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X XVI I I C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XXIX

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev sunuluyor. Tarihsel olarak yaptlar, nronu kefetmi olduu iin 1906da Nobel dl
alm olan Santiago Ramn y Cajalin 1870te resme#ii bir dalga tablosundan, Annie
Besant ve Charles Leadbeater tarafndan yaymlanm olan ve modern soyutlamay
TUZLU SU: Dnce Biimleri zerine Bir Teori ngrd gibi grnmez olann tezahrne de kalc bir ilgi uyandrm olan r a-
c Dnce ekilleri'ne (190105), Fsun Onur'un hareket eden bir kaykta bir iirin du-
Hayat bir biim, biim de hayatn kipidir. (1) yulabilecei yeni iine, Asl avuolunun Ermenilerin bir bcekten krmz boya elde
etme tekniine gnderme yaparak hakikatlerin ortadan kaldrlmas zerine dnen
yeni bir enstalasyonuna, Theaster Gates'in Chicago ile stanbul arasndaki kltrel
I. Olay ne buluma noktasna varncaya dek geni bir yelpazeye yaylyor.
Hayatla sanat arasnda arpmalar, ikisini birbirine balayan dmler vardr. Rene Gabri ve Ayreen Anastasn hatrla# gibi, parrhesia kelimesi eski Yunanda
Bazen sanat yaptlar gibi simgesel dzene ait yaptlarn; hikyeler, tarih ve sylen- doruyu sylemek anlamna geliyordu. kna retorii ve birok yalann egemen oldu-
celer araclyla imgesel sistemlerimize girmi olaylarn meydana geldii yerlere u bir dnyada, parrhesia imknsz veya en azndan ihtimal d, belki de topik bir
yerletirilmesi bile sanat yaptlarn dntrmeye yeter; sz konusu yaptlar ayinsel durum gibi grnyor. Yine de, TUZLU SU: Dnce Biimleri zerine Bir Teori vesile-
ve byl bir hayata kavuur. Balamlar, bizim eksiklik/mevcudiyet, gerek/imgesel siyle Gabri ve Anastas 2007de katledilmi Ermeni bir Trkiye vatanda olan gazeteci
veya imdi/gemi gibi huzurlu kategori ve ayrmlarmz sarsan bir ksa devreye yol Hrant Dinkin ve onun 1996da kurduu Ermenice-Trke Agos gazetesinin brosuna
aar. Byle bir sarsnt sanat yaptlarnn i grme, fail olma ve dnyay dntrme yeni bir ad vermeyi tercih ederek Parrhesia Merkezi dediler. Niyetleri parrhesiastla-
gibi kabiliyetlerinin nn aar. rn (doruyu syleyenler) bulumalarna evsahiplii yapmak ve nmzdeki yllarda,
Antropolog Marilyn Stratherne ilham borcunu kabul eden Donna Haraway (ki ben 14. stanbul Bienalinden sonra bile, eitli ifade zgrl ve akszllk biimleri-
de ona olan borcumu kabul ediyorum) yle yazar: Baka meseleleri dnmek iin ni srdrmekti. Btn serginin mikrokozmosunu oluturduuna inandm bu mer-
hangi meseleleri kullandmz nemlidir; baka hikyeleri anlatmak iin hangi hik- kez veya buluma yerini aklamak iin Gabri ve Anastas unu yazdlar:
yeleri anla#mz nemlidir; dmleri hangi dmlerin dmledii, dnceleri
hangi dncelerin dnd, balar hangi balarn balad nemlidir.(2) Baz Buras hem zaman hem de mekn bakmndan bir aralk: Bununla
hikyeler hikye anlatmaya son verir, hayal gcn kstekler, herhangi bir dnme unun arasnda, konumak ile eylemde bulunmak arasnda, okumak
neden olmaz, herhangi bir dnya gelitirmezler. O halde, bir aacn dallar misali, ba- ile kullanmak, renmek ile rendiini unutmak arasnda sabitlen-
ka hikyeler anlatlabilmesi iin birbirimize ne gibi hikyeler anlatabiliriz? mi snrlarn sorguland ve ayrt edilemez, i grmez duruma getiril-
TUZLU SU: Dnce Biimleri zerine Bir Teori, bir materyalin tuzlu su ve dmlerle dii bir mekn. Tarih diye miras aldmz eye nasl layk olabilece-
dalgalarn elien imge-biimlerinin etrafnda dnyor. imizi ve bamza gelenlerle nasl baedeceimizi dnmeye ynelik
Sergi bir kitap; katlmclar ve sergilenen yaptlar listeleyen, sponsorlara, dostlara, bir mekn. Merkezi ayakta tutansa Parrhesia Dostlar Cemiyeti:
hamilere ve destekilere, sergi iin alan ekibe ve sergiyi yaratanlara katklar iin
teekkr eden, ama ayn zamanda bir araya getirdii yeni yazlarla, sanatlarn se- Bariyerler ve dlamalarn ortadan kaldrlmasn arzu eden bir cemiyet.
tii metinlerden oluan bir antolojiyle ve izimleriyle (ki bu dnce ve ka izgileri Dilleri harmanlayan ve ufkunda Babil Kulesi olan bir cemiyet.
kendine zg bir sistem gibi ileyen gevek bir organizma oluturuyor) okura yol gs- Kendi kendiyle elime ve tutarszlk gibi sulamalar kabul eden bir
teren elinizdeki bu kitab meydana getiriyor. cemiyet.
Sergi, izginin nereye ekileceine, sana#a aratrmann ve aratrma srelerinin Gereklii, grnn gzden kayboluu olarak sahnelenmesi ek-
dier bilgi alanlar (biyo-bilimlerin, fizik ve matematiin yan sra hikye anlatcl, linde anlayan bir cemiyet.
felsefe, psikanaliz ve psikanalizin kontrpuan olan gnmz nrobiliminin beyin ince- Tarihsel, kltrel ve psikolojik kabulleri sarsmaya alan bir cemiyet.
lemeleri) ile yeniden ilikisini kuracak organik ve izgisel olmayan biimler araclyla Bu cemiyetin dmanlar, kltrel uyumaclk veya uzlamaz ras-
nerede geri ekileceine, nerede yaklap nerede uzaklaacana bakyor. Bunu da, yonalizm ve gericilikle metne veya sze el koyanlardr.
ak denizlerde, dz yzeyler zerinde parmak ularmzla yapt gibi, sualtnn derin- Dostlarysa bir olu, sabitletirmeme, mentee skme, altrma,
liklerinde, kat kat ifrelemeler almadan nce de yapyor. hatta anlama srecini arzu ederler. (4)
Sergi, otoriter rejimlerde sanatlarn, zgrlemenin eitli biimlerini oluturan ya-
ptlar o toplumlar eletirse de, sz konusu yaptlar kullanldklarnda etkinletirilen TUZLU SU: Dnce Biimleri zerine Bir Teori dediimiz tuzlu proje yelpazesinin, an-
dntrc eylemlilikleri nedeniyle birer ara gibi kullanlabilirlerse de, ou zaman gaje ve dobra sz edimleri konusunda ayn drty tamakla birlikte teki ucunda
soyutlama yoluyla veya ifrelenmi ve st rtl dillerle konutuklarn unutmuyor.(3) yer alan Pierre Huyghe, stanbulda bitmi bir sanat yapt sunmak yerine bu geici
Sergide, sanatlardan istenmi yaptlarn yan sra, okyanusbilim tarihi, evre aratr- sergi kapsamnda bir proje balatmaya ve i grmez yaptn nmzdeki yllarda
malar, deniz arkeolojisi, Art Nouveau, nrobilim, fizik, matematik ve teosofi gibi alan- devam e#irmeye karar verdi.(5) Huyghe, 2013teki Gezi Park isyannn iddetle bas-
lardan alnm malzemeler ve 2015te bir arkadamla birlikte Robert Smithsonn Great trlmasndan iki yl sonra dzenlenen bir bienalde ve ulus inas adna etnik kim-
Salt Laketeki (Byk Tuz Gl) Sarmal Dalgakran'ndan topladm birtakm kristaller liklerin yok edildii travmatik bir gemii olan bir lkede, gerek Karadeniz gerekse
XXX C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XXXI

Ortadouda etraf kargaa ve savala u anda ben Bykadadaki inziva kemden nsan bu ac, adaletsizlik ve suiistimal hikyesini anlatarak bir parrhesia durumu orta-
yazarken bile aktif olarak katld savalarla evrili bir lkede neler yaplabileceini ya karabilecei gibi, sanatn adaletsizlikleri knama zerine kurulu en radikal sanat
anlamak ve bana tavsiyelerde bulunmak iin 2014te stanbulu ve Boaz gezdi. yaptnn bile iktidar sahipleri iin hep bir yanl bilin biimi olarak i grdne ina-
Gsterili sanat sergisinin kurduu iktidarn sistemik dzeni (Adorno bugn grse ty- nyorsa, yzn sualt dnyasna, kompostlamaya, hayatn gezegende serpilmesine
leri diken diken olurdu)(6) ve halka ak mze, geici sergi gibi modern ulus ina mo- ve dnm ile deiime de evirebilir. Sana#aki olas ben-bilirimci maniplasyonlar-
delleri zerinde de dndnden, Huyghe yzn exhibition (sergi) yerine in-hibi- dan ve ounlukla insann iradesi dnda maniple edilen knayc sz edimlerinden
tiona (ieri sergileme), yani bir birlikte-ortaya-k ayini balatabilmek iin dorudan kanmay amalayan byle bir tercihte alakgnlllk ve hakikat nitelii vardr.
grnrln eksikliine evirmitir. Tercihini azametli ama alakgnll bir jes#en, Ayn oyunda, babasn kazada kaybe#iini sanan kazazede Ferdinanda Arielin sy-
14. Bienal resmen bi#ikten sonraki yllarda sualtnda kendi kendine yeten, kendini yeni- ledii arknn ikinci ktasnda, bu tr bir kompostlama okuruz ve denizin dibindeki
den reten bir dnya ortaya ksn diye denize bir sahne gmmekten yana kullanmtr: kpeklerin kemikleri veya karanlk yz klelik olan Aydnlanma dneminde yzyl-
Bienal uzun vadeli bir dnm ayini balatmak iin iyi bir vesile, diyecekti.(7) larca gemilerden atlan bedenler (Ellen Gallagher'n bu sergi iin yapt enfes yeni
Setii mahal Marmara Denizinde, Sivriada yaknlarnda ok anlaml bir yer. Sivriadaya resimleriyle anmsa# gibi, Atlas Okyanusu, yzyllarca Orta Geit'in cesetlerini
gayri resmi olarak Hayrsz Ada da deniyor, nk stanbul sokaklarndan toplanm yutmutur) ya da yine gemiden atlan bedenlerin turistlerin gnelendii Sicilya
binlerce kpek, Osmanl mparatorluunun son demlerinde, 1910da ehrin daha mo- plajlarna vurduu bir zamanda gnmz Akdenizinin sular aklmza gelir:
dern ve Batl olma abalar esnasnda alk ve susuzluktan lmeye, ac ac rmeye
terk edilmi, resmen katledilmiti. Huyghen gemi yllardaki sanatsal icralarndan Tam be kula dipte yatyor baban;
artakalanlardan meydana getirilmi bu denize batrlan, yzdrlemez/satlamaz (un- Kemikleri imdi mercan oluyor;
sailable/unsaleable) sahne veya erevenin stne, kayalarn yan sra Akdeniz arke- Bir ift inci artk gzlerinde duran;
olojisinden elde edilmi baka unsurlar nmzdeki yllarda dikkatle yerletirilecek, Hibir paras yok olmuyor;
bunlar da sualtndaki yaamla ngrlemeyecek bir ekilde ieriden etkileerek bir Harika bir eye dnyor bence.
dnyay birlikte retecekler. Marmara Denizinin dibinde, diye yazyor Huyghe, Deniz deiiminden getike.(11)

srgn adas olan Sivriadann deniz yatandaki mevcut kaya olu- Dolaysyla Boazdaki bu sergi, dnyamz iirsel bir biimde ekillendirip dn-
umlarnn etrafna kurulmu somut bir sahne yzeyden dlanm tren dalgalarn farkl frekanslarn ve rntlerini, suyun aknt ve younluklarn
nesnelere, Akdeniz blgesinin tarihinden artakalm rnlere ku- dikkate alyor. Sanatla birlikte ve sanat araclyla yas tutuyor, hatrlyor, knyor,
cak aar. Bu sahne gitgide byyen koleksiyonun iinde ve dnda iyilemeye alyoruz ve kendimizi bu meknda beraber yaam birok toplu-
evrim geiren ve onu srekli dntren zgl deniz yaamn iine luun nee ve canllk olaslklarna adyor, biimden yeeren yaama sryoruz.
alr. Biyolojik yinelemeler, hayvanlarn igdsel davranlar, doal Dzensiz dalga rntlerini ve organik bymeyi aratran en ak sanatsal pro-
fenomenler ve insan mamullerinin birlikte varoluu bir zuhur, kendi jelerden biri Christine Taylor Pa#enn ii: Sanat minimal malzemelerle, kt
kendine dzenlenme, yeni oluumlar ve farkl haller retir. (8) stne, kalem olarak karga ty ve siyah mrekkep kullanarak, mikrolar dedii
bir inkare ebadnda minicik 2000 izim zerinde alyor. Sz konusu izimler
Sevgili okurlar, sizleri bu yere tekneyle gtreceiz, ama sahnemize rahat rahat tpk evrenin kendisi gibi bir ilk noktadan ortaya kp alyor:
bakabilesiniz diye teknenin taban cam olamayacak veya o derin karanla dalas-
nz diye dalg kyafetleri datmayacaz. (9) Milattan sonraki iki bin yl temsil eden dizide ayrntlara girmek iin
Shakespearein Frtnasnda (1610-11), Miranda, bir gemiyi hileyle batran ve b- her bir izim bir nceki izimde bulunan bir olaydan yola kyor. Bu
yc de olan babas Prosperodan frtnay bitirmesini ister: minicik alanda, organikten geometrik soyutlamaya varncaya dek
izimin btn szvarl bize bir dnya ifa ediyor ve izimin evre-
Bu vahi sular senin marifetinle kkryor olmasn byle! ni muazzam bir lek zerinde dnp deiiyor. Zaman, mekn,
Eer yleyse, brak artk durulsunlar sevgili babacm. enerji, biim, ite sanatnn bir mr boyu izginin potansiyel, son-
Deniz ge uzanp yanaklarndaki atei sndrmese, suz olanaklaryla girdii angajmana derinlemesine dayal olan bu
Pis kokulu zift yaacak yukardan neredeyse. srad kavramsal projeden zuhur ediyor.(12)
Ah, o ac eken insanlar grdke,
Ben de ac ektim onlarla birlikte. Harika bir tekne Suyun yzeyinde olan ile suyun altnda olan arasndaki iliki daha geni bir meseleye,
(Ki kukusuz soylu kiiler tayordu iinde) grnr olan ile genellikle grlmeden kalan meselesine baldr. Sosyalist, teosofist ve
Parampara olmutu. Ah, her lk, feminist Annie Besantn (18471933) on dokuzuncu yzyln sonunda grd zere,
Gelip u yreime arpyordu. dnce ekilleri imgesel alann cisimlemi kendilikleridir, genellikle grnmez kalan
Zavall insanlar, hepsi ld.(10) eyin grnr ve kpr kpr halleridir. Gerek dnyann ancak farkndalk, dnme veya
dikkat gibi youn haller iinde kavranabilen biimleridir. Besantn Charles Leadbeater
XXXII C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XXXIII

