Uhh... Is It Bad When The Adept Is Shooting Fire?: Name of The Power (Cost)

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Uhh... is it bad when the adept is shooting fire?

I would like to thank K for his help in editing these... even though I about wanted to strangle
him, 'cause he didn't seem to be getting what I was saying. I'd also like to thank James Ojaste
and Robert Watkins for their help with the power of Immunity to Age.

Limiting powers with geasa is one of the coolest ideas I've ever encountered. I've played troll
bearzarks, elven ninjas, and a very deranged dwarf named "Cannonball" who was frequently
thrown into combat by a friendly trog. For most of them, limiting their powers to certain
situations or actions would have been perfectly within their rather deviant natures. But no one
had Awakenings, and we didn't think of it on our own.

When I finally got Awakenings, I went nuts customizing stuff (which I may post if this is
received well). Playing Mage had already gotten me thinking in terms of subjective
paradigms, so I played with some other ideas and reorganized magic to my liking.

Like I said, I like geasa. If someone wants to take a geas, they get the normal 25% reduction
in cost. If they take 2 geasa, the power costs only 50%. I keep a very careful eye on these,
though, because some people will do anything for points. I make people justify geasa in terms
of their history and personality, and use them ruthlessly. On the other hand, I'm willing to cut
costs even further for really cool limitations.
Now if I can only find a group.

The powers below are set up like this.

Name of the Power (Cost)

Description, notes, some suggested geasa and any special mechanics. A couple general notes
are needed, however. And powers with implied ranges are assumed to be equal to the adept's
magic attribute in tens of meters, with ranges like a heavy pistol (anything above 60m is
extreme range). Any power that is not constant (like Immunity to Age) or fairly instantaneous
(like Flame Projection) must be sustained, inflicting the normal target number penalty and
giving the adept an astral presence. In any case not specifically mentioned, assume that the
maximum rating for any power is the adept's magic rating. Also note that most powers assume
that where Essence is mentioned in the basic power description, the adept uses his Magic
attribute instead, and I constantly refer to this as the standard substitution. The following
powers have not been play-tested, only eyeballed.

Accident (.5/die)
The adept makes an opposed test against his target's essence (with his target rolling
Willpower vs. the adept's Magic rating). If the adept succeeds, his target's next important roll
will suffer from the second part of the rule of One, even if he succeeds at the task. For
example, he succeeds in hot-wiring the door, but he accidentally uses himself as a ground.

One deterrent to the use of this power is that when the adept rolls all ones on his Accident
test, he suffers the effects of the power himself.

Adaptive Coloration (2)
This power functions just as described in Critter's Supplement to the GM Screen. Common
geasa include Domain and Talisman. Multiple purchases allow the adept to hide from
multiple search methods (sonar, anti-personnel radar, or even hearing).

Animal Control (4)
This power works just as stated in SR3. A general geas, such as only predators or only scaled
animals, reduced the cost to 3. A more specific geas, such as only wolves or monitor lizards,
reduces the cost to 2.

Ballistic Protection (.75)
Each level of this power provides the adept with one level Ballistic protection, which is
cumulative with any worn ballistic armor, but does not provide any protection against astral
attacks (see Mystic Armor, SR3 pg. XX... er, 170). A common geas with this power is
talisman, especially in the NAN, where sacred shirts made in the style of those worn during
the Great Ghost Dance, which were supposed to give the wearer protection from bullets.

This power is very similar to the Awakenings power of "Rooting". Given the internalized
nature of a physical adepts magic, that power is better suited than some variation on this one.

Blindness (4)
This spell functions just like the Critter power, save for the standard substitution.

Cold Aura (2)
This power functions as the critter power described in the Critter supplement, save that the
damage inflicted by the Aura is Stun. No damage is suffered by the adept's possessions.

Compulsion (8)
Aside from the standard Essence to Magic conversion, this power function identically to the
standard power. Common geasa restrict either the target or the action.

