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SSC CGL Tier 2

English Paper code: 608
No. of Questions: 200 Max. Marks : 200
Time: 2 Hours Negative Marking : 0.25
Please use OMR Sheet.
Directions : In question number 1 to 27 a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four
alternatives suggested, suggest the one which best expresses the same sentence in direct/In direct and
mark your answer in the answer sheet.

Q1 Naren said, "Why are you still waiting here, Binod?

(A) Naren asked Binod why he was still waiting there.
(B) Naren asked Binod that why he was still waiting there,
(C) Naren asked Binod why he is still waiting there.
(D) Naren asked Binod that why you were still waiting there.

Q2. . "Jack did as he wished, the mother said

(A) The mother said that Jack had done as he had wished.
(B) The mother said that Jack did as he had wished.
(C) The mother said that Jack has done as he has wished.,
(D) The mother said that Jack had fell as he had wished.

Q3. Can you see a woman seated on the bench in a park?" Alice asked her.
(A) Alice asked her if she can see a woman seated on the bench in a park.
(B) Alice told her if she could see a woman seated on the bench in a park.
(C) Alice asked her if she could see a woman seated on the bench in a park.
(D) Alice asked her if she could have seen a woman seated on the bench in a park.

Q4. The king said, My force will protect the kingdom."

(A) The king said that his force would protect the kingdom.
(B) The king said that the king's force will protect the kingdom.
(C) The king ordered that our force should protect the kingdom.
(D) The king commanded that his, force will be protected the kingdom.

Q5. The student said, "Let me come in."

(A) The student told that let he be allowed to come in.
(B) The student said that if he is allowed to come in.

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(C) The student requested let him come in.

(D) The student requested that he might be allowed to come in.

Q6. He said, "Babies, drink milk."

(A) He said that babies drink milk. (B) He told that babies should drink milk.
(C) He -advised the babies to drink milk. (D) He said that babies drank milk.

Q7. I said, "I came here yesterday,

(A) I said that I came here that day. (B) I said that go here yesterday.
(C) I said that I had come there the previous day. (D) I say that I went there the previous day.

Q8. He said, "The government is writing letters,"

(A) He said that the government is writing letters. (B) He said that the government was writing letters.
(C) He said that the government will write letters. (D) He said that the government wrote letters.

Q9. He said, I have passed the examination."

(A) He said that he had passed the examination. (B) He announced that he has passed the examination.
(C) He said that he had to pass the examination (D) He said that he has passed the examination

Q10. The doctor says, "It is better you undergo a surgery next week,"
(A) The doctor advised me to undergo a surgery the following week.
(B) The doctor says that it is better I undergo a surgery the following week.
(C) The doctor says that it was better I underwent a surgery the coming week.
(D) The doctor advises that it is better I underwent a surgery the following week.

Q11.The teacher asked the student when he would submit his assignment.
(A) The teacher said to the student, When will you submit your assignment
(B) The teacher asked the student, When will you submit his assignment?"
(C) The teacher asked the student, "When would you submit his assignment?
(D) The teacher asked the student, When would he submit his assignment?"

Q12.The Principal asked me whether I had informed the Chief Guest the revised schedule the day before.
[1) The Principal said to me, Did I inform the Chief Guest the revised schedule the day before?"
(B) The Principal said to me, Have I informed the Chief Guest the revised schedule the day before?
(C) The Principal said to me, Have you informed the Chief Guest the revised schedule yesterday?"
(D) The Principal said to me, Did you inform the Chief Guest the revised schedule yesterday?

Q13. Dont play on the grass, boys," she said.

(A) She ordered the boys Don't play on the grass."
(B) She said to the boys that they should not play on the grass.
(C) She told the boys that they should not be playing on the grass.
(D) She told the boys not to play on the grass.

Q14. What a terrible storm it is! he said,

(A) He exclaimed that it was a terrible storm. (B)He exclaimed that it has been a terrible storm.
( C)He exclaimed that it will be a terrible storm. (D)He exclaimed that it is a terrible storm.

