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Acon New User Manual

eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

V4. November 2016 Page 1

Acon New User Manual
eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.14 General enhancements *change*..............................................................................................3 Branch search field added...................................................................................................................3 Multi Competence Class Selection.......................................................................................................3 Debtor Code now Hyperlinked.............................................................................................................4 Corporate account code from SGI account..........................................................................................5 Number of years based on AR AP Account creation date....................................................................6 Turnover % fields.................................................................................................................................6 CCM Total separated into pending CCM and approved CCM...............................................................7 Default Memo Type.............................................................................................................................8 Abbreviated Name field added *change*............................................................................................8 Delete button removed *change*.......................................................................................................9
1.2.15 Print Setup..................................................................................................................................9 Add PDF Format for eCLA <Print> button *change*..........................................................................10
1.2.16 View Log of Credit Limit Application.........................................................................................11
1.2.17 Credit Rating link from eCLA *change*....................................................................................12
1.3 EXTERNAL PROVIDER - MAINTENANCE OF USER ACCOUNT/PASSWORD *CHANGE*...................................................14
1.3.1 ROLE SETUP (RSU)..............................................................................................................................16
1.4 SCORE UNIT MAINTENANCE...........................................................................................................................16
1.4.1 Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry...................................................................................................17
1.4.2 Add Score Unit & Config Source Field............................................................................................18
1.4.3 Edit Score Unit...............................................................................................................................19
1.4.4 Move Up / Down of Score Unit......................................................................................................19
1.4.5 Delete Score Unit...........................................................................................................................19
1.4.6 View Log of Score Unit...................................................................................................................20
1.5 CONFIGURATION PARAMETER AND GENERIC MASTER SETUP...............................................................................20
1.5.1 Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)......................................................................20 Group Ceiling accounts expiry date *change*...................................................................................25
Company level setup (RSU)...............................................................................................................................25
1.5.2 Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Country)........................................................................26 External provider defaulted *change*...............................................................................................28 Country/Company Level Setup (RSU).................................................................................................28 Competence Class function now privileged *change*.....................................................................30
1.5.3 Generic Master Table Maintenance..............................................................................................30 Mandatory reason code when Posting Back or Rejecting an eCLA *change*....................................33 Global Setup (HKG)............................................................................................................................33 No reason code selected....................................................................................................................34
1.5.4 Control Files...................................................................................................................................35

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

1.2.14 General enhancements *change* Branch search field added

In some countries the eCLA creation is not handled centrally / where we have more than one requestor.
Add option to search by branch code. Multi Competence Class Selection Debtor Code now Hyperlinked

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eCLA Processing Detail

After clicking hyperlink, it will re-direct to Debtor Account Enquiry Corporate account code from SGI account

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

SGI account is aligned with what is in AR AP Account. Number of years based on AR AP Account creation date

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application) Turnover % fields

Turnover percentage fields (Freight/WH/Trucking, Custom/Tax and GP) become mandatory and Sum of
"Freight/WH/Trucking" and "Custom/Tax" must be 100.
If you leave these fields empty, a Validation Error will pop up.

If Sum of "Freight/WH/Trucking" and "Custom/Tax" not equal to 100, error message will prompt.

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application) CCM Total separated into pending CCM and approved CCM

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application) Default Memo Type Abbreviated Name field added *change*

(Mantis 32792)

Menu path: Receivables > AR AP Account > eCLA Processing

Abbreviated Name field has been added to the eCLA Processing screen but only allows for one
character to be input. All abbreviated names which begin with this character will be returned in
the search result as per below example: Delete button removed *change*

(Mantis 32792)

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Menu path: Receivables > AR AP Account > eCLA Processing

The Delete button has been removed from the eCLA Processing screen as eCLAs contain important
They should never be deleted, only rejected or posted back.

1.2.15 Print Setup

When you click the Print button in the eCLA application, it will print the current page information.
And you will be directed to the Figure Print Setup-1 Print Setup. You can choose the Format,
Output To and Output At.

Figure Print Setup-1 Print Setup Add PDF Format for eCLA <Print> button *change*

(Mantis 28098)
Receivables > AR AP Account > eCLA Processing
Select an eCLA request (Hyperlink), the eCLA Processing Detail screen will open.
Select the <Print> button to print the Credit Limit Application Form.

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Report Management:

Print Example:


1.2.16 View Log of Credit Limit Application

1. In Figure View Log of Credit Limit Application -2 eCLA Processing screen (View Log button),
click View Log button
2. All the audit log related to eCLA will be shown in Figure View Log of Credit Limit Application
-3 View Log of eCLA
3. You can also input the criteria to search for the history of other eCLAs

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

AR > AR AP Account > eCLA Processing

Figure View Log of Credit Limit Application -2 eCLA Processing screen (View Log button)

AR > AR AP Account > eCLA Processing > View Log button

Figure View Log of Credit Limit Application -3 View Log of eCLA

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

1.2.17 Credit Rating link from eCLA *change*

(Mantis 41603)

Menu path: Receivables > AR AP Account > eCLA Processing

A link to the Credit Rating of a debtor is now available from the eCLA for both the requestor and


A new eCLA is created. CR Rating button is available for eCLA requestor:

When user clicks on Cr Rating, user is redirected to screen Credit Rating List.