Concealment (4)
This power functions exactly as mentioned in SR3, with the standard Essence to Magic
conversion. Many adepts limit this only themselves, allowing themselves to hide but screwing
their friends over.

Confusion (6)
The adept rolls Willpower + Initiation grade vs. his opponent's Willpower, while his opponent
rolls Willpower vs. the adept's Magic attribute. If the adept generates more successes, his
opponent is affected just as in SR3. If his target generates more successes, he will be unaware
of the attack unless astrally active.
Desire Reflection (4)
With this power, the adept can change into one specific, non-paranormal critter (chosen at the
time the power is taken) for as long as he wishes. While in Critter form, the adept uses the
critter's physical attributes (plus his magical enhancements). He also adds the difference of the
creature's sensory intelligence (the second number) minus its cognitive intelligence (the first
number) to his Intelligence for the purposes of determining the animal form's Reaction and his
Intelligence for perception tests. (I personally use identical rules for shapeshifter PC's, so they
don't need to take this power to gain its advantages). Not that this is more similar to the Talis
Cat's use of the power, and not the Incubus's.

Empathy (3.5)
This ability combines the adept ability of Empathic Sense from Awakenings with a Control
Emotions spell with a force equal to the adept's magic rating. Note that the adept can only
project emotions that are similar to his own, except for communication purposes (in other
words, he can project the feeling of peace, and others will sense it, but no one else will
become peaceful unless he actually is).

Engulf (5)
The adept uses the standard, non-spirit, rules for this power, again with the standard
substitution. Common geasa include choosing a specific element or limiting the range to

Enhanced Physical Attributes and Enhanced Senses
Adepts already have versions of these powers, and as such are not covered here.

Enhanced Movement and Enhanced Reaction
Adepts already have similar powers in Increased Reactions (from SR3), Attribute Boost (the
quickness version will indirectly increase reaction) and Movement (later in this article), so I
won't detail them here.

Essence Drain
This is not available to adepts, save through infection with the HMHVV.

Essence Drain [Temporary] (4)
The essence drained by this power is added to the adept's effective Magic attribute (for
determining the strength of other powers), and lasts for one combat turn for every point of
Magic the adept normally has. Aside from this slight alteration, the power functions precisely
as outlined in the SR3 GM Screen supplement.

Fear (3)
This power functions as stated in SR3, with the standard substitution.
Flame Aura (3)
Again, save for the standard substitution, there is no change. This aura does not have any
effect on objects on the adept's person.

This power is beyond adepts, who control no terrain.

Guard (.25/die)
This power can be used in one of two ways, both of which must be sustained. The first is to
defend against the Accident power, with the warded being(s) adding the adept's rating in
Guard as extra dice to their success test.

The second is to defend, in part, against the rule of One. If a guarded being's dice all come up
as ones, it may re-roll a number of dice equal to the number of dice allocated in its defense. If
they turn up as all ones, a catastrophic failure still happens. If even one turns up as anything
else, the character only fails.

To ward multiple people, the adept must split his dice amongst them, rather than lending his
full score to each of them. Some adepts specialize in defending against either natural
accidents or magically induced ones (constituting a geas), but many feel this a waste of talent.

Hardened Armor (1 per point of adept armor)
This transforms an adepts magical impact armor (gained through the Mystic Armor power in
the Grimoire) into hardened armor. Troll physical adepts may purchase this for their natural
dermal armor, but at three times the normal cost.

Unlike most adept powers, this does have a visible, physical change associated with it, leaving
the adept with a scaled or chitinous appearance. In the aftermath of Chicago, this has led to
many lynchings of innocent (well, at least of the crimes they're accused of) and heroic
physical adepts. Also note that this armor remains solely impact armor (save in the case of

Hypnotic Song (.5/die)
This power is essentially a mana-based stun attack, with a damage code of (Magic)M.
Cyberears with dampening can reduce this damage to (Magic)L, and earplugs can modify the
damage code at the GM's discretion. Note that all of this damage is "phantom" damage. There
is no effect until the person's Stun monitor would have reached Deadly (from any
combination of factors). At that point, they stand still, hynpotized by the song. The adept's
rating is used as his attack skill, with a base TN of his opponent's Willpower, and is limited to
his rating (including magical enhancements) in his vocal skill (be it Sing or Chant). Other
effects are as listed in the SR3 Critters supplement.

