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oe : [Q] Booklet Code Time : 3 ime : 3 Hours Male: fae Instructions : i) One mark wi ( for hake ee for every correct answer for post code 21, 53 half mark 885 68 ara a5 § * ay. descends oe chee 21, 53 Ssh 54 obo uf Srdy,, 2 B22 806 6 Sty, ii) Choose the correct or most Appropriate answer from the given Options to the followi auestions and darken, with blue/black ball point pen the corresponding digit 1, 2, 3, 4 in the circle pertaining to the question number concerned boone Answer Sheet, Separately supplied to you. BS BS BO WHS aswas ws! OSS Sar DHYFO TBO ards S08 1, 2,3, 4 Storr ays OMR ssrors SESS WS Oe0GODS Sompties Heseiso EBELS FS Hono! iy sSarnod VossoH. Choose the correct one-word substitute. One who performs daring gymnastic feats. Q (1) Pugilist (2) Conjurer iggler (4) Acrobat 2. Choose the appropriate answer. Bermuda triangle is stretch over the Atlantic Ocean. (1) a,the (2) the, the the, a (4) an, the 3. Choose the correct form of the ver! @ After we had changed the punctu we continue our journey. (A) areableto = (2) w (3) wasableto (4) unableto 4. Choose the correct form of My friend i (1) wasused to every Sunday when I was ill. d to (3) use to (4) used to 5, Choose the correct fo! ie reported speech: The stranger said, “Can you tell me the way to the railway station?” (J) The stranger dine whether [could tell him the way to the railway station. (2) The stranger t if I did tell him the way to the railway station, G3) Thestr ed me whether I could tell me the way to the railway station. (4) Thes ed me whether I can tell me the way to the railway station, 6. Choose th ect form of the reported speech: ve met your brother”, aid that he had met your brother, i id that he had met my brother. (3) ‘said that he has met my brother, Ra (4) Ravi said thathe would have met my brother. 3-B 12. Booklet Code tag fie the following statement. Choose the correct question Children like sweets. __ (2) _ isn’tit? (1) dothey? (4) aren’t they? (3) don’tthey? os he following statement, — O weestion 10g for 4 Choose the correct q! You enjoyed the film ae (2) don’tyou? Gy didn’t you? (® dayat, © (3) doyou? What does the sentence imply? & Idon’t think, Alex is the right person for the. e : (1) Suggestion ‘4 (3) Compliment @ S Choose the correct order of the given a oe in government / the essence of / the active aoe mn / denocrai is/of people. 1 2 Q@) 1,5,3,4,2* »4,3,5,1 G 3,5, 152.4 it 5,3, 2, 4% Choose the correct order of the given sentence. among ees human: beings /the 2 Ithy relations / does a faster / system of society 3 5 tt) 20:3) a ah ‘ @) 25.413 @ danas ‘What does the sentence eee oa a few years.ago, we would have avoided the prese (1) apology iggestion (3) offer (4) regret Ti police niger sett. ice ‘ (1) “ealled bys, without delay by the residents. (3) called back, © (2) called out F (4) called off 14, 15, lector promised that ‘he would the allegations against | (2) look up (3) look into (4). look after Choose the correct answ. et ont old m: GQ) athe ret the bus stop ip A notorious criminal. ~ (2) thea Gye (4) athe Booklet Code Read the following passage and ape. : When Arthur Bloxham was j NsWer the questions from 16-19. ¥ é attracted him very chee Herm at oxford university he met aon ee, of term, which happened to be in Asked Eve to tea once or twice am verylast day riverand take'a picnié funch with ‘and sunny, he suggested that they stiould go rowing on the i = thim. Arthur could not row well, but iged to get a couple s oe teers ‘twas time for lunch, Then the disaster oct . Arthur stood up to er ee He bank, but he unfortunately overbalanced an ‘the boat and both he and Eve fell mits te YES The Water wasn’t deep, but it was col muddy, and when they had scrambled out Eve was furious, ° ; ‘ 16. Arthurwasa_ Ss atoxford, ws (1) Professor oypeamian (3) Student ¢ jisitor 17. What did Arthur suggest on the last day ey ay To have tea To get married (3) To go toa-film< (4)_ To go ona picnic 18. How was the weather on the last: \e term? (1) unpleasant <~ 2). cold (3) sultry aD (4) sunny 19, The boat was upset aw (1) Arthur was an} ve. (2) Eve wasangry with Arthur. @) Arthur coul sp balance. (4) Arthur wanted to drown Eve. imilar in meaning to the italicized word in this sentence. 20. Choose the word which is si ning to the i He could rise is stature be pause of his invincib le courage. _ (1) Suse ~(Q) Unmanageable (3) Unbeatable (4) Immeasurable d which is similar in meaning to the italicized word in this sentence. 21. Ch or i e a ‘eed ed to pay homage 10 their departed leader. a ye) Tribute G3) Humility (4) Obedience 22. Choose the antonym of eerste ipoltiics There are no permanent adver . Allies i eaeia (2) _ Detractors (G3) Flatterers 4) Allies e underlined word in the sentence. [Q] Booklet Code [B] 23 Choose the anzonym of the underlined word in the sentence, i Some democratic countries believe in racial segregation (1) Integration (2) Separation” (3) Superiority 1 heron ; 24. Choose the appropriate preposition, Oo 4 Kanishka was initiated - Buddhism by the monks, i Q) at Q) to G3) in ito . 25. Choose the appropriate preposition. « | On seeing a robber, the police inspector at once reached the weapon that was on the table. a | (1) with Q) to (Q) fom, ~~ (4) across 26. Choose the meaning of the underlined phrase: XS The project has become a white elephant to the (1) Financial burden (2) Matter of pride Y (3) Centre of attraction (4) Swong and prestigious r 27. Choose the meaning of the underlined pI His trusted friend proved to be (2) lowandmean Booklet Code | in thesequence 2,5 17,37: 77, 157 is qo eh, 37,77, 157 exes eq wm 4 32 SO. ay se OS", Sos Sons “ant, Sige (3) 100 A) 32. The missing number in the sequence 2, 3,8,63,___is 2,38, 63, __ PMEL0S*, Spoons Soe 41) 3969 (2) 3968 (3) 3970 CP 2463 33. Them missing ee in the sequence 23, 28, 38, 49, 62, ‘. 