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

After eCLA is submitted, Cr Rating is also available for approvers:

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

1.3 External Provider - maintenance of user account/password

(Mantis 35422)

Menu path: Receivables > AR AP Account > Credit Provider Login Setup

A new menu option has been created to allow Sgi to centrally manage the user account and password
for each countrys external provider (D&B, CreditReform etc.)

Credit Provider Login Setup Detail:

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An error message Only single User should be allowed per provider for each country will be prompted if
there is more than 1 user id per provider per country.
ACON will make any change effective without restarting the server.

1.3.1 Role Setup (RSU)

A new function EclaProviderSetup has been created to allow access to this new menu.
This should be restricted to the role Sgi MF-K.

1.4 Score Unit Maintenance

The score unit maintenance is to setup the credit information to display in the SSM Information
function of eCLA (Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found). It provides
three source types of credit information, which are ACON AR AP Maintenance, external Credit
Information Provider - Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) and Manual Input. It is already linked with 12 types of
credit information from source types. Below is the table to show the linkage between the source type
and type of the credit information.

Table Score Unit Maintenance -1 Type of Credit Information

Source Type Type Type Description
ACON - AR AP Maintenance F3AVG DSO Deviation
ACON - AR AP Maintenance F3CTERM Credit Terms
ACON - AR AP Maintenance F3SINCE Years with KN
Credit Information Provider - D&B CURR_RATO Current Ratio
Credit Information Provider - D&B LGL_FORM Legal Structure
Credit Information Provider - D&B NET_INCM Net Income
Credit Information Provider - D&B NET_WRTH Net Worth
Credit Information Provider - D&B SLS Total Sales

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Credit Information Provider - D&B STRT_YR Year Started

Credit Information Provider - D&B TOT_ASET Total Assets
Credit Information Provider - D&B TOT_CURR_ASET Working Capital
Credit Information Provider - D&B TOT_EMPL Total Employee

1.4.1 Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry

Score Unit Maintenance is placed under AR > AR AP Account > Score Unit Maintenance
1. Input the criteria
2. Click Search button
3. The result will be shown in Figure Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry -4 Score Unit Maintenance
(Search Mode)
AR > AR AP Account > Score Unit Maintenance

Figure Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry -4 Score Unit Maintenance (Search Mode)

Action Description
Action Description Next UI
Search Search Unit Same Screen
Edit Edit Unit Edit Score Unit Screen

Move Up Move Unit to upper Same Screen

Move Down Move Unit to lower Same Screen
Delete Delete Unit Delete Confirmation Dialog

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Add Add new Unit Add Score Unit Screen

Figure Add Score Unit & Config
Source Field-5 Score Unit Detail
Maintenance - Add
Config Configure the source field Configure Score Unit Field Screen
Source Field Error: Reference source not found

View Log View Audit Log View Log of Score Unit

1.4.2 Add Score Unit & Config Source Field

1. In Figure 2.1.2-1 Score Unit Maintenance (Search Mode), click Add button
2. You will be directed to Figure Add Score Unit & Config Source Field-5 Score Unit Detail
Maintenance - Add
3. Input Unit Description and Source Type
4. The Unit Index will be assigned automatically
5. Click OK button
6. Error Message will be occurred, if you do not input the Unit Description or Source Type
7. If the source type is Acon or Credit Information Provider, you also have to setup the source field.
8. Click Config Source Field button
9. For Acon, there are 3 source fields linked with Acon AR AP Maintenance. For Credit Information
Provider, there are 9 source fields linked with Credit Information Provider - D&B. Details see Table
Score Unit Maintenance -1 Type of Credit Information
10. Choose the Source Field and the Data Type
11. Click OK to confirm

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AR > AR AP Account > Score Unit Maintenance > Add button

Figure Add Score Unit & Config Source Field-5 Score Unit Detail Maintenance - Add

AR > AR AP Account > Score Unit Maintenance > Search mode > Config Source Field button

Figure Add Score Unit & Config Source Field-6 Score Unit Fields Configuration

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

1.4.3 Edit Score Unit

1. In Figure Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry -4 Score Unit Maintenance (Search Mode), select the
Score Unit and click Edit button
2. You can edit the Unit Description and Source Type
3. Click OK
4. Error Message will be occurred, if you do not select any Score Unit

1.4.4 Move Up / Down of Score Unit

You can move the Score Unit up / down in the shown list
1. In Figure Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry -4 Score Unit Maintenance (Search Mode), select the
Score Unit that you want to move up / move down
2. Click Move Up button / Move Down button
3. The selected Score Unit will be moved up / down and the Unit Index No. will be changed
4. Error Message will be occurred, if you do not select any Score Unit

1.4.5 Delete Score Unit

1. In Figure Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry -4 Score Unit Maintenance (Search Mode), select the
Score Unit that you want to delete
2. Click Delete button
3. Score Unit Delete Confirmation be prompted, and click OK button to confirm
4. Error Message will be occurred, if you do not select any Score Unit

1.4.6 View Log of Score Unit

1. In Figure Score Unit Maintenance Enquiry -4 Score Unit Maintenance (Search Mode), click View
2. It will show the audit log of the Score Unit.