- Immunity (.5 per level)

This power gives the adept the equivalent of an Armor rating equal to its level in most cases.
Immunity to Normal Weapons is not available. See the power Mystic Armor in SR3.
Immunity to Poisons or Pathogens is also not available, as Body Control from SR3 fills that
requirement. Immunity to Age doubles the maximum life span of the character for every two
levels purchased, meaning a human with 4 levels will now live approximately 280 years,
barring accident. Once the adept has enough levels to exceed a 5000 year lifespan (in the case
of a human, 14 levels, or 7 power points), he will never die due to old age, even during low
magic cycles.

Again, this is only available only to those exposed to the HMHVV. Ask Bull about rules for
these characters.

Influence (6)
This power works as stated in SR3, with the the higher of Magic or Charisma being used in
the test. Common geasa include restricting the target or the influence exerted. And yes,
sickos, this means you can have a power that influences lust in women, but I don't want your
bad karma.

Magical Guard
See Awakenings for a similar power, Magic Resistance.

Magical Resistance and Mana Detection
Awakenings introduces similar powers, so to re-hash them would be pointless.

If you live in the physical world, how are you going to manifest from the astral plane?

Mimicry (.25/die)
This power creates a Special Skill for the adept, that of Mimicry. The character rolls Mimicry
against a base target number of 4. The base TN to identify the sound as false is the adept's
Magic attribute plus one per every two success the adept received. Mimicking a person's
voice (for the purposes of conversation, not just a quick shout) adds +2 to the target number.

While this power cannot reproduce magical sounds (such as Hypnotic Song), it may be
improved non-magically up to the rating he bought with magic (the skill starts at rating 1,
regardless of the rating the adept bought with magic). When the adept combines the two, the
base target number is raised to 6, representing the difficulty of coordinating the magical and
physical actions.

Mist Form (10)
No changes need be made on this power, save to note that no adept powers function while it is
in use, save those that require no physical component (GM's call, but don't be nice). Geasa are
required with this one, more than one for anyone but a shape shifter (or an obsessive, high-
grade initiate).

Movement (1 per multiple)
Rather than the standard power, an adept can opt to permanently increase his running
multiple, at a cost of 1 per +1 to the running multiple.

Noxious Breath (4)
This is as the Critter power with only two modifications. First, the range of this power is
limited to the adepts own height in front of him. Secondly, one must make the standard
modification to the damage code.

Paralyzing Touch or Howl (see notes)
The touch version is very similar to the adept power of Nerve Strike, so new rules are not
needed. The aural version, Paralyzing Howl, works just as described, but costs 4 points to

Pestilence (4)
While this power works normally, it is worthy to note that the Big D (or his foundation, if he's
dead) offers a reward of $1,250,000 (UCAS) plus anti-viral treatments for the live capture of
possessors of this power.

Petrifying Gaze (8)
Again, this is identical to the critter power, save for the standard modification. Also note that
this power can normally be turned off at will, so the adept doesn't stone everyone they meet.

Possession is not a power available to adepts at this time.

Psychokinesis (4)
Treat as a Magic Fingers spell with a strength and Quickness equal to the adepts Magic

Regeneration (5, 7 or 9)
This power functions exactly as detailed in the official material. The first level is the lesser
version described for Shapeshifters in their human form in the Shadowrun Companion. The
second level is that described for shapeshifters in their animal form in the Shadowrun
Companion (shapeshifters can update their human form'' healing capability to this level for a
cost of 1.5). The third level is the version found in SR2. Shapeshifters may update their
healing abilities for two points, which moves the healing powers of both shapes up one level
(the human form healing at the animal rate, the animal form healing at the SR2 rate)..
Common geasa include certain types of damage that can't be regenerated (fire or silver being
common), or particularly vulnerable places the don't heal well (such as the Achilles tendon or
the neck).

