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System Responsibilites :-

1.General Ledger Responsibility :-

N :- Security-Responsibility-Define

Select open

Save it and close the window


Same navigation path

Save and close the window


Save and close the window










Save and close the window

Attaching The Responsibilities To The User Responsibility :-


Select open

Give the user name as aarti

Enter the default password as 123456

Press tab

Enter default password as 123456 and press tab

Save and close the window

Now relogin with the aarti user id and default password 123456

Select login
Give the current password as 123456

Give the new password as 12081980

Give the confirmed password as 12081980

And select submit

1) . Creation of Business group :-

Requirement for creation of business group as follows :-
1) Chart of accounts
2) Calendar
3) Legal Entity
4) Ledger

Creation of chart of accounts as follows :-

1.Select General Ledger Responsibility :-
Select open
Press ctrl f11

Put the cursor in the code column box and select new
Give the chart of accounts name as AARTI BG COA in the three boxes
and click on segments.

Save it
Select ok

Enabling the Flexfield Qualifiers :-

1) Company Balancing segment
2) Department- Cost Center Segment
3) Accounts :- Natural Accounts
4) Intercompany :- Intercompany Segment
Save and close the windows
Come to the main window and enable all the popup boxes and click
on compile

Select compile
Select ok
Select ok
B). Creation Of Calendar :-
N:- Setup-financials-Calendars-Types:-
Select open
Give the period type as Aarti
Give the periods per year as 13 which is as shown in the figure given

Save and close the window

B:- setup-financials-calendars-accounting
Select open

Save it
Close the window
Select current
Select ok
Go to view request and find and refresh the data

C). Creation of Legal Entity :-

Select open

Select legal entities

Then select create legal entity

Select legal address :-

Select new address :-
Select apply
Once it is saved successful u will get the following popup message on the
screen which is as shown in the figure given below

Ledger Creation :-
N :- setup-financials-accounting setup manager-accounting setups

Select open

Select create accounting setup tab

Select add another row
Give ur legal entity name and click on search button

Click on next
Give the primary ledger name as aarti primary ledger
Give ur chart of accounts name as aarti bg coa
Give the accounting calendar name as aarti
Give the subledger accounting method as standard accrual

Then click on next

Then click on Finish.

Click on Define accounting options tab

Click on update balancing segment values under legal entity tab

Click on add balancing segment values tab

Select go
Click on select all button
And then click on select button

Select apply button tab

After this it will show the details of the companies under legal entity as
shown in the below given figure with which we can use them in Journals
and for other various purposes.
Now click on update button tab under primary ledger

If u get this type of error close this window and compile ur chart of
accounts structure name as shown in the following figure shown below
Query ur chart of accounts structure name and disable freeze flexfield
definition once and enable the same again save and compile it

Select ok
Select ok
Select compile button tab
Select ok
Select ok
And then close this window

Defining the values for primary general ledger :-

N:-Setup-financials-accounting setupmanager-accounting setups

Select open
Query ur ledger name and click on go
After clicing on go it will show the details as shown in the figure given

Click on update accounting options tab

Click on update button tab under primary ledger

Click on next button tab

Click on next button tab

Select next button

Select finish button

Select return to accounting options

Click on complete button tab

Click on yes button tab

Click on return to accounting setups button again

Once the ledger is successfully completed and created it should be

assigned to the system admin using the profile options log in to the
system admin and select profile system options

Select find

Attach the ledger name at the resp level and save it .

Once it is saved go to switch resp and select general ledger resp
Go to setup-open/close
Select open

Select find
Select open
Select yes
Select open period

Select open
Select yes
Select ok
Go to view request and click on find

Completed error in red means the calendar is opened till march 2014.
Which is as shown in the given below figure
Ledger is successfully attached to the the resp level by using the profile

Creation Of Business Group :-For this we have to select HRMS

1) Creation Of Location :
2) Creation of Business group :-
3) Creation of operating unit :-
4) Creation of inventory organization :-

First we are creating the location for our business group

N:- Workstructures-Location:-

Select open
Press tab

Select ok
Save it.

2. Business group Creation :-

N:- Workstructures-organization-description:-
Select open

Select new a

Save it.
Save it again

Click on other tab

Select ok

Press tab
Select ok

Select ok

Select yes
After giving the required details now we have to attach the aarti business group to
the system/profile options by going to system admin-profile-system


Select find
Save it

b.) hr%user%

Now go to swtich resp and select hrms responsibility and we have to create now
operating unit and inventory organization
Creation of operating unit :-


Select open

Select new a
Save it

Save it

Click on others tab

Select ok

Press tab

Select ok

Select ok

Select yes

It will save it by default.

Creation of Inventory Organization


Select new a
Save it

Save it again

Now click on other tab button

Select ok

Press tab
Select ok

Select ok

Select yes and it will get saved permanently in the system

Now we have to attach the operating unit to the system profile option through
system admin

Select find

Save it.

After attaching ledger business group and operating unit to purchases,inventory

and hrms we have to run replicate seed data in system admin

N:-View-request-Submit a new request-single request-select ok

After giving replicate seed data in the name window u have to give ur operating
unit name in the parameters window and then click on submit

Select yes

Select find to refresh the data once it is successfully completed without any error
then go to purchasing-setup-organisation-financial options to see whether ur
organization name is reflecting in the hrms tab which is as shown in the figure
given below
Go to switch Responsibility and select hrms responsibility for entering inventory
organization details and receiving information


Select open

Query ur inventory organization name

And click on find

Select find

Click on others

Select inventory information

Select ok

Select inventory parameters

Select costing information

Select revision lot serial

Select other accounts

Save it.
Select ok

Close the window and click on others and select receiving information

Select ok
Click on save and close the window

Defining Job Description :-

N:- Hrms-Workstructures-Job-Description
Select open

Select new

Put the cursor in the name box and give the job code as 1

And job name as Purchasing

Select ok

Save it and close the window .