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Q15. The traveller .said, What a beautiful sight!"

(A) The traveller exclaimed that it was an beautiful sight.
(B)The traveler exclaimed that it was a beautiful sight.
( C)The traveller said that it was beautiful.
(D)The traveller remarked the beautiful sight.

Q16. The Chief Guest said. It gives me great pleasure to be here this morning.
(A) The Chief Guest said that that gave me great pleasure to be there that morning.
(B)The Chief Guest said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that morning.
( C)The Chief Guest said that it gives him great pleasure to be here that morning.
( D)The Chief Guest said that it gives him great pleasure to be there that morning,

Q17. He said, What a lovely voice she has I"

(A) He exclaimed that she had a very lovely voice. (B) He exclaimed that she has a very lovely voice.
(C) He exclaimed that she did not have a lovely voice. (D) He exclaimed that she does not have a lovely voice.

Q18. He said to me, Where is the post office ?"

(A) He asked me that where the post office was. (B) He asked me where was the post office.
(C) He wanted to know where the post office was. (D) He asked me where the post office was.

Q19. My father said, Honesty is the best policy.

(A) My father stated that honesty was the best policy. (B) My father said that honesty is the best policy.
(C) My father said that honesty was the best policy. (D) My father said that honesty has been the best policy.

Q20. She yelled, Please help me."

(A) She yelled at one for some help. (B) She yelled for someone to help.
(C) She yelled for someone to help her. (D) She yelled at someone to help her.

Q21. He asked me why I was late.

(A) He asked me, "Why are you late? (B) He asked me, Why I was late?
(C) He asked me, Why you are late ? (D) He asked me, Why am I late?"

Q22. He said that I needn't wait there.

(A) He said, You neednt wait here." (B) He said, "I needn't wait there."
(C) He said, You needn't wait there." (D) He said, I neednt wait here.

Q23. I said to the worker, "How do you like your job?"

(A) I told the worker how he liked his job. (B) I asked the worker how you like your job.
(C) I asked the worker how he liked his job. (D) I asked the worker how you liked his job.

Q24. I don't know why they havent signed the papers and accepted the gift, said Crene to me.
(A) Crene told me that, he didn't know why they hadnt signed the papers and accepted the gift.
(B) Crene told me that he don't know why they haven't signed the papers and accepted the gift.
(C) Crene told me that I don't know why they haven't signed the papers and accepted the gift.
(D) Crene said to me that he didn't know why they hadn't signed the papers and accepted the gift.

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Q25. She said, I must have a computer to prepare a power point presentation."
(A) She said she had to have a computer to prepare a power point presentation.
(B) She said she should have a computer to prepare a power point presentation.
(C) She said she would have a computer to prepare a power point presentation.
(D) She said she could have a computer to prepare a power point presentation.

Q26. Dont hesitate to clear your doubts," the teacher said.

(A) The teacher told me not to hesitate in clearing my doubts.
(B) The teacher ordered me not to hesitate in clearing my doubts.
(C) The teacher persuaded me not to hesitate in clearing my doubts.
(D) The teacher requested me not to hesitate in clearing my doubts.

Q27. He said, I am glad to be here this evening."

(A) He said that he was glad to be there that evening. (B) He said he was glad to be here this evening.
(C) He says he was glad be here this evening. (D) He asked he is glad to be here this evening.

Directions: In questions 28 to 52 you have several passages where some of the words have been left out.
Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blank out of the four alternatives and
mark it in the answer sheet.

