Vocabulary List

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Grammar Vocabulary List

Word Definition Synonym Antonym

encourage to give hope or confidence cheer discourage
Chapter 1
soothe to quiet or calm down comfort upset
Chapter 2
urgent needing immediate attention pressing unimportant

serious important or significant major minor

Chapter 3
amused to be pleased happy unhappy

adjust to change or make better fix jumble

Chapter 4
sealed closed tightly fastened opened

trail to follow behind slowly follow lead

Chapter 5
career work a person does for a long time job hobby

decent proper and honorable behavior respectable improper

Chapter 6
exaggerate to stretch the truth overstate understate

notify to make known inform hide

Chapter 7
demolish to tear down destroy build

protest to voice disagreement complain approve

Chapter 8
massive large, solid, or heavy in form enormous small

defend to guard against danger protect attack

Chapter 9
mystery something that is not known puzzle answer

hesitate to wait or stop for a moment pause rush

Chapter 10

stationary not moving still moving

generous willing to give or share unselfish greedy

Chapter 11
investigate to search carefully for information examine overlook

purchase to get something by paying money for it buy sell

Chapter 12
inquire to seek information ask answer

permanent lasting a long time long-lasting temporary

Chapter 13
hostile showing hatred or dislike unkind friendly

identical the same in every way alike different

Chapter 14
transparent easily seen through clear cloudy

Sample Sentence
My teacher encouraged me to enter the art contest.

My aunt soothed her fussy baby.

My dad received an urgent phone call from his boss.

The broken water pipe presented a serious problem.

The amused children laughed at the funny clowns.

Nana adjusted the covers on my bed.

Ashely sealed the envelope before mailing it.

The unhappy boy trailed behind his busy mother.

Janets career in nursing is very rewarding.

It is decent of Sam to help Mark repair his car.

Tony exaggerated the size of his fish.

The radio station notified us that we had won a new car!

The workers demolished the old building.

The students protested the shorter recess period.

The massive steel door to the vault shut loudly.

The police will defend our citizens from law breakers.

The reason for the accident is a mystery.

Susan hesitated before she walked onto the stage.

The cars in rush-hour traffic were stationary.

Mom is generous with her homemade cookies.

The detective investigated the crime scene for clues.

Our family will purchase a new car this summer.

Dad inquired about our lost dog.

I used permanent markers to complete my art project.

The country was hostile toward its neighbors.

Our bicycles were identical.

The shower curtain was made of transparent plastic.

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