2372838, 49, 62, SiESost, sDons 4 deg oe @) 8 8) eO (4) 70 34. The missin: number in the sequence 97, 83, 73, 7O is. ‘ of 33, 7, Fe ska eRe SOC", a (ly) 59 Q) 63 35. ie next pa pair of letters that follow MN, LO. (7 a YN IO, RP, TQ sHers St vss LY 3Q (2) AZ ) YB 4) Q 6. The missing group of f four letters i uence BDFH, BEHK, BFJN, is BDEH, BEHR, BEIN: LG SoS, SHODS Tooth VES SSnmovo (1) BLQG (2) GQ) BGLQ (4) BLGQ 37. The missing group of let series YBXC, WDVE, UFTG, is eae Or BHEHOS', SHODS UES SSoorooo (1)? SiRH 7 (3) SHIR (4) SHRI 38. Letters from Englis! are assigned with numbers from | to 26 respectively. if nenumber, then the code of BEAUTIFUL is 2 ETO 1.8108 26 Somos! Swarr wssomdoms. posows®, Gor, 88 EmSSo (2) #SH#S**SH#* fay GQ) ##SSS*SS wt (Q Booklet Code s written as WVIRXGBI, then the code, ROin 39. Ifinacode language, DIREC TOR # that language is = oe ae * DIRECTOR 2 WVIRXGBLT &22008, werdes NEY S ve a RECTOR * ial 3) ORUNE Gy MRHIB 2) AVCBK he is C3 } 40. Ifinacode language, DONKEY is written as FUPLIZ, then the code :PHANT in that ey G se e wor PHANT & 65 (4) TNAHPELE language is a 85 graet DONKEY.2 FUPLIZ & 822008, wardct (1) FMFQIBOT = (2) IMIQIEPV, = (3) GMFQ 41. fina code language DOG = 29, PLANE = 53, then ing age CAT = 28 8S eras" DQG = 29, PLANE = 53 cand, oar T= 3 Wy Wes . 110 ql) 32 (2) 28 Gy 2 ~ (4) 30 42. *N’ is South to ‘M’ and is East to ‘Q’. Then the stn of *M’ with respect to *Q’ is (1) South-East (2) North-East (. th- West (4) South - West M& Bmore, Q& dred \ eagySMesoHd Q das Mow, Oe (1) whys 2) sass: wosoSgio (4) BHE 43. A boy started waiking from his schoolifid travelled 5 km towards South and he took two successive right tums and walked 6km respectively. Finally he travelled 2 km towards East. Then the direction and the di, of the destination from the school are (1) West-4km (2) South - East 4 km (3) East-4km (4) North - West 4 km BE ment Sd Src OES Kamo BOSH 5 $0 Sairdourdd. Sirs Sdodsm Bossindy OA, Sov 6 8.O>, 5 8.Do Sard. DST wd Hod Page ales yt Anjo Ho ASogTOs No OF, drsso (2) eiyaho, 4 8. (4) aogeosgo, 4 80a and travelled 30 km towards South and he took left turn and tthe travelled 6 km towards North to reach his office. Then, the direction is office to his house ane km (2) North - West, 26 km 5 (4) ‘North - West, 25 km B scwd0 30 B.t> Samo ay SBOrd. dso BOs OOn 7 6.59 a gk SES Gh S89 whS aoomine, webs Sood Ee srasnigo, 26 8 Booklet Code 5, ‘P’isthe mother ” ‘A - a Mane ee father’s wife. Thon “P”is related to “A’ as (3) Paternal Grand Mother % pueha Grand M AGE, MEH] SOW Bes rose, psy wgdrod. Ab PS A 30 (1) why 68 Q) ges es B) odio we SoyS23, Answer the 46" and 47" questi . ‘ PQ means P* is Bihea one sna tie fallow ee gg p—Qmeans *P’ is brother of (Q” & px Q means ‘P” is sister of «Q° p + Qmeans *P’ is mother of °Q” ®, Oo 08 SSraSie Sebos 46-47 SHow sree P+ Qudm 'Q’ Anh, dog ‘Pr, ‘ P-Qudm ‘Q”ans, Bde “PP GO Px Qusir ‘Q’ Bak, a0 “P? © P + Quan (Q’ Bok, 2 ‘P 46. How is ‘A’ related to ‘D’ in the expr B+CxD? @) Batter (2) Uncle (3) Aunt (4) Grand father A+B, + Cx D,SSrSo8* ‘D’ § fe Sonogo sae (1) d08 Q) a GB) sos Ors 47. IfA-B-@xD, then C iSedlatedivo A as (1) Cousin Q (3) Niece (4) Uncle A-B+CxDeoxd fe Sonogo (1) ses 08 QL tha Seg (4) woes J . Among the follow ments, which are true? Length ofifhigigne is not defined points. segmentaresame. Bment has two fixed end points, SBbos' DD Hd5g282? bs, ai aggDosese wods Dothiges S08 oo Sods ASK s @) Tuy (Q] Booklet Code 49, The missing mumberin the following table is & 7 a 9 (2) 10 BY 1 (4) 12 52 by using the data given belo Answer the questions 50 to. 50 S208 $2 38m Ko GHow, God Ads HSroron jo) SSrorSsoe. Tosa. , a*b=a>b aSb=saazb g a@b=asb aQb=>a=b ~~ ie i 50. P@QOR*S=> o> ee GL Qs (4) Qss 51. PZQ@RSS> @. & . a) PSQ GB) Q@s (4) R@S 52. IfP#Q#R@SandS » T, thenwhich one of the following options is NOT true? PHQH#ROS 80m eSye Bob apres 28 BoSgSn? (1) P#R ~ is , way G) Qet POST ies on help of the ty statements, choose the correct conclusion for the questions from %, 608 BSsre sordor SIGs Aros ods avo’. Some‘A’sare‘B’s b) All‘B’sare‘C’s_c) Some ‘C’sare ‘D's Some*A'sare‘C's 1) Some ‘B’sare ‘D's ; (2) Only Il correct (4) Both Land II are correct © ‘Bes wyeron) b) WA) ‘B’ or ‘Ceo word FC De wees ‘Ceo wero II: 88) ‘Be “Dien seron (2) Maret Sogosa aor (4) 1So008 IT sognso 10-8 sg, Statement: a) f b) < 9 O Conclusions: L No "Prissy © IL Some *S'sarenot “Q's « (1) Only I correct ; r (2). Only Il (3) Bither Tor Tcorreet (4) ey me) SeSSS000 : Aqdee I: I: (1) 1x @e> Soghsa (3) [de Nsosse OP sisal a) All‘A’s b) All‘C’s . Conclusion: I: Someg. GS (1) Only Lis ¢ fects (2): Only Il is correct (4) BothLandILare correct» Booklet Code | inci ith n distinct radii on AB, =245cm and n semi-circles are drawn with 1 ; 56. Inthe figure below AB is(inems.) - The length of the curved path is (in os race AB SSH 245 20.4. ABR nddS Tyre So nw es nay DSS Sedmo Sogo 26% (po.2.08) lee Aje———_ 450 ; rs a en (2) 485 (@) 585 & (4) 385 $7. Ifacylinder is made by a square sheet of side 21 cobain its two edges, then the curved surface area of the cylinder formed is *S (1) 440sq.em. (2) 421 sq.em. (3) OY: cm. (4): 431. sq. cm. 21 dada so Hadswsdy sAddy, eo Sond sas DS Szoy OHdo Srego , (1) 440 SR0.b (2) 4215. 20.0 Spa 0.20 (4) 431 3.20.09 58. The marked price of an item is Rs. 6,000: giving two successive discounts it was sold for Rs.4,080. If one discount is 20%, ie other discount is ag find GELS Bo ar. 6 % Boles ay w SiyHso dr. 4,080 § as Po! Pye. andi Bmoed soe, Bots5 Adoe i (3) 25% (4) 30% , OF 15% “@ 59. The investments of A and 2 lakhs and 3 lakhs rupees respectively. A runs the business and so gets 209 ¢ profit. At the end of the year if B got a profit of Rs.12,000, then the tot: (in rupees) is ~ A, Bo bigotoe SSR? ofc, 3 ogo EnBabe. Tyrso Syssjocos AS wsos* 20% 5 Arosins Bereo s&. 