Defining The Position Description

N:- Workstructures-Position-Description

Select open

Select new

Select ok
Select the type as single incumbent
Select ur organization/business group in the given box as aarti business
Select job code as 01.purchasing the details are shown as in the following

Select Hiring Information

And enter 1 in the fte box as shown in the below figure given below
Save it and close the window.
2. Now we are defining the position of boss

Select open
Select new
Select Hiring Information tab
And enter 1 In FTE box as shown in the following figure

Save the window and close it

After defining the Job And Position Description now we have to create two
names for the positions which we had created. Navigation path for creating
the two names are as follows
N:- People:-Enter and Maintain
Select open

Select new
Give the Last name as Prashanth
Give the First name as Katikaneni
Give the Title as Mr.
Gender box will show Male status
Select action as create employement
Give the Date of Birth of the employee as 12-aug-1980
The above details are shown in the given figure as shown below

Save it once
Then click on assignment
Query the position name and select the position code as 01.Clerk.and select
ok as shown in the following figure shown below
Select update button tab

Select ok
Select yes

save it and close the window

2 Defining the name for Boss
N:- People :- Enter and Maintain
Select open
Select new
Save it once
Click on assignment
Query ur position code name and select it as 02.Boss

Select update button tab

Select ok

Select yes
And then save it and close the window

Login in to system admin and attach the clerk name as the buyer to your
login id as shown in the following given figure as shown below
Select open
Query ur user id name as aarti and click on find

After attaching the name to the user id save it and close the window.

Defining the Position Hirearchy :-

Select open
Give the position hierarchy name as aarti pos hierarchy
Enable the primary box put the tick symbol in the box
Save it once
Put the cursor in the number box and 1 will reflect by default and give the
date mean from which date u want this to be active give the date as current
date and then save it again
Put the cursor on Position and click Ctrl+f11
Put the cursor on subordinate and give the code as 01.Clerk and then save it .
Save and close the window.
Now go to Purchasing Responsibility and enter the remaining information
before starting to create the Purchase orders etc.

1.Go to switch responsibility and select the purchasing responsibility

N:- Purchasing-Setup-Organizations-Financial options
Select open

Click on Supplier-Purchasing tab button

Select Human Resources Tab button

Enable use approval hierarchies tab
And change the expense reimbursement address to office from home and
save it as shown in the figure given below
Save it and close the window define purchasing options
N:- Purchasing-Setup-Organizations-Purchasing options
Select open
Click on save button.

The next step is to define the employee as the buyer :-

N:- Purchasing-Setup-Personnel-Buyer

Select open
Click on add buyer button tab
Here we have to enter the names of the two buyers and then save it by
adding each one separately and then save it. Without attaching the buyer if
we open any form it will give you error.

Next step is to define the approval group

N:- Purchasing-Setup-Approval-Approval Group

Select open
Enter the approval name as 01.Clerk
And enter the required information and click on save it
Now define the another name for approval group
Go to same navigation path and give the approval name as 02. Boss and
enter the required information and click on save it which is shown in the
figure as follow
Save the window and close it.

Next step is to define the approval assignments

N:-Purchasing-Setup-Approval-Approval Assignments

Select open
Select your position name and click on find
Select ok
Select ok

Save it and close the window

Now open the window for the boss approval
Navigation path is same as above
Save and close the window

Defining the document type for attaching position hirearchy

Purchasing-setup-purchasing-document type :-

Select open
Provide the position hierarchy name wherever required and save the

Defining The Freight Carriers:-

Purchasing-Setup-purchasing-Freight Carriers

Select open
Give the name as dhl carriers
Save it once
Select organization assignments
Select your inventory organization and click on done
Define an item
N:- Purchasing-item-master item

Select open
Select ur inv organization and then select ok

Give the name of the item and description.

Click on purchasing tab
Click on purchased item box
Go to tools-copy from

Click on apply and the click on done

Select inventory item tab button
Save the window once
Defining Sub Inventory
Now we have to define assign an organization to the item defined. This is
mandatory step. In order to this first we need a subinventory

Select open
Select ur inventory organization name
Select ok

Click on item/subinventory

Save and close the window

Now Define The Supplier
N:-Purchasing-supplier base- suppliers
Select open
Select create supplier
Give the organization name as aarti furnitures
Give the country of origin as india
And select apply

Click on organization tab

Select the type as manufacturing and click on save as shown in the given
below figure

Then click on address book

Select the country as india
Enter the required information as shown in the figure as shown below
Then select continue
Enable site box name as shown in the below figure

Select apply button

Click on managesites icon

And update the required information

Click on purchasing tab icon

Click on save button

Click on receving tab
Click on save and this completes ur supplier creation

Now open the periods

1. GL:- Setup-Open Close
Open all the periods in general ledger

2. Purchasing-setup-financial accounting-control purchasing periods open

all the periods and then click on save button
3. Inventory-accounting close cycle-Inventory accounting period select
change the status for the all the months

Now run a request

View-requests-submit a new request-single request
Select submit
Select no
Select find and refresh data to see the output.

Whenever a employee is joining/leaving the organization we have to run

this program


As mentioned before any one can raise requisition, but only the buyer can
raise the Po.
N:- Requisitions-Requisitions
Select open
Give the num,type,item,category,Qty,Price and need by date as shown in
the figure given below

Select distributions
Click on charge account
Click on save

Click on approve button

Select ok
To see whether requisition is approved or not go to
Select open

Select ok
Enter ur requisition number and click on find
U can see that the requisition number is approved.