ile birlikte yazd ve 1905te(13) yaymlanan ilgili kitab, modern soyut sanat teorisinin (gece/gndzn doal ritmi, biyolojik hayatla beden ve toplumsal hayatn ritimleri),
ilk rneklerinden biridir; ve dorudan doruya arzu ve dncenin re#ii biimlerin mzikal llerin ritimleri ve devrimler, darbeler gibi tarihin ritim ve dalgalarnn so-
grselletirilmesini ele alr. Kataloumuzda Pietro Rigolonun yazd gibi: yut ritimleriydi.(17) Sergi sresince stanbul iin gerekletirilen bu ak projede bu
ritimlere ynelik sonu gelmez bir aratrma kat kat alp deiiklikler gsterecek.
Sanat her zaman dnce ekillerinin temsilini iermitir ve bir a-
dan, bizzat bir dnce eklidir. Bununla birlikte dnce ekilleri, II. Olay Nerede Geiyor
sanat zerine dnmek iin bir model olarak kullanlabilir: kisinde Sergi meknlar Avrupa ve Asya yakalarnda, Karadenizden Marmarann Akdenize
de gerek, imgesel ve simgesel dzeyler i ie rlmtr ve bizler ar- yakn noktalarna doru pek ok yere yaylm bulunuyor. ehrin merkezinden, a-
zumuzla ne yapacamza dair etik bir problemle kar karyayzdr.(14) son ve Argonotlarn Altn Postu ararken getikleri sylenen Karadeniz kysndaki
Rumeli Fenerine doru seyahat edeceksiniz. Sonra, 8500 yl nce su geidi olarak
Besant, Adyarda (Hindistan) yayordu ve Britanya mparatorluu'na karyd; alm bir sismik fay ha# olan kvrml ve darack Boazdan Akdenize doru, B-
Hindistan Ulusal Meclisine kabul edilen ilk kadn olacakt. Fabianc bir sosyalist- ykadada (Marmara Denizindeki Prens Adalarndan biri. Vaktiyle Bizans impara-
ken kadim ve ada dinleri karlatrmal olarak inceleyen ve rk, din ve milliyet torlar dmanlarn oraya srgne gnderirlermi, Lev Troki de 1929-33 arasnda
ayrm yapmakszn btn insanlarn eitliine inanan maneviyatlara, teosofist- drt yl bu adada yaam) Splendid Otel ve Troki Evi gibi meknlara, Galatada
lere katld. Teosofistler doay anlamak ve sevmek iin bilimi incelemek gerekti- Vault Karaky The House Hotele ve Tophane'de talyan Lisesine, Kadkyde bir
ine de inanyorlard; ilk evreciler arasndaydlar. sanat atlyesinin yan sra ARTER, stanbul Modern, SALT Galata ve DEPO gibi
Madam Blavatsky ve Besant gibi teosofistler evrene nfuz etmi rnt ve dal- sanata zg meknlara seyahat edeceksiniz.
galar (nabzmz da, nefes alveriimiz de birer dalgadr) alglama yeteneklerini Grup sergilerine ev sahiplii yapan sadece drt yer var: stanbul Modern, ARTER,
eitmilerdi. Yeni bir anlam ykledikleri yogay pratiklerine dahil e#iler ve her Rum Okulu ve talyan Lisesi. stanbul Modernde Kanal adn verdiim uzun, dar bir
birimizin grnmez alan grme yeteneine inandlar; dnem Nikola Teslann meknda tersten bir Wunderkammer, yani Nadire Kabineleri bulacaksnz. Kanal, tpk
radyo iletimleriyle ilgili deneylerini yapt (1893), Guglielmo Marconinin radyoyu bir Klein iesi (iinde bir ey bulundurabilen bir kap olduu halde ii ve d olmayan
icat edip patentini ald (1896) ve Wilhelm Conrad Roentgenin X n dediimiz bir biim)(18) gibi, farkl ka izgileriyle ieri ve dary birbirine dmlyor. Bu mate-
elektromanyetik radyasyonu kefe#ii (1895) dnemdi. matik nesne veya cisimlemi dnce biimi, ilk olarak Alman matematiki Felix Klein
Gnmzde baz sanatlarn ve kltr pratisyenlerinin gizli iktidar yaplarn anlama tarafndan 1882de betimlenmiti. Ynsz yzeyin rneklerinden biri boyutlu bir M-
ve dijital toplumun grnmez ifrelerinden azade olma giriimleri ile bu fikirler arasn- bius erididir (ieriyle darnn yer deitirebildii bir yap) ki sergi iin uygun bir imge
da bir iliki var (Ed Atkins). TUZLU SU: Dnce Biimleri zerine Bir Teorideki kimi oluturuyor. Bir i meknn (sergi) kendisine gre nasl bir dar (genel olarak dnya)
sanat yaptlarnn ve yazlarn esin kayna, ite bu yeni gerekilik biimidir (temsil yaratabileceine gndermede bulunuyor. Kanal dediimiz bu Klein iesinde du-
gerekilik deil, bireyler ve irketlerin hayatmza ynelik gizli maniplasyonlarnn rup bakanlar, dnyada bulunmu, yaplm unsurlarn birlikte mevcut olduu, eitli
somut bir grn ve zuhuru): Susan Philipsz, Irena Haiduk, Cevdet Erek, Georgia failliklerin anlatmlarnn bir araya getirildii bir meknda, nesnelerin sanat alan iin-
Sagri, Ania Soliman ve Zeyno Peknlnn yan sra Besant ve Leadbeatern kita- de ve dnda olma deneyimine bal olarak nasl ilev grdne younlaabilirler.
bndaki gualarn Lea Porsager tarafndan gerekletirilmi el yapm kopyalar anla- stanbul Moderndeki Kanal hem Boaza hem de nronlarmzn sodyum kanalna bir
bilir. Yazlara rnek olaraksa Alexander Provan ile Beatriz Colominay zikredebiliriz. gnderme.(19) Kanalda Orhan Pamukun eskiz de&erindeki izimlerden okyanusbilim-
Grnmez olann bir maddesellii olduunu, dolaysyla zihin/beden ayrm diye bir ci Emin zsoyun Boazdaki kaytlarna varncaya dek farkl bilgi alanlar arasndaki
eyin olmadn, dnceler ile dier maddi eylerin kendi ilerinde etkiletiklerini syleiler boy gsteriyor. Kyaslanamaz, llemez grneni kyaslamak her zaman
alglamak feminist (Karen Barad(15)) ve bilimsel (klasik deil de kuantum fizii) bir iin zordur. zne felsefesine ve arlarn dansna ayn anda bakmak zordur. Ancak farkl
dnme tarzdr. Zihnin beden tarafndan ve bedenle birlikte belirlendiini dn- alanlar arasndaki snrlar korumann internet anda pek anlam yok. Derin dnce-
mek ve gnmzde bir yandan organik olana, te yandan da mekanik ve teknik olana ye kabiliyetimiz var; eitli ilgili alanlar zerinde gezinmeye dnk yakn zamanl kabi-
(toplumun teknolojik donanm/yazlm tertibatlarna merak) duyulan kltrel saplan- liyetimizle birlikte icra edilmesi, onunla i#ifak iine sokulmas gereken eski bir kabiliyet
tda bulunan nevrozlarn farknda olmak ayn zamanda psikanalitik bir dnme tarz- bu. Sanat, ister ziyareti olsun isterse sanat, bilimci, tarihi, kurmaca yazar veya filo-
dr (Bracha E#inger, Senam Okudzeto, Daria Martin, Marcos Lutyens). zof, benzer dnen insanlar arasndaki bu tr apraz i#ifaklarn deneylenmesi ve icra
Cevdet Erek, yeni enstalasyonu Bir Ritim Mekn Otoparkta Tophane blgesinin edilmesi ve bu karmakl doymak bilmez bir bilgi alna dmeksizin, kukucu bir
nezihletirilmesi sreci iinde yklmas planlanan, 1940ta ina edilmi beton bir aklkla dnmek iin bir platform oluturuyor. Kanalda bir dizi unsur birlikte yz-
otopark son bir veda edimi olarak boaltp temizledi, bylece bir boluk meydana yor. Tuzlu suyu dnmek suretiyle, stanbuldaki 1894 depremi gibi gemi travma
getirdi. Zaman ve meknn ses ve fiziksel unsurlar araclyla bu ekilde birbirine ve serpilme katmanlarnn yan sra on dokuzuncu yzyl mimarisinde Art Nouveaunun
eklemlenmesi ayn zamanda insanlarn ehir parklar gibi kamusal alanlarda veya gelimesinin arkasndaki itici gleri, zellikle de depremden sonra (stanbula 1893te
arabanz park etmek gibi gnlk faaliyetler iinde dier aralklarda toplanmala- gelen) imparatorluun resmi mimar ve ehrin byk bir ksmn Sultan Abdlhamidin
rna gnderme yapyor. Bu yapt, Erekin 2012deki Raum der Rhythmen (Ritimler 1909da tah#an indirilmesinden nce Ermeni, Fransz ve Trk meslektalaryla birlikte
Odas)(16) iinin deneysel bir tekrar. Erek 2012de katmanl ritimler aracly- benzersiz bir Art Nouveau slubuyla yeniden ina etmi olan Raimondo DAronco r-
la ses ve mekn zerinde bir deney yapmt. Kullanlan ritimler gnlk hayatn neiyle ele alyorum. Art Nouveau, asimetri ve hareketi, organik akma biimini mimari
XXXIV C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XXXV

biimin ve gnlk haya#a etrafmz saran nesnelerin dikgen kart bir zgrlemesi almasn salar; kelimenin tam anlamyla bizi haya#a tutar. Sinir hcrelerimizin zarla-
olarak gelitirmitir. Bunun iin de dikkatini organizmalara, bitki, hayvan ve ieklerde- rn amalarn, bylece polarizasyondaki bir deime (hareketsizken sodyumlu hcre-
ki doal byme seyirlerine ve bunlarn morfolojilerine evirmitir. Jacques Lacann nin d pozitif ykldr ama potansiyel eylem srasnda bu polarite tersine evrilir) sa-
1970lerde yapt dm izimleri, Brezilyal sanat Frans Krajcbergin dml yesinde enformasyonun elektrikle tanp beynimizin iletiim kurmasn, vcutlarmzn
resimlerinden ve mile Gallnin on dokuzuncu yzyl sonunda yapm olduu Art hareket etmesini, kalplerimizin atmasn salar. Nronun iiyle d arasndaki iletiim
Nouveau vazolardan bir seki ve Patrick Blancn dikey baheleri iin hazrlam ol- kanallarn uyarr. nk sodyum hcre zarndaki potansiyel elektrii ykseltir, o da dal-
duu izimlerle birlikte sergileniyor. Bunlar bir arada, erken dnem organizmacln galanr biimsel olarak bir dalga rnekesine bal olduunu syleyebiliriz. Szn
devrimci potansiyelini gnmzn biyo-mimarisi ve evreciliiyle kompostluyor. e#iimiz elektrik salnmlarnn fiziksel olarak bulunduu yer sinapstr.
Kanaldaki bu unsurlar otuz ayr mekna yaylm olan Tuzlu Sunun geri kalan-
n gezmek iin bir anahtar sunuyor. Kamusal alann ksa sreli ve geici yaam IV. Dalgalar ve Dmler
alanlaryla balant iinde yeniden kurulmas nermesi erevesinde, sz konusu Hem zaman askya alan durdurulmu hareketler vardr (denizler, okyanuslar ze-
meknlarn her biri tek bir katlmcnn veya bir grubun yaptna ev sahiplii yap- rinde insan tamaclnn dmleri, sava, emek, etnik temizlik dmleri) hem
yor: otel, tekne, eski bir sosyal konut, deniz feneri, dkkn, eski bir banka ubesi, de dalgalar gibi dank ve tekrarlanan hareketler vardr (ayaklanma dalgalar, jou-
zel bir ev, derslik, ktphane, Trokinin eski geici ikametghnn kys. issance dalgalar, elektromanyetik dalgalar).
Hem kelimenin dzanlamyla su dalgalar vardr hem de insan dalgalar, duygu ve an
III. Tuzlu Su dalgalar. Dalgalar tehis ederek, grerek rntlerinin farkna varrz sualtndaki su
14. stanbul Bienalini gezerken bu ekilde tuzlu suyun stnde ve iinde epey bir rntleri, rzgr rntleri. Belki de bir dalga sadece zamandr bir dalgann yk-
vakit geirmi olacaksnz. Fsun Onurun sanat eseri, bir iirin sesli okunduu k- sek ve alak noktalar arasndaki farkta duyumsanan his zaman, dolaysyla mekn
k, beyaz bir tekne. Boaz boyunca bir aa bir yukar seyahat ediyor. Meknlar ve dolaysyla yaam imleyebilir. Dalga sonu itibaryla bir dm olabilir mi?
arasnda, zellikle vapurlarda seyahat ederken sanat deneyimi biraz yavalam Dalgalarn tekrar ve salmay andran hareketleri de ayrca dmlenmi izgiler
olacak. Bu da ok salkl bir durum: Tuzlu su solunum sorunlarnn ve baka nice zerinden dnlerek askda tutuluyor. Tarihin dalgalar vardr ve bir de isya-
hastaln tedavisine yardmc olur, ayrca sinirleri gevetir. Endosimbiyotik i-etki- nn dalgalar ve bir halk toplanmaya, bir araya gelmeye ve izgiyi ekmeye karar
leimle ilgili mevcut teoriler (20) en kk hcre veya bakterinin en eski veya en te- verdiinde grnr olan, fkenin ve adanmln dalgalar. Bylesi anlarda d-
mel duyu yetisinin su ve tuzun, yani dnyada en fazla bulunan ve her trl hayat iin mler meydana gelir ve oluan dmler dalgalarn akn askya alr.
temel nitelikte olan maddelerin mevcudiyetini duyumsamak olduunu hatrlatyor. Matematikte, boyutlu uzaydaki bir dm kendisiyle kesiimi olmayan kapa-
Tuzlu su ayn zamanda dijital a iin en andrc maddi tehdit anlamna geliyor: l bir dngdr. Dm Teorisi topolojide boyutlu manifoldlar incelemesinin
Akll telefonunuzu tatl suya drseniz, kurutup muhtemelen kullanabilirsiniz. parasdr. 1877 dolaylarnda sko fiziki Peter Tait iki dmn ne zaman birbi-
Ama tuzlu suya drrseniz, telefonunuz malzemede meydana gelen kimyasal rinden farkl olduunu anlamak iin dmlerin kapsaml bir inceleme ve listele-
molekler deiimler nedeniyle mahvolur. Tuzlu okyanuslarmzda, kylardan mesine giriti. Farkl ile ayn konusundaki sezgisel kavray yleydi: Dm-
binlerce kilometre akta, sualt rmaklar akyor ve dijital enformasyon tayan lerden biri dierine benzeyinceye dek boyutlu uzayda (kendisiyle kesimesine
kablolarmz hi beklenmedik biimde atlatan tortu ve akntlar getiriyorlar. Bu izin verilmeksizin) ynlendirilebiliyorsa bu ikisi izotopiktir.
iki sistem, organik ve dijital sistemler, tuzla birbirlerinden ayrlyor. Sonraki yllarda Dm Teorisi zellikle matematikiler/topolojistler tarafndan
Tuz (sodyum klorr, NaCl) bir metal atomuyla bir ametal atomunun meydana ge- aratrlan bir alan oldu, ama bugn (William Irvinein su iinde dmleri konu
tirdii iyonik bir bileiktir. Bir molekl meydana getiren balanm iyonlardan alan almalar gibi incelemelerle) fizikilerin evrenine geri dnd. Benim sezgi-
deil, kart ykleri (biri pozitif dieri negatif) olan iyonlardan oluur. Ancak suda lerime gre, beynin elastikiyetinin bezemelerde izgilerin giri& st ste ve alt
iki iyon ayrdr; biri molekln pozitif tarafna, br negatif tarafna ekilmitir. Bu alta binmelerine baklarak dnce biimleri yaratmak iin icra edildii nokta-
gizemli birleme ve hidrolizasyon iinde ayrlma rnekesi, bu elektrik, deiim da, szgelimi Batl Dm Teorisi tasarlanmadan nce yaplm giri& hallar veya
paradoksu hadi buna ekim, itme, arzu, sevgi, g, agzllk, nefret, ekonomi karmak znik inileri incelenirken, Dm Teorisi bir estetikle balant kurar.
paradoksu veya bu kimyasal dnce biiminde her ne grmek istiyorsanz onun Dmler birer tutuk hareket, dalgalarn aknda birer hkrktr. TUZLU SU: D-
paradoksu diyelim ite bu serginin/ie sergilemenin canevinde duruyor. nce Biimleri zerine Bir Teori sergisi tarihin dalgalarna, ayn zamanda da tarihin
Eski inde deniz suyu ilenerek elde edilen, sonralar Keltler (yani tuzcular) tara- dmlerine, zamann yavalad ve hareketin bazen nefes nefese durduruldu-
fndan ocaktan karlp dnyann btn halklar tarafndan toplanan tuz, hem ticareti u zamanlara bakyor. Bu dml izgilere hem sarsntlar iinde bulunan zaman-
yaplan bir madde hem de maalar tuz olarak dendii lde bir iktidar kaynayd mzn merceinden hem de arkeolojik adan, talar zerinde alarak bakyoruz.
(asker anlamna gelen ngilizce soldier kelimesi Latince salario, Eski Franszca sol- Sanat camiasndaki byk dmlerden biri, sanatn siyasi angajmanlar ile iinde
dedan tremitir). Tuz antikada nemli bir metayd, nk organik maddeleri (yiye- bulunduumuz bilgi kapitalizmi anda sanatn cisimlemi yaratcln biimleri
ceklerimizi) korur, vcutlarmzn ve besi hayvanlarmzn sal iin gereklidir. Tuz hem olarak dolam arasndaki gerilimdir. Sanatn insan toplumlarnn dnyasnda srp
gzyalarmzn suyu hem de hayatn tad tuzudur; pozitif ve negatif ykl iyonlar mo- giden aclara, zdraplara ve smrlere ynelik empatisi ile sanatn finansalla-
leklleri bir araya getirerek gezegende hayat mmkn klan tuz kristallerini oluturur. mas, pazarlara girii arasnda bir gerilim var. Fotoraf, video, dorudan veya ko-
Sodyum nrolojik sistemimizin, dolaysyla da btn yaamsal sistemlerimizin lektif eylem gibi mecralar sanatlar iktidar yaplarndan otomatik olarak kurtarmaz.
X X XVI C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XXXVII