12,000 e sont, Sngo edo | (Grercee) 25,000 2) 22,000 (3) 20,000 (4) 30,000 Be 2 Pe, 7 me OME 6 times the principal ina certain time period. If the rate of simple Period are numerically the same, then the raté of simple interest is ANGE, wer 2% aux waived wrOS§ Sin Sodan reso iM er lg : —_ 5G Sto : 1 2 x 3) 85% (4) 74% 62. IQ : Booklet Code At the same rate of annual Rs.15000 in 6 years, then the pound interest if'a sum becomes Rs. 12,000 in3 years and 28 S08HS BESS Ores, ic amount (in rupees) is 4. 15.0 % S08 S20) 3 3 ge. 15,000 © Saxo 2008) wise can 12,000 eo, 36 re (1) 10,000 2 ‘ ‘ y 9.600 (3) 7,000 C) £000 alue of ins i : glues! a coms in the purse is Rs.11, then the number of 25,pai8e coins is 28 SdyS" 20 RSS, 25 ke mHSxe whyOd Bo don LL won 25 Dio TSdn© si * C) ay @ as #) > “10 A purse is having 20 pai e F © 20 paise and 25 paise coins and the total sae is 50. Ifthe total 4. TS Sogo Dood ._ Ina fraction, if both the numerator and the deno decreased by | then it is equal 1 105: — a alto ¥. Then the fraction is a8 asec Odi, Ho Todos 1b BRSRS wO ; wire, oSinS6 ee Liodm w doe FZ & asoagys, bas 7 =~ 15 16 oe . @ xp oa @ 2 ¢ 14+34+5+7+...nterms=y, 19 +... n terms represents Mrwdds 1+34+5+7+..nbeeo=y then the value of 7 + 1 +. 1 STO Ds, dws. Srdois e Q) 3x-5y slseoympinel, 3 (4) Sx-Sy. [Q] Booklet Code 66. If biased dice are thrown, the probability of getting the sum of the two umber, 16, two unbiast them equal to 10, is Boiss ial dates addi, Bods SOKO Somge Sogsn LOK SBPE to sms, oo? : of OG? (5 Qs 12 © 9 | 67. If three unbiased coins are tossed simultaneously, the bility of getting exactly on head is Barth Oaygs THsvow 8S0 JOSS, 2 aS Soy BE Soarsgs a) 2 (2) ; N (4) ; & G8. 4476 Y a 2 Sp 2 a 2 69. 1f6850 and 2575 are divided by \e respective remainders are 50 and 25. Then the greatest value of k is 6850, 2575 ox kt erhors des | 7 (1) 500 QP Pwr (3) 850 (4) 875 p+2q? =V8 = » Ae B) 1:2 @ 20 @, ‘deren Seobrr 50, 25 wond, kane, wSgSS (60S) Fequired for 20 students for 18 days. After 6 days two students left. for which the remaining rice is sufficient for the remaining students, is ° 20 S08 De soK 18 Sow SOAHS. 6 So Scord age ards. DHOs DM pBow, DADS Dodgson soda Smo Sows 40, 37 4l Qa @ > Os 14-8 (Q| Booklet Code it than B. number of days needed for f “ee and B together can complete a work im2 days. The ABW, TS9¥s0 Bay soy, © to complete the work is 2 # 889 Bags sy dogo SYS. Posie Kod us SDD 12 FmaTNGD doirreds. 72. Ais 50% more efficien The speed of a boat in sti ; If the boat travels eae fe bag is 8 km/hour and the speedrf th€ stream is 2 km/hour. Aand B (in kins) is and then retums in 12 hi then the distance between a 4 so eo oo a8 S08 Briss) gobo § 6.b 6 tp Stise> Kota8 2 §.Do. Hoe B& Be Bon sayews Sage AD robes wand, Aiod Be Ke Grdin (SS*oogs') a (48 Q) 40 ( (4) 60 74. The average of first fourteen numbers i lered set of thirty numbers is 9 and the average of the last fourteen numbers int is 5. If the sixteenth number is 7 and the average of the thirty numbers is 7 then’ fifteenth number is 30 Somgen Keo a8 Cio SdO0" @) 14 Somgo #00 9 Soba sHDEs'd O58 14 domgo Soro 5. SBS Soin? Basin 2 30 domge Srsd 7 sows, 155 Sos ay @ x’ @ gt ‘ i. ieee wai Sieger Rs.27 perkg and Rs.35 perkg respectively. IF they are mixed and sold at Rs: to get 20% profit, then the ratio in which the two varieties are mixed is Ray BovbIT BOS Sr. 27 Soda Oo. 35559 Dogioso Bd Bows 6 BD ; s ine aa eo sy eds}, 20% erdioo Sodim, Does bSinw DobdgSnow 2. 4 @ . gy 34 G) 4:5 @) 5:3 ' z it and un-British rule in India”? 76. Wo book, “The poveny (2) Gokhale bf Bee (4) Dadabhai Naoroji 5 ages” Whos Stina? ee (2) snd in -' ji B08 vb Oa 5 (4) ror Soe 8g adogrs 558 77. Match the following List-A a) Hala b) — Aryabhattu cc) Vidyanadha qd) Bharavi S& 808 TDD addsvdso? was-A a) so db) sdgesen e) dargrgoeo ad) da The correct answer is BOGS SSogrSsn Oy a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, di, (3) aii, b-iv, ili, de 78. Allahabad inscription was composed OB er , o 9 During ei eta Bsom eraosnaie? (1) RaviKeerthi (3) Samudragupta sotterds réray dro () 608 4 QF ssn Hg ‘Was treated as? [Q] Booklet Code List-B & i) Kiratarjuneeyai ii) Prathaparudra wushanam iii) Arya Bhattiy: iv) psn &) @ * PdS - i) Sor ii) ¢ oostirtico iii) ° iv) B88 a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv? a-iy, b-iii, c-i, d-ii (2) Harisena (4) Pulakesi- 11 (2) Seve (4) Se8- 0 (2) God of rain (4) God of Ushassu Q) sess (4) @Siy ‘books which was not written by Harsha vardhana? (2) Ratnavali (4) Priyadarsika Q) dense G) Gomdas (Q. Booklet Code | B | gi. Who was the chief Archit ") Md.Akbar Sct of Taj Mahal? 3) Abdul Hassan ‘ (2) Hussen Isa . chs Srswy? (4) Ustad Khalil Isa © (1) SiS VHE (3) eed SSS aoe > e How many Delegates ee Conese atom ete Tndia meton the occasion ofthe first Indian National 1885, Toerons* aos Sinsicingg, Sse e8c Eons —~ ear dtaggor a) 78 Q) 62 @) 88 2G 7? . Who founded a home at Poona to provide shelter f oe (1) Pandita Ramabai (3) Smt. Kasturi bai Wes DoH Ro So efss0 do: 2 (1) S088 eae e029 3) 3&8 Séq8eron : 84. Who is the British police officer: for the Lathicharge that caused the death of Lala Lajpat Rai (1) Hugh Rose xo (2). Nikalson (3) Bhagat Singh (4) Saunders ooronsarcdh Sderas, hes wold Coed () sees Se “Q) d8eyS (4) wodd) (3) shook oO se. were passed by the British Govt. in 1856? ee ‘agoAct b) Abolition of Sati :) Hinstosyido) d) General service enlistment Act wedges warbodwds digo 08? b) SSH TRS sQo d) MSnSs ha doing sgo the code given below: Q) Seys Ger G) a&d (4) ab&e Who is popular as “Frontier Gandhi”. (1) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (3) Tilak Sore mohin Sarxsndsarch? Gow eyQd KS5ar5 (3) S05 86. 