the north 'fiaie Unable to sake str reconnetsance of fire due to heavy esoke Layer, Extant of fre obtil unknown, Maoting hold at Alvord Ranger Station with UKs Jeng of Windsor onstruction (1962) Lids to explain the Oospunyta responsibAlsty with rogarca to tiokr obligations reluting-to the fire, Sees causy of the firey these dnitia action, and’ thels eonnoction with tho Dapurtaont of iighsayss 115,000 feet of hose and 1 hond tank punps ordored froa Courteney: Taretous Fire qulot ali flankss Asx reconnaieange morta of wo! flank of fro unable to viuw reaaimder Of fire due ta onake coniitions. iad changing from tarly te westerly . ooting hud at fro hoadweartorsy Taylor toy Duspy with Gompeny fire bosses. Discussed and agroad that two day shifts of eight hours each (06100 to 14100 and 24100 to 22100 hours) axsh day; cosssneing August 19thy ‘inte mill constitute 250 non por dey ohifte Fro 22100 to 06100 hours, tx men vi11 bo on night patrols IP addstional eon soqutrud during tho heat of the day, eultielent aon will be opt on the fixe Le from Strat diy tits ‘Aléitional ont barged over to Sos Greok for construction of guord on Statse Sua olsering from fire are recomataince Fire dn old f-Frass slosh, aproading rapidly duo to strong woatorty : hoLleoptor CH-URE celled for air inde. Ho control mamres possitles hoe aa. Date (ond howe 2720 houra 17425 hours 17450 hots W120 hours 20100 hour 20110 houre 22100 houra 24100 hore Jogust 39, 196% Seki 02100 hore 0100 howre 65130 hours * proses of Sr-fping In Flo nan, PINAL FIRE REPORT. No. SEPARATE HISTORY Jn concs form, pve forthe appropriate Safrnton pstinag tothe fe. Givo ble peetaent ‘czologeal order (and by hour whse applicable), meting metho ‘ed, fre behaviour, diffs met wih te. Make aay summaries ct data tabular forms ee lly Ualyof men and equipment ved wenthc dats if recoded the hres Pocest OMent mcr fest ‘Aah cophs of any wren Insteucions, buriog permis, ete, pectalaing tothe no, Slt uy several observations o¢ reammeadaton: yo wish to make Suoke cleared frou nest, Flank, one hot apot tn nortimont comory ‘oro dispatched with pumps end tose for getione In onder to seLet oro tn holding this comur, Mars atrerart bY called by Lalle Tageoth Helscopter arrived for rovonnatcancs purposeae Hirst drop by Mary atreraft LY. 9 drope totals Hire fn old A-Frose slash, south of Sproat Lake out of contzols Seoke rising ond spresding north east across Sproat Lake, over ondtelbacko fend Tofino Wighiays Tentarw and crexs dlepxtahod dspatohod to anstenvack frets to stand by for action on possible apat fires. ‘Grong ent outs resoved from Snow orook area Fire jn old A-Frame slesh approxtwotely 1,000 feot dest of Siow Oreuies “Rate of oproad dacruaskng ab thie tine ight patrol che Hetteatod total acreage 3,500 actos at thie tine. Tocord of weather from Cospany weather stationt Hing Honidity Stocks omporaturo Mini Marond mating 100 t Bs 8 cole 65 32100 ip T ah caln 72 3610030 64 8 a3 88 ‘TOTAL MUMGER OF FOREST SERVICE WEI ON PAYROLL THLS DALE - 270. ALL Cres quiets Light eastorty wind Fire Gontrol woting hold with: alle Tagaoth ik Darbor DIA Dowslny D Radels tte Sade BeSey + Gmerel discussion and orgonteation plana on action to ‘future, Sooke hinse celLing ut 500 feat, 11fHing eloely. Firat day ahtft arcivo ut fru hyedquarters, Taylor Log Diop Swe OTR a FINAL FIRE REPORT No,_$432_ SEPARATE HISTORY 1n concn frm, give futher appropriate Infrmtionpectsnng to the Sie. lve tle petnent progress of Se-ehng, In dally chrenoogcl aree (aod by hour wher applicable, nating methods ed, fe behasoue,diletles wet wih, ee. ke any summaries of detain tabular fon; eg daly | taly of men and equpment wed, weather data ecordd athe Bs, Fcest Officer’ tines on fe, ee ‘Atach copis of any writen Intestin, buenng pels, ee, potellag to the Bre. Sate any Dato (and howe) » gence observations or recommendations you wih o make PAGE 2 C 30 nen dtapatched to Snow Crook to continuo hand guard and hove Lays Cate enroute by barge again. Plre edge mitidn 820 feot of snow Greoks Creve sopping up hot apots along wost flank, hose Lay boing extended fron Branch $050, north along Plane Oat guard oontinaing from ranch 500, approxinately $00 fact coupleted west, and 1,500 foot might of way felled, Tankor orova celled for opot ‘fire found northwest of ond of Branch $00, Greve eontinuitig puening opuratione along east flanks north of Brench 82006 ranch 22 extension continuing by 2 eats and fallores 3 cate working on cat guant in Two Rivore Ara arene Additional cat | Pushing aocess to Two Rivors Ars! area from end of Broush 307. (08430 hours uta rotayn to Snow Crook to ruguma guard constrctions Obrl0 noyre |” —ags bosber eetton on ridye top of Mt. Porbur hot epote to prevent. fire fron epreséing over top of ridges 09100 hours | - —‘raffite convoy atartod froa ronlblocke on both ende of Tofkne-Albernd, Udeways A total of 268 vonicles| travellod euste (09150 houra Gab guont at Snos Crock couptgted to 1,000 foot elovation, fros thes polit hand guard ontiniad to 2,000 foot elevation. Fire edges baing.<

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