Creation of P.O from Requisition/Rfq

Purchasing order can be created from either requisition or RFQ
Navigation :- Purchasing-Auto create

Select open
Click on clear first

After clicking on clear give the requisition number from which the po is
to be generated.

Select document type as RFQ

Click on automatic tab
Select create

change the status to active

Click on price breaks
Give the discount percent as 2 percent
Click on suppliers tab

Click on save button

Creation of Catalog Rfq

Same navigation path

Select create

Select price breaks

Give the discount percent as 2

Click on suppliers

Click on save button

3). Creation of PO using Bid Type :-

Same navigation path
Select automatic
Select RFQ type as bid type

Select create button

Select shipments
Save it
Click on suppliers

Select ok and close the windows

Creation of Quotations
Quotation is sent by the supplier we have to enter the details of the
quotation . this can done in two ways

a. Manual type
b. Copy from RFQ
With bid type of rfq we can make bid type of quotation
With standard/catalog type of rfq we can create standard/catalog
type of quotation

1), standard RFQ :-

Give the requisition number and click on find

Go to tools- copy document

Click on ok
Select ok
Change the status from in process to active

Save it
Then click on approve
Click on ok
2). Give the second rfq number and click on find as shown in the

Go to tools-copy document
Select ok

Select ok
Change the status from in process to active
Click on approve

Select ok
Select ok
3.) select the third requisition number and click on find
Go to tools- copy document

Select ok
Select ok
Change the status from in process to active as shown in the given figure
Save it

Click on approve
Select ok
Select ok
1). Standard Purchase order :- a standard purchased order is used for one
time procurement . in this type we get the shipments where we can write our
requirements like quantity required need by date etc to which organization it
has to go etc
N :- Purchasing-RFQ and Quotations

Select open
Click on find and query ur quotation number
Go to tools-copy document

In document type select standard purchase order

And select ok
Select ok

Click on shipments
Click on distributions
Click on receiving controls
Select ok
Save it
Click on approve it
Select ok

We can see the status has changed from incomplete to approved.

If we want to see how much qty is transferred to subinventory account we
have to go for receiving receipts first

Select open
Select ur inventory org

Select ok
Query ur po number and click on find

Minimize the window

Enter the qty in the req box and click on express button

Select yes
Select ok
Maximize the window which was minimized first
And click on save button

Select ok

To see how much quantity is available in ur inventory go to inventory resp

Select open
Select open again
Select ur inventory organization

Select ok
Select find

U can close the window after seeing the status of how much quantity u are
having in the inventory account

1. Creation of distribution sets :-with the help of this distribution sets we

can divide the invoice amount among different expenses lines. With the
help of these distribution sets accounting entries events are generated
automatically during invoice creation. Distribution sets are of two types
they are as follows
a. Full distribution set
b. Skeleton distribution set
A:- skeleton distribution set :- In a skeleton type distribution set we
have to give the account in which invoice amount has to be divided
N:- setup-invoice-distribution sets

Select open
Save it

b.) Full Type Distribution Set :-in full type we have to give a
account as well as percentage in which invoice amount has to be
same navigation path as mentioned above
Save it close the window

Tolerances :- It is used for matching the invoices against p.o or

N :- Setup-Invoices-Tolerances
Select open

Save it and close the window

Expense Report Template :- it is used for reimbursing employee

expenses if the invoices are coming through interface table.

N:- Setup-Invoice-Expense Report Template

Select open

Save and close the window

Payables Options Setups :-

1. Payable system setup :-

N:- setup-options-payables system setup
Select open
Select the currency as INR
Select the term basis as invoice
Select the payment terms as immediate

Save it and close the window

Payable options setup :-
N:-setup-options-payable options

Select open

Click on currency
Click on invoice

Click on approval
Click on matching

Click on interest
Click on expense report

Click on payment
Click on Reports

Save and close the window

Creation Of Bank :-
N:-Setup-Payment-Banks and Bank Branches

Select open

Select Banks icon tab

Select create button

Click save and next

Click create button

Click on apply button

Click on save and next button

Select create button

Select apply

Click on finish button

Bank has been created successfully now we have to create bank branch . so click
on create branch icon

Creation of Bank Branch :-

Click on create branch icon tab

Select continue button

Click on save and next button

Click on create button for creation of branch address

Select apply button

Select save and next button

Now we have to create a contact person name in the branch

Click on create contact icon tab

Click on apply button

Click on finish button tab

Bank and bank branch is successfully created now we have to create bank account
number.Before creating bank account number we have to assign the legal enity the
required access for creating the bank account. It can be done through sysadmin id.
To get sys admin id you have to go to security administrator then go to security
user define and query the id of sysadmin and change the password to default by
entering 123456 twice. it is shown in the following figure which is shown below
Now we have to log in with sysadmin id

Now click on log in

Now click on apply/submit

Click on user management tab button

Select roles and role inheritance tab button

Select the type name as roles and responsibilities

Select go button
Select update button

Select security wizards

Select save and proceed button

Select run wizard of ce umx security wizard

Select add legal entitites

Select apply
Select apply

Now we can create bank accounts

Select create account icon

Select continue button

Click on next button

Click on save and next button

Click on save and next

Click on add organization access icon tab

Click on continue
Click on apply button

Click on save and next

Select create contact button

Click on apply button

Click on finish button

Click on manage payment documents

Click on manage payment documents

Select create button tab

Select apply button

Now we have successfully created bank branch and accounts successfully . next we
have to create payment process profile

Creation of payment process profile

N:- Setup-Payment-Payment Administrator

Select open

Select payment process profile setup task button tab

Select create button tab

Give the code name as Prashanth Payment Process Profile

Give the name as Prashanth Payment Process Profile

Select Laser Check Format for Payment Instruction Format

Select apply button

We have correctly created payment process profile window. Close the window .