Of all the psychological problems28..face the aged, the most29are perhaps isolation and the
30. for adaptability. In addition to 31handicaps and the diminishing number32social roles
that are commonly33to the old, the aged 34 to cope with loss of the 35.. career,
standard of living,36. and above all people. The gloomy 37through,the obituaries for yet
another friend who has gone is bad enough : the death of a spouse is often a blow from which the aged do not
recover from easily., The ability to come to terms with these changes is vitally important.
Q28. (A) which (B) whose (C) that (D) who
Q29. (A) wonderful (B) difficult (C) beautiful (D) interesting
Q30. (A) necessity (B) need (C) claim (D) order
Q31. (A) mental (B) spiritual (C) physical (D) financial
Q32. (A) in (B) on (C) of (D) off
Q33. (A) made (B) presented (C) available (D) given
Q34. (A) has (B) are (C) had (D) have
Q35. (A) available (B) familiar (C) known (D) unfamiliar
Q36. (A)home (B) office (C) surroundings (D) environment
Q37. (A) look (B) view (C) search (D) sight

Passage 2
The language problem is not solved by deciding the medium of instruction in the educational institutions. The
problem of 38 between State Governments still 39..At present, each State Government is
40. the process of 41 the 42language as the medium for 43purposes. Then the need
for a stable language for 44. communication 45... Moreover, the Central Government shall
46.. adopt a particular language for 47.. own official work.

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Q38. (A) communication (B) information (C) intimation (D) decision

Q39. (A) stays (B) remains (C) resides (D) rests
Q40. (A)into (B) through (C) with (D) in
Q41. (A) adapting (B) imposing (C) thrusting (D) adopting
Q42. (A) local (B) mother (C) regional (D) foreign
Q43. (A) governmental (B) officious (C) administrative (D) religious
Q44. (A) inter-state (B) regional (C) international (D) intra-state
Q45. (A) comes up (B) rises (C) crops up (D) persists
Q46. (A) having to (B) have to (C) had been (D) have been
Q47. (A) its (B) their (C) our (D) his

Passage 3
Tennis is a game that gives one plenty of exercise; it develops 48.. of eye and limb and 49 the brain
too into 50. A few sets of tennis keep one physically and But for the indoors, chess is the
queen of games. People say chess is a 52. game because only two can play.

Q48. (A) movement (B) swiftness (C) quickness (D) agility

Q49. (A) commands (B) asks (C) signals (D) calls
Q50. (A) response (B) play (C) work (D) action
Q51. (A) intellectually (B) emotionally (C) mentally (D) logically
Q52. (A) selfish (B) mean (C) carefree (D) careless

Directions: In question nos 53 to 82 you have brief passages with 5 to 10 questions following each passage.
Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and
mark it by blackening the appropriate oval in the answer sheet.

Passage 1
Child psychology is certainly not a strong point with most Indian schools; why else would they inflict a double
trauma on a student forming badly in the pre-boards by banning her from taking the board exams. Often with
fatal results as evidenced by reports of student suicides in the run-up to the boards. Now the Central Board of
Secondary Education (CBSE) has stepped in and put the brakes on this discriminatory practice, ruling that no
student can be barred from the Boards without prior clearance from the CBSE. This is good news for parents
and students, many of whom have had to live with the threat of performance-linked debartment. While the
school's logic is that in order to attract talented students, the need to maintain their performance records at
high levels.
Chances are that a student faring poorly at the pre-boards will replicate this at the boards is faulty. Chances
are that the student will be spurred to work doubly hard, on the other hand, the threat of debarment, will
almost certainly impact adversely on his/her performance. Of course, linking pre boards to the boards is only
one of the problems with our school system.

Q53. Which is the good news for parents, according to the passage ?
(A) School will take the responsibility of preparing students for the board
(B) School will provide study facilities to the poor student
(C) Schools will enforce discipline to ensure higher attendance of students
(D) No students can be barred from the Boards without prior clearance from the CBSE

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Q54. Give a word from the passage which means motivated-

(A) spurred (B) faired (C) Evaluation (D) evidenced

Q55. What is the faulty assumption of schools, according to the passage?

