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Questions and Anawers ;

1 What are the stresses at the point of failure and Deformation

Fig : Fluid splash effect on the plasma weld region

The figure shows vonmises stress with fluid splash. Maximum vonmises stress is around 26.1 Mpa.
The maximum stress location is represented by a red color on the weld region.

What type of loads :

The structure is failing with unknown loads. Since it is a sealed structure and transported for
long distances, it is assumed that, it may be failing by vibration. As per the company
requirements on the assumption it is failing by vibration and resonance, the problem has
been studied in this perspective. As per the assumption it is dynamic(Transient time
dependent load during shock vibration), but load history is not known. So company people
are asking to do the problem for static condition with 6g loads.

What is a transient load : It is a time based load( along with the time load varies which is constant
with static loads)
What are the boundary conditions : Here the left side bracket is fixed. And inertia load in terms of
gravitational load is applied.

What are the functions of plates : to store the transformer oil and cool it by its serrations.

Whether oil is full : Here the analysis is for full oil condition( Oil is completed filled in the actual
condition) Total fluid mass of 13 kg is considered.
Why only three plates : Design specification from the company. Now problem is failure of 3 bellow

Consideration of overall transformer is required ?.

Since transformer structure is very rigid compared to bellow system it is not in the perspective of
project defined by the company.(No dimensional or material information is available on

Where the actual joint is :

It is a frictional joint for grip between the retainers and the bellow weld region.
Any effect of transformer and bellow on sliding ?

Effect will be minimum as the transformer is fixed to the body of the carrier(Vehicle) and this sliding
information is not known.

Any buckling effect on the middle of transformer :

Since transformer is rigid, and no information is available on the buckling of transformer.

What is the weight of the oil : Total 13 kgs inclusive of plates

What type of oil ? IEC 60296

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