Date :-11-06-2013.
Debit Memo Invoice :- Debit memo is raised by the organization and credit memo
is raised by the supplier. When we raise the debit memo or credit memo the
payment terms should be immediate. (note:- the invoice amount should be a
negative amount ).

Before creating invoices we should open the periods in the payables also which is
as follows as shown in the below given figure

N:- Accounting-Control Payables Periods.

Select open

Change the status of the periods from never opened to open

As shown in the figure shown given below

Save the window and close the window.

Now we can create the invoices after the periods are opened in the payables.

N:- Invoices-Entry-Invoices
Select open

Select the type as Debit memo

Select ok

Give the supplier name as Raj Computers

Give the invoice date as 11-06-2013

Give the invoice number as 1

Give the amount in negative as -25000 and press tab .

Give the payment terms as immediate

Give the payment method as Check

Select the lines tab button

Give the num as 1

Give the type as Item

Give the amount as -25000 and press tab

Select distributions

Give the amount in negative as -25000

save it and close the window

Then select all distributions

Save it and close the window

Go to actions button tab

Click on actions1 button tab

Select validate and force approval buttons as shown in the below given figure

Select ok

Select actions button again

Select creating accounting button tab

And click on final button tab as shown in the given below figure.

Select ok

Standard Invoice :-

N:- Invoices-Entry-Invoices
Select open

Select lines tab

Select distribution tab

Save and close the window

Go to actions 1 button

Select ok
Select actions button again

And select create accounting button tab

Select ok
Creation Of Credit Memo :-

N:- Invoices-Entry-Invoices

Select open

Select the type as Credit Memo

Select the supplier name as Aarti Cars

Select the Invoice Date As 13-06-2013

Select the Invoice Number as 3

Select the Invoice Currency as INR

Enter the amount as -28000 and press tab

Select the distribution set as aarti bg full type

Select the terms as immediate

Click on lines button tab

Enter the amount in the amount coloumn as -28000 and press tab
Go to distribution tab and click it
Save it and close the window

Go to actions button tab and click it

Click on actions 1 button tab
Enable validate and force approval options button windows
Select ok
Select actions 1 button again

And enable create accounting button tab as shown in the figure

Shown given below

Select ok
Select ok

Save and close the window

Creation of standard invoice :-


Select open
Select open

Select the type as standard

Select the supplier name as aarti cars

Select the invoice date as current system date

Enter the invoice number as 4

Enter the invoice currency as INR

Enter the amount as 45000

Enter the Term date as current system date

Enter the terms as 2/10 net 30.

Click on lines button tab
Enter the amounts as 45000

Select distribution tab button

Click on distribution tab
Save and close the window
Select actions button tab
Enable validate and force approval button options and select ok
Go to actions 1button and select create accounting tab
Select ok
Select ok

Adjustment of invoice with Debit memo or Credit memo

N:- Payment-Entry-Payment
Select open

Select type as Quick

Select trading partners as aarti cars

Select the payment date as 26-06-2013

Select the bank account as current account

Select enter/adjust invoices
Save it
Invoice amount should be above debit and credit memo

Defining Purchase Order and Quick match in payables :- These invoices are used
for making the payment against the purchase order. First we have to make
purchase order then invoice has to be matched with either with purchase order
number or receipt. After matching the distribution will be defaulted and type of
invoice will change to a standard purchase order default invoice is issued for
making payment against the particular line and shipment of purchase order.quick
match is used for making the payment against the purchase order.

To raise the purchase order go to purchasing responsibility

N:-Purchase orders-Purchase Orders

Select open

Give the supplier name as aarti cars

Give the Item name as COMPUTERS

Give the Quantity required as 100

Give the promised date as 16-06-2013

Select shipments
Select distributions

Select the type as inventory

Select receiving controls
Save it

Select ok
Select approve
Select ok
copy the purchase order number and close the window

Select open

Select your inventory organization name

Select ok

Query the purchase order no and click on find

Select find
Minimize the window

Enter the quantity no as 100

Click on express button once
Select yes
Select ok
Maximize the window

Click on save button

Select ok

Select ok and close the window

Go to view request find and refresh the data and close the window.

To raise the purchase order default invoice go to payables responsibility

Select open

Select the type as standard invoice

Select the purchase order number as 4

Select the invoice date as current date

Select the invoice number as 10

Select the invoice currency as INR

Enter the amount of the po total amounts rs 78000

Select the distribution set as aarti bg full type

Select the terms as 2/10 net 30

Select lines button tab
Enter the amount as 78000

When you enter this amount the po number will get reflected by default.

Select the po line as 1

Select the distribution tab
Save and close the window

Select match button

Enter the purchase order number and click on find

Save and close the window after the details got matched
Go to actions button tab
Select validate and force approval buttons and then select ok
Select actions button tab again

Then select create accounting tab

Select ok
Select ok
Select actions 1 button again
Select pay in full button and select ok

Enter the payment date as any date u like

After entering the required information go to actions button window and select
create accounting
Select ok
Select ok
While closing this window u will get this option the select yes

Select ok

Enter an invoice with Two lines that are distributed to different departments.

