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Complete Career

- Including tables for startcareers -

Edited by: Joakim Hhl


This Compendium includes all the careers that are avaivable at The Warhammer Archives Site, including the different txt and zip files
describing various careers that are not included in the Career Class directories. This Compendium is bound to be outdated pretty fast,
since new careers are being developed at steady pace. Although it is like this, I will try to update it every once in a while. Still it is not a
project that is useless or not worthwhile. The advantages are many, and amongst other things one of the most important of these
advantages is that you have all of the brilliant careers in one file/book and that helps. You dont have to clip & paste by yourselves (Ive
done that part), and this also makes it easier to use the listed careers. It also helps the new players or newly WFRP-internet surfers that
are visiting the Archives or subscribing to the WFRP-mailing list, to easily get a hold of ALL of the careers that have been posted there.
No one has ever produced something like a starter career roll table before so I think this is the right time and place.

A little word for the authors (or anyone else concerned): I have tried to a limited extent to uphold the structure of your work. Useless, and
spaceabsorbing stuff has not been included in this list. I hope that you are understanding regarding this. If there are any errors or
misconceptions on my part, please do mail me, and Ill fix it.

All careers are copyright of the authors, and if you would like to use it in any other way than for personal use in your ho mecampaign
you will need to contact the author in question for permission to use it. This is the Rule, please act accordingly because of respect to your
sister and brother.

When you roll for starter career please note that I have not chosen between the different versions of careers. So for instance; if you roll,
say a, Barman, its up to you to chose which version to use in your game. The percentage chance for the starter roll is also of course an
example of how to do it, so naturally if you dont agree with me you can change the percentage. All charts apply to Old Worlder settings,
so if you play your campaign in Cathay, I would consider not using these. I had The Empire setting in mind when I constructed these

If you have any new characters not included here, and want to enlighten other gamers with these you can always e-mail them to me.

This Compendium was last edited/updated: 15/9-96

Joakim Hhl,
Property is a fake

Winecrafters - Advanced
Witch - Basic/Advanced
Authors for Academic Careers
Academic Career Chart 5
Ranger Career Chart RANGER CAREERS 6
Rougue Career Chart Courier - Basic 7
Warrior Career Charts Duck Hunter - Advanced 8
Falconer - Basic
Falconer2 - Basic
Apprentice (Dwarven Career) - Basic Forestrunner (Elven Career) 9 - Basic
Arbiter - Basic Gypsy - Basic 9
Art Patron - Advanced 9
Horse Trader (Arabian Career) - Basic
Artisan (To replace the old one) - Advanced Huntsman - Advanced 9
Artists Apprentice - Basic 10
Halfling Hydrologist/Hydrologists apprentice -
Astrologer - Advanced Basic/Advanced 11
Bard - Advanced Hydrologist's apprentice12
Buyer - Basic Hydrologist master 12
Cultivator - Basic Halfling Ratcatcher - Basic13
Degenerate Artist - Advanced Halfling Road Cook 13
Demagogues - Advanced 14
Mariners (Order of the Trident) - Advanced
Order of the Ravening Pack Marine Careers 14
Rabble Rousers 14
Marine Captain - Advanced
Diplomat- Advanced 14
Marine Sergeant - Advanced
Evangelist - Advanced Miner (Dwarven career) - 14Basic
Fanatics - Advanced Dwarven Mountaineer Officer15 - Advanced
Fangs of Winter 15
Dwarven Mountaineer - Advanced
Order of the Flame Scout (Orders) - Advanced15
Freeman (Freewoman) - Basic Society of the Bear 15
Guildmaster (Dwarven Career) - Advanced 16
Wardens of the Field - Halfling scout career
High-Society Artist (Artist Career) - Advanced 16
Shadow warrior (Elven Career) - Basic
Interpreter - Basic 16
Sneakin Git (Goblonoid Career) - Advanced
Inventor Series Yokel - Basic 17
Inventors Apprentice - Basic Authors for Ranger Careers 17
Inventor - Advanced 17
Khaine Cleric - Advanced 17
Le Chef (Halfling Career) - Advanced ROUGUE CAREERS 19
Linguist/Translator -Advanced 19
Anarchist (Mark 2) - Advanced
Locksmith (Artisans Apprentice Career) - Basic 19one) - Advanced
Assassin (To replace the old
Mage Smiths (Elven Career) - Advanced Barkeeper - Basic 20
Master Artist - Advanced Barkeeper2 - Basic 21
Midwives - Basic Barkeeper3 (Innkeeper) - 22Basic
Missionary - Advanced Bookmaker - Basic 22
Monk (Cathayan Career) - Basic Cabman - Basic 22
The Su Lim Monastary of Cathay Cat Burglar - Advanced 23
Mystics (Cathayan Career) - Advanced Crime Lord - Advanced 24
Oracle - Advanced Cultist - Basic 24
Philosopher - Advanced Informer - Advanced 25
Political Activist - Advanced Inspector - Advanced 26
Political Dissident - Advanced Master Thief - Advanced 27
Prestidigitator - Basic Prostitute - Basic 27
Political reactionary - Advanced Prostitute2 - Basic 27
Religious Artist (New Artist Career) - Advanced Saboteur - Advanced 28
Runesmith (Dwarven Career) - Advanced Sensitive - Basic 28
The Runesmith Guild Stablemaster - Advanced 28
Runes Authors Rougue careers 29
Runesmith's Apprentice 29
Runesmith 29
Rune Descriptions 31 one) - Advanced
Assassin2 (To replace the old
Savage Orc Shamen (Orc Career) - Advanced Barbarian - Basic 36
Scholar Monk (Cathayan/Old worlder Career) - Advanced The Bloody Knight (Templar 37 of Khorne) - Advanced
Smoking Room Anarchist - Basic 37 Career) - Advanced
Bullfighter/Matador (Estalian
Steward- Advanced 37 Career) - Advanced
Bullfighter/Matador2 (Estalian
Castellan - Advanced Watch Sergeant - Advanced 60
Cavalier - Advanced Weapon Master - Advanced 60
Combat Monks (Cathayan Careers) - Advanced White lion (Elven Career) 61
- Advanced
Demon-Hunter - Advanced Wing Commander (Dwarven 62 career) - Advanced
Dervish (Arabian Career) - Basic Witch Hunter Orders - Advanced
Slayer Careers: Jurists (Solkan) 63
Dragon Slayer (Dwarven Career) - Advanced Order of the Brooding Ravens
63 (Morr)
Daemon Slayer (Dwarven Career) - Advanced Wrecker - Basic 63
The Dark Scholar (Templar of Tzeench) - Advanced Authors Warrior careers 63
Dispatch Rider - Basic 64
Elven Breakdancer (Elven Career) - Advanced 64
Executioner - Advanced 66
Executioner2 - Basic 66
Dwarfen Fire Throwers (Dwarwen Career) - Basic 66
Gladiator - Advanced 67
Kamaluk Warrior (Arabian Career) - Basic 67
Kamaluke Bodyguard (Arabian Career) - Advanced 68
Kinbad (Wood Elven Career) - Basic 68
Night Goblin Fanatic (Goblin Career) - Advanced 68
Guard/Honour Guard - Advanced 69
Guardian of the Tower of Hoeth (Elven Career) - Advanced 70
Wraithguard (Elven Career) - Advanced 70
High Elf Sword Master (Revised version of Guardian of )
- Advanced 70
High Elf Sword Master2 - Advanced 71
Gyrocopter Pilot (Dwarven Career) - Basic 71
Herald - Basic 71
Huscarl (Norse Career) - Advanced 72
Inquisitor - Advanced 72
Inquistor2 - Advanced 72
Knight - Advanced 73
Knightly Orders - Advanced 73
Knights of the Thundering Tempest 73
Knights of the Golden Crest 74
Longbowman - Basic 74
Mercenary/Military Colonel & General - Advanced 75
Phoenix Guardsman (Elven Career) - Advanced 75
Pikeman - Basic 75
Pirate - Basic 76
The Plague Monk (Templar of Nurgle) - Advanced 76
Ruffian - Basic 76
Skirmisher - Basic 76
Stuntie slayer (Goblonoid Career) - Advanced 77
Thunderer (Dwarve Career) - Basic 78
Verena Templar Order - Advanced 78
The Sword of Truth: 78
(more) Templar Orders - Advanced 78
Knights of the Cleansing Flame (Solkan) 78
Order of the Blazing Sun (Myrmidia) 78
Order of the Flaming Scimitar (Ormazd) 78
Order of the Stone Wall (Grungni) 79
Templars of the White Wolf (Ulric) 79
Modified Templars 79
Myrmidian Templars 79
Sigmarite Templars 79
Ulrician Templars 79
The Temptress (Templar of Slaanesh) - Advanced 80
Toreador (Estalian Career) - Basic 80
Verenan Templars2 - Advanced 80
Veteran (Dwarven Career) - Advanced 81
Wall-Drummer (Goblinoid Career) - Basic 81
Wardancer (Elven Career) - Advanced 81
Wardancers2 - Advanced 82
Wardancer3 (Elven Career) - Advanced 82
Warrior Monk (Cathayan Career) - Advanced 82
Watchman (To replace the old one) - Basic 83
Academic Career Chart
Career Human Elf Dwarf Halfling
Alchemists Apprentice* 01-04 01-05 01-05 01-05
Apprentice - - 06-12 -
Arbiter 05-09 - - 06-10
Artisans Apprentice* 10-13 06-10 13-19 11-15
Artists Apprentice 14-18 11-15 20-21 16-20
Buyer 19-23 16-18 22-27 21-23
Cultivator 24-25 - - -
Druid* 26-27 - - -
Engineer* - - 28-34 -
Exciseman* 28-31 - 35-39 24-27
Freeman 32-35 19-24 40-44 28-33
Herbalist* 36-39 25-29 - 34-39
Hypnotist* 40-43 30-35 - -
Initiate* 44-47 36-38 45-49 40-45
Interpeter 48-51 39-40 50-51 46-50
Inventors Apprentice 52-55 - 52-57 51-54
Midwives (only women) 56-57 - - 55-62
Monk (Cathayan) 58 - - -
Mystics (Cathayan) 59 - - -
Pharmacist* 60-63 41-43 58-63 63-65
Physicians Student* 64-67 44-47 64-67 66-68
Prestidigitator 68-70 48-53 68-70 69-74
Scribe* 71-73 54-57 71-75 75-78
Seer* 74-75 58-62 76-74 79-80
Smoking Room Anarchist 76-79 63-65 75-79 81-84
Student* 80-85 66-68 80-85 85-90
Trader* 86-90 69-74 86-95*** 91-96
Witch (Minx) 91-93 75-80 96 97-98
Wizards Apprentice* 94-00 81-100** 97-00 99-00

* Indicates that the Career is described in the WFRP rulebook

**eds note: The Elven Career could be reorganised, because of the high percentage in chance of The Wizards Apprentice Career, but I
thought it was for the best this way. Elven adventures (I think), are more often mystical wizards and magicians rather than scribes or
students employed in Imperial service. If your campaign involves the collegues of magic, choose wether you like the character to belong
to one of these, or if she is an independent wizard. Elves, I think, for instance ought to be independent wizards.

***eds note: Dwarfs outside The Mountains are often Traders.

Ranger Career Chart
Career Human Elf Dwarf Halfling
Boatman* 01-04 01-05 - -
Bounty Hunter* 05-09 06-10 01-05 -
Coachman* 10-14 11-15 06-10 01-05
Courier 15-19 16-20 - -
Falconer 20-24 21-25 11-15 06-10
Farmer 25-29 - 16-25 11-25
Fisherman* 30-34 26-30 - 26-35
Forestrunner - 31-35 - -
Gamekeeper* 36-40 36-45 26-30 36-40
Gypsy 41-44 46-55 31-35 41-45
Hydrologists Apprentice - - - 46-50
Halfling Rat Catcher - - - 51-55
Halfling Road Cook - - - 56-65
Herdsman* 45-49 56-60 36-40 66-70
Horse Trader (Arabian) 50 - - -
Hunter* 51-55 61-70 41-45 71-75
Miner - - 46-60 -
Muleskinner* 56-60 71-75 61-65 76-80
Outrider* 61-65 76-80 - -
Pilot* 66-71 81-85 - -
Prospector* 71-76 - 66-80 -
Rat Catcher* 77-82 - 81-85 81-85***
Roadwarden* 83-88 - - -
Runner* - - 86-90 -
Shadow Warrior - 86-90 - -
Toll-keeper* - - 91-95 86-90
Trapper* 89-93 91-95** 96-98 91-93
Woodsman* 94-98 96-00** 99-00 94-96
Yokel 99-00 - - 97-00

* Indicates that the Career is described in the WFRP rulebook

**eds note: Trapper & Woodsman I think must be thought of as protective elven characters. Have you ever heard of an elf chopping
trees and killing animals for gold crowns.

***eds note: This is of course an halfling not presently living in The Moot, but who somehow survives as an (ordinary?) Rat Catcher in
a city of The Empire for example.

Rougue Career Chart
Career Human Elf Dwarf Halfling
Agitator* 01-10 01-05 01-05 -
Barkeeper 11-15 06-10 06-15 01-05
Bawd* 16-20 11-15 16-20 06-10
Beggar* 21-25 - 21-25 11-15
Bookmaker 26-30 - 26-30 -
Cabman 31-35 - 31-35 16-20
Entertainer* 36-40 16-25 36-40 21-30
Footpad* 41-45 26-30 41-45 31-35
Gambler* 46-50 31-40 46-50 36-40
Grave Robber* 51-55 - 51-60 41-45
Jailer* 56-60 - 61-65 -
Minstrel* - 41-55 - -
Pedlar* 61-65 56-60 66-70 46-50
Prostitute 66-70 61-65 - 51-55
Raconteur* 71-75 66-70 - 55-65
Rustler* 76-80 71-75 71-75 66-70
Sensitive 81-85 76-80 76-80 -
Smuggler* 86-90 81-85 81-85 71-75
Thief* 91-95 86-00** 86-90 76-95
Tomb robber* 96-00 - 91-00 96-00

* Indicates that the Career is described in the WFRP rulebook

** eds note: Elves who are thieves are not thieves for the moneys sake. Elves are most often thieves for the adrenalin rush; they are
adrenalin-addicts! (Similar can be said about many of the Rougue Careers that involves elves. They are most usually NOT in it for the
money; an elven prostitute for example is often a prostitute to satisfy other interests other than just the monetarian necsesseties).

Warrior Career Charts
Career Human Elf Dwarf Halfling
Barbarian 01-03 - - -
Bodyguard* 04-07 01-04 01-05 01-03
Dervish (Arabian) 8 - - -
Dispatch rider 9-11 05-09 - -
Dwarfen Fire Thrower - - 06-10 -
Excecutioner2** 12-13 - 11-13 -
Gyrocopter pilot - - 14-18 -
Herald 14-17 10-14 19-22 04-10
Kamaluk Warrior (Arabian) 18 - - -
Kinbad - 15-25 - -
Labourer* 19-21 - 23-30 11-25
Longbowman 22-24 26-32 - -
Marine* 26-29 33-36 - -
Mercenary* 30-33 37-40 31-35 -
Militiaman* 34-37 41-44 36-40 26-30
Noble* 38-41 45-50 41-45 31-45
Outlaw* 42-44 51-55 46-50 46-50
Pikeman 45-46 - 51-55 -
Pirate 47-49 56-60 - -
Pit Fighter* 50-53 - 56-60 -
Protagonist* 54-57 61-65 61-65 -
Ruffian 58-61 - 66-68 -
Seaman* 62-66 66-70 - -
Servant* 67-71 71-75 69-70 51-65
Skirmisher 72-75 76-80 71-72 66-75
Soldier* 76-82 81-85 73-75 76-85
Squire* 83-86 86-90 76-78 86-90
Thunderer - - 79-83 -
Toreador (Estalian) 87-88 - - -
Troll Slayer* - - 84-85 -
Tunnel Fighter* - - 86-95 -
Watchman*,** 89-95 91-95 96-00 91-00
Wrecker 96-00 96-00 - -

Art Patron - Advanced
ACADEMIC CAREERS The Art Patron is a rich Noble or Merchant, or their wives, who in
their constant quest for status and prestige, turn to the patronage of
Apprentice (Dwarven Career) - Basic someone with either a talent or a pretense of talent to give the
Patron a degree of sophistication. The Art Patron often throws
elaborate Parlor or Salon parties with all their envious friends and
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc rivals, where the favored Artist and the Art Patron are the center.
+1 +10 +10 +10 +10 Champagne, fine clothing and jewelry, and pretentious
conversation are in abundance. The pinnacle of the evening is
Skills: Metallurgy, Read/write, Rune lore, Secret language- when the self important and smug Art Patron has their parasitic,
Classical, Guilder, Smithing. arrogant, and conceited Artist unveil the vainglorius piece to
Trappings: Hand weapon, Leather jerkin, Tools. either an envious or a jeering audience of drunk egotistical
Entries: Engineer, Soldier, Thunderer, Guildmaster, Runesmith, "critics".
Veteran. The piece is typically some form of flattery or adulation in the
Exits: Alchemist's apprentice, Engineer, Soldier, Artisan, form of a portrait or statue of the patron. An Artist that embarasses
Runesmith. their patron is likely to fall from favor, while a good one will last
until the Patron gets bored of them, or decides that the Artist is
This career is one that must be undertaken before a Dwarf can getting just too inflated or expensive to care for...
proceed into the Guildmaster or Runesmith careers described
below. There are 2 different types of apprentice, Guild apprentices M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
and Rune smith apprentices, and the pc must specify which upon +2 +10 +10 +10 +20 +30
entering the career.
The S. lang-Guilder skill therefore changes according to the
Skills :Art, Blather, Charm, Dance, Etiquette, Jest, Read/Write,
chosen area of apprenticeship.
If a Runesmith character wishes to follow a Guildmaster career
Trappings :Coach, Opera Glasses, Patronage of the Most
then s/he must go through the career, although skills do not have to
Fashionable Artists, Tons of money
be taken twice.
Career Entries : Artist, Lawyer, Master Artist, Merchant, Noble
By Joe The Mysterious Man
Rank 2 and up, Philosopher, Scholar
Career Exits :Artist, Philosopher, Scholar,

Arbiter Basic From: Morten Krog <>

Subject: WFRP: Artisan Careers
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
These new careers can be used to create a more elaborate
+1 +2 +10 +10 +10
background in the Warhammer world, it is up to you, the GM,
whether you want the PC entering these careers (keep in mind that
Skills: Trappings: it is often _very_ difficult to enter an artisan career, because the
Etiquette Gavel local guild usually sets a limit to how many practioners of a craft
Law Fine Clothes there can be in the area).
Public Speak Writing Materials
Read/Write 50% Seal/Wax
Wit Artisan - Advanced (To replace the old
50% Charm one)
25% Heraldry
Reason: The list of Artisan careers in the WFRP rule book is
"incomplete" the text says. I have therefore attempted to make a
Very often the official judgment of the law does not extend
more complete list of Artisan careers.
to the far off rural areas. For these rustic peasants, the arbiter is
the only means of settling disputes. They are paid by the village
Description: Same as in the rule book.
usually, and are slightly better off then your average peasant.
However, sometimes arbiter are forced to leave their homes due to
Artisan Advanced Career
the wrath of people not happy with their decisions.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Career Exits Career Entrance
Exciseman Scribe +1 +1 +2 +20 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10
Scribe Agitator
Lawyer Seer Skills: Drive Cart, Magickal Sense, Scroll Lore, Secret Language-
Student Guilder, Secret Signs-Artisan.
Trade Skills: See below. Trappings: Tools-according to trade, 5d6 Gold Crowns.
From: *Your Personal Savior* <> Career Entry: Artisans Apprentice.
Subject: [WFRP:994] (Fwd) New Career: Artist's Apprentice Career Exits: See below.

Many of these careers are only found in larger cities, there simply Boat Building
isn't a large enough market for these in smaller towns and villages 80-81 Stonemason Stone Working Engineer
to support a craftsman of notable skill. (Dwarfs Only)
There are craftsmen who travel regularly from town to town 82-83 Tailor Tailor -
providing these services, also pedlars bring crafted goods out to 84-85 Tanner Chemistry -
even the remotest outpost. 86-87 * Taxidermist Taxidermy -
In some towns some crafts will be performed together; e.g. 88-89 * Thatcher *Thatching -
Bowyer/Fletcher, Architect/Carpenter/Builder, Baker/Miller, etc. 90-92 * Undertaker - -
In the larger cities there are often a large demand for one 93-94 * Weaver *Weaving -
particular item, this leads to specialisation, causing careers to split 95-96 * Winemaker Consume Alcohol -
(An example of this is Carpenter/Cartwright). Identify Plant
97-98 * Wheelwright Carpentry -
A (*) marks a new artisan career, or a new skill. Smithing
99-00 * Woodcarver *Art-Carving -
D100 Artisan Career Trade Skills Career Exits
---- -------------- ------------ ------------ New skills:
01-02 * Architect Cartography Cartographer Art- Art seemed to be too much knowledge in one skill, so here
(Blueprinting) Carpenter is a proposal to split it into subcategories (almost like the
Carpentry Specialist Weapon skill). The first art skill costs the normal 100 ep
02-03 Armourer Metallurgy Soldier but any further art skills only cost 75 eps, due to the
Smithing overlapping of knowledge: Calligraphy: The Art of Writing and
03-04 *Astrologer/ Astronomy - Illuminating text (treaties, documents, books (esp religious ones)
* Astronomer Astronomy - Carve: Making forms and figures from hard materials
05-07 *Baker Cook - (wood, bone or stones).
08-11 Blacksmith Smithing - Engraving: Inscribing or indenting hard materials with a text,
11-12 *Bowyer Spec Wpn-Longbow Targeteer pattern or picture (metals, glass, wood, stone, gems, etc.).
13-14 Brewer Brewing - Painting: Depicting or drawing landscapes, portraits or still
15-16 *Broommaker - - life on paper or canvas. The person knows how to wield a
17-18 Builder Carpentry Engineer brush and the right colours to use.
(Dwarfs only) Pottery: Making objects from clay, What clay to use, how to
19-20 *Butcher - - burn it, colour it etc.
21-22 Calligrapher *Art-Calligraphy Explorer, Forger Sculpting: Usually creating far larger shapes than the carver,
23-25 *Candlemaker - - the sculptor works primarily with stone, but also with
26-27 Carpenter Carpentry *Architect molds and casts.
28-29 *Cartographer Cartography - Founding: Being able to make casts and knowing how to
30-31 Cartwright Carpentry - successfully cast metal products. How to make moulds, what
32-33 Chandler -<as pedlar?> - metals to use, etc.
34-36 *Charcoalmaker - - Taxidermy: The knowledge of how to preserve animals, also
37-38 Cobbler Tailor - encompasses knowledge of animal physiology.
39-40 Cooper Carpentry - Thatching: The craft of thatching roofs. Thatched roofs are one
41-42 Engraver *Art-Engraving Counterfeiter,Forger of the most common method of covering houses in the Empire. In
43-44 * Fletcher Marksmanship Targeteer the cities tiles are mostly used and its use is spreading out to the
Spec Wpn-Longbow country side, but there are many people who cannot afford tiles
45-46 * Founder Metallurgy - and thus prefer a thatched roof.
*Founding Weaving: Production of woven cloths, textiles, linen and muslin.
47-48 * Furnituremaker Carpentry - This is a solid occupation, and with some skill the weaver can
49-50 * Furrier - - earn fair wage.
51-52 * Glassmaker/blower *Art-Engraving - From: *Your Personal Savior* <>
Chemistry Subject: [WFRP:994] (Fwd) New Career: Artist's Apprentice
53-54 Jeweller Gem Cutting Merchant
55-56 * Leatherworker
57-58 * Locksmith
Artists Apprentice - Basic
Pick Lock Young children discovered to have some form of artistic talent
Smithing areoften apprenticed to artists. The artist then forces the young
59-60 * Miller - - prodigy to perform menial and petty tasks, like mixing paints,
61-62 * Painter *Art-Painting - washing clothes, cleaning the artists house, cooking, or any other
63-64 * Pawnbroker Evaluate - number of trivial tasks.
65-66 Potter *Art-Pottery - Occasionally, the artist may pass along some knowledge in a
Chemistry condescending fashion on to the apprentice. The Artist's
67-68 Printer Read/Write Demagogue Apprentice does get a chance to help out the Artist on their works.
69-71 * Ropemaker - - Painting in the sky, the rocks, and other background on the
72-73 * Sailmaker Tailor - master's pieces, while the figures and central parts of the painting
74-75 * Sculptor *Art-Sculpting - are rendered by the artist. Of course, all the work the Artist's
76-77 * Soapmaker Identify Plant - Apprentice does, if good, will be attributed to the Artist...
78-79 Shipwright Carpentry -
Scrimshaw-The carving of designs or pictures onto ivory or
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc bones.
+1 +10 +10 +10 +10 Popular in Norsca and the Southlands.
Sculpture-The three dimensional representation of forms and
figure in marble or other mediums.
Artist Skills
Actor Acting From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
Public Speaking Subject: WFRP: Astrologer
Architect Architecture
Drafting Astrologer - Advanced
Calligrapher Manuscript Illumination
Many in the Old World feel that what happens below the stars, is a
Dancer Dance
reflection of whats happening in the stars. By studying the
Painter Art-Paint
heavens, one can learn a glimmer of what the gods have to tell.
Poet Art-Poetry
Astrologers are people who seek that knowledge. Recently they
Public Speaking
have come into vogue in courts, as Astrologers seek portents to the
future of noble houses.
Sculptor Art-Sculpture
Singer Sing
Writer Art-Literature M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Read/Write +10 +10 +2 +20 +10 +30 +10 +10 +20

Artist Trappings Skills

Actor Stage Makeup, Costumes Astronomy
Calligrapher Ink, Quills, Paints Astrology
Dancer Dance Costume Charm
Painter Easel, Paints, Paintbrushes Etiquette
Poet Poetry Books Read Write
Sculptor Chisel, Marble Blocks Secret Language Classical
Singer nothing Wit
Writer Bound Blank Books
Career Entries This skill was published in a WD, and I can't remember the rules.
Entertainer If you have them, replace these with those. If you don't I'm sure
this will do.
Career Exits First, it's up to the GM to decide if this skill has any real
Artist powers or is just based on superstition. If it does, this skill
Beggar allows a very, very, very vague prediciton of a possible future. By
Entertainer examining the heavens, for a few hours, and consulting charts, the
character can:
Art (Revised Skill) 1) Draw up a birth star chart for a new born. Since the Astrologer
There are a number of art skills. This is not intended to be an will be long gone by the time the kid grows up, who cares if it's for
exhaustive listing. The following can be considered Art skills: real?!?!
Architecture-The design of building interiors and exteriors in 2) Draw up a chart for himself or a character. On a successful
aestetically pleasing forms. Facades, interiors, layouts, spires, Int, test, the prediction will have a vague clue about the truth.
domes, doorways, windows. Drafting and Engineering are For a warrior going into battle:
requisites, and the application of Carpentry or Stoneworking is "The sword of Myrmidia is entering the House of Morr,
also useful. tomorrow, you face great danger, I see blood letting, but if you
Calligraphy-an intricate form of artistic writing, highly persevere, Victory could be yours!"
regarded and valued in Imperial Cathay and Nippon. If the GM isn't as cruel as me, he may give genuine bits of
Ceramics & Pottery-Knowledge of hand pieces, wheels and information of use. I prefer to snip out the day's horoscope and
spinning, and creation of pottery. read that instead to the unwitting characters. If a game is moving
Coin Dies-Creation of coin molds and dies. quite slowly, you might want to use this to give a clue
Drawing-Use of pastels, lead, and ink on paper, canvas, or If the character fails, his prediction is wrong.
sidewalks. "The stars say that the Chaos Army will retreat, if you confront
Illuminated Manuscripts-A mixture of drawing and painting, them alone outside the Keep wearing only a cowbell!"
used in a miniaturist style to illuminate books and tomes. Of course, if the Astrologer is dumb enough to tell the Lord
Literature-The art of writing and expressing one's thoughts or that, let him meet my Executioner NPC. Hopefully, despite the
ideas clearly. Read/Write is a prerequisite. prediction of the stars, the Astrologer PC would say:
Painting-The application of paints to canvas, wooden boards, or "hmm, the sword of Myrmidia is entering the House of Morr.
frescoes. Great blood shed ahead! I'm sure victory is certain. I think I could
Poetry-Use of rhyme, rythmn and prose in a particular form to find out more if I were to go through the escape tunnel, to the hill,
create a poem. Popular in the Old World as well as in Cathay. where I could have a better view of the stars..."
Printing Plates-The carving of wood or metal to make plates for Needless to say, Astrology rolls should be done by the GM in
printing presses. secret, and the prediction passed to the Astrologer, so that he could
make the predicition public after "editing" it.
3) If the players are droll enough, they can try to get a "yes/no" Skills:
answer out of the stars. Let them try, and give them, if successful,
an amibiguous response with maybe a little clue. If the Astrologer Level 1 Level 3
fails, give 'em the wrong answer, but kind of ambiguous, so they ------- -------
don't know right off it's the wrong answer. Clown Blather
Dance Mystic Songs, Level 3
Trappings Mystic Songs, Level 1 Speak Additional Language
Astrological Doodads and divining equipment Read/Write Story Telling
Star Charts Read/Write Music Wit
Rudimentary telescope Speak Additional Language
Writing Utensils
d6 books Level 2 Level 4
The Stars and You ------- -------
The Heavens and Their Secrets Acting Linguistics
Astrology from A to Z History Magical Sense
The Stars are Your Friends Mimic Mystic Songs, Level 4
A Self Help Astrology Handbook Mystic Songs, Level 2 Speak Additional Langauage
Predictions in under 20 Minutes Speak Additional Language Theology
The Heavens and Your Love Life
Xaviers Book of Heavenly Bodies (not actually an Astronomy Magic Points:
text, but smutty pornography.) Elves: +4d4 points per level
Ask The Gods... Others: +2d4 points per level

Career Entries Trappings:

Seer Hand Weapon
Student Lute or Mandolin
Charlatan Sheet Music
Wizard Colorful Clothes

Career Exits Career Exits:

Seer Bard - of next level
Scholar Bawd
Charlatan Charlatan
Philosopher Demagogue

Notes: This is yet again another fun roleplaying career. No matter Notes: Bards must first progress through the Minstrel career
how many times the astrologers wrong, he'll be dead certain the (taking all skills and advances; note that non-elves must start with
stars have all the answers, and maybe he interpreted it wrong once Entertainer - Troubadour before becoming Minstrels, although
or twice... As soon as the Astrologers says: "I have an idea, I'll they do not have to take all advance and skills before advancing to
divine it from the heavens!" the players should start to groan and Minstrel). Once they become Bards, to advance in level they must
throw dice and sharp objects at the Astrologer player and the GM! take all skills and advances, along with at least two mystic songs
of their current level. Level advances cost 100 EP as usual.
From: (Ben Hudgins)
Having been inspired by an ancient article touting the
joys of bards and such, I succumbed to my creative instinct and thusly the [eds note: The rest of the Bard Article .txt can be found in The
advance class of Bard has come about (for WHRP). Warhammer Archives]
From: Psychedelic Goblin <>
Bard Advanced Subject: WFRP: Yet More Careers!

Advance Scheme - Level 1 Buyer - Basic

M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Buyers are agents for mercantile concerns,taverns,restaurants, and
+20 +10 +3 +10 +20 +10 +10 +10 large noble houses, buying goods in bulk. They are highly
professional and intelligent people who often use their exceptional
Advance Scheme - Level 2 talents to enter business themselves.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+20 +10 +4 +20 +20 +20 +10 +10 M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+1 +10 +10 +10
Advance Scheme - Level 3
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Skills: Trappings:
+20 +20 +4 +20 +30 +30 +20 +10 +10 +30 Evaluate Ledger
Haggle Writing Equipment
Advance Scheme - Level 4 Numismatics Abacus
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Read/Write
+20 +20 +5 +30 +30 +40 +30 +20 +20 +40 secret Language - Guilder
Super Numerate

Artist truly appreciated...The most famous Degenerate Artist
Entered From: Pedlar, Scribe is the one eyed Marienburger Victor van Goff. The most
famous Degenerate Poet is the Karl Chinaski.
Exits: Pedlar, Merchant
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
(Obligatory copyright statement) +10 +2 +20 +20 +10 +20 +10 +20 +10
I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a
GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the
Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to myself and Anthony Ragan) while Skills
system-specific material is copyright by GW. Art (in requisite area)
Artistic Expertise (in requisite area)
Alfred Nunez Plus the following skills under the type of artist:
Hauptdirektor-Schwarzmantel Degenerate Artist
Consume Alcohol
Cultivator - Basic Immunity to Drugs
Cultivators (also known as Seeders, Harvesters, or Greenpants) Wit
are wanderers who are experts in the conservation and
replenishment of the earth's fertility, as well as the treatment of Trappings
diseased plants. They travel from village to village sharing their Apartment, Squalid and Filthy
lore with the local farmers and assist them if needed. Some Art Supplies
Cultivators have taken to planting and tending (as well as Bawd Companion
protecting) orchards on a small cleared parcel of land along roads Bottle of Rotgut
in the wilderness. The famous Johann Kirschesaat (who planted Dumpy Clothing
fruit trees along the Nuln-Moot Road to feed weary travelers) is an 25% Chance of Scabies
example of this type of Cultivator. 25% Chance of d3 doses of Hallucinogic Drugs
To become a Cultivator, one must have been an initiate of Rhya
for at least one year and selected by a second level Cleric. Career Entries
Artists Apprentice
Advance Scheme Bawd
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Entertainer
+10 +20 +1 +2 +20 +10 +10 +20 Actor
Career Entrance: Initiate (Rhya)
Career Exits: Cleric (Level 1- Rhya), Explorer, Scout Career Exits
Skills: concealment rural, cure disease (plants only), dowsing, Agitator
herb lore, identify plant, silent move rural, specialist weapon- Bawd
double-handed (flails only), specialist weapon- polearms, Beggar
specialist weapon- flail. Charlatan
Trappings: Bow, flail, pruning saw, seed pouches Forger
Alfred Nunez Raconteur
Hauptdirektor-Schwarzmantel Ruffian
From: *Your Personal Savior* <>
Subject: [WFRP:994] (Fwd) New Career: Artist's Apprentice Artistic Expertise (New Skill)
The Art skill of the same sort is necessary to have
Artistic Expertise. A character with Artistic Expertise can
Degenerate Artist - Advanced produce Artwork of far greater caliber than someone with
just the Art Skill. This skill gives a further +10% to all
The Artist is a person whose natural gifts and genius Busk tests, and the Artist may demand two to three times
have finally been recognized (possibly) by the general public, as much for their work. The Artistic Expertise is divided
who still probably doesnt fully appreciate the artist as up into the same categories as Art. This Skill will also
much as they should... include Muscianship and Sing.
There are always those artists who reject the trashy commercial
pieces of the High Society Artist, or the sentimental and sappy (Obligatory copyright statement)
work of the Religous Artist, and seek to use their art to depict the I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a
real essence of existence. GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the
Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to myself and Anthony Ragan) while
The Degenerate Artist often immerses himself or herself into system-specific material is copyright by GW.
all manner of experiences, especially drinking, drugs, sex, Alfred Nunez
and a general hedonistic existence. Only in the depths of
human misery and tragedy may true art be created. Hauptdirektor-Schwarzmantel
Rejecting main stream notions of art, they Degenerate artist
defies social norms, mores, and taboos, like the painting
of Sigmar (before the painting was burned along with it's painter
by Witchhunters) in a jar of urine. The most famous Degenerate
Artists are the ones who die, for only after death is a Degenerate

Demagogues - Advanced guards
possible a spy
Order of the Ravening Pack Coach
Members of the Order of the Ravening Pack are followers of
Ulric. Theytravel the countryside vehemently speaking out against Career Entries Career Exits
the influence of Chaos that they see permeate modern society. The Lawyer Demagogue
Ravening Pack can be found throughout the Empire, Kislev, and Mercant Lawyer
southern Norsca. At times, they will even accompany a band of Noble(Baron or higher) Merchant
the Fangs of Winter (Fanatics). A sizable number of the Ravening Spy Noble
Pack still continue to feed the flames of the Sigmarite Heresy, Spy
even though such doctrine was outlawed by the Cult hierarchy Scholar
over 200 years ago. For career advance scheme, career exits, and
trappings see the Demagogue Advance Career, WFRP, page 96. New Skill: Diplomacy
The diplomacy skill allows the character to understand and
negotiate correctly in affairs concerning the state. The character
Rabble Rousers has a reaonable understanding of national issues of his and other
Rabble Rousers travel from city to city, large town to large town, countries, and how to manipulate and alter negotitions in his favor.
speaking out against the authorities who oppress the downtrodden It works nearly the same as haggling. It's up to the GM to decide
masses. Their oratory usually enflame their audience into rioting how he chooses to Test this skill. Remember that diplomatic
mobs, especially if the authorities attempt to silence the actions are long tedious affairs with proposals, counterproposals,
demagogues. These riots also serve the purpose of providing demands, compromise, and a good deal of lying! Fun!
cover for other followers of Ranald who lead the subsequent
looting. In the mass confusion of the riots, the Rabble Rouser Notes: This diplomat was designed to fulfill the roles for one of
the PC's after Empire in Flames. I think that a Ambassador career,
frequently get away to turn up another day in another city. Rabble while interesting, could prove sedentary. This career offers a lot
Rousers tend to follow the aspect of Ranald the Protector. For of traveling, and is a good way of allowing the character's to get
career advance scheme, career exits, and trappings, see the around the Old World and beyond at their lieges' expense!
Demagogue Advance Career, WFRP, page 96. Assasination attempts, spies, false diplomatic orders, ambushes, and all kinds of
political intrigue can develop out of this career. It
also provide a useful NPC class, with the players as the diplomats
From: "G.G.Lepper" <> escort. I often have the Emperor also send Diplomats as envoys, with the PC trying
to rob free towns such as Kemperbad of their autonomy.That makes for one devious
adventure, trying to undermine people's freedom for territorial gain and taxes!
Diplomat- Advanced Devious!
Diplomats are representatives of various noble houses and I took three skills that I had originally included in my post because I wasn't sure if
they were neccessary. You may want to include them, and you might not. Acting,
nations. These diplomats are highly distinguished individuals who so he would be able to present a false facade while he's lying through his teeth,
are used to deal with problems between other countries. As Public Speaking, allowing him to make gradiose speeches at formal affairs, and Wit
opposed to Ambassadors, who are the representatives of their to allow him to charm and ingratiate himself to the other parties in the negotiations.
countries, diplomats are distinguished individuals dispatched to What do you think? Should they stay or should they go?
By the way, people who spend time designing, playtesting, and
take care of urgent matters. These matters could be negotiations finally posting their careers, may possibly appreciate some response or criticism to
about trade, border disputes, peace treaties, alliances, threats of all their hard work. If you enjoy seeing new posts, you might want to indulge their
war, the diplomat is the person for keeping his countries interests author's need for attention. Not that I'm implying anything...
safe. As such they are highly competant individuals, well trained, But if you do happen to respond, they would be greatly appreciated. So write!
and well paid. From: *Spindle* <>

Advance Scheme
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Evangelist - Advanced
+10 +2 +30 +30 +30 +40 +30 +40 Evangelists are popular preachers, who seek to escape the normal
confines of religious institutions by bringing their religion to
Skills people. Often traveling about with a flock of devotees, they hold
Charm extravagant outdoor affairs with speeches, acts of healing, and
Cryptography miracle. People flock in droves to see a popular evangelist who
Diplomacy will attempt to renew the influence or power of their religious sect.
Etiquette Many are also attempting to line their own pockets. Traditional
Heraldry religious organizations frown upon these Evangelists, and many
Law Evangelists end up chased out of a town, or hunted down and
Linguistics burned by Witchhunters for heresy.
Secret Language: Classical M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Speak Add. Lang +4 +20 +40 +10 +30 +20 +40

Trappings Skills
Codebook Acting
Diplomatic papers Blather
Writing Equipment Charm
Scribe Cult Lore
Escorts: Intimidate
Public Speaking Trappings: Mail Shirt, Breast Plate, Double-Handed Weapon or
Seduction Shield, Hand Weapon, D6 Crowns
Story Telling

Trappings Order of the Flame

Religious Books The Order of the Flame are fanatical followers of Ormazd whose
Several Assistants goal is the eradication of the Khaine cult and other enemies (such
as remnants of the ancient Kemet cults). These black clad fanatics
Career Entries dress as mercenaries and patrol the deserts and arid lands of Araby.
Charlatan They actively hunt Undead (including warbands), Necromancers,
Cleric and other enemies engaging them in combat until one side or the
Demagogue other are annihilated. Obviously, the life span of members of the
Seer Order of the Flame are rather short (especially given the cult's
respect for martyrs). Some of the Order serve as armed
Career Exits bodyguards or escorts for Arabian leaders (including some high
Charlatan ranking Clerics).
Demagague Those who join the ranks of the Order of the Flame usually come
Outlaw Chief from a martial career, mostly one regimented to some degree. All
must be members of the cult of Ormazd and have been selected by
(Obligatory copyright statement) Clerics of at least third level.
I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a
GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the
Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to Myself and Anthony Ragan) while Advance Scheme
system-specific material is copyright by GW. M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Alfred Nunez +20 +1 +3 +5 +20 +1 +10 +10 +30 +20
Career Entrances: Mercenary, Militiaman, Soldier, Watchman.
Fanatics - Advanced Career Exits: Initiate (Ormazd), Mercenary Captain, Templar
(Order of the Flaming Scimitar).
Fangs of Winter Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Frenzied Attack, Marksmanship,
Fangs of Winter are fanatical followers of Ulric whose goal is Secret Language-Battle, Specialist Weapon- Double-Handed,
the eradication of Chaos. These black clad fanatics dress as Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to
mercenaries and patrol the forests of the Empire, Kislev, and Stun.
southern Norsca. The Fangs of Winter actively hunt Chaos
Beastmen and warbands, engaging them in combat until one side Trappings: Mail Shirt, Shield, Hand Weapon, Bow, D6 Gold
or the other are annihilated. Obviously, the life span of the Fangs Riyals, D6 Silver Dirhams
of Winter are rather short.
While viewed as protectors by most in the areas they patrol, the From elandal@tower.nullnet.fiSun Oct 8 09:34:57 1995
Fangs of Winter have a reputation of being (not surprisingly) rigid
in their view of the world. They are strictly Ulrican in belief and
have a number in their ranks who support the Sigmarite Heresy.
Thus, attacks on Sigmarite shrines are not uncommon as one Freeman (Freewoman) - Basic
would think in the northern forests of the Empire. Minor noble families can pass their rank and wealth only to their
Those who join the ranks of the Fangs of Winter usually come eldest son. Rest of the sons and daughters of Knights and other
from a martial career, mostly one regimented to some degree. All lesser nobles are called Freemen or Freewomen. Like other nobles
must be members of the cult of Ulric and have been selected by they are exempt of most of the taxes, and enjoy the respect of the
Ulric through dreams or visions. Such dreams and visions are commoners, but otherwise they will have to fend for themselves.
highly personalized, although images of the Great White Wolf Many Freemen become very successful as military leaders or
battling some dark sinister force are the most common theme. commerce patrons, but others are less fortunate, and turn to the life
of adventuring in hopes of gaining the status reserved to their
Advance Scheme parents.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+20 +1 +3 +5 +20 +1 +10 +10 +30 +20 M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+10 +10 +1 +2 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10
Career Entrances: Mercenary, Militiaman, Pit Fighter,
Roadwarden, Soldier, Watchman. Skills:
Career Exits: Demagogue (Order of the Ravening Pack), Heraldry
Judicial Champion, Mercenary Captain, Templar (White Wolf). Read/Write
Ride - Horse
Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Frenzied Attack, Secret Language- Wit
Battle, Specialist Weapon- Double-Handed, Street Fighting, Strike 25% chance of Evaluate
Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun. 20% chance of Haggle
50% chance of Specialist Weapon - Fencing Sword

seen at salons or parlors, harshly criticizing and mocking rivals
Trappings: work, while being offended when the same is done to their work.
Good Clothes The "art world" of noble and wealthy patrons, theaters, salons, and
Sword (preferably fencing) parlors can be just as brutal and damning as the real world outside
2D6 GC that the artist has sought to escape...
50% chance of Horse
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Career Exits: +10 +10 +2 +20 +20 +10 +20 +10 +20 +10
Freelance Skills
Student Art (in requisite area)
Mercenary Captain Artistic Expertise (in requisite area)
Lawyer Plus the following skills under the type of artist:
High Society Artist
Guildmaster Advanced Dwarven Blather
Career Etiquette
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+10 +10 +1 +4 +20 +30 +20 +30 +10 +20 Trappings
Apartment, Richly Furnished
Art Supplies
Skills: Carpentry, Chemistry, Engineer, Identify magical artefact,
Mechanics, Read/write, Rune lore, Scroll lore, Secret language-
Finery of Latest Fashion
Guilder , Secret signs-Artisans, Guild, Specialist weapon-
High Society Patron
Gunpowder weapons.
Trappings: Magnifying glass, Engineering tools.
Career Entries
Artists Apprentice
Entries: Alchemist, Engineer, Sapper.
Exits: Apprentice(Runesmith),Artisan, Soldier, Sapper, Veteran.
Inspired by whatisname with the mechanical arm, Burlok
something [Warhammer Armies Dwarves].
Career Exits
Art Patron
Mechanics is a new skill and will feature in forthcoming material,
feel free however to create a personal version.
Guildmasters are those at the head of the guild in charge of the big
projects that will hopefully conclude with a cunning new
invention. The gyrocopter,flame cannon and steam ships are all
inventions from some of the most famous guildmasters, many
Artistic Expertise (New Skill)
often sit back idly and let apprentices do the work and then grab
The Art skill of the same sort is necessary to have Artistic
the profit that traditionally goes to the guild from the sucess of the
Expertise. A character with Artistic Expertise can produce
best inventions. No one diputes the power that the guildmasters
Artwork of far greater caliber than someone with just the Art
Skill. This skill gives a further +10% to all Busk tests, and the
Artist may demand two to three times as much for their work.
By Joe the Mysterious man
The Artistic Expertise is divided up into the same categories as
From: *Your Personal Savior*
Art. This Skill will also include Muscianship and Sing.

