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HCM REST Training

Working with ATOM Feeds ........................................................................................................................... 2
Reading feed for new hires ....................................................................................................................... 2
Reading feed for employee updates ......................................................................................................... 2
Reading feed for employee assignment updates ..................................................................................... 3
Reading feed for employee terminations ................................................................................................. 4
HCM REST Training

Working with ATOM Feeds

Reading feed for new hires

Read a new hire feed

To read the details of new hires, simply access Atom feed collection URL
GET /atomservlet/employee/newhire

The response will be as follows

<title type="text">New Hire</title>
<summary type="text">Employee Period of Service Created</summary>
<link href="https://hcqb-
300000004687536&effectiveDate=2017-06-27" rel="related" />
<content type="text">
{ "Context" : [ { "PrimaryPhoneNumber" : "", "PersonId" : "300000004687536",
"PersonName" : "Test070, User", "EffectiveStartDate" : "2017-06-27",
"EffectiveDate" : "2017-06-27", "WorkerType" : "EMP", "PeriodType" : "E",
"PersonNumber" : "300000004687536", "WorkEmail" : "User.Test070" } ] }

Reading feed for employee updates

Read an employee details update feed

To read the updates to employee details, simply access Atom feed collection URL
GET /atomservlet/employee/empupdate

The response will be as follows

<title type="text">Person Basic Information Changed</title>
<summary type="text">Person Work E-mail Address Updated</summary>
HCM REST Training

<link href="https://hcqb-
300000004685849&effectiveDate=2017-06-27" rel="related" />
<content type="text">
{ "Context" : [ { "PrimaryPhoneNumber" : "", "PersonId" : "300000004685849",
"PersonName" : "Test063, User", "EffectiveStartDate" : "2017-06-27",
"EffectiveDate" : "2017-06-27", "WorkerType" : "EMP", "PeriodType" : "E",
"PersonNumber" : "300000004685849", "WorkEmail" : "" }
], "Changed Attributes" : [ { "EmailAddress" : { "old" : "User.Test063",
"new" : "" } } ] }

Reading feed for employee assignment updates

Read an employee assignment update feed

To read the updates to employee assignment, simply access Atom feed collection URL
GET /atomservlet/employee/empassignments

The response will be as follows

<title type="text">Person's Assignment Changed</title>
<title type="text">Test017, Student's Assignment Updated</title>
<summary type="text">Person Assignment Corrected</summary>
<link href="https://hcqb-
300000004423426&effectiveDate=2017-04-25" rel="related" />
<content type="text">
{ "Context" : [ { "PrimaryPhoneNumber" : "", "AssignmentId" :
"300000004423444", "PersonId" : "300000004423426", "PersonName" : "Test017,
Student", "EffectiveDate" : "2017-04-25", "WorkerType" : "EMP", "PeriodType"
: "E", "PersonNumber" : "300000004423426", "WorkEmail" :
"" } ], "Changed Attributes" : [ { "JobId" : {
"old" : null, "new" : "300000002016228" } }, { "OrganizationId" : { "old" :
null, "new" : "300000002014320" } } ] }
HCM REST Training

Reading feed for employee terminations

Read an employee termination feed

To read the details of employee termination, simply access Atom feed collection URL
GET /atomservlet/employee/termination

The response will be as follows

<title type="text">Person Terminated</title>
<title type="text">Varma, Rupesh Terminated</title>
<summary type="text">Employee Terminated</summary>
<link href="https://hcqb-
100000000294162&effectiveDate=2016-02-18" rel="related" />
<content type="text">
{ "Context" : [ { "PrimaryPhoneNumber" : " 626-111-1234", "PersonId" :
"100000000294162", "PersonName" : "Varma, Rupesh", "EffectiveStartDate" :
"2008-08-11", "EffectiveDate" : "2016-02-18", "WorkerType" : "EMP",
"PeriodType" : "E", "PersonNumber" : "STUDENT5_PERSON103", "WorkEmail" :
"" } ], "Changed Attributes" : [ {
"ActualTerminationDate" : { "old" : null, "new" : "2016-02-17" } } ] }

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