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Overlapping Functions of Employees chap 4; 18

2. Negative Motivational Drives chap 5
3. Lack of Employee Empowerment and Participation chap
4. Lack projected growth expansion

Overlapping functions of Employees

There are branches in the organization that are the same based from the
organizational chart of the company. This shows overlapping functions and the
roles of each employees are not followed as employees are transferred to
different branches to manage the stores. Role ambiguity is present as employees
are having a hard time in doing their assigned tasks and the performance is
satisfactory since employees are uncertain on what roles they should follow. The
employees have their own boundaries on their parts and it becomes a hindrance
for them to achieve a higher level in their careers.

Negative Motivational Drive

The organization uses an affiliation type of motivation, as they surround

themselves with likable people. The employees are very accommodating and
cooperative that is very convenient for an organization because they work well
with one another. However, their type of motivation impedes them to make most
out of their role as employees are given specific tasks to do and their level of
effort are just acceptable and dont go beyond the standards. It seems that they
dont expect to excel as they are given steady salaries that can just sustain their
everyday needs. Employees become too complacent with their jobs and hesitant
to aim for a bigger role in the organization.

Based on the Alderfers E-R-G model of human needs, employees of the

company dominates the existence and relatedness needs and does not go beyond
the growth needs that desires for self-esteem and self-actualization. The
employees are contended with the reward and benefits they received from
organization. This is an unacceptable attitude of the employees because this
shows that they just their to do their work and this also shows that the company
is just their to sustain its employees and the company itself and not to promote
and to further improve the system.

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