1.5 Configuration Parameter and Generic Master Setup

1.5.1 Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)

The Configuration Parameter Maintenance is under CF > Superuser Maintenance > Configuration
Parameter (Company)

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)-7 Configuration Parameter Maintenance



The Company Value is used to select the second currency code for applying Credit Limit Application,
other than the company local currency.

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)-8 Configuration Parameter -


Parameter ID: CLACLU

The Company Value is added with current month to calculate the Configuration Expiry Month. The
unit of Company Value is month.

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)-9 Configuration Parameter - CLACLU

Parameter ID: CLAEDM

Configuration Expiry Date calculation mode, L : last day of prv. month S : specific day of calculated

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)-10 Configuration Parameter - CLAEDM

Parameter ID: CLAEDD

Configuration Expiry date calculation specific day of calculated month (ie. 1, 10, 15).

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)-11 Configuration Parameter - CLAEDD


The Company Value is used to calculate the expiry date of the temporary approved eCLA. The expiry date will
be the sum of current date and Company Value. The system will compare this expiry date with the
insurance date and take the minimum value as the final expiry date. When the request expired, the value of
credit term, payment term, credit limit and expiry date will be restored to the original value before the
temporary approval. The default value of ADD_EXPIRY_DAY is 28 days and the unit of Company Value is day.

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Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Company)-12 Configuration Parameter - ADD_EXPIRY_DAY Group Ceiling accounts expiry date *change*

(Mantis 28489)
Requested by Sgi MF-KA, there should be a configuration to control the maximum number of months to
input in expiry date for group ceiling account.
The identification of GC accounts is done in MDM, where we have a GC Flag (Yes/No) based on Sgi
Only for GC accounts we need the possibility to manually extend the expiry date for 14 months.

Company level setup (RSU)

Level Parameter ID Description Default Value

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application)

Company CLACLU_GRP_CEILING Number of months for adding in

calculation of the maximum 14
expiry date allowed in eCLA for
Group Ceiling Account.
Max expiry date allowed is = to
current date + number of

1.5.2 Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Country)

The Configuration Parameter Maintenance is under CF > Superuser Maintenance > Configuration
Parameter (Country)


It is used to configure the label value of AON 2nd Layer Insurance in eCLA application form

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Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Country)-13 Configuration Parameter -



It is used to configure the eCLA can allow Temporary Approval or not

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Figure Configuration Parameter Maintenance (Country)-14 Configuration Parameter -

ECLA_ALLOW_TEMP_APPR External provider defaulted *change*

(Mantis 22389)

Problem Description
External provider has to be selected with every eCLA

Country level parameter can be defined as there tends to be only one provider per country. Country/Company Level Setup (RSU)


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Update Country value

This will then default to each AR AP account in the External Provider field

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eCLA (Electronic Credit Limit Application) Competence Class function now privileged *change*

(Mantis 31503)

This will restrict role allocation to a limited number of users.

1.5.3 Generic Master Table Maintenance

The Generic Master Table maintenance is under CF -> Superuser Maintenance -> Generic Master
Table Maintenance. There are three tables related to ECLA, eCLA Reject Code, eCLA Score Unit source
field and High Risk.


In Figure Generic Master Table Maintenance-15 Table - ECLA_REJECT_CODE, you can add, edit or
delete the Reject Code

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Figure Generic Master Table Maintenance-15 Table - ECLA_REJECT_CODE


In Figure Generic Master Table Maintenance-16 Table - ECLA_SOURCE_FIELD, it shows all the Score
Unit source fields which are linked with the ACON or External Credit Provider, you can add the new
score unit, but you cannot add any linkage between ACON or External Credit Provider. It needs to do
some programming on the linkage.

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Figure Generic Master Table Maintenance-16 Table - ECLA_SOURCE_FIELD

Table Name: HIGH_RISK

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In Figure Generic Master Table Maintenance-17 Table - HIGH_RISK , you can add, edit or
delete the Reject Code

Figure Generic Master Table Maintenance-17 Table - HIGH_RISK Mandatory reason code when Posting Back or Rejecting an eCLA *change*
(Mantis 31721) Global Setup (HKG)

New code added to Generic Master Table Maintenance.

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New code now default value against parameter ECLA_DEF_REJECT_CODE_FIELD (this is a company
level parameter but this has already been updated by HKG) No reason code selected

If no reason code is selected when Rejecting or Posting Back an eCLA then the default code will be

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Reason Code is now updated with default code.

1.5.4 Control Files

The Payment Term is under CF -> Control Files -> Payment Term

In the Figure Control Files-18 Payment Term Maintenance, you can find the Payment Day in the list
If Figure Control Files-19 Payment Term Detail you want to edit it, click Edit button, you can see
Payment Term details

Figure Control Files-18 Payment Term Maintenance

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Figure Control Files-19 Payment Term Detail

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