From schwein@pegasus.montclair.eduMon Aug 14 08:51:49 1995

High-Society Artist (Artist Career)
Advanced Interpreter - Basic
The Artist is a person whose natural "gifts" and "genius" have The interpreter is, obviously, someone who speaks at leat one
finally been recognized (possibly) by the general public, who foreign language fluently. Interpreters accompany merchant ships,
still probably don't fully appreciate the artist as much as trudge through mountain passes with mule trains, hire themselves
they should... out to foreigners in cities, aid millitary and diplomatic envoys, and
Many Artists are taken in as a "favorite" by rich patrons, who make themselves found generally wherever their services are
subsidize or provide for the artist as long as they continue to needed.
paint and increase the prestige of the patron. For these "High This is intended to be a sort of generic interpreter career... feel
Society Artists" life can be a comfortable one, but all too often one free to alter it as you see fit. I'd recomend, for example, to choose
Artist finds himself competing against rival Artist of opposing languages spoken based on the background for the character rather
Patrons or even the same Patron...The High Society Artist is often than determining randomly.
Skills Trappings
Advance scheme Blueprinting(Cartography) 1d6 lbs. Gunpowder
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Chemistry 1d10 Metal Flasks
+10 +10 +10 Engineer 1d10 Random Gears
Evaluate Glasses
Skills Complex Machines Engineer's Tool Set
Speak additional language, 50% chance Speak [another] language, History Magnifing Glass
25% chance Arcane Language (Classical) 50% Etiquette, 25% Metallurgy Writing Equipment
Read/Write, 10% chance Linguistics Read/Write Laboratory
Secret Language-Classical Crony Henchman
Career entrances SuperNumerate
Boatman, Bawd, Muleskinner, Pedler, Student, Trader Flee! (GM's option)

Career exits Entrances Exits

Bawd, Pedler, Trader, Entertainer, Raconteur Inventor's Apprentice Scholar
Any Basic Academic Career
whatever seems appropriate for the specific character: travel boots
& cloak for an interpeter who marches with a caravan; fine clothes EXPLANATIONS
for a noble's assistant, &c.
Statistic Advances
Oops, that should be "Secret Language," not "Arcane" ==================
W +2,+4 - In order to survive explosions(failures)
From: (Kevin Cassidy) Dex +10,+20 - Nimble fingers helps you keep them all
Here is the revised Inventor Series for your enjoyment. Any other suggestions can Int +10,+30 - Increased thinking ability for greater inventions
be sent to the list or to me:
Wp & Cl +10 - Ability to handle after effects of explosions

Inventor Series Blueprinting - Roughly same skill as Cartography (a blueprint is a
by: Kevin Cassidy map of a machine)
Throughout time man has used the minds and skills of those who Chemistry - In order to produce needed chemicals
dreamed of easier lives for their fellow man. These great men have Engineer - Minor understanding of mechanical principles
invented many things to reduce the hardships of this cruel world. Evaluate - Ability to determine complexity of machines &
These careers open that avenue to the academics of the Empire. mechinisms
History - Known for time of science and inventions
Metallurgy - Determine best metal for certain situations
Inventors Apprentice Basic Read/Write - Obvious
SL Classical - Read old blueprints & notes of previous inventors
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc SuperNumerate - For quick computations in developing
+2 +10 +10 +10 +10 mechanisms
Flee! - In order to run from explosions
Complex Machines - Ability to construct, modify, use, & repair
Skills Trappings more complex machines. GM descretion for +/- to Int test for
Engineer Leather Apron (0/1)Legs success. +10 to pick locks due to knowledge of inner workings.
Evaluate d3 Metal Flasks
Metallurgy 1d6 Candles From: Eric Oppen <>
Read/Write Engineer's Tool Set
Chemistry Writing Equipment Khaine Cleric - Advanced
Magnifing Glass
Clerics of Khaine in the Dunkelklaue have to lead double lives.
Entrances Exits They cannot openly follow their god, even in Sartosa, and have to
Basic Career Roll Inventor have some ostensible occupation. Since they are all literate and
Artisan's Apprentice Artisan's Apprentice know the Classical language, they often become Academics of
Engineer Engineer various sorts, or else low-level bureaucrats. (deletia) Those who
Student Student cannot or will not become bureaucrats often find work as footpads,
Scribe racketeers, or assassins. Unsurprisingly, they are extremely
effective in these careers, and find pleasing Khaine and making a
living quite, quite compatible.
Inventor Advanced
Advancement for Clerics of Khaine is more difficult than it is for
clerics of other deities. The advance scheme is as it is in WFRP p.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
151, but the skills required are as follows:
+1 +4 20 +20 +30 +10 +10
Secret Language--classical

Scroll Lore Steal Mind
Theology (Khaine) Strength of Combat
ID Plants
Herb Lore Battle 2:
Escapology Aura of Protection
Immunity to Poison Cause Frenzy
Specialist Weapon--Blowpipe Cause Hatred
Cause Panic
(Notes: Initiates' skills are largely gained for the purpose of aiding Cone of Sanctuary
full Clerics with their poison-preparation and other religous duties)
Battle 3:
First Level: Animate Sword
Arcane Languages: Magick and Necromancy Arrow Invulnerability
Cast Spells: Petty Magick as listed below Cause Fear
Meditate Curse of Arrow Attraction
Public speaking Dispel Aura
Disguise Demon 1:
Forgery Bind demon
Specialist Weapon--Crossbow Pistol Dispel lesser demon
Prepare Poisons Summon Guardian

Second Level: Demon 2:

Cast Spells (Necromantic and Battle magic, first level as listed) Summon Lesser Demon
Identify Undead Zone of Demonic Nullification
Magical Sense
Arcane Language--Demonic Illusionist 1:
Concealment--Rural and Urban Assume Illusionary Appearance
Shadowing Clone Image
Scale Sheer Surface
Silent Move--Rural and Urban Necro 1:
Torture Hand of Death
Summon Skeletons
Third Level:
Cast Spells: Battle Magic and Necromantic Magic, Second Level Necro 2:
(as listed) Control Undead
Cast Spells: Demonic Magic, First Level (as listed) Extend Control
Prepare Potions Hand of Dust
Magical Awareness
Manufacture Scrolls Necro 3:
Pick Locks Annihilate Undead
Arcane Language---Illusionist Life in Death

Fourth Level: The Gift of Khaine: Clerics of Khaine of the fourth level who
Cast Spells: Battle Magic and Necromantic Magic, Third Level (as have particularly pleased the god may, at the god's discretion, be
listed) transformed into vampires upon their deaths. As vampires, they
Cast Spells: Demonic Magic, Second Level (as listed) have all the powers of a vampire as per the WFRP rulebook, and
Cast Spells, Illusionist Magic, First Level (as listed) retain all the skills and powers they had as clerics of Khaine.
Rune Lore Vampires are hellishly effective as leaders of Khainite covens, and
Specialist Weapon--Net even vampires who had nothing to do with Khaine or his followers
Speak Additional Language during their mortal lives find Khaine-cultists extremely useful
Spells available to Khaine clerics:
To determine whether or not a Khaine cleric receives the Gift of
Petty Magic: Khaine, roll on d100 and give up 200 xp. Any result above 90
Curse means that the god has decided to bestow the Gift, effective
Glowing Light immediately upon the cleric's death. Results may be modified so
Magic Alarm that a cleric who is the embodiment of Khainite ideals has as much
Magic Lock as a +25 on the roll.
Reinforce Door From: Paolo & Marco Bizzarri <>
Sleep Subject: WFRP: Please excuse me

Battle 1: Please excuse me: I'm writing because a group of strange looking
Cause Animosity halflings tied to my chair and obliged to do so.
Immunity from Poison Here's their message:
universities will also employ them, for teaching or translating.
TO ALL THE BIG-GUYS-SLAYERS, GREAT-WEAPON- The least fortunate find themselves trekking around the
MASTERS. countryside with armies, acting as a liason with the less than
We, the halfling community of the Warhammer World, are a little friendly local population.
tired of not being taken too much into account. Therefore, we want
to show something you ignored until now: the Head Cook (also M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
know as Le Chef). +2 +10 +10 +10 +20 +20

Le Chef (Halfling Career) - Advanced Linguistics
Almost every merchant or noble house have a cook. Many times
this is an halfling. Most of the halflings working as cooks belong
Speak Additional Language
to the Cooks' Guild, a public association of halfling with the
Speak Classical
purpose to provide reliable cooks (i.e. cooks which will not poison
the food).
The few halflings passing special cook test are allowed to enter in
d3 foreign dictionaries
the highly respected ranks of the Chef, cooks able and reliable
enough to enter in the service of the highest nobility and the most
Career Entries
powerful merchants.
Their Guild, the so called 'Cake Fellowship', has the secret purpose
to help those halflings in troubles. Indeed, this can happen very
often, when you're only 3 or 4 feet tall, you aren't not as strong as a
dwarf and most of the humans thought you're only good to cook.
Because of this role, this secret association often has contact with
Career Exits
the clerics of Ranald. Often Ranald clerics become Chief
(Esmeralda says nothing about stealing), gaining the possibility to
enter the richest houses with little or no effort (to say so).
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Cheers! Rev. Garett Lepper
+10 +10 +1 +1 +4 +20 +30 +20 +20 +20 +20

Cook (of course!) Locksmith (Artisans Apprentice
Herb Lore
Secret Language - Cook (See below)
Career) Basic
Immunity to Poison
Etiquette DESCRIPTION: The locksmith is able to get in most places,
were other people can't, that's his trade. What most people don't
Trappings think about is his ability to open locks without being asked to do
A chef hat so. This is a favourite cover for thieves. Locksmiths are usually
A set of very sharp knife (never used for other than cooking!) only found in the larger towns. Only wealthier families can afford
1d6 cooking books a good Locksmith because they don't just buy a lock, they also
buy the Locksmith's discretion...
Career Entries
Innkeeper M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Herbalist Esmeralda /Ranald Initiate +10 +1 +1 +2 +20 +20 +20 +10 +10
Career Exits SKILLS: Drive Cart
Herbalist Magical Sense
Esmeralda/Ranald Initiate Scroll Lore
Secret Language - Guilder
I hope you enjoy this (OF COURSE I ENJOY IT, DEAR HALFLINGS)
Marco & Paolo Bizzarri Secret Signs - Artisan
TRADE: Metallurgy
Here's a new career. I know that there is a translator, but the Pick Lock
career doesn't cover enough ground Smithing

TRAPPINGS:Leather jerkin, Lock picking tools, 1d6 locks and

Linguist/Translator -Advanced keys, 5d6GCs, Small room with a small forge and lock casts.
The various languages and dialects of the Old World require
many merchants, military forces, and local authorities in areas CAREER ENTRIES: Artisans Apprentice-Locksmith,
such as ports and major trading centers to employ interpreters. Any other Artisan type,
Many spend time in waterfronts and ports, acting as intermediaries Thief,
between merchants and the port authorities. Others accompany Engineer,
diplomats and other envoys to foreign lands. Many colleges and
Inventor. -Level 4
Cast Level 4 Smith Magic
CAREER EXITS: Thief, Rune Mastery
Forger, Engineer
Artisan - Blacksmith. Stoneworking
From: "William F. Hostman" <>
SmithMagic Spells, Level 1
Mage Smiths (Elven Career) - Advanced Shape Wood
Where the younger races choose to work meatals, woods, and CT: 1 hour
clays byhand for all common artifacts, the Elven approach is to Dur: var
avoid menial labor.To this end, many ask how they might Cost: 5 mp/Hour
manufacture items of metal, clay, stone, and woods in numbers This spell allows a mage smith to shape wood with his fingers, as
enough to fulfil their needs. They lack the inclination to work all though they were tools for carpentry. He exerts no force, but the
but wood and other natural fibres by hand, and they also lack the spell works the wood at his fingertips. This process is no faster
willingness to mine in the manner of dwarves. The one field in than manually working the wood, but he exerts little physical
which they excel, however, is the sphere of magic.While humans energy, and uses no strength.
are able to wield just as much raw magical energy, they seldom
will take the time or energy to learn all the details, and the longer Find Metal, Find Gem
lifespan of the Elven race gives them the time needed to master L:1
magic, and the willingness to take time to weave long and potent, CT: 1 minute
albiet slow, magics. Dur: 1 Hour
Since they use magic much more freely than the younger Cost: 5 MP
races, and disdain manual labors, they have developed the means Range: 5' from caster per level
to work metals and clays through magic, and so not despoil their Caster knows the location of all metal within range, and it's purity
environment at the same time. class: raw ores, Rich ores, poor, average, or Pure. Find Gem is a
separate Spell, that has the same effects, but the following classes:
Non-elves can become mage smiths, but all casting times are flawed, good, excellent, worked and flawed, worked and good,
doubled, and all MP costs tripled. worked and excellent.
Entrances for Elves: Wizard's Apprentice, any Level 1+ Magical Find Clay
carreer Entrances for non-elves: Any level 2+ magical carreer. L:1
CT: 1 minute
Profile as per Wizard Levels 1-4. Dur 1 hour
Cost 4 MP
-Level 1 Range 5' per level from caster radius
Skills Trappings Caster knows workability and location of all clays in range.
Cast Level 1 SmithMagic 1d3 Books about the nature of
elements Make Wooden Weapon
Evaluate 1d3 Books of Mage Smithing L1
Spot Hidden Items Divining Rods CT: 1 hour
Area Lore Dur: P
Arcane Language - Archaic Elven Cost: 15 MP
Secret Language - Mage Smith Materials: Sufficient Wood for Item
Dousing The caster can manufacture any wooden weapon he has knowledge
Carpentry of, provided it has no moving parts, and he has enough wood to
Identify Magical Artifact make it. It may have a stone, obsidian, or metal point if that item
was ready to accept a haft at the beginning of the casting.
-Level 2
Skills Level 2 Spells
Cast Level 2 SmithMagic Call Clay
Excellent Vision L2
Scroll Lore CT: 1 hour
Rune Lore Dur: 1 Hour/level
Artisan - Pottery cost: 5 MP, same to maintain
Sith Sense Range: 10' per level
Manufactur Magic Items Effect: 1 cubic foot per level of caster per hour
Gem cutting This spell calls forth clay from the ground, into large blocks,
without disturbing the other soils, plants, etc. The clay must be
-Level 3 within range for it to work.
Cast Level 3 SmithMagic
Smithing Call Gem
Metallurgy Effect calls 1 gem per level of caster per hour. Otherwise identical
Dowsing to call clay. Caster may choose which gems. Note: this will only
call gems that are under the ground.
Dur P
Shape Obsidian Weapon Cost: MP 32 per pound (2 per oz)
L: 2 Material: the correct amounts of the needed materials (metals must
CT: 1 hour be refined), and 100 GP of incences, candles, and oils per pound of
Dur: P item. The incences, oils etc are consumed in the casting; the rest
Cost: 20 MP becomes the item. the caster can make any intricate mechanical
Material: enough obsidian for the weapon contrivance that he is familiar with the workings of. He must either
This spell shapes a block of obsidian into the exact shape and size have dissasembled one, have plans for one, or have previously
needed for the obsidian parts of an obsidian weapon. If this is to be made one. This still does not make magical items, only mechanical
mounted into a wooden frame, that must be cast next, so as to fix contrivances.
the obsidian into it.
Make Alloy
Fire Clay L4
L2 CT 1 hour
CT: 1 hour Dur: P
Dur: 1 hours per level of caster Cost: 16 mp per pound of metals to be aloyed
Cost: 1 per pound of item; maintain for same The metals are formed into a perfect alloy. Any metals can be so
Range: 1' per level intermingled, even if they are normally impossible to alloy. The
Fires 1 clay item without need of a kiln or risk of fire. Has same metals must already be refined.
effect as a kiln. Will only affect clay.
Work Living Wood
Level 3 L4
Call Metal ore CT: 1 day
L: 3 Dur: P, but may still grow; workability lasts for 1 day folowing the
CT: 1hour casting.
Dur: special Cost: 5 per linear foot of limbs shaped
MP: 20 per pound of ore Effect: allows caster to reshape wood as though it were clay on the
Effect: The spell causes ore to rise to the surface without day following the casting. The wood retains the shape made
disrupting the surface significantly. This takes 1 hour per pound of permanently, and will continue to grow normally. If a section of
ore. The ore must have been known previously. The ore is only wood is removed, in must be grafted back to the source within the
available at the end of the duration. duration, or it will die. It can only be grafted back to an area
affected by the spell. This spell allows the growing of sturdy
Refine Metal rooms in the tree cities without killing wood to make homes. The
L:3 volume, and overall strength, are unaffected by the use of this
CT 1 hour spell; the shapping used only the existing materials.
Dur: P
MP: 20 per pound of ore Notes: This was inspired by Dave and Garrett's discussion on what
Effect: The ore separates into the various metals, and into a slag elves should be able to use, combined with an old article on the
pile.Normal ores will generate 1 pound of metal per 5 pounds of Eldar from WD.
ore; Rich ore can generate as much as 1 pound per 2 pounds of ore. Note that I have not listed materials for most spells; GMs should
This can also be used to separate out the components of an alloy. add somewhere around 10 GP of materials for L1, 20 GP for L2,
40 GP for L3, and 80 GP for L4 spells.
Disperse tailings Send playtest reports and Suggestions to:
CT: 5 minutes
Dur: P, special This material is the intellectual property of William F. Hostman, and is distributed
for the personal use of the members of the WFRP mailing list
MP: 5 per pound of tailings
( Explicit permission to place in the WFRP
Effect: Reburies tailings from refining of metal, without disturbing Archives on is granted. Please do not re-post to any other
the environment. Also disperses them so that the area is not source.
poisoned by them. Enjoy! -wil
William F. Hostman
Make simple Metal Weapon
L3 From: *Your Personal Savior* <>
CT 1 hour
Dur P Master Artist - Advanced
Cost: 16 mp per pound (1 mp per oz) Only the best and most enduring of Artists ever attain the status
Material: enough refined metal for the weapon of Master. Once an Artist has acquired this level of ability, they
Effect: reforms metal into the metal parts of a weapon the caster is are free to choose whatever they want to do. Their work is in so
familiar with. This cannot make intricate mechanical contrivances, much demand, that everybody will tolerate their eccentricities,
but can, for example, shape halbeards, crossbow bows and string peculiarities, and their whimsical demands. The Master Artist will
catches, etc. Only a single weapon at a time can be made. often seek a place to work in exclusion, emerging only to sell their
work for outrageous amounts to fawning admirers and patrons,
Level 4 regardless of the quality of their work.
Make Contrivance
CT 1 day per pound
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Missionary - Advanced
+10 +10 +4 +30 +40 +10 +30 +30 +30 +20
Career Entries: [MUST have completed Initiate]. Cleric, Explorer,
Noble (Rank1), Scholar.
Art Mastery (in requisite area)
Career Exits: Cleric (of next Level), Diplomat (cf. earlier list
material), Explorer, Slaver, Merchant, Spy, Noble (Rank 3 - if
Finest Art Supplies
Secluded Cottage
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Career Entries +10 +10 +1 +2 +4 +20 +20 +40 +30 30 +30 +20
Skills: Drive-Cart, Etiquette, Heraldry, Immunity to Disease,
Career Exits Intimidate*, Linguistics, Public Speaking, Ride-Horse,
Art Patron Speak Additional Language, Story Telling.

Art Mastery (New Skill) *cf. Apocalypse now p.18 or WD#93(?)

The Art Mastery Skill reflects the epitome of artistic ability. The
Artist with this skill may create new and visionary pieces, Trappings: Broad brimmed hat and robes of appropriate clerical
immortalized in their own distinct style. Any painting with their order/deity, D6 Blank maps (to be filled in), Horse, Saddle and
signature or in their style is worth from four to five times as much Harness, Theological/Religious texts, Writing equipment, 2d6
as a normal painting, and a painting by a dead Master may sell for followers including: A scribe; Hunter, Initiate(s); d3 muleskinners
as much as ten times the original value. All Busk tests are made at and mules and possibly a Templar(on pennance/quest etc). 500GC
+30. in the form of jewellery and gaudy trinkets.
This Skill may only be acquired by gaining the Art, Art
Expertise, and completing this career. It cannot be learned without Missionaries take the hardest path through the ranks of the Church.
entering this career through the career path. They take the word of thier Gods to the unenlightened in far off
lands. Braving disease, restless natives and natural disatsers
(Obligatory copyright statement) their life is not easy - but the rewards are potentially immense -
I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a Gold, artifacts and treasures; and should the temptations prove too
GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the great - slaves. It is a sad fact that not every missionary leave
Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to myself and Anthony Ragan) while
system-specific material is copyright by GW.
s for the new lands with good intentions at heart.
Alfred Nunez So folks what do you think? The character works quite well in
Hauptdirektor-Schwarzmantel campaign (giving a non-clerical route out of the church BUT
keeping tabs o the PC all the same). The Career was based on all
those films of missionaries you see in the Movies, you know the
Midwives - Basic ones about Christopher Columbus et al.
Midwives of Rhya are widely known for their expertise in the From elandal@tower.nullnet.fiMon Aug 14 08:47:54 1995
delivery of babies. This exclusive group of women (mostly human Subject: WFRP: Two new basic careers
and Halfling) travel from village to village facilitating childbirth Here are two new basic careers: Initiate Monk and Younger Brother.Both of these
and easing the associated pain. Naturally, their reputation is such are oriental careers, as they're careers for new monks in Cathayan temples. Initiate
Monk is a career for those who arrive to the temple with enough money to pay for
that they are welcomed wherever they travel and are often sought the upkeep while they learn, and Younger Brother is for those without money who
out by the rural aristocracy to deliver their heirs. To become a have to work to pay for their upkeep.
Midwife, one must have been an initiate of Rhya for at least two
years and selected by a council of Clerics.

Advance Scheme
Monk (Cathayan Career) - Basic
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Monks are most common in Cathay and Nippon, but meny secular
+1 +2 +10 +10 +10 +20 +10 +20 Orders exist also in the Old World. Many temples train Templars
and warrior monks for the defense of the Temple and the Realm,
Career Entrances: Initiate (Rhya) but it's also common to find a temple devouted entirely to study, or
Career Exits: Cleric (Level 1- Rhya), Pharmacist, Physician's a combination of these two.
Advance schemes: (initiate Monk)
Skills: Cook, Cure Disease, Drive Cart, Heal Wounds, Herb M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Lore, Identify Plant, Immunity to Disease, Manufacture Drugs +1 +10 +20 +10 +10
(herbal base only).
Skills: Trappings:
Trappings: Green chasuble with cult symbols, sling bag with Read/Write Writing
dried herbs, pestle and mortar, shoulder bag with towels and baby Theology equipment
blankets. 25% Art - Calligraphy, Painting, ... 1 Religious book
50% Speak Additional Language Robes
From: "Mr. Whippy" <> 10% Mathematics
20% Evaluate

the Dragon. Each style is learned at a consecutive level. Initiates
are taught Crane and so on.
Career exits: Warrior Monk, Monk, Mystic, Initiate
Initiate (Crane)
Younger Brother: M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc +10 +10 +10
+10 +10 +1 +2 +10 +1 +10 +10
Whether WS or BS has +10 advance depends on the temple. meditation*
Skills: Trappings: 50% Cook
Spec Weapon - as dictated by the Temple Robes 50% Animal Handling
40% Dodge Blow Begging bowl Parry
Animal Handling
Begging Level One Monk ( Monkey)
10% Strongman M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
25% Professional skill +20 +1 +2 +1 +10 +10

Career exits: Warrior Monk, Monk skills:

I will be posting Warrior Monk, Monk, Mystic, and Abbot careers Strike to Injure
later since I don't have them all yet. They're advanced careers for Strike to Stun
those who complete these (Monks _have to_ complete the career Dodge Blow
before they can switch to another), with Abbot being High meditation*
Advanced career - it's possible to get there from Monk, Mystic, or
Warrior Monk careers. Level Two Monk (Tiger)
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Elandal (aka Ismo Peltonen) ## snail Hanuripolku 5B15 +30 +2 +1 +4 +20 +2 +10 +10 +10 +10 +20 +10
Home (UUCP) ## mail 00420 Helsinki Univ
(inet) Ismo.Peltonen@Helsinki.FI ## Finland Errare humanum est.. skills:
## phone +358-0-5042609 Strike Mighty Blow
Scroll Lore
The Su Lim Monastary of Cathay meditation*
History: Around 1100 years ago an enlighted one came to the
province. After advising the Prince on some matters he went to the Level Three Monk (Mantis)
mountains to meditate. He sat in a cave meditating for nine years M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
and when he was done, he found that his legs had atrophied. By +30 +20 +2 +2 +5 +30 +3 +10 +20 +10 +20 +30 +10
this time, news of the holy man meditating in the cave had spread
bringing onlookers and potential followers from the surrounding skills:
lands. When the holy man came out of his meditations he had his meditation* Magic Points: 2d8
new followers take him to a nearby monastary, where he started to Parry-strike*
teach. The focus was on deep meditation, but now he also taught Ch'i Stike*
physical exercises so that his students would be able to stand the
rigors of meditation. These exercises were the beginnings of Su Level Four Monk (Dragon)
Lim Gung Fu, or Su Lim Boxing. M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Around 500 years ago there was a split in the monastary. The +1 +40 +20 +3 +3 +6 +40 +4 +10 +30 +20 +30 +40 +20
abbot was very old an needed a successor. The most likely
candidate was not enlightened but was well read and popular. This skills:
student one night wrote a poem about enlightenment on the wall. Stewardship-monastary
While the abbot and a few of the students were reading the poem, Multi-strike* Magic Points: 2d8
an illiterate groundskeeper asked someone to read the poem aloud. meditation*
The groundskeeper laughed and replied in such a manner that at Leaping
once all those present knew he was enlightened. (The story is of
the sixth patriarch of the Sui Lum Temple in China, the name was Special Skills designated by *
Hui Neng) Meditation: Meditation is much more intense for the Su Lim
Knowing that the next abbot should be enlightened, the abbot Monks. It is the path to enlightenment, the goal of every Su Lim
passed on his robes and bowl to the Groundskeeper and told them Monk. The Su Lim monk must take meditation at each level. This
to flee. This divided the Su Lim Monastary into the Southern and has the following cummulative effects. The monk must meditate
Northern schools, The Groundskeeper and the other guy, one hour for each level in meditation that they have each day. (e.g.
respectively. a monk who has taken meditation at levels one two and three and
This section deals with the southern school. The excersices initiate, must meditate for four hours each day) The monk also get
evolved into martial arts based on five animals. The animals are, an additional 5% for roles agianst illusions for each level of
respectively, The Crane, The Monkey, The Tiger, The Manits, and meditaion past the first. (i.e. 2-5) The monk must have meditated
that day if she wants to use any of the special skills for Si Lum
monks. If they don't meditate it also ruins the strongman diet if Mysticism
they are of that level. D3 mental Disorders (taken automatically)

Parry-strike: The monk has become so fast and fluid that she can Career exits: Abbot, Illusionist
not only parry, but strike every time she parries. This can only be --
Elandal (aka Ismo Peltonen)
in hand to hand combat, no weapons. The base damage for this
From: David Peterson
strike is S + d6-5.

Ch'i strike: The Ch'i strike is the most deadly of strikes known. Oracle - Advanced
It requires incredible will and physical prowess. The monks mind Oracles are those struck with divine insight, receiving information
and body must be one. (Note: If you are silly enough to allow a directly from their god. While some Oracles can be found in
PC to get this far, make them act like a monk whos mind and body temples throughout the Old World, others seek solitude in the
are one. If they don't they can't do it) The Ch'i strike works as wilderness, away from the distractions of human society. One
follows. The monk states that she is going to try a Ch'i strike, they does not choose to become an oracle, but is chosen for the honour
must ehn make a successful WillPower roll. If that succeeds they by the character's God. The repeated contact withe the divine
must then successfull hit their target, then roll damage. An equal tends to warp the minds of even the most resolute, and thus oracles
amount of magic points are then removed from the monks total. (If are almost invariably eccentric if not insane.
the monk made the WP roll, hit and then did 8 points of damage, Player Characters are never likely to become Oracles. If, for some
subtract 8 magic points,) and then double the damage done, this reason, thiswas to occur the character will be effectively removed
attack counts as magical. If the monk does more damage that they from play.
have magic points then they have drained themselves too far.
They take a point of damage for each magic point they spent over Advance Scheme:
their maximum, in addition all their stats are halved until they can M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
meditate for at least an hour per wound taken. +2 +10 +20 +30 +20 +30 +10

Multi-Strike: Multi strike is similar to Parry-strike. The monk Skills:

attacks as normal, but then follows through with another attack. Prophesy
This is like throwing a punch and then folling in and hitting the Divination
target with an elbow also. The first attack does normal damage, the Magical Sense
second does S+d6-5. The character as also -10 to dodge and parry Magical Awareness
tests. Sixth Sense
Monks must take the Priest advance test to advance a level. Test Mental Fortitude
include feats of meditation such as meditating under a waterfall for (any skills associated with the oracle's diety)
three days, watching a crystal grow, begining to end, without
taking a break, inventing a new type of exercivse based on a new Trappings:
animal, note: if this is tried they creator must fight and beat a None
master of each of the other five animals. Has only been done twice.
If short on ideas watch some old Kung-fu movies and somethign Career Entries:
will come to you. Cleric
Mystics (Cathayan Career) - Advanced
Career Exits:
Mystics are Holy Madmen: they're mad and are thought of as holy None
Skill Descriptions:
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
This skill is a far more powerful version of Divination (see the
+1 +20 +20 +1 +2 +6 +30 +1 +30 +10 +20 +30 +40 +20
WFRP rulebook) as it invloves direct contact with the character's
diety in order to gain information. Prophesy is ONLY available to
Skills: Trappings: characters in the Oracle career and may never be taken by Player
Way of the Buddha (5 levels) Robes Characters of any sort.
Meditation Enchanted Item
Magic Sense 3D6 Magic Points The information imparted by the Oracle will generally be
Escapology deliberately vague or in the form of a riddle. It may well be
Acrobatics slanted to suit the purposes of the diety consulted. Many
Ambidextrous prophesies may also be self-fulfilling - Greek Mythology is an
Public Speaking abundant source of these.
Dodge Blow Mental Fortitude:
Martial Art - as dictated by the Temple Years of careful mental discipline has developed the character's
Begging mind to such a degree that they are immune to fear, terror and any
Pick Pockets form of mind control or mind reading except where caused by a
Cast Spells - Illusions, level 1 Greater Daemon, Wistentlich or god.
Arcane Language - Magick
Story Telling
Note that in the case of Oracles, this skill reflects their divine Theology
protection and state of mental imbalance.
Using Oracles In Games: Appropriate clothing: maybe a beret, nez pinces (little glasses)
The general of the Imperial Army may go to the Temple of Sigmar Books
to consult the Oracle before a battle. Characters may have to find Paper
an oracular hermit who resides somewhere in the forest, etc.
Finding an oracle could be an adventure goal, or a good hook to Career Entries
convince the party to go where the GM wants them to ;) Agitator Demagogue
Noble Lawyer
Note that anything the Oracle fortells WILL HAPPEN, so it is Raconteur Merchant
often best to be as vague as possible to avoid GMing yourself into Artisan Scholar
a difficult corner. Ambiguous words should be used whenever Charlatan Wizard
possible. Cleric

Examples: Career Exits

PC: "Oh oracle most wise, tell me what the future holds for me"
Well, once a philosopher, always a philosopher! What's you've
Oracle: "I see great dangers ahead and much shedding of blood but great riches for
the mighty" {when the GM doesn't feel like telling them anything - this could sussed out the reality of nature, the nature of god, and the divine
describe almost any adventure involving combat} purpose of life, what's left?! How could one turn to mundane
worldly pursuits. Since this is a complete roleplaying career, no
PC: "Oh oracle most wise, tell me what the future holds for me"
list is going to be suitable. It's up to the player and the GM to
Oracle: "You will find glory beyond mortal comprehension waiting beneath the
ruins of Praag"{self fulfilling in that now the PCs are going to head off to Praag to decide what's next...possibly scholar, raconteur, (maybe a bawd, if
find out what's there :) Ambiguous in that the "glory" could be through the the philosopher's a hedonist...).
acheivement of a goal, or "glory" referring to the nature of Arianka, who is
entombed beneath the riuns in a cystal coffin ... or both if they get her out}
Philosophy (New Skill)
PC: "Oh oracle most wise, tell me what the future holds for me" Yes, anyone can question reality. But the Philosophy skill is
Oracle: "You will suffer great hurt at the hands of one whom you call friend"{could knowledge of Philosophy as an art. Prominent philosophers, their
be indicative of an NPC betrayal, or simply self-fulfilling as the character gets theories, are all covered by the skill. One special bonus of this
really paranoid around the other PCs. Alternately, it may mean that someone by the
skill. Any philosopher that has both blather and Philosophy, can
name of Karl Freund is going to dob them in for Necromancy}
try to blather philosophy. When used against an opponent to
PC: "Is the Graf a mutant?" blather or bluff, who can understand the philosophers language,
Oracle: <after a suitably long trance> "His true nature shall be revealed in time" and has an Intelligence of thirty of more, gains a total of +20 to the
{he could have given a straight yes or no answer, but life should never be easy.
roll. If successful, the "victim" is shocked by the keen mind of the
This could mean "yes he is a mutant", or then again maybe the Graf ruled against
the construction of a new temple for his diety and he feels like slanting the answer philosopher, and is confused, contemplating life, for double the
so that he seems to be one - even though he isn't} normal duration (i.e. 2d6 rounds). It only works against intelligent
creatures. An orc being blathered to by a philosopher is just going
Nothing should ever be free or easy. In return for information of any meaningful
to run the rambling old fool through with a sword!!!!
kind, the characters should almost certainly be sent on a quest. Responses like the
ones above might be suitable response to a donation or going to get the oracular
hermit some nuts and berries to eat - perfectly noble payments, but not much on a Role playing Notes:
cosmic scale - which is, after all, what we are dealing with here :) This is definetely a role playing career. I made this one up for
one of my particularly better players. This is a career that one can
From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
definetely sink his teeth into. While not powerful, it can make the
game very interesting.
Philosopher - Advanced A trapped party in an old Dwarven mine:
Many citizens of the Old World, after having successful careers "Yes, you could say that this is the end of us. But, maybe Von
in business, politics, religion, find time in their leisure to ask Halstadt was right, when he said that every end is actually a
esoteric questions about the nature of things (like life, nature, beginning! Maybe the nature of life is a cycle, not linear after
knowledge, will, science, reality, the gods, humanity, blah, blah, all...Maybe this is quite fortuitous, I've never been allowed to test
blah). True, anyone can contemplate the intricacies of life, but Von Halstadt's theory...Maybe..." So on, so on.
some people have either an abundance of ideas, or too much
leisure time. They often gather in cosmopolitan cities to discuss Other Ideas:
their ideas. Often sectarian in nature, and sometimes questioning > A PC philosopher's ideas are radicalized by a political agitator
the status quo, they often find their ideas not neccessarily well and mass printed. The political authorities are looking for the
liked byt the political, military, and religious authorities, and hapless fool-the philosopher.
possibly persecuted! > A cult has been offended by one of the philophers writings, and
look to persecute the hapless fool.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc > A Chaos cult finds the writers theories on hedonism of
+10 +2 +30 +10 +10 +30 +20 +20 +20 particular interest. Slaanesh followers call. Or maybe Khorne
followers call, putting an end to the hapless fools theories. Or
Skills maybe a Witchhunter misconstrues the writers work, and come
Blather calling...
Philosophy (New Skill!)
Read/Write From: *Spindle*
Secret Language Classical