(A) Students who do riot do well at pre-boards: will be motivated to work hard
(B) Pre-boards are generally easy and therefore students take them lightly
(C) Students who fare poorly at the pre-board will fail at the boards,
(D) Learning by note is a better method of learning

Q56. Which of the following according to the passage is the problem with our school system?
(A) Providing study, facilities to the students
(B) Linking pre-board performance of students to the boards
(C) Teachers lack of knowledge of child psychology
(D) Attracting talented students

Q57. According to the passage, parents had to live with the threat of:
(A) falling grades of their wards
(B) not getting thief wards admitted in the quality schools
(C) schools not treating their wards with the attitude of counsellor.
(D) linking performance of their works in pre-boards to the debarment

Passage 2
Faith in progress is deep within our culture. We have been taught to believe that our lives are better than
the lives of those who came before us. The ideology of modem economics suggests that material progress has
yielded enhanced satisfaction and well-being. But much of our confidence about our own well-being comes
from the assumption that our lives are easier than those of earlier generations.
The lives of the so-called primitive peoples are thought to be harsh their existence dominated by the
'incessant quest for food. In fact, primitives did very little work. By contemporary standards we'd have to
judge them very lazy. The key to understanding why these stone-age people' failed to act like us - increasing
their work effort to get more things-is that they had limited desires. In the race between wanting and having,
they had kept their wanting low-and, in this way ensured their own kind of satisfaction. They were materially
poor by contemporary standards, but in at least one dimension-time-we have to count them richer.

Q58. What is the basis for progress and growth according to the writer ?
(A) Faith in progress is deep rooted in our culture (B) We have been taught that progress in necessary
(C) Material progress has given us strength (D) We have assumed to progress

Q59. What does the writer attribute to modern economics ?

(A) That our lives are easier than before
(B) The progress is a natural process
(C) That material progress leads to higher satisfaction and well-being
(D) That it forces us to assume progress

Q60. What is the writer's image of the primitive people ?

(A) Their life was harsh (B) They did no work

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(C) They were lazy (D) Search for food was their primary focus in life

Q61. What is the key to understanding the primitive people's behaviour according to the passage ?
(A) They had no desires (B) They had everything they needed
(C) They had limited desires (D) They kept their wants high

Q62. How does the writer appreciate the primitives?

(A) They have a low degree of wants (B) They are the masters of their time owing to their contentedness
(C) They are materially poor (D) They are highly satisfied

Passage 3
All of us have enormous capabilities. In many of us however, our achievements fail to correlate with our
potential, because of lack of self discipline the effort needed to channel our energy for productive uses.
To maximise your effectiveness you must learn to put your nose to the grindstone, work against boredom
and leam to take the long, hard way in life rather than the shorn easy way".

Here are a few suggestions that focus on How to do what you warn to do. Take risks. It is important to
realise that nothing in life is achieved unless you risk something. That's how self-confidence develops. Every
chance you take offers you valuable spinoffs in terms of learning. Earn a reward. Sometime back I had to face
the rather unenviable task of preparing for two examinations simultaneously. I had to be ruthless in
driving myself from one goal to another hard nosed attitude saw me sail through the courses, I rewarded
myself at the end of it indulging in my favourite pastime and taking a short holiday.

Q63. Why do our achievements fail to correlate with our potential?

(A) Because of lack of intelligence (B) Because of lack of discipline
(C) Because of lack of external help (D)Because of lack of self-discipline

Q64. How does ones self-confidence develop?

(A) By taking risks (B) By always meeting with success
(C) By being cautious (D) By being garrulous

Q65. What does every chance in our life teach us?

(A) It helps us to become philosophical (B) It helps us to become idealistic
(C) It helps us to learn (D) It shows us our limitation

Q66. How does the author reward him after his success?
(A) By taking a short holiday (B) By doing more work
(C) By visiting friends (D) By thanking God

Q67. What does the author try to convey?

(A) One has to be complacent his present self. (B) One has to work hard at least from failures.
(C) Only inborn genius succeeds in life (D) One has to believe in luck.