Select open

Select the supplier name as aarti cars

Select the invoice date as current system date

Select the invoice number as 11

Enter the amount as 85000

Select lines tab
Save it and then click on all distributions

Then click on actions button for validating and selecting force approval button as
shown in the figure
Select ok

Select action button again

Select ok
Select ok

Select actions button

For making the payment

Select the actions button again

Select ok
Select ok
Select ok
Select actions button again
Select ok

And close the window

Preparing a Invoice for The Fixed Asset.

N:- Invoices-Entry-Invoices
Select open
Select lines button tab
Enable track as asset box
Save it

Click on distributions to verify that distribution line was automatically generated.

Save and close the window

For making the payment click on actions button tab

Click on actions button tab
Enable validate and force approval button options for validating the invoices

Select ok
Select actions button tab again
Select create accounting tab and select final button and then select ok
Select ok button
Select actions button tab for making the payment
Enable pay in full tab and then select ok

Give the payment date as current system date

Give the bank account name as current account

Give the payment document name as prashanth pay terms

Select actions button again
Select create accounting button tab and select final post and then select ok
Select ok

Save it and close the window

Select yes
Select ok

To see whether the payment is done or not query the invoice number and u can see
the details that payment is done
U can see the status change that amount is paid.

Creating the Freight Distribution Invoice

Select open

Select the type as standard invoice

Select the invoice date as current system date

Select the terms as 2/10 net 45

Select the trading partner as aarti cars

Select the invoice number as 15

Enter the amount as 55000

Select lines button

Select the account as 01.000.7530.01

Select the type as freight in the second line

Check the prorate across all item lines as shown in the given below figure
Save it
Click on all distribution tab u can see that freight distribution line was created
Save and close the window

For making the payment and validating the invoice click on actions button tab
Select ok

Select actions 1for validating and force approval buttons

Select ok
Select actions button again
Select ok
Select ok
Select actions button again
Select ok
Select actions button tab
Select ok

Creatation of Freight charges

Select open

Select the type as standard invoice

Select trading partner as aarti cars

Select the invoice number as 18

Select lines button tab
Click on save button

Allocate freight charges

Select the freight line by placing your cursor on that row

Verify the allocation details

Type = fully prorated

Select/unselect all button to tell the system which item lines you want to allocate
the freight charges across select ok

Close the window and do the same process for misc exp.

Creation of Scheduled payment plan Invoices:-


Select the type as standard invoice

Select the trading partner as aarti cars

Select the invoice date as current system date

Select the invoice number as 20

Select line items

Select scheduled payment tab button
Change the amount of rs 25000 to 12500
Select split schedule
Save it
For making the payment

Click on actions1 button tab

Select ok
Select action button again
Select ok
Select ok
Select ok
Select action button
Select ok
Select ok
Select yes

Select ok

Creation Of Quick Invoices :-

N:-Invoices-Entry-Quick Invoices
Select open

Select the sources as quick sources

Select the batch name as quick batch

Select enter
Select save and next

2 invoice
Click on save and next
Save it once
Select create invoice button tab
Select ok to submit
Select ok to submit

Go to view request find and refresh the data

Match to a Po in Quick Invoices :-

N:-Invoices-Entry-Quick Invoices
Select open
Select enter
Save it and click on create invoices button tab
Select ok
Select ok

To see the output go to view request and find and refresh the data
Select view output by puting the cursor on the request id

Creation Of Special Calendar for Creating Recurring invoices

N:-Setup-Calendar-Special Calendar
Select open
Enter the 12 months of calendar and save it

Creation Of Recurring Invoices :-

N:-Invoices-Entry-Recurring Invoices
Select open
Select Line Definitions
Select amounts
Select payment method button tab
Save it and select create recurring invoices button after entering the number of
invoices as 12
Select ok
After selecting ok go to invoices window and check for recurring invoices.

Calculate a Supplier balance :-

Select open

Select trading partner as aarti cars

Select find
Select calculate balance owed
Select calculate button after taking the operating unit name as aarti bg ou
Create A Payment Process Request Template

N:- Payments-Entry-Payments Manager

Select open
Select the create payment process process request template

Select Template and select create button

Select create button
Select payment attributes
Select process automation
Select apply button
Select run cash requirement report button
Select next button
Select next button
Select next
Select next
Select next
Click on submit
Select ok

Select home
Select open

Select ok
Select view output file
This is the output file

Navigate to the standard request submission window

Select open

Select ok
Select ok

Select submit

Select no and refresh the data to see the output.

See the output file

Create a Credit Memo and Record a Refund :-


Select the type as credit memo

Select ok

Enter the required details

Select ok
Select ok

Select ok
Select ok
Select actions
Select ok
Select ok
Select yes

Select ok
A confirmation message will display saying it is successfully created as shown in
the figure.

Run The Cash Requirement Report :-


Creation Of Prepayment Invoice :-

Select open

Select the type as Prepayment Invoice

Select The Trading Partner as Aarti Cars

Select the terms as Immediate

Select lines button tab
Save it

Click on actions 1 button

Select ok
U can see the status is changed to unpaid

Pay the prepayment Invoice

Select actions 1 button

Select actions button
Select ok
Select ok
Select actions 1 button
Select ok
Select ok

Close the window

Select yes

Select ok
Your prepayment invoice should get displayed

Note that the status now reads available meaning the payment is available to be
applied to subsequent invoices from this supplier

Applying A Prepayment Invoices :-

N:- Invoices-Entry-Invoices

Enter the type as standard invoice

Enter the trading partner as aarti cars

Select open
When u select standard invoice after creating standard invoice u will get this
message select ok
Select lines
Select actions
Select ok
Select ok

