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Adequate - sufficient in quality or quantity to meet a need or qualify for something

Aggression - threatening behavior or actions
Agitation - actions intended to arouse public feeling, interest, or support for or against something
Alters - to make changes to something or somebody, or be changed or become different
Anguished - feeling or producing extreme anxiety or torment
Anticipated - to think or be fairly sure that something will happen
Anxiety - nervousness or agitation, often about something that is going to happen
Anxious - worried or afraid, especially about something that is going to happen or might happen
Appetite - a natural desire for food
Aspirant - somebody who is hoping to achieve distinction or advancement
Bedside – the side of a bed, or the space next to a bed
Bellyache – a painful or upset stomach
Clearing – a space without trees in an area of land that is wooded or overgrown
Cognizant – having knowledge of something (formal)
Chronic – describes an illness or medical condition that lasts over a long period and sometimes causes a long-term change in
the body

Constellation – a group of stars visible from Earth that forms a distinctive pattern and has a name, often derived from
Greek mythology, linked to its shape.

Congestion – a state of overcrowding in a street or other area, making movement slow or difficult
Copious – produced or existing in large quantities
Crisis – a situation or period in which things are very uncertain, difficult, or painful, especially a time when action must be
taken to avoid complete disaster or breakdown

Crumbs – used to express dismay or shock (dated informal)

Cystitis- inflammation of the urinary bladder, often caused by infection
Decongest – to loosen mucus in the nasal passages, sinuses, or bronchi
Delusions – gross and false overestimation of personal worth, importance, powerfulness, or attractiveness
Denture – a partial or complete set of artificial teeth for the upper or lower jaw, usually attached to a plate
Doubt – to feel unconvinced or uncertain about something, or think that something is unlikely
Efficient- performing tasks in an organized and capable way
Emphasis- special importance, significance, or stress
Enumerate- to name a number of things on a list one by one
Epidemic- an outbreak of a disease that spreads more quickly and more extensively among a group of people than would
normally be expected

Estrogen- a steroid hormone, produced mainly in the ovaries, that stimulates estrus and the development of female
secondary sexual characteristics

Evaluate- to consider or examine something in order to judge its value, quality, importance, extent, or condition
 We evaluated the situation carefully.

Exhaustion- a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness or collapse

Foresight- the ability to envision possible future problems or obstacles
Fluctuate- to change often from high to low levels or from one thing to another in an unpredictable way
Fluid- a liquid substance (not in technical use)
Genuine- having the qualities or value claimed
Glamour- an irresistible alluring quality that somebody or something possesses by virtue of seeming much more exciting,
romantic, or fashionable than ordinary people or things

Gastroenteritis- inflammation of the stomach and the intestines, with vomiting and diarrhea, usually as a result of
bacterial or viral infection

Hallucination- the perception of somebody or something that is not really there, which is often a symptom of a
psychiatric disorder or a response to some drugs

Hazardous- potentially very dangerous to living beings or the environment

Hiccup- an abrupt involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that causes an intake of breath and closes the vocal cords,
resulting in a convulsive gasp

Idealist- a perfectionist who rejects practical considerations
Ill- not in good health, having a disease, or feeling unwell or nauseated
Inflammation- swelling, redness, heat, and pain produced in an area of the body as a reaction to injury or infection
Infant- a very young child that can neither walk nor talk
Innate- relating to qualities that a person or animal is born with
Intestinal- found in or affecting the intestines
Intrinsic- belonging to something as one of the basic and essential features that make it what it is
Institutionalize- to put somebody into an institution such as an alcohol or drug-treatment facility, a psychiatric hospital,
or a prison

Impetigo- a contagious infection of the skin caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria and characterized by blisters
that form yellow-brown scabs

Likewise-n the same or a similar way
Linen- a thread or durable fabric made from the spun fibers of flax
Mandatory- needing to be done, followed, or complied with, usually because of an official requirement
Mindset- a machine or part of a machine that performs a specific task
Mobilize- to organize people or resources in order to be ready for action or in order to take action, especially in a military or
civil emergency, or to be organized for this purpose

Mucus- the clear slimy lubricating substance consisting mostly of mucins and water that coats and protects mucous membr
Negligent- habitually careless or irresponsible
Niche- a position or activity that particularly suits somebody's talents and personality or that somebody can make his or her

Otitis- inflammation of the ear, caused by infection
Philosophy- the branch of knowledge or academic study devoted to the systematic examination of basic concepts such as
truth, existence, reality, causality, and freedom

Pinpoint- to identify or locate something accurately

Precedence- a relative importance in rank and status that determines something such as the order in which participants are
placed in a formal situation

Prone- inclined to do or be affected by something

Prompt- done at once and without delay
Purity- the absence, or degree of absence, of anything harmful, inferior, unwanted, or of a different type
Reorient- to find out where you are or where you are going after being lost
Restless- constantly moving, or unable to be still
Seizure- the seizing of something, especially the taking of something by force or the official or legal appropriation of something
Sleepless- without sleep, or unable to sleep
Soothe- to make pain or discomfort less severe
Susceptible- easily influenced or affected by something
Spouse- somebody's husband or wife
Sputum- a substance coughed up from the respiratory tract and usually ejected by mouth, e.g. saliva, phlegm, or mucus
Symptoms- an indication of a disease or other disorder, especially one experienced by the patient, e.g. pain, dizziness, or
itching, as opposed to one observed by the doctor sign

Stability- the condition of being stable

Sucking- still feeding on its mother's milk and not yet weaned
Sustain- to provide somebody with nourishment or the necessities of life
Therapist- somebody trained to treat disease, disorders, or injuries, especially somebody who uses methods other than drugs
and surgery

Trachea- a tube in insects and related air-breathing invertebrate animals through which air is drawn into the body by the
pumping action of the abdominal muscles

Unconscious- unable to see, hear, or otherwise sense what is going on, usually temporarily and often as a result of an
accident or injury

Undisturbed- not interrupted or disrupted by anybody or anything

Utter- or pronounce something
Versatile- able or meant to be used in many different ways
Vigilant- watchful and alert, especially to guard against danger, difficulties, or errors
Vigorous- extremely strong and active, physically or mentally
Vital- extremely important and necessary, or indispensable to the survival or continuing effectiveness of something

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