Sanatn dnyada failliini yceltmenin ve buna uygun platformlar sunmann baka ve protestocularn el hareketlerinin bir dalga rnts yaratmasnn nasl daha
yollar var. Bunlardan biri, sanat yaptlarnn sonluluunu istikrarszla uratacak sa- dengeli ve daha gl biimde dinamik ve titreimli bir yzey elde edebildiini grd.
natsal edimlerle fikir ve duygular seferber etmek, onlar kullanlabilir klmak ve farkl stanbul Moderndeki sergide, 1901/2015 tarihli bu tabloda ne doru ilerleyen in-
tarihsel dmler yaratp katalizlemektir. Ancak bu noktada, hele bizimki gibi kritik sanlarn sinematik dalgas Pellizzann orijinal izimleriyle birbirine dmleniyor.
bir ada, Karadeniz ve Ortadou blgelerinde etnik ve dinsel savalar kzrken, Er- izimler de Michelangelo Pistole#onun Venere degli Stracci (Paavralar inde
meni travmasnn yan sra Krt mcadelesi ve Suriyeden snmac akn gibi baka Vens) (1967) balkl iiyle birbirine dmleniyor. Pistole#onun iinde paavra-
sorunlar zlmemi halde dururken, sanat ve entelektellerin Trkiyede ve btn larn oluturduu kpr kpr yn, Vietnam Savana kar yaplan gsterilerin ve
dnyada tarihle hesaplamalar iin bir platform sunmak etik ve tarihsel bir buyruktur. eli kulanda bekleyen 68 hareketinin olduu dnemde baka bir ykselen kala-
Savalarn, etnik temizliin, siyasi ayaklanmalarn tarihi; Trkler, Ermeniler, Rumlar ve bal temsil ediyor. Dmdeki bir dier bkm ise Artkiler Kolektifinin (zge
Krtler arasndaki ilikiler ve daha yakn zamanda da Suriyeli snmaclar ve (ben bu elikaslan ve Alper en) Tekel iilerinin 2010 Ankara direniini belgeleyen yeni
satrlar yazarken) snr tesinde PKK kamplarnn bombalanmas bu topraklarn ta- video-kolaj ve Cildo Meireles'in Project Hole to Throw Dishonest Politicans (Sah-
rihindeki krizler bu dmlerden bazlardr, halklarn hayatlarnn mstesna anlardr; tekr Politikaclar Atmak in Proje Delii) (2011) adl dnce biimi resmidir.
kiisel ve kolektif dmler nasl da birbirleriyle kyaslanmaz grnyor. Hayots tseghaspanutyun'dan (Ermenicede "soykrm") sa kurtulabilen bir an-
Bu sergiyi dzenlemem istendiinde bir halkn grnr zincirlerle veya zincirsiz ne-babann ocuu olarak Kuds ve Beyrutta yaam, talya ve Pariste kalm
olarak birbiri pei sra yryen taka#en dm, seyircinin bakyla asla kesi- olan Lbnanl Ermeni Paul Guiragossiann (192593) resimleri de bu dm-
meyen, dardan ve zapturapt eden bir bakn kontrol e#ii bir dorultuya kilit- den uzak deil. 1950lerin ortasndan lmne kadar resim yapan Guiragossian,
lenmi, ip gibi dizili klelerin oluturduu bir izgi gibi grlebileceini dndm. bir topluluk oluturmann anlamn irdelemek iin renk ve biimi aratran moder-
William Kentridgein yllar boyunca sk sk izdii mlkszlerin geit trenidir bu.(21) nist soyut iler yara#. Pellizza da Volpedo gibi o da topluluu ip gibi dizili insan-
talyan ressam Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo Il Quarto Statoyu (Drdnc larn oluturduu bir izgi eklinde deil, bakan kiiye doru ilerleyen, soyut bir
Kuvvet) on ylda resme#i: lk taslaklarn ardndan tablo son biimini 1901de ald. renk duvarna dnen insanlarn n cephesi olarak resme#i. Her fra darbesi,
Pellizza, Volpedo (Piemonte) diye kk bir kasabadaki barl ama enerjik bir tarihi estetik olarak yeniden hayal eden bir stunlar ve resimsel iaretler toplulu-
protestocu kalabal resmetmiti. Buradaki kalabalk boyun emi insanlarn ip unda insanln bir stunu haline gelir.
gibi dizildii bir izgi deil, aksine yzleri ne dnk ve bakan kiiye doru yr- 2015 yl, Ermenilerin geleneksel olarak 1915le ilikilendirilen, Osmanl mparator-
yorlar. Genler sknetlerini korumay bilen bilge yallardan daha fkeli resme- luunun sonlarnda halklarnn gaddarca yok edilmesini tanmlamak iin nceleri
dilmiler; kadn figrler erkeklerle ayn koullardalar. Ykselmekte olan gnein (Medz Yeghern) ve (Hayots tseghas-
sabahn orta saatlerindeki nda merkezdeki figrler (bir erkein sanda yal panutyun) adlarn verdikleri olayn yznc ylna denk dyor. Travmatik bir
bir ii, solundaysa ocuklu bir kadn var) arkalarndaki ve evrelerindeki dier- gemiin aratrlmas ile tarihin gelecek iin verimli bir topraa dntrlmesi
lerinden daha bykler. Dolaysyla tablo yeni bir demokratik resim yaps iin almas arasnda bir diyalog vardr. Ancak yitirilenin kabul edilmesi ile travmann
Rnesans perspektifini terse eviriyor. Tablo 1902de Torinoda sergilendiyse de irdelenmesi paralel ekilde gerekleirse hayatn yceltilmesi ve yeni sanat ve ha-
hibir baar elde edemedi ve Pellizza birka yl sonra, 1907de intihar e#i. Ama yat biimlerinin ortaya kmas anlaml olur.
tablo yirminci yzylda btn dnyada grlen demokratik hareketler iin anahtar Ama bu durum sergide kratoryal adan bir Ermeni blm alarak deil, bu
niteliinde bir imge olmaya devam e#i, sinemann imge dnyasna da girdi. (22) bireysel sanatlarn ve tarihi yanklayan zgl sanat yaptlarnn gl katlmyla,
Sivil topluma ve Geziden sonraki mcadelelerine sayg duruunda bulunmak iin btn olarak serginin dokusuyla i ie geirilmesiyle ifade edildi. Bunlar arasnda
bu resmi stanbulda sergilemek istedim. Resmin Milanoda iki versiyonu var: La ada Trkiyede Ermeni tarihi ve travmasyla ksmen ilgili iler yapan sanat-
fiumana (Sel) (1898) ve Il Quarto Stato (Drdnc Kuvvet) (1901). Ama ikisi iin de larn (rnein Francis Als, Vernon Ah Kee, Michael Rakowitz, Kristina Buch)
dn alma talebimiz reddedildi. Bu brokratik engelden ylmayarak Romadaki yan sra Arshile Gorky ve Paul Guiragossian gibi Ermeni kkenli r ac sa-
Galleria Nazionale dArte Modernada bulunan kesekd zerine yaplm gerek natlar ve Sarkis, Sonia Balassanian, Anna Boghiguian, Haig Aivazian, Hera
boyutlu hazrlk izimlerini dn almaya karar verdik. Ayrca paylaarak ve etkin- Byktacyan ve Rene Gabri gibi Ermeni sanatlar sayabiliriz.
letirerek yaptn stanbulda daha ok i grmesi iin de bir yol aradk. zellikle Eski Galata Rum Okulunda Msrl ve Kanadal Ermeni sanat Anna Boghiguian
gz kamatrc ecinsel evrelerde rafine resim tekniiyle tannan Taner Ceylan, Tuz Tccarlarn yara#. Eski yelkenler, resimler, izimler, tekne paralar ve ses ka-
Pellizza da Volpedoyu cisimletirmeyi ve orijinal tabloyu sanatya, Geziye, Soma ytlarndan oluan bu byk, heykelsi enstalasyon, vaktiyle Antarktikada kaybol-
felaketinde hayatlarn kaybeden iilere ve Trkiyede demokrasi urunda verilen mu tuz tayan bir teknenin Mila#an Sonra 2300de buz tabakas eriyince yeni-
btn abalara sayg amacyla stanbul Bienali iin kopyalamay kabul e#i. Telif hak- den ortaya kmasnn hikyesini anlatyor. Tuz ve demir oksitlenmesi sonucunda
k yasalar, kopya karan ressamn uzun ve zahmetli almasn kapsamad iin dijital a sona erdii iin, dnya gemiini bu tekne sayesinde yeniden kefedi-
Pellizzann eserini dikkatli bir ekilde incelemek iin kalktk Volpedo ve Milanoya yor. Boghiguian iktidar ve adaletsizlie dorudan ve dolayl gndermeler yapyor;
gi#ik. Eser, Ceylann divizyonist resmin noktacla yakn olan kaba slup ve tek- tarih iinde tekrarlanan bu gndermeler Via Salariadaki eski Romallardan Byk
niini renmesini gerektiriyordu. Mekn figrlerin bel izgisiyle dikey olarak ikiye skenderin Sivaya seyahatlerine, Kristof Kolomba, Gandhinin tuz yryne ve
blen matematik bir temsil sistemine yerini brakm olan daha az iyi resmetmenin Yunanistann bugnk finansal krizine (ki insanlarn en temel besin kaynaklarna
X X XVI I I C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XXXIX