Select ok
Select ok
Select apply/unapply button
Save it and close the window
Select actions button again

Click on validate and force approval

Select ok
Select ok

Click on distributions
For making the payment

Click on actions button

Select ok
Select actions button
Select ok

Select ok

Select yes

Select ok

Employee Expense Report :- Before making an employee advance invoice create

we have to create employee as the internal supplier which is shown in the given
below figure

For that creation go to purchasing responsibility and then go to supplier base

supplier and select open
N:-Supply Base-Suppliers

Select open

Click on create supplier

Select the supplier type as supplier

Select apply

And close the window

Now create an employee advance :-

Select open

Select the type as prepayment

Select the trading partner as ur employee

Select the site name as office

Select the invoice number as 1

Select the terms as immediate

Go to lines button
Save it

Go to distributions tab button

Go to actions
Select ok

Note the status is changed to unpaid

For the payment of the invoice

Select actions

Select in payfull
Select actions

Save it
Select ok
Select ok

Save it and close the window and query the invoice number again to see the change
of status to available from unpaid
Save it

Applying Employee Advance Payment Invoice :-

N:- Invoices-Entry-Expense Reports

Select expense audit and select all verified button
Save it and close the window

Run the employee exp report

Select ok
Select ok
Select submit
Select ok

Select submit

Withholding Tax :- it is the amount withheld by the party making a payment to

another payee and paid to the taxation authorities. The amount of payer deducts
may vary depending on the nature of the product or service begin paid for . the
payee is assessed on the gross amount. And the tax to be withheld (the withholding
tax ) is computed in that assessment. The purpose of withholding tax is to facilitate
or accelerate collection,by collecting tax from payers rather than a much greater
number of payees, and by collecting tax from payers within the jurisdiction rather
than payees who may be outside the jurisdiction.
Requirements :-

1. To define a special calendar

2. To define govt as a supplier
3. To define withholding tax code
4. To enable withholding tax in payable options
5. The defined withholding tax has to be attached to the supplier that is govt.

Defining a special calendar

N:-setup-calendar-special calendar

Select open
Save it and close

To define Govt as a supplier

N:- supply base-supplier
Select open
Select create supplier
Select apply
Select organization tab button
Select the type as tax authority
Select save button
Select address book
Select create button
Select continue button
Select apply
Close the window

Defining the withholding tax codes :-

N:- setup-tax-withholding-codes
Select open
Save it and close the window

Defining the withholding groups

Select open
Save it and close the window

To enable withholding tax groups in the payables options

N:- setup-options-payables options

Select open
Attaching withholding tax codes in the supplier site

N:- Supplierbase-suppliers

Go to tax details
Save it

Save and close the window

Now create withholding tax invoices

Select open

Select the type as standard

Select the trading partner as congress govt

Select lines item
Select distributions
Select calculate tax
Select distributions again

Select actions tab

Select ok

Select actions tab

Select ok
Select ok

For making the payment click actions tab again

Select ok
Select ok
Select actions 1 button
Select ok
U can see that withholding tax account is created in the line item

Save and close the window


Assets will come for one time implementation and it will not implemented

While implementing the assets the asset calendar period

name should be same with the general ledger calendar period name should be

Why should we have to define a asset calendar ?

Asset calendar is used to run the depreciation on the assets. Based on the asset
calendar depreciation will run for particular periods.

What is the difference between asset calendar and gl calendar ?

1. In General Ledger we get 5 statuses of periods but whereas in assets

calendar will get only one status that is open.
2. In General Ledger at a time we can open the periods which we require but
whereas in assets we can open only one period at a time.
3. In General Ledger if you want to close the period we can close manually but
whereas in assets calendar the periods automatically will get closed after
running the depreciation.

Note :- whenever we are defining asset calendar we have to define one year
forward and one year backward.

FlexFields In Assets
In assets there are three key flexfields they are as follows

1.Category Flexfield :- in this field we are tracking the asset based on the
similar depreciation method and the this field we can define
maximum seven number of segments. Under seven number of segments one
is a mandatory segment. i.e Major Segment and allow dynamic insert
cannot be enabled.

2. Location Flexfield :- in this field we are tracking the assets

based on the location of the country this field we can
define maximum seven number of segments under seven
number of segments one is mandatory segment. i.e state
segment and allow dynamic inserts is optional.

3. Asset Key Flexfield :- it is used to track the assets which is a

non-financial information like project no.s,bar codes asset
key flexfield we can define maximum 10 number of
segments.allow dynamic insertion is an optional
Implementing The Key Flexfield Structures:-
All the fields except the enterprise name field are not updatable.if this is a
new installation all fields will allow entry but only the enterprise name and
oldest date placed in the service allow update after the record is saved. The
oldest date placed in service can be updated only until any calendar is
assigned to any asset book. The last number used is updated each time a
new asset number is assigned by the system.