Note that with the first version of this power + immunity to age, you have effectively created
an Immortal, ala Highlander. If you use a katana and call yourself McCleod, I hereby grant
permission for your gaming group to beat you severely about the head and face.

Search (.5/die)
This ability can be used two ways. One is to augment the searching abilities of the adept,
adding its rating to any dice rolled for perception tests. It can also be used independently to
find things beyond the range of the adept's sense. The Difficulty for such tests is 10-Target's
essence, or the material resistance for inanimate objects. A target that does not wish to be
found can resist (or its owner can resist for it), rolling an opposed Willpower test against the
rating of Search.

Shadow Cloak (.5)
This power functions precisely as detailed in Critters Supplement in the SR3 GM Screen.

Silence (2)
Save for the standard substitution of Magic for essence, this power functions exactly as stated
in Critter's Supplement to the GM Screen.

Sonic Projection (1)
This power functions exactly as stated in Critter's Supplement to the GM Screen. Note that the
adept is immune to the effects of his own scream. If the adept attempts to shatter glass (or
similar crystalline objects), he makes an attack test using either his Charisma or Body as the
attack skill, with a damage code of (Magic)M.

No known adept has taken the ability.

Venom (2.25)
Identical to the Critter power (save for the standard substitution). Many adepts limit this to a
certain attack, such as clawing strikes or bites (getting bitten by a poisonous troll can't be fun).

Weather Control (4)
More properly "Weather Summoning", this functions precisely as noted in Critter's
Supplement to the GM Screen. This power is very common amongst the Storm Witches,
many of whom are physical Magicians.

Magical Weaknesses
What's a hero (or an anarchistic anti-hero) without flaws? Almost every hero worth reading
about has flaws or weaknesses, be it kryptonite or a complete and total unwillingness to leave
his Hobbit-hole. Some adepts subconsciously build weaknesses into themselves, based on
their fears or the mythology that they absorbed as children. Some adepts choose to be
weakened to further themselves in their Way. While the most common of these are geasa,
others do exist, most resembling the weaknesses of paranormal critters. Instead of reducing
the costs, however, these buy additional "force points" without actually increasing the adept's
magic score.

Allergies (varies)
Like the congenital version common to metahumans, these allergies grant varying bonuses
based on the commonality of the allergen and the severity of the reaction. Note that congenital
allergies, such as a shapeshifters reaction to silver or the allergies of a metahuman, do not add
Magic points.

Nuisance/Mild/Severe /Extreme
Common .5/1/1.5/2
Uncommon .25/.5/1/1.5

Reduced Senses (varies)
Metahumans rely on certain sense to different extents. For example, being blind is going to
affect the average person much more than not being able to smell. Also, there are different
levels of reduced senses. One can be completely blind, or merely suffer from the accursed
half-blindness I do. Senses that are reduced, but not eliminated, have TN's increased by 3 for
all tests that involve that sense. Also, since these are magical prohibitions, they can't be
overcome with cyberware.

Partial Loss/Complete Loss

Sight 1/1.5
Hearing .75/1
Touch .5/.75
Taste and Smell .25/.5

Note that non-metahumans (shapeshifters, Sasquatch, and dragons) are likely to have different
priorities. For example, a wolf shapeshifter will likely have smell and taste (those two are
linked together) as his primary, hearing second, sight third, and touch fourth, simply because
he places different value on different senses.

Vulnerabilities (varies)
Vulnerabilities amongst adepts are not uncommon, many finding weapons of silver extremely
destructive. In fact, theoretically because of the myths surrounding the sidhe, a good portion
of the Order of Cu Chulainn is vulnerable to weapons of iron... but not so many to make iron
weapons anything more than an inconvenience.
A vulnerability to an uncommon substance will grant the adept an additional point, while a
common material will give him two.

A shapeshifter's vulnerability to silver does not add to their Magic points.

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