ynelik bir saldr olduu iin buna ekmek ve tuz krizi adn veriyor) uzanyor. Tuz Ermeni nfusunun yaad travmatik tarihe sessizce tanklk ediyorlar. Rakowitz,
ticareti ile klelik arasndaki ilikilere, gnmzde denizlerde tank olduumuz projesinin bir paras olarak, Sivriadada lm kpeklerinkileri de ierebilecek ufa-
trajedilere yaplan baka yazl ve resimsel gndermelerle birlikte Boghiguiann lanm kemikleri ok eski bir gelenekteki gibi alsna kartrd; bylece el sanatlar
enstalasyonu izim ve biim yaratma zerine bir risale nitelii tayor. Eski okul ile zanaatkrlar yceltirken bile toplumun eliki, paradoks ve iddetini iledi. Ra-
salonundaki mekn resmedilmi yelkenlerin ve tuz ynlarnn aslmasyla kat kowitzin bu zanaate ilgisi olmas bilgi ve becerilerin aktarm, kltrn yok olmasna
kat geniletiyor, bu da bakanlarn katedebilecekleri dev bir manzara yaratyor. direnmek iin gelenein srdrlmesi gibi daha geni kapsaml sorular gndeme
Bu dm ele alan dier uluslararas sanatlardan Francis Als Aninin Ses- getiriyor. Projenin son bileeni, btn ehirdeki binalarn n cephelerinden deri-
sizlii baln tayan yeni bir film ve enstalasyon sunuyor. Bu proje Dou Ana- lerinden mimari motiflerin kaznmas, silinmesiyle ilgili; bir mimarlk ve ehircilik
doluya yaplan bir aratrma gezisinden sonra gelitirildi; blgedeki ocuklarn seans yaratarak ehrin zoraki olarak unutulmu sakinlerinin hayaletlerini aryor.
belli trdeki kular armak iin kullandklar ku tn taklit eden flt benzeri
kk ddklerden kan seslerin kayd zerine kurulu. Ermenistan snr yaknn- V. Vizesiz Gezegen
daki, vaktiyle kalabalk bir ehirken imdi ocuklarn ykntlar arasnda oynad Bir gn Orhan Pamuku ziyaret etmek iin eskiden Prinkipo denen ve Lev Tro-
Ani harabelerinde, her ocuk ku armak iin farkl bir ses karyor, bunlarn top- kinin (1879-1940) 1929-33 arasnda drt yl srgnde kald Bykadaya gi$im.
lam da kularn geri gelmesi iin kolektif ama teksesli bir ar meydana getiriyor. Pamuk, bana Trokinin adadaki son geici evini gsterdi. ats yoktu, deniz
Alman sanat Kristina Buchun yaratt Such prophecies we write on banana kenarndayd ve gerek yabani gerekse imdiki grevlinin yetitirdii bitkilerle
skins (Muz kabuklar zerine yazdmz cinsten kehanetler) balkl iki kanall kaplyd. Trokinin 1929da Hayatm balkl otobiyografisini kaleme ald ev ola-
yeni video enstalasyonuna da yine Dou Anadolu ve Aniye yaplm bir seya- bilirdi bu.(23) armtm, hi plaket yoktu, burada kaldndan sz edilmiyordu.
hat esin verdi. Blgeye gerekletirdii aratrma gezisi srasna Buch, Surp Ekim 1917 devriminin Stalin tarafndan brokratikletirilmesine ve Leninin lm-
Sarkis dahil olmak zere birok Ermeni kilisesini gezdi. Surp Sarkis yz yl nn ardndan devlet komnizmi fikrine kar kt iin Troki gcn kaybetmi ve
nce tahrip edilip terk edilmi bir kilise; bugn yeniden remeyi ve insan id- 1927de Komnist Partiden atlarak Kazakistana, Alma Ataya gnderilmiti. SSCBnin
detinin anlamszln akla getiren ieklerle kelebeklerin istilasna uram gerek iindeki gerekse uluslararas muhaliflerine oradan srekli mektuplar yazp ma-
durumda. Buchun yapt birbirinin neredeyse ayns ama ayn zamanda taban kaleler gnderiyordu. Ardndan 1929un banda, Karadenizin te kysndaki Odes-
tabana zdd iki patlamay ses ve grnt araclyla ima ediyor: Biri insan kl- sadan bir buharl yk gemisiyle stanbula srgne gnderildi. Otobiyografisini B-
trnn nemli bir keta (bir mze), br doann keta olan Everest ykadada geirdii ilk ylda kaleme ald. Hayatmn giriinde yle yazyor:
Da. Michelangelo Antonioninin Zabriskie Point (Zabriskie Noktas, 1970)
filminin sonundaki patlama sekansnn genel erevesini, dekorunu ve ritmi- Bizzat [bu kitabn] dnyaya gelii yazarn aktif siyasi hayatna veri-
ni kopyalayan doa ve kltr, insan uygarl ve evre alanlarndaki bu pat- len araya baldr. Hayatmn ngrlmeyen ama rastgele olmayan
lama grntleri yavaa havada uuan ses zerreciklerine karyor. nsann duraklarndan biri stanbul oldu. Burada konaklyor (ama bu ilk de
modern dnyadaki yabanclamasn betimlemek iin Antonioni bir tr soyut deil) ve bundan sonra olacaklar sabrla bekliyorum. Bir miktar
gerekilik kullanmt. Yok etme drtlerimiz ve boa giden kahramanlk jesti kadercilik olmasa bir devrimcinin hayat pekl imknsz olur.
zerine dnen Buchun projesi Antonioninin sahnesini geniletip ayor. Bu
projede dnmzn ve varoluumuzun, yani insan olarak antsal nitelik- Dolaysyla Troki srgn ve inzivadayd, yine de szlerini ve yazlarn oradan btn
teki iki gvenli limanmzn tam olarak paralanmasna tank oluyoruz: Doa ve dnyaya byk bir enerji ve etkiyle gnderiyordu. Trokinin evini ziyaret e$ikten ksa
kltr antlarnn, bunlarn tanmlarnn, yaplarnn ve simgelerinin zlp yok bir sre sonra Laura Poitrasn 2014te Edward Snowden hakknda yapt, Snowdenn
olmas. Dijitalin kendi i boluuna doru patlad grlebiliyor. gnmz dnyasndaki yasad, gizli izleme sistemlerine dair ifaatn kamuoyuna
Irakl-Amerikal sanat Michael Rakowitzin yeni projesinin balnn kayna- aklamadan nce Hong Kongda bir otel odasnda gazetecilerle geirdii iki ha&ay
, Trkede hocaya rencinin ailesi tarafndan tam yetki verildiini anlatmak anlatan belgeseli seyre$im. Bugnn agorasnn, ehir meydannda veya parknda
iin sylenen Eti sizin kemii bizim deyimi. Rakowitzin projesi stanbulun deil, muhtemelen konaklarken veya olacaklar beklerken Bykadadaki bu mehul
Ermeni tarihiyle gl balar ieriyor. 1870lerde byk bir yangn ehrin ko- evin daha zgr inzivasnda veya bir otel odasnda (tabii gerektii gibi donatlmsa
nak denen geleneksel ahap evlerinin ounu yok edince kgir yaplarn ve bakalaryla irtibat kurulabiliyorsa) olduu dncesi geldi aklma. TUZLU SU:
egemen olduu yeni bir dnem balar. 1894 depreminden sonra yirminci yz- Dnce Biimleri zerine Bir Teoriyi ounlukla ehir merkezinden uzak ve birbi-
yln banda ehre Art Nouveauyu getirme sorumluluu byk lde mimar rinden kopuk meknlarda sergilenen sanat yaptlarnn uyumlu bir sunumu olarak
Raimondo DAroncoya ai$i. stanbuldaki Art Nouveau binalar, Ermeni nfus dzenleme fikri bylece dodu. Sz almken, bu farkl meknlar, Wael Shawkynin
etnik temizlemeyle dmek zereyken ykselmeye balad, diye ifade ediyor Kerbelann Srlar balkl yeni enstalasyonunu (stanbulun Hallar tarafndan ya-
Rakowitz. Bu binalarn cephelerine yerletirilen ou bugn de yaayan d- malanmasyla sonulanan Hal Seferlerini Arap bak asndan anlatan filmi) sun-
km ve frizleri yapma sorumluluu Ermeni cemaatinin bir mensubuna, zanaat- duu Tarihi Yarmada'daki Kk Mustafa Paa Hamamndan Walid Raadn heykelsi
kr Garabet Cezayirliyana dmt. stanbul binalarnn derisinde bulunan bir sandk (bu sandklardan kayor gibi grnen sanatsal objeler yaratc kapitalizm
bu al bezeme ve mimari sslemeler Ermeni el ve parmaklarnn izlerini tayor, anda sanatn st ste ylmaktan kurtulmas gerekliliine gnderme yapyor) ens-
1910lar ve 1920lerde gitgide azalarak bugnk kk cemaate dnen ehrin talasyonu sunduu Bankalar Caddesindeki eski bir banka ubesine uzanyor.
XL C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XLI

Troki inzivadayken proletarya devrimini btn dnyada devam e#irmeyi umuyor bir znedir, ama niyet, faillik, mantk, hayranlk ile kudretsizlik arasna skp kalmtr.
ve Norve, Almanya veya Birleik Krallk gibi snma hakk tanyacak bir lkeye Adrin Villar Rojasn, Trokinin evinin kysna, akl plajn biraz anda deniz
gitmek zere Trkiyeden ayrlmaya alyordu. stanbuldan yapt btn vize iin yara# heybetli heykel entalasyonunda Trokiye dorudan hibir gnderme
bavurular reddedildi, bu lkelerin hibiri ona snma hakk vermedi.(24) Haya- yok. Villar Rojasn sanat yapt, kydan birka metre ileride denize yerletirilmi yir-
tmn son blm Vizesiz Bir Gezegen, dokunakl biimde zamanmz ngryor: mi kadar beton kaide zerinde tek tek veya grup halinde duran yirmi dokuz hayvan
heykelinden oluuyor. Hayvanlarn yzleri eve dnk; sanki birinin belki Trokinin
Demokratik bir hak olan snma, bir hkmetin kendisininkine ben- hayaletinin, belki de biz ziyaretilerin kp gelmesini bekliyormuasna eve
zer grler savunan insanlara konukseverlik gstermesi deildir tehditkr gzlerle bakyorlar. Bu hayvanlar Trokinin kbuslarnn, gnmzden
bu kadarn Abdlhamid bile yapmtr. Demokratik bir ynetimin, neredeyse yz yl nce insanl lidersiz, akn ve zgrlememi halde brakp
srgnleri, srgne gnderen hkmetin izniyle kabul etmesi de gitmi, memnuniyetsiz bir devrimcinin korkularnn ete kemie brnm tezahr-
deildir. Snma hakk (kt stnde) bir hkmetin muhaliflerine leri mi? Yoksa, Kleinci psikanaliz terimleriyle, gereinden iyi annenin veya ortalkta
bile, lkenin yasalarna uymay kabul ettikleri takdirde, snma grnmeyen annenin baarszlndan duyulan korkuyu mu temsil ediyorlar?(26)
imkn vermesidir. Bazen, demokrasinin ilkeleri konusunda tek Nitekim, Kleinn sanatsal icray travmann oyunla tekrarlanmas sayesinde gerek-
perdelik bir komedinin pan-Avrupal icrasn seyrediyormu- leen tedavi ve onarmn bir biimi olarak gren dncesine gnderme yapyor-
um gibi geliyor bana. Oyun son derece retici: Vizesiz Avrupa. muasna, Villar Rojasn yaptnn bal The Most Beautiful of All Mothers (Tm
Amerikadan sz etmeye bile gerek yok. ABD sadece en gl deil Annelerin En Gzeli). Her biri incelikle gerekletirilmi beyaz fiberglastan olan bu
ayn zamanda en ok korkan lke. Geenlerde Hoover, hobisinin ne hayvanlar (rnein goril, ceylan, gergedan, bizon veya suaygr) yine ayn incelikle
kadar demokratik olduunu gstermek iin balk avlamaya dkn ol- gerekletirilmi kahverengi toprak renginde birer hayvan srtlarnda tayor (rne-
duunu aklad. ayet byleyse ki pheliyim ABDde hl mevcut in gorilin stnde bir aslan var), adeta hayali birer canavar oluturuyorlar. s#eki
olan demokrasinin az saydaki kalntlarndan biridir sonuta. Sn- hayvanlar organik atklar ve atl malzemelerle (deniz kabuklar, balk alar, kemik-
ma hakk uzun sredir yoktu. Vizesiz Avrupa ve Amerika. Fakat bu iki ler, cam krklar, sebzeler ve ha#a et) toprak, kum, tuz, asfalt, imento, doal pig-
kta dier nn de sahibi. Bu da demek oluyor ki vizesiz gezegen.(25) mentler, kompost ve reine karmndan yaplm.(27) Tpk modern bir tekne gibi
yzeyi przsz ve tuzlu suya direnli olan al#aki hayvan ile onun srtnda duran ve
Bykadada Splendid adnda bir otel var. 1908-11 arasnda ina edilmi; stan- deniz suyuyla anp rmeye elverili olduu halde s#e olan hayvan arasnda bir
buldaki en eski otellerden biri. William Kentridgein Tide Table (Gelgit Tablosu, tezat ve i#ifak var. Bu hayvanlar belki de denizden akln zombileri veya canavarlar
2013) adl nceki ilerinden birindeki binalardan birini hatrla# bana. Trokinin gibi ykseliyor, hepimizin geldii yerden, ezeli hayat orbasndan geri dnyorlar
bu adada srgn olduunu renince, Kentridge O Sentimental Machine (Ah, li ve yeryznn son sakinleriler; hayali bir gelecekte, Antroposen an felaketlerin-
Makine) adn verdii bir yapt yaratmaya karar verdi: Otelin kendisi Troki, sekre- den sonra hayalet gibi gezinmek ve topra geri istemek iin dnmler.
teri ve takipileriyle birlikte bir karakter haline geliyor. Ziyaretilerin yapt grmek Sanat yaptna ulamak iin yaplan yolculuk yaptn bir paras, dolaysyla yapt
iin Bykadaya yapacaklar uzun yolculuk Trokinin Odessadan stanbula yap- ulama edimini de kapsyor. Bastrlann bu geri dnne ulamak iin kk bir
t uzun gemi yolculuunu artryor. Tarihin olaylar karsnda benliin par- sokakta n kapdan geecek ve rezene, yaban brokolisi, incir, iek ve im kokula-
alanmasna duyarl olan Kentridge, okkanall bir ses ve grnt enstalasyonu ryla dolu bir baheye girecek, derken asmalar, allar ve yabani otlarla kapl eski,
yara#: Burada ziyareti otelin bir koridorunda kapal kaplar ardndaki konuma- atsz, tula evin ykntlar arasndan geeceksiniz. Tarih yapm bir kiinin zel
lara kulak misafiri oluyor veya kap aralarndan ierideki zel dnyalar gryor. alanna gizlice girmi olmann verdii tedirgin edici ama sevinli duyguyu zerimiz-
O Sentimental Machine Troki gibi mektuplar gnderip alarak, sekreterine me- den atmak iin huzurlu bir an arayarak kvrml bir patikadan denize inebiliriz. Troki
sajlar yazdrp dnyaya gndererek tarihsel olaylara uzaktan katlma duygusunu ve ailesinin, korumalar ve asistanlarnn zerinden getii karolara ayak basacak,
aratryor. Mantksal argman ve dilin tpk Trokinin topyalarnn baarsz mit ve kurmaca ile gnlk hayat ve gereklik arasndaki mesafenin bir anlna or-
olmas gibi yollar ayrlyor; topyac dncenin gereklilii ve imknszl Tro- tadan kalktn hissedeceiz. Fakat bu sutan veya utantan kurtulmay mit e#ii-
kinin sekreteri ile megafon (Trokinin, insann duygusal ama programlanabilir bir miz iin, evden akl plaja kmak iin demir kapdan geer gemez, baklarmza o
makine olduu fikrini temsil ediyor) arasndaki hayali bir ofis akyla anlatlyor. sulayan, uursuz hayvanlar karlk verecek, rahatlama isteimize son verecekler.
Kentridgein avangard tiyatro ve yirminci yzyl bann siyaseten angaje sanat biim- Bu sergide betimlemek istediim bir dm daha var. Burada, stanbulda atlm
lerine (dnyay yanstmak iin figratife bal kalan modernizmin gzerghlarndan bir dm bu, farkl olaylarla tarihsel anlar birbirine balyor. Son dm, Que-
biri) hayranl burada gayet ak. Sesin (Trokinin Franszca yapt bir konuma, enslandde Kuzeydou Arnhem Landli Yolngu halknn Aborijin haklar iin verdii
1920lerden Trke bir ark, eski bir Rus elektronik enstrman olan theremin ile re- mcadele, bu mcadele sonucunda btn Avustralyada yasalarn deitirilmesi
tilmi mzik, Rumca bir arkdan kesitler, Enternasyonal Mar) zerine glge oyunu ve Aborijinlerin haklarnn tannmas vesilesiyle sanatn sahip olabilecei dn-
ve ariv grntlerinden fragmanlar, ayrca Marx Biraderlerin 1933 tarihli rdek or- trc eylemlilikten, sanatn kullanlabilirliinden sz ediyor. Nitekim ayn halk ve
basna (kemeke yaratan deli bir diktatr konu ediyor) gndermeler ve kopuk ko- bu soydan gelenler 1935ten 2000lerin sonuna kadar Avustralyada insanlarn ha-
puk, bitmemi bir tarihi betimlemek zere srekli silip yeniden izme grntleri yk- yatn deitiren nesneler ve sanat yaptlar yaratmlardr, dolaysyla da Trkiye de
lenmi. Bu tarihte Troki mektup ve makalelerini yazdrp dnyaya gnderen modern dahil dnyadaki baka toplumsal sreler iin ilgin bir rnek veya esin kayna
XLII C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XLIII