Passage 4
The United Nations Fourth World Women's Conference had a colourful start at Beijing on September 4th. This

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is the centurys most crucial conference which aimed at changing the status quo of womens lives
characterized by inequality.
In a preliminary session, Ms. Aung Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize winner said that expanding womens power
will bring greater peace and tolerance to the world.It is not the prerogative of men alone to bring light to this
world. Women with their capacity for compassion and self-sacrifice, with their courage and perseverance have
done much to dissipate the darkness of intolerance and hate, said Ms. Suu Kyi.
In the afternoon session Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi, a Japanese delegate launched a petition against beauty
pageants. "What right do men have to evaluate women in a few minutes? All women are beautiful. Beauty is
something different for everyone", Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi saidBeauty contests are used as trade and
exploitation. The training is very vigorous, but it is the organisers, not the women, who get the full benefit,
said Ms. Ranjana Bhargava After the competition, the women become trapped and the abuse and the bad
things begin. The women are tainted, no one else will accept them.

Q68. The Womens World Conference was very important because

(A) Ms. Aung Suu Kyi has just been awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize.
(B) Ms. Aung Suu Kyi was taking part in the Conference.
(C) its main purpose was to change in equalities between men and women.
(D) it was to protest against beauty contests.

Q69. Which of the following arguments of Ms. Aung Suu Kyi is not true ?
(A) Women also can bring greater peace to the world (B) Men cannot claim they have done more for peace.
(C) Women have the capacity for compassion and sacrifice. (D) Men have done nothing to dissipate ignorance.

Q70. The main emphasis in Ms. Ayako Yamaguchis argument is

(A) men have no right to judge women. (B) men should be given more time to evaluate women.
(C) all women are beautiful in a way. (D) beauty contests are not necessary.

Q71. Beauty is something different for everyone. This statement means

(A) beauty is certainly different from ugliness. (B) beautiful Women do not mingle with other women.
(C) beauty cannot be defined adequately. (D) each woman is beautiful.

Q72. Colourful start" in the first sentence refers to

(A) participants who were all beautiful (B) a lot of excitement and cheerfulness in the conference hall
(C) absence of black coloured girls (D) flags of various colours outsidethe conference hall

Passage 5
Journalism means several things. First of all, it means the ability to write and convey thoughts in a way that
people will understand things quickly. It means being able to turn long articles into shape. It means knowing
your grammar and composition rules inside out and upside down. It also means a nose for news and feel for
words, respect for truth and a sense of mission. A journalist should be able to size up a situation on the spot.
He should also develop a deep insight into human conditions. Nobody can teach you the finer aspects of
journalism. No plastic surgeon can give you a nose for news. No teacher can give you a feel for words.

Q73. The passage is on

(A) the journalists, surgeons and teachers (B) the merits of journalism
(C) what journalism is about (D) the journalists feel for words

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Q74. A journalist should be thorough with

(A) all the rules of writing (B) the news
(C) grammar and composition (D) the insight into human conditions

Q75'. One of the main requirements for a journalist is to

(A) edit articles (B) have a good nose for news
(C) respect everyone (D) exploit a situation

Q76. The ethics of journalism is

(A) respect for truth (B) understanding people
(C) ability to write (D) search for news

Q77. Which of the following statements is not true ?

(A) A plastic surgeon can help a journalist (B) A teacher can hardly assist a journalist
(C) Everyone cannot be a journalist (D) A journalist should be able to convey his thoughts to his readers

The Indians as a group are not cohesive. There is a lack of coordination among individuals, groups,
institutions and states. This lack of coordination may be traced to selfishness, lack of trust and the inability to
find joy in working together as a team for a common goal. This leads to divisiveness, asking for criticism, with
the result images are tarnished and the main purpose is defeated. This phenomenon is visible among the
bureaucrats, the politicians, the intellectuals ,the business community and the sports fraternity, all those who
matter and who give a poor account of themselves as a group despite individual brilliance. This contrast in
human behaviour can perhaps be traced to age : old beliefs, religious tolerance, poverty and the diversity in
day-to-day living conditions.

Q78. Why are the Indians not cohesive as a group ?