87. (1) 1918 (2) 1917 88. (1) Non-co-operation Movement (3). Quit India Movement moS 2 edie Bodgoo* “wow (1) SS!0b arxm edssv0 Q)- cS nodioin Sdgiovo Who formed the “Forward *S (1) Jawahar Lal Nehru (3) Vallabhbhai Patel POG BX 19396" oxy w con fate Bo} When did Mahatma Gandhi arrived to India from South. moh Side Geror sod aoddins 2 Sonest In which movement Gandhi has given his slogan ¢ ii March Movement lome Rule Movement 3 Jor” wd Hoowyagyiso? r > BobainS esdgivo t Drevve organised Khilafat Movement in India? Booklet Code [B Gandhi Mahatma Md. Ali Khan & moh 29 Q) (4) Q) (4) Soiy5 ws 7@ Gy! (4) 1920 (4) Wo ES adsS0 (2) Subhash Chandra Bose (4) Pattabhi Sita Ramayya Qy Swrh soss's (4) St Seorioates (b) Shaukat Ali (2) (b)only (4) Neither (a) nor (b) AegErOdS Sako Talsoev? (b) aed wd ol. Booklet Code “Chauri - Chaura” js located (1) Punjab @) FOSTT WS - 9 goss a (3) Bihar (4) Pradesh 7 y sows : 2) Gomes @G) dae So G6G8E The moon is revolvi velocity ceca ee ae netn cond se (1) the moon falls on to the carth (2) the moon moves away from the earth O s (3) the moon remains in its position ww (4) the moon moves along the tangent of its oti ity, What happens if its Srdo vhag dood is neoeee (Gots Sos Shoo tos" Bo . TA Bho sisgo sondazco (1) Soygod> Srdsbos Seas © (2) Bo\gogs grdo Hod ardor HH 3) Sogo edysoo* sosos (4) Solace SS S85 cing, HYSulsoys ao . 500 ml of water at 40°C is pos same quantity of water at 70°C. The resultant temperature is a 40°C 3g he 500 2.8 armo Ke 70°C Sg fo HSS SOBSOD, 508 RIS JOS (1) 110°C (3) 30°C (4) 65°C @ aperson for good vision. What is its focal length in cm? Doctor advised a 2D . o§5 2D 80d did Sos aay. TO wsg0sso as Sg§ SOG 108 wo.d ( Pes BoM OEPD 0) 10 @ 50 (4) 40 (1) 100 aoe Se wavelen ath ‘A’ and frequency ‘Vv’ of the light, when it propagates from jum? rarer to pena (2) Aincreases, v remains constant (1) and v increas constant (4) Both Vand v decrease 3) a qirbboS'D8 S08 Gide LONSiyc, rd ssorBgso fo. M90! + & Bsisgiigo ‘V © cca Aréot hoe Qy i, V QSorr oto (ly dv esoodr aes (4) A, Vea Bode Ss 8) Rergéo, vigder #24 19-8 Booklet Code ds on its: 96. Thekinetie eneray ofa body dePe (2) velocity and time & (1) mass a ee ol (4) mass and velocity (3) height and accel ; Bae as Sigg Kana » 589 O>8 4 a a. Feo (1) eye 28 (4) dsre, so) (3) de, dgde0o e 97, The motion of an object is said to be uniform when its & (1) “Speed changes keeping direction constant (2) Direction of motion changes keeping speed — (3) Direction and speed change simultaneously o (4) _ Direction and speed remain constant 28 Sig Sdodosos" eorsed, (1) Sosax guorr 408, 58 Saw) (2) $8 gor #08, Sosos Soo) (3) 88, deS8¥ Bots ashor (4) 88, SeS8E Doe Yoo Go! 98. Onanaverage, a human < beat 75 times in a minute. The beat frequency of the heart is SPSS sry¥Saho srs ESR JS arty Saywotn0d. & SySobo Sng, Sods DSoSs0_ (1) 125Hz 4 en ~ @) 4.25 Hz (4) 2.25Hz Bo 129, 20 SS A q a resul Ky ant resistance between A and C is 99. RQ Cc oe CP le $06 a8 dens AA G) 162 @ pe 20-B Booklet Code [ 100. The number of neutrons, protons and electrons in *? Br are “< 35 9 35 BT BOSD Angers, Gung, DOGS Somges SHSM () 35,45, 45 (2) 80, 35,45 © 3) 35, 45,35 (4) 45, 35, 35 _ 101, Acid X's present in Te eavesand acd Ys presentin Tamarind, Rand ¥ are respec fi (1). Malic acid, Stearic acid & (2) Tartaric acid, Tannic acid ; (3) Tannic acid, Tartaric acid ®, © (4) Oxalic acid, Tartaric acid ee & shost sod sivo X, dossowe! aod ons X,Y oo ShSr (1). S85 wo, ROE esiz0r G FH ‘ : F (2) a Qek Gio, irgdE ssrox ” (3) i g0§ wig0, gos wige © ; (4) sos sipo, gos sio z 102. Match the following: List - 1 Ore) ¥ @ List - I (Metal extracted) a) Bauxite ~ i) Mn b) Pyrolusite > ii) Mg c) Magnesite ' iii) AL d) Magnetite Dm iv) Fe 1608 asa wsscctieher mde - | (eed) we - Il (OQYQosad stro). & Mh ii) Mg . iii) Al 4 iv) Fe iv, dei Q) aii, bi, ei, arin ai is (8) wiv, brie, the following is mat aradiontive lament? 5 90 Baer TO SOKO HAT * 1 1 1 aes uration ofnitrosen (Z=7)is 1s? 2s°2p, 2p) 2pz. This is in ic confi 104, The correct electronic com accordance with (2) Pauli’s principle (1) Aufbau’srule (4) Pauling’s principle & Hund’srule ue si a = 7) aang, SOG DEHS DTGPO eee aS era te 0008 pobsras e&sroor i (1) 88a dadso (2). 88 dr gGo 3) seo aavsoo (4) 2 doh srg @ 105. In modem Periodic table, the group with maximum number, ents is Bde USGS SYSS' NOY Somsge* arose Ko ¢ co @) 4 .S 60a @ 3 @) 15 (4) CO 106. The polymer made of the monomers hexamethyletie diamine and adipic acid is (1) Rayon (2) lose (3) Nylon-6,6 elite E Tsp GOS B IWS, GAdE who wd SS QBS SOH6 (1) ties Dogs 3) Bes -6,6 c~_ 4) axes 107. Reasons for selection of garden Balin Mendel for hybridisation experiments are (A) Predominantly self feritipy (B) Annual plant (©) Unisexual flowers “pe (D) Well defined cumiPy BosbKe SEE anmresy BOA Bos Jods Tvs’ sdersinen (A) 68 son so: 8'S0 | (B) Isareg soi 'e (©) d8oons xf (D) Cont - BON Gotu @ acd G) A,B,C (4) Rep 2B (Q| Booklet Code | B 108: Match the following with re, List - I Sard to excretory pathways ist - II A) Hydro carbons and fatty aci List 'y acids, i iver B) Extradrugs i) Live : €) Salts ofCa, Mg ii) epee Dp) Carbon dioxide _ eeiaceou z, iv a y) Lungs Dag EST Sr SoacGod Bos rsa adds * ede -I a A) 85 Soe How Fb adver i) * oO B) e268 Soden ii) 45K © Ca,Mgeoseres ifpprstore D) Se Sdoirgons Atos wogoe> The correct answer is > @ (2) AdiiiB-ivC-iD-v ® (4) Ai Bai C-iD-v 109. Assertion (A) : one inherited blood disorder. Reason (R) : In this dii the production of haemoglobin is decreased. (1) Both (A) anc true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (2) Both (A) re true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (3) Both (A are false (4) (A)is true,but (R) is false sis aby Setinasr «88 Sn! Aonobeok ey saloeaTS ee sariibS G09 Kmdabom SAas08, a (Ry Dose Bay, OOS OV) SE ee sesoeass (Ry Bode was MP (A) CE) SORA aan (A) Sstcin (R)0087 $93 a { (aay od RDS 2 [Q] 3 Booklet Code 110. iden ve flo maenttvegamana Grose Howse BRE << at A) Eutrophication Oo B) Raise of sea levels C) Earthand sea temperatures will be increased &Y D) Earth and sea atmosphere cools ; Gos adeds wast ros $086 SerSoso (Green Hor ect) HoM0G0NS Say OSSSS0e9 MGor08. 