Political Activist - Advanced forms of organized political leadership or institutions must be
The Political Activist is similar to an Agitator. However, Not simply all nobility and an royalty, buy any form of political
where as an Agitator seeks to change or alter the existing organization. In an ideal state of anarchy, each man (and
order or social ills, the Political Activist adopts a radical woman-some Anarchists claim) will be allowed to do and act in
political doctrine, and then forces the world to fit their new the natural state of peace and prosperity that would exist. Popular
perceptions and doctrine. The Political Activist relies on their Anarchist thinkers are Erma Goldberg of Middenheim, and
dogma to solve all the world's social ills, and to justify their Mikhail Dakunin of Kislev. The slogans of the Anarchists are
own misfortune (labelled by them as "oppression" or phrases like "Anarchy and Freedom", "Wealth is a ghetto", and "If
"persecution"). The Political Activist will frequently run into I can't dance, I don't want to join your revolution!" Anarchists are
hostility from the group they are seeking to overthrow or recognized by their wearing of black clothing, or at least a black
weaken, and see the resulting tension as proof of the scarf, and black flags.
hostility that the "establishment" harbors towards them. Autocratic-A Kislevan political view endorsed by the Tsar, this
The Political Activist will spend long hours printing principle believes that the Tsar is an enlightened despot, and his
pamphlets, spouting revolutionary slogans and speeches power must remain absolute. If the Tsar loses power or affluence
from a soap box, organizing rallies and petititions, fleeing from to the nobility, a weakening of Kislev will be inevitable. And if
authorities, and spontaneously breaking into "revolutionary" Kislev is weakened, the tides of Chaos will wash over all of
fervor by singing their favorite protest songs. Kislev.
Therefore any disobediance to the Tsars decrees or orders is
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc treason, and punishable by death...Popular quotes are "Long live
+10 +10 +4 +10 +10 +20 +10 +10 +20 +20 the Tsar!", "The Tsar is always right!" and "Take that you
Anarchist! <smack!> And that! <thump> And that! <crack>"
Skills Chartists-Chartists are a more legitimate movement, based in rich
Art-Printing Plates towns and cities. Merchants and local elites attempt to gain an
Political Doctrine Imperial Charter, like that of Kemperbad, seeking less interference
Public Speaking and autonomy. These are sophisticated movements, far from the
Read/Write rabble and uproar of the other political movements.
Sing Communalists-Based on rudimentary economic principle, that an
unequitable distribution of wealth creates an equal distribution of
Trappings power.
Access to printing press That the Nobility, along with the relgious orders have oppressed
Pamplets the common man, and that a violent overthrow by the common
Revolutionary Song Book man of the nobility is inevitable. The class system and hierarchy
Soap Box of exploitation will end, when the nobility, the clergy, and the new
class of parasites known as merchants are trodden under. The
Career Entries central thinker of this theory is Carl Manx of Nuln. Popular
Agitator slogans are "Class War!",
Artist "The Only Solution-Revolution!", "Keep Warm-Burn the Rich!",
Entertainer "Death to the Bourgeoisie Pigs!", "Power to the people!", and
Student "Laborers and workers, throw off your chains, for you have
nothing to lose and everything to gain!" Communalists are
Career Exits frequently identified by their berets, red scarfs and red flags.
Artist Democratic-A political view from Bretonnia, Democrats believe
Demagogue that all nobility and royalty must step down in favor of popularly
Philosopher elected leaders. They believe that all power comes from the
Political Dissident people, and hence should be governed by the people. Each man
Political Reactionary (and just men) should have equal power in the form of a vote.
Saboteur Democrats are situated in some Tilean cities, but mostly in
Bretonnia and in Marienburg. Popular Democratic writers were
Political Doctrine (New Skill) mostly from Giseroureax such as Jacques Jean Clousseau, Thomas
Political Doctrine is an offshoot of the Philosophy Laque, and Jean Hobbes. Popular democratic slogans are "One
Skill (See Philosopher Career for details). The Political Doctrine man, one vote", "Peace and Bread!","The king to the guillotine!"
is a series of dogmatic views about the existing political orders. and "Don't trample me!"
Some are conservative, other's liberal, and nearly all are Imperialist-similar to the Autocratic view, this belief is different
reactionary and dogmatic. People with this skill tend to see all in the belief that all the Emperors are the divine servants of Sigmar
issues as a result of politics and the exercise of political power. Heldenhammer, and thus the Emperor is a instrument of divine
Due to their dogmatic viewpoints, many of the political will.
organizations can be manipulated by Chaos cults. There are a The Imperialist are often nobles studying at university and reacting
number of doctrinal types, and the player with the skill should to the more radical movements in the universities. The Imperials
choose one of the following: have the implicit approval of the nobility and the royalty. Many
Anarchist-Anarchist believe that the whole political process is are expansionists, who believe in a vigorous expansionist policy to
to blame for all of societies ills. All people are autonomous regain Imperial prestige and wealth.
rational individuals who are capable of dealing with each other on Republicans-Republicans are members of an Imperial faction,
an equal basis. Politics upsets this by giving some people a false often merchants and intellectuals who believe that the Emperor
and heightened status at the expense of the others. Therefore, all and the Electors positions should be validated by a vote taken by
all wealthy landowning types.
Solidarity Movements-The Solidarity Movements believe in the
removal (peaceful or forcible) of all non Humans from the Empire, 2d 8 magic points
and the execution of anyone displaying a mark or taint of chaos.
Ultra nationalist also, they are often linked to the Imperialis For those with a flair for performance, but with the longing for the
movement. They are often responisble for attacks on foreigners mystique of the wizard careers, there are few outlets. They usually
and Dwarven and Elven owned businesses. cannot follow the true paths of magic. So they turn to delighting
audiences with a pocketful of flash pots and a fast hand. Most of
Rev. Garett Lepper
the time, they are scorned by professional magic, and the local
population regard them with the same suspicion they reserve for
These political careers are mostly based on 18th, 19th, and 20th most rogues.
Century political movements, and are probably not appropriate for Nonetheless, they are one of the most fascinating entertainers in
everybody's campaign. The Imperial authorities are alot stronger the Old World.
in my campaign, so they come into play. They are useful careers
in Bretonnia also... Career Exits Career Entrance
Initiate of Ranald Wizard Apprentice
Charlatan Bunko Artist
Thief Hypnotist
Political Dissident - Advanced
The Political Dissident is a member of a political faction who is
actively sought out by the authorities as a threat to state power. From: *Spindle* <>
This of course gives the political movements fuel for the fire,
vindicating their belief in state persecution and oppression. The Political reactionary - Advanced
Political Dissident, once in hiding, will write a manifesto or book
of some sort, which will be heralded as the next revolutionary The Political Reactionary is a person who believes in direct
spark. Many activists seek the fame and potential martyrdom of action. Following some manner of political doctrine, they follow it
this career. Political Dissidents are famed for their resolve and in a blind and radical belief. Tired of speeches and rallies, they
feared for their rabid adherence to their dogma and doctrines. look to force for "liberation". Often seeking empowerment for
some abstract notion such as the "laboring classes", they will often
erect barricades, burn down opposition buildings, battle with the
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
watch and other authority figures, and generally seek the
+10 +10 +4 +20 +10 +20 +20 +30 +40 +20
overthrow of whatever it is that they are fighting against. All too
often, when captured in a street battle or at an illegal meeting,
Skills these "terrorists" or "peace seeking lovers of freedom" will be
Art-Literature captured, tried in a "court of justice" or in a "kangaroo court of the
Conceal Urban elite oppressors" and then "executed" or "martyred" depending on
Disguise what side of the political spectrum one stands.
Flee! Many, wanted by authority figures and pursued by bounty
Philosophy hunters, flee into the forest, and take up the struggle with their
Sixth Sense "rural agrarian brothers". Others simply forget their views and
take up banditry.
Hidey hole
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Paper, Ink and Quill
+20 +20 +1 +4 +10 +1 +10 +10 +10 +20
Career Entries
Demagogue Skills:
Political Activist Flee!
Political Reactionary Political Doctrine
Specialist Weapon-Fist
Career Exits Specialist Weapon-Incediary
Demagague Street Fighting
Outlaw Chief Strike Mighty Blow

Cheers! Rev. Garett Lepper Trappings:

Black Clothing
Black Scarf
Prestidigitator Basic Club
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Knuckledusters
+2 +10 +10 +10 +10 Pamplets

Skills: Trappings: Career Entries:

Cast Petty Magic D8 Coins Agitator
Palm Object Outlandish Clothing Laborer
Palmistry Pack Cards Political Activist
Sixth Sense Bag of Tricks Student
Silk Handkerchief
D4 ropes 1 yard long
Career Exits: Artistic Expertise is divided up into the same categories as Art.
Highwayman This Skill will also include Muscianship and Sing.
Political Activist Runesmith (Dwarven Career) -
Political Dissedent
Protagonist Advanced
Saboteur [eds note: There are many Runesmiths Careers. This one seemed
the best. If you all wanna go lock for the others, please do]
Rev. Garett Lepper
From: *Your Personal Savior* <> Prepared by D J Brattan II - 20/08/93

Religious Artist (New Artist Career) Magic pervades the Warhammer World and permeates all things. It
flows into the material realm from beyond the Chaos Wastes as an
Advanced ever shifting flux of energy. This energy can be perceived and used
Some artists use their talents in praise of their respective gods and by the races of the Warhammer World. Some races such as Elves
religion. Although not sharing the same affluence and wealth of and Men can use magic to cast spells. Dwarfs on the other hand
the High Society Artist, their lives are far more comfortable, doing are extremely resistant to magic and its influence and only the
frescoes in churches and temples, triptychs for alters, and other most skilled can perceive its presence.
inspiring paintings. Their work is especially prolific amongst the
grandeur (although some critics would say "gaudy") churches and Dwarfs have learned to use magic in a different way, by
spires. The most famous of religious painters is of course the incorporating it into magic items such as swords and armour. The
Tilean Master Miguelangelo. Others include the Estalian dwarfs are the greatest and most successful of all races when it
Hieronymous Posh, and the Imperial Ruprecht Durer. These artists comes to making magic items. Indeed, many of the most powerful
reject the false, transitory, crass nature of materialism embraced by magic weapons used by elves and men were made by the dwarfs
the High Society Artists, and the empty self indulgence and self using their unique skills.
destruction of the Degenerate Artist, and choose the safety and
solitude of worship through art. A dwarf who makes magic items is called a Runesmith. As dwarfs
have no direct equivalent to a human wizard the Runesmith is a
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc very important individual. The Runesmiths are an ancient guild of
+10 +10 +2 +20 +20 +10 +20 +10 +20 +10 craftsmen. For thousands of years they have preserved the secrets
of how to forge magic runes and how to make weapons, armour
Skills: and other items of incredible power.
Art (in requisite area)
Artistic Expertise (in requisite area) The Runesmith Guild
Plus the following skills under the type of artist: The guild itself is basically a clan containing only a few families
Religious Artist: knowledge and skills have been passed on from generation to
Cult Lore generation. Even these families jealously guard their secrets from
Read/Write each other, so that the knowledge of how to use certain special
Rhetoric runes may reside in only one or two individuals throughout all of
the dwarf realm.
Art Supplies The ancient secrets of the Runesmiths have been passed down by
Holy Symbol word of mouth from the time of the ancestor gods. Each
Robes Runesmith teaches the basic skill of fire and forge to young
Temple Apartment, Spartan members of his family, and he selects the most talented of these as
his apprentice. Some family lines have been exhausted and so
Career Entries: apprentices are adopted into families to ensure the traditions
Artists Apprentice survive but this has not prevented the loss of whole fields of study
Entertainer through the lack of an heir.
Poet The heir is chosen via a long and arduous selection process, testing
Initiate the dwarfs magic sense, manual skill and loyalty to their limits. A
hopeful dwarf can come from any background but must first pass
Career Exits: the tests which are outlined below. The apprentice once chosen,
Agitator learns from his master how to make magic runes and assists in the
Cleric (If Initiate already completed) complex rituals that accompany the forging.On the deathbed of the
Initiate Runesmith, the apprentice not only inherits his master's role but his
special ancestral name as well. They are very secretive and it is not
Artistic Expertise (New Skill) uncommon for a Runesmith to protect his knowledge by dying
The Art skill of the same sort is necessary to have Artistic with it or by imprinting it into a tablet of stone with a magic lock
Expertise. A character with Artistic Expertise can produce upon it. This makes it impossible for this knowledge to fall into the
Artwork of far greater caliber than someone with just the Art Skill. hands of the unworthy. The more accomplished Runesmiths
This skill gives a further +10% to all Busk tests, and the Artist devote years of their lives to the search of further rune lore. If a
may demand two to three times as much for their work. The weapon or magic item is found, a Runesmith will examineit

carefully to find lost runes of some ancient and fabled Runesmith, The same test as outlined below will have to be braved again
for their presence marks out the a weapon as special and valuable before the Runesmith can avail themselves of the new skills and
beyond price. Only another Runesmith can follow the signs that knowledge. The Runesmith must complete their current advance
mark out the presence of a long lost rune. scheme and gain all skills of the current level before saving up the
100xps necessary to undergo the testing. A further swearing in
Runes follows a successful application with similar outcomes if the
secrets are not kept.
The dwarf language itself is a set of runes designed to be carved in
stone or engraved on metal. magic runes differ to ordinary runes in Only a Runesmith of 4th Level can ever call themselves a Master
shape and detail, but much of what makes a rune magical is how and only then if they have the Create Master Rune skill, which is
and when it is engraved. Magic runes trap magical power - their only passed on when their Master dies. This means that very few
presence binds and holds magic drawn from the winds of magic characters can ever hope to attain this title.
that flow throughout the Warhammer world. Most dwarf runes trap
a small amount of magic power but only Runesmiths can forge the Advance Scheme - Level 1
awesome master runes or the secret runes of Grungni, Grimnir and M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Valaya. +10 +1 +3 +10
A great magic rune glows dull red or flashes when it is replete with
Advance Scheme - Level 2
magic energy. However, many runes once the power is triggered is
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
drained of power and cannot be used until it recharges. While in
this state the rune will no longer glow but its outline is still +20 +10 +1 +1 +4 +10 +1 +20 +10 +20 +10 +10
detectable if faint. Recharging usually takes a full day (24hrs) but
some of the more powerful runes can take longer. Some runes Advance Scheme - Level 3
were charged with so much power it their creation that after eons M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
of use, they have only dulled a little in brightness. +20 +10 +1 +2 +5 +20 +1 +30 +20 +30 +20 +20

Advance Scheme - Level 4

Runesmith's Apprentice M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
As previously stated, any Dwarf can try to become apprenticed to +30 +10 +2 +2 +6 +30 +2 +40 +30 +30 +30 +30
a Master Runesmith. To be accepted, the Dwarf can come from
any logical occupation (ie some convincing of the GM will be Skills Level 1
necessary for a Trollslayer to be granted a chance) has to undergo Create Rune - 1 class
a test which is outlined below. If successful, the Dwarfis then Scroll Lore
adopted into the master's family to carry on the tradition and name, Secret Language - Classical
forgoing any claim to their old identity and family. The character
is then sworn o secrecy that all that will be taught to them will Skills Level 2
remain secret upon pain of death, ostracization and or having their Arcane Language - Magick
name written in the Book of Grudge. Create Rune - 2 classes
Magic Sense
After the test and the swearing in comes the preliminary training
which takes six months. After this time the Dwarf can then call Skills Level 3
themselves the Apprentice to whatever Runemaster and has the Chemistry
below skills and Advance Scheme available to them. Create Rune - 3 classes
Magical Awareness
Advance Scheme
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Skills Level 4
+10 +2 +10 Create Master Rune
Create New Rune
Skills: Create Rune - 4 classes
Arcane Language - Dwarf Identify Magic Item
Dispell Magic
Metallurgy Trappings
Read & Write Anvil & Tongs
Rune Lore Hand Weapon - Hammer
Smithing Stone Tablet and Writing Stick
1D4 Magic Items
Trappings: 10D6 Gold Crowns
Apron Career Entry
Hand Weapon - Hammer Special - any Dwarf who has completed a basic career scheme.

Career Exits
Runesmith None
As with the apprentice, the Runesmith has to be tested again by the
Master for suitability for training in the next level of Smithing.

New Skills 36 - 60 must accumulate another 100xps before trying again.
Dispel Magic - As the skill outlined previously with the
Runesmith having the same chance of Dispelling magic as a 61 - 80 judged worthy and may enter the next level of
Wizard of equivalent level. Runesmithing.

Create Rune Classes - There are four standard rune classes 81 - 95 favoured by the master. Judged quite worthy. Is
available to the Runesmith. The skill Create Rune allows the immediately taught one new rune of a currently known class.
Runesmith to learn how to create runes of a particular class, for
example, a third level Runesmith can learn to create three of the 96 + The Masters Prime Choice - judged more than worthy.
Rune classes. As a Runesmith rises in level and gains the Taught a new class of rune immediately and also is given the
knowledge of more rune classes, s/he must declare what class is knowledge of a rune in that new class. This means they do not
learnt and this choice can never be later revoked. have to learn the class available at the new level by expending
extra xps.
Each separate Rune of each class must be learnt as spells are learnt
by a Wizard. An intelligence test must be undergone when a Maximum Number of Runes Known:
particular Rune is to be learnt similarly and a maximum number of The maximum number of runes that can be learnt in total including
Runes can be learnt. master runes is found by the below formula :
FM / 10 (rounded down) x Level
Create Master Rune - The special skill of Create Master Rune is
the only way a Runesmith can learn to create these powerful runes. Example : a third level Runesmith with Willpower of 57 can know
Once learnt, the Runesmith can then consider himself a master in a maximum of 20 runes. If at any stage the willpower is raised, the
his own right but this particular skill is usually only taught on the extra runes knowable are available to be learnt.
masters deathbed if at all. The number of master runes allowable is
restricted by the maximum number of runes known (see below).
Runic Magic
Create New Rune - Allows the Runesmith to create his own
runes. The new rune that is to be attempted can only be of a similar Runic items are no different to other magic items except for the
nature to a rune already known ie a rune that causes fear can be origin of the item. They are treated the same as other items and
modified to be a rune that causes stupidity or a rune that protects therefore can be identified, dispelled or destroyed similarly. The
from fire can be modified to protect from cold or even electricity. rituals that are involved in he creation of an item are long and
tedious and only a stubborn dwarf would have the patience to
The properties of a new rune must be discussed with the Game endure them. Up to three runes can be cast on an item according to
Master and once settled on, a Intelligence test must be passed. If the strictures outlined below :
passed the new rune is created and the Runesmith is free to use this 1. The rule of Three - No item can have more than three
rune on any new item in the same way that the basis rune is used ie runes. The strain of more runes usually shatters the object being
the new rune of cold protection can only be used as a talismanic forged.
rune similar to the rune of the furnace on which it was based. 2. The rule of form - Weapon runes can only be engraved
on weapons, Armour runes on armour, Engineering runes on
If the test is failed, the Runesmith cannot attempt to create any machines, and talismanic runes on talismans.
other new rune for six months while s/he delves the books for the 3. Rule of Pride - Runesmiths may only use a specific
correct recipe. After this time, the same new rune or another can be combination of runes once. This means that a Runesmith who
attempted. creates a weapon with the parrying rune alone on it cannot make
another weapon the same. However, he can combine the parrying
rune with another, say the rune of cleaving to create an new
Runesmith Advancement Table combination on another weapon.
4. Jealous Runes - No Master Rune can be used more than
Runesmiths must be approved by their master before either once and no other rune can appear with it on an item.
becoming an Apprentice or gaining a further level. This testing is 5. The Combining Rule - Besides the Master Runes, other
accomplished by the character gaining 100xps which is traded for runes can be used in any combination up to the limit of three runes
a dice roll on the below table. This dice roll can be modified by as previously stated. Therefore, a rune of fury (+1 attack) can be
+10% if the character has served the Master well in some way struck on a weapon three times to give it +3 to attacks.
such as brought him rare components to make a runic item ie Raw 6. Rule of Purity - Runes cannot exist on an item that is
Gromril. The dice roll can also be modified by +10% for each already magical. Similarly, a weapon struck with a rune cannot be
Runic item that is donated to the master. The dice roll can be given other magical properties at a later stage.
further modified by -15% if thecharacter has served the master
badly in some way - ie has spoken badly of him, broken a runic Learning of New Runes:
item made by the master, killed his kin etc. There are various sources for recipes for creating new runes. The
runesmith could find old manuscripts in an abandoned Dwarven
00-05 made outcast of current clan and can never try for Dungeon, could find a runic item and learn how to create it from
Runesmith advancement again. This leaves the dwarf little choice there or could seek learning from the Master himself. This last one
but to become a troll slayer. is costly in experience (100xps x No of Classes Known) and a
magic item must also be offered in the bargain. The rules for
06-35 must take a trial. This trial is usually a quest to find and learning new Runes are the same as for a Wizard learning a new
return a certain runic item but may also be kill an Orc hero or spell. ie have to pass an intelligence test etc.
Dragon etc.

Making a Runic Item: 3. Passage
The task of creating a runic item is not a simple one. First of all the 4. Protection
Runesmith needs a forge, anvil, smithy tools and of course raw 5. Renewal
materials from which to make the item itself. The forge itself costs 6. Spells
100G to build with all the special needs of the Runesmith 7. Spellbreaking
accomodated in the design. The raw materials for a runic device 8. Steadfastness
can also cost between 100G and 600G (1D6x100).
Next is the special component given in the below descriptions. The Master Class
These will be either expensive or will be annoying or downright 1. Adamant
dangerous to collect. These have to be gathered by the Runesmith 2. Alaric the Mad
themselves as only they know how to ritually slaughter a beast to 3. Banishment
keep the item 'pure'. 4. Daemon Slaying
5. Death
Lastly, the Runesmith needs an apprentice and specific quantity of 6. Dismay
time of uninterrupted study, ritual and manual labour. This means 7. Dragon Slaying
if the Runesmith is interrupted while at work for any reason, the 8. Gromril
ritual is broken and has to be started all over again with new raw 9. Groth One-Eye
materials and components. For this reason it is not safe to try and 10. Skalf Blackhammer's
talk to a working runesmith and the runesmiths themselves tend to 11. Snorri Spangelhelms
live apart from the rest of their clan. 12. Spite
13. Swiftness
The creation of a Rune does not need magic points to be expened 14. Valaya
as a magic spell would. Therefore it is not necessary for a
Runesmith to have magic points as a Wizard would. however, The Weapon Class
many of the strictures that a Wizard must observe in casting spells.
Class : Weapon
Rune Descriptions Creation Time : one month
Components : A one-handed weapon, a piece of gold twine tied in
The Weapons Class
a knot
1. Breaking
Duration : Once a day
2. Cleaving
When this rune weapon comes into contact with a magic item, the
3. Curse
dweomer on that item is broken and the magic ability of the target
4. Cutting
item is lost. If an object has more than one ability then only one is
5. Fire
destroyed. The user must declare beforehand what item is being
6. Fate
aimed for and a successful hit is all that is needed to break the
7. Fury
8. Lesser Death
9. Might
10. Parrying
Class : Weapon
11. Return
Creation Time : One month
12. Smiting
Components : a one handed weapon and the shoulder blade of an
13. Striking
14. Swiftness
Duration : permanent
This rune confers an additional +1 to the Strength statistic of the
The Armour Class
bearer. Only when the sword is drawn is the benefit felt so the
1. Iron
owner of the sword is not permanently stronger.
2. Fortitude
3. Fear
4. Resistance
5. Spell Eater
Class : Weapon
6. Stone
Creation Time : two months
Components : a one handed weapon and the fangs of a vampire
The Engineering Class
1. Accuracy
Duration : Once a day
2. Burning
If the wielder causes wounds with this weapon on an enemy, they
3. Disguise
can elect to deplete the toughness of the enemy by an equal
4. Forging
amount to the strength of the bearer. ie a dwarf of strength 4 who
5. Fortune
hits and wounds a troll of toughness 5 negates 4 points of
6. Immolation
toughness causing the troll to have a toughness of 1 from then on.
7. Penetration
The targets toughness can never be less than 1 however so any
8. Seeking
extra losses are ignored.
The Talismanic Class
1. Furnace
Class : Weapon
2. Luck
Creation Time : one month
Components : a one handed weapon and a crushed diamond of
value 100gp Parrying
Duration : permanent Class : Weapon
Any hit by this weapon ignores armour when the target figures the Creation Time : Three months
wounds Components : a One handed weapon and the horns of a lesser
inflicted. daemon
Duration : permanent
Fire The Daemon horns are woven into the fabric of the weapon and
Class : Weapon allow the user to automatically parry one attack per round. This
Creation Time : one month means that an opponent with one attack can never hit, but if two
Components : any hand held weapon and 1 pound of sulphur opponents attack only one attack from one opponent may be
Duration : permanent parried. The opponents to be parried has to be chosen before the to
When drawn from the scabbard, this weapon will burst into flame. hit rolls are made and therefore the parry may be useless if that
The weapon then does extra damage to flammable targets as per particular enemy fails to hit anyway.
rules for fire. This does have its drawbacks however as it is hard to
disguise and also obvious in a dark room etc. Return
Class : Weapon
Fate Creation Time :
Class : Weapon Components : a one handed weapon and the feathers of a
Creation Time : two months cockatrice
Components : one handed weapon and a claw of a hippogriff Duration : once a day
Duration : once a day This allows the bearer to draw the weapon and throw it at a target,
At the bearers choosing, this weapon will inflict twice as many automatically hitting it. Only one attack of this kind can be made
wounds as each day but the weapon will instantly return to the owner the next
normal. This means that the user totals the wounds inflicted from a round. The weapon can be tossed at a target up to 30yds away but
successful hit as normal and then after all bonuses are added, the the target must be seen with the naked eye.
amount is doubled. The user must declare that this rune is being
used after the hit is made but before the wounds are figured. Smiting
Class : Weapon
Fury Creation Time : three months
Class : Weapon Components : a one handed weapon and the tooth of a hydra.
Creation Time : three months Duration : Once a day
Components : a one handed weapon and a centipede This will inflict not one but D6 hits for each successful attack
Duration : permanent made in one
The user gains an extra attack in battle when using this weapon round. The bearer must choose before any attacks are rolled
and no other. A shield can be used with this weapon but not a whether to use the rune and what the target is. If the attack hits its
second weapon. target, roll a D6 and that many hits have actually been made
against the target. Roll separately for the damage of each hit. If the
Lesser Death bearer has more than one attack, the attacks can be split up against
Class : Weapon multiple targets but the wounds from each hit cannot be spread
Creation Time : three months about multiple targets. ie Blad the troll slayer has three attacks. He
Components : a one handed weapon and the blood of the intended chooses to put one attack against three different orc opponents.
race. Two of the hits are successful so one orc suffers 4 hits and another
Duration : permanent. suffers 2. The third orc gets off free and sinks his dagger in the
This rune is different to most others in that as part of the striking trollslayers back. Not an heroic way to die.
of the
rune, the name of a certain race of creature is blended into it. The Striking
weapon Class : Weapon
will then cause automatic criticals when a creature of this kind is Creation Time : one month
successfully hit. Instead of totalling wounds as normal, roll a D20 Components : any hand held weapon and the eyes of a cat
(or D6 for fast critical resolution) and the result is the level of Duration : permanent
critical sustained. This is deadly especially in the hands of an This rune makes the weapon very light and easy to manoeuvre.
otherwise weak player or a trollslayer against a dragon. This gives the wielder +10% to WS when using this weapon only.

Might Swiftness
Class : Weapon Class : Weapon
Creation Time : two months Creation Time : one month
Components : A one handed weapon and the beak of a wyvern Components : any hand held weapon and the hoof of a pegasus
Duration : once a day Duration : permanent
This weapon on the whim of the bearer will bestow the bearer with This rune makes the weapon cut through the air as if in a vacuum
twice their normal strength (max of 10). Once activated this rune and seems oily to the touch. It bestows +10% to Initiative of the
will last until there are no enemy in sight. After this the rune will wielder when this weapon is used and the weapon will never be
fade until the next day while it recharges. This is very handy in snagged nor the bearer disarmed when using this weapon.
large pitched battles where many enemy abound but remember, if
there is no threat to the character, the rune is 'earthed' and the extra The Armour Class
strength is lost for that day. Iron
Class : Armour The Engineering Class
Creation Time : three months
Components : a piece of armour and meteoric iron Accuracy
Duration : permanent Class : Engineer
The piece of armour struck with this rune will bestow +1 to the Creation Time : two months
toughness of the wearer. This means only one piece need have this Components : the eyes of a giant snake
rune to affect the wearer. More than one piece of armour with this Duration : once a day
rune will NOT bestow another point of toughness but will stop an A war machine with this rune can be used to make one attack per
attack by a magical creature such as a daemon if it hits this body day that is totally accurate. Only other magic can negate the affects
area on a 4,5 or 6 on a roll of a D6. This rune is usually struck on a of this rune. This rune can also be struck on gunpowder weapons
shield or helmet. and crossbows.

Fortitude Burning
Class : Armour Class : Engineer
Creation Time : three months Creation Time : one month
Components : Heart of an ox and a piece of armour Components : a little salt petre
Duration : permanent Duration : permanent
This rune bestows the ability to absorb an extra wound of damage. This rune causes any projectile shot from this machine to burst into
This means the bearer has an extra wound no matter where the flame. This will affect flammable targets according to the fire
damage was struck similar to Iron above. This does not have the rules. This can also be struck on steam engines or forges allowing
benefit of adding to toughness tests as Iron would. Again more the fire to burn indefinitely on the whim of the owner. Note
than one piece does not add more than one wound but this rune flammable projectiles can be dangerous especially in wheat fields,
does also count as affective against magical creatures or attacks. dry forests or near kegs of gunpowder.

Fear Disguise
Class : Armour Class : Engineer
Creation Time : Four months Creation Time : three months
Components : The skull of an enemy and a helmet Components : the skin of a chameleon
Duration : once a day Duration : permanent
This rune can only be struck on a helmet and the skull is woven This rune distorts the fabric of space time around the intended
into the fabric of the helm. This allows the wearer to cause fear as machine, making it look as though the machine is invisible. This
the Battle Magic spell once a day. camouflages the machine from enemy detection but once a person
has been shown the sight of the machine, it can never again be
Resistance hidden from that characters eyes.
Class : Armour
Creation Time : four months Forging
Components : the hide of an ogre Class : Engineer
Duration : Once a day Creation Time : four months
This piece of armour will allow the wearer to negate the outcome Components : tail of a beaver
of one attack a day. This means that after a hit has been made Duration : permanent
against the wearer but before the wounds are found, the wearer can This rune is struck on a forge and causes any work undertaken on
choose to have that attack annulled. The attack then counts as that forge to be completed in half the normal time. This means that
missed. As with Iron, more than one piece of armour with this rune creation of runic items on this particular forge will also take half
does not mean more than one attack is annulled. The rune is the normal creation time.
usually struck on a shield or helmet.
Spell Eater Class : Engineer
Class : Armour Creation Time : two months
Creation Time : five months Components : eggshell of a giant eagle
Components : A wizards staff Duration : once a day
Duration : Permanent This rune allows the user of a siege engine, crossbow or
This spell will bestow the skill of Dispel magic as if the character gunpowder weapon to negate one missed shot a day. Once a shot is
was a firstlevel wizard. If the bearer already has this skill, their determined as being missed, the character can trigger the rune and
chance is raised by +10%. Note Wizards are not allowed to wear nullify the outcome. This means he can then immediately roll the
armour and so will not be able to use an item with this rune. to hit dice again.

Stone Immolation
Class : Armour Class : Engineer
Creation Time : three months Creation Time : two months
Components : a river worn stone Components : The tongue of a salamander
Duration : permanent Duration : permanent
This piece of armour is raised in armour value by one point. This This rune is unique in that its creation serves as its ultimate
means that a breastplate with this rune is of armour value 2 and if destruction.
the breastplate were of Gromril it would have armour value of 3. When a machine with this rune falls into the hands of the enemy,
This only affects the body area covered by the armour. the owner of the machine need only vocalise a secret word and the
machine bursts into flame as if struck by the wizard spell Blast.
This destroys the machine and has the potential to damage the Components : Some of the Runesmiths own blood
enemy as well. The owner can be any where on the face of the Duration : permanent This bestows +10% to the willpower of the
Warhammer world and still the secret word when spoken will bearer. If the bearer is a mage, this will mean that extra spells can
affect the target. be known by them. If this is the case, the extra spells chosen will
have to be marked as belonging to the talisman and if the talismans
Penetration power is lost or denied, these spell will be lost to the spell user. If
Class : Engineer the talismans power is then regained, then spells are then regained
Creation Time : three months as well.
Components : The talons of a manticore
Duration : permanent Renewal
Any missile shot from this engine, crossbow or gunpowder Class : Talisman
weapon adds +1 to its strength if it successfully hits its target. This Creation Time : four months
cannot be used in conjunction with magic missiles. Components : a flawless gem of 500gp worth
Duration : permanent
Seeking This talisman stores up to D10 magic points. The mage has to
Class : Engineer charge the talisman with its own spell points and can recall them at
Creation Time : three months any point instead of using their own magic points. This means that
Components : The ears of a giant bat the mage can put ten points in the talisman and then meditate
Duration : permanent regaining those used spell points. This give the mage the potential
This rune causes the siege engine, crossbow, gunpowder weapon to have a significantly greater amount of points than would
to be shot with keener accuracy. The shooter gains +10% to BS normally be available to them at any one time. Once the talisman
when using this weapon only. This cannot be used in combination is created throw a D10 to find the maximum amount of points that
with magic missiles however. can be held by the item. If this is ever exceeded, the item may
short circuit and shatter. The chance of this happening is 10% per
The Talismanic Class extra point over the threshold. This makes using found talismans
of this sort dangerous to use as only another Runesmith can ever
Furnace know the capacity of the object for certain.
Class : Talisman
Creation Time : four months Spells
Components : glacial ice Class : Talisman
Duration : permanent Creation Time : four months
This talisman will bestow the bearer with protection against fire Components : a harpies tongue
based attacks including fireball spells. Any attacks from flaming Duration : permanent
weapons do normal damage without the fire bonus and the bearer Similar to the Renewal talisman, this runic item stores one
is immune to red dragon breath. particular spell to be used as if cast by that magician. This means
the mage can place a fireball of devastating strength in the
Luck talisman and then meditate to regain those magic points used. A
Class : Talisman maximum of ten points can be stored in this way and these can
Creation Time : only be used for the one spell. This means that a four point fireball
Components : The tail of a great cat (lion etc) can be stored with six extra magic points to help against it being
Duration : once a day dispelled by an unkindly enemy mage.
This talisman will bestow the skill of luck on the bearer. If at any
stage the Spellbreaking
talisman is taken off, the luck for that day is negated. A character Class : Talisman
who already has the skill of luck does not get any bonuses from Creation Time : two months
this rune. Components : the ashes of a burnt magic scroll
Duration : permanent
Passage As the armour rune, this talismanic rune bestows the skill of dispel
Class : Talisman magic on the wearer. If the wearer already has this skill then it
Creation Time : four months adds +10% to their ability to dispel.
Components : a drill bit made of gold (50gp worth)
Duration : once a day Steadfastness
The bearer of this talisman can walk or look straight through one Class : Talisman
piece of Creation Time : three months
terrain a day. This includes walking through solid rock walls up to Components : brain of a badger
a distance of ten yards. If the bearer tries to walk through an object Duration : permanent
that is wider than this will suddenly find that they no longer have The user of this talisman is immune to the psychological affect of
the ability and become part of the wall itself ie. instantly dead. As fear. If
stated above, the user can try to peer through an object of no more faced by a monster who causes terror, the wearer will only act as if
than ten yards thickness and can see as if that object were not there affected by fear instead of terror.
similar to Superdwarfs Xray vision (a fabled character of dwarf
folklore). The Master Class

Protection Adamant
Class : Talisman Class : MASTER
Creation Time : three months Creation Time : twelve months
Components : the hide of a dragon Any hits made by the weapon bearing this rune will do automatic
Duration : permanent criticals to a dragon as described for the Death rune above. Only
The armour struck by this rune has +4 extra armour points dragons are affected and unfortunately dragons can detect the rune
by sight so the wielder will have to face all dragons in the vicinity.
What a shame.
Alaric the Mad
Class : MASTER Gromril
Creation Time : six months Class : MASTER
Components : the mandibles of a gigantic spider Creation Time : six months
Duration : permanent Components : three pounds of Gromril
The wielder of a weapon with this rune will ignore the affects of Duration : permanent
his target The wearer of a piece of armour bearing this rune will have a
armour when he successfully hits. This does not affect the affects toughness of 10. However, the bearer cannot wear any other form
of magical armour however. Therefore magical plate with a +1 of armour while bearing this as the rune itself is even more jealous
bonus struck by this weapon will stop 1 point of damage only (not than normal master runes. Good for troll slayers if placed on a
two). shield. Not so good for Knights Panther

Banishment Groth One-Eye

Class : MASTER Class : MASTER
Creation Time : six months Creation Time : six months
Components : the ashes of a cremated hero Components : The horn of a unicorn
Duration : once a day Duration : permanent
Once a day any undead creature that takes wounds from this The wearer of a helmet struck with this rune will act as if s/he had
creature can be banished - ie destroyed, never to rise again. The a
target gets a willpower roll to save against the affects. leadership of 100% and will make leadership tests similarly. if the
helmet is not worn the leadership reverts to normal.
Daemon Slaying
Class : MASTER Skalf Blackhammer's
Creation Time : six months Class : MASTER
Components : feathers of an angel Creation Time : twelve months
Duration : once a day Components : the spleen of a warboar
Once a day, any daemon that is successfully hit by the wielder of Duration : permanent
this weapon can choose to slay it outright. The daemon then gets a Any successful hits by a character wielding a weapon with this
willpower test or be slain. rune do an
automatic amount of damage. Instead of rolling the damage dice, it
Death is counted as a six (although no extra dice are rolled). This means
Class : MASTER that the weapon will never do extra damage as if a d6 was rolled as
Creation Time : six months in normal combat.
Components : the skull of a dragon
Duration : permanent Snorri Spangelhelms
This weapon will always inflict a critical when it hits. Instead of Class : MASTER
tallying Creation Time : six months
wounds when a hit is made, roll a D20 (or D6 for fast criticals) and Components : the sting of a scorpion
consult Duration : once a day
the critical table. This is the result of the attack. If the bearer has This is cast on a weapon and on the choice of the wielder makes
multiple all attacks automatically hit for one round. This even affects
attacks, the targets of these attacks must be elected before the hits monsters of a magical nature including daemons and ghosts etc.
are Wounds are determined as normal.
Dismay Class : MASTER
Class : MASTER Creation Time : six months
Creation Time : six months Components : The fangs of a giant snake
Components : the larynx of a troll Duration : permanent
Duration : once a day Any wounds suffered by the wearer of the piece of armour struck
Once a day, the musical instrument struck with this rune can be by this rune will rebound on the attacker. That is the amount of
sounded. The result is all enemy within hearing must take a actual wounds deducted from the wearers wounds will also be
willpower test or flee. monsters without ears or the ability to hear deducted from the enemies wounds. This could well result in a
(including most undead) are not affected. critical hit on an enemy just by the bearer getting hit.