oluturabilirler. Hikye iki kk mesaj ubuuyla Maak (Natjialma, Maw' ve Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
Dhangatji Mununggurr, 9 Temmuz 1935) ve Maak (Wonggu Mununggurr, 12 Tem-
muz 1935) balayp 1947de kesekd zerine yaplm bir dizi renkli izimle,
1963 tarihli Aa Kabuu Dilekeleri, 1998-2008 tarihli Tuzlu Su Resimleri ve bu re- SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Forms
simlerin durumalarda deniz haklarnn kant olarak kullanlmasyla devam e#i.
1935teki ilk mesaj ubuklar Yirrkala seferi srasnda antropolog Donald Thompson
ile Wonggu Mununggurr arasnda alnp verilmiti. Mununggurrun oullar o srada Life is a form, and form is the mode of life. (1)
Darwinde hapisteydi. Thompson Wonggunun oullarndan iyi olduklarn haber
veren bir mesaj ubuu getirmi, Wonggudan da oullarna bir cevap ubuu g- I. What it is all about
trmt. Bu da Yirrkala blgesinde beyazlar ile siyahlar arasnda barl bir ilikiye There are collisions between art and life, knots that tie them together.
nayak olmu, cezalandrma amal seferler yaplarak Yolngu Aborijinleri ile iddetli Sometimes, simply the act of locating works of the symbolic order, such as artworks,
atmalara girilmesinin, onlara ynelik bask ve katliamn nne geilmesini sala- in places where events have occurred that have entered into our imaginary systems
mt. Hikyenin bir sonraki blmnde, 1947deki Yirrkala izimleri yer alyor: Toplu- through stories, history and myth, transforms them, and they assume a ritualistic and
luun kdemli kltrel nderlerinden (Wonggu dahil) yirmi yedisi, bilgi ve yasalarn magical life. Their context triggers a short circuit that shakes our pacified categories
kahverengi kt zerine izerek antropolog Ronald Berndte vermi, o da bunlar top- and distinctions such as lack/presence, real/imaginary or present/past. Such shaking
luluktan ayrlrken Perthe gtrm. Resimler byk ihtimalle gvenli bir ekilde sak- initiates their ability to operate, to have agency and transform the world.
lanmak zere izilmilerdi, nk Pasifik Okyanusunda II. Dnya Savann ve atomik Acknowledging anthropologist Marilyn Strathern as her inspiration, Donna Haraway
tahribatn haberleri dalga dalga ve yanklar halinde gelecek, can kayb ve kltrn (whom I in turn acknowledge) wrote, It ma!ers what ma!ers we use to think other mat-
kaybetme kayg ve korkusuna yol aacakt. Bu izimlerden bir seki imdi stanbulda. ters with; it ma!ers what stories we tell to tell other stories with; it ma!ers what knots knot
Kataloun antoloji ksmnda, sanat Djambawa Marawili, Kuzey Topraklar Konseyi knots, what thoughts think thoughts, what ties tie ties.(2) Some stories end storytelling,
Bakan Galarrwuy Yunupingunun 20 Austos 1998deki Bunlarn Doru Olduunu they foreclose the imagination, they bring no transformations, no worlds. So what stories
Biliyoruz balkl 3. Vincent Lingiari Konferansndan setiklerini yaymlamaya karar can we tell each other in order for other stories to be told, like the branching of a tree?
verdi. Bu metinde Yunupingu, Aborijin yasalar ile Balanda (beyazlar) yasalar arasn- SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Formshovers around a material salt water and
daki farklardan sz ediyor. 1960larn banda, Yirrkala yaknlarndaki Nhulunbuy bl- the contrasting image-forms of knots and waves.
gesinde bir maden irketinin kutsal bir banyan aacn keserek Avustralyada toprak It makes a book, this book, which lists the participants and the exhibited works, which
haklar iin ilk mcadeleyi nasl tetiklediini anlatyor: Topluluun yallar halklarnn acknowledges the sponsors, the friends and patrons and supporters, the sta and
haklarn savunmak iin Canberradaki Federal Hkmete bir dileke gndermeye makers of the exhibition, but also draws together and orientates the reader via some
karar vermiler. Resimli iki aa kabuu zerine yaptrlm olan 1963 tarihli bu di- new essays, an anthology of texts chosen by the artists, and their drawings lines of
leke, gnmzde Aa Kabuu Dilekesi olarak anlyor ve Avustralyada Toprak thought and of flight composing a loose organism that operates like a system of its own.
Haklarnn (yani, sz konusu topluluklara iade edilmi belli toprak alanlar zerinde It looks for where to draw the line, to withdraw, to draw upon, and to draw out through
zerklik) kazanlmas srecini bilfiil balatan belge olarak kabul ediliyor. organic and non-linear forms that reconnect research in art and its processes with
Son olarak, Garrangali kutsal blgesinde 1996da yasad yollardan Asyalevrei other knowledges, including bio-sciences, physics, mathematics, as well as sto-
avcl yapld fark edilince, 2002de hukuki sre balatld. Ticari ve elence ry-telling, philosophy, psychoanalysis and its counterpoint in the brain studies of to-
amal balkln yasaklanmas iin Yolngu sanatlar, topraklarnn yaknndaki days neuroscience. It does so oshore, on the flat surfaces with our fingertips, but
gelgit havzas zerinde bilgi ve gzetim haklar bulunduunu ispatlamak zere also in the depths, underwater, before the enfolded encoding unfolds.(3)
resimlerini de ieren eitli kantlar sundular. Tuzlu Su davas ve temyizi 2005ten It remembers that in authoritarian regimes, artists o$en speak through abstraction,
2008e kadar srd; 2008de Avustralya Yksek Mahkemesi Yolngu halkna gel- or in coded and veiled languages, although their works are critiques of their society,
gitin etkisiyle orantl Deniz haklarn teslim e#i.(28) forms of emancipation, and they can be used, like tools, because of the transformative
agency that is activated through their usages.
Bykada, 3 Austos 2015 * It presents commissions by artists as well as other materials from the history of ocean-
eviren Sava Kl ography, environmental studies, marine archaeology, Art Nouveau, neuroscience,
physics, mathematics and Theosophy, and some crystals I gathered with a friend at
Robert Smithsons Spiral Je"y on the Great Salt Lake in early 2015. Works range his-
torically from an 1870 painting of waves by Santiago Ramn y Cajal, who received
* Bu denemede TUZLU SU: Dnce Biimleri zerine Bir Teorinin grlerini or- a Nobel prize in 1906 for discovering the neuron, to the ground-breaking abstract
taya koymak zere sergiden az sayda sanat ve esere odaklandm. lerinden bu Thought Forms published by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater (19015) that
denemede bahsedilmemi olan arkadalarmn hepsi, gelecekte ileriniz zerine prefigures modern abstraction and establishes an interest in the manifestation of the
yazacam, sz veriyorum. invisible, a new work by Fsun Onur where a poem is heard on a moving boat, up to
XLIV C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XLV

a new installation by Asl avuolu, which reflects on the removal of truths through co-emergence. He opted for a grand yet humble gesture to sink a stage for an aquatic and
an ancient and lost Armenian technique for extracting red dye from an insect, and a autopoietic, self-generating world to come, underwater, in the years a$er the 14th Biennial is
cultural meeting point between Chicago and Istanbul by Theaster Gates. ocially over: The biennial is the occasion to start a rite of transformation on the long-term. (7)
The word parrhesia, Rene Gabri and Ayreen Anastas remind us, indicated in an- The site he has chosen is a highly charged location in the Sea of Marmara, near Sivri-
cient Greece the act of speaking truthfully. In a world dominated by the rhetoric of per- ada island, informally called Dog Island because it was here that thousands of dogs,
suasion and many lies, parrhesia seems impossible or at least improbable, perhaps a rounded up from the streets of Istanbul, were le$ on their own to howl and die of thirst
utopic condition. And yet, on the occasion of SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Forms, and hunger, eectively massacred at the end of the O!oman empire in 1910 during the
Gabri and Anastas chose to rename the former Istanbul oces of journalist Hrant Dink, citys eort to become more modern and Western. On this sunken, un(sail/sale)able
an Armenian citizen of Turkey who was assassinated in 2007, and of Agos, the bi-lingual stage or frame, le$-overs from Huyghes artistic practice over the past years, rocks
Armenian and Turkish newspaper he had founded in 1996. They called those oces as well as other elements from the archeology of the Mediterranean, will be careful-
the Centre for Parrhesia, with the intention of hosting encounters of parrhesiasts, and ly placed in the up-coming years, intra-acting unpredictably with underwater life to
hopefully to continue forms of free speech and frankness in the years to come, even co-generate a world. Huyghe writes,
a$er the closing of the 14th Istanbul Biennial. To explain this centre or meeting place,
which I believe constitutes a microcosm of the entire exhibition, they wrote: At the bottom of the Marmara Sea a concrete stage built around existing
rock formations on the seafloor of Sivriada, island of exile, receives objects
It is - a space and time of interim: between this and that, between excluded from the surface, production left over from the history of the
speaking and acting, reading and using, learning and unlearning - Mediterranean region. It encompasses specific marine life, which evolves
a space where fixed borders are questioned or rendered indiscern- within and outside this growing collection, constantly transforming it.
ible, inoperative. It is a space for thinking how to become worthy of Co-existence between biological recurrences, animal instinct behaviours,
what we inherit as history and to what happens to us. natural phenomena and human artifacts generate emergence, self-or-
The Centre is maintained by the Society of the Friends of Parrhesia: ganization, new formations and dierent states of the living.(8)

A society that desires the abolition of barriers and exclusions. We will take you, dear readers, to this place by boat, but it will not have a glass bo!om
A society that mixes languages and has Babel in its horizon. for you to gaze comfortably at our stage, and we will not give you divers suits to go
A society that accepts charges of self-contradiction and inconsistency. down into that deep darkness.(9)
A society that understands reality as the staging of appearance In Shakespeares The Tempest (161011), Miranda asks her father the magician Pros-
as disappearance. pero, who has tricked a ship to wreck in a sea storm, to stop the tempest:
A society that seeks to unsettle historical, cultural and psychological
assumptions. If by your art, my dearest father, you have
Its enemies consist of those who foreclose on text or speech by put the wild waters in this roar, allay them.
cultural conformism or intransigent rationalism and reactionarism. The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch,
Its friends desire a process of becoming, unfixing, unhinging, but that the sea, mounting to the welkins cheek,
unworking, and even understanding. (4) dashes the fire out. O, I have suered
with those that I saw suer: a brave vessel,
At the opposite end of the salty project spectrum that is SALTWATER: A Theory of who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her,
Thought Forms, yet sharing the same impulse to commi!ed, frank speech acts, Pierre dashd all to pieces. O, the cry did knock
Huyghe decided not to present a finished artwork in Istanbul, but to initiate a project against my very heart. Poor souls, they perishd.(10)
within the framework of this temporary exhibition, and to continue his inoperative work
over the coming years.(5) He visited Istanbul and the Bosphorus in 2014, seeking to ad- One could tell this tale of sorrow, injustice and abuse, and it might bring a state of par-
vise me and to understand what could be done in a biennial held just two years a$er the rhesia. Or, if one believes that art even the most radical artwork based on denouncing
brutally repressed uprisings of Gezi Park in 2013 and in a country with a traumatic past of injustices always operates as a form of false consciousness for the powerful, then one
wiping out ethnicities in the name of nation-building; a country surrounded by turmoil and might turn to the invisible underwater world, to composting, to the flourishing of life on
war both in the Black Sea and in the Middle East, wars in which even as I write from my the planet, and to transformation and change. There is a humbleness and a truth-quality
retreat on Bykada it is actively taking part. in such a choice, intended to avoid the possible manipulations of self-righteousness and
Thinking also about the systemic order of power constructed by the spectacular art exhi- the denunciatory speech acts in art that are so o$en manipulated against ones will.
bition itself, before which Theodor Adorno would shudder today(6), and about the failures In the second stanza of Ariels song in the same play, sung to the shipwrecked Ferdi-
of the modern nation-building models of the public museum and the temporary exhibi- nand who believes he has lost his father in the wreck, we read of such composting,
tion, Huyghe turned to in-hibition, to a lack of immediate visibility in order to initiate a rite of and think about the dogs bones at the bo!om of the sea, or of the human bodies
X LVI C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XLVII

thrown overboard for centuries during the Enlightenment, whose dark side was slav- Besant lived in Adyar, India, was against the British empire and became the first wom-
ery (as Ellen Gallagher reminds us through her exquisite new paintings for this exhi- an to be accepted into the Indian National Congress. She had been a Fabian socialist
bition, the Atlantic Ocean, absorbed the bodies of the Middle Passage for centuries), before joining the Theosophists spiritualists who studied ancient and contemporary
or of todays Mediterranean waters, again with bodies thrown overboard, at times religions comparatively and believed in the equality of all people, irrespective of race,
washed up on the beaches of sunbathed tourists in Sicily: religion and ethnicity. They also believed in the need to study science for the purpose
of understanding and caring for nature, and they were amongst the first modern en-
Full fathom five thy father lies; vironmentalists.
of his bones are coral made; Theosophists such as Mme Blavatsky and Besant trained their ability to perceive the
those are pearls that were his eyes: pa!erns and waves that permeate the universe (our heartbeat is a wave, our breath-
nothing of him that doth fade ing is a wave, too). They reintroduced Yoga, and had faith in the broad ability of each
but doth suer a sea-change and everyone of us to perceive the invisible realm; this was the age of Nikola Teslas
into something rich and strange.(11) experiments with radio transmissions (1893), Guglielmo Marconis patented invention
of the radio (1896), and Wilhelm Conrad Roentgens discovery of the electromagnetic
This exhibition on the Bosphorus thus considers dierent frequencies and pa!erns radiation waves we call X-rays (1895).
of waves, the currents and densities of water, that poetically shape and transform our There is a relation between these ideas and todays a!empts by some artists and cul-
world. With and through art, we mourn, commemorate, denounce, try to heal, and we tural practitioners to understand hidden power structures and become emancipated
commit ourselves to the possibility of joy and vitality, of many communities that have from the invisible code of digital society (Ed Atkins). It is this form of new realism (not
co-inhabited this space, leaping from form to flourishing life. representational realism but a concrete appearance and emergence of the hidden
Amongst the most evident artistic projects to explore irregular wave pa!erns and organic manipulations of our lives by individuals and corporations) that inspires some of the
growth is the work of Christine Taylor Pa#en, an artist who has been drawing a series artworks (Susan Philipsz, Irena Haiduk, Cevdet Erek, Georgia Sagri, Ania Soli-
of 2,000 tiny one-inch square drawings titled micros with minimal materials: a crow-quill man, Zeyno Peknl, as well as Lea Porsagers hand-made copies of the gouaches
pen and black ink on paper. These unfold from an initial dot or point, like the universe itself: in Besant and Leadbeaters book) and essays (Alexander Provan, Beatriz Colo-
mina) in SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Forms. To perceive that the invisible has
Each drawing moving out from some event in the preceding drawing, materiality, so that there is no mind/body divide, and thoughts and other materials
to elaborate over the sequence that represents the years of the two intra-act, is a feminist way of thinking (Karen Barad(15)) and a scientific way of think-
millennia of our common era. In this tiny space, the entire vocabu- ing (Quantum, not classical, physics). It is also an artistic and a psychoanalytic way
lary of drawing from organic to geometric abstraction reveals to us a of thinking (Bracha E#inger, Senam Okudzeto, Daria Martin, Marcos Lutyens)
world and its universe becoming and changing on a vast scale. Time, to see the mind as co-determined by and with the body, and thus to be aware of the
space, energy, form emerge from the extraordinary conceptual pro- neuroses in the current cultural obsession with the purely organic on the one hand (a
ject based so deeply in the life-long engagement of this artist with the simplistic interpretation of neuroscience, for example, where all productions of the
potential, the infinite possibilities of line.(12) mind would be determined by the physical brains chemistry and biology), and the
purely mechanical or technical, on the other (societys preoccupation with technolog-
The relation between what is above the surface of water and what is underwater is ical hardware/so$ware linkages).
connected to the broader question of what is visible and what remains usually unseen. In his new installation A Room of Rhythms Otopark, Cevdet Erek articulates a void
Thought forms, as socialist, theosophist and feminist Annie Besant (18471933) saw by emptying and cleaning an old car park built out of concrete in 1940 as a last act
them in the late nineteenth century, are embodied entities of the imaginal realm, visible of farewell to the building that is scheduled to be demolished as part of Istanbuls
and vibrating states of what remains generally invisible. They are forms of the real world Tophane district gentrification process. This articulation of space and time through
that can be apprehended in intense states of awareness, meditation or a!ention. Her sound and physical elements also refers to aggregations of people that occur in pub-
book on the topic, co-authored with Charles Leadbeater and published in 1905,(13) is lic spaces such as city parks and other spaces of interval or interim in daily activities,
one of the first examples of modern abstract art theory, and concerns visualising forms such as parking your car. This work is an experimental iteration of his 2012 Raum
directly generated by desire and thought. As Pietro Rigolo writes in this book: der Rhythmen (Room of Rhythms),(16) an experience of sound and space achieved
through three layers of rhythms: everyday life (including natural rhythms of day/night,
Art has always involved the representation of thought-forms and in the rhythms of biological life and the body, social life); rhythms of musical measure-
a certain way, it is a thought-form itself. At the same time, thought- ments; and abstract references to historical rhythms and waves of history, including
forms can be used as a model to think about art: in both of them, in- revolutions, coups dtats, etc.(17) An endless research into these rhythms in this open
deed, the levels of the real, the imaginary and the symbolic are knot- project for Istanbul will unfold and change over the course of the exhibitions duration.
ted together, and we are confronted with the ethical problem of what
to do with our desire.(14)
X LVI I I C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n XLIX