2 A) csmustoeas ee B »~ ) Stale BS Sokgo Veit & 2 C) Br HOw Sings oayiderd BIAs D) Sedo Socio Sins radstac qd) B.C B,D G@) AC @ 4) A,D @, . In the following equations, raf is (1) CGH)20¢ +60, > 6 0 + Energy (2) 6CO,+6H,0 Felix, +60 +6H,0 2 3) 60, +1211, 0 R20, +5H,0460, (4) Colti20, > 8EA OH +200; + Energy : +12H,0 > Coll 20, +6060, (4) CoO, 2C, HOH +2c0, i 2a Booklet Code +A’ plant produces advent; p12. ‘A’ plant adventitious p saute *p’ plant has thread like ae sn & : : fs with knob like sporangia at theit tips. m jant e C’ plant has dot like structures on lower surface of leaf. Identify the plants A, B andc a) Jasmine, Fern, Rhi: Peay 3) Jasmine, Rhizopus, (2) Rhizopus, Jasmi ae ; (4) Fern, Jasmine, A’ S28,5°9 BolrS some dus eseyeo edge B’ S28, TSH SoHo S08 doyros, TE ok 80h Bods. & doyross, *C SH8, SED GOS ds Srgo Sod ayer Be ABivam Com Shim moos @) , 8, PH (afr eB $3, 28°58 113. Assertion (A) : Vasectomy is a surgery it ‘or birth control. Reason (R): A small portion of spel is removed and their cut ends are tied during operation. (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct (2) Both (A) and (R) are correc! (3) (A) is correct and (R) is w (4) (A) is wrong and (R) t G8ads (A): Hdv09 a S58 Qos Bh WZ a8djso THEM woirs steoo (R): & #8 2 reeks $8800 TE Tod DSdom Aer Sodias (WA) 00% a Zogwsa, soos (A) 8 (R) HOGS DSS the correct explanation to (A) is not the correct explanation to (A) (2) (A) Soc ( + HOEVID, BH (A) (R) SOS DSSm wed (3) (A) soe aso (R) SAY , where there is no photosynthetic activity, water is cool and totally dark Bae (2) Abyssal zone (3) Littoralzone (4) Limnetic gencigads HOT THOM HOSESHON Sym Saks bem god S's BEdHE S040 »Q) SBES Sodeo _ Seroivie s0d00 (4) 28y85 Sodeo (25-B Br 115, Match the following List -1 ; A) KharifCrop List - IL Food for cattle Rabi Crop ii) Urea and Superp! a B os ea te 5 Chemical fertilizers iii) oa dung and i iv) Pea manures D) Organic aay oO 0d rsa ad Sdso0d ; @ A) 285 Sob i) so% 4 ‘ By se ee ii) BE a yeo C) SirobS hwo W iii) Santo SsZoo D) Pooh deoshen dt iv) The correct answer is SOS SErTSSo0 (1) Av,Beii, C-iy, D-iii Q) AW, Bey, C-ii, Dili Q) Ad, B-ii, C-iv, D-iii (4) A-v,Beiii, C-ii, D-i @ ifferent parts of respiratory system in human bei 116. Identify the pathway of th during inhalation (1) Nostrils ~ Att —Pharynx (2) Pharynx. Tat” Alveoli — Nostrils (3) Nostrils + P| — Trachea — Alveoli (4) Pharynx ls — Alveoli + Trachea SPSQIS SA @nohn gd aga: ae x TSSQS'D DG TTOS'AS Toss GAz08 Sor 6 . OPO? ID rasormgo THEY Aeaoen TIS Comes POOKY Afeooren WMD TYo | [oe the followin; 7. Study ig Statemey ! It causes deformities in fae to fluorosis. Mes. B) Deformities due to f) : é bles. 6) Water containing Uorosis can be prevented by taking milk and ea me BY. Optimum fluoride lore 15 ppm of fuoride would develo? ¢ le level in drinki ‘ ee SFHHE DomoGod & ake inking water in India is 2.5 pp™ . G8 BSsrer vssadso Aasv0d. © A) S250 5%, Shen § ee 2 SHS Gerwas Hsyerav B) FOHS Se 84 SHoeos sey, aes srr agorr Bss'sdo TO YTSowSeyy @ OC) SALES BBS 1.5 Bd .aH0 Say I6ySavd God Seotodoo8. D) PSsA¥OS' SAAS 306 any aimyst ..00. Find the correct statement. 3 Sond WSaro2 MoBoxiod «> () AB Q) BCD QB) 118. Organisms having open type of circulatory sys! (A) Molluscs ( (©) Vertebrates DHS ds Wisma Ssh oH deo (A) B00%,Se0 (C) 8840 ©) egerso es 19. Match the following ! ; List - 1 List- 3 A) Gregor Johan Mendel i) Inheritance of acquired characters B) Watson and Crick am ii) Natural selection 5 iii) Process of Inheritance C) Jean Baptist Lamar iv) _ Structure of DNA D) Charles Darwin RD y) Mutations j j f Gob re a wade - Il & wae - i ey ie wight Bae i) BQd hero wsowss ; er. ii) @8j8 Sda0 o 2 ili) Sosdosds Dao earl, iv) DNAdmp00 Vv) @8yOSgreo ners Ail, B-iy, C-i, D- B-iv, C-ii, D-V ‘ A-iii, B-iv, - B-iv, C-v, D-i 120. Identify the correct palindromic nucleotide sequence 825 POOT'DE agers S6SESPQ) Ragoso8. qa) s-AGTTAA-3' Q) 5'-GAATTC- 3'-CTTAAG 3-TCAATTS (3). S'-GATAGA-3' (4) S-CCGA 3'-CTATCT-S' aati ER 121. Whittaker’s 5 kingdom classification contains . (1) Monera, Protozoa, Chromista, Fungi, Animalia (2) Monera, Protoctista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia (3) Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animali (4) Monera, Protista, Archae, Plantae, Fungi, DESE Bok, cone argo 368te0 ddd (1) Suac, Betsto, Enz, S02, Q) Bode, GirSSz, oS, SoM, Gy Swarr, GS, Sof, Fos, 122. The first place that found is Valley excavations (1) Mohenjo Daro qm ~ Q) Harappe te ye ae PPA Lothal a) Surkotada | Bs Wave DBP OY &5e) : r. Booklet Code Ly The foreign Travellar of Pers ? 1a, Aby (1). Atchuta Deva Raya dual Razak visited Vijayanagara empire, ' GB) Krishna Deva Raya (2) Devaraya-II _ gocirs BOBS Dd8m>, (4) Sadasiva Raya . REY, GAS Seng, 259 soos DACs (1) et2s8 SSrcben Paes @) Sgdirraies Q) BSrovew - I) 4 (4) Sorasros Mesopotomia. ect explanation of (A) he correct explanation of (A) in the period of ? oSGy0Bs2? (1) Both (A) and (R) are individually rue and (R (2) Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R’ (3) (A) is true but (R) is false (4) (A) is false but (R) is true G8NG5 (A): MSTE'RaLsE normbes wgrs SoaTe oS. 7 seo (R): WAY Bobs SS Sad! DWIPEstndirs sHoPSodSI -Q) (A) S0ak» (R) Boe duo, (R) $98 DSde0 — Q (A) Soda» (R) Bode Azo & BE (A) & 88S DSS svcd BO Woes vo 55 + i (4) (A) say SO (R) Ss According to Tripathi, “he oF of the great men of history who blossomed out of du: 9 into glory”. Who is h (a) ivaji (3). Jahangir (4) Shersha 9” ed OO oS SOErdaw D Taw PGI0d HOLT’ Sid (3) atrohS (4) Re, (1) 6&5 . J DOGAISE Vee ons and guns in Indian warfare? cann 128. Who introduced (2) Akbar ME es (4) Ibrahim Lodi Ce Soom Sosoo DHS 2S ptorren, Has, TES aingworos*As, Or eae Oo . oor (4) aeirS st AT F od = eee 129. Who was the first Indian native ruler to enter into the sn ams i = > (1) Nizamul Mulk i ecu (3) Sadat AliKhan : RAgirsd gest Hos TO HG2 Sevoa? < (1) aero oS snd 2) a 3) 88 wdars @ 0 130. Vijaya nagar Kingdom is located in the basin KesSbiowing rivers (1) Ganga-Yamuna Ravi - Beas (3) Krishna-Tungabadra Krishna - Penna DACHSAS HSragio & Shstado So (1) Sarr ~ assis @ (2), 7d - dairS DB) Se - Horas “~ 4) §& - day 13 . Identify the correct statement A) Fundamental Duties “OP rated in part IV A of the Constitution B) Fundamental Duties a innumber C) Fundamental Dutie wn from the Constitution of erstwhile Soviet Union D) Fundamental Duti ‘corporated by the 44'" Constitutional Amendment. (1) A& Bare corre (2) A,B & Care correct (3) B,CandDar t (4) A, B, Cand D are correct 608 ras x0, 280508 v A) mesohoSV-A orisnet PSQs ogo Fowsownas B) Sng 128 Igoe Sou QC 5 CLMDGDS or SP Tesoro M08 WD Dose Urodasso D) RGR on S530 oo emg Aghes oangorfos* Poeosdsnaso oats, thoes 5 Fs) BD A,B,C 008» Dsogsso Article that directs th Article 42 (3) Article 47 gard RONDA Sdyo8%09 wan, () 42 Sse (3) 47 GSde0 32. The 1 133. Vice President is elected by (1) Members of Rajya Sabha (3) Members of Parliament GST HSVA AdywSB (1) waged Seogeo Q) Fo! Sedogen 134. The tenure of which Lok Sabha was extendet (1) 4 Lok Sabha : @) 7 Lok Sabha D SSS Hddrera, 5 Sodero! (l) 45 st¥es ® 3) 74 Sse ~ e Court 135. First Chief Justice of Indi (1) Patanjali Sastry 4 (3) Harilal J Kania PES Sos'ey So "= (1) Sdo28 TA Gy word as wgoosorg 136. One of the following is not #PP (1) Hi urt Judge (2) General (3) f Minister te Public Oy weg orgo0r8 GB) Soopsho0® ! (9) 8% AYsod Bese Booklet Code £ (2) 512 (a) ee (4) 3995 @8de © State : ‘0 provide maternity relief (2) Article SIA@) (4) Article 39f e (2) Electe xs of Rajya Sabha (4) Elect mbers of Parliament S iG NBS Seogor Sax agBs Sedge \d five years. 6 Lok Sabha 5'8 Lok Sabha PaNosaBsS (2) 65 S*8o8 (4) 55 SHS 2) (4) P.B. Ganjendragadkar Koka Subba Rao Q) (4) Da. MBosrags Ss Soars) ointed by the Governor of a State. service Commission é povmoringd wo (2) CdS wise (4) B5SQS, oY SOs Ho:5 sdoas 31-B 137. The strength of a State Leg 138. [Q| Booklet Code jistative Council must not be more than qa) ; of the total membership of the Legislative Assembly & (2) = of the total membership of the Legislative Assembly of the total membership of | ‘the Legislative Assembly Y (2) + ofthe toil membership ofthe Legislative assent” a 7% OES SOAS Sedgo A 208% § Sp 2088 seogo 409 depp 2088 “iO Q) [= wI— win W). of desig Boge Hedgp Songs’ F (2) TY dqrsss Sngo Sabgo somso* 2 (3) O% DSSS Sango Sedgo on, (4) o% desde Sogo sesso The first High courts establi (1). Rajasthan and Bombay (3) Calcuttaand Delhi. PeSoergSodbo IGA: (1) THRs S0ohe « Madras and Madhya Pradesh (Q| Booklet Code 140, Match the following List - I with List - If and select the correct “< List -1 List - Il A) Chief Minister i) Head of the Natioy B) President of India ii) Head of the State It ©) Vice President iii) Constitutional He: of the State D) Governor iv) Chairperson of Rt jya Sabha & God AvD00S WOE - | So, ander - 16 2d550, 5 “boy, 08. woe - 1 arb e ° A) Somgsoo8 Wy i) & B) ds TYE) ii) Gods OOS. Q os ogee” ij cangoress D) 545 11) The correct answer is Bogs SSeS o> age BOYS (1) Adv, Bei, C-iii, D-i Q)- Ai, B-i, C-iv, D-iii ~ 3) A-iii, Biv, C-ii, D-i & (4) Ad, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv C 141. Te conse of Gra was conceived by a) se FESS Erdseys ddsrd Booklet Code bB > eae contesting the elections forfeits ‘deposit, if he does not secure, 142. A can qd) at of the total votes polled & Q) eth ofthe total votes polled and valid (3) 5nd of the total votes polled and valid (4) Erdofihe votes polled and valid & ager" BETH wasQ S88 ID ey THIS SS 53 (1) Sxdo 98S Lost aS Sod bea Q) Sngo FBS B05 Bet es Sods bby > (3) Sogo HBS, BOS Lust +8 So, ~~ (4) ango 95, 388 Bust is 143. All India Services are mentioned ir icle Ede TES SbgS0% easel Oe (1) 326 Q 3 G) 324 (4) 316 144. Which of the following ve ee as Governors. (a) C.Ranga Rajan Dr. Manmohan Singh : © Ms.anwata (Py i; D.Subba Rao (1) Allare work (2) a,bandc only worked (3) a,canddonly (4) a,bandd only worked God amps ro SSd\Qr SdBRSre (a) C. dor (b) &. MSAPHS Boh (c) MS, > (d) D. &eayoy (1) # ard (2) ) SED (c) SrSA Sadao GB) S608 (d) Sowa sada BY (a), (b) Ok (d) Sms sade 34-B 145. [Q| Booklet Code ‘ National Planning Commission was formed in the year srbod WerOs” Sos Qoyiy Pohwas sosesyss (1) 1947 (2) 1948 Qy 1951 a 1950 © 146. Read the following statements; and identify correct answer. Y A) Most of the rural areas have trained doctors B) Nutritious food helps in improving the health conditi ©) Some doctors may involve in unnecessary treatmel ike money (1) A,BandC are correct ® (2) Ais wrong and B and C are correct “~ (3) Aiscorrect but B and C are wrong (4) A,BandC are wrong G08 PSdSSweo HOa HHS eared (080 A) -erdses Gowod! HHS 3a B) wo'X;ho Ddoroadcoos" a BHy08 e C) Gary SomGoviaras Sodio SSSSSHS DSHyeoo BovodSeyy (1) A,Bepdcin Cex SogHo, (Q) AS0gnS8 seb Sooose B, Ce Sogdsd Q) Adsogndd. Fa BS6: S0gDSOE (4) A,B Ssd0ko CHORD 148. 