Dragon Slaying Swiftness

Class : MASTER Class : MASTER
Creation Time : six months Creation Time : six months
Components : Blood of a dragon Components : The whiskers of a giant rat
Duration : permanent Duration : permanent

Any attacks made by the bearer of a weapon with this rune are
always before any enemies attacks. Only an enemy with surprise Enforce Tattoos - When the shamen is with the Boyz he can
could ever hope to hit first in a round. reinforce the psycology which makes the tattoos work (see below)
he can convince the boyz that their tattoos will protect them really
Valaya well and therefore the protection given by protective tattoos is
Class : MASTER increased to 1 AP on all locations.
Creation Time : six months
Components : a silver mirror worth 100gp Manufacture Inks - Along the lines of the manufacture potions
Duration : once a day skill.
The bearer of the talisman with this rune can automatically dispel
the affects of one spell cast against them per day. When this INKS
talisman is used against the spell, the spell will fail. Created by the manufacture Inks skill, tattoos aren't magical they
work on the basis of simple psycology - the Orcs believe they
From: Mr D Eccles <> work so they do! These inks are more like paints really and must
Yes I'm back again writing up some more stuff which you might be reapplied every so often after wear due to weather, battle or just
like to share your comments with me on. general sweating. The process of covering the body with tattoos
take about an hour to do.
Savage Orc Shamen (Orc Career) -
Basic Inks are:
Advanced Protective Tattoos; 0/1 AP on all locations (can be reinforced see
A savage orc Shamen is the hub of the tribe and amongst the above)
chieftan's most trusted advisors in all matters from war to the menu Go Fasta red Tattoos; M+1
of the evening. They play the role of both tribal witchdoctors and
powerful spellcasters roled into one big bundle of green violence. Other tattoos are specific to individual tribes and shamens I will
The are famous for their ability to create potions ( as well as cover more in my forthcoming section on Savage Orc
consume large proportions of alcohol :-) ) and one of the main Culture/Tribes/Rituals)
functions within the tribe is to prepare the tattoos which every
savage Orc covers themselves with when preparing for battle. Not SPELLS FOR ORCS
only do they do this but the boyz in return chant wildly around the these are just sketchy plans adapt or ignore them as you like, Orcs
shamen in order to enhance the shaman's power. could just as easily use normal battle magic

PROFILE (just whack this on top of the basic savage Orc profile) LEVEL ONE
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Niv1 +10 +10 +1 +5 +10 +1 +10 +20 +10 +10 DIE YER GIT : This is the Orc version of the Battle 1 fireball
Niv2 +20 +20 +1 +1 +8 +20 +2 +20 +30 +20 +20
I'M WELL 'ARD : Endows the caster with +10 WS, +1 S/T/A, +5
META-MORE-PHOCIS (or Metamorphosis) : Enables the caster
as per normal savage Orcs.
to take the form of a non-fantastical, non-giant animal (remember:
Orcs can't act)
Skills Lvl.1 ; EAT DIS : Like a fireball but instead it is an extremely large,
Divination (throwing bones and chicken guts around generally), smelly ball of dung/mud/gunk causing d3 hits at S2 causing d4
Manufacture Potion (the dread fungus curry etc...) ,
wounds each (is this too much?)
Manufacture Ink (is manufacture the right word for an Orc?) *,
YOU YELLA BUGGER : Target creature must make a WP test or
Identify Plant/fungi,
be forced to flee combat.
Dance (i.e. jump about yelling a lot!)
War Chant *, LEVEL TWO
Frenzied Attack, BOOOOM!!! : An ear shattering blast of sound envelopes the
Consume Alcohol (lots of it...)
target creature/group if a WP test is failed the target/s become
Cast Spells - Orc 1
stunned for d10 rounds.
Heal Wounds (I'm not sure about this - but witchdoctor aspect?)
HEAD BANGER : The Targer creature, if failing a WP test is
Enforce Tattoos *.
reduced -10 to LD, CL, INT, WP for d10 hours?
BURP!!! SORRY I ATE A CURRY : The caster belches a cloud
Skills Lvl.2 ; of sickly greem/yellow vapour towards an opponent causing a
Consume Fungus Curry (???),
stinging sensation in the eyes(loss of -20 I for d6 rounds) and if
Cast Spells - Orc 2.
they fail a S/WP test they are forced to vomit falling prone for d6
* = new skill
rounds and losing -5 from all percentile characteristics for about
d10 hours.
Thats it for now. I didn't want to make Savage Orcs into a Player
War Chant - This skill can only be used if their is a least 5 other
Character race because I felt it didn't work (but feel free to adapt if
you so wish it:-) ) I am currently working on some
Orcs within 20yds (?) of the shamen. The shamen starts up the
Tribes/Customs/culture stuff for Orcs which I'll post if anyone is
chant and the Boyz join in. This wild energy gives the shamen interested. This is for Dave Selin especially 'cause he wrote me a
more magical power, an extra d6 magic points which will nice letter
disappear at the end of the turn if they are unused.
Bye, Bye for now
ECHO Advance Scheme:
From elandal@tower.nullnet.fiSat Sep 16 13:46:39 1995 M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+1 +10
Scholar Monk (Cathayan/Old worlder
Career) - Advanced Blather
Advance scheme: Monk Philosophy
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Consume Alcohol
+10 +10 +1 +2 +30 +30 +10 +20 +20 Read/Write
Public Speaking
Monks get +2 to either WS or BS depending on the temple.
Skills: Trappings: A monthly allowance of 10D6 GC
1 professional skill Robes Elegant clothing
Scholarship Professional Equipment 5D6 political books
Speedwriting 2-3 sets of workers clothing
Speak Additional Language
Read / Write Career Entries: Career Exits:
Meditation - Special Noble Outlaw
Art Charlatan
Mathematics Agitator
Sing - Hymns
1 Lore This is of course mainly designed as a NPC-Comic-Relief-Career,
Evaluate but I can imagine it as a Starter Career too. Just think what
History happens, shoud the Character loose the protection of his family.
Hell be a member of the downtrodden soon enough.
Career Entries:
Initiate Monk Thats it, Have fun,
Thomas Hassan
Younger Brother thassan @
From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
Career Exits:
Steward- Advanced
Templar (As I have explained before, my games circle alot around the
nobility, here's a career I've used for NPC's. You may or may not
find it of use...)
Scholar Monks are academics. They read books, write books, copy The Steward is an individual responsible for the daily
books.. Their study may require them to travel out of the temple, to maintenance of a noble residence. He acts as a majordomo, a head
collect information, to gain some specific knowledge, to learn of the household, a scribe, head butler, and a businessman.
something new. Their skills and knowledge may be requested by Usually, without a steward, or chancellor, a noble house would
some high official, in which case they again have to depart from disintegrate without these highly specialized characters picking up
the temple. Much of their knowledge is of worldly nature, afterall, the pieces that the noble has left behind. Their importance in
although highly specialized and often better backed up than the major households makes them valued members of a royal family,
knowledge of many others. But, they may as well get to live most almost a member themselves, and therefore above the abuse that
or even all of their life within the temple, in meditation, praising the rest of the house is subjected to by their social betters!
their god, copying religious texts.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Elandal (aka Ismo Peltonen) +10 +1 +4 +30 +10 +30 +20 +20 +10 +30
From thassan@magnet.atMon Aug 14 08:18:06 1995
When Owen Cooper posted his Anarchist (Mark II)yesterday, I Charm
just couldn't resist. So this is the necessary addition for all civilized (Embezzlement-if the character wants it!)
areas of Bretonnia and the Empire. Etiquette
Smoking Room Anarchist - Basic Haggle
Especially in the bourgois upperclasses of the Empire and Read/write
Bretonnia there are a lot of idle young rich, who have taken up the Secret Language Classical
burden of supporting the plight of the poor and downtrodden. Stewardship
Their activism consists mainly of scholarly discussions, sometimes
public speeches in the backrooms of fashionable inns, and the Trappings
writing and printing of highly theoretical pamphlets only they Well, a manor or palace for starts! Figure the rest out yourself!
understand. I can't hold your hand!

Career Entries Witch - Basic/Advanced
Herald written by Oliver Rosenkranz (copyright: the author)
Scribe Description:
Servant Most Witches in the Old World live their life as an outcast. Either
Squire shunned by society and hunted by Witch Hunters or living a
Student double life with a public camouflage as Herbalist or Druid, they
Charlatan (heh,heh,heh. Especially recommended as a Steward for have a certain sense of solidarity for their kind. While many
PC nobles) people were falsely accused to be a Witch, real Witches are very
rare. They have the ability to use magic and know more about
Career Exits creating Potions and Poison than most Pharmacists and Physicians.
Lawyer To become a Witch the female human has to be chosen by an
Castellan "elder daughter" (being a Witch by herself) to become a so-called
Racketeer Minx. The Witch teaches and instructs the Minx for at least two
Thief (embezzler) years (or longer if she doesn't think her worthy to advance to
Witch status), then takes the Minx with her to a 'Hexentreffen' on
Geheimnistag where the Minx becomes a Witch in secret ritual.
Winecrafters - Advanced Witches feel a certain love for nature and therefore nature seems to
Winecrafters are skilled in all stages of wine production. They love them (at least sometimes). Most Witches live in remote
can identify vintages, additives, and other properties of the wine places, deep in the forest or in a cave-dwelling in the mountains.
through taste and smell. In many cases, Winecrafters blend Only few choose to live among other humans in small settlements.
various wines in differing measures to achieve a specific body, Almost all Witches have an animal familiar which they raised and
taste, and effect of the wine. trained to obey a number of commands. A Witch is only in rare
Winecrafters are also skilled in preparing meals to complement cases useful as a player character because they normally want to be
the wine and hosting festivities. Moreover, Winecrafters have the left alone. But sometimes, a Minx is instructed to live an
ability to add specific herbs to certain wines so as to render the adventerous life for a while or a Witch sees the necessity to
wine as a liquid drug. accompany a group of adventurers to achieve a certain goal.
Those who would become a Winecrafter must be members of the Witches have a bad reputation in the Old World although most of
cult of Liadriel and have some farming and hosting skills. They them would be quite acceptable members of each community.
must be approved by a Cleric of Liadriel and spend some time Different reasons led to this credit. First of all, their understanding
(years) learning their craft from experienced Winecrafters. and use of magic is different from Old World college magic.
Second, they do not outcast those showing mutations
Advance Scheme automatically. If the mutation didn't touch the human heart and
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc soul, they accept it as natural and therefore not as a bad thing. This
+2 +2 +20 +10 +20 +10 +10 +30 attitude is unacceptible for the majority of the Old World's cults.
Third, their ability to heal (or to do harm to) people is very well,
Career Entrances: Gamekeeper, Herbalist, Herdsman, Minstrel, which leads authorities (and normal people) to precondemnment
Woodsman which has been fed by single evil Witches.For example, there is a
certain tradition in the Empire to hunt down Witches for the Cult
Career Exits: Entertainer, Initiate (Liadriel), Raconteur of Sigmar.

Skills: Carpentry, Consume Alcohol, Cook, Etiquette, Herb Advance Schemes:

Lore, Identify Plant, Manufacture (Herbal) Drugs, Silent Move- M CC CT F BE I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Minx +1 +10 +10 +10
Rural, Story Telling, Viniculture (see below) Niv1 +10 +1 +3 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 +20
Niv2 +10 +1 +1 +4 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +10
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Leather Jerkin, Pruning Tools, Wine Niv3 +10 +10 +1 +1 +5 +20 +20 +30 +30 +20 +30 +20
Barrels, Underground Storage (Cave)
Career Entries:
Viniculture: Characters with the viniculture skill can make wine. Minx: Witch Level 1: Witch Level 2+3:
They understand the principles of the growing , harvesting, and Druid Minx Witch of prior level
crushing of grapes: the fermentation process; and the blending of Pharmacist
wines. In addition, they are able to judge the quality of ingredients Herbalist
and the finished product, estimate fermentation in any given Hypnotist
environment, and judge whether a particular vintage is ready.
They also have a +10% modifier to their chance of noticing a drug Career Exits:
or poison in wine (see Administering Poisons, WFRP, p 81). If Minx: Witch Level 1+2: Witch Level 3:
successful, the presence of some foreign substance will be Druid Witch of next level Herbalist
detected, but not its nature. Seer Herbalist
Herbalist Entertainer - Fortune Teller
Not all of you will like the general concept of this, because it
mixes different spell types which is an unusual thing. However, if Restrictions:
you only dislike this feature, then re-write a Witch spell with Only female humans (males only in VERY rare cases), who are in
details changed for each spell listed below. For example, a Witch addition follower of the Old Faith may become a Minx/Witch. To
'Fly' spell could be by far more powerful... become a Witch, the character has to fully complete the Minx
career. In order to advance through the ranks of this career, one
must first fully complete the current Witch career. Minxes have to Witches can replace these ingredients by other organic ingredients
spend 300 Exp to advance to Witch of level 1 (100 Exp to change (GM may decide which will fit).
the career, and another 200 Exp to buy the skills "Cast Spells -
Level 1" and "Arcane Language Druidic/Magick") at one time. Spell List:
Social Level: -2 if known (or even accused) as a Witch, otherwise Level 1: Curse (P), Glowing Light (P), Magic Alarm (P), Remove
the social level according to the 'public career'. Curse (P), Sleep (P), Aura of Resistance (B1), Cure Light Injury
(B1), Flight (B1), Zone of Hiding (E1), Hand of Death (N1),
Skills: Animal Mastery (Dr1), Cure Poison (Dr1), Heal Animal (Dr1),
Contact Familiar
Animal Care Level 2: Immunity from Poison (B1), Mystic Mist (B2), Summon
Chemistry Magical Aid (Dae2), Cause Rain (E2), Move Object (E2), Ghostly
Concealment Rural Appearance (I2), Illusionary Woods (I2), Tanglethorn (Dr2)
Heal Wounds Level 3: Cause Fear (B3), Curse of Arrow Attraction (B3), Dispel
Identify Plant Aura (B3), Change Allegiance (B4), Cure Severe Wound (B4),
Secret Signs - Witches Banish Elemental (E3), Foul Air (E3), Summon Elemental (E4),
Summon Swarm (E4)
Witch Level 1:
Arcane Language Druidic/Magick* Notes:
Cast Spells - Witches level 1* The abbrevation in brackets behind the spell name shows where to
Charm Animal - familiar species only find this spell:
Herb Lore P - rulebook Petty Magic
Magical Awareness Bx - rulebook Battle Magic Level x
Palmistry Ex - rulebook Elemental Magic Level x
Prepare Poisons Ix - rulebook Illusionary Magic Level x
Train Animal - familiar species only Nx - rulebook Necromantic Magic Level x
Drx - rulebook Druidic Priest Magic Level x
* - see Restrictions above Daex - rulebook Daemonologist Magic Level x

Witch Level 2: NEW SPELLS:

Cast Spells - Witches level 2
Charm Spell Name : Contact Familiar
Charm Animal Spell Level : Witch Magic Level 1
Cure Disease Magic Points : 1 per round
Hypnotise Range : Eyesight
Immunity to Poison Duration : Instantaneous
Magic Sense Ingredients : twig of an elm
Upon casting this spell the Witch must break the twig and is now
Witch Level 3: able to send a mental message to her familiar. This message will
Astronomy come into the mind of the animal as its own instincts, so the
Cast Spells - Witches level 3 message has to be designed this way. For example, no familiar will
Immunity to Disease ever be able to know or learn what the word 'sword' in the
Manufacture Drugs command "Put sword into mouth and bring it to master" means.
Manufacture Potions The command "Put glittering, long, sharp, cold thing into mouth
Train Animal and bring it to master" will be alot better. The familiar will try to
obey this command (because it's its own instinct), but will do so
Magic Points: normally by trying to avoid any physical danger. If such danger is
Minx : none inevitable, the familiar is allowed a WP test to ignore this 'instinct'
Witch : 2D8 per level (GM may decide whether any bonus or penalty to this test applies).
Notes on Witch Magic: Each round (ie 10 seconds) of contact between caster and familiar
Witches do not have the same understanding of magic as other costs 1 MP. The caster can end the duration of this spell at will.
magic-users have. For them, there is no division between the The actions of the familiar is to be decided by the GM according to
different collegues of magic. Therefore, a Witch doesn't know the kind of command.
anything about Petty or Battle Magic, Elemental or Necromantic
Magic. Hence, Witches do learn spells from other Witches and Familiars:
cannot learn them otherwise (from written sources, from other Favourite familiars are intelligable animals like owls, hounds, cats,
magic-user-types, etc). Experience point costs are 100 Exp for sometimes even rats and certain snakes...
level 1 spells, 200 Exp for level2 spells and 300 Exp for level 2
spells. Witch spells don not differ in their type (ie. Battle or More to do....
Daemonic, for example) but only in levels. On the other side,
Witches have a limited repertoire of spells of all these magic types
(see list below). Authors for Academic Careers
Whenever a spell description states that the ingredients for this [eds note: Ive tried to include all but some errors are bound to occur. If you have a
spell are from an animal (ie. here anything other than humanoid), career posted here, and youre names not on it; write me]

This directory includes basic and advanced academic careers. MageSmith.txt
Specialist wizard career for Wood Elves
Arbiter.txt by William F. Hostman <>
by <> MasterArtist.txt
Advanced career
Artisan.txt by G.G. Lepper <>
New Artisan careers
by Morten Krog <> Midwife.txt
Basic religious career originally for RoDM
ArtistApprentice.txt by Alfred Nunez <>
New Career
by G.G. Lepper <> Missionary.txt
Advanced academic career
ArtPatron.txt by Mr. Whippy <>
The Art Patron, Advanced Career
by G.G. Lepper <> Monk.txt
Initiate Monk and Younger Brother careers
Astrologer by Ismo Peltonen <>
New academic career
by G.G.Lepper <> MonksOfSulim.txt
Monk careers from the Su Lim monastery of Cathay
Buyer.txt by Elvis <>
New career
by Psychedelic Goblin <> Mystic.txt
Academic career
Cultivator.txt by Ismo Peltonen <>
Basic religious career origianlly for RoDM
by Alfred Nunez <> Oracle.txt
NPC career
DegenerateArtist.txt by David Peterson <>
Advanced academic career
by G.G. Lepper <> OrcShaman.txt
Savage Orc Shaman career
Demagogue.txt by Hal Eccles <>
Description of two relgious demagogue orders
by Alfred Nunez <> Philosopher.txt
Advanced academic career
Diplomat.txt by G.G.Lepper <>
Advanced career
by Garett Lepper <> PoliticalActivist.txt
The Political Activist is a modern-day political career
Dissident.txt by G.G.Lepper <>
The Political Dissident, a modern-day political career
by Garett Lepper <> Prestidigator.txt
Magic career
Evangelist.txt by <>
Advanced career
by Garett Lepper <> Reactionary.txt
The Political Reactionary, a modern-day political career
Fanatics.txt by G.G.Lepper <>
Advanced religious careers and orders originally for RoDM
by Alfred Nunez <> RoDMRunesmith.txt
Advanced dwarven career originally for RoDM
Freeman.txt by Alfred Nunez <>
Minor noble career
by Ismo Peltonen <> Runesmith.txt
Runesmith career and rules for runesmiths. Conversion to WFRP
Interpreter.txt of the Warhammer Armies Dwarf rules
Basic academic career By DJ Brattan
by Wesley Schwein <>
Inventor.txt Advanced academic career
Inventor Apprentice, Basic academic career by Ismo Peltonen <>
and Inventor, Advanced career
by Kevin Cassidy SmokingAnarchist.txt
Smoking Room Anarchist basic NPC career
KhaineCleric.txt by Thomas Hassan <>
Clerics for the Khaine cult
by Eric Oppen <> Steward.txt
NPC career
LeChef.txt by G.G.Lepper <>
Halfling career
by Marco Bizzarri <> Winecrafter.txt
Advanced religious career originally for RoDM
Linguist.txt by Alfred Nunez <>
Linguist/Translator Advanced Career
by G.G.Lepper <> Witch.txt
Career and rules for witches
Locksmith.txt by Oliver Rosenkranz <>
A new Artisan career

ReligiousArtist.txt Row
Advanced career
Specialist Weapon-Firearms
by Garett Lepper <>

SocietyArtist.txt Trappings
Advanced career Duck Whistle
by Garett Lepper <>
Firearm (likely a Duckfoot or Blunderbus)
Flask of Brandy or Whiskey
RANGER CAREERS Hunting Dogs (Retrievers)
Powder and Shot
From Nov 8 14:09:44 1995 Warm Finery
Wooden Decoy Duck
Courier - Basic Career Entries
Couriers have a perilous job delivering messages and packages Lawyer
from town to town, across country, for military or private Merchant
concerns. Speed is of the essence as they travel on horseback
through areas often plagued by outlaws and goblinoids.In all cases Career Exits
the couriers first recourse is to avoid trouble and flee, but Hunt Master
unfortunately conflict cannot always be avoided... Huntsman
Many couriers are loners, prefering a horse for company. In all Raconteur
cases a horse is the couriers lifeline.
Many couriers become addicted to danger and find it hard to settle
into more sedate life. It is unsurprising then that many turn to a Falconer - Basic
life of adventure.
While most noblemen prefer to hunt with bow and arrow, they
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc sometimes use falcons to hunt small game. The falconer trains
these falcons (sometimes hawks) to hunt at the command of a
+10 +10 +1 +2 +10 +10
human. Sometimes the noblemen compete, to see, who has got the
best falcon, and since there is a lot of prestige to win in these
Skills: Trappings:
competitions, an expert falconer is highly respected. A good
Animal Care Horse,saddle
falconer gets invitations to upper class parties and balls, and
Dodge Blow & harness.
therefore he needs to know, how to behave in high society. Expert
Orientation Saddle bags
falconers often get permanent jobs, where they have to breed new
Ride - Horse Mail Shirt
falcons and hawks, and make sure, the "birds" get the proper
Strike Mighty Blow Water flask
training, while unknown falconers are hired to train a single
Trick Riding
falcon, or to help a more experienced falconer. If the falconer
50% Sixth Sense
is unable to get employment, he can always travel around the Old
World, entertaining people with animal shows.
Entered from: Coachman, Outrider, Roadwarden
Advance Scheme
Exits: Highwayman, Scout
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
From: *G MONEY* <> +1 +1 +20 +10 +20

Duck Hunter - Advanced Animal Care
Rich merchants and nobles with too much time and money on Animal Training (Falcon)
their hands, will often gather their friends together and go on Etiquette
excursions out to their town houses or country houses. After a Heraldry
considerable amount of drinking, they will get in boats and row 50% chance of Game Hunting
out to the nearest swampy or marshy area. There they hide in the
cold dawn, sitting in a marsh, drinking and waiting to shoot ducks. Trappings
The novelty to their hunting is that they use expensive and rare Falcon or Hawk (equal chance of either)
firearms for their hunting. Mimicking duck calls, or flushing the Glove
ducks out with dogs, they will open fire blowing the harmless Bag with fresh meatballs
ducks out of the sky.
Afterwards, many will wander back to their hunting lodges for Career Entries
more drinking, and to treat those wounded by stray rounds... Druid
Rat Catcher
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+20 +2 +10 +10 +10 +20 +10 Career Exits
Skills Entertainer (Animal Act)
Animal Care Squire
Conceal Rural
Mimic Hawk/Falcon
A hawk has the following profile: Advance Scheme
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
1 40 1 1 3 50 1 6 6 6 6 +10 +10 +1 +1 +20 +10

If a successful attack causes additional damage (see WFRP, p122), Skills Trappings
ignore all damage rolls. Instead, the attack causes 1 point of Agriculture* Farm with equipment and animals
damage to the head and the target is permitted an I test to avoid Animal care
losing an eye (+10 bonus for wearing a full-face helmet or visor Carpentry Career exits
of any kind). Hawks fly as swoopers, and have the normal Drive cart Druid
protections against missile fire (see WFRP, p129). Identify plant Militiaman
(C) Claus Ekstroem march 1990
*New skill: Agriculture: This skill is used if you want to know
From: Richard Iorio Ii <>
Copyright 1995 Richard Iorio II when and how to sow, harvest, plough and how to keep the fields
is good order. The skill is governed by Int.
Falconer Basic From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Well, those of you out there in awe of my creativity...(there is
someone out there...right?) I am afraid I'm going to let you down.
+10 +1 +10 +20 +20 +10 +10 This is a new career, but it seems to have an uncanny connection to another career.
I bet you never guess...

Hunter Forestrunner (Elven Career) - Basic
Servant Elven communities are spread out throughout the forests. To
Heardsman maintain communication, every elven outpost and community
relies upon a network of messengers. Spread along the border
Exits outposts and in the communities, these Forestrunners carry
Game Keeper messages back and forth.
Druid Warnings of danger, fire, invasion, summoning healers, and all
Scout other purposes. Their roles are similar to that of the town criers in
the cities. They typically nimble young elves play an important
Skills part in keeping elven safety and solidarity strong.
Animal Care
Animal Training M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Charm Animal +1 +10 +2 +20 +10 +10
Game Hunting
Trappings Conceal Rural
1 Hunting Bird Dodge Blow
Leather Jerkin Flee!
Hunting Knife Fleet footed
Falconry Glove Follow Trail
Jesses (leather bands w/ ring that attacted to the birds legs) Orientation
Cerance (leather leash that attach to the Jesses) Silent Move Rural
Hood (leather hood that covers the bird's eyes) Trappings:
Any ideas? Please don't suggest running shoes, loose fitting
Richard Iorio II clothes or a headband
PS. I do not know if this carrer has been done before. I am new to the list. If I just Career Exits:
posted something already done--sorry. Beastfriend
Vegard Stokke <>
Wardancer (yikes!)
Farmer - Basic
People need food, somebody has to make it and besides from Notes: Yes, I know that the career looks suspiciously like you
being such a person, the farmer is also the most important food know what. However, the entire advance sheme is different and
supplier, maybe except for some coastal areas where the fisherman the skills are based on a logical assumption, and some are different
is more important. also. I feel, that this is a much more realistic career for elves, than
Farmers spend most of their time out in the nature, close to the say a R****r is for the D****s. I picture a heavily armed group of
Old World's vast forests, busy clearing the land. They are therefore dwarfs moving down those tunnels. Dwarfs live a long time, and
especially exposed to the dangers which the dark and mysterious would hate to admit that something as minor as a goblin invasion
forests inhabit. So it is not hard to understand why farmers need to is going to make them run for help. I still use the R****r, but I
be both hard-working and brave. Farming may not be the easiest also think that this is a logical career for elves. I.proud to say,
way to get rich and famous, but they always have food on the table even if they never published the R****r career, I hope I would
and the work offers many challenges and a wide variety of tasks have thought it up!
for those who are willing to work their way through life. If this variation seems rational to you, please respond. If you
think I'm an uncreative thief, respond as well.

Cheers! Rev. Garett Lepper,

From: Claus Ekstroem SFE <>
Career Entries
Gypsy - Basic Any character may become a Gypsy, provided he or she can find a
tribe of Gypsies, who will allow the character to join them.
Almost anywhere in the Old World is it possible to stumble upon
a band of Gypsies. They roam the roads and waterways between Career Exits
the towns and villages, stopping to trade at any settlement they Charlatan
come to. Outlaw
The travelling people or Rom as they call themselves, travel Smuggler
around the Old World, not staying around the same spot for more Thief
than a few days. The Gypsies are often shunned by other people, Trader
who doesn't understand the Gypsy way of life. While the Gypsies
are a welcome sight in the remote areas they visit, bringing news
as well as trade goods, they are never encouraged to stay long, Claus Ekstrom
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 13:13:37 -0500
since they are held in a certain amount of mistrust by the bulk From:
of the population, and there are always a few thefts and other Subject: RE: Newer areas in the WFRP world part II
incidents when they are about. To:
X-List: The WFRP mailing list

Gypsies doesn't care for money or goods. If they need anything, What I really want to see are new careers. Since I can't stand people who just say
and they can't afford to buy it, they steal livestock from the things like that and leave you hanging I have decided to begin one.
local farmers, and sell it another town. The Gypsies don't see
this as stealing, since they don't accept the laws of the land Horse Trader (Arabian Career) - Basic
they're in - they only accept their own law or court-system,
called the Kris. This can lead to a lot of trouble, and that is Araby, land of mystery and nomads. Their steeds are famed
one of the main reasons the Gypsies are disliked by the popula- across the world and the people who deal in them are held in
tion - "They think they can do anything. Someone ought to punish greater esteem than their Old World equivelents. The Horse Trader
them Gyps, show 'em who's in control. They think they own the deals in horses, but only the finest will he display. He buys the
world. A whole bunch of thieves. The Gypsies don't steal from finest foals from the great Chieftens and then travels to great horse
people, who allows them to camp on their land, or people, who fairs, as far away as Middenhiem. Araby horses are considered
wants to help them. They remember this kind of friendship, and much superior in speed and grace then the Old World breeds and
they are likely to lend a helping hand, or return the favour one fetc high prices among the nobles of the Empire and Bretonnia. An
day. If a Gypsy does anything to harm a person "marked" as a Araby horse tends to go fo 2 to 5 times it's Old World equivelent.
friend, he or she gets the worst possible punishment from the A succesful Horse Trader must excel at bargining for his wares
Kris - exclusion from the tribe. Imagine being alone in an and taking care of them. It is rumored that no honorable trader will
unfriendly country! sell a horse to one he suspects might abuse it, so deeply do they
care for their animals. The Trader must also have a good sword
While some Gypsy tribes stay clear of most human settlements, arm to defend his horses against bandits and Goblins through the
and just enter the towns to trade, others make a living by travelling long trek to the distant fairs, but for the brave there are great
from fair to fair in their coloured boats/wagons, entertaining profits to be made.
with music, animal shows and/or divinations.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Advance Scheme +10 +10 +2 +10 +10
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+10 +10 +2 +10 +10 +10 Skills:
Skills Animal Care (horses)
Drive Cart or River Lore (equal chance of either) Animal Trading (horses)
Secret Language - Gypsy Foreign Language (Araby)
Secret Signs - Gypsy Appraisel (forgive my spelling)
Silent Move Rural Secret Language (Horse Traders Guild)
Silent Move Urban Ride
70% chance of Luck Drive Cart
50% chance of Speak Additional Lang. Read/Write
20% chance of Animal Training
So what do you think?
20% chance of Specialist Weapon - Thrown Knife Cyrus
15% chance of Palmistry Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1993 14:30:43 -0500
10% chance of Acrobatics From: Clay Luther <>
10% chance of Musicianship - Violin Subject: RE: Newer areas in the WFRP world part II
5% chance of Divining X-List: The WFRP mailing list


Knife Oh, I like it...BUT...
Large Earring M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
D6 Lucky Charms +10 +10 +2 +10 +10
D4 Herbs
I have to totally disagree with the advance scheme. Silent Move Rural
Spot Trap
First, handling horses requires strength and dexterity. I don't think
there's really a need to throw anything at horses, so BS seems Trappings
gratuitous. So... Bow and 20 arrows
Hunting Knife (dagger)
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Rugged Outdoor Clothing
+10 +1 +1 +10 +10 +10
Career Entries
Since Int rules Evaluate, Animal Care and Animal Training (I Duck Hunter
think it does at least), it is likely Horse Traders would excel in this Game Keeper
area as well. Hunt Master
As for skills... Kennel Master
Skills: Outlaw
Haggling Targeteer
Animal Care (horses)
Animal Trading (horses) Career Exits
...of course... Hunt Master
Foreign Language (Araby) Scout, since Horse Traders come from Araby, don't they speak it Targeteer
automatically? This skill should be removed.
Appraisel (forgive my spelling) Cheers! Rev. Garett Lepper
^^Evaluate From: Gregory Jay Scott <>
Secret Language (Horse Traders Guild)
...seems unnecessary. Halfling Hydrologist/Hydrologists
Drive Cart apprentice - Basic/Advanced
...while Ride is a necessity, carts don't perform well in the desert. IThe sewers under most major cities are poorly designed(mostly
don't think this would be a useful skill. because of haphazard growth), old and decaying and infested by
Read/Write the forces of chaos.
...reduce this to 50% Read/Write. Read/Write is not necessary to All of these things lead to clogging. In many cases the pipes are
trade horses, too small to allow another race to work comfortably or at all. This
but it helps. leads to the selection of halflings as the maintance crews. The
work is dangerous mostly because of the threat of chaos mutations.
-- Hobbits are not particularly brave and tend to perfer a comfortiable
Clay Luther life. For both these reasons the job pays pretty well. Of course if
From: *Your Personal Savior* <>
the problem is large enough a elementalist is contacted for to use
his skill with earth and water to fix the problem. The apprentices
Huntsman - Advanced are rogue class, the masters are academic. The corps tends to favor
I feel that there is a deficiency in Ranger like advanced daggers and hand crossbows with the strings either enchanted
I have created a few of more Rangerish sort of classes for against water or covered in a coating of wax that breaks off when
Advanced careers. This is one. A few more are mentioned in the the weapon is drawn back. These weapons are used to defend
Career Entries and Exits. I will be posting them every other day. themselves from small chaos mutantions while they beat a hasty
Remember, comments are appreciated! retreat back to the dwarven gaurd who is stationed as near as
The Huntsman is a hunter who hunts solely for sport, who spends possible to the work site. As a compromise between the two some
most of their time thinking of the hunt, the anticipation of the kill. carry several throing knives. The masters are of an engineering
A Huntsman is a professional hunter, who spends every moment bent and can discuss the way stone and earth handle stress as an
out on the trail, stalking game and prey. Often they are hunters equal with an architect or elementalist and could also talk shop
who do not hunt for subsistence, but for sport. They most often with the wizard about the way flowing water behaves. There are
hunt alone, or in pairs. Many are rich nobles or landed aristocrats very few of them but they overlap a lot with the personality type
who find a thrill in the chase. that adventures so having this open to player characters is not
unreasonible. For all of you who are wondering why the dwarves
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc don't do this...they do these guys just handle the smaller spots that
+10 +40 +1 +2 +6 +30 +1 +10 +10 +30 +10 the overweight and underflexible dwarves can not reach. By the
way I erred on the side of making them power gameible rather than
Skills wimps.
Conceal Rural
Follow Trail Hydrologist's apprentice
Game Hunting Entrances: Rat catcher, elementalist, begger, stonemason,
Identify Plants stonemasons apprentice, labourer, tomb robber, sapper(if it were
Marksmanship possible for a halfling to be a sapper)
Set Trap

Exits: 30% chance of SW- thrown weapon
Hydrologist master, Same as entrances except sapper. First aid(first type of use under heal wounds)
25% of all hydrologist apprentices have be dosed with a potion of 5% chance of SW- two-handed (some find the sledge hammers
perminent effect which is a guild secret and causes them to gain they use as tools have a habit of reducing chaos creatures they are
+10 yards to night vision and to lose most of there sense of smell applied to to bloody pulps)
including their all of there ability to detect foul odors. Both of 5% of excelent vision(perhaps another potion)
these effects are consider beneficial by the guild's members.
Optionally you can give the PC the option of drinking this at the Trappings:
start of this carreer. Same as apprentice plus Paper and technical drawing equipment in
water proof case Beeswax to rub on paper to make it water proof
Advances: after it has been drawn on 3d6 yards rope a set of 1 to 6 force ratio
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc pulleys designed for lifting injuryed hydrologists or large stones.
+10 +10 +2 +2 +2 +10 +10 One end is design to be attached with up to three spikes to the
surrounding rock the other has a harness that works for both
Skills: halflings and small bolders. Both ends also has a ring for other
Immunity to disease attachments.
25% chance of Stonegineering*
75% chance of swim Basic first aid herbs and bandages and instuments in water proof
10% of scale sheer surface case 3d6 bombs coated with wax in water proof case(to bust up
Flee! major blockages into managiable chunks and to stop swarming
30% Specialty weapon-hand crossbow chaos creatures)
30% Specialty weapon-throwing knives
(Obligatory copyright statement)
30% of contortionist(not showoffish but does give additional I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a
bonus to GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the
getting through small spaces) Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to myself and Anthony Ragan) while
system-specific material is copyright by GW.
Alfred Nunez
1d3 Hammers Hauptdirektor-Schwarzmantel
sledge hammer
1d6 iron spikes Halfling Ratcatcher - Basic
1d6+3 yards of rope
1d4 Cold chisels Protectors of the Pantry
pick The Protectors of the Pantry are Halflings who follow the cults of
Storm lantern Esmeralda and her son Gangee (Protector of the Pantry). The
2 gallons of lamp oil sacred task ofprotecting the Halfling pantries from the predations
flint and steel of vermin, especially rats, have fallen to them. The Protectors of
3d6 wax coated fire starters the Pantry are adept at hunting down and killing vermin and do so
1d3 suits of perminently stinky(-10 fel) full length heavy linen with (for a Halfling) a fanatical zeal. In other respects, Protectors
clothes designed to be comfortable even in cramped and unusual of the Pantry are normal Halflings and far more sociable and
positions. These have extra padding on the elbow and knees to cleaner than their Human Ratcatcher counterparts.
facilitate crawling. The waistband laces together so that it will not For career advance scheme, career exits, and trappings see the
come open even when crawling on the stomach in any direction. Ratcatcher basic career, WFRP, pg. 36. Moreover, Protectors of
the Pantry are subject to hatred versus rats and rat-like creatures
all of you who insist on not creating new skills should replace this (including Skaven).
with 25% each of stoneworking and engineering. This skill gives a
+30 to construct tests when working with stone (as the Halfling Road Cook
combination stoneworking+engineering would). However it gives
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
no skill with wood and no ability to create decorative elements.
+1 +2 +10 +10
The motto is"If it would collapse, it is not blocking the sewages
flow and its water tight, Leave it we don't care how ugly it is." It
does give limited plan reading ablity, any level of structural Skills Trappings
complexity is comprehesible but complex joints is wood, things Cook Pots and pans
that involve motion, decorative complexities, and exotic matterials Fish Mess kit
may confuse them. Identify Plant Apron
Set Trap Herbs+Spices
Hydrologist master Drive Cart
These double as the rescue crews for when halfling are trapped or 75% Consume Alcohol
hurt(they are intensly loyal to there crews) 25% Story Telling
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc 10% Sing
+20 +10 +20 +10 +20
Many cities lie days apart and its rare to find a band of travelers
skills that has not been caught on the road with out fresh food. The
20% of scale sheer surface Road cook has developed to relieve the misery of eating stale
stonegeneering rations and old bread weeks on end. The Muleskinner, Outrider,
30% chance of SW- hand crossbow and Road Cook are musts for many caravans. The Halflings

natural affinity for well prepared food has made them an obvious winds and a becalmed sea has increased. They can also tell
choice to fill this position. whether anything is out of place or unusual.