II. Where it all happens

The locations of this exhibition span many areas on the European and the Asian sides
of the Bosphorus, from the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara towards the Mediterra-
nean. You travel from downtown Istanbul up to Rumeli Feneri on the Black Sea, where
Jason and the Argonauts are said to have passed while searching for the Golden Fleece.
You then travel down towards the Mediterranean Sea through the winding and narrow
Bosphorus, a seismic fault line that opened as a water channel some 8,500 years ago,
and from the Western side to the Eastern side of the body of water, in spaces ranging
from the Splendid Hotel and the Trotsky House on Bykada island one of the Princes
Islands in the Sea of Marmara where ancient Byzantine emperors exiled their enemies
and where Leon Trotsky lived for four years from 1929 to 1933 to Vault Hotel Karaky in
Galata and the Italian School in Tophane, to art-specific spaces such as an artists studio
in Kadky, as well as Arter, Istanbul Modern, SALT Galata and DEPO in Beyolu.
There are only four locations housing group exhibitions Istanbul Modern, Arter, the
Greek School and the Italian School. In a long, narrow space that I call The Channel
at Istanbul Modern, you will find a reversed Wunderkammer or Cabinet of Curiosities.
The Channel knots together inside and outside through dierent lines of flight, re-
calling a Klein bo!le a form with no outside nor inside, although it is a containing
vessel.(18) This mathematical object, or embodied thought-form, was first described in
1882 by German mathematician Felix Klein. An example of a non-orientable surface,
it is a 3D Mbius strip, a structure where inside and outside can switch places, and it
provides an image for an exhibition. It speaks to how an interior space (the exhibition)
can create a dierent exterior (the world at large) in relation to itself. In this Klein bo!le
Channel, viewers might focus on how objects function in relation to the experience of
being within and without the field of art, in a space of co-presence of elements found
in the world, made in the world, expressions of agencies cobbled together.
The Channel at Istanbul Modern is a reference both to the Bosphorus, and to the
sodium channel of our neurons.(19) Conversations between dierent fields of knowl-
edge occur in the Channel, from Orhan Pamuks drawings in his sketchbooks to
recordings of the Bosphorus by oceanographer Emin zsoy. Art oers a platform
for experimenting and exercising such transversal alliances between like-minded
people, whether they are visitors, artists, scientists, historians, fiction writers or phi-
losophers to think this complexity with sceptical openness and without falling into a
voracious mania for information. Here in the Channel, a number of elements float to-
gether. In thinking about saltwater in the Channel, I consider the past layers of trauma
and flourishing, including the 1894 earthquake in Istanbul as well as the driving forces
behind the development of Art Nouveau in nineteenth-century architecture, specifi-
cally in the case of Raimondo DAronco, who was the ocial O!oman empire archi-
tect a$er the earthquake (he had arrived in 1893), rebuilding much of it in a unique Art
Nouveau style he developed with Armenian, French and Turkish colleagues before
the deposition of the Sultan in 1909. Art Nouveau developed asymmetry and move-
ment, the organic flowing form as an anti-orthogonal liberation of architectural form,
and of the objects that surround us in our daily life through an a!ention to organ-
isms, natural flows of growth in plants, animals and flowers, and their morphologies.

(Figure) Jacques Lacan, lecture notes for seminar, 1978 (

L C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n LI

Drawings of knots made by Jacques Lacan in the 1970s are viewed alongside the knot- can be carried electrically through a switch in polarisation (at rest, the outside of the
ty paintings of Brazilian artist Frans Krajcberg, as well as a selection of late nineteenth- cell with sodium is positively charged and the inside negatively charged, but during
century Art Nouveau vases by mile Gall and drawings by Patrick Blanc for his the action potential such polarity is inverted) so that our brains can communicate, our
vertical gardens. Together, they form an argument that composts the revolutionary bodies can move, and our hearts beat. It excites the channels of communication be-
potential of early organicism with bio-architecture and environmentalism today. tween inside and outside the neuron. Because sodium raises the electrical potential
These elements in the Channel oer a key through which to navigate the rest of Saltwa- at the membrane of the cell, and this fluctuates, we could say that formally it relates
ter, which is located in over thirty other venues. Each hosts the work of one participant or to a wave pa!ern. The synapse is the physical location of these electrical releases.
collective in a proposition that argues for public space to be reconstituted in interlinked
temporary and provisional places of habitation a hotel room, a boat, an old social hous- IV. Waves and Knots
ing pension, a lighthouse, a shop, a former bank, a private home, a classroom, a library, the There are arrested movements that suspend time (the knots of human transport across
waterfront of Trotskys former temporary residence. seas and oceans, the knots of war, of labour, of ethnic cleansing), and there are repet-
itive and dispersive movements like waves (waves of uprisings, waves of jouissance,
III. Salt water electro-magnetic waves).
When you visit the 14th Istanbul Biennial, you will thus spend quite a bit of time on/in There are literal waves of water, but also waves of people, waves of emotion and memory.
salt water. Fsun Onur's artwork is a small white boat with the sound of a poem being It is through the identification of waves, the seeing of waves, that we acknowledge pat-
read out loud. It travels up and down The Bosphorus. There is a slowing down of the terns underwater pa!erns of water, or pa!erns of wind. Perhaps a wave is simply time
experience of art due to the travel between venues, especially on ferries. This is very its high and the low points able to mark the experience of time, and thus of space, and
healthy: salt water helps to heal respiratory problems and many other illnesses, as well thus of life. Could a wave ultimately be a knot?
as calming the nerves. Current theories of endosymbiotic intra-action(20) remind us The movements and agencies of waves, which suggest repetition and dispersion, are
that the oldest and most basic sense faculty of the smallest cell or bacterium is the also held in suspension with thinking through kno!ed lines. There are the waves of
ability to sense the presence of water and of salt, the most ubiquitous materials in the history and waves of insurgency, waves of outrage and commitment when a people
world and fundamental to all life. decides to aggregate, come together, and draw the line. At those moments, knots are
At the same time, salt water is the most corrosive material threat to the digital age: if formed, and knots suspend the flow of waves.
you drop your smart phone in fresh water, you can dry it and it will probably work again. In mathematics, a knot in three-dimensional space is any closed loop having no self-in-
If it falls into salt water, chemical molecular changes in the materials of your phone tersections. Knot Theory is part of the study of 3-D manifolds in topology. Around 1877,
will destroy it. In our salty oceans, underwater rivers flow thousands of miles o the the Sco!ish physicist Peter Tait undertook an extensive study and tabulation of knots
coasts, bringing sediment and currents that unexpectedly snap our cables carrying in an a!empt to understand when two knots were dierent. His intuitive grasp of dif-
digital information. The two systems the organic and the digital are divided by salt. ferent and same is that two knots are isotopic if one can be continuously manipulated
Salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) is an ionic compound of a metal atom and a non-metal in 3-D space (no self-intersections allowed) until it looks like the other.
atom. It is made of ions that are not bonded together to form a molecule, but are of In subsequent years, Knot Theory became a field explored mainly by mathematicians/
opposite charges, one positive and one negative. This dierence in charge a!racts topologists, but today it is back in the universe of physicists (with research such as
the one to the other; it unites them in a crystalline structure li!le aected by changes that of William Irvine, kno!ing inside water). To me, intuitively, Knot Theory, connects
of temperature. In water, however, the two ions separate, one a!racted to the pos- with an aesthetics where, by looking at the intricate overlapping and underlapping of
itive side of the molecule of water and one to the negative. This mysterious pa!ern lines in ornamentation, one is exercising the brains elasticity in creating thought forms,
of coming together and separating in hydrolisation, the paradox of the electrical, of for example while studying intricate carpets or complex Iznik ceramics, made before
change let us call it of a!raction, repulsion, desire, love, power, greed, hatred, econ- Western Knot Theory was conceived.
omy whatever you wish to see in this chemical thought form lies at the heart of this Knots are arrested movements, hiccups in the flow of waves. SALTWATER: A Theory
exhibition/inhibition. of Thought Forms looks at the waves of history, and also the knots of history, when
Farmed from brine in ancient China and later mined by the Celts (or salt men) and col- time slows down and movement is arrested, sometimes breathlessly. We look at these
lected in various ways by all peoples in the world, salt was a ma!er of trade and power kno!ed lines through the lens of our troubled times, and we look at them archeologi-
to the degree that a salary could be paid in salt (salario in Latin, or solde in Old French, cally, turning over stones.
from which the word soldier derives). In antiquity it was a prime commodity because One major knot in the arts community is the tension between arts political com-
it preserves organic material (our food) and is necessary to our bodies well-being mitments and engagements on the one hand, and its circulation as forms of
and the well-being of our livestock. Salt is the water of our tears, and also the salt of embodied creativity in our era of knowledge capitalism on the other. There is
life, its positively and negatively charged ions assembling molecules into salt crystals, a tension between arts empathy towards the pain suering and exploitation,
without which there would be no life on the planet. and the financialisation of art, its entry into the markets. Media such as pho-
Sodium makes our neurological system, and thus all our vital systems, work; it literally tography, video or direct or collective action do not automatically free artists
keeps us alive. It causes the neural cells to open their membranes so that information from power structures. There are other ways to celebrate and provide platforms
LII C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n LIII

for arts agency in the world. One of them is to mobilise emotions and ideas In the exhibition at Istanbul Modern, this cinematic wave of people advancing frontally
through artistic acts that destabilise the finiteness of artworks, render them us- in the 1901/2015 painting is kno!ed together with the original drawings by Pellizza.
able, and create and catalyse dierent historical knots. Here, however, it is an These in turn are tied together with Michelangelo Pistole#os Venere degli Stracci
ethical and historical imperative to provide a platform for artists and intellectuals (1967) where the vibrant pile of rags represents another rising crowd, in an age of an-
to come to terms with history in Turkey and worldwide, especially in such critical ti-Vietnam war protests and the soon to be May 68 movement. A further strand in the
times as our own, where ethnic and religious wars are again raging in the region knot is the new video-collage of Artkiler Collective (zge elikaslan and Alper
of the Black Sea and in the Middle East, and when other questions, alongside the en) documenting the 2010 Tekel workers resistance in Ankara and the thought-form
Armenian trauma, remain unresolved, such as the Kurdish struggle and the influx of painting by Cildo Meireles, Project Hole to Throw Dishonest Politicians in (2011).
refugees from Syria today. The history of wars, ethnic cleansing, political uprisings, Not far from this knot are the paintings of Armenian-Lebanese Paul Guiragossian
the relations between Turks, Armenians, Greeks and Kurds, and more recently Syri- (192593), a survvor of the Hayots tseghaspanutyun (Armenan for 'genocde'), who
an refugees and the bombing of PKK across the border (as I write) the crises in the lived in Jerusalem and Beirut, and spent time in Italy and in Paris. He painted from the
history of those lands, are some of those knots, as are the singular moments of peo- mid-1950s until his death and created modernist abstract works that explore colour
ples lives and the seeming incommensurability of personal and collective knots. and form to elaborate what it means to form a community. Like Pellizza da Volpedo he
When asked to organise this exhibition, for example, it occurred to me that a people painted that community not as a line of people one behind the other, but as a frontal
could be seen as a line of the enslaved, walking one behind the other, queuing pow- faade of people advancing towards the viewer, becoming an abstract wall of colour.
erlessly with or without visible chains, submi!ed to a direction that is never towards Each brushstroke becomes a pillar of humanity in a community of pillars and pictorial
the gaze of the onlooker, but controlled by an external, policing gaze. This is the pro- marks that reimagines history aesthetically.
cession of the dispossessed so o$en drawn by William Kentridge over the years.(21) The year 2015 marks one century from what Armenians first called (Medz
The Italian painter Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo painted Il Quarto Stato over ten Yeghern) and (Hayots tseghaspanutyun) to define the
years, from early sketches to its final form in 1901. It depicts a peaceful but energised brutal cleansing of their people in the late O!oman Empire traditionally associated
crowd of protestors in the small town of Volpedo, Piedmont. Here, the crowd is not with the year 1915. There is a dialogue between the work of exploring a traumatised
a line of subjugated people marching one behind another. Rather they face forward past and the work of transforming history into a fertile terrain for the future. The cele-
and advance towards the viewer. The young people depicted are more aggressive bration of life, and the emergence of new forms of life and art can only meaningfully
than the elderly wiser people who calm them down, and the female figures are on occur if a parallel recognition of loss and elaboration of trauma takes place. Here,
equal footing with the male ones. In the mid-morning light of a rising sun, the central this is not expressed curatorially through an Armenian section of the exhibition, but
figures (a man flanked by an elderly worker to his right and by a woman and a child through the strong participation of individual artists and specific artworks that echo
to his le$) are larger than the others behind and around them, so that the painting this history, interwoven into the texture of the whole exhibition. These include artists
reverses Renaissance perspective in favour of a new democratic pictorial structure. who are making works partially related to Armenian history and trauma in contempo-
The painting was exhibited in 1902 in Turin with no success, and some years later, in rary Turkey (Francis Als, Vernon Ah Kee, Michael Rakowitz, Kristina Buch, for
1907, Pellizza commi!ed suicide, although the work went on to become a key image example), as well as seminal artists of Armenian descent, such as Arshile Gorky and
for twentieth-century democratic movements worldwide and has entered the filmic Paul Guiragossian, and Armenian artists including Sarkis, Sonia Balassanian,
imaginary as well.(22) Anna Boghiguian, Haig Aivazian, Hera Byktacyan and Rene Gabri.
I wanted to exhibit this painting in Istanbul as a homage to the civil society and its At the former Galata Greek School in Istanbul, Armenian, Egyptian and Canadian artist
struggles a$er Gezi. There are two versions of it in Milan, La fiumana (1898) and Il Anna Boghiguian has created The Salt Traders. This grand, sculptural installation
Quarto Stato (1901), but both loans were declined. We decided instead to borrow the of old sails, paintings, drawings, fragments of a boat and sound recordings tells the
preparatory life-size drawings on brown paper that are located at the Galleria Nazio- story of the re-emergence in 2300 CE of a boat carrying salt that was lost in ancient
nale dArte Moderna in Rome. We also sought a way to have the work operate further times in Antarctica and that reappears when the ice caps melt. The world rediscovers
in Istanbul, by sharing and activating it. Taner Ceylan, known for his refined pictorial its past through this boat, when the digital era no longer exists because it had been
technique in glamorous, gay circles, agreed to embody Pellizza da Volpedo and copy corroded by salt and iron oxidation. Boghiguian makes both direct and oblique refer-
the original painting for Istanbul as a homage to the artist, to Gezi, to the workers of ences to power and injustice, as they repeat over and again throughout history, from
the Soma disaster and to all the eorts for democracy in Turkey. Because copyright the ancient Romans on the Via Salaria, to the travels of Alexander the Great to Siwa
laws do not apply to the long, painstaking cra$ of the copyist painter, we embarked on and Christopher Columbus, to Ghandis salt marches and the current financial crisis
a journey to Volpedo and to Milan for a careful study of Pellizzas oeuvre that required of Greece, which she calls a crisis of bread and salt since it is an a!ack on the ba-
Taner to learn the poor style and technique of divisionist painting, close to pointillism. sic sustenance of people. With further wri!en and painted references to the relations
He saw how painting less well, substituted by a more mathematical structure of rep- between the salt trade and slavery, to the tragedies in the seas of our times, Bogu-
resentation, with the waistline of the figures dividing the space vertically in two, and ighians installation is a treatise on drawing and form-making. She folds the space in
the movements of the hands of the protestors creating a wave pa!ern, might achieve the former school gym through the hanging of painted sails and mounds of salt that
a dynamic and vibrant surface, with more stability and force. create a giant landscape that the viewer is able to traverse.
LIV C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n LV