(A) There is a lack of coordination between individuals
(B) There is a lack of coordination among individuals,groups and states
(C) There is a lack of coordination between individuals and states
(D) There is a lack of coordination among individuals, groups, institutions and states

Q79. What does lack of coordination lead to?

(A) Divisiveness (B) Divisiveness and asking for criticism
(C) Asking for criticism (D) Nothing in particular

Q80. Which word in the passage means loss of brightness or dull?

(A) Brilliance (B) Phenomenon (C) Visible (D) Tarnish

Q81. To what can the contrast in human behaviour be traced to?

(A) Age-old beliefs and diversity in day-to-day living
(B) Age-old beliefs and religious tolerance
(C) Age-old beliefs, religious tolerance, poverty and diversity in day-to-day living
(D) Nothing in particular

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Q82. What does 'goal' in this passage mean?

(A) The place where the ball has to pass in the football match (B) The object of ambition
(C) A point scored by a particular team in a football match (D) The poles fitted at the end of a football field

Directions: In question nos 83 to 102 some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out
which part of the sentence has an error and blacken the oval corresponding to the appropriate letter a, b,
(C) If the sentence is free from error blacken the oval corresponding to d in the answer sheet.

Q83) For a long time (A) / I did not know who was sitting (B) / besides me because it was very dark(C)/No
Error (D).
Q84) The professor tried his very best (A)/ to bring home on the (B)/students the need for hard work.(C)/No
Error (D)
Q85) When the police accused him(A)/ with theft nobody believed(B)/ it as he had a very honest
reputation(C)/No Error (D)
Q86) The boy laid in the shelter(A)/ for a long time(B)/ before the police came and rescued him(C)/No Error
Q87) The eminent speakers speech(A)/ was broadcasted(B)/ all over the country(C)/No Error (D)
Q88) Over half of the domestic flights(A)/ was delayed because(B)/ of bad weather conditions(C)/No Error
Q89) You should know(A)/ that the final decision on(B)/ the matter rests upon the Board of directors.(C)/No
Error (D)
Q90) Any novelist would be thrilled(A)/ to have his novels(B)/ compared with Dickens.(C)/No Error (D)
Q91) I remember(A)/ my mother smiling and holding my hand(B)/and taking me to the school.(C)/No Error
Q92) The teacher(A)/ asked why were (B)/ we so confused after the test.(C)/No Error (D)
Q93) The future of good companies(A)/ is bright due to(B)/ the ever increasing demands.(C)/No Error (D)
Q94) Ramesh smiled (A)/when he was remembering(B)/ his hard early years and his way to success.(C)/No
Error (D)
Q95) I had a test in maths (A)/ this morning but I performed(B)/ very badly as I was not aware of it.(C)/No
Error (D)
Q96) The CM had(A)/ no time to pay attention (B)/on such simple matters.(C)/No Error (D)
Q97) I was driving(A)/ under the bridge(B)/as a football hit my window.(C)/No Error (D)
Q98) The servant hanged(A)/ the lamp on the hall(B)/ outside the house.(C)/No Error (D)
Q99) In the backside (A)/of our house we have a beautiful garden (B)/which has been developed by my
mother.(C)/No Error (D)
Q100) Ask her(A)/to call me when (B)she will come back.(C)/ No Error (D)
Q101) I declined the invitation(A)/ not because I did not(B)/ want to go but because I have no time.(C)/No
Error (D)
Q102) Kindly confirm(A)/ by letter and telephone(B)/ that you will be able to attend the interview.(C)/No
Error (D)

Directions: In question nos 103 to 107 sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate
word(s).Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four
and indicate it by blackening the appropriate oval in the answer sheet.

Q103. The little girl was knocked down by a speeding car and she lost her.. immediately.

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(A) conscience (B) conscientious (C) conscious (D) consciousness

Q104. They have had to put the football match because of snow,.

(A) of (B) off (C) up (D) on

Q105.I complimented him his success in the examination.

(A) at (B) on (C) about (D) for

Q106.Security arrangements have been tightened up in allareas.