Career Exits Career Entrances From: Psychedelic Goblin <>

Outrider Servant
Outlaw Prospector Marine Careers
Peddlar Herdsman Marine Captain - Advanced

(Obligatory copyright statement)
I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a Advance Scheme: as Merc Capt.
GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the
Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to myself and Anthony Ragan) while Skills: as Marine Sgt + Speak Additional Language, SW-Fencing
system-specific material is copyright by GW.
Sword Trappings: As Sgt + Telescope, Fencing Sword
Alfred Nunez
Marine Sergeant - Advanced
Advance Scheme: as Merc Sgt.
Mariners (Order of the Trident) - Skills: Boat Building, Consume Alcohol, Disarm, Dodge Blow,
Advanced Sea or River Lore, Row, Sailing, Sec Lang-Battle Tongue,
Mariners are the maritime equivalent to the Templars of other Street Fighter, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike To Stun, Swim
cults. They are expert seamen, as well as fighters, and can be Trappings: Sword, Bow/X-Bow + ammo, Mail Shirt, Shield,
found in most large seaports of the Old World. Similar to Grappling Hook + 10yds Rope
Templars, Mariners root out Chaos and Evil (such as those pirate
bands intend solely on killing) on the high seas. They are among Miner (Dwarven career) - Basic
the first to engage the extremely dangerous Chaos, Dark Elf, and M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Skaven fleets that roam the open seas, especially near the coasts of
+10 +1 +2 +10 +10 +10
the Old World. Those who join the Order of the Trident usually
come from a maritime (or similar) career. All must be members of
Skills: Dodge blow, Metallurgy, Mining, Orientation(underground
the cult of Manann and are selected by a council of second level or
only),Scale Sheer Surface, Silent move-urban, Specialist Weapon-
above Clerics. They must serve at least one year on various ships
two handed, Spot trap, Strike mighty blow.
performing numerous tasks. Only then will the individual be able
to join a company of Mariners.
Trappings: Helmet, Sleeved mail coat, two handed Pick, Spade,
Hatchet, Flask, Lantern.
Advance Scheme
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Entries: Random career entry.
+30 +30 +1 +2 +8 +30 +2 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20
Exits: Engineer, Prospector, Soldier, Tunnel fighter.
Career Entrances: Boatman, Marine, Navigator, Pilot, Seaman
As with the thunderer, but as possibly the most popular Dwarvish
Career Exits: Explorer, Initiate (Manann), Sea Captain proffession it seemed necessary to include it.
Skills: Astronomy, Cartography, Disarm, Dodge Blow, By Joe The Mysterious Man
Navigation (see below), Orientation, Read/Write, Row, Sailing,
Scale Sheer Surface, Sea Lore (see below), Secret Language-
Maritime Battle Tongue, Secret Signs- Templar, Speak Additional Dwarven Mountaineer Officer
Languages, Specialist Weapon- Pistol, Street Fighting, Strike
Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun.
The Dwarven Mountaineer Officer is an expert at mountain
Trappings: Mail Shirt, Shield, Bow or Crossbow with warfare. They sometimes working alone as a scout, but typically
Ammunition, Pistol with Ammunition and Powder, Grappling leading a squad of the elite Dwarven Mountaineers, the
Hook with 10 Yards of Rope, 25% chance of Navigator's Mountaineer Officer. The Dwarven Mountaineer organizes and
Instruments. leads the patrols. The Dwarven Mountaineer Officers will also set
traps in mountain passes, and plan ambushes.
Navigation: Characters with this skill have the ability to guide a
shiparound dangerous obstacles such as hidden sandbars or shoals. M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
They also have the ability to recognize tidal influences in coastal +20 +30 +2 +2 +6 +30 +2 +30 +20 +20 +30 +20
waters and using them to their advantage when guiding the ship
through. Skills
Animal Care
Sea Lore: An understanding of sea lore allows characters to be Marksmanship
familiar with the hazards of travel on the open sea. They will Set Trap
recognize signs of dangerous eddies and shoals, increase danger of Specialist Weapon-Lasso (Grappling Hook)
an imminent squall or stormat sea, and whether the risk of dying Spot Trap

Trappings Career Entries
Crossbow with 20 quarrels Soldier
Flask with Spirits Tunnel Fighter
Fur Coat and Hat
Grappling Hook Career Exits
Hammer Mercenary
Hand Axe Mercenary Captain
Heavy Wool Clothing Trapper
d3 Mules
(Obligatory copyright statement)
300 yards of rope (carried on Mules)
I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a
Pitons GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the
Rations (carried on Mules) Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to myself and Anthony Ragan) while
Rucksack with Heavy Wool Bedroll system-specific material is copyright by GW.
Alfred Nunez
Snow Shoes
Spiked Attachments for Boots Hauptdirektor-Schwarzmantel
Tents (carried on mules)
Water Canteen
Scout (Orders) - Advanced
Career Entries
Soldier Society of the Bear
Tunnel Fighter
A secret society dedicated to Taal and his role of protector of the
Career Exits wild places, the Society of the Bear are scouts whose skills in the
Mercenary wilderness exceed most men. Individual Bear members are hired
Mercenary Captain to escort small and large parties (up to small armies) through the
rapper wilderness. Their only requirement is that those who are being led
do nothing to despoil the realm of Taal. Any group who fail to
From:Their Reverend Garett Lepper heed this requirement may find themselves led to, and abandoned
<> in, the deepest and most isolated part of the wilderness. There
these offenders will face the displeasure of Taal.
For career advance scheme, career exits, and trappings, see the
Dwarven Mountaineer - Advanced Scout advance career, WFRP, page 104. In addition to those skills
With cities nestled amongst the mountains, the Dwarves train listed, Scouts of the Society of the Bear include the skills of Heal
many of their soldiers to operate in mountainous and rocky areas. Wounds, Herb Lore, and Identify Plant.
These Dwarves are trained in climbing, rappelling, use of grapples,
and numerous other necessary skills. These Dwarves form an Wardens of the Field - Halfling scout
elite, working above ground, keeping mountain passes clear and
hunting down predators or enemies of the dwarves. career
The Wardens of the Field are Halflings who follow the cults of
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Esmeralda and her son Findol (Warden of the Fields). Similar to
+10 +20 +1 +1 +4 +20 +1 +20 +10 +10 +20 +10 the Protectors o the Pantry, the Wardens have a sacred task: the
protection of the agricultural fields of Halflings from vermin
Skills ranging from ravenous insects to marauding bands of Goblins and
Ambidextrous Snotlings (anything bigger often requires the hiring of Humans or
Conceal Rural Dwarves). Wardens of the Field are excellent woodsmen and
Follow ail scouts. They are the closest thing to a warrior class for Halflings.
Orientation In fact, during times of community danger, small groups of
Scale Sheer Surface Wardens join together to form a formidable force of bowmen and
Silent Move Rural slingers.
For career advance scheme, career exits, and trappings see the
Trappings Scout advance career, WFRP, pg. 104. In place of Ride-Horse
Crossbow with 20 quarrels skill, the Wardens of the Field substitute Marksmanship skill.
Flask with Spirits
Fur Coat and Hat Shadow warrior (Elven Career) - Basic
Hand Axe M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Heavy Wool Clothing +10 +10 +2 +10 +1 +10 +10
100 yards of rope
Pitons Skills: Dodge blow, Follow trail, Orientation, Silent move-rural,
Rations urban, Streetfighter, Strike mighty blow.
Rucksack with Heavy Wool Bedroll
Snowshoes Trappings: Helmet, Shield, Bow and arrows, Breastplate or
Spiked Attachments for Boots Leather jerkin.
Water Canteen
Entries: Hunter.

Exits: Soldier, The figure waved its hand which was wrapped in an ash covered
lady's glove and held its other arm in a salute. "Tanks zogger, we'z
Not sure if this is worth doing considering the rarity of High Elf 'preciat dis. Hav'sa turrifik lyfe, chumzie" the man said as he
pcs, but there are many that have been transfered in this section walked off into the awaiting city. Simon smiled widely and failed
from the High Elf WFP supplement. to notice the man's head turned completely around while giving his
well wishes. All the guard could do was chuckle at what a
By Joe The Mysterious Man pleasant day it was and try and do a little dance for the poor people
From: Chris Clements <> coming through his gate. Maybe that would cheer them up!

Sneakin Git (Goblonoid Career) - The peasants stopped at the sight of the watchman, spinning
himself around in circles until he fell to the ground, laughing
Advanced madly all the time. Deckerbach was in for a most unusual visitor
Simon watched the people trod through the town's gateway for and a more interesting day of its any of its citizens would care to
Deckerbach's latest attraction - a carnival. Personally, the have.
watchman was getting sick and tired of all these lowlife scum
coming to his city, but the mayor wanted to bring in as much +Role-playing+
income as he could into the poor community and this was one of All races in the Old World have some sort of military intelligence
the many ideas that was to be tried. Sighing, Simon dutifully of one kind or another. Most use conventional means to gain
continued to watch as the peasants marched passed him, all the access to the information they seek, logically using the most
while looking for any known criminals or contraband. Inwardly effective and tested methods of subterfuge. However, one race
the guard cursed his lot in life, nothing interesting ever happened who spies has nothing to do with logic at all; instead they rely on
in Deckerbach. Ever. crude cunning, dull wits, and a strange affinity for the zaniest of
plans. The one race is (of course) the goblinoids. Enter the
Just then Simon spotted a peculiar looking man walking in a 'Sneekin' Gitz'. A Sneekin' Gitz is the goblinoid answer to a spy or
bizzare round-about way. His first guess was that the man had a long range scout. This 'scout' is essential for plans of attack and
sipped a little to much of Rut's Tilean apple cider (with enough defense, as well as a way to get rid of all the unliked members of
alcohol in it to poison a troll). However, after carefully observing the tribe for a while. The Sneekin' Gitz go through an intense five-
the man's movements he dismissed this idea; the cider had a minute training course on spying and they are forced to memorize
tendancy to make people crawl instead of walk. Perhaps he was twenty or so lines in Old Worlder which they repeat as fast as they
infected with some sort of disease - that would not be good. can if they feel threatened.
Simon stepped towards the odd figure and motioned for him to
stop. What the goblinoid spies lack in intelligence they often make up
for in sheer foolhardiness that borders on psychosis. Their
The man did so, twisting the top portion of his body to a most disguises are usually full of holes that a blind person could notice,
unbelievable posistion while his waist remained stationary. Simon but the sheer surprise of the situation gives them a strange edge.
blinked, trying to persuade the image to go away. It did not. The Who would expect a goblin to walk straight into town, even
figure was wrapped in some old wheather-beaten cloak with the masked? Add to this most Sneekin' Gitz carry with them an
hood over the form of his (?) head, with a dirty white shirt and unusual mold called 'lafta' that (while not affecting them - much)
stained brown leather pants showing occasionally through the triggers euphoria and an intoxicated like state within most other
shifting of the being. Immediately noticeable to the trained guard humanoids (most effectively in humans, elves, dwarves, and
was a horrific odor that clung to the figure, making Simon feel halflings).
dizzy and nauseous.
The goblins disguise themselves in a variety of ways - to
"What's yer business here in the good towne of Deckerbach? impersonate a human or an elf they will team up (one gobbo
Come to see the carnival or just to cause trouble?" the watchman working the legs while the other one acts the torso, arms, and
asked as the individuals legs shifted to match his upper body. head). Sneekin' Gitz have been known to impersonate all of the
Simon blinked and rubbed his eyes once again. following in one manner or another: humans, elves, dwarves,
halflings, cows (which walk VERY strangely and you should hear
"'Ello der kommon humie... we'z goin' ta lookzee at de carnievaal the noises they make!), giants (a huge amount of goblins - the
wit' da udder humies" the deep rough voice replied. Simon prayed giant hops around until it falls to the ground), rocks ('aint nofin 'eer
to all the gods he knew of (including the outlawed ones) that the sept uz roks!'), dogs, bushes, piles of dung (which they dislike
voice did not belong to a female, for if it was, it would be the because it makes them smell 'gurlie'), horses, trees, pieces of
scariest woman he would have ever met. "Youse gonna letz uz furniture, dead animals, children (a favorite of a lot of
gidd'en der? Grate murnin' aint's 'et? Luvely wetter dat we'z gotz, goblins),chickens (for the small snotlings), barrels, scarecrows,
'eh feller? Sumtin' smellz churmin' en da uvin. Wot's dat ryt der? pieces of art, etc. When impersonating a humanoid, hey will paint
Anz whut a niz trollsie slayur youse ar'" the figure continued their faces white and do what they can to hide the fact of who they
to babble on, wringing its cloak back in forth between its arms. are. Other unfortunate mimicings includea bonfire, a cannon, a
wheel, cannonball (for snotlings), large weapons (for snotlings and
At this point in the conversation, Simon began to sway. His body small goblins), fish ('glub glub glub'), and a small hill (whichall
felt all tingly and suddenly he was unusually giddy. The bad smell those involved in were killed when the large structure collapsed).
went away and all that was left was the pleasant man talking to The Gitz often adopt code-names that they use while out on the
him... something about how lovely the wheather was. The field. These names are often twisted versions of an original
watchman gave a big smile and waved the man through. He was humanoid name (Chris may become 'Krass', Garett becomes 'Gair-
probably with the circus anyways, one of those body contortionists Ock', Oliver twists into 'Ulver', etc.).I suggest using your
or something similar. character's real names when coming up with code-names for the
Gitz, and if you're really cruel, copy some of the individuals -I am a Cow-
The Sneekin' Gitz have gotten a mutated batch of Lafta that even
-Sneekin' Gitz- affects the goblinoid system, albiet much differently than other
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc races. This causes them to actually try an adopt the identity of the
+10 +10 +1 +4 +30 +1 +20 +20 +10 +10 +30 thing they are impersonating to the best of their ability. Two who
were disguised as a cow now act (as they think) a cow should;
Skills: Acting, art, blather, carpentry, concealment rural, eating grass (which they can survive on), meowing (they don't
concealment urban, disguise, escapology (to get out of their own know that cows don't meow, they moow), and generally copy the
disguises!), follow trail, herb lore, mime, mimic, scale sheer other cows in the area. The more dangerous of these Gitz affected
surface, silent move rural, silent move urban, speak additional are impersonating dangerous animals or beings, and they could
language, tailoring. pose a real threat to the unsuspecting countryside.

Trappings: disguise, hand weapon, d6+4 uses of the 'Lafta' mold. The pcs could be captured by a large goblinoid band and
'convinced' to help free the crazed gobbos by giving them a
'Lafta Mold' 'healinz' mold, or perhaps they are forced to come up with an
Availability: Rare, Winter to Spring. Deep caves. antidote all by themselves. Another idea is just to put a bunch of
Price: 15/- lunatic gobbos in the background of another adventure...this is sure
Method of Application: Inhale to confuse the pcs!
Preparation: 4 weeks
Dosage: 1 round (very powerful) Okay, Gitz are just comedy relief... use or ignore them at your
Skills: None leisure.
Tests: None (must be within 4 yards)
Chris Clements
Effects: when the mold is rubbed onto cloth it will imbed itself
into the fibers of the garment. When the garment is shaken heavily
it releases some of the trapped fragments which release in a four Yokel - Basic
yard radius. Those within the molds effect must make a
Toughness test at -10 or fall victim to uncontrollable mirth and M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
exhibit behavior that is very similar to being intoxicated (dead +05 +05 +1 +05
drunk). These effects last for 6+d6 turns - the victims toughness.
Stat's modifiers: I -10 Dex -20 (minimum of 1) Int -20 (minimum Skills: Animal care, Drive cart, Silent move-rural, 75%chance of
of 5) Secret language Ranger, 25%chance of Animal training, Charm
Cl +20 Wp -10. All Fel tests used by others against the target animal and Ride.
gain a +20 modifier.
Trappings: Mule, Saddle and harness, D4 Saddle bags.

+Role-playing Ideas+ Entries: Random entry only.

-To Fool the Fools- Exits: Druid, Fisherman, Herdsman, Hunter, Outlaw, Rustler,
Trapper, Woodsman.
A group of Sneekin' Gitz have surrounded a small village. This is
probably a scouting force for an attack on the town. Luckily the Worthwhile? maybe not but farmers and rural types are very
characters manage to discover the goblinoid presence before the common. I saw a similar career where the adv scheme read +1 to S
have reported back to the warlord. Can the pcs fool the Gitz into and T as well as +10 to WS and BS, this is better than most
thinking that the community is much stronger than it is? warrior basic careers and somewhat unrealistic, for the average
population is not as tough as the pcs or everybody would be out
-An Ork No More- chopping gobbos and stealing treasure.

A particulary successful orc spy, Chuksta, has come to appreciate By Joe The Mysterious Man
the finer things that humanity has to offer and has decided to
defect to the other side to start a 'new life' as a disguised human. Authors for Ranger Careers
He is exceptional in the fact that his disguises are actually pretty [eds note: Ive tried to include all but some errors are bound to occur. If you have a
good and he was the top spy in all of his clan. The pcs could get career posted here, and youre names not on it; write me]
involved just by observing this strange fellow do some very 'un-
human' like things such as: swallow a drumstick whole (including New career
the bone), ignorance of the hygenic practices ('Imz gotsta duz wat by Psychadelic Goblin <>
wit dis "hankie"?'), etc. Or perhaps he approaches a friendly
looking pc humanoid and asks for help in intergrating within DuckHunter.txt
The Duck Hunter advanced career
human society (he offers to give the pc the location of a treasure he by G.G.Lepper <>
hid long ago).
Other Sneekin' Gitz could search for Chuksta and report back to Falconer.txt
their camp that he has defected. This would probably cause a Falconer career
by Claus Ekstroem <>
massive hunt for the poor orc's head, possibly causing the orcs to
send in some stuntie slayerz to take care of the problem in a sneak Falconer2.txt
attack. Alternative Falconer career

by Richard Iorio Ii <> Anarchists often group with adventurers after discovering evidence
of chaos corruption in their bid to violently remove the authorities
Basic ranger career from office.
by Vegard Stokke <>
Advance Scheme
Elven basic ranger career
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
by G.G.Lepper <> +10 +20 +2 +10 +10 +20
Skills - Chemistry, Concealment Urban, Disguise, Flee!, Public
Gypsy career (second try).
by Claus Ekstroem <> Speaking, Silent Move Urban, Specialist Weapon - Bomb

Huntsman.txt Trappings - Hand Weapon, Broad Brimmed Hat, Cloak, d6 Bombs

Advanced Ranger career
by G.G.Lepper <>
Career Entries - Agitator, Outlaw, Student
A halfling career Career Exits - Agiatator, Demagogue, Outlaw Chief, Initiate
by Gregory Jay Scott <>
(Khaine or Tzeentch)
Advanced career Role Playing Notes
by Psychedelic Goblin <>
If roleplayed properly, an anarchist PC may provide a few
Advanced religious career and order problems, like so:-
originally for RoDM
by Alfred Nunez <> GM 'OK, you've been ordered to a secret meeting with the Graf
about a matter vital to Imperial Security. A palace flunky leads
Advanced career you to the Graf's chambers, where you are shown to Graf Boris
by Psychedelic Goblin <> Todbr-' Player 'BANG! I nailbomb the evil fascist overlord!
Power to the Workers!'
The Dwarven Mountaineer, conversion from WFB 3
by G.G.Lepper <> An anarchist PC is probably best played as one who is not too
open about his career, perhaps an undercover member of an
MountOfficer.txt anarchist group who is trawling for damning evidence of
The Dwarven Mountaineer Officer corruption or chaos worship amongst the upper classses, in order
by G.G.Lepper <>
to win public support for a good old-fashioned public
Ratcatcher.txt lynching/burning/handbombing of the guilty parties. Otherwise,
Halfling Rat Catcher order originally for RoDM your gaming sessions might be just that - anarchy.
by Alfred Nunez <>

RoadCook.txt Anarchist NPCs however make great enemies for a party. If the
Career PCs have received the thanks of the local rulers, they may become
by <> public heroes, and as such visible symbols of the rulers power. In
this case, an anarchist group may decide that the PCs are viable
Scout orders orignally for RoDM targets for their terror campaign.
by Alfred Nunez <>
Some cultists may display severe anarchic tendencies. Khaine is
SneakinGitz.txt greatly amused by anarchists, and many of his followers adopt this
Scout career for goblinoids.
by Chris Clements career as a method of appeasing their god. Tzeentch is the Lord of
Change, and the secret power behind many an anarchist plot,
although most of the anarchists doing all the dirty work are
oblivious to this. Khorne however favours more direct bloodshed,
ROGUE CAREERS and Slaanesh tends to lose some of his/her higher placed followers
to anarchists. As a result, when the servants of Slaanesh can be
From: "O.Cooper" <>
I was delving through some incredibly ancient White Dwarf issues (from early
bothered to lift their heads from their bacchanallian pursuits, they
1984) and came across rules for Warhammer Batle 1st Edition thieves in Issue 51 tend to form a strong hatred for anarchists. Nurgle is uncaring
(March 84). The original rules were by GW employee, Richard Halliwell. Most of about anarchists, and his cults therefore do not view anarchism as
the thief types such as Cat Burglar, Tomb Robber and Highwayman have been a useful political tool.
resurrected for WFRP, but one in the article that has not seen the light of day was
the anarchist. I felt such a character deserved his own WFRP career, so here it is.
After the first posting of this article, Oliver Rosenkranz ( Owen Cooper
suggested some useful amendments, so this is the updated version. From: Psychedelic Goblin <>

Anarchist (Mark 2) - Advanced Assassin - Advanced (To replace the old

Anarchists are a form of agitator dedicated to ridding the Old one)
World of organized leadership. With a lack of democracy, and
The assassin is not a great warrior, but is instead a lethal killer
hereditary rulers, the Old World is a hotbed for anarchy and the
who relies on stealth, surprise, and very often poison to eliminate
recent invention of the printing press means that anarchist groups
his prey.
can distribute their literature and canvas for support.

M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Exits: Gambler, Outlaw, Trader.
+20 +20 +1 +1 +4 +30 +2 +30 +10 +10 +30 +20 +10
Perhaps the brewing skill is unecessary here, but remains due to
Skills: Concealment Rural + Urban, Disguise, Marksmanship, the idea that many rural
Prepare Poison, Scale Sheer Surface, Shadowing, Silent Move
Rural + Urban, SW - Blowpipe/Garotte/Throwing Knife, Strike to Inns do their own brewing and this might be aided by the resident
Injure Landlord. The S.lang skill changes as is appropriate to the area.

Trappings: Garotte, grappling hook + 10yds rope, hand weapon By Joe The Mysterious Man
4 throwing knives
Barkeeper3 (Innkeeper) - Basic
Exits: Outlaw Chief, Spy
Advanced Scheme:
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Barkeeper - Basic +10 +1 +2 +10 +10 +10
In a world as treacherous and brutal as most Old Worlders world
is, many turn to the comforts of alcohol and the people who serve Restrictions:
them. A Barkeep needs to be able to provide a drink, a smile and Inn-keeper cannot be taken as a character's first career by humans.
an attentive ear and the advice that accompanies it. Barkeeps learn
to talk to people and how to get on their good side. Sometimes Comments on restrictions:
force must be used with an unruly or drunken customer and they My first thought was to give the inn-keeper an Advanced
may become quite adept at stunning these drunks and throwing Career status because most people don't begin their lives as an
them out. Occassionally a Barkeep will eventually own his own inn-keeper but inn-keeper is a profession if you want to settle
Inn, but sometimes the many stories of treasure and adventure down from your adventurous life. But the advences of this career
heard from his patrons can cause a Barkeep to become an aren't that much, so I decided to declare it as a BASIC CAREER
adventurer. with this restriction.
Dwarves and Elves are usually older when begining their life as
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc a Old World hero, so -okay, why not as inn-keeper...
+10 +2 +10 +20
Skills: Consume Alcohol
50% Gamble Trappings: Story Telling
25% Blather D6 Bottles of Rotgut Streetfighter
25% Acute Hearing Apron Super Numerate
Wit Club 25 % chance of Brewing
Seduction 3D6 Silver Shillings 25 % chance of Cook
Strike to Stun 25 % chance of Speak Additional Language
25% Street Fighter (only if inn is in a large port or border town)
Consume Alcohol 20 % chance of Strike Migthy Blow
75% Charm 10 % chance of Very Strong

Career Exits: Comments on skills:

Innkeeper Why only so little chance of brewing ?
Raconteur * There is a a cereer in WFRP called Artisan - Brewer !
Artisans Apprentice-Brewer Every inn that doesn't brew its beer on their own has a
contract with a brewery... When giving the inn-keeper 'brewery'
Career Entries: automatically the artisan (brewer) career is nearly senseless...
Raconteur Why 100 % chance of streetfighter ??
Servant * Every inn-keeper will learn to defend himself in a brawl. That's
what this skill is all about. (okay, not everyone, but the old and
ugly, fat and anxious inn-keeper is not the type of career our PCs
Barkeeper2 - Basic want to enter).
(or Barman/Landlord) Why no administration skill ?
* I know of none... So tell me one or create a new one !
??? * Why not Read/Write skill ?
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc There is no need in learning read or write for an inn-keeper
+10 +1 +10 +10 Why percentage system for a career which cannot be the first
one ?
Skills: Blather, Brewing, Secret language-Thieves or Ranger, * Because there are several types of inn-keepers in the Old
Strike to Stun, Storytelling, Wit, 50%of Consume Alcohol. World... Why does this career have a chance to get Very Strong
skill ?
Trappings: Club, 20% chance of Blunderbuss, Leather jerkin, 3D6 * This is a little extra (personal preference) bonus to keep in
Gold crowns. mind that it is not always a good idea to mix up the inn-keeper
because the prices are in a way too high ....
Entries: Bawd, Labourer, Servant. ...sorry, but in my groups players love to challenge inn-
keepers for
letting them wait some seconds or handing out warm beer... Skills
So I decided to strengthen every tenth of them a little bit. Embezzle
If you don't like it, just feel free to delete it. Evaluate - Pit Fighters
Trappings: Flee!
Inn with equipment Palmistry
Contract with brewery Silent Move Urban
8d6 GCs
1d4-1 employees or other helpers Trappings
15 % chance to have a contract with one of the major coaching Pouch for money
lines Dagger
License with a pit owner for bookmaking
Additional trappings when having such a contract:
stable with 1d6+3 horses Career entries
equipment to do repair works on coaches Random Basic Career
some extra 1d4+2 employees
Career exits
Career Entries: Career Exits: Charlatan
Artisan - Brewer Gambler Racketeer
Bawd Artisan's_Apprentice Slaver
(Brewer only)
Mercenary Fence From: (Pavel I. Konoplev)
Hi from Russia! Privet iz Rossii!
Labourer Roadwarden
Excuse me please for some discrepancies with original WFRP terminology -
Roadwarden Raconteur there is no Games Workshop stores in Russia, and all I have is a xerocopy of
Raconteur WFRP book in French. I propose for your judgement my first independent project.
Exits when inn in port town: A couple years ago I have read a novel by Russian emigree to US Vladimir
Lobas which was named "Diary of New York cabby". I enjoyed it much - even
designed a board game after it. So my humble contribution is...

Cabman Basic
Thanx for all of you giving their comments and hints : M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
* Chris Pearce +10 +2 +10 +10 +10 +10
* Christian Hanisch
* Winfried Winkler
* Anthony Ragan Proficiencies:
Knowledge of the city
From: Thomas Oesterlie <> Cart driving
The following material is copyright(c)1995 Thomas Oesterlie. Animal care
It may only be used in the GM's home campaign. Streetfighting
Horseback riding
Bookmaker - Basic Humor
The Bookmaker is the person people turn to when they are going Haggling
to bet in a pit fight. Be it a legal or an illegal one: Bookmakers are Foreign language (50%)
everywhere. It must be said that betting with a Bookmaker in an Weapon specialisation - Pistol
illegal fight may be risky business. It is not unknown for
Bookmakers to sneak out in the middle of a fight taking all the Trappings:
money with them. Where the pit fights are more organised, there Two-barrel pistol with two charges
are guards or even sentries to make sure that no Bookmakers try to Dagger
sneak out with the money. Horse
Most pit-owners will have to approve of the Bookmaker's presence
at their arena. In the more organised arenas of the legal and semi- Career exits:
legal pit fights, the Bookmakers are all pit-owner approved, and Coachman
there are usually someone making sure that there are no non- Smuggler
approved-of Bookmakers there. Hawker
Usually Bookmakers have to pay percentages of their earnings to Explorer
the pit-owner. This is rarely more than five to ten percent of the Racketeer
night's earnings.
Career entries:
Advanced Scheme Coachman
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Knight-errant :-)
+10 +1 +1 +20 Street artist
Man at arms

frequented by the nobility. A number of Cats adopt foreign
Financial side of the profession accents and titles (Count or Viscount of something exotic) so
First thing to mention is that cabman owns his cab and thus as to intrigue potential victims, especially those of the
endures all risks connected with the profession. To feed and opposite sex. Cats may, as necessary, develop a "relationship"
stable his horse he needs 8/- to 10/- a day. To pay for average- with their victim before the heist. In most cases, however, the
quality food and room in outskirts of the city he needs another 8/- Cat will avoid any deep personal involvement.
. It is harder to stimate how much profit does he need to maintain
his enterprise but I think that 1 GK is minimum. So, he must Besides the thrill of the burglary, Cats need the money. Fencing
earn 2 GK a day. Working 10 hours in a day he can pick up a stolen merchandise funds their extravagant lifestyles. After all,
passenger, say, once in half an hour. To earn 2GK from 20 living as nobility requires lots of money. The fencing of stolen
passengers he must take from each passenger 2/-. Each trip 10-15 items is usually handled by underlings who will never reveal their
minutes long can cover 1-3 km. So, average payment for cab employers. These underlings will deal "blind" (anonymously)
service is 1 shilling per km. with fences or they will hire other "blinds" to interact with fences.

Physical side of the profession Whenever a Cat senses that they may have "overhunted" their
A horse has strength of 3 and so can carry on its back 900 EP. territory (i.e., they have robbed just about everybody) and
One can agree that 10 EP is approx 1 kg. There is no indication are at high risk of capture, they move on. In some cases, too
in WFRP book at mass of _pulled_ cargo. Realistic preposition is many Cats may turn up in a city. This situation will usually
that it is another three times more than horseback load. So, one end up in an unseen, though not unfelt, war between Cats until
horse can pull 270 kg. A cabman weighs 70 kg (or less if he is a the number is reduced to that which the city can support. The
hobbit :-)), so he can carry three passengers without encumbrance. losers of these secret wars are either driven off to another
In this case his horse trots at velocity of 8, making 11-12 locale or are killed.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Role-playing side of the profession +20 +30 +1 +2 +4 +30 +30 +20 +20 +30 +20 +30
First, cabman's own transport can carry adventurers around
the world cheaply and with speed. Secondly, entering Skills: Skills:
mountainous region adventurers can hide the carriage and use the Blather Bribery
horse for carrying the luggage. Charm Concealment Urban
If adventurers roleplay in cabman's home city, his perfect Dance Etiquette
knowledge of inns and outs of this city will be precious for party. Evaluate Gamble
Indeed he knows criminal world of the city very well. If party is in Heraldry Luck
desperate need of funds, he can pick up a wealthy passenger and Numismatics Palm Object
rob him, threatening with a pistol. Less criminal way of raising Pick Lock Pick Pocket
funds is to sell cart and horse (and pistol too? The pistols are Read/ Write Ride
precious in the Old World ;-)). Scale Sheer Surface Secret Language-Thieves' Tongue
Secret Signs- Thieves' Signs Seduction
Thank you for reading this stuff.
Sense Magic Alarm Silent Move Urban
BRG, Pavel AKA Tardil.
(Obligatory copyright statement) Sixth Sense Specialist Weapon- Fencing
I am releasing the following material from another article Spot Trap Wit
I have written which may be used only in a GM's home
campaign. The status of the article is that it has been
Trappings: Trappings:
submitted some time ago to another Company undergoing
reorganized. I reserve all rights to the descriptive Black-Hooded Tunic Expensive Clothes
material, including locations and characters, while Hand Weapon Lockpicking Tools
system-specific material is copyright by GW. Ordinary Clothes Rope- 10 yards
Alfred Nunez
Townhouse 6D6 Gold Crowns
Hauptdirektor- Schwarzmantel
copyright 1993 Alfred Nunez
Career Entries:
Cat Burglar - Advanced Noble
Description: In most Old World nations, only the eldest son of
noble inherits the family fortune. Many younger sons follow a Career Exits:
military career so as to experience the thrilling, and bloody, Locksmith
pursuit of war. Others seek a celebrated status more suited to Spy
their class. So they undertake the task of becoming skilled in
the art of burglary, while developing the flair and style which (Obligatory copyright statement)
will give them the notoriety they crave. I am releasing the following material from another article
I have written which may be used only in a GM's home
campaign. The status of the article is that it has been
Many take on colorful monikers ("the Panther," etc.) and leave a submitted some time ago to another Company undergoing
calling card (perhaps a white monogrammed glove) at the scene of reorganized. I reserve all rights to the descriptive
their crime. Besides the nobility, more talented charlatans may material, including locations and characters, while
system-specific material is copyright by GW.
become "Cats." Most develop a facade of noble birth, as well as Alfred Nunez
the style and flair required of Cats. Hauptdirektor- Schwarzmantel
copyright 1993 Alfred Nunez
In order to locate and case potential victims, Cats mix in High
Society. They attend the lavish parties and social events
Crime Lord - Advanced Cultist Basic
Description: Crime is well organized in the large cities of M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
the Old World. In some places, things are organized in +10 +2 +10 +10 +10 +10
guild fashion with a Guildmaster at the top surrounded by
trusted lieutenants. In other places, such as Tilean City-States, Skills: Disguise, Dodge blow, Read/write, Secret language-
these organizations are like a family business with the head of the Guilder(of particular cult), Shadowing, Silent move-urban.
extended family ("Don", or "Padrone" in Tilean families) as
"Boss" surrounded by his sons and other trusted family members. Trappings: Hand weapon, Knife, Hooded cloak, Symbol of the
These Crime Lords usually control most of the illegal activities in cult.
their areas of control (smuggling, extortion, slavery, illegal
gambling, and loan sharking). Entries: Any Career.

These activities are covered by legitimate ones (mostly the Exits: Wizard's apprentice, Charlatan, Spy.
Family-run operations) such as trade and craft. In addition,
many Crime Lords contribute to openly philanthropic causes, The increasing nature of cult activity, calls for such a career
especially for the poorer classes. The Street or Punk Gangs (undoubtedly this covers previous material but this version may be
are the exception to this as they deal with the world on appropriate). Cultists may be of any cult but bear in mind that
their own violent terms. many do not resort to such activities.

Would-be Crime Lords have to either take over a current Crime By Joe The Mysterious Man
Lord's territory or carve out a piece of that territory.
Either way, the would-be Crime Lord would have to initiate
gang warfare. A would-be Crime Lord can become a Crime Lord Informer - Advanced
In their effort to get an edge against organised crime the police-
in fact only by surviving such a war and gaining territory
force is often forced into using "unfair" methods and one of these
and exclusively directing criminal activity therein. Ensuing
warfare can erupt at any time. is the use of an Informer. There are many types of Informers but
the most common one is when simple watchmen go under cover
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc and enter one of the various crime-guilds such as the renowned
+30 +30 +2 +2 +5 +30 +2 +30 +40 +30 +30 +20 +20 thieves-guild.
The procedure is that the trusted (or expendable) watchman is
Skills: contacted by his superior and gently forced into this new way of
Bribery helping the City, State and Emperor. Often his new career will take
Charm place in another city to reduce the risk of his discovery. This kind
Dance of operation is often led by a small group within the police force
Embezzling and the crime lords are constantly trying to get their own informant
Etiquette in there and who knows they might already have succeeded for all
Evaluate the Informer knows.... Getting help from the ones in charge of the
Immunity to Poison operation, he will quickly, if all goes well, establishes a reputation
Numismatics as an expert thief getting to the most difficult places in town (none
Secret Language- Guilder is told about doors being left open or watch-men turning a blind
Specialist Weapon- Firearms eye) and once he has entered the higher ranks of the guilds the
Spot Trap informing begins. Needless to say the risk of his discovery is great
Street Fighter even with all the precautions taken and the punishment even
Torture higher...
Another common type of informer is the thief who gets
Trappings: caught and is given the chance of avoiding death or the loss of a
Hand Weapon hand by ratting on his bosses moves to the police.
Hidden Pistol But with both of these types of informers the police can
Townhouse never be sure if the information is correct as the Informer might
Warehouse(s) switch sides and give misleading evidence.
10D6 Gold Crowns The Informers lives a risky life as even the slightest word
2D6 Bodyguards that gets out will lead to their untimely death.. and should they get
2D6 Racketeers away with it they will probably live in fear of the Organisations
shadow for the rest of their lives...
Career Entries:
Assassin Informer - Advance
Outlaw Chief M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Racketeer +10 +10 +1 +1 +3 +10 +1 +10 +10 +20 +20
Entered from:
Career Exits: Watchman,
Nil Thief,

Exits: Flee!
Watchman (another city!) Follow Trail
Watchman Sergeant (if done well to the police force) Pick Lock
Thief, (by doing the organisation a "favour" he might be Read/Write
accepted) Silent Move Urban
Outlaw (Both sides hunting him!) Specialist Weapon CrossBow Pistol
Spot Trap
Skills: Street Fighter
Concealment Urban ,* Strike to Stun
Secret Lang.--Thieves Tongue ,* Shadowing
Secret Signs--Thieves Signs ,*
Pick Lock* Career Exits
Read/Write--special code only Watch Captain/Sergeant
Acting ,=A4 Witch Hunter
Blather ,=A4
Luck ,=A4 Career Entries
Consume Alcohol .# Bounty Hunter
Code Book, From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
Police contact
d6 small bottles of various cheep alcohol. Notes: The Master Thief is supposed to be an expert in his
chosen fields, a sort of highly trained specialist in a few fields.
NOTES: As such, it is not a traditional career, but more of a template or set
*---He's gonna need these to try and fool the poor thieves. of rules to create a "specialized" and unique thief of epic
=A4---To increase his petty chances. proportions. I have never play tested it, but I do get bored or
#---Well, I'm thinking that this guys nerves must be wrecked inspired and write stuff up.
and becoming an alcoholic seems inevitable, maybe the police
encourages this so that he can be put away to some asylum Note: With the introduction of Master Thief, normal thieves
silently after the operation is finished? should only be allowed to purchase skills like Pick Pocket, and
I was thinking about giving Insanity points or some minor Pick locks twice for a total bonus of +20
disorders to this poor fool (nail biting seems inevitable) but it
might be too cruel? My plans were to have one of my PC's get
into this involuntarily, so I would very much appreciate any
Master Thief Advanced
feedback(, if you haven't fallen asleep that is), and maybe this guy M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
exits already, made by someone else? In that case I would very +20 +20 +4 +40 +1 +40 +10 +30 +10 +20
much appreciate any experience and/or details?
At this point, the character has four slots. If the character
Erik Hamre likes, he can take one or two of the slots and add them to the advance scheme. It adds +1 or +10 to the respective advance
(Wounds +2). No advance may go over +40 or +3. Any slots not
used to increase the advance scheme can be used on skills.
Inspector - Advanced
Inspectors are the Elite of the Cities watch, answerable to only the Skills: The character can buy four slots, minus any spent to
Watch Captain himself. Inspectors are the investigators of increase the advance scheme, to purchase in specialties or
crimes. The job requires great perception and a resourcefullness abilities. Every time the character wishes to apply a slot for an
that is hard to find. All major cities employ several Inspectors advance or skill, they must spend 100 Exp points to gain the
whose primary duties are investigating crimes, of course the advance or skill.
overwhelming majority of these crimes deal with the rich and the
nobles. Very rarely is the death of a commoner ever thought of as Acrobatics: costs one slot. Can only be purchased once.
something worth an Inspector's time. Occasionally an Inspector
will uncover a trail leading towards someone of considerable Acute Hearing: costs one slot. The character's sense have been
social or economic status. It is at these times that an Inspector sharpened by experience and neccessity.
must make hard decisions concerning his committment to the Ambidextrous: costs one two slots. Can only be used after both
Law and the common good and his connection to the prevailing slots have been purchased.
power structure, and who he serves. Conceal Urban: Advanced. When one slot is used to turn the skill
to Advanced, the modifiers for concealment are doubled. The
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc character must have Conc Urb before he can advance it.
+20 +20 +1 +2 +5 +20 +1 +10 +10 +20 +20 Contortionist: costs one slot.
Disguise: costs one slot.
Acute Hearing Trappings: Escapology: costs one slot.
Bribery Crossbow Pistol Lightning Reflexes: costs three slots. Long years of training and
Concealment Urban Leather Jack experience have honed the characters' reflexes to perfection.
Disarm Hand Weapon Can only be used after all three slots have been purchased.
Disguise Luck: costs two slots.
Excellent Vision Mimic: costs one slot.
Palm Object: Advanced: When used to turn the previously Saboteur - Advanced
purchased skill into an advanced one, the bonus is now +25 Pick
Locks Advanced: Up to two slots can be added to this skill A Saboteur is greatly feared by the authorities. Saboteurs,
making the pick lock bonus +30 or +40. working as agents for spies of hostile foreign groups, or as
Pick Pockets Advanced: Identical to Pick Lock Advanced. political terrorists, will destroy buildings and target important
Scale Sheer Surface Advanced. For the cost of a slot, the skill individuals. Saboteurs working as spies will often infiltrate
now offers a +25 bonus to all Risk Tests. administrative buildings, blowing them up with bombs and
Sense Magical Alarm: Costs two slots. The character, when gunpowder, or during times of war, blowing up ships at port,
within ten feet of an alarm, can detect Magic alarms, by testing military barracks, fortifications, and causing severe injuries and
against their Will Power. deaths. Often hostile political groups within an area will wage a
Silent Move Urban: Advanced: When a slot is spent to turn the campaign of terror against the local populace or the authorities.
basic skill into an Advanced one, the bonus is now -20. Blowing up magistrates or nobles, various political extremist
groups usually claim responsibility.
Prostitute - Basic M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
It has been said that this is the world's oldest profession and +10 +10 +4 +20 +20 +10 +10 +20 +20
apart from being the oldest, it is also one of the most widespread.
Prostitutes can be found in almost every corner of the Old World, Skills
but the society does not always appreciate their existance, so they Blather
often operate hidden from the public. Prostitutes are often looked Conceal Urban
down at, so most of them are in their profession because life Disguise
offers them few possibilities to do something else. Engineer
But when exits are open to pursue other ways, they are often Scale Sheer Surface
greeted welcome. Silent Move Urban
Specialist Weapon-Bomb
Advance Scheme
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Trappings
+1 +20 Black Clothing
Black Hood
Skills Trappings Bombs (d3)
Charm Flask of cheap Gun Powder
Concealment urban Career Entries
Seduction Career exits Engineer
50% Dance Beggar Political Activist/Reactionary
20% Immunity to disease Rat Catcher Sapper
Servant Spy
Career Exits
From: Psychedelic Goblin <> Assasin
Demagogue (if entered from Political Activist/Reactionary)
Sapper (if entered from Engineer)
Prostitute2 - Basic Spy
Prostitutes ply their trade in all of the large population centres of
the Old World, especially those with large maritime or military From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
centres. They can range from individual traders to organised
brothels, and their talents and costs vary greatly. Many in their
position get to learn great secrets from loose mouthed lovers and Sensitive - Basic
pass along a great deal of information to other 'concerns'. A little seed of Chaos is in every person. That little seed can
twist and alter people. However, sometimes, the taint of chaos
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc doesn't always come in physical form. For some it can be a curse,
+1 +10 +10 +10 for others, a blessing.
A Sensitive is a person tainted by Chaos, and as a result receives
Skills: Trappings: some time of precognitive types of power. They don't start off
Charm Revealing clothes with a career, because up until this point in their lives, they relied
Seduction on their "gifts" to get them through life.
75% Secret Lang - Thieves
75% Secret Signs - Thieves M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
50% Dodge Blow +10 +2 +10 +10 +10 +20
50% Pick Pocket
Exits: Bawd Skills:
Roll once:
From: POSSUM <> 01-15 Clairaudience
16-40 Clairvoyance
41-65 Empathy
66-100 Psychometry

Magical Awareness Psychometry
Sixth Sense The sensitive is particularly aware of the latent experiences
50% chance of Meditation stored in objects. By touching an object, and successfully testing
against WP, the psychometrist can pick up fleeting images
Career Entries: attached to the object. A weapon might conceal glimpses of it's
None. This career should only be used when the GM gives it to a maker, it's bearers, or its victims. But which are which, the
player as a starting career for a specific campaign. If you are sensitive might not know. It could be very dangerous, picking up
given this career by the GM, it means you're probably an strange objects, or Chaos artifacts! Problems using the bedpans, or
exceptional player, and can handle the responsibility! Don't garderobes also.
disappoint your GM! The range for this ability is touch. How much of these fleeting
images is understood by the psyometrist is determined by the GM
Career Exits: and the success of the dice roll.
Could be anything. Since the Sensitive has relied on his/her
abilities, it's really up to the players' roleplaying abilities and Note: each intentional use of a Sensitive's gift by the PC, whether
the GM kindness to both determine exits. Exits in the academic successful or not, reduces the Sensitives Will Power by ten. There
field are most likely, e.g Wizard's Apprentice. is a cost for exerting oneself! This is not recovered until the
Sensitive has slept. If the GM uses the Sensitive's gift to advance
Note: Before the character could control their gift, they often the game along, the GM decides whether or not to subtract from
experienced random and painful experiences. For example, a Will Power. Also, if a Sensitive, when testing against Will Power,
Clairaudient of voyant seeing their father beat their mother rolls a double (e.g. 66, 88, 100), and that double is above their Will
senseless in the next room. The gifts also occur in their dreams, so Power, they're ability has worked, but in a horrible way. A
sometimes others' nightmares creep into theirs. All this Clairvoyant or Clairaudient may have peered into the Chaos
uncontrolled mayhem has played havoc with the Sensitives mind, realms, an Empath may have looked into places in a person's heart
and therefore, they have start with one mental disorder. This can that shouldn't be viewed!
be determined by the GM, or rolled randomly And a Psychometrist might have almost lost their personality in
the object they were examining.When this happens, the Sensitive
Sensitive's Gifts must immediately make a WP roll based on the new reduced level.
Clairaudience: If they succeed, they gain 1 Insanity Point, and can avoid the worst
The sensitive can hear things beyond their range of hearing. A of it. If they fail, they gain 1d6 insanity points, as the horror of it
sensitive sitting in their room in the inn, could possibly hear all alters their minds! Looking places you shouldn't, SHOULD BE
the activity happening in the inn. They rarely hear whole RISKY! This is not a Psionic character class. This is a person
conversations, but usually just hear fragments. If a sensitive tainted with Chaos, (but not Chaotic), and it's both a curse and a
wishes to use this ability, they must roll under their WP. If blessing!!!
successful, they may (GM's allowance) be able to hear what's This brings that taint in humanity into play in the game. Chaos
going on in a nearby area. The range for this ability is the WP stat is in every human! By the way, this is for humans only!
in yards. WP=30, the Sensitive can pick up a specific conversation
within 90 yards. Notes: Most rolls for the initial use of the "gifts" should be
done by the GM. A success, may give vague clues. Give cryptic
Clairvoyance or obscure answers. Don't answer, "Yeah, she feels guilt. The
The sensitive can see things beyond their range of vision. They type of guilt that only a high Priestess of the Golden Phallus of
often get flashes of imagery, for a few seconds, faces, clothing, but Slaanesh should feel!" No, more like "You sense a dark and
they can't understand what is being said. Even with read lips, the turbulent past about this woman. You feel a shiver up your spine."
sight is ethereal, and such a skill could not normally be used. The A person who relies only on their "gift" should get set up by the
possible range and use for this skill is the same as Clairaudience. GM to humble the player!
A failed non critical use may produce nothing, or a false or an
Empathy irrelevant image decided by the GM. That's why the roll should
The sensitive is particularly aware of the emotional state of a be done in secret. Whether or not successful, the GM should make
person nearby. Usually, this is a fairly passive skill. A person's sure that the WP drops. This increases the chance of the exhausted
mental state is usually visible from their body language. And and weary Sensitive of making a mistake...
Empathy just confirms what the sensitive's other perceptions tell Also, the GM can use passive (GM induced effects, as opposed to
him. But in cases of extreme mental distress, insanity, or emotional active use, chosen by the PC.) effects to move the game along.
intensity, the Empath will become more aware, and can look The character's are going nowhere, the GM passes the sensitive a
through people's image management. If the Empath thinks note, with a vision. They neglected to get the power word
somebody is lying to them, they can use Empathy to sense guilt. If neccessary for the artifact, the GM gives the Sensitive a note.
when questioning the person, and they feel guilty, it still might Since it's not the Player using the ability actively, more a plot
concern something else. Maybe the fellow slept with his friends device of the GM, WP should not drop, since it's a perk compared
wife. If the person is a sociopath, no guilt would be detected. to the other disadvantages.
The emotions that can be picked up would be like exuberance, This also gives the GM a constant plot device, and the ability to
happiness, contentment, anger, hatred, rage, sadness, loneliness, pass lots of secret little notes! Which I love to do!
apathy, guilt, frustration, and other extremes. The GM should only give this starting Basic career to an
To find the effective range for this skill, it's one tenth of the exceptional role player, and only then if it's part of the campaign.
empath's WP in feet. WP of 40, effective range of four feet. To This career should never be used as a random role!
use this skill to probe someone's mental state, a test against WP in Also, the GM should not show undue favor to the Sensitive.
needed. If successful, the senstive has discovered only the person's
mental state, not the reasons for it.