14 S . The Government of India made National Food . First budget of the Independent India w: [Q] Booklet Code I to one hectare How many calntaa are equat (2) 1,000 sq.mts 10,000 am (4) 100 sq.mts (3) 1,00,000 sq.mts ea aS WHO Ia SdH Dogs ° wD 0) 8a: (2) 1,000 $.00 (3) 1,00,000 (4 $.D9 The Food Corporation of India was established in the year Y OS USS S08 Pounds Sodsos 2 () 1969 ’ (2) 1966 (By 1965 @ 1963 . National Institute of Nutrition is located at \ (1) Pune (2) Mumbai @) “ws (4) Vijayawada wboh WATTS Bog & SAOS* GOS () ws Q) Swowon (3) 2eds (4) dacrs ity Act in the year. DES Geodso mo wT Sedo Patsy 50 (1) 1947 (2) 1950 (4) 2013 luced by the Finance Minister. (1) Pranab Mukharjee 2) R.K.Shanmugam Setty (3) Morarjee Desai (4) V.P.Singh ~ RySow erssdey Snces os BRE How (1) Ged Song am Q) RK. dedyto 23 G) anorg§ dro (4) V.P.80f . Of the following which f medicine is not a part of AYUSH? (1) Homoeopathy i (3) Allopathy \y 4) Ayurveda 608 Sésoeros* HH S* eric $8 O47 e aaa (3) wetse (4) BOSS ts are called as Inner Planets i Lae mo viet (2) Mercury, Earth, Saturn, Neptune is, Mars, Jupiter “ iets (4) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars wy » DES, grado, syria (2) mirc, Gedo, x9, SeqyS edocs, Odo, rd, eomssoeso 36-B : GB) ergoeo, Heo, COMEEE, asnins (4) [Q| . Booklet Code 155, The dry and hot winds of northem plains are called (1) Mistral (2) Zonda (3) Loo 655 ROTO 58 Sam, Sar god Sd Dees (1) ee (2) som GB) oe 156, National Highway No.7 (or 44) does not run through the he (1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Kerala « (3) Andhra Pradesh (4) Tenge whch 6F50 Bo, 7 (BE 44) & wHo Hor BS, (1) egoeae ey ke (3) sossas- (4). 157. From the following, find out the correct statem A) Kosi project is the joint venture of | India an@, Bangladesh B) National Institute of oceanography ist C) The Head Quarters of South West ways is Hubli D) One has to cross Gulf of Khai ile travelling from Nagercoil to Srilanka Gobras' Soy asd A) S® BBQ aoddir, | Qu. S68S09~ B) SAS adQargS sd > wmso Hard aod C) Band Bes SOS OS GSS D) widSone Hod g DHHS NE) oS moss werd (i) B&C A&D (3), A&B (4) A&C 158. A part of Thar 1s converted into irrigated land by this canal. (1) Sirhind Can: (2) Sharda Canal (3) Tay (4) Indira Gandhi Canal Bb a oSerPA) PISOSHS Srdor SrGyS6 (1) 08 Send Q) 76d ses ~ 05 (A) a08omoh Sess: Site's] io of iron ore, coking coal and limestone in steel is a By, ScSobS* DGrhod aod pdxo, FE Sh, 160. The salinity of Bay of Bengal at Chennai is approximately BB) Sg Ke wormerard a 161. These are related to Green Revolution [Q] Booklet Code sy erbeogd. Sos” ) 95% (2). 35% (3) 350% A) HYVseeds ‘ B) _ Irrigation facilities C) Production of milk D) Environmental effects © (1) AandBarecorrect but C and D are wrong 2 2 G3 ) A, Barid Care correct but D is wrong x» HOS DSTAs SomGodsd ) A,Band Dare correct but C is wrong, (4) Aiswrong but B, C and D are correct A) €88 Gtond d8re0 B) AS Shido a¥osen ~~ C) Fo eHar Ss D) Sorgiiteo Wario (1) Adsbokm BSogSd Fd Geo SOgdSO FH 2) A,B bom CSecS9 SOD REgDSE sess B) A,B Sbai Deogns ISB Frcs (4) As0eS8 we §d B, Disegnso 162. Most of the forests of. lesh fall in this category (1) Deciduous (2) Evergreen (G3) Thomy (4) Littoral and Swamp SoGGdis' wa iS eric & UeNs BoGSD q (1) shore, Q) S88 wos e GB) Sag era (4) SSnG8s aga 163. Swampy Y region is called () Bl i as (2) Terai 2g © trode (4) Bhangar a (QQ)/ Borax (4) sont 38-B {Q| Booklet Code 164. Match the following: A) GMC. Balayogi i) Prime Minister B) GS. Pathak ii) President of Indi ©) Fakruddin AliAhmed iii) Vice Presi ia D) 1LK.Gujral iv) Speaker of L a G08 THD asdsroSo: e A) 200.8, TOarh i) eoudhe® B) 208. 365 ii) x 58 C) S8G5 ed vind iti) 3 TZss D) 98. royerd bys 19) The correct answer is OY BOGS SSrqSi0 ii, C-iii, D-iv Aciv, B-ii, C-iii, D-i 4) ° A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i 165, Identify the wrong statement wit Fundamental Rights. (1) Fundamental rights are not e (2) Some Fundamental right ailable only to Indian citizens (3) Fundamental righ n from the American Constitution (4) Fundamental righ endable (Pas i808) a Gob TAS S626. (1) @sa8 =" emshsd FH Q) 8 es e wbS Pow Sr od%on @_ 62 WS SASS TrgoNS Sood (Kerodsgsd (4) @6a oS SS00SPdE Sade 166. “MalabSipRercise-2016" isa joint Naval exercise ofthe following Countries “() China & India (2) America, Japan & India ¢ ia, China & Japan (4) India, Vietnam & Srilanka DHEPEIIC & God Bre abys Tedd Dingo S. ae Soci» wodctt (3) aodcin, Bar Sodak 8S Theautoraf“Asnven c (2) Mahaswetha Devi 3) a (4) Arundhathi Roy “eSBgS ward” 60S dso : (1) SomarosoSy QY wierd d (3) ae (4) ecoogaor 68. Choose the wrong statement about UDAN from the cinnes a) Itwasa Regional Connecting Scheme b) _ Itwasstarted by Ministry of Railways e c) Udanmeans Ude Desh Ka Am Nagaric € » @) The maximum Air fare for less than 1 hour gun hy s.1500/- UDAN & Soa0God & God Td Sod sds” eas xn S'0d a) 2b Godch wsosows S480 b) 28 Bes LoGss Tad PrsodorindSS OD c) UDANedm 84 OF 5 who as0S Q d) a& Nob Sy IdrScivards Bo: O83 GS Sr. 1500/- (1) a&b (2) b&c a&d (4) b&d 69. Expand HEFA (1) Himalayan Environment Fore: (2) Higher Education Financit (3) Higher Education Financ, ment . (4) Himalayan Environme! HEFA & 2860x508 (1) wSre0bS 3a POR Qed) (2) Sokogé DeogSas Noh 28a) (3) SohHg5 Acogs HA ASS @® rsre0e5 obS VTAHOA widows 170. Schiaparelli is 2 an American Warship supplied to India an wa built in India with th i japan (3) aPorti istan developed by China Senge (4) an Space ship to Mars 7,500. O86 2.8 Cede 8080 Hoboas DES WOE choos TS ta QPSES sire sos essdioe “mr onade wm Doings ® MRSC BE vO’ dos aby sean ) SOmsT RE GErowas sot Sire ae [Q] Booklet Code 171, Match the following Authors with their Books Pal Baitie ; 5 3 ee i) The Vegetarian : ii) How PV. Narasimha Rao tory o) , MM. Bennitts iii) The Sell Out ae Sanjay Bant iv) Into the Hidden Valley © S G08 Sdondow TO QGros' asscyod © a) 2S Gow i) 8 BadoasS db) HS sof.) ii) a padcRomIgt Bs 1HE ©) 90.00.80) F iii) 62S vos + 8) SoaicSs arco iv) poem 6 The correct answer is * SOgss Sir~wsiio «> ()) a-i,b-iv,c-ii, d-ifie Q) Rr ak (G3) acili, b-i,c-ii,d-iv (4) ‘a-j\b4il, c- iv, dix 172. The United Nations Frame work convention on cli Che (UNECCC) held the twenty ¢ following place is (4). Lima second session conference of the parties (Cop22) (1) Marrakesh (2) Warsaw SaBOS SAH Hh 55, KASS oS gi BGS (Cop22) + God Gatos" 20fob, QQ) swe? Q) wey 173. Donjais recently in news, because (1) _ Itisa traditional folk deere (2). Thisisavillage adopted Tendulkar (3) Itisanancient tribe th (4) _Itisan app develo, Donja adiso reos* ) S08 (4) dd> 174. In October aoist encounter took place at (1) M jput (2) Mannem Konda (3) P es fa Srctony DSEOE HOAs GA¥O 4 qa) eR Q) Bayo Sod £3: yey G) > 0 (4) Byos f iv) Yasin Malik & G08 TAD adSoowoso > a) JKLF i) warasd ed: wed b) S8a5 ob, O5 m ii) @HLSA mS eq ¢) ISIS (eS) a ili) m5 BS aey 4) Berdes 2hy iv) SrbS Snag The correct answer i BOGS Sorqrssay Qy) a-iv,b-iii,c-i,d-ii (4) a-ilijb-iye-id-ii ich es me was developed by CSIR Scientists recently isa variety of lly Plant 2 coer teie geo COSQ BOS as SeBS (2) Bay ob ang, 4) Sy som - [Q] Booklet Code 179. The following leader has not parti (1) Dilma Rouseff Participated in 8th BRICS - 2016 Goa Summit (3) Jin Ping (2) Vladimir Putin (4) Jacob Juma 2016 S Has" AOAS 85 OH SorSios' Seria wodHoe / Ae Q) ae BRS (2) aed 988 © 3) 5 B08 Gyaises 180. Central Government formed a Sub-Committee tonddress ti8n issues. Itis headed by (1) Navin Patnaik (2) V.Naray warmly (3) Devendra Fadnavis “@ NY ‘ou Naidu DE So Sey SpSstora Sotdoseras dos sage DSO Yasadz0d0d. GA (3) Sos Sqoe . Bolgerenmrcinets 181. oe General Assembly appointed Antoni s as the Secretary General of UNO. H a 10" United Nations High Co: b) Former 114* President of P: c) Former President of Euro, d) Founder of the Portu; wSgsoc f | (1) dS Sees 2 Vrocive ayo | | gee Council DoS MQ WELS adddr NcdModsS. esa 55 95 Verges BO Bed a) 105 oogad 5 b) B6yy68 I am Sa det | 4 ¢) ohrotnohS Wes $9 dre 4d) ayhs 2 ays Yours @ Q ab&d @) ac&d [Q] Booklet Code structed at the period of vati Stupa in Guntur: district was cons' 2 3 cea (2) Satavahanas (3) Chalukyas (4) vas hoards eers'a CHTSS SndS0 Adyosads Ses & ‘ (2) réarmoo (D aggsoeo QB) wesseo (4) Seadoo 184. In the period which Chief Minister the arrack was banned in o Pradesh for some time (1) SriChandra babu Naidu (2) Sri. T. (3) Sri.N.TRama Rao o 3 am Sanjeevaiah 2 SnngiooG resus sogsedter “ () & Soyeres wow Q) & Sods ess céroy on S60 Sotsokg 185. The Gundlakamma project was constructed (1) Vizianagaram (2) Prakasam (4) Guntur togSioy (PBL ddjodincwdeos ex QY dxoesios (2) GE¥sn 3) (4) Goare 186. The wood which is found only abs but not in any other part of the world is (1) Teak (2) Sandalwood (3) Rose wood o (4) Red Sandal wood dows Isr Odds SEAES* Sr St odod od 26 (1) B%& ay 3g. G) OF 95 (BY 26 Sods 187. The traditional dance, we (1) Kuchipuai fo (2) Yakshagana (3) Bharata Na e (4) Kathakali COG ES Bob. OTOH Y wrap, 568 Ween © 2) emis (3) SSMOGO (4) ESD 188, is fath Telugu film industry 3 (2) Raghupati Venkaiah Naidu 4) Vi a \Srzo8%9 SOBs wey Wri SSS, Bi i Oia 4 (2) dn88 Bosevy Tose (A) deerme 44-3 [Q] Booklet Code 189, The first Telugu lady who climbed the Mt. Everest () Hampi) Neslima (3). Sana OA DSSAQ ASGTA, CHS%r00S anges Beast Soir é fo es GD ae ~~ 190. The famous book “Vishwambhara” ‘was written by (1) DrC. Narayan Reddy (2) Jashuva (3) Gurajada Appa Rao (4) Kandukuri Ve jingam GSow Bossa “Dog's sdoasze & WY Bs. Troewog (2) wm _ QB) teterd waynos (4) cae reo 191. Where did the Indian National Congress conferencgtpbepted the Indian National flag. (1) Vijayawada (2) “Vizag @) wbcb now sSrhouinds mba ross (Q) ducers 2) Beh bad. (4) Madras BOAS Gato Soars (4) Ses _ 192. Match the following places associated rrorist groups | a) Nabha ULFA -b) Malikheda @ ii) SIMI c) Pengeri * iii) JaishEMahammad 4) Natrota SNR) Kholistan Ciboration Force & G08 Cares oes HGSP esses a) Ser i) ULFA(#ey) b) Lode ii) SIMI 20) c) oto | se iii) BS 2 soiriys a) xyster iv) pdRS Ovb4S HH ‘The correct answer i HOGS HSrors: , A) a-ii,b-jii,c 48 d-i Qp a-iv,b-i,c-iii,d-ii @) a-iii, b-ihe®i,d-iv (4) a-iv,b-ii,c-i,d-iii (2) Medha Patkar (4) Dhyuthi Chand [Q] Booklet Code ‘The youngest cricketer who completed 10,000 nuns in the test matches. & 194, The y' (1) Alester Cook (2) Sachin Tendulkar ‘ O 2 (3) Rahul Dravid (4) Brian Lara © 680% SBS BY 10,000 She HQ dds EOE ® . (ea g5 &S (D895 Sosre,5 Q) oid wad Oo A OarS oo 195, In November 2016, India signed a deal on Civil Nucl with the following country (1) Korea (2) (3) Russia (4 : 2016 SSon5S* erdSA%o BS weao¥G vtjo 08 Bios Socstyso8 (1) S805» aS 3) oes oe Bo 196. Inthe Rio Olympics Women’s Badmitoh Singles Finals P.V.Sindhu was defeated by (1) Carolina Marin “~~ (2) Lara Sarosi (3) Nazomi Okuhara (4) Wang YiHan Br 2o0dh Siro op see boLow, & God borsosdd aBorsadoa. QL Seda Sro5 qm (2) oo sea G) SB aver (4) rof-eS . 197. Choose the correct s 's about Fidel Castro a) Studied Law ity of Hawana b) Fought agaii rule of Fulgencio Batista ©) Served as Pi it of Republic of Cuba from 1 959-1976 \¢ First Secretary of Communist Party of Cuba OB0DS BOS TEpS 0 Jobs Boros, ee S88 Sorgen SE5Hdr “bSeodomes, re 8B BY Dooases RELI bSeobomay ae ao&d G) be&d hy (Q| Booklet Code 198. Recipient of Prestigious 2016 Sustainable Development Leadershi from President Pranab Mukherjee at World Sustainable Development Summit w: (1) Chandrababu Naidu (2) Manik sia) (3) Pawan Chamling (4) Kejriwal . 6G Sgomdeod ASOSHolS sary Sot gta eos Sh S08 WARS 2016 AgonsenS Goda wary Sissy) Sg8 (1) do@eras wotooeo Q s 5 @Q) S55 wa0h (4) 199, International Press Freedom Award 2016 has ferred to Malini Subrahmanyam for her work in the following place (1) Bastar (2) Balimela 2, Srinagar (4) Jafna Srda Hwirywjow & E06 oS das SAB P&H vodqbov HS O45 wr§ 2016 Gorse Hire. (1) 286 (3) 8X6 (4) edq 200. The Renkoji temple situate: a was recently in news because of (1) Earth Quake (2) Corpse of Stalin ji (4) Terrorist attack BeSo' Ko OSS 0 - PEE TSWV Ko TdE0 (1) gr Bodo Q2) ZO5 Sysdeo Q) dee ork (4) e@ord

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