N:-Fa-Setup-Asset System-System Control

Select open
Save it and close it

Creation Of Location :-

N:- Setup-Financials-Flexfields-validations-Values
Select open
Enter the name as vision fa building
Select find
Save it

Inserting the values into category flexfield structures :-

(Major Segment)

Select open
Select find
Put cursor on any of the value
Press ctrl+down arrow key
Save it and close it

Inserting into the values into category flexfield segment structures (Minor

Select open
Select find
Save and close

Inserting the values into location flexfield structures (country):-

Select open
Select find

Put the cursor on any of the value and press ctrl + down arrow key
Save it and close the window

Inserting the values into location flexfield structure (state segment):-

N:- Fa-Setup-Financials-FlexFields-Key-Values
Select open
Select open
Select find
Save it and close the window

N:-Fa-Setup-Financials-FlexFields-Key-Values(Segment :-city)
Select open
Select find
Save and close the window

N:-Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Key-Values(Segment :-Building):-
Save and close the window

Inserting the values into asset keyflexfields


Select open
Select open
Select find
Save it and close the windows

Asset Calendars :-Before Defining the asset Calendar we have to define

fiscal years stating that our asset calendar can be defined to the maximum
years. If the asset calendar wants to increase the years first they have to
increase in asset calendar

To Define Fiscal Year

N:-Fa-Asset System-Fiscal Years

Select open
Save it and close the window

Note :- After defining first year just press down arrow key then the new
fiscal years will be created automatically
Asset Calendar :-
N:-Fa-Setup-Asset System-Calendar
Select open
Save it and close the window
Press down arrow key you can see the periods which are define in fiscal year

Prorate Conventions :- You can set up or review prorate and retirement

conventions in the prorate conventions window

You must initially set up all your prorate conventions from the convention period
corresponding to the oldest date placed in service through the end of the current
fiscal year. At the end of each fiscal year oracle assets automatically sets ups your
prorate conventions for the next fiscal year.These will help us to decide and to run
the depreciation on a prorate date. The following are the conventions

1.To define the same month convention :-

N:Fa-Setup-Asset System-Pro Rate Convention

Select open
Save and close the window

2. To define Previous month Conventions :-

N:-Fa-Setup-Asset System-Pro Rate Conventions

Select open
Save and close the window

3. To define the following month convention

N:-Fa-setup-asset system-prorate convention
Select open
Save and close the window

4. To define half year pro rate convention

N:-Fa-setup-asset system- pro rate conventions

Select open
Save and close the window

Books :- There are three types of Books. They are classified in the
following manner.

1.Corporate Book :- all the assets should be added in the corporate book
based on the company law. You can define corporate,tax, and budget
depreciation books . you must setup your depreciation books before you
can add assets to them. You can setup multiple corporate books that
create journal entries for different ledger or to the same ledger . in either
case , you must both run depreciation and create journal entries for each
depreciation book. For each corporate book you can setup multiple tax
and budget books that are associated with it.

Defining the Corporate book :-

N:-Fa-Setup-Asset System-Books Control

Select open
Select accounting rules tab
Select natural accounts button tab
Save it and close the window

2.Defining The Tax Book :- After adding the assets taxes has to be
calculated based on the country concern.

N:-Fa-Setup-Asset System-Books Control:-

Select open
Select accounting rules button tab
Select natural accounts button tab
Select tax rules button tab
Save it and close the window

Note :- whenever we transfer the assets from corporate book to the tax
book , in the tax book we have to enable allow mass copy in the tax rule

To Define The Asset Categories For The Corporate Book:-

N:-Fa-Setup-Asset System-Asset Categoires

Select open
Select default rules
save it.

To Define the asset categories for the tax book :-

N:- fa-setup-asset system- asset categories:-

Select default rules
Save and close the window

Asset Work Bench :-

N:-Asset-Asset Work Bench :-

Select open
Give the book name as aarti corporate book
Click on additions
Enter the required information like description of asset, category of asset,
as shown in the given below figure
Select continue
Select continue
Enter the units change,employee name ,expense account and location and
then click on done.
Select ok

Quick Additions :-

N:- Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open

Give the book name as aarti corporate book

Click on quick additions
Select done
Select ok and close the window

3.Asset Assignments Transfers :-

N:- assets-assets workbench

Select open

Give the book name as aarti corporate book

Select find
Put the cursor on the asset number which u want to transfer and click on
To change the asset location enter the units change in negative value as -
10 shown in the below screen
After giving the units of change and other required information then click
on done
Select ok
Go to assets- assets work bench
Click on find
Click on assignments and u can see the difference as shown in the below
Close the form and the window

Asset Source Lines :-

N:-Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Enter the book name as aarti corporate book and click on find
Choose any asset key and click on source lines
Click on done
Save and close the window

Assets Financial Inquiry :-

N:- Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Give the book name as aarti corporate book and click on find
Choose any asset number and click on financial inquiry button tab
Check the cost ,Recoverable Cost,Depreciation and cost history of asset
then close the form .

Assets Books Revaluations :-

N:- Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Give the book name as aarti corporate book and click on find
Click on books
Change the current cost figure to 900000 from previous figure cost and
then click on done
Select ok
Save and close the form

When u query the invoice work bench u can see the changes which are
shown in the below screen of picture shown below
Save and close the form

Assets Open :-

N:-Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Give the book name as aarti book of corporate and click on find
Select the asset key number and click on open
To change the existing category from RIL COMPUTER-RIL
Click on category and change the minor category as ril car and click on
Click on done
Click on ok
Save and close the form

N:- Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Give the book name and click on find
U Can see that the asset key number 3 category is changed to ril
computer- ril car

Assets Retirements :-

N:- Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Give the book name as aarti corporate book and click on find
Choose the asset number and click on retirement button tab

Give the cost of retirement and click on done

When u click on done u can see the following message on the screen
Select ok
Save and close the form window

N:-Depreciation-Calculate Gains And Losses

Select open
Select the book name as aarti corporate book
And select ok
Select submit
Select ok
Go to view request find and refresh the data
Click on the refresh data button
And click on view output button to see the output.
Asset Reinstate:-You cannot reinstate assets retired in the previous fiscal
year.You can reinstate only the most recent partial retirement. You Can
Reinstate both individual and mass retirement transactions.