Stablemaster - Advanced having made it in the semi-illegal Pit Fighting business, use their
money and their fighters to build an organisation around
"Someone has to take care of these guys! They're almost my sons! themselves taking control of the semi-legal and illegal activities
What can I do for them that I don't already do? I give them shelter. of an area, making
I feed them. I make sure they're in the best physical shape. And themselves Crime Lords - like Horatio 'The Hound' Hohenzee in
you say I rip them off!?" Nuln. Other Stablemasters use their wealth in a more constructive
way as traders.
A Stablemaster may be independent, or he may belong to one Pit
Fighter school. Independent Stablemasters rarely have more than Needles to say: there are no Stablemasters taking care of the
three or four Pit Fighters in their stable. Stablemasters belonging to religious Pit Fighters. The ceremonial pit fights are arranged by the
a school may have twenty to forty Pit Fighters in their stables. cult concerned.
The Stablemaster is always on the look for new talents. Hanging Advanced Scheme
out at bars scouting for talents is a major part of their job. Wealthy M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Stablemasters hire their own talent-hunters to take care of the job.
+20 +1 +2 +2 +20 +20 +20
He takes good care of the boys in his own stable; never letting
them fight unworthy opponents, but not too skilled opponents
either. The longer a fighter is able to go into the pit and fight, the
more money the Stablemaster will earn. It would be a waste to let
a Pit Fighter that has been invested with lots of money in training
and developing, get killed in his first or second fight.
Evaluate - Pit Fighter*
Of course: some Stablemasters earn their living by drafting poor
men in desperate need of money. Not giving them any training,
Heal Wounds
and letting them directly into the pit. These speculators seldom
ever move from warm-ups to the big-league. Some of them do
earn lots of money, though.
A Stablemaster makes his living through percentages of the
Career Entries
bookmaker's earnings and percentages of the vendor's ticket
money. Usually the bookmakers have to pay five to ten percent of
their profit to the vendor. This money is then distributed to the
Stablemaster's. Stablemasters do rarely take less than fifty percent
Pit Fighter
of the money from the vendor. It is not unknown that they might
even take up to eighty- eighty-five percent. This might seem as a
Career Exits
rip-off to most, but remember every Stablemaster is responsible
Crime Lord+
for paying instructors, physicians, surgeons, weapons and armour
for the Pit Fighters in their stable. Now, does eighty percent seem
un-reasonable to you?
*New Skill - Characters with this skill may be able to judge the
The Stablemaster's job is not always as straight forward as it may
ability of a Pit Fighter by studying them. +10 to all Estimate tests
seem. Being a big-league Stablemaster is easy going, but trying to
when judging the prowess of Pit Fighter.
fight one's way up from nothing as an independent may be rough.
The Stablemaster will have to find people willing to fight +Career taken from the article 'Behind the Scenes' by Alfred Nunez. The article is
unknown Pit Fighters. Most independent Stablemasters start off in available at the Warhammer Archives ( /pub/warhammer/Careers/
the illegal Pit Fighting business where there are lots of other small- BehindTheScenes.txt
Thomas Oesterlie
time independents trying to carve their way up to the big-league.
The greatest problem for these Stablemasters are scouts from more PVV - The Software Workshop, University of Trondheim, Norway
established stables and schools stealing their Pit Fighters. [eds note: For the complete Day at the fights Article cf The Warhammer
Finding opponents for unknown fighters can be dangerous
sometimes. There are always someone willing to fight if one seek Authors Rogue careers
out the right places. It is a known fact that many an independent [eds note: Ive tried to include all but some errors are bound to occur. If you have a
Stablemaster trying to carve his way up, has gone into the sewers career posted here, and youre names not on it; write me]
of the Old World's cities in search of opponents. One never know
This directory includes basic and advanced rougue careers.
what creatures lurk down there.
In addition to the things mentioned above, most Stablemasters will Advanced career based on an article by Richard Halliwel
have to keep their own Pit Fighters out of trouble if they are into by Owen Cooper <>
the illegal/semi-illegal pit fighting business. Bribing local AssassinRev.txt
Watchmen are for these the order of the day. Stablemasters The revised assassin advanced career
forgetting to bribe the local Watchmen are sure to have no stable by Psychedelic Goblin <>
left at the end of the week.
Basic Rogue Career
Being a big-league Stablemaster means lots of money. Some by <>

Basic career Barbarian Basic
by Pavel I. Konoplev <> M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Informer.txt +10 +1 +2 +1 +10
Basic Rogue career
by Kongen <> Skills Trappings
Dodge Blow Leather Jerkin
Basic Rogue career Scavenge Bastard Sword
Strike Mighty Blow Rotten Food
Inspector.txt SW-Two Handed Token with Tribe Symbol
Advanced Rogue Career
by <>
30% Very Reliant
75% Ride
Advanced Rogue career Barbarian come from all over the world mostly on Elfin trading
by G.G.Lepper <>
ships who use them for oars men and other disdainful tasks. They
Prostitute.txt are most often human but are on occasion other races. Barbarians
Basic rogue career are rude and overbearing and smell so bad that a common remark
by Vegard Stokke <> when walking into Bars is "Who let the Dwarf in"
Rogue career Career Entrances Career Exits
by Psychadelic Goblin <> Random Entry Seaman
Only Laborer
Advanced career
by G.G.Lepper Slaver

The Bloody Knight (Templar of Khorne)
- Advanced
Assassin2 - Advanced (To replace the
Clad in blood-red armour, with axe in both hands and bloodlust in
old one) his heart, the Templar of Khorne is a truly fearsome opponent. He
is living for the pleasure of killing, don't giving or expecting
[eds note: Note that the Assassin is also a Rougue Career mercy, and for quenching the lust of Khorne.
(Thats why its Assassin2).. cf Rougue Careers]
Assassins are the scourge of the old world. Many noble and Advance Scheme:
merchant houses use them for political expediency. Assassins M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
rely on stealth to eliminate their targets. They are experts at +40 +10 +3 +3 +8 +30 +2 +40* +40 +40
poisons and setting traps. They are not great warriors (different
from original WFRP) but kill their targets when they least expect * - the Templar of Khorne never leaves the battleground because
it. of the fear generated by some monster

Advance Scheme: Skills:

M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Demon Lore
+20 +20 +1 +2 +30 +1 +30 +10 +10 +20 +20 +20 Disarm
Dodge Blow
Skills: Frenzied Attack
Concealment Rural,Concealment urban, Disguise, Flee!, Prepare Specialist Weapon - Two-Handed, Fist
Poisons,Scale Sheer Surface,Shadowing,Silent Move - Rural, Street Fighter
Silent Move - Urban,Spec Weapon - Blowpipe, Spec Weapon Fist Strike to Injure
Weapons, Spec Weapon - Throwing Knife Strongman
Trappings: Very Resilient
Blowpipe,Disguise Kit,Garrote,Grappling hook and 10 yards
rope Hand Weapon,Vials of Poison,4 Throwing Knives Trappings:
Chaos Armour (skin turns into an armoured exoskeleton - +3 AP
Entries: Bounty Hunter, Duellist, Judicial Champion, Mercenary, to all areas) Two-Handed or Battle Axe Various weapons D4
Targeteer, Spy, Thief Chaos Mutations (I used the table in the old WH40000 game) -
usually mutations which give physical strength and toughness.
Exits: Mercenary, Outlaw Chief, Racketeer, Spy, Thief, Witch
Hunter Character entries:
Free Lance
Sean ( Outlaw Chief
Mercenary Captain
Warrior of Chaos (use the statistics from the Bestiary)

noble manor, or an outpost in Kislev, loyal people to the crown are
Character exits: an integral part of maintaining the safety of the Old World
Demon of Khorne (according to the deeds of the character)
- usually Bloodletter or Bloodthirster, after death M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+30 +20 +1 +1 +6 +30 +2 +10 +40 +20 +20 +30 +20
From: Satyr <>
Bullfighter/Matador - Advanced Administrate
(Estalian Career) Read/Write
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Siegecraft
+1 +20 +1 +3 +20 +1 +10 +10 +20 +10 +20
Skills: Trappings
A castle, fort, or something else, nicely built of stone, for starts.
Ride Cape
Specialist Weapon- Lance*
Men at arms
6-10 Special lances
A scribe
Specialist Weapon- Fencing Sword
Blacksmith, armorer, dispatch riders, carpenter, people for the
Strike Mighty Blow
upkeep of the castle. Also cooks, etc.
A nice salary
Charm Animal
A letter of commission
Specialist Weapon- Cape
Keys to the pay chest
A few hundred gold coins
A Bullfighter is the next level after Toreador the bullfighter must
So on, so on...
entertain the crowds by killing the bull with as much style as
Career Entries
* Lance is the name of the weapons generally used to impale the
bull. It's not the standard lance but a slim fragile weapon that I
haven't figured out the stats for yet.
From: Satyr
Mercenary Captain
Bullfighter/Matador2 - Advanced
Career Exits
(Estalian Career) Noble
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Freelance
+30 +2 +2 +5 +40 +2 +20 +20 +40 +20 +30 Mercenary Captain

Skills: Trappings Rev. Garett Lepper

Etiquette Fancy clothes Lots of sequins=20
Seduction Gold Trimmed Red Cape
Transfix* Several Dozen Red Roses Cavalier - Advanced
Hypnotize =09
The famous Altdorf press puts out an endless stream of low-class
Lightning Draw*=09
romantic adventure novels. These books tell tales of great daring
Strike to Injure=09
and true love, and they have a most unhealthy effect on many
young nobles and such. These slightly disturbed young men are
The Matador is a master in the ring. He is a first rate performer and
called cavaliers (and by many other names behind their back) and
welcome everywhere (ie; even court) He is very popular with the
they regard themselves as dashing, romantic figures. They chase
ladies. The matador has often gone beyond mere bulls to fight and
beautiful young noblewomen, challenge each other to duels and
graduated up to Griffins and occasionally Jaberwocks.=20
make a general nuisance of themselves. Always ready to join
*transfix is similar to the Wardancer skill.=20
adventurous group, their bravery and skill with sword (If you
* Lightning Draw=85
survive as a cavalier for any lenght of time, you`re bound to have
learned something about swordsplay) makes them valuable
members of such parties, if other members can put up with their
From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
Castellan - Advanced A cavalier has a lot of potential for roleplaying, as they are not part
(This is probably more of an NPC, but there could be occasions of the regular army like musketeers or templars, and thus have
when this career could be a viable option for a PC. If you find it of more freedom as adventurers. They do not have to follow any
little use, don't use it, but please post me why! I love criticism!) strict code of honour like duellist either, so they are more useful in
espionage-style adventures. They should, however be played as
A Castellan is an individual responsibility for the upkeep and true romantics: falling in love all the time, defying the authorities
safety of a fortification. Whether one of the Imperial fortresses, a and so on.
successfully advance, Aldred will guide them in the next leg of
Advance Scheme their journey towards enlightenment.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Combat Monks (as they will be called from here
+30 +20 +2 +2 +4 +30 +2 +10 +10 +10 +30 +20 +30 on out) must follow certain strictures and never gain spells as such,
but do gain certain abilities upon reaching different levels of
Skills: Trappings: enlightenment.
Charm Rapier
Wit D6 Romantic novels Combat Monk - Level 1
Seduction D6 love letters Advance Scheme
Read/Write (romantic novels) Silk dress M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Disarm D2 lovers +10 +2 +10 +1 +10 +10 +10
Scale Sheer Surfaces D100 GC
Specialist Weapon-Fencing Sword SKILLS: Meditate, Street Fighter, Strike Mighty Blow, Dodge
Dodge Blow Blow*, Philosophy, plus one Lore
Specialist weapon-Parrying weapons
Art-poetry STRICTURES: Must no longer use ballistic implements of war
(i.e. bows, crossbows, etc.).
Career Entries: Career exits:
Noble Duellist SPECIAL ABILITIES: Levitation during meditation (no real
Duellist Free Lance value, but characters dig it.)
Student Beggar (in case their Dodge Multiple Blows- For each attack not used by the monk
Squire true love leaves them) during the round he/she may dodge another incoming attack.

Tuomas Pirinen <> Combat Monk - Level 2

Advance Scheme
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Combat Monks - Advanced +1 +20 +1 +1 +30 +20 +2 +10 +10 +10 +20
(Cathayan Careers)
SKILLS: Magic Sense, Strike to Stun, Strike to Injure, Disarm*,
Acrobatics*, plus one Lore
The ideas behind this character class for WFRP
comes from the lack of the martial artist type of character so many STRICTURES: Must no longer wear any type of armor
other RPs include. Though I daresay, my original intent was to
transform one of my most powerful NPCs to godling status (thus, SPECIAL ABILITIES: Unarmed Disarm: may attempt to disarm
eliminating him from play, but not from the game entirely). I foe by using their Street Fighter skill.
called him Aldred, and he began as a simple protagonist...he held a
deep belief that through constant practice with his sword (a wholly Acrobatic Combat: may use Acrobatics during combat (award exp
unremarkable Estalian broadsword), he could untap the secrets of points to characters who use fantastic moves during combat)
the universe, and that when he became one with his weapon, he
would reach enlightenment and transcend the mortal Combat Monk - Level 3
consciousness...(so what, its not realistic...this is fantasy...). Advance Scheme
Anyway, as he progressed through many adventurers he began to M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
realize that it wasnt his sword and his body that were becoming +1 +30 +1 +2 +5 +20 +3 +20 +20 +20 +30
aligned, but in fact, it was his mind and body performing in
harmony. Eventually, he abandoned man-made weaponry
SKILLS: Magical Awareness, Ambidexterous, Sixth Sense, plus
altogether and only fought using his body and his mind. When
one Lore based skill
Aldred actually reached enlightenment, it is rumored that he could
levitate his body while meditating, could deflect arrows in mid-
STRICTURES: May no longer use any weapons other than their
flight, kill with a touch, and do battle with beings from other
one sword (in honor of the sword Aldred began with. ) It is now
planes of existence. As he gained followers from other faiths who
more honorable to fight without benefit of any weapons for the
sought to attain the level of inner serenity that Aldred had he
Combat Monk.
settled down at a small monastery in the mountains to teach for the
rest of his days. It was here that a member of the Sigmar cult
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Deflect Missles: The Monk may use his
(believing that Aldred had gained favors from The Chaos gods)
Dodge Blow* skill to attempt to dodge incoming arrows and other
assasinated Aldred by poisoning his food at a summer festival.
normal missles. A successful dodge may be upgraded to a catch
Instead of dissuading followers of Aldred it actually encouraged
if the wishes to make an immediate DEX test. (note: failure to
his worship as a deity. It is a commonly held belief that he never
make said test means that the Monk still succeeds at dodging just
actually died, but that Aldred had reached a state of enlightenment
doesnt manage to catch it on its way by). Focus Power: Once per
at which he no longer needed his physical body and simply cast it
day the Monk may summon his total power into an unarmed strike
off to ascend to heaven...or nirvana...or whatever.
that counts as a S 10 hit. A failed WS roll does not expend this
ability, however. The monk must state when he is going to use
this ability in advance of the attack. All other damage modifiers
To become a Sword Brother of Aldred, players
still apply.
must first complete one Warrior class career, and then the Initiate
basic career. After exiting Initiate, the player must roll on the
Cleric Advancement Table on page 150 of WHRP. If they
Combat Monk - Level 4
Advance Scheme Sense Chaos - This skill is unique to Demon-Hunters. A
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc character with this skill who remains totally inactive for a whole
+1 +40 +2 +2 +7 +30 +3 +30 +30 +30 +30 game turn (one minute) will be made aware of the presence and
rough direction of any source of Chaos within 48 yards. The
SKILLS: Contortionist, Acute Hearing, Excellent Vision, Night character's concentration must be absolute; speaking, moving,
Vision, Public Speaking, plus one additional Lore skill. fighting or attempting anything at all will make this skill
unuseable. The gamemaster should make a secret test against the
STRICTURES: Must no longer use any weapons other than the character's intelligence when the character concentrates in such a
Monks own physical body. Combat monks may still keep their manner.
sword to use for practice and other rites.
Rituals - The Demon-Hunter must spend the listed experience
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Extended Focus: Monk may use Focus points to learn the corresponding ritual. The duration times of
Power 3 times per day. Enchanted Body: Monk may now score these rituals are all one hour except for the Zone of Demonic
hits on creatures that can only be struck by magic weapons. He Nullification which lasts for two hours. No magic points are
now counts as a magic weapon. (always). necessary to perform the rituals but they can only be done once per
Sword of Aldred: The Combat Monk may use his sword like a day.
holy symbol to ward of undead, demons and the like, as it is
infused by his unshakeable faith. (use of this is limited to GM From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
discretion of course).
Dervish - Basic (Arabian Career)
Feel free to alter and use any, all ,or none of this stuff for character
If you're using (Oliver Rossenkranz ?[maintainer`s note: Alfred
generation in your campaigns. I hope it works as well for your
Nunez`article]) Ormazd, a Dervish is an Arabian, usually a
players as for mine...
bedouin, who is so endowed with righteous might from Ormazd,
that he seeks out this career. Derivishes are Arabians full of
The Demon-Hunter career is Copyright 1996 by John B. Brown, Jr., Patrick religious zeal, who spend their time dancing and singing rituals,
Capossere, and Michael Paxson. This material may only be used in a GM's home and fighting for the glory of Ormazd "Al Anon?".
campaign. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Send to:
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+10 +1 +2 +10 +1 +10 +10 +10
Demon-Hunter Advanced
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Skills
+40 +30 +3 +4 +10 +30 +2 +30 +20 +10 +40 +40 +10 Dance
Dodge Blow
Frenzied Attack
Skills Trappings Muscianship
Arcane Language - Demonic Full Plate Armor Sing
Demon Lore Hand Weapon Strike Mighty Blow
Disarm Two-Handed Flail Trappings
Dodge Blow Two-Handed Daggers
Sword Drums
Secret Language - Battle Tongue Flowing black robes
Sense Chaos Religious symbol
Specialist Weapon - Flail Career Entries Sword
Specialist Weapon - Parrying Weapon Witch-Hunter
Specialist Weapon - Two-Handed Weapon Career Entries
Strike to Injure Career Exits You'll have to wait 'til I post the rest. Until then, use your
Strike Mighty Blow Templar imagination.
Initiate (or Cleric Career Exits
if character has See above. Sorry.
(Obligatory copyright statement:) I am releasing the
Rituals been an Inititiate)
following material from an article I have written which may
Bind Demon - 300 exp. be used only in a GM's home campaign. The status of the
Dispel Lesser Demon - 300 exp. article is currently in limbo as the Company that agreed to
Zone of Demonic Nullification - 600 exp. publish it is currently being reorganized. I reserve all
Zone of Demonic Protection - 300 exp. rights to the descriptive material, including locations and
characters, while system-specific material is copyright by GW.
These warriors have taken their crusade against Chaos to an
extreme. These former Witch-Hunters are obsessed with Alfred Nunez
destroying Chaos in all its forms but are especially interested in Hauptdirektor- Schwarzmantel
copyright 1993 Alfred Nunez
destroying the most diabolic creations Chaos has to offer - the
Demons. They will willingly go anyplace to find their prey; even
to the very Chaos Wastes where these Demons reign supreme.

As these warriors are so extreme in their views, characters must be

of Lawful or Good alignment to become a Demon-Hunter.
Slayer Careers: Immunity to Terror*
* New skill described below.
Dragon Slayer (Dwarven Career) -
Advanced Trappings:
Description: For those unfortunate Giant Slayers who survived Two-Handed Axe
encounters with Giants or other dangerous foes in unequal Two-Handed Flail
combat, another level of creature exists to deliver unto Two-Handed Sword
these clanless Dwarves the death they seek: Dragons. As in Mail Shirt
their earlier careers of Troll Slayers and Giant Slayers, Ritual Scarring
Dragon Slayers retain the customary bright orange dye in
their hair with animal fat rubbed in to make it stiff and Career Entries:
spiky. They also retain their outrageous tastes in jewelry Dragon Slayer
and tattoos. To this they add ritual scarring, usually
resembling claw marks racked across the chest, face, and Career Exits:
arms. Dragon Slayers single-mindedly search for their Nil
unusual quarry, tracking any wild rumor to find their lair.
Dragon Slayers automatically receive D3 insanity points upon SPECIAL SKILLS
entering this career.
Immunity to Fear: This skill results from a character
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc having extensive experience with highly stressful
situations and developing high resistance to them.
+40 +3 +3 +8 +30 +3 +20 +30 +10
They gain a +10% modifier to all Fear tests.
Immunity to Terror: This skill results from a character
Consume Alcohol
having vast experience with extremely stressful situations
Follow Trail
and having developed a strong resistance. They gain a +20%
Frenzied Attack
modifier to all Fear tests and +10% modifier to all Terror
Immunity to Fear*
tests. In addition, any failed Terror test has the same
Immunity to Poison
results as a failed Fear test with one exception: the
* New skill described below
character still receives one insanity point.
Two- Handed Axe
Two-Handed Flail
In addition to the normal Dwarven psychological traits
Two-Handed Sword
(hatred towards goblinoids and animosity towards Elves)
Mail Shirt
Dragon and Daemon Slayers are subject to hatred towards
Ritual Scarring
their respective present and past quarries (i.e., Dragon
Slayers hate Trolls, Giants, and Dragons).
Career Entries:
Giant Slayer [eds note: The rest of the Slayer Article is in the Warhammer Archives]
Career Exits:
Daemon Slayer The Dark Scholar (Templar of Tzeench) -
Daemon Slayer (Dwarven Career) - The Templars of Tzeench, the Lesser Mutators are powerful
Advanced warlocks and fighters of their master. They are searching for
Description: Few Dragon Slayers survive encounters with ancient artifacts, grimoires, and changing more and more of the
Dragons or their kin. Those that do survive become Nature. They love to mislead the people, whipping up the feelings
despondent fearing no redemption of their lost honor. of the poor against their lords, and laugh at the carnage what the
To these outcasts, only one last foe remains: Daemons. uprising left.
Although rarely encountered, Daemon Slayers are often
found on the fringe of the Chaos Wastes. They can also Advance Scheme:
be found wherever Daemonologists and Chaos sorcerers are M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
known to frequent. Daemon Slayers are similar in +20 +20 +1 +2 +8 +30 +1 +20 +20 +40 +20 +30 +20
appearance to Dragon Slayers, but a little more unhinged.
Due to their new quarry, Daemon Slayers automatically
receive D6 insanity points.. Acting
Arcane Language - Demonic
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Cast Spells - Tzeench Battle Magic (see the WH Battle Magic)
+40 +4 +30 +8 +40 +3 +30 +10 +30 +30 Demon Lore
Skills: Dodge Blow
Daemon Lore Identify Magical Artifacts
Immunity to Disease Magical Awareness

Magical Sense Scout
Read/Write Outlaw (?)
any other suggestions?
Disguising set, various clothes Notes:
Full Plate Armour with the symbol of Tzeench (only if it don't I think this class belongs in Ranger, but due to the lack of BS
impede advances etc., i stuck it in Warrior, and it sort of fits... the
spellcasting) advances to Cool and WP reflect the drive and mental fortitude
Various Weapons required to travel wearying paths for career entries and
D6 Magical Item career exits, the whole "is he a Ranger or a Warrior" thing gives
D4 Chaos Mutations (I used the table in the old WH40000 game) me a headache so I would be happy to let someone else do the
- usually mutations which change the physical appearance thinking...

Entries: From: "G.G.Lepper" <>

Alchemist (from level 2) Dave Selin <>
Demonologist (any level)
Wizard (any level) Elven Breakdancer (Elven Career) -
Warrior of Chaos
Exits: Barfnoggin raised his eyes as Toejam lifted his right arm and
Demonologist clenched his fist twice. Somefing was up. The patrol, in single
Wizard file, managed to avoid bumping this time, much to Barfnoggins
relief. This rotted trail was too narrow and the undergrowth so
From: "G.G.Lepper" <> dense- curses on the girly elves!

Dispatch Rider - Basic Toejam, at point, suddenly crouched. The other orcs glanced
around, from side to side straining to see something- anything.
Description: Dispatch rider (courier riders) are messengers Barfnoggin drew his short sword, the only weapon he felt he could
employed by Imperial authorities and landed noble houses. They fight with in this overgrown rot pile, and elbowed his way to
employ these loyal and self-reliant individuals to carry dispatches where Toejam crouched.
and messages to various points in their's or other's holdings. These
riders often face obstacles in the service of their duties, such as "Wots all this then?" he whispered into T-jams good ear, while
weather, bandits, hostile (political) enemies, and other predators. peering to see what was up ahead. They were being cautious now,
Some riders also work for wealthy merchant houses that employ too cautious, but the last ambush with the Wardancers had been
them in similar capacities. Eventually, some feel that if they enough. Half the patrol had been cut down, or had cowered
should routinely face such dangers, they might as well do it for because of the damned rattling.
their own profit and turn to a life of adventuring...
T-jam pointed his own shortsword at some point in the gloomy
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc distance. Barfnoggin gleefully thought of how nice it would feel to
+10 +1 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 ram a battle rattle down the throat of a wardancer. Then he saw it.
A small clearing. He could barely make out some bright cloth.
Skills: Elves. More of 'em. But not wardancers. Something else...
Animal Care
Cartography Barfnoggin raised his sword and motioned the patrol forward.
Follow Trail Revenge.
Ride REVENGE his small orcish mind yelled at him. There. A glint of
Spot Trap sunlight. An instrument...a elf with baggy
trousers...musicians? He started jogging.
Horse with sponsor's livery "C'mon ladz. Git a zoggin move on!"he snarled behind him.
Surcoat bearing sponsors heraldry Barfnoggin had only one thought- kill elves. Kill' em all, let the
Mailshirt gods sort 'em out!
Weatherproof coat The patrol, now out of order, ran into the clearing, snarling and
Weatherproof dispatch bag hoarking, chanting Git Some Git Some. Then they stopped. The
Document of Commission bearing sponsor's seal elf musicians hadn't fled. Some of the ones wearing baggy trousers
Map of region were moving in odd manners. A head roll, a shoulder roll down to
the fingers and back to the other side, as if a serpent was inside
Career Entries: their skin. Repulsed, Barfnoggin stepped back. Chaos he thought,
Suggestions? Chaos could do this! The musicians began to play a steady quick
beat in a wierd way. Slanesh? Barfnoggin looked over at T-jam.
Career Exits: Sweat had covered The Jams face. Transfixed, the patrol stared at
Outrider these new dancers. Suddenly the elves lashed out, running several
Roadwarden orcs through with slender long daggers. As Barfnoggin and the
Soldier remaining orcs snapped out of their reverie, blade began meeting
blade. Holding a captured battle rattle and shaking it wildly as he Skills descriptions:
stabbed and slashed the insane dancers around him he began Bewilder: by gryrating and moving his/her body in peculiar
noticing that the dance type moves the elves had shown off before ways and in some godforsaken fashion, the Wardancer can
the fight were now being employed to confuse his boyz... mesmerize their opponents. If the opponent fails a WP test, they
stand there in rapt entertainment as the Breakdancer Morrlieb'
Barfnoggin got caught ramming his blade into the wildly coloured Walks on over and kills the opponent, who counts as prone target
leather vest of one Weird Dancer and tried to smash the elfs face in for d6 rounds.
with a free fist, but the target managed to throw itself down and
scuttle away as if a crab. As Barfnoggin reached down to pick up Battle Rap: A warchant of the breakdancers, they rap a little and
his blade he saw T-Jam lose his head. Within seconds T-jam was make a-huh a-huh sounds. So defining and otherwierdly is the din,
replaced by Spewbreff, but before he could attack, the elf backed that the opponents must make a fear test or flee...
away- or did he? Barfnoggin shook his head, certain the elf looked
like he was moving forward, but actually going backwards- Headspin: A breakdancer drops to the ground, stands on his
whatever- it through Spewbreff's timing off and he was head and spins. All opponents within 5 feet are struck by the
disembowelled by a cartwheeling elf in baggy pants whipping by. swirling legs. They all take one attack at +1 Strength, regardless
The rest of the patrol was quickly cut down, only Barfnoggin was of the number of attacks the Breakdancer has. Especially effective
left standing. when fighting Goblin hordes. Best used with the cardboard mat...
Morrslieb Walk. An unearthly movement backwards, this allows
He was ready to die. An elf, wearing baggy pants minced up and the Breakdancer to move backwards, allowing them to retreat
went through the serpentine motion again, snapping his body without turning their backs. This skill can be used in conjuction
about. Grinning, the elf revealed gold teeth and managed in real with Bewilder...
crappy orcish to say, "Break Dancers Rule ya Nob!"
The Worm: The breakdancer falls to the ground, and starts to
Never one to miss a chance, Barfnoggin jammed his left fist into inch his way about. He does not count as a prone target, so
the grinning elfs face, shoving the captured Wardancer rattle down sinuous are his motions...Allows him to crawl under the bushes, in
the elfs throat. "Thaz okay skumbo,"snarled Barfnoggin, "Git a sneak attack on enemies. Also allows him to squirm through
Some!" small places as if he/she had Contortionist

Stunned, the elven Break Dancers stood goggle eyed as the big orc Career Entries Career Exits
sergeant jogged off into the dark of the forest...They wouldn't soon Bawd Wardancer
forget, but neither would he. Entertainer
Introducing the Elven Breakdancer! Raconteur
Before the girly elves can become tough Wardancer types, there's
a career they must proceed through. It requires a high degree of Social Class/standing-
body control, and precise knowledge of one's abilities to By staying in the forest, young elf "elmies" (their slang for break
manipulate their own shape and form. Their strange and mystic dancer) have a social class of C (Y,F) and a standing of d4 points.
dances have an odd effect on the watchers! However, many of Whentaking their cardboard dance platforms into towns and
them tire of the forest and become buskers in town, plying their villages elmies have a social class of D (R,F) and d3 points.
trade on the streets! Read on!
NB** The new category of (Y) is defined as follows: the elmies
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc are treated as one class lower by the rest of elven society, but not
+10 +2 +20 +20 +20 +10 by Wardancers

(They have the high Cool, because they're so damn cool!) Young elmies have their own gods to worship- the sons of
Adaman-Na-Brionha, Lord of the Dance.
Acrobatics Grandmasta Sash and Furious Clive
Art: Urban graffiti Description: both of Adaman s sons rebelled against the cloying
Bewilder atmosphere of Wardancer society, yet found they were still
Battle rap descriminated against by the rest of woodelvian culture. Constant
Dance practice of warped versions of wardancing led to the art of
Dodge Blow breakdancing. Adaman tried to put a stop to his sons behavior but
Headspin they rebelled even further, creating a sub-culture of "elmies",
Morrslieb Walk (known in slang as the "moon walk") groups of young would-be Wardancers disatisfied with their own
Muscianship: Elven Battle Rattle cultural upbringing.
Strike Mighty Blow Alignment: Neutral
The Worm Symbol: baggy trousers and oversize clothes

Trappings: Area of Worship: wherever the elmies can set up their cardboard
Baggy pants Friends and enemies: Most wardancer cultists are friendly
Daggers (guarded), but the human cult of Ranald are also good friends-
Flattened carboard box especially with groups of elmies who work the cities. The enemies
are few with most cults and cultures holding elmies in contempt.
Cult requirements: vary from band to band, but worshippers must
be break dancers or former breakdancers.
Strictures: elmies must conform to break dancer culture, show a Strength. High Leadership, Cool, and WP, because he must carry
rebel face to the rest of woodelf culture... through with what he is ordered despite how distasteful. Even if
Spell use: none it's the execution of a friend.
Skills: elmies may gain streetfighter and wrestling skills at half
cost and silentmove urban at normal cost From: Psychedelic Goblin <>
Trials: are determined by the troupe leader, usually on the spur of
the moment. The trials are not necessarily deadly, but must be Executioner2 - Basic
rebellious in nature.
Blessings: auto success on one manuever (break dance)- headspin, The executioner is a much reviled character, and many are avoided
morrsleib walk, The Worm. due to their morbid career. It is their duty to carry out the death
sentence for various legal bodies whether it is execution by
From: "G.G.Lepper" <> burning, hanging, beheading, or in Bretonnia by guillotine.
Unsurprisingly they tend to be rather emotionless or sadistic by
necessity. The standard among them varies considerably from the
Executioner - Advanced true professional to the sadistic thug. Usually this is a career for
(Here's a career I'm not sure is important. Whose going to have a life, and those who leave usually do so due to the injustice of the
fulltime career beheading or hanging people!!! Most people with legal system.
that responsibility would be soldiers, etc. And since all attacks
against prone targets hit, and do double damage, how can you go M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
wrong? But here it is anyways!).The Executioner is usually a +10 +1 +2 +20
soldier or men at arms serving the local authorities. When a
person is found guilty of a crime, a frequent punishment is Skills: Trappings:
beheading. The noble usually has a fellow around who is quite Spec. Wpn 2 Hand 2 handed axe
good at doing such things. This fellow, when beheading, gets to Strike Mighty Blow black hood
wear a black hood, so retribution isn't normally possible by 75% Very Strong 10 yds rope
relatives or friends of the accused. Also, the black hood, creates a
sense of anonymity, and in some way absolves the executioner of Entered from: Jailer,Torturer
guilt. It wasn't Franz who did it, it was the guy in the black hood.
When Franz puts on the hood, he's no longer Franz, but an Exits: Jailer, Torturer
extension of authority. Do you follow? Without further ado:
From: ***GAZ*** <>
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Another WFB 3rd Edition conversion...
+20 +3 +1 +4 +10 +1 +20 +20 +30 +20
Dwarfen Fire Throwers (Dwarwen
Skills Career) - Basic
SW Two handed
SW Halberd The Dwarves rely on many weapons of destruction to protect
Strike to Injure their cities and outposts from their various enemies. One of the
Stike Mighty Blow most successful weapons is the Dwarven Fire Thrower. A Bellow
Wrestling (so he can restrain the victim, if he for some reason attached to a Barrel full of some flammable concotion, it is carried
struggles, etc) by two Dwarves. By turning the valve on the Barrel, and hand
Trappings pumping the Bellow, the Fire Thrower shoots out a jet of flame,
A big two handed axe which sticks to it's enemies and chars them to a crisp.
A black hood The flammable concotion is a secret of the Dwarven Engineer
A little extra pay too. Guild. Consisting of a number of chemicals, only one is publically
known: Grugni's Fire. Grugni's Fire is a type of spirit, made of
Career Entries alcohol, which is quite poisonous, being nearly pure alcohol. The
Bounty Hunter only problem with it, is that when preparing the fuel for the Fire
Jailer Throwers, it's crew is exposed to the fumes, which can be quite
Mercenary addictive. As a result, the Fire Thrower crews are quickly addicted
Protagonist to the fumes, and will often drink the Grugni's Fire, which they
Soldier build up quite a resilience to. Grungi's Fire, being nearly pure
Torturer alcohol, can cause burns to those who drink it, if not hardened to
Career Exits the effects. Spitting out the Grungni's Flame into an exposed fire
Bounty Hunter creates a small fireball, a gag ofen over used by the crews of the
Jailer Fire Throwers. The Fire Throwers are a clannish sort, dwarves
Mercenary Sergeant who stick together sharing a common job and addiction.
Racketeer M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Slaver +10 +20 +1 +1 +4 +20 +10
Notes: Here's my justification for the scheme. A high WS is not Brewing
neccessary to hit a prone target, or kick a chair out from under Consume Alcohol
somebody. But an Executioner, would most likely be the biggest Fire Eating
and intimidating guy that a noble could find. Hence the high Immunity to Poison-Grugni's Fire

Specialist Weapon-Dwarven Fire Thrower promoters and stables can sometimes "help" the with the extraction
Street Fighting of a profitable Galdiator. This practice usually causes a
tremendous fallout and is done with extreme caution. All is fair in
(Note: All Dwarven Fire Thrower have an Addiction to Grugni's Love and War..and business!!
Advance Scheme:
Trappings M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Abestos Apron (heavy, treat as leather armor) +40 +1 +2 +7 +20 2 +20
Abestos Gloves (-20 to Dex)
Fire Thrower Skills:
Hand Weapon Specialist Waepon:
Mouthwash Pole Arm
Double Handed Weapons
Career Entries Flail
Dwarven Engineer Fencing
Dwarven Soldier Parrying
Dwarven Tunnel Fighter Net
Career Exits Fist Weapons
Dwarven Sapper Disarm
Dwarven Tunnel Fighter Dodge Blow
Street Fighter
Dwarven Fire Thrower Strike Mighty Blow
The Dwarven Fire Thrower is a peculiar weapon. It consist of Strike to Stun
two parts, connected by a hose. The first portion, the Fire Thrower Strike to Injure
Projector, resembles a bellow. With a adjustable nozzle at the end, Wrestling
the Firer, adjusts the Nozzle and then pumps the bellow, projecting
a sheet of flame. The second portion is a small tank which must be Trappings:
pumped to build up pressure. It requires two to move it, and they Two-Handed Weapon of choice
move as if Encumbered. Left Handed dagger
If there are two using it, one pumps and builds up pressure, while Longsword
the other fires it. If there is only one, it takes a round to pump it to Flail
prime it for firing. It may be fired only once a round. It shoots out Net
flame 10 yards, and any struck by it count as flammable targets, Rapier
and receive normal fire damage, d4 at a Strength of 3, and an PoleArm
additional damage of d4 for being flammable. Any target struck is Lasso
on fire. It may be fired at any target, or d3 target if they are within KnuckleDuster
3 yards of each other. Helmet

From: TWIN9881@ACC.FAU.EDU Carrer Exits:

Judicial Champion Duellist
Gladiator - Advanced Bounty Hunter
Mercenary Captain
In the big business of Pit fighting, most fight long and hard to
earn respect and then freedom. However, this is not always the
Career Entries:
case. The "profession" has become so lucrative that some have
Pit Fighter
decided to make more than just a career out of it. These chosen
Judicial Champion
few have different reasons for choices: some simply crave the
competition and the attention it brings, while others find the
From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
money just too good to leave. For those talented and resilient
enough, the Gladiator was born. They are high-paid and well
respected professionals that are almost always associated with a Kamaluk Warrior (Arabian Career) -
Stable and a corresponding promoter. Some freelancers exist, and Basic
make a decent living; but the real money lies with the stables and
their vast network of fighters and venues. Gladiators learn almost Kamaluks are amongst the fiercest warriors of Araby. Eunuchs,
every conceivable weapon skill, as this is their life, their love and they are employed by the nobles of Araby in their armies as highly
usually, is all they have ever known. Most Gladiators have passed loyal slave warriors. Trained from a young age, the weak die,
the point of being exploited by the promoters and stables. The leaving only the strongest to survive. They then are purchased by
money generated by the Gladiators earns them unprecedented the Sultans, Viziers, and other nobles and religious leaders as the
respect and freedom. A Gladiator would not be there if He/She core of their army. They are savage warriors with no regard for
had not chosen to be. This sets them apart from the pseudo- their own safety, crashing into their enemy and hacking into their
slavery aspect that some common Pit Fighters must deal with. opponents, oblivious of wounds.
Although it goes without saying that a money-making Gladiator
would find it "difficult" at best to walk away from a stable. There M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
have been more than a few Gladiators that wanted to leave the +10 +1 +1 +4 +10 +10 +10
business, only to find an assassins dart in his back. Rival

Skills Kinbad (Wood Elven Career) - Basic
SW Two Handed Sword
Street Fighter
Strike Mighty Blow M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Wrestling +10 +10 +2 +10 +1 +10 +10
50% Very Resilient
50% Very Strong Skills: Animal care, Disarm, Dodge blow, Secret language-Ranger,
Silent move-rural, Streetfighter, Strike mighty blow, 50% chance
Trappings of Ride.
Mail Shirt Trappings: Leather jack, Spear, Hand weapon.
Two handed Sword Entries: Hunter, Woodsman.

