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WH 8/18:

Focus: Code of Hammurabi & intro to working as a team (interdependence)

Reason why: Pulling in prior knowledge; reflecting on how much people/societies/civilizations/human race
have changed over time--have we? Are we really so different, or evolved/advanced from early civilizations?

Learning Target: We will read, write questions, and make inferences about laws from Hammurabis Code so
that we can write about Sumerian civilization and reflect, through means of comparison to today, on how
civilizations have changed or remained the same in 4000 years since the code was written.

Quick write: on back on pink back: (before I thought)

1. What are some things that you might see, in a high-functioning group at work?
ack to your 7th grade Social Studies class; what are some of the things or ideas you remember
2. Think b
learning about?
3. What are the events, time periods, or people in history that fascinate or interest you?

Opening: Model mine, and then do a quick turn-and-talk with a neighbor. Discuss responses to the three
questions (record ideas on the board or on large-format paper--or type?). Transition to Hammurabis Code and
what our goal is today (learning target).

Model one set of laws:

a. Paraphrase
b. Make inferences
c. Question
d. Question

Take a moment to look through the envelope--select one set of laws (one slip) to use.

Share out findings, one person at a time (a-d).

Consider: what do our set, taken together, suggest? What hypothesis can we generate that incorporates the
information from ALL four group members?

On a piece of paper, write:

a) Thesis
b) A basic o
utline of support for the thesis, using information from the laws/slips

Individually, on back of pink paper, respond to these two questions in writing:

Times have changed--have people changed? Consider the laws from Hammurabis Code, as well as your own

Are people capable of change--do they change? Use an example from your own life or previous experiences
as support for your viewpoint.

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