N:-Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Select find
Select the asset number which u want to retire and click on retirements.
Press ctrl f11 button
Click on reinstate button
Click on ok and close . after the asset reinstate run calculate gains and
lossess program
N:-Depreciation-Calcualte gains and losses
Select open
Select ok
Select submit
Select ok
Go to view request find and click on refresh data button to refresh it
Click on view output button to see the output.
Mass Transactions :-

1. Mass Additions :-
Switch Responsibility-Aarti Purchasing Responsibility

N:-Purchase Orders-Purchase Orders

Select open
Click on shipments
Click on distributions
Click on receiving controls
Select receiving controls
Select ok
Click on save button and click on approve button
The purchase order got approved

Now we have to go to payables responsibility

We have to assign the po in the payables resp

N:- Invoices-Entry-Invoices
Select open
Select invoice as standard invoice
Select the purchase order no as 7
Select the trading partner as aarti cars
Select the invoice date as current system date
Select the invoice number as 58

Enter the amount as 6,24,000

Click on match button
Select find
Enable the check box and click on match
Click on actions button
Select ok

For paying the document invoice

Select ok
Select ok
Select ok
Select actions

Save and close the window

Select ok
Select ok

N:-Other Request Run

Select open
Select ok
Select ok
Select submit
Select no
Click the refresh button tab

Click on view output button to see the output

Run another mass addition create report

N:-other request- run

Select open
Select ok
Select ok
Select submit
Select no
Click on view output button
Go to Fixed Assets Resp

N:-Mass Additions-Prepare Mass Additions

Select open
Enter the book name as aarti corporate book and click on find
Select the invoice number and click on open
Change the status of the queue from new to post
To check the queue as post

N:-Mass Additions-Prepare Mass Additions

Select open
Change the status of queue to post from new
Select done
Save and close the form

Post Mass Additions :-

N:- Mass Additionss-Post Mass Additions :

Select open
Then click on submit
Select ok

N:- View-Request-Find
Click on view output
Save and close the output.

N:-Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Give the book name as aarti corporate book and click on find
Check the asset numbers of the newly added to workbench and click
on source lines

Check the invoice number and related po number and close the form

Mass Transfers:-use this form to transfer a group of assets between

general ledger expense accounts and employees and locations

N:-Mass transactions-Transfers
Select open
Select preview
Select ok

Click on find
Click on view output report button tab
N:-Mass Transfers-Transfers
Select open
Query the mass transaction number and click on run
Select run
Select ok
Select ok

Click on refresh the data button tab
Select the view output button tab
Mass Changes :-You Can Change Descriptive information for any
asset at any time. Changing asset descriptive information other than
category and units has no financial impact on the asset.

N:-Mass Transactions-Changes
Select open
Give the book name as aarti corportate book
Click on preview button
select ok
Click on refresh data button
Click on view output file
N-Mass Transactions-Changes
Select open
Query the mass transaction number and click on run
Select run
Select ok
Select ok

Refresh the data and see the output.
N:-Mass Transactions Changes
Select open
Query the mass transaction number
Click on review button
Select ok
Click on view output file to see the output.
Save and close the window

Mass Reclassifications :-

N:-Mass Transactions- Reclassficiation-

Select open
Select preview button
Select ok
Select ok
Select ok

Select view output file
N:-Mass Transactions-Reclassifications
Select open
Query the mass transaction number
Click on run
Select ok
Select ok
Select ok

Click on view output
N:-Mass Transactions-Reclassification
Select open
Select review
Select ok
Select ok

Refresh the data button
Click on view output file
See the details and close the form

N:- Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open and give the book name and click on find
Click on find
See for the changes if any thing had changed or not.

Mass Revaluations :-

N:-Mass Transactions-Revaluations :-
Select open

Give the book name as aarti corporate book

Give the rate per as 10
Click on preview button
Select ok
Select ok
N:-Mass Transactions-Revaluations
Select open
Query the mass transaction number
Click on run
Select ok
Select ok
Select ok
Click on view output file
N:-Mass Transfers-Revaluation
Select open

Query the mass transaction number

Select review button
Select ok
Select ok

Select view output
N:-Assets-Assets Work Bench
Select find
Select find
Click on financial Inquiry
Note that the cost is increased by 10 %

Mass Retirements :-

N:-Mass Transactions Retirement-Create and Reinstate

Select open
Select create button
Select ok
Select ok

Select ok
N:-Mass Transaction-Retirements-Create And Reinstate
Select open
Query the mass transaction number
Click on retire button
Select ok

Click on view output
After the mass retirements run calculate gains and losses program

N:-Depreciation-Calcuate Gains And Losses

Select open
Select ok
Select submit
Select ok
Refresh the data and click on view output
Mass Reinstate

N:-mass transactions Retirement-Create and Reinstate

Select open
Query the mass transaction number
Select reinstate button
Select ok
Go to view request find and refresh the data
Select view output
N:-Dep-Calculate gains and losses
Select open
Select submit
Select ok
Save and refresh the window
Click on view output to see the output file
Start from 290 page
Click on find
U can see that the status of queue is changed to post.

Select open

N:-Assets-Assets Work Bench

Select open
Give the corporate book name and click on find
Click the asset number and click on find
Click on financial enquiry
You can check the asset is being reinstated.

Physical Inventory :-

N:- Physical Inventory-Enter

Select open
Enter the inventory name and click on open

Enter the required parameters

Save it and close the form

N:-Physical Inventory-Comparison-run comparision

Select open
Select inventory name or query the inv name
Click on run
Select ok
Select ok

Select ok
Go to view request find and refresh the data
Click on view output to see the file

N:-Physical inventory Comparison-View

Select open
Click on find






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