Career Entries Exits: Beastfriend, Knight.

Initial Career only!
Career Exits Very similar to the Soldier career, except for Animal care which is
Mercenary now fully avialiable on the account of Woodies being nice to them
Kamaluke Bodyguard etc.
Others when I think of them. Feel free to add your own
By Joe The Mysterious Man
From: Aldred the GM
From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
Night Goblin Fanatic (Goblin Career) -
Kamaluke Bodyguard (Arabian Career) -
Advanced Night Goblin Fanatics as a player character? Maybe, maybe
Kamluke Warriors who have proven their loyalty to their lord, not...but as a baddie, these green skinned maniacs can give even
can find themselves serving their lord in a direct manner as the most hardened adventurer bladder control problems. Besides,
bodyguards to the lords house (or palace), his estates, his harem, as they kick so much tail in WFB, that it seemed only fair to give em
well as the lord himself. Kamaluke Bodyguards are the best a whack at role playing...
loyalty that money can buy! However, even that isn't enough. Goblin Fanatics are drug crazed loonies: nearly impervious
There have been a few Kamaluke rebellions in the past, and a fat to pain, super strong (as Goblins go), and almost completely
sedentary Vizier is no match for a massive Kamaluke bodyguard. without fear. They love to fight, maim, crush, destroy, kill, etc.
So now, their lords have been introducing chemicals into almost to the exclusion of all else. Goblin Fanatics dont need a
Kamalukes food. When Kamalukes are deprived of the chemicals, reason...just an opportunity.
they die. Oblivious of this treatment, Kamalukes believe that to Fanatics wear long ankle length, dirty, black cloaks, and carry
betray or kill their master leads to certain death. It very well a monstrous ball and chain, which drags behind them and slows
could! However, some Kamalukes, have joined with others, and their normal progress down to almost nil...(character Fanatics will
fled to Eunuch mountain, where the defeated Kamalukes of past have a normal M of 1or 2). In fact, it is so heavy and
rebellions plot against their previous masters... cumbersome, that characters with S less than 5 cannot even lift it,
(a S of 7 would be required for a sane, sober player to swing it
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc menacingly). Fanatics can use these weapons of mass destruction
+30 +3 +2 +8 +10 +2 +30 +30 +30 only because of the fungus beer that they constantly imbibe...(a
concoction made from the fermentation of a mushroom
Skills appropriately named Mad Cap.) If a non-Goblin were to ingest
Disarm Fungus Brew, they need to make an immediate WP test or suffer
Dodge Blow the effects of the drug most lethal to their species...(Night Goblins
Intimidate use 11 other toxins in the recipe). If you are crazy enough to let
SW Two handed someone get a hold of one of these nuts....heres some ideas...
SW Polearm
Strike to Stun Fate Points d3
Strong Man Age (irrelevant...they cant possibly care!)
Skills d4 (Use the Warrior chart.)
Trappings Speak Ghazhakh, and 20% chance of broken Old
Two handed Sword Worlder or other suitable tongue
Halberd Night Vision 10 yards (less whilst under the influence of
Chain shirt Fungus Brew)
Helmet Alignment Evil (or whatever suits your campaign)
Psychology immune to all psychology (start them with d10
Career Entries afflictions)
Kamaluke Warrior

Career Exits
To be written up still. I'm just letting you down today, aren't I?

Night Goblin Fanatic - Basic Stats using any other weapon, the Fanatic has only 1plus any gained by
M d2* A d6* advancement. Further, this A score is how many potential
WS 2d10+15* DEX 2d10+10 combatants the Fanatic may encounter along his wild flight path,
BS 2d10+10 LD 2d10+10 and it changes from round to round, just like his M. Each
S 5 INT 2d10+10 opponent he passes only takes one A, and any attacks not used are
T d3+1 CL 89* simply lost.
W d3+4 WP 2d10+10 The Ball and Chain does S + 3d6 damage to each opponent
I 2d10+10* FEL 2d10+10 per hit...and heavily armored characters are just as vulnerable as
everyone else...armor does not stop any damage inflicted by the
Skills: Frenzied Attack, Brew (Fungus Beer), 10% chance of Luck Ball and Chain...scary huh? Each d6 worth of damage is assigned
, 25% chance Lightning Reflexes to a random hit location ( the S is added to the first location only).
Trappings: Barrel of Fungus Brew, Ball and Chain, dagger, dirty,
black robes More on Movement... If after the first movement roll, the 2d6
comes up doubles (i.e. 4 and 4, or 3 and 3), the Fanatic has met
Night Goblin Fanatic - lvl 1 with an unfortunate accident. This means that the Goblin has
Advance Scheme either wrapped the chain of his Ball and Chain around his neck or
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc his heart gives out, or blood vessels in his brain explode under the
+1 +1 +2 +10 +10 +10 strain of hefting his monstrous weapon, etc. To reflect this the
Fanatic takes a full strength hit from his Ball and
Skills: Blather, Mimic, Disguise (usually as a really ugly follows - the Fanatic take his S score in wounds to the body or
hunchback halfling) head (50% chance either) each d6 of weapon damage is done to a
Trappings: None random hit location

Night Goblin Fanatic - lvl 2 Nothing worse than having a stroke in the middle of battling a troll
Advance Scheme slayer...
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+10 +1 +1 +2 +20 +1 +20 +20 Obstacles and Night Goblin Fanatics - If a Fanatic whirls out of
control and hits a tree or a building, or gods forbid another Fanatic,
Skills: Disguise, Begging, Immunity to Poison then he would take damage as though he rolled doubles for
Trappings: None movement...

Night Goblin Fanatic - lvl 3 I wouldnt recommend throwing these fellas into the fray too
Advance Scheme often...they are pure killing machines...Ive found that they work
really well when PCs are muttering Oh...its just some Goblins.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
No big deal!
+10 +2 +3 +4 +30 +2 +30 +30
Nigh Goblin Fanatics are also beautiful baddies to use on that
Skills: Identify Fungus, Prepare Poisons particularly pesky Troll Slayer who refuses to believe he has
Trappings: None outlived his usefulness in your campaign (despite your best
attempts to prove otherwise), or the player who you discover
SPECIAL RULES: ( * ) wanted to be an Elf because of the big numbers involved and not
his love of woodland creatures...
Movement - The Night Goblin Fanatic only moves 1 or 2 when
not using the Ball and Chain in combat. (This is due to the Ball Happy Hunting, Aldred the GM
and Chains immense weight) When in combat, and using the Ball From: POSSUM <>
and Chain, the Goblin rolls 2d6 at the beginning of the round and
that sum is his M score for the duration of that combat round...He Guard/Honour Guard - Advanced
must move the entire distance in a straight line in the direction of
The best soldiers that a Noble can muster are often grouped into a
his choice. During the subsequent rounds of combat (after the
small elite group with the most important of duties, guarding the
first), the Goblin Fanatic rolls 2d6, and again moves that far. Now
noble. The Guard, also known as a Honor Guard or a Color Guard,
however, he is disoriented from the spinning of the Ball and Chain
are charged with protecting the Noble, and the Noble's family.
and his own drug induced euphoria, and must make a successful
This is a well treasured position, full of perks. Fine weapons and
DEX test to hurtle himself in the direction of his choice. A failed
armor, a steed, comfortable setting, and safely nestled in the back
test means that the Fanatic spins out of control and heads in a
of combat with the Noble.
totally random direction. (YIKES!) Any character within M range
Sadly, this happy existence can easily come to an end. A surprise
and along the path of the Fanatic is considered hit. No WS test
attack by Skaven, a peasant uprising, depradations by orcs and
need be made when whirling the Ball and Chain...Dodge Blow
goblins, incursions of Chaos, and hostilities from other nobles can
tests can still be made however...whew!
easily spell the end of Guard's light duty. Instead of hanging about
the castle, kicking around peasants, they find themselves mounted
Combat and Damage - Fanatics can not be engaged in melee
on horses, accompanying the noble into battle. Fortunately for
combat. This is because the Ball and Chain creates a sphere of
them, if the battle goes bad, they are often mounted, leaving
death around the Fanatic, thus protecting him from all attacks
behind the poor levies and militiamen behind to be slaughtered.
except missle attacks. (and of course magic.) The only way to kill
Unfortunately for them, they are mounted, and have to engage the
one then is to either shoot him, zap him, or wait until he collapses
enemy in a mounted charge. Many tire of life in a manor or castle,
from exhaustion and then hack him to bits. The incredible A score
and the potential dangers of being killed protecting a nobleman,
of the Fanatic is only when he is using the Ball and Chain...when
and turn to a life of adventure.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Rune Lore
+20 +10 +1 +4 +20 +20 +10 +20 +10 Scroll Lore
Read/Write (Elven)
Skills Arcane Language -- Elven Magick
Animal Care
Disarm Trappings -
Dodge Blow Mail Coat
Ride Knife/dagger
Specialist Weapon-Lance Elven Great Sword
Specialist Weapon-Pole Arm Helmet
Street Fighting Mail leggings
Strike to Injure
Strike Mighty Blow Guardians of Hoeth are the fighting elite of the Swordmasters.
Strike to Stun They fight with a skill and and ferocity unparalleled. They spend
years in the Tower of Hoeth itself, studying ancient scripts of
Trappings arcane knowledge about not only combat, but magick as well!
Coif Of the Guardians, one is chosen every hundred years to assume the
Dagger status of Wraithguard (shadow knight). The candidates for this
Halberd sacred position undergo a series of brutal tests by the most
Hand Weapon powerful Elven Mages. The one with the strongest mental capacity
Helmet will be selected.
Lance The new Shadow Knight is then taught the ways of magick and
Sleeved Mail Coat how to bend them to ones will.
Surcoat with Noble's Livery
Wraithguard (Elven Career) - Advanced
Career Entries
Advance Scheme
Body Guard
Wraithguard do not have an advance scheme accept maybe
Int +40 and WP +40. Their bodies become hollow shells while
their spirits become magically inhanced.
The souls of the Wraithguard form a living zone of magick around
Pit Fighter
the Tower of Hoeth. They are diverse in matters of magick, but
only use them in defense of the tower. In times of dire strife a
Shadow Knight may be called forth as either a Wraith with
spellcasting abilities (as GM dictates) or into the body of a
Career Exits
powerful warrior, also with spell casting abilities.
Once in a mortal body the knight must make a WP test at -5% for
every day in the mortal plane. Effects are accumulative. If this
Mercenary Sergeant/Captain
test fails the knight is corrupted by chaos. If a second test is failed
the knight is instantly destroyed (25% chance) or becomes a
powerful chaos ally (75% chance)
Rev. Garett Lepper
Use stats for Mardagg for Shadow Knight
From: Paul Swanson <>
Here's the info on the Guardians of Hoeth and also their next
levels, the Wraithguard and the Shadow Knights
High Elf Sword Master (Revised version
Guardian of the Tower of Hoeth (Elven of Guardian of ) - Advanced
Career) Advanced (High Elves only)
Career Entrances - Any Elven Military career
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+30 +3 +4 +30 +2 +30 +30 +30 +30 Advance Scheme
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Skills --
+20 +2 +1 +20 +1 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10
SW - Elven Greatsword
Skills --
Dodge Blow
SW - Elven Greatsword
Secret Language - Battle Tongue ( High Elf)
Strike Mighty Blow
Dodge Blow
Demon Lore
Secret Language - Battle Tongue ( High Elf)
Heraldry (Elvish)
Strike Mighty Blow
Lightning Reflexes

Trappings - M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Mail Coat +10 +10 +2 +10 +20 +10 +10 +20 +10
Elven Great Sword
Helmet Skills
Career Exits Orientation
Another military Career Ride-Gyrocopter
Guardian of the Tower of Hoeth Specialist Weapon Bomb
Specialist Weapon Steam Cannon
High Elf Great Sword: The elven great sword is a weapon of
great length (up to 6 ft) and weight. Only the High Elf Sword Trappings
Masters have the skill and the strength to wield this powerful Aviator's Goggles
weapon. In battle, it adds a +3 damage and -20 I. Due to its great Gyrocopter
length the Greatsword imposes a penalty of -20 WS when used to Hammer (counts as a hand weapon)
parry. However, in the right hands it makes a formidable foe. Leather Flight Helmet
Leather Flight Jacket (counts as a Leather Jerkin)
"As the young elf lord turned around his fair face drained of all Silver Winged Insignia (Hammer with Wings)
color. There in the entrance of the cave stood a great elder Tool Belt
dragon." Career Entries

High Elf Sword Master2 - Advanced Career Exits

M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Soldier
+30 +10 +1 +1 +4 +30 +1 +20 +10 +20 +20 +20 Wing Commander
Skills: Ambidextrous, Disarm, History, Law, Read/write, Scroll From: "G.G.Lepper" <>
lore, Secret language-Classical Eltharin, Specialist weapon-two
handed(x2), Strike to injure, Strike to stun.
Herald - Basic
Trappings: Helmet, Breastplate, Mail coat, Arm bracers, two The herald is an individual employed by prominent individuals to
handed sword. perform various services in ceremonial occasions. What he does
in the meantime is anybody's guess. He probably serves as a
Entries: Scholar, Soldier, Phoenix Guardsman. personal servant to his liege, a sort of valet, and personal secretary,
and possibly confidant. (but I'm just guessing, I've never been a
Exits: Scholar, Phoenix Guardsman. herald...)
I'll just leave it at that...
This useful Elvish career combines the scholar and warrior as
decribed in WFB Elf book concerning the swordmasters of Hoeth. M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
The S.wpn skill could be amended to detail the unique weapons +10 +2 +10 +10 +10 +10
the Elves use. No Dodge blow because you cannot dodge too well
with such a sword and the I bonus would turn them into supermen. Skills:
Etiquette (so he doen't embarass his employer in formal
By Joe The Mysterious Man situations.)
From: ***GAZ*** <> Public Speaking (making announcements in place of the liege to
This is stuff from WFB 3rd edition, so I don't want any flak for it
not being "realistic". It's a career that's probably better off not household staff, castle retainers, etc.)
seeing the light of day, but the deed is done... Read/Write (reading announcements, acting as a personal
Gyrocopter Pilot (Dwarven Career) - Ride Horse (well, the noble's got it, and he has to keep up!)
25% History (as the personal servant to a noble, he should be
Basic knowledgeable about local affairs and history-do you deem this
The Dwarven Gyrocopter pilot is a eccentric Dwarf who unneccessary...)
"flies where only eagles dare!" The Dwarves have created an
ingenious device, the Gyrocopter, a flying contraption based Trappings
around a Dwarven Steam Engine and a spinning rotor blade to Surcoat and uniform in lord's livery
bear Dwarves aloft where they can scout out the area, and also
provide air support to the rather slow moving Dwarven infantry. Career Entries Career Exits
A Gyrocopter can dart about a battlefield, dropping bombs, Servant Castellan/Steward
frightening horses, and staving off offensives until the Dwarven Scribe Bodyguard
infantry can respond. Bodyguard
The Gyrocopter pilots are chosen from the most loyal and least
sane of the Dwarven Engineers. A close knit and clannish group, Advances: WS +10, because everyone has it...
they share a complex signal of hand and arm gestures used in Ld, Fel, because as the Lord's intermediary to the household, he
flight to coordinate actions. should be outgoing, yet retain authority
Int: because the lord isn't going to employ the village idiot in methods vary according to their religion, so Sigmarite inquistion is
such a sensitive position. Also he should learn quick, or it will not as feared as Verena`s. In any case, when inquistor stalks the
cost him his job. streets, he is easily recogniced and avoided by his robes and the
witch-hunter bodyguards.
I don't think most people will find this career useful. However I
find it useful as an NPC and also as a PC hanger on to Nobles. In NOTES:
my campaign there's a lot of politics, with PC's playing servants to As very powerful opponents or leaders of religious-orientated
Nobles and becoming intertwined in the politics. A Herald could charaters. They may also act as patrons to templars and witch
of fled his employer because he fell out of favor, robbed his lord, hunters.
or discovered an insidious secret about his employer...hmm...
If you do find this career useful, hey! feel free to use it. If Advance Scheme:
you don't I realize it's not going to be a great career, but M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
imaginative players and GM's can go wild, having someone so +10 +1 +1 +4 +40 +1 +20 +40 +30 +40 +30
close to power and yet so far, and privy to the secrets of nobility.
If that doesn't fire up your imagination... Skills: Trappings:
Whether or not you can use it, please respond either over the Torture Robes
mailing list or directly to me. Your responses do mean a lot (no Read/Write The seal of approval
matter how critical) and helps keep me interested. I need your Secret Languages-Classical,Magical from a head of a
responses more than you probably need my measley character Public Speaking religious order
classes, so please humor me! Law
Authority* Deus ex Machina
Huscarl (Norse Career) - Advanced
Career Entries: Career exits:
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Priest, any level Witch Hunter
+30 +20 +1 +1 +6 +30 +2 +10 +30 +10 +30 +20 Priest, next level
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Disarm, Dodge blow, Orientation, Ride, *A new skill. If inquistior is confronted by members of military or
Secret language-Battle, Shieldsmanship, Speak additional church, they may take a Ld test. If successful, the will of the
language-chose one, Specialist weapon-two handed, parrying inquistor prevails. An exmaple: a inquistior orders a arrest of a
weapons, Fist, Streetfighter, Strike mighty blow, Strike to injure, popular agitator suspected as a Chaos worshipper. A local watch
Strike to stun, Wrestling. captain (PC) argues with the inquistior, claiming that the arrest
could create a public unrest. The inquistor makes a successful Ld
Trappings: Mail coat, Helmet, two handed weapon, Round shield, test (modifed by GM, the Player Character is known for his
Horse saddle and harness. stubborness) and makes it. The watch captain is terrified, and
allows the witch hunters to proceed with the arrest.
Entries: Marine, Mercenary, Soldier.
Tuomas Pirinen <>
Exits: Knight, Sea captain. From: Anders Karlsson <>
Subject: Inquisitor (mightier and better)

Transformed from the Citadel Journal 6, norse army lists, these The Inquisitor career article written by Tuomas Pirinen was great, but is missing
unique warriors need a mention. Sheildsmanship is another skill to something important. Why would witch-hunters protect an Inquisitor who is only
be described later and deals with the warriors ability with sheids of half as powerful as themselves. So I take the liberty to change the advance scheme
for the Inquisitor and little bit
large size and how to use them. more...

By Joe The Mysterious Man

Inquistor2 - Advanced
Inquisitor - Advanced The Inquisition is based in Estalia but have also great power in
Tilea and Brettonia. But the various religions in the Old world who
The Inquistion is one of the most dreaded organisations of the Old oppose the chaotic forces, have their own Inquistors for dealing
World. Their power is especially great in Estalia and in some parts with chaos cultists and demonologist wizards, but can also pursue
of Tilea, but the power of inquistion is great also in Bretonnia and necromancers and in some parts druids and followers of the Old
in the lands of the Empire. Inquistion is a religious force, dedicated faith. The Inquistor`s power is depending on the strength of his
to weed out the heretics from their sphere of influence. Witch organization and the good-will of the local/regional ruler. But in
Hunters are their tools, terror and secrecy their weapons. The Estalia for example the Inquistion is stronger than the city-states
inquistion is not responsible for the temporal ruler of any land, and rulers, and can therefore prosecute, judge and sentence any man or
thus they can act quite freely. Their religious background gives women at their own will. In the Empire they are under the control
them a certain aura of "holiness", and because of this they can act of the provincial states or the Sigmaritian/Ulrician cult and have
without fear of revenge. Inquisition prefers torture, burning, therefore less power and can have some trouble cooperating with
beheading and lynching as their methods for clansing the Old the local rulers and the local priests.
World of worshippers of Chaos and evil gods. Many of their The Inquistor is a very powerful person who many people fear,
victims are guilty and truly deserve their horrible fate, but far too and the Inquistor also tries to keep this image up.
often an innocent man meets a painful end in the dungeons of the
inquisition. Advance scheme:
Inquisitors are responsible for their deeds to the supreme ruler of M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
their cult, be it Grand Theogonist or Cardinal of Bretonnia. Their +30 +20 +1 +1 +6 +40 +2 +20 +40 +30 +40 +40 +20

Skills: Trappings: Knightly Orders - Advanced
Torture Robes
Read/Write Seal of approval from a
part 1
Secret Languages-Classical religious order
Public speaking "Torture tools"
Law Religious books Knights of the Thundering Tempest
Authority* The Knights of the Thundering Tempest are a warrior branch
Sixth Sense dedicated to Manaan. While Manaan's priests represent his will in
Demon Lore different ways, his knights are only concerned with his wrath.
Magical Awarness They are notorious for their fearlessness, arrogance, temper, and a
Identify Chaos** thirst for vengance. Few are a match for their ranks on land, and
Theology woe to those who face them at sea! This causes them to be feared
and avoided by most who know of them.
Career entries: Witch-Hunter,Priest(any lvl) However, they are (mostly) honorable individuals who grieve the
reputation their order has. What most do not realize is they are
Career entries: Witch-Hunter,Priest(any lvl) required to uphold certain ideals which may be unpopular
(vindictive anger and quick temper), as that is the way of the sea.
*The authority skill as described by Tuomas Pirinen. If the They can be quite jovial outside their duties, almost seeming to be
Inquistor meets another member of an religious order or the a different person. Despite their unpopularity, none save the dark
military, he may take a LD-test. If succeded the Inquistors will cultists would see them leave, as they are stalwart defenders of
prevails. many coastal communities, and will give their lives if the cause is
**A special skill that I also want to include into the Witch-Hunters just (in the eyes of Manaan).
career. The person with the Identify Chaos skill can recognize the The reason the Tempests (what they are called by many) dedicate
different chaos gods,its followers and its common themselves to Manaan is normally quite different then why others
creatures/demonic beings.An Int based skill. join the various other knighthoods. Many do not come from
wealthy or noble families (although there are some), but from
The Inquistor will now be a rather mighty person with some very those who interact with the sea on a day-to-day basis. Regardless,
dangerous knowledge, and thats how he should be. Perfect for all have a connection with the oceans, and out of a sense of
your average crazy Witch-Hunter who just can`t stop fighting payment (or punishment!) take up the life of a templar. The stories
CHAOS.Good luck. And don`t be afraid of sending me some vary from individual to individual - some have had a close call
comments. with drowning and feel that they were spared, others hear the
calling of the sea and understand it too well not to join. Whatever the reason, they dedicate their lives to Manaan, following his
Asgard of Hellum
Vestergotland,Sweden. strictures fanatically.
Their symbol, normally worn on a tunic, is that of a whirpool in
the air with bolts of forked lightning coming from it, on a dark
Knight - Advanced blue-green background. Other symbols include a sea serpent
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc entwined on a sword, a shark with its maw open, and a wave in the
+30 +30 +2 +2 +7 +30 +2 +20 +30 +20 +20 +20 +10 shape of a fist.

Skills: Disarm, Dodge blow, Ettiquette, Heraldry, Ride-Horse, Enemies - those who do not show proper respect to the sea, raiders
Specialist weapon-two handed, parrying weapons, lance, fencing who attack coastal communities, dark elves (Tempests are bitter
sword, Strike mighty blow, Strike to injure, Strike to stun. foes of these opponents who often sail the seas), and those who
anger Manaan.
Trappings: Helmet, Shield, Plate or Chain armour, Lance, Hand
weapon, Horse and riding equipment. Locations - Their largest number is located in Marienburg, but can
normally be found in any coastal communities.
Entries: Squire, Kinbad, Huscarl.
Exits: Noble, Judicial champion, Templar The dour disposition of some Tempests have led some to compare
them to the infamous Dwarven cult of Slayers...although not to
Careers such as Freelance, Merc Captain and Templar fail to either of the respective groups faces!! This, and the fact that many
properly define the knight for any Breton campaigns this career do not come from the upper ranks of society causes the other
would be very useful. Knights can apply to any race such as the order of knights to look down upon them.
Elf cavalry or Kislevite horsemen thus making it more open than
the human based Social Class is = (c) C 4d4.

[eds note: For a complete outlook on the different orders and Career Entries -: {REQUIRED - Must complete one sea-oriented
Knight/Templar Careers that follow, cf. Steel Clad in The career before becoming a Knight of the Thundering Tempest}
Warhammer Archives. This article was too complete and too Witch-Hunter, Sea Captain/Mate, Explorer, or Mercenary Capt.
good to divide up in this way. So for you guys who are into this
knightstuff, see that one.] Career Exits -: Intiate, Witch-Hunter, Mercenary Captain, and Sea
From: Chris Clements <>
Here is a list of new knightly orders I've been working on. Advance Scheme - as templar.

Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Read/Write, Secret Language Battle Enemies - none of any importance. A few spurned nobles is about
Tounge,Secret Signs Templar, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun, it.
Sailing, Specialist Weapon Net, Swim.
Location - The Golden Crests have strongholds (mansions) at
Trappings: Full leather armor & sleeved mail coat*, hand weapon many locations, with the biggest located in Altdorf. They also
(usually a trident), religous symbol of Manaan, and wooden shield. have a sizeable stronghold in Talabheim.

* - the mail coat is normally only worn on land. %Role-playing%

Social functions, parties, and being socially visible is the goal for
(The High Elves have an order also dedicated to Manaan: the any Knight of the Golden Crest. Also gaining power, normally
Lothern Sea through whatever means possible.
Guard. I have not elaborated on this order yet)
The Golden Crests are taken only from nobility, and their social
+Adventure Suggestion+ status reflects this. Also, while technically Templars, they seldom
engage in actual combat or even practice on a regular basis. They
The players are contracted to bring in a fugitive by the local generally only use any combat skills in tourneys and contests.
government. It turns out that the man is also wanted by the Knights What they lack in martial advances, they gain in other areas.
of the Thundering Tempest for raiding a coastal town. The
Tempest want him to suffer their wrath, and he might decide to Social Status = (s/n) A 5d4+8
surrender to the pcs for protection. This could lead to an unwanted
battle. Career Entries -: {required to have been a noble}
Noble and Duellist.
Knights of the Golden Crest Career Exits -: Charlatan, Duellist, Racketeer, and Spy.
Not all knightly orders are dedicated to the gods, or for that matter,
anything of worth. The Knights of the Golden Crest represent Advance Scheme
only awealthy boys club who fancy themselves warriors of M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
reknown. Only nobility may join, and they must be asked by an +20 +10 +1 +4 +10 +1 +10 30 +20 +20 +20 +30
order member (who is often bribed to let the individual join).
Supposedly the Crests will only ask the best warriors who have
Skills -: Read/write, ride - horse, secret language battle tounge,
proven themselves to join, but it practice an invalid could join with
secret signs templar, bribery, etiquette, heraldry, specialist weapon
enough passed crowns.
lance, and public speaking.
This was not always the case however. Indeed, the order has a
Trappings -: Etched full plate armor colored gold (cost 5 to 10
long history of heroic battles and accounted themselves well in the
times normal cost), decorated hand weapon (5 to 10 times the
incursions of chaos that have plauged the Empire. At the palace in
normal cost), lance, decorated shield (4 to 8 times normal cost),
Altdorf lay the many banners of their fallen enemies. The last time
warhorse with saddle and harness, 10d6 gold crowns, fine clothes,
the order engaged in an actual combat (without retainers and
and 10d6 gold crowns worth of jewelry.
mercenaries behind them) was well over forty years ago, in a
skirmish against the Tzeentch cult Changers of Fate, which cost
+Adventure Suggestions+
many of their number. Since then, the order has mainly kept of the
field of battle and stuck to tourneys and jousts. Why the change?
The Golden Crests have infiltrated by chaos cultists of Slaanesh!
(see adventure ideas). The cause is probably lost to history.
PCs may find clues to suggest this, and find the extent of the
corruption, implicating some major important government figures.
Whatever the order lost in physical ability, they gained more
If they could find tangible evidence and bring it to the attention of
power and wealth, becoming a strong political voice. Add to this
loyal government workers, the rewards would be great.
it is seen to be "fashionable" to be a Golden Crest, an elite
honorable (?) order. The truth is the Crests wield considerable
I have other knighthoods (Knight of the Raven, Shattered Oak,
clout, ensuring their members get all the best breaks from the
etc.) which I will send later (when I get them all entered into the
government and the social groups. They are also rumored to have
computer). Let me what you think of the above.
links with the underground, able to find "special" items that might
be hard to get.
Chris (
From: Psychedelic Goblin <>
Their political potency makes them difficult foes or neutral parties
to deal with. They are supremely arrogant to the lower classes,
and openly show their disdain (which, strangely enough, causes Longbowman - Basic
those who are snubbed want to join them even more!). As a Longbowmen perform a decisive function in the armies of the Old
friend, well, they could be extremely helpful... in more ways than World. They are expected to be mobile, fast, and use their
one. powerful bows to 'soften-up' the enemy before the rank and file
engage in melee. Many however grow tired of the harsh and
The Crests symbol is that golden half-circle enwrapped by green unrewarding military life and turn to adventuring, a venture they
vines. Often the individual will put his heraldic device within the hope will be more profitable.
golden borders of the half-circle. Other symbols include a rising
sun on a red background and a golden axe, with the axe head in the M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
shape of a half-circle. +10 +20 +1 +2 +10

Skills: just a list of suggested skills that probably apply to most higher
Trappings: commanders.
Dodge Blow Mail shirt
Marksmanship Longbow Trappings:
Secret Language - Battle Tongue Quiver & Company (colonel)
Spec. Wpn - Longbow arrows Army (general)
Strike Mighty Blow
Phoenix Guardsman (Elven Career) -
Exits: Bounty Hunter, Mercenary Captain, Targeteer
From: Ismo Peltonen <> M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+30 +20 +1 +1 +5 +30 +1 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20
Mercenary/Military Colonel & General -
Skills: Disarm, Mime, Read/write, Scroll lore, Secret language-
Advanced Classical Eltharin, Specialist weapon-two handed, parrying
And now, the careers of Mercenary/Military colonel and general, weapons, Strike mighty blow, Strike to injure, Strike to stun,
as I promised. Just don't try to tell me that they're TOO powerful - Theology.
I know they're powerful, but they're not meant for munchkinism.
The very high physical and WS/BS stat advances are due to high Trappings: Helmet, Shield, Mail coat, Gauntlets, Halberd, Long
commanders having access to exceptionally good teachers, and not dagger, Clerical cloak.
all of the leaders will take those advances. Only those who
maintain rigorous training. Entries: Initiate, Swordmaster, White lion,

Also, I know very well that +50 is more than usually given to any Exits: Cleric, Scholar, Swordmaster.
stat, but we do also give penalties to the skill tests. What would Ld
test at -50 sound? If You don't give penalties to tests, then by all These guys had to be included along with the others to beef out the
means do lower the Ld advance scheme. That'll have the drawback demi-human career options
of allowing characters to gain similar leadership values to those of
generals from other careers, too, so You should then at least give Mime is because, apparently they don't talk and it would be useful.
some basic bonus for having been / being at a career where this is S.wpn-parrying wpns comes from a picture I saw drawn by the
a professional matter - leading an army is probably not a holy Gibbon, in it, their alternative weapon to the halberd was a
professional matter to anyone but a general, so he should be better long knife so I presumed that they train to use this weapon.
at that than anybody else (and don't talk about the Emperor and
whatever, I know that already). By Joe The Mysterious Man
From: Psychedelic Goblin <>
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Pikeman - Basic
Colonel +35 +35 +3 +3 +7 +30 +2 +20 +40 +10 +30 +20 +20
general +40 +40 +4 +4 +8 +40 +3 +20 +50 +20 +40 +30 +30 Pikemen are an integral part in the armies of the Old World, and
pike units are greatly feared on the battlefield. The countries of
Even though careers are given for Colonel and General it doesn't Averland and Stirland are famous for their pikemen, and
mean there couldn't be positions of eg. Major and different general mercenary pikemen from these areas are very popular in Tilea.
positions. Just use the career of Colonel already for Majors, and pike units are some of the only units who can engage enemy
career of General for any general. Finetuning is for roleplaying. cavalry without being hopelessly beaten.

Skills (these skills apply to both Colonel and General careers): M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Cartography +10 +2 +10 +1 +10
History - Military Skills: Trappings:
Law Disarm Mail Shirt
Leadership - Military Dodge Blow Pike
Military Tactics and Strategies Secret Language - Battle Tongue
Orientation Sec.Wpn - Pike
Public Speaking Street Fighting
Read/Write Strike Mighty Blow
Ride - any Entered from: Militiaman
Speak Additional Language - any Exits: Mercenary Captain
Spec Weapon - Pistol
From: Oliver Rosenkranz <>
Wit I found a new basic career description in a German magazine called WunderWelten
(#16). They say they got it from a French magazine called Casus Belli :
Not all skills may be applicable for all character types. Eg. a leader
of an infantry batallion may not need any Ride skill. Also, while
not all Colonels may need Etiquette, it'll probably be needed
before one can really advance to General position, as one needs to
work with nobles. These skills are really not a binding list of skills,

Pirate - Basic Spread Disease (the touch of the Templar is highly contagious -
victim rolls d100: if the result is higher than his Toughtness, he is
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc infected with a randomly chosen disease) Very Resilient
+10 +10 +1 +1 +2 +10 +1 +10
Skills: Full Plate Armour with the symbol of Nurgle or Robes (like the
Row ones the leprous wore in the Middle Age)
Strike to Injure Various Weapons D4 Chaos Mutations (I used the table in the old
Strike Mighty Blow WH40000 game) - usually mutations which ruin the physical
Disarm appearance
Consume Alcohol
Swim Character entries:
Speak Additional Language Warrior of Chaos (use the statistics from the Bestiary)
Street Fighter
Torture Character exits:
Leather Jerkin From: *Your Personal Savior* <>
Bow & ammunition
Ruffian - Basic
Hook at the end of 10 yard rope The cities and towns of the Old World are littered with people
who scrape by without real means of employment. Some of these
Career Exits: people, known as Ruffians, rely on small petty crime or odd jobs
Sea Captain for a means of finding money to drink. Ruffians spend most of
Slaver their time in taverns or at local sports events drinking and fighting.
Assassin Many form into gangs of disenchanted youths, and terrorize local
Judicial Champion communities. A few turn to more serious criminal pursuits or
Racketeer adventuring, but many simply die in drunken brawls or gang
fights, or caught for a minor crime and imprisoned.
Career Entries;
Protagonist M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Outlaw +10 +1 +2
Bounty Hunter
Smuggler Skills
Fisherman Consume Alcohol
Specialist Weapon Fist
From: Gabriel <VAMPIRE@URSUS.BKE.HU> Street Fighting
Strike Mighty Blow
The Plague Monk (Templar of Nurgle) - 25% chance of Very Resilient
25% chance of Very Strong
The Templar of Nurgle is a thing, whose spectacle is so Trappings
disgusting, that even the most braves' heart is shaking when they Club
come face to face with it. The Templar is a plague-rotten being, Dagger
whose goal is to spread the disease which will lastly kill him, too. Knuckledusters
He is the Chosen One, who live with the disease, and uses it as a
weapon to complete his god's dark intentions. Career Entries
Advance Scheme: Labourer
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Seaman
+30 +30 +1 +2 +10 +20 +2 +10 +20 +40 +40
Career Exits
Skills: Bawd
Arcane Language - Demonic Protagonist
Cast Spells - Nurgle Battle Magic (see the WH Battle Magic) Racketeer
Demon Lore Thief (General)
Dodge Blow
Immunity to Disease (he is the carrier of many diseases, and his Rev. Garett Lepper
body is
in ruins, but he won't die in them) Skirmisher - Basic
Immunity to Poisons
Skirmishers form a small part of any army, they harass an enemies
Prepare Poisons
flanks and serve as a disturbance, and a diversion to hurt and
Resist Pain (bacause of his bloated body, he can't feel the pain, so
confuse the opposing army.
all rules on the effect of pain)
They do not form up as normal soldiers into ranks instead fighting Grex couldn't believe what he saw. Before him stood a mixed
in a chaotic guerilla style. They are also used for raids, suprise group of assorted goblinoids with what looked like spikey off-
attacks, night operations, and do especially well in difficult terrain. colored wigs nailed into their skulls. There were two goblins, an
Skirmishers have always been regarded as second class soldiers, orc, a black orc, a hobgoblin, and a little snotling (which had a wig
their ranks filled with the men who were untrainable or burying its head). All were armed to the teeth, and were grinning
disobedient, but as of late are becoming en vogue with the Nobles, madly at the dwarves that gaped back at them.
every general having to make sure he has "Der Kommandos" in his
army. The black orc stepped forward and gave a meaty, drooling laugh.
"Wuhauhuaha.... Wha's a matt'r, ain' youse evr' seeen no stuntie
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc slayurs befur? Der be da dwurfin slayurs... wize kan't we getz sum
+10 +10 +1 +2 +10 +10 slayur fellers to? Youse slayin' da giantses and trollies, sose
wez gotta hav de Dwurf an Humie slayurs..ryt'? Ryt'...", the
Dodge Blow Trappings: creature spat as he (it?) finished the speech. The black orc
Strike Mighty Blow Leather Jack then raised a wicked two-handed flail and began to spin it in
Secret Language-Battle Tongue Bow or Crossbow wide arcs. The other goblinoids began brandishing their weapons
and Ammo and started advancing on the group of dwarves.
25% Secret Language-Ranger Hand weapon
25% Secret Language-Woodsman Grex had just enough time to get off one final statement.
Orientation "Something tells me were not in Karak-Ungor anymore..."
Concealment Rural
Fleet Footed +Role-Playing+
25% Ride
Silent Move Rural Goblinoids are generally thought of as lesser, unworthy opponents
10% Specialist Weapon Firearm for most advanced tough characters. However, doesn't it follow
10% Specialist Weapon Thrown Weapon suit that if the pcs are superior members of their race, that the
goblins would be able to have a few unique individuals also?
Career Exits:
Assassin Following this logic, and tired of the party trashing these poor
Outrider innocent greenies, I came up with a novel idea. Stuntie Slayers.
Yep, that's right. The gobbos, seeing the extreme effectiveness
Career Entries: of the Dwarven Slayer Cult have implemented their own 'sekrut
Soldier planz', which involves those gobbos that have nothing left to lose.
Mercenary Enter the Stuntie Slayers.