Among the other international artists to address this knot, Francis Als presents a
new film and installation titled The Silence of Ani. This project developed a!er a re-
search trip to Eastern Anatolia and is based on the recording of a number of children of
the region playing a variety of bird calls, li"le flute-like instruments that mimic the calls
of various species of birds. In the ruins of Ani near the Armenian border, once a roaring
city where children now play amongst the rubble, each child makes a dierent kind
of bird call that together become a monodic collective call for the return of the birds.
Also inspired by a journey to Eastern Anatolia and Ani is the new two-channel video
installation Such prophecies we write on banana skins created by German artist Kris-
tina Buch. During her research trip in those regions, she visited several Armenian
churches, including Saint Sarkis, destroyed and abandoned a century ago, overtaken
today by flourishing flowers and bu"erflies, suggesting forms of regeneration and the
futility of human violence. The work suggests two almost identical yet diametrically
opposed explosions in sound and image, one of a key landmark of human culture
a museum the other of a landmark of nature Mt. Everest. Copying the general
framing, se"ing and rhythm of the final explosion sequence in Michelangelo Anton-
ionis film Zabriskie Point (1970), the suggested explosions of nature and culture, of
human civilisation and the environment, slowly merge into a cloud of sound particles.
Antonioni employed a form of abstract realism to portray the alienation of man in the
modern world. Buchs project, which reflects on our destructive impulses, and on the
wasteful heroic gesture, expands and transcends Antonionis scene. In her project,
we witness the complete disintegration of two of the monumental safe havens of our
human thinking and being: a dissolution of monuments of nature and culture, their
definitions, structures and symbols. The work up to a critique of the virtual realities
that we increasingly face through media and technology. The digital can be viewed as
imploding into its own void.
The Turkish saying, The flesh is yours, the bones are ours meaning that a teacher
is granted influence over the learner by the students family provides the source for
the title of a new project by Iraqi-American artist Michael Rakowitz that bears strong
connections to the Armenian history of Istanbul. In the 1870s, fires throughout the city
destroyed many of the traditional wooden houses, inaugurating a new era of stone
structures. Architect Raimondo DAronco was largely responsible for introducing
Art Nouveau to the city in the early twentieth century a!er the earthquake of 1894.
Rakowitz states, Istanbuls Art Nouveau buildings rose at a time when its Armenian
population was about to fall as a result of the ethnic cleansing. A member of this com-
munity, the artisan Garabet Cezayirliyan, was responsible for cra!ing the mouldings
and friezes installed on the facades of these edifices, many of which remain visible
today. These plaster decorations and architectural flourishes found on the skin of
Istanbuls buildings bear the traces of Armenian fingers and hands, silent witnesses to
the traumatic histories of the citys Armenian population which decreased throughout
the 1910s and 1920s to the tiny community it is today. As part of his project, Rakowitz
used an ancient tradition of mixing ground bones in his plaster, including bones from
dogs who may have died on Sivriada, and reflected on the contradictions, paradoxes
and violence of society, even while celebrating cra! and communities of artisans.

(Figure) Jacques Lacan, lecture notes for seminar, 1979 (

LV I C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n LVII

Rakowitz engagement with this cra$ opens larger questions about the transmission Constantinople was refused and none of these countries gave him asylum.(24)
of knowledge and skill sets, and the maintenance of tradition as a resistance against The last chapter of My Life, titled The Planet without a Visa, poignantly prefigures
cultural erasure. A final component of the project is based on rubbings from the archi- our own times:
tectural motifs on the facadesthe skinsof buildings throughout the city, creating
an architectural and urban sance, conjuring the ghosts of citizens forcibly forgo!en. The democratic right of asylum obviously does not consist in a gov-
ernments showing hospitality to people who hold views similar to its
V. The Planet without a Visa own even Abdul Hamid did that. Nor does it consist in a democracys
One day, I went to visit Orhan Pamuk on the island of Bykada, formerly called Prinkipo, admitting exiles only with the permission of the government that ex-
where Leon Trotsky (18791940) was exiled for four years from 1929 to 1933. He showed iled them. The right of asylum consists (on paper) in a governments
me Trotskys last temporary house on the island. It was roofless, by the sea, and over- giving refuge even to its opponents, provided they undertake to ob-
grown with plants both wild and cared for by its current housekeeper. This may have been serve the countrys laws. At times, it seemed as if I were attending
the house where Trotsky wrote his autobiography, My Life, in 1929.(23) a pan-European performance of a one-act comedy on the theme of
I was surprised, therefore, that there was no plaque, nor mention of his stay there. principles of democracy. The play remains very instructive: Europe
Having opposed Stalins bureaucratisation of the revolution of October 1917, and the idea without a Visa. There is no need to mention America. The United
of a state communism a$er Lenins death, Trotsky lost power and was expelled from the States is not only the strongest, but also the most terrified country.
Communist party in 1927 and sent to Alma Ata in Kazakhstan. From there he incessantly Hoover recently explained his passion for fishing by pointing out the
wrote le!ers and sent articles to fellow opponents of the government of the USSR both in democratic nature of this pastime. If this be so although I doubt it
the Soviet Union and internationally. He was further exiled to Constantinople in early 1929, it is at all events one of the few survivals of democracy still existing
via steam freighter boat from Odessa across the Black Sea. He wrote his autobiography in the United States. There the right of asylum has been absent for a
during his first year on Bykada. In his introduction to My Life, he wrote: long time. Europe and America without a visa. But these two contin-
ents own the other three. This means The planet without a visa.(25)
The very fact of [this books] coming into the world is due to the pause
in the authors active political life. One of the unforeseen, though not On Bykada, there is a hotel called Splendid. Built in 190811, it is one of the oldest
accidental, stops in my life has proved to be Constantinople. Here hotels in Istanbul. It reminded me of a building in an early work by William Kentridge
I am camping but not for the first time and patiently waiting for called Tide Table (2003). Learning of Trotskys exile on the island, Kentridge chose to
what is to follow. The life of a revolutionary would be quite impossible create a work titled O Sentimental Machine where the hotel itself would become a char-
without a certain amount of fatalism. acter, along with Trotsky, his secretary and his followers. The long journey of visitors to
reach Bykada island to view the work reacalls Trotskys long sea journey from Odes-
So Trotsky was exiled and on retreat, and yet from there his words and writings sa. Sensitive to the fragmentation of the self before the events of history, Kentridge cre-
were sent out into the world with enormous energy and impact. Shortly a$er visit- ated a multichannel audio and video installation where the visitor is caught in a hallway
ing Trotskys house, I watched Laura Poitras 2014 documentary film about Edward of the hotel overhearing conversations behind closed doors, or seeing through those
Snowden, Citizenfour, which portrays two weeks of Snowdens life with journalists in a doors into private worlds inside. O Sentimental Machine explores the sense of partici-
hotel room in Hong Kong, just before going public with revelations about illegal secret pating in historical events at a distance, by sending or receiving le!ers, like Trotsky dic-
surveillance systems in our contemporary world. It occurred to me that the agora of tating messages to his secretary and sending them o into the world. Logical argument
today may not be in the public square, or park, but possibly in the freer retreat of an and language break down into dierent tracks, just as utopias such as Trotskys failed,
anonymous house on Bykada, or in a hotel room, camping or waiting for what is to and the need and impossibility for utopian thinking is expressed through an imaginary
come, if properly wired and connected to others. This was the start of the idea to orga- oce romance featuring Trotskys secretary and a megaphone, which represents
nise SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Forms as a concerted presentation of isolated Trotskys idea of the human as a sentimental but programmable machine.
artworks in venues, mostly remote from the city center and isolated from each other, Kentridges fascination with avant-garde theatre and the politically engaged art forms
ranging from the Kk Mustafa Paa Hammam in the Old City where Wael Shawky of the early twentieth century a trajectory of modernism that holds on to the figura-
presents a new installation of the Secrets of Karbala, his film about the Crusades from tive as a way to reflect the world is evident here. He overlays sound (a speech by
an Arab perspective which ends with the sack of Constaninople by the Crusaders, to Trotsky in French, a Turkish song from the 1920s, the music produced by the There-
a former bank vault on Bankalar Street where Walid Raad presents sculptural instal- min an early Russian electronic instrument fragments of a Greek song, the Inter-
lation of crates from which art objects seem to have escaped, referring to the need for nationale) with shadow play and fragments of archival footage, as well as references
art to be freed from its hoarding in the age of creative capitalism. to The Marx Brothers Duck Soup of 1933 (about a mad dictator who creates havoc)
While on retreat, Trotsky hoped to continue the proletariat revolution worldwide and and new footage made from constant erasure and redrawing, to depict a fractured,
he was a!empting to leave Turkey for a country where he would be given asylum, unfinished history, where Trotsky is a modern subject a!empting to dictate his let-
such as Germany, Norway or the United Kingdom. Every application for a visa from ters and articles to the world, but who is stuck between intention, agency, logic,
LV I I I C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n LIX

fascination and impotence. There is no direct reference to Trotsky in the grandiose world, including in Turkey. The story starts with two small bark message sticks
installation of sculptures that Adrin Villar Rojas has created for the sea, just o Maak (9 July 1935) by Natjialma, Maw and Dhangatji Mununggurr, and Maak (12
the pebble beach and waterfront of his house on Bykada. Villar Rojas artwork is July 1935) by Wonggu Mununggurr and proceeds through a colourful series of
comprised of over twenty-nine sculptures of animals placed, alone or in groups, on drawings on brown paper made in 1947, through the Bark Petitions of 1963, followed
twenty cement plinths in the sea just a few meters o the shore. The animals face by the Saltwater Paintings of 1998 2008 and their use as evidence in trials for sea
the house, gaze menacingly back at the house, as if waiting for someone per- rights. The early 1935 message sticks were exchanged at the Yirrkala mission be-
haps Trotskys ghost or perhaps us, the visitors to the exhibition to appear. Are tween the anthropologist Donald Thompson and Wonggu Mununggurr, whose sons
they embodied manifestations of Trotskys own nightmares, the fears of an unsat- were jailed in Darwin at the time. Thompson brought a message stick from Wonggus
isfied revolutionary having let down a leaderless, disoriented and disenfranchised sons, saying they were well, and brought back a reply message stick from Wonggu
humanity almost 100 years before? Or, in Kleinian psychoanalytic terms, do they rep- to his sons. This initiated a peaceful relation between whites and blacks in the area of
resent the fear of failure of the too good mother, or the absent mother?(26) Indeed, Yirrkala that avoided violent confrontation, repression and massacre of the Yolngu Ab-
the work is titled The Most Beautiful of All Mothers, as if Villar Rojas is referring to a originals through punitive expeditions. The next chapter is the Yirrkala crayon draw-
Kleinian view of artistic practice as a form of healing and reparation through repetition ings of 1947, where twenty-seven senior cultural leaders of the community, including
of trauma in play. Each highly finished white fiberglass animal (a gorilla, gazelle, rhino, Wonggu, drew their knowledge and laws on brown paper so that anthropologist Ron-
bison or hippo, for example) carries another equally highly cra$ed brown earthy ani- ald Berndt could take them back to Perth upon leaving the community. They most
mal on its back (a lion is on top of the gorilla for instance), combining like a chimera. probably drew them as an act of safe keeping, since at the time the news from the
The upper animals were made by combining organic waste and inert materials found Pacific Ocean of World War II and the Atomic destruction will have been arriving in
in Istanbul area and also brought from other countries from seashells to vegetables, waves and echoes, causing anxiety and the fear of losing lives and ones culture. A
fishing nets, bones, shards of glass, vegetables and even flesh with a mixture of soil, selection of these drawings is now in Istanbul. In the anthology section of this cat-
sand, salt, asphalt, cement, natural pigments, compost and resin.(27) alogue, the Yolngu artist Djambawa Marawili decided to reprint a selection of the
There is a contrast and an alliance here between the lower animal, whose surface is Third Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture, titled We Know These Things to Be True,
smooth, like a modern boat, resistant to the corrosion of salt water, and the animal on delivered on 20 August 1998 by Galarrwuy Yunupingu, Chairman of the Northern Land
its back, much more prone to corrosion and decomposing in the sea water, yet safely Council. In that text, Yunupingu speaks of the dierences between Aboriginal law and
held above. Perhaps these animals rising like zombies or monsters of the mind from Balanda (white peoples) law. He tells the story of how a mining company cut down a
the sea, return from whence we all came, the primal broth of life, are the last inhabitants sacred banyan tree at Nhulunbuy near Yirrkala in the early 1960s, thus provoking the
on earth, who have returned, in some imaginary future, a$er the catastrophes of the first struggle for land rights in Australia because the elders of the community decided
Anthropocene, to haunt and reclaim the land. to send a petition for the rights of their people to the Federal Government in Canber-
The journey to reach the artwork is part of the work, which thus comprises the act of ra. Glued onto two pieces of painted bark, it is today known as the Bark Petitions of
arriving. To arrive at this return of the repressed, you pass through the front gate on a 1963, and it eectively initiated the process of achieving Land Rights in Australia, that
li!le street and enter a garden filled with scent of fennel, wild broccoli, figs, flowers and is autonomy over certain areas of land, eectivetly restituted to those communities.
grasses, and then through the ruins of the roofless old brick house, itself overgrown with Finally, a$er the discovery of illegal barramundi fishing in 1996 at the Garrangali sacred
vines, bushes and weeds. Perhaps in an a!empt to shed the uncomfortable yet exhila- site, a legal case was lodged in 2002. In order to exclude commercial and recreational
rating sensation of having intruded into the private space of a person who made history, fishing there, Yolngu artists gave evidence, including their paintings, to prove their
we may walk down a winding path towards the sea, in search of a peaceful moment. Our knowledge and thus custodianship rights over tidal waters near their lands. The Salt-
feet tread on tiles that were walked upon by Trotsky and his family, guards and assistants, water trials and appeals ran from 2005 until 2008, when the High Court of Australia
and we feel the momentary cancellation of the gap between myth and fiction, on the one eectively granted the Yolngu people Sea rights to the extent of the tidal influence.(28)
hand, and daily life and reality, on the other. But just as we hope for a release of this guilt
or shame as we pass through the iron gate to exit the house onto the pebble beach, our
gaze is returned by the accusing, ominous creatures, halting our search for relief. Bykada, 3 August 2015*
There is one more knot in this exhibition that I would like to describe. Has been
kno!ed here, in Istanbul, folding together dierent events and historical moments. * In this essay, I have focused on a small number of artists and artworks in the
It speaks about the transformative agency and potential that art can have, its use- exhibition in order to illustrate the arguments of SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought
ability, through the struggles for Aboriginal rights of the Yolngu people of North- Forms in a succinct manner. To all my friends whose work has not been discussed in
east Arnhem Land in Queensland, and how their struggles have resulted in laws this essay, I will write about your work in the future, I promise.
being changed and rights being acknowledged throughout Australia. Indeed,
the same people and their descendants, created the objects and artworks from
1935 through the late 2000s that changed the way people live in Australia, and
may provide an interesting example or inspiration for other social processes in the
LX C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n LXI