From: Chris Clements <> What is a stuntie slayer? Any goblinoid willing to devote himself
All right, I'm going to be brave and send something. I know to mindless mayhem directed (mostly) against other humanoid
it might not fit the 'tone' of anyones campaign, and frankly, it
races in the Old World; Their favorite combatant is a dwarf, but
never fitted into mine either. However, if anyone is looking for
great laughable opponents (tough, too!) - here you go. anyone that gets in the way is fair game. Copying the other
If you don't like it then I didn't write it. Hell, I didn't slayers of dwarven race, the stuntie slayers tattoo themselves and
even post it then! Someone is trying to frame me... :o dye their hair (which they don't have a lot of - at least on top
of their head) different colors. Most wear bright colored wigs
which they tack onto their heads.
Stuntie slayer (Goblonoid Career) -
Why does a goblinoid become a stuntie slayer? Perhaps a stuntie
Advanced wronged him long ago. Maybe a stuntie killed his favorite pet
-Da Re'veng of Da Boyz- squig. Or maybe the green fellow decided he just wanted to kill
a lot of things. Why is never important, for no one asks a stuntie
The group of dwarves looked out on the mass of green goblinhood slayer why he (or she - eww!) had become a stuntie slayer. This is
strewn out before them. An orc head there, a goblin's detatched not due to any fear (well, maybe a little), but generally because
arm over there. The battle had been quick and the stout warriors they themselves have forgotten the original reason.
craved more melee. A sigh of disappointment could be heard from
the Troll Slayer Grex as he discovered none of the goblinoids Now, I know what a lot of you out there are thinking while reading
lived. this - "There is no way in hell I'd ever introduce something so
silly into my game; it doesn't keep up with the Warhammer tone of
"Cheer up Grex, there's sure to be more greenskins around. Will a dark grim world". Well, all I can say to that is - while funny,
find'em all and kill'em good!", Margor said smiling as he wiped what could be more sinister than a hobgoblin about to rip your
the blade of his axe with his dark blue cloak. head off with his bare greasy stuntie slaying hands? Give it a
try... c'mon, you know you want to. Okay, okay... don't make the
The sentiment appeared to cheer Grex up. He gave a big smile. gobbos as hilarious, make them more grim, brooding, dark,
The smile changed into a look of disbelief as he looked what sinister, and whatever other evil emotion you care to invest within
was emerging in the cavern ahead. them; but give the stuntie slayers a fair break! Wouldn't it be great
to take the pcs down a few pegs? All I ask is that you consider the
"What in the name of Grun...", was all Berundrigar could say possibilities....
before a spear buried itself into his chest, sending the tall dwarf to
the ground like a sack of rotten potatoes. Stuntie Slayers do not concern themselves with caution - they
throw themselves into combat with a wild abandon: they want to
kill, and if it means getting killed in the process then it's a price The thunderer career was devised, after the printing of the WFB
they are more than willing to pay. It must be noted that the slayers Dwarf supplement and as an extension to the limited Dwarf career
are quite often unhinged (completely mad). Most are likely to options.
have eccentric behavior well beyond the norms of 'normal'
goblinoids (which is saying a lot as the norm amongst goblinoids By Joe The Mysterious Man
From: noel welsh <>
can get pretty bizzare!).

On a last note, these gobbos seem to respect other slayers and Verena Templar Order - Advanced
'wurdensers' (wardancers). What this leads to is the chance
for conversation before the combat (which will happen) begins.
(" gud lookin' 'air, youse dose! Howse du yer gitz itz The Sword of Truth:
allz spikey lik' dat?") There sworn duty is to uphold justice. They are based in Nuln, and
stand guard in the various courts. They are actually quite militant -
-Stuntie Slayers- `guilty until proven innocent' is their philosophy, and don't mind
arranging accidents for convicted criminals.They use the lance,
+Humie Slayur+ "the lance is the horseman's sword, and our Templars must be able
to enforce justice where ever necessary" - Some High Priest on
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Verena made this ruling ages ago.
+20 +10 +1 +1 +6 +20 +1 +20 +20 +10
NB: The bit about the lance is just to add flavour. Look how the
Skills: Concealment Urban, Concealment Rural, Disarm, Dodge original Christian faith has been altered by the various ruling of
Blow, popes etc over the years.
Specialist Weapon - Two Handed and another of your choice,
Street (Obligatory copyright statement)
Fighter, Strike Mighty Blow, and 25% of Very Resilient and Very I am releasing the following material I have written which may be used only in a
Strong. GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material (except the
Ulrican descriptions as those rights belong to myself and Anthony Ragan) while
system-specific material is copyright by GW.
Trappings: d4+4 weapons, 25% of some type of armor, d4 bitz an Alfred Nunez
Career Exits: Dwurfie Slayur
(more) Templar Orders - Advanced
+Dwurfie Slayur+
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Knights of the Cleansing Flame (Solkan)
+40 +20 +2 +2 +8 +30 +2 +30 +10 +40 +20 10
Founded in the latter stages of the Remean Empire and gaining
Skills: Three more specialist weapon proficiencies, Frenzied notoriety during the Crusading Wars against Araby, the Knights of
Attack, the Cleansing Flame are dedicated to confronting and destroying
Torture, and Wrestling. Chaos in whatever form it can be found. Their primary enemies (if
any) are the Khornate Disciples of the Red Redemption for the
Trappings: (Same as Humie Slayur). slaughters and other atrocities they committed against both sides
during the Arabian wars. Other enemies of choice include
Okay - that's it. I am sorry about the 'silly' content and the length. followers of Tzeentch and the Horned Rat for their patron's part in
Just try not to trash me to badly about it; I'll ask your forgiveness the kidnapping of the Law Goddess Arianka. For career advance
in advance. scheme, career exits, and trappings see the Templar advance
career, WFRP, page 106.
Chris Clements
Order of the Blazing Sun (Myrmidia)
Founded during the Battle of Magritta, the Templars of the Order
Thunderer (Dwarve Career) - Basic of the Blazing Sun embody the virtues of military planning,
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc preparedness, and execution of orders. The image of a knight
+10 +10 +2 +10 +10 +10 fighting alongside his fellow knights and crushing their opponents
under the hooves of their steeds is seen as a model of military ideal
Skills: Dodge blow, Marksmanship, Secret language-Battle, and professional. For career advance scheme, career exits, and
Specialist weapon-Hand gun, Strike mighty blow. trappings see the Templar advance career, WFRP, page 106.

Trappings: Mail shirt or Leather Jerkin, Helmet, Hand weapon, Order of the Flaming Scimitar (Ormazd)
Hand gun, 10 shots of gunpowder, Powder horn.
Founded during the wars against the declining Constantian
Empire (1060 I.C.), the Templars of the Order of the Flaming
Entries: Alchemist's apprentice, Soldier.
Scimitar have been in the forefront of every war against the
enemies of the cult. The Flaming Scimitars embody the virtues of
Exits: Apprentice, Engineer, Mercenary, Soldier.
bravery, vigor, and strength of faith that is held in esteem by the
Arabian people. For career advance scheme, career exits, and
trappings see the Templar advance career, WFRP, page 106. In
place of the Specialist Weapon-Lance skill and Breast Plate
trappings, the Order of the Flaming Scimitar substitute the
Marksmanship skill and the Short Bow with Ammunition M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
trappings. +30 +30 +1 +2 +8 +30 +2 +20 +30 +20 +30 +20 +20

Order of the Stone Wall (Grungni) Skills: Disarm, Dodge, Heraldry, Read/Write, Ride,
S.Language-Battle.T, S.Signs-Templar, StrikeMB, StrikeTS.
Founded during the first coming of Chaos (-4500 I.C.), the
Templars of the Order of the Stone Wall embody the virtues of
(Rev.L commented: ' Maybe Specialist Weapon Two Handed, so
precise execution of orders, standing fast in the face of onslaught,
they can carry War hammers? ) This would seem anecessity but
and never faltering in battle. The image of a solid wall of warriors
remember folks, 1-handed warhammers do exist and presumably
breaking a charging enemy is seen as a model of Dwarven
act just like a ' normal' hand weapon does( cf. sigmarite special
determination in battle. For career advance scheme, career exits,
ability in TEW)
and trappings see the Templar advance career, WFRP, page 106.
In place of the Ride-Horse skill, Templars of the Order of the
Stone Wall substitute Specialist Weapon-Flail and Specialist Ulrician Templars
Weapon-Two-Handed Weapon. Ulric, the God of Wolves, Winter and Battle... It is in this respect
that His templars model themselves. Physical prowess and to be
Templars of the White Wolf (Ulric) the first to strike is what counts!
Templars of the White Wolf embody the virtues of personal
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
combat, but one still locked in the past. The image of a bare-
backed berserker barbarian defying the forces of Chaos and Evil is +40 +20 +2 +2 +8 +30 +2 +20 +20 +20 +30 +20 +20
seen through nostalgic eyes as a model of heroic martial prowess.
For career advance scheme, career exits, and trappings see the Skills: Charm animal:wolf, Disarm, Dodge, Ride, S.Language-
Templar Advance Career, WFRP, page 106. Battle.T, S.Signs-Templar, StrikeMB, StrikeTI, StrikeTS.
(if you note Read/Write had been dropped in favour of Charm
From: "Mr. Whippy" <> animal, after all, an Ulrican warrior has less need of the written
(a little help from Rev. Lepper - cheers) word - reading does not bring glory (oooh, very Klingon <g> )
[In all cases I've tried to keep the number of advances and extra
Modified Templars skills balanced]
I have found the advance scheme for Templars to be a little TACTICS - New Skill.
innapropriate, after all the assumption is that Tempalrs in the rules In difficult situations, where cannon smoke and the sound of
are all of a similar type. This is a little hard to swallow, clashing swords fill the air - it is not always possible to tell what is
therefore I have taken the Templar profile and modified it for the occuring in all parts of the battlefield at once. Characters (or
three most appropriate cults - Myrmidia, Sigmar and Ulric. NPCs) with Tactics have an almost uncanny feel for the situation -
whether a border skirmish or an outright pitched battle. With an
I felt that the cults of Manann, Morr, Taal and Verena had Int test a PC can gauge the situation and attempt to remedy the
little need for a Templar that was different from the profile in the fight. (this in effect acts a little like Divining but is less
rules (This is basically that Templars are a Cult's sword cryptic,(though, considerably more specialised in so far as
whereas the Clerics are it's shield) information comes unbidden to the PC)
(NB: As Rev L. said: 'I think a templar of Verena would be more
like an Inquisitor/Bailiff type) This I wholeheartedly agree with... A roll on the situation should be modified by the following chart...
Furthermore, the following Cults I considered it nearly ludicrous +20 Battle is in PC's 'home' territory.
that they would have Templars (NOT IMPOSSIBLE) but merely +10 PC is in a place of Vantage (rooftop or similar).
innapropriate - Hadrich, Shallya and Ranald. -10 Battle is in unfamilair surroundings.
-10 PC in on the periphery of the fighting and can see only part of
Myrmidian Templars the fight.
Myrmidia, as the rules indicate is perhaps the "thinking warrior's" -20 Battle is at night.
Goddess. To this end I considered that tactics and less bravado -20 Battle is in woods or dense shrub - view of battle restricted.
would be important. -20 PC is in the thick of the fighting and can barely move from the
Thus the advance scheme for a Myrmidian Templar would be as
follows: As can be seen the skill is not really designed for the average fight
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc but in cases of Ambush a successeful result can give a round or
two of 'free actions' ie getting into cover, sallying forth etc.
+30 +30 +1 +2 +6 +30 +2 +20 +30 +30 +20 +20 +20
Furthermore the results could be cumulative (in so far as to make
the roll difficult but not impossible) Perhaps a minimum roll of
Skills: Disarm, Dodge, Read/Write, Ride, S.Language-Battle.T,
5% could be kept and perhaps +5% for each warrior career the PC
S.Signs-Templar, StrikeMB, StrikeTS, Specialist Weapon-Lance,
has done. I dunno - modify at your whim.
Tactics(new skill!).
Sigmarite Templars
Sigmar, the Patron of the Empire, as the tales tell was once a
simple warrior who grew to become the unifier of the tribes, the
profile and skills of a Sigmarite Templar reflect this.

The Temptress (Templar of Slaanesh) - Verenan Templars2 - Advanced
Advanced Verena is the Goddess of learning and Justice. Her templars
The Templar of Slaanesh is not a truly templar, rather the favoured reflect both of these attributes in their skills and profiles. As
of the God of Pleasure. This is the only one form of Dark Templar, violence is the last resort when reason has failed - templars of
which is open mostly for women. The Templar is (usually) a girl, Verena have reduced combat profiles but this is balanced with by
who seeks more and getting wild pleasure, and for her no orgy is their increased skills and mental statistics. However some
wild enough, no adventure is exciting enough. So, imagine a templars of Verena have been employed as Inquisitors - it is their
sexmaniac adventurer, who accepts the most dangerous quests, and duty to 'police' the cult and weed out anyone who is less than
only laugh at the problems of others. She is a good figher, a deadly honest.
wizard, and a lover to remember.
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Advance Scheme: +20 +20 +1 +2 +6 +30 +2 +20 +20 +30 +20 +30 +20
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+30 +30 +1 +2 +6 +40 +2 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +30 Skills: Disarm, Dodge, Intimidate(cf. apocrypha now p. 18),
Read/Write, Ride-Horse, SS-Templar, StrikeTS, Sense
Skills: Deception(new skill!).
Arcane Language - Demonic
Cast Spells - Slaanesh Battle Magic (see the WH Battle Magic) Trappings: armour as listed, no lance, sword (for justice), writing
Charm kit, large tome filled with strictures and laws, horse & tack &
Demon Lore harness, small scales (to indicate guilt in a visible manner - as
Disguise each piece of evidence is given a small bead is added to one pan or
Dodge Blow the other), darker coloured robes, skull cap.
Seduction Because of the auditor / inquisitor side of the duties of a verenan
Wit templar, this often involves dealing with would-be embezzlers or
similar people who have achieved a position of trust in the cult's
Trappings: heirarchy (or for that matter in a guild or wherever the templar is
Provocative dress (usually leather and silk) requested to be). The ability to detectlies by inflection of the
Various Weapons voice and other physical signs is highly valued.

Entries: The templar confronts the subject and asks them numerous 'test'
Duellist questions. This is to gauge the normal reaction of the 'liar'. The
Freelance templar then proceeds to discuss the matter being investigated.
Noble Falsehoods can be detected as the templar enters an almost
trance-like state and analyses the words of the test subject. Tests
Exits: are done against the characters force of will, thus Wp is used. The
Nil whole 'trance process' can take up to an hour.

From: Satyr <> Regrettably this is not entirely accurate as often a templar is
prejudiced against the subject, as simply being called to this duty
indicates that something is amiss, and the templar is there - in part
Toreador (Estalian Career) Basic - to extract the 'truth' as indicated by the (often 'amended' evidence
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc given to him).
+10 +1 +1 +10 +10 +10
Tests are as follows:
Skills: Trappings +10 if the subject is afraid of the inquisitor (ie where intimidate
Flee! Garish outfit comes in).
Dodge Blow Rapier +10 if subject is known to have completed ANY rogue career.
30% chance of Fleet Footed +10 for any evidence that indicated guilt on the subjects' part.
1 dozen roses -5 if subject is an initiate of Verena
20% chance of Scale Sheer Surface Large hat -10/level if subject is a Cleric of Verena
25 % chance of Lightning Reflexes -5 (cumulative) if subject posesses any of the following: acting,
20% chance of luck blather, charm, seduction, wit (as the inquisitor is mislead)
Animal Care
Dance NB: Templars are the martial arm of the church - so combat skill
are still used to some extent, note the verenan templar ISN'T
A Toreadors job is to distract the Bull and/or assist the bullfighter supposed to be a Torquemada-clone, BUT - some of them will be
when needed. This often means running up and getting the bulls embittered to their lifestyle and perhaps will be over-zealous in a
attention, then running like crazy to stay alive. manner similar to witch hunters...

From: "Mr. Whippy" <>

Veteran (Dwarven Career) - Advanced estimate the distance of the sound of a distant hit against a tunnel
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+30 +20 +1 +1 +6 +30 +2 +10 +10 +20 +20 +20 Career Entries:
Skills: Disarm, Dodge blow, Heraldry, Secret language-Battle,
Specialist weapon-two handed, parrying weapons, Fist, Career Exits:
Streetfighter, Strike mighty blow, Strike to injure, Strike to stun. ???

Trappings: Helmet, Shield, Breastplate, Sleeved mail coat, Double From: (Martin Hillgrove)
handed weapon, hand weapon.

Entries: Soldier, Mercenary, Tunnel fighter, Guildmaster,

Wardancer (Elven Career) - Advanced
Runesmith. Among the Wood Elves of the Old World, the most feared and
respected warriors are the Wardancers. They live for the glory of
Exits: Apprentice, Engineer. battle, and dedicate themselves to reaching the peak of fighting
prowess. They are also masters of courtesy and dance, performing
Dwarf career, because not every Dwarf warrior wants to be come a their intricate maneuvers with consummate ease and grace.
Giant slayer, and because the other adv. warriors are mainly Wardancers are to be found in many of the larger Elven
cavalry based, plus the adv scheme is more Dwarflike or maybe settlements in the forests of the Old World. They prefer the
I'm just a raving lunatic. company of their own kind, but often live a little way apart from
the main settlement, practicing their warchants and feats of arms
By Joe The Mysterious Man while waiting for action.
From: Oliver Rosenkranz <> Wardancers may become adventurers for a number of reasons. An
adventurer's life offers plenty of action, and almost unlimited
Wall-Drummer (Goblinoid Career) - opportunities to hone their skills against a variety of opponents.
They are wilder than the majority of Elves, and some find life in
Basic the forests tame and dull. Wardancers may even take to
Description: Many Orcish and Goblin tribes live in large adventuring among other races as a result of an unspoken disgrace
underground caves or in deserted dwarven tunnel systems. The or indiscretion, much (though it's unwise to make the comparison)
need of communicate over long distances brought up some (for as a Dwarf may become a Troll Slayer.
goblinoid measures) innovative ideas. While goblin and snotling Wardancers are distinguished by their graceful pride, their love of
runners proofed too unreliable, Orcish runners were too massive to fighting and their fondness for spectacularly-dyed hair, often
run even through the narrowest tunnels. Therefore a special - still stiffened with tree resin.
primitive - communication technique has been developed by some
tribes - the wall drumming. Wall Drummers are valuable and well Advance Scheme
respected members of their tribes as they transport important M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
messages in times of danger. Of course, Wall Drumming has also +1 +40 +20 +3 +3 +8 +20 +2 +10 +20 +10
weak points as most tribes have different drumming codes which
sometimes causes fatal misunderstandings. Also, in huge tunnel Skills
complexes the drumming can be heard over a very long distance Acrobatics, Ambidextrous, Dance, Distract*, Dodge Blow,
by applying an ear to the tunnel wall, but its source is often much Marksmanship- Thrown Wpns only, Spec Weapon- 2-handed
less easy located. Wpns, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Transfix*, Warchant*,
In some tribes each patrol 'gang' contains a Wall-Drummer. Whirling Death*
*=new skill described below
Advance Scheme:
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Trappings
+10 +1 +2 +10 +10 +10 Hand Wpn, Shield, Spear or 2-hand Wpn or 2-hand Axe

Note: This career is open only to Goblinoid characters. The Entered From (Only Elves are eligible)
character must be a member of the tribe he wishes to drum for. Bounty Hunter, Mercenary Captain, Judicial Champion, Pit
Fighter, Outlaw, Scout
Acute Hearing Career Exits
Orientation (underground only) Mercenary Captain, Outlaw Chief, Judicial Champions
Secret Signs/Language - Tribe Drumming Code
50% chance of Primitive Mineralogy Special Skills
35% chance of Musicianship - Drum Transfix: Confusing an opponent with feints and flurries.
Wardancer must make a successful 'I' test to use the skill. If
Primitive Mineralogy (new Skill): [bad name - maybe you can opponent fails a 'WP' test, then the Wardancer gets +10 to hit and
come up with some better name] the enemy gets -10 to hit the Wardancer. If the Wardancer is
fighting several opponents, then he only needs to make one 'I' test,
Characters with this skill are able to 'feel/hear' the quality and/or while all opponents make their own 'WP' tests, effects as normal.
quantity of a mineral/stone by hitting it. By passing an Int test, the The modifiers continue until the transfixed opponent hits the
character may be able to estimate the diameter of a wall or to Wardancer (not necessarily wound).

Wardancers cannot transfix opponents with 'Int' less than 6, or who +2 A: the standard for an heavy fighting career
are immune to psychology. Warchant: Wardancer may only sing a +20 Dex: a reasonable amount, even if I suggest also to use a +10
Warchant while charging an opponent. If he passes an 'Int' test: +10 Ld: since a wardancer is also a dancer, and it should dance
1) He may choose to enter frenzy. with other
2) All friendly characters gain +10 to fear and terror tests while dancer, he should have some ability to follow the orders of the
the Wardancer is charging. "dancemaster" (a super-powerful wardancer??? naaah!).
3) All hostile characters suffer -10 to fear and terror tests while
the Wardancer is charging.
The warchant lasts until the Wardancer is wounded or spends a Wardancer3 (Elven Career) - Advanced
round out of combat (ie neither attacks or is attacked), but a new
chant may be raised when the Wardancer charges again. M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Distract: Holding off an opponent with acrobatic flips and twists. +30 +30 +1 +1 +6 +30 +2 +30 +20 +20 +20 +20
The Wardancer may not attack while he is Distracting, but he
gains +10 to his Dodge and Parry tests. If the Wardancer is Skills: Acrobatics, Ambidextrous, Dance, Dodge blow, Disarm,
wounded, he may not use this skill in the next round. Silent move-rural, Specialist weapon-two handed weapons,
Whirling Death: A state of maniacal fury. The Wardancer may Polearm, parrying weapons, Fist, throwing weapons, Streetfighter,
make up to double his normal Attacks, but each attack over the Strike mighty blow, Strike to injure, Strike to stun
normal amount is paid for with one wound, due to great strain on
the body. The Wardancer mat not parry while using this skill, but Trappings: Shield, Leather jack, two handed weapon, Bow and
may Dodge. Wound points lost through use of this skill may be arrows, Mail fist, Swordbreaker.
recovered as normal. If the Wardancer reaches 0 Wounds while in
the Whirling Death, he becomes unconscious until healed back to Entries: Beastfriend, Assassin, Targeteer.
1 Wound. This skill may not be used in conjunction with Distract,
Transfix, or Warchant. Exits: None.

Psychology No don't tell me this one's been done before?. This has probably
Like all Elves, subject to Animosity against Dwarfs, and also they been contrived many a time so don't get upset if it's not the same
are subject to hatred of all Goblinoids. version. The adv scheme may seem ungenerous for such a skilled
warrior but remember that these''Skilled warriors'' are more skilled
Weapons and Armour in comparison to humans than they are to elves and a Elf pc who
Wardancers or former Wardancers may not use the special starts with a WS of (usually) 40+ will still be up to a high level as
Wardancer kills while wearing more than 1 AP of non-magical well as the combat skills on offer to him or her. Wardancers are
armour on any location, or when using a weapon other than hand- only warriors I avoided the temptation to give them every skill
to-hand wpns or thrown missiles. remotely associated with their role or devise new ones to reflect
their unique abilities.
From: Marco Bizzarri <>
Can anyone tell me how these wardancers avoid having spears or
worse items being viciously shoved up their backsides when
Wardancers2 - Advanced jumping over enemy troops?
Since Wardancers are thought as masters of elegance and grace,
rather than Elven versions of Troll and Giant slayers, I'm suggestin Answers along the lines''They just Do, allright?'' and ''Cunning
a different advancement scheme which should reflect better this. devices than they have that they fit by shoving up.....'' , are
I've also added my thoughts, in order to make them better unwelcome.
By Joe The Mysterious man
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+1 +40 +30 +1 +2 +8 +30 +2 +20 +10

+40 WS: the master level for a character in WFRP, the right level I
Warrior Monk (Cathayan Career) -
think for the elven master of weapon Advanced
+30 BS: since the Wardancers are supposed to throw also their About Warrior Monks there isn't much to say: they train in
weapon, a +30 seems more appropriate combat, be that unarmed combat, armed combat, archery, or any
+1 S: wardancers do not make use of heavy armour: shields, other form of combat. Their focus in training depends heavily of
leather. the temple.
+2 T: they do not have to sustain such hardness as a trollslayer or a
giantslayer (who, if you remember, not only fight, but is also very Warrior Monk
likely to M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
make use of alchool and drugs). +1 +30 +30 +2 +2 +6 +30 +2 +30 +10 +10 +30 +30 +10
+8 W: they do not make much use of armour, hence they have
much more reasons to Warrior Monks get either +30 to WS or +30 to BS depending on
develop wounds than, let's say, a warrior in full plate armour with the temple.
a shield.
+30 I: they are thought as masters of quickness and nimbleness: Skills: Trappings:
they do not only fight: they perform very complex manouvres Warrior Meditation Weapon
while fighting, manouvres which do not call only for high WS, but Spec Weapon(s) - as dictated by the Temple Robes
also for high I. Dodge Blow Temple's Symbol
Warrior Powers - as dictated by the Temple excell in combat and strive constantly to improve their skills.
Lore Skill - as dictated by the Temple The Weapon Master can be found throughout the old world
Strike Mighty Blow teaching the arts of combat. They are usually only specialized in
Ki-Strike one particuliar weapon or group of weapons.
Martial Art - as dictated by the Temple
Theology - any suitable, usually Buddhism M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Philosophy - any suitable +40 +2 +8 +30 +3 +10 +20 +20 +30
Secret Language - Temple (different for all temples)
Combat Acrobatics Skills:
Ambidexterous,Disarm,Dodge Blow,Spec Weapons - Fencing
Career exits: Abbot, Cleric, Templar, Weapon Master, Indurate Weapons,Spec Weapons - Flail,Spec Weapons - Parrying
Weapons,Spec Weapons - Polearm,Spec Weapons - Two-
Elandal (aka Ismo Peltonen) Handed
Weapon,Strike Mighty Blow,Strike to Injure,Strike to Stun
Watchman (To replace the old one) - Weapon Mastery- 100 XP for lvl 1, 200 XP for lvl 2,
+10WS per lvl when using the weapon
Basic of mastery
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Trappings:
+10 +10 +1 +2 +10 Mastered Weapon(s),Weaponry School
Skills: Disarm, Specialist weapon-two handed, Strike mighty Duellist, Mercenary Captain(not sergeant),
blow, Strike to stun. Judicial Champion, Wardancer, Giant Slayer
Exit: same as Entries, Assassin, Protagonist
Trappings: Hand weapon, Mail shirt or Leather Jack, Pole or Note: Entry career must be completed before becoming a
Halberd or Crossbow, Lantern. Weaponmaster.
Upon entering the Weaponmaster career the character
Entries: Random entry only. must choose a weapon of mastery. This is a particuliar
weapon such as broadsword or mace, not a group such as
Exits: Bodyguard, Outlaw, Roadwarden, Toll keeper, Watchman hand weapons. He must have a lvl 2 mastery of this
Sergeant. weapon before studying another weapon. Any weapons
besides the first weapon of mastery may only be mastered to lvl 1.
The original watchman career appears to me to be too weak.
Disarming potential criminals is a skill that watchmen would White lion (Elven Career) - Advanced
quickly aquire, and as they all seem to carry halberds these days
S.wpn-2handed is a necessity. M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+20 +20 +2 +1 +6 +20 +1 +10 +20 +10 +20 +20
By Joe The Mysterious Man
Skills: Dodge blow, Game hunting, Set Trap, Silent move-rural,
Specialist weapon-two handed, Strike mighty blow, Strike to stun.
Watch Sergeant - Advanced
M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc Trappings: Helmet, Shield, Mail coat, two handed axe, Lion's fur
+20 +20 +1 +1 +4 +20 +1 +10 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 cloak.

Skills: Disarm, Dodge blow, Read/write, Secret language-Thieves Entries: Hunter, Soldier, Woodsman.
or Ranger, Silent move-urban, Specialist weapon-two handed,
parrying, Strike mighty blow, Strike to stun, Wit, 25% chance of Exits: Bodyguard, Soldier, Phoenix guardsman.
More Elfy careers, the pro could be changed if you think they are
Trappings: Helmet, Mail shirt or Leather jack, Leather leggins, harder than this or if you think they need more ranger type skills.
Halberd, Lantern. No Concealment rural because Elves with bloody great axes and
wearing Lions coats tend to stand out.
Entries: Watchman, Bounty hunter, Body guard.
By Joe The Mysterious Man
Exits: Scribe, Soldier, Mercenary Captain.
Wing Commander (Dwarven career) -
Recently observed extensions to this dividing watch into rural and
urban and adding Captain to career lists - good idea, still mine's Advanced
quite nice. The Wing Commander is a Dwarf in charge of a "wing" of
Gyrocopters. Each wing consists of one to five Gyrocopters,
By Joe The Mysterious Man not including the Wing Commanders Gyrocopter. The Wing
From: Commander is the commanding officer of the Dwarven
Weapon Master - Advanced M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
+20 +20 +2 +20 +1 +30 +20 +20 +30 +10
The Weapon Master replaces the old WFRP Assassin career.
The Weapon Master studies and teaches the martial arts. They
Skills M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc
Cartography +20 +10 +1 +1 +3 +10 +1 +10 +20 +20 +10
Mime Skills: Consume Alcohol, River Lore, Row, Sail, Story Telling
Ride Gyrocopter Street Fighter, Strike Mighty Blow, Swim
Specialist Weapon Bomb
Specialist Weapon Steam Cannon Trappings: Hand Weapon, Leather Jack, Weatherproof Coat,
Tactics 10yds Rope,
2 lanterns, boat
Aviator's Goggles
Hammer (counts as a hand weapon) Authors Warrior careers
Leather Flight Helmet with Wing Commander Symbol [eds note: Ive tried to include all but some errors are bound to occur. If you have a
career posted here, and youre names not on it; write me]
Leather Flight Jacket
Gold Winged Insignia (Hammer with Wings) This directory includes basic and advanced warrior careers.
Tool Belt
Basic Warrior career
Career Entries by <>
Gyrocopter Pilot
Career Exits The Bloody Knight, Khorne templar career
Mercenary Captain Bullfighter.txt
Sapper Advanced Warrior Career
by Satyr <>

Witch Hunter Orders - Advanced Castellan.txt

Advanced NPC career
by G.G.Lepper <>
Jurists (Solkan) Cavalier.txt
Jurists are the cult of Solkan's clandestine agents devoted to the Advanced Warrior career
task of hunting down and destroying Chaos, its minions, and allies by Tuomas Pirinen <>
(including Daemonologists and, at times, Necromancers) DaemonHunter.txt
throughout the Old World. Daemon Hunter career
For career advance scheme, career exits, and trappings see the by John B. Brown, Jr. <>
Witch Hunter Advance Career, WFRP, page 106. Additionally,
Jurists may also have the following skills: Magical Awareness, Dark Scholar, Tzeentch templar career
Magical Sense, Sense Magical Alarm, Shadowing, Torture. by Gabriel <VAMPIRE@URSUS.BKE.HU>

Order of the Brooding Ravens (Morr) The Dispatch Rider a basic Warrior career
by G.G.Lepper <>
The Order of the Brooding Ravens are the cult of Morr's
clandestine agents devoted to the task of hunting down and ElvenBreakdancers.txt
destroying Necromancers and nests of Undead throughout the Old What did elves do before they became Wardancers?
World. For career advance scheme, career exits, and trappings see They were breakdancers. This new career by
G.G.Lepper" <> and Dave
the Witch Hunter Advance Career, WFRP, page 106. Selin <> introduces this new career,
Additionally, the Brooding Ravens may also have the following skills associated with it, and the elven breakdancer
skills : Cure Disease, Heal Wounds, Identify Undead, Immunity to pantheon.
Disease, Night Vision, Resistance to Illusion Magick (see below)
Resistance to Illusion Magick: This skill enables Clerics and Executioner career
Witch Hunters of Morr to add a +10% modifier to all magic tests by G.G.Lepper <>
against Illusion Magick only.
New career
[For more and detailed orders see Steel Clad, cf previous note] by Psychadelic Goblin <>
From: Psychedelic Goblin <>
A conversion from WFB 4. The Dwarven Fire Thrower career
Wrecker - Basic by G.G.Lepper <>
(based on information from pg10 of River Life of the Empire)
Wreckers are pirates who often take advantage of a trecherous and Advanced Warrior Career based on the Judicial Champion
fairly remote stretch of river and attempt to lure boats onto rocks Career
or sandbanks. Grounding the vessel this way enables them to by <TWIN9881@ACC.FAU.EDU>
board, slaughter the crew, and steal the cargo. They tend to
masquerade as bogus pilots, or set out false beacons at night or in Rules and Advance Schemes for Goblin Fanatics
bad weather. by Johhnie Cobb <>

Guard/Honour Guard, Advanced career TemplarOrders.txt
by G.G.Lepper <> Templar orders origianlly for RoDM
by Alfred Nunez <>
info on the Guardians of Hoeth and also their next levels, the Templars.txt
Wraithguard and the Shadow Knights "Modified Templars: I have found the advance scheme for Templars to
by Paul Swanson <> be a little innapropriate, after all the assumption is that Templars
in the rules are all of a similar type. This is a little hard to
GyroPilot.txt swallow, therefore I have taken the Templar profile and modified it
Dwarven Gyrocopter Pilot, conversion from WFB 3 for the three most appropriate cults - Myrmidia, Sigmar and Ulric."
by G.G.Lepper <> Mr. Whippy <> with a little help from
G.G.Lepper <>.
Basic Warrior career Temptress.txt
by G.G.Lepper <> Temptress, Slaanesh templar career
Advanced career Toreador.txt
by Tuomas Pirinen <> Basic Career
by Satyr <>
"Mightier, and better" version of Tuomas' career VerenaTemplar.txt
by Anders Karlsson <> Templars of Verena
by Mr. Whippy <>
New knightly orders for the Old World. WallDrummer.txt
Complete with career entries, skills, trappings, Goblinoid basic career
enemies of the order, etc. for each order. by Oliver Rosenmranz <>
The orders are Knights of the Thundering Tempest,
Knights of the Golden Crest Wardancer.txt
by Chris Clements <> Advanced elf warrior career
typed by Martin Hillgrove <>
Enhancement of the law enforcment careers WardancerMkII.txt
by Psychedelic Goblin <> An alternative to the original Wardancer career
by Marco Bizzarri <>
Warrior career WarriorMonk.txt
by Psychadelic Goblin <> Advanced career
by Ismo Peltonen <>
Advanced Career Weaponmaster.txt
by Satyr <> Advanced career to replace the Assassin from the WFRP
rules. Includes rewrite of the Assassin career
MercenaryGeneral.txt by Sean Blanchard <>
Advanced Warrior career
by Ismo Peltonen <> WingCommander.txt
The Dwarven Gyrocopter Wing Commander
Pikeman.txt by G.G.Lepper <>
Warrior career
by Psychadelic Goblin <> WitchHunter.txt
Witch Hunter orders originally for RoDM
Pirate.txt by Alfred Nunez <>
Basic warrior career taken from the greman magazine
WunderWelten issue 16 Wrecker.txt
Typed by Oliver Rosenkranz <> Wreckers are pirates who often take advantage of a
trecherous and fairly remote stretch of river and
PlagueMonk.txt attempt to lure boats onto rocks or sandbanks.
Plague Monk, Nurgle templar career by Psychedelic Goblin <>
Ruffian.txt Artisan - Artist - Advanced/Academic /Campaign/
New Basic Warriior career Berserker - Advanced/Warrior /Campaign/
by G.G.Lepper <> Bondsman - Basic/Ranger /Campaign/
Caravaneer - Basic/Ranger /Campaign/Dolgns.txt
Skirmisher.txt Councillor - Advanced/Academic /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
Basic Warrior Career Daemonologist - Advanced/Academic /Magick/
by <> Diver - Basic/Ranger /Bestiary/SeaElves.txt
Dolgan Horse Archer - Basic Warrior /Campaign/Dolgans.txt
StuntySlayer.txt Dolgan Noble/Chief - Basic Warrior /Campaign/Dolgans.txt
The Stunty Slayer career for goblins. Goblins Dolgan Smugler - Basic Rogue /Campaign/Dolgans.txt
dressed in multi-coloured wigs hunting dwarves. Elementalist - Advanced/Academic /Magick/
Written by Chris Clements <> Fat Head Shaman - Snotling career /Religion/CultOfYor.txt
Gondoliere - Basic/Rogue /Campaign/
SwordMaster.txt Healer - Advanced/Academic /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
High Elven Sword Master, Advanced career Hedgewizard - Basic/Academic /Magick/
by Paul Swanson <> Hirdmen - Advanced/Warrior /Campaign/
Huscarl - Basic/Ranger /Campaign/
SwordOfTruth.txt Illusionist - Advanced/Academic /Magick/
The Sword of Truth an order of Verena Templars Inceptor - Basic/Academic Wood Elven /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
by noel welsh <> Jarl - Advanced/Warrior /Campaign/

Merchant Prince - Advanced /Bestiary/SeaElves.txt
Mulatore - Basic/Rogue /Campaign/
Necromancer - Advanced/Academic /Magick/
Pygmy Champion /Bestiary/Pygmies.txt
Pygmy Major Hero /Bestiary/Pygmies.txt
Pygmy Minor Hero /Bestiary/Pygmies.txt
Red Branch Warrior - Basic/Warrior /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
Red Branch Unit Leader - Advanced/Warr /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
Savant - Advanced/Academic /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
Seatrader - Advanced/Warrior /Campaign/
Sentinel - Basic/Ranger /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
Sentinel Patrol Leader - Advanced/Rang /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
Skald - Advanced/Academic /Campaign/
Talecrafter - Basic/Academic /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
Thrall - Basic/Rogue /Campaign/
Vigilante - Basic/Warrior /Bestiary/SeaElves.txt
Viking - Basic/Warrior /Campaign/
Wardancer (modified) - Advanced/Warrio /Campaign/WoodElves.txt
War Wizard - Advanced/Academic /Magick/
Witchdoctor /Bestiary/Pygmies.txt
Wizard's Apprentice - Basic/Academic /Magick/



Rev. Garett Lepper

"Before bed, I prefer to bludgeon myself to sleep."

-DM, Bob 3:16


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