Notlar / Notes are also forms of art. Ever since his early practice in 1995, Huyghe has suggested L'Association
des Temps Librs (A.T.L.) which argues for an inoperative practice. See Giorgio Agamben,The
(1) Henri Focillon, Life of Forms in Art [Sanatta Biimlerin Yaam] (New York: Zone Books, 1992, birinci
Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government (Stanford, CA:
bask, La Vie des Formes, 1943), s. 33.
Stanford University Press, 2011).
Henri Focillon,Life of Forms in Art(New York: Zone Books, 1992,first ed., La Vie des Formes, 1943), p.33.
(6) Adornonun sol avangardist bir pozisyondan kitle kltrne ynelttii eletiriler ilk olarak 1930larn
(2) Donna Haraway, SF: Science Fiction, Speculative Fabulation, String Figures, So Far [Bilimkurgu,
sonlarnda, kltr endstrisi ve popler mzik hakkndaki yazlarnda kendini gstermitir. O dnem
Speklatif Masallatrma, Sicim Figrleri], 2011 Pilgrim dl Konumas: http://adanewmedia.
iin gncel sanat, gsteriyle aptallatrmann tuzaklarndan uzak gvenli bir limand.
org/2013/11/issue3-haraway/ (Eriim tarihi: 26 Temmuz 2015). Donna Haraway, SF: Science Fiction,
Adornos critique of mass culture from a leftist avant-gardist perspective first appeared in the late
Speculative Fabulation, String Figures, So Far, 2011 Pilgrim Award Speech,http://adanewmedia.
1930s in his writings on the culture industry and popular music. At that time, contemporary art was a
org/2013/11/issue3-haraway/(accessed 26 July 2015).
safe haven from the pitfalls of stupefaction through spectacle.
(3) Burada Laura Marksn betimledii kvrm ama ve kvrma estetiine bavuruyorum: nerdiim
(7) Pierre Huyghen yazara gnderdii 30 Temmuz 2015 tarihli e-postadan.
kvrm ama ve kvrma estetiinde dzey imaj, enformasyon ve sonsuz birbirini kvrr ve
Pierre Huyghe in an email to the author, 30 July 2015.
birbirinden alr. Kvrma terimini kuantum fiziinden dn alyorum; bu terim, birbirinden
uzakta duran ama her biri tm dierlerinin ne yaptn biliyormu gibi hareket eden atomalt (8) a.g.y.
paracklarn davranlarn gzlemleyen David Bhmn yazlarnda ok gzel aklanmtr. Ibid.
Bhm, kuantum dzeyinin altnda btn maddelerin karlkl balantl olduu sonucuna (9) Bu arada 2012deki dOCUMENTA (13)n sanatsal direktr olarak o sergiye katlan sanat
varmtr. Bhmn sakl dzen teorisi, evrenin grlemeyen temel bir dzenini aklar; bu yaptlarndan ounu, belki Trkiye ile dnya zerinde dolaan birok gemi ve mevcut hayalet
dzen ancak alglanabilir etkileriyle bilinebilir. rnein elektronlarn hareketi, bir dalga denklemi olduu iin, yl sonra stanbula da ekledim; sanal lemde katlm konusu ok abartlyor,
bakmndan anlalabilir. Dalga, maddede, elektronun davrannda kvrlm haldedir; elektronlar ama te yanda ziyaretileri etkinliklere dahil eden daha az saydaki sanat yapt iin ok daha
dalgadan itibaren alr... Grntler ve enformasyon dnyaya gelir ve hi durmayan bir alma dndrc bir katlm tarz da var. Edim olmayan bir i olarak beklemek konusunda bkz.
ve kvrlma ak iinde sonsuza geri yuvarlanr... grdmz, duyduumuz ve dokunduumuz Ivo Andri, Notebooks 1942-1974 [Defterler], Collected Works [Toplu Eserleri], c. 17, Udrueni
alglanabilirliklerin altnda yatan bir kod katman vardr. Kod ise baka bir eyin arayzn Izdavaci (Birleik Yaynclar): Svjetlost, Prosveta, Mladost, Dravna zalozba Slovenije, Misla,
oluturur: Programclarn kod yazdklar, sanat almalarnn dlendii, kr elde edildii veya Pobjeda, 1981, s. 220-223; bu katalog iin Irena Haiduk tarafndan evrildi, s. X.
zarar edildii ve dahasnn, sonsuzca daha fazlasnn gerekletii maddi ve imgesel dnya. While, as director of dOCUMENTA (13) of 2012, I included many participatory artworks, in Istanbul
Laura Marks, Enfoldment and Infinity. An Islamic Genealogy of New Media Art [Kvrlma ve three years later, perhaps because there are so many past and present ghosts haunting both
Sonsuzluk: Yeni Medya Sanatnn slami Bir Soykt], Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010, s. 56. Turkey and the world, and so much hype about participation in the digital realm, there is a more
[Bknz bu katalog, s. 254-255]. contemplative mode, with fewer artworks that involve the visitors in activities. See the non-act of
I refer here to aesthetics of unfolding and enfolding as described by Laura Marks: In the aesthetics waiting as detailed in Ivo Andri,Notebooks 19421974, Collected Works, vol. 17, Udrueni Izdavaci
of unfolding and enfolding that I am proposing, three levels image, information, and the infinite (United Publishers): Svjetlost, Prosveta, Mladost, Dravna zalozba Slovenije, Misla, Pobjeda, 1981, pp.
enfold each other and unfold from each other. I borrow the term enfoldment from quantum physics, 220-223, translated in this catalogue by Irena Haiduk, p. XLV.
where it was most beautifully expressed in the writings of David Bhm, who observed the behavior
of subatomic particles that are far apart but act as though they know what each other is doing. (10) William Shakespeare, Frtna, ev. Blent Bozkurt (stanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 3. Basm, 2000) Perde I,
He concluded that beneath the quantum level, all matter is interconnected. Bhms theory of the Sahne II, s. 18-19.
implicate order describes an underlying order of the universe that cannot be seen; it can be known William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2.
only through its perceptible effects. For example, the action of electrons can be understood in terms (11) a.g.e. s. 38.
of a wave equation. The wave is enfolded in matter, in the electrons behavior; the electrons are Ibid.
unfolded from the wave Images and information come into the world and roll back into the infinite
(12) Yazarla Griselda Pollockun ubat 2014teki bir sohbetinden. Bkz ayrca Griselda Pollock, "The
in a ceaseless flow of unfolding and enfolding There is a layer of code underlying the perceptibles
Time of Drawing: Drawing Time: micro/macro (1998--) by Christine Taylor Patten" [Christine
we see, hear, and touch. Code in turn forms an interface to something else: the material and imaginal
Taylor Patten'dan Resmetmenin Zaman: Resim Zaman: mikro/makro (1998--)], Encounters in the
world in which programmers write code, artworks are dreamed up, profits are reaped or lost, and
Virtual Feminist Museum: Time, Space and the Archive [Sanal Feminist Mzede Karlamalar:
more, infinitely more. Laura Marks,Enfoldment and Infinity. An Islamic Genealogy of New Media
Zaman, Uzam ve Ariv] (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), s. 200-233.
Art (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010), pp.56. [See this catalogue pp.255-256].
From a conversation between the author and Griselda Pollock, February 2014. See also Griselda
(4) Rene Gabri ve Ayreen Anastasn 16 Temmuz 2015 tarihli e-postas (vurgular benim). Pollock, 'The Time of Drawing: Drawing Time: micro/macro (1998) by Christine Taylor Patten',
E-mail from Rene Gabri and Ayreen Anastas, 16 July 2015 (italics added). Encounters in the Virtual Feminist Museum: Time, Space and the Archive (London and New York:
Routledge, 2007), pp.200-233.
(5) grmez kelimesiyle, insann hayatn anlaml ve eksiksiz olarak yaamas duygusu ve anlay
reten ama mbadeleye uygun maddi veya gayri maddi metalar illa ki imal etmeyen, bylece retim (13) Kitap zerinde almaya tahminen 1901de balamlar.
toplumunun dnda kalan, yine de ayn zamanda sanat biimleri olan birtakm hayat biimlerini Their work on the book presumably began around 1901.
imal etme abalarna gnderme yapyoruz. Daha 1995teki ilk icralarndan itibaren Huyghe i grmez
(14) Bkz. bu katalogda s. 28.
bir icradan yana olan L'Association des Temps Librs (A.T.L. zgrletirilmi Zamanlar Dernei)
See p.29 of this catalogue.
nerisinde bulunmutur. Bkz. Giorgio Agamben, The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological
Genealogy of Economy and Government [Krallk ve an: Ekonomi ve Ynetimin Teolojik Bir Soykt (15) Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway. Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and
in], Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011. Meaning [Evrenle Ortada Bulumak. Kuantum Fizii ve Madde ile Mnnn Dolakl] (Durham: Duke
By inoperative, we refer to labours that generate understanding and a sense of living ones life University Press, 2007).
meaningfully and fully, but that do not necessarily produce exchangeable commodities whether KarenBarad,Meeting the Universe Halfway. Quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and
material or immaterial, thus opting out from productive society, yet producing forms of life that meaning (Durham: Duke University Press, 2007).
LXII C a r olyn Christ ov - B a k a rg i e v G i r i / In t r o du ct i o n LXIII

(16) Kunsthalle Basel, Week (Ocak 2012), d13, Raum der Rhythmen (Ritimler Odas) 1912, Viyana MAC Re- In January, 1928, I was sent into exile by the present Soviet government; I spent a year
illuminations, MAXXI A Room of Rhythms / Curva (2014). on the Chinese frontier; in February, 1929, I was deported to Turkey, and I am now writing
Kunsthalle Basel, Week (January 2012), d13, Raum der Rhythmen (Room of Rhythms) 1912, Vienna these lines from Constantinople. Leon Trotsky, My Life. An Attempt at Autobiography (New York:
MAC Re-illuminations, MAXXI A Room of Rhythms / Curva (2014). Charles Schribners Sons, 1930), p.iv.
(17) Cevdet Erekin bu katalog iin Henri Lefebvrein ritim ve lleri analiz eden bir yazsn semesi (24) Sonunda 1933te nce Fransaya, ardndan Meksikaya gitti.
tesadf deil: Mzikal zaman yaanm zamanla rtr m? Ya da hayali zamanla (sreyle)? Mecazi Trotsky finally left in 1933 for France and then Mexico.
midir? Schopenhauerdan bu yana teorisyenler (zellikle Boris von Schlzer) bu soruyu sormam (25) Troki, a.g.e., s. 449-56.
olmasalar da, karanlkta braktlar. Dahas, ritmik olan bir kenara brakldnda (yaanm veya dsel) Trotsky, op. cit., pp. 44956.
zaman kavram soyut kalr. Ancak mzikal zaman meknn dnda zsel (veya varolusal) olarak
ele almak doru olur mu? Hayr! Ses, bir mekn ve varoluun aletlerini igal eder. Mzikal zamann (26) Melanie Kleinn teorisinde hem gereinden iyi anne hem de ortalkta grnmeyen anne
meknsallamas bir ihanet saylamaz. Belki de mzik bir zaman ve mekn btnlnn, ittifaknn var hasede yol aar. Haset de ykc bir drtdr, hem sululuk duygusu hem de sadizm dourur.
olduunu farz eder. [Belki de] ritmin iinde ve sayesinde?" Bknz. bu katalog s. 210. Buna karlk yeteri kadar iyi olan anne kran duygusu telkin eder ki bu da sevgi ve yaam
Not by chance, Cevdet Erek selected a writing by Henri Lefebvre for this catalogue that analyses igdsnn ifadesidir. Kleinn konuyla ilgili ufuk ac yazsnn bal: Haset ve kran
rhythms and measurements: Does musical time coincide with lived time? Or with imaginary time (1957).
(duration)? Metaphorical? Theorists since Schopenhauer (notably Boris von Schloezer) have left In Melanie Kleins theory, both the too-good mother and the absent mother provoke envy, which is a
the question in the dark, though not without having posed it. Furthermore, the concept of (lived or destructive impulse causing both guilt and sadism, while the good-enough mother inspires gratitude,
dreamed) time remains abstract if one leaves the rhythmic aside. But would it be right to treat musical which is an expression of love and life instinct. Her seminal essay on the topic is Envy and Gratitude, 1957.
time as essential (or existential) outside space? No! Sound occupies a space, and the instruments (27) Ayrca sz geen hayvanlar imal etmek iin kullanlan btn kabuklar, krkler, deriler, dallar ve
of existence. The spatialisation of musical time cannot be deemed a betrayal. Perhaps music kocaman dier eyler sadece Trkiyeden deil, ayn zamanda Arjantin, Gney Kore, Meksika,
presupposes a unity of time and space, an alliance. In and through rhythm?, p.211. arika, ngiltere ve Fransadan geldi; ben sadece ekibimle seyahat etmiyorum, toplayp biriktirdiimiz
(18) Klein iesi sol ve san tutarl biimde tanmlanamayaca bir yzeydir (iki boyutlu bir manifold). malzemeler de bizimle birlikte bir nevi gebe arivi olarak naklediliyor. Adrin Villar Rojasn yazara 3
Bununla ilikilendirilebilecek dier ynsz nesneler arasnda Mbius eridi ve izdm dzlemi Austos 2015 tarihli e-postas.
saylabilir. Mbius eridi snrlar olan bir yzeyken Klein iesinin snr yoktur (karlatrmak Besides, all the shells, furs, skin, branches etc used to manufactures the aforementioned animals
iin, krenin snrlar olmayan ynl bir yzey olduunu dnebiliriz.) Wikipediadan (Eriim come not only from Turkey but also from Argentina, South Korea, Mexico, Sharjah, England and
tarihi: 23 Mart 2015). France; Im not only traveling with my team, materials we gather and collect are being shipped with us
The Klein bottle is a surface (a two-dimensional manifold) in which notions of left and right cannot be as a sort of nomadic archive, E-mail from Adrin Villar Rojas to the author, 3 August 2015.
consistently defined. Other related non-orientable objects include the Mbius strip and the real projective (28) Bu, Avustralyada Aborijin halklarnn, topraklar yaknndaki gelgit blgelerinde sular zerinde yasal
plane. Whereas a Mbius strip is a surface with boundary, a Klein bottle has no boundary (for comparison, gzetim hakk kazanmalarn salayan ilk hukuk zaferidir.
a sphere is an orientable surface with no boundary. From Wikipedia (accessed 23 March 2015). This was the first legal victory in Australia for Aboriginal peoples to achieve legal custonianship over
(19) Sodyum kanal, nron hcrelerinin zarndaki seici bir geittir, nk sadece sodyum iyonlarnn portions of waters in the tidal area near their lands.
gemesine izin verir ve bu ekilde btn beyin ve vcut sisteminin almasn salar.
The sodium channel is a passageway in the membrane of neuron cells that is selective because it lets only
sodium ions (positively charged sodium atoms, that have given up one electron to bond with another
atom) pass through, and thus allow for the entire brain and body system to work.
(20) Lynn Margulis, Celeste A. Asikainen ve Wolfgang E. Krumbein (haz.), Chimeras and Consciousness:
Evolution of the Sensory Self [Kimeralar ve Bilin: Duyumsal Benliin Evrimi] (Boston: MIT Press, 2011),
Lynn Margulis, Celeste A. Asikainen and Wolfgang E. Krumbein (ed.),Chimeras and Consciousness:
Evolution of the Sensory Self(Boston: MIT Press, 2011), pp.16.
(21) 1970lerin ortasnda ve 1980lerde izdiklerinden, 1999da 6. stanbul Bienalinde sergilenen Shadow
Processiona (Glge Kafilesine) varncaya dek.
From his early drawing in the mid-1970s and 1980s, to Shadow Procession, shown at the 6th Istanbul
Biennial in 1999.
(22) Bir dizi sinemac bu tabloya sayg duruunda bulunmutur: rnein Bernardo Bertoluccinin
1900nde (1976) giri jeneriindeki yazlar tablodan zoom-outla gsterilirken, Eisensteinn Ekiminde
(1928) protesto ve kalabalk sahneleri Pellizzann bayaptndan esinlenmitir.
A number of filmmakers paid homage to this painting. For example, in Bernardo Bertoluccis 1900
(1976) the initial credits are displayed over a zoom out of the painting, while in Eistensteins October
(1928) the scenes of crowds and protest are inspired by Pellizzas masterpiece.
(23) Ocak 1928de mevcut Sovyet hkmeti tarafndan srgne gnderildim; in snrnda bir sene
geirdim; ubat 1929da Trkiyeye tehcir edildim ve bu satrlar u anda stanbulda yazyorum.
Lev Troki, My Life. An Attempt at Autobiography (Hayatm: Bir Otobiyografi Denemesi) (New
York: Charles Schribners Sons, 1930), s.iv; [Trkesi: Hayatm, ev. Mntekim kmen (stanbul:
Yazn Yaynclk, 1999)].

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