(A) sensible (B) sensual (C) sensitive (D) sensational

Q107. She found a few good cards in a shop and she last night.

(A) they (B) that (C) them (D) this

Directions: In questions 108 to 110 choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given
word and mark it in the answer sheet.

(A) unassertive (B) timorous (C) domineering (D) unobtrusive

(A) whimsical (B) unmovable (C) decisive (D) stable

(A) incompetence (B) gaucheness (C) adroitness (D) Ineptitude

Directions: In questions 111 to 113 choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in
the answer sheet.

Q111. denigrate
(A) blame (B) hide (C) query (D) uphold

(A) attend (B) concentrate (C) continue (D) attract

(A) shocking (B) consoling (C) scaring (D) horrifying

Directions: In questions 114 to 116 four words are given in each question out of which only one word is
correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark it in the answer sheet.

Q114 (A) Camouflage (B) Chamelon (C)Comissioner (D)Constipetion

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Q115 (A) Periphery (B)Peripherial (C)Periphary (D) Preferance

Q116 (A) Surgecial (B) Surgical (C) Sergical (D) sargical

Directions: In question nos. 117 to 126 four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the
sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the
answer sheet.

Q117. To keeps one's temper

(A) To become hungry (B) To be in good mood
(C) To preserve ones energy (D) To keep one's calm

Q118. Between the devil and the deep sea.

(A)to be between two difficult choices (B)to be in a temper
(C)to choose correctly (D)to live dangerously

Q119 To cut the gordian knot

(A)to stop talking and start (B)to dig a well
(C)to marry (D)to act in a friendly way

Q120 To give currency to.

(A)to give someone (B)to pay much attention
(C)to carry heavy load (D)to offer bribe

Q121 To have cold feet

(A)to feel very cold (B)to pay much attention to
(C)to be reluctant (D)to pour water on something

Q122 Blue blood

(A)something impossible (B)an aristocrat
(C)something costly (D)a funny object

Q123. At ones wits end

(A)to be very witty (B)to confuse other
(C)to be completely confused (D)to minimise expenses

Q124. To rub shoulders

(A)to come in close contact (B)to give equal competition
(C)of the same height (D)of almost equal strength

Q125. to call in question

(A) to doubt (B) to ask many things
(C) confused (D) none

Q126 Back of beyond

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(A) An ideal place for holidays (B) A place with certain memories
(C) A religious place (D) A lonely forsaken place

Directions: In question nos 127 to 146 the first and the last part of a sentence are numbered 1 to 6.The rest
of the passage is split into 4 parts P,Q,R and S. These four parts are not given in the proper order. Read the
sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct answer and show it
by blackening the appropriate oval in the answer sheet.

Q127 1 As per the current demographic statistics,

P and Western Europe combined. Q Indias population is slated
R to rise by almost 350 million S twice as fast as China, United States
6 over the next quarter century.


Q128 1 An increasing stress on education,

P and the reservation of seats in government jobs Q the increasing empowerment of women
R are all expected to contribute S and the economically weaker sections of society
6 to the easing of poverty in India.


Q129 1 Over population is

P should be sown among Q in the path of Indias economic development
R and family planning awareness S a hindrance
6 the younger generations.


Q130 1 The developed countries in the West

P to their abilities the growth Q which are rich enough to employ
R or in countries like Japan S all their people according
6 of population may prove to be a boon.


Q131 1 The people were reminded of

P eradicating the Q the advantages of small families,
R of healthy and happy children S and of the need for
6 age-old poverty.


Q132 1 Another example

P after watching those TV programs, Q my son is able to know that we stop

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R a car before a stop sign S I would like to talk about is,

6 and look for a car before crossing a road.


Q133 1 Students can log on

P assignments and update Q to complete their projects,
R to internet and S browse various subjects
6 their subject related knowledge.


Q134 1 Professors & teachers

P from prestigious universities Q can teach online
R to their students S to impart knowledge
6 residing abroad.


Q135 1 Parents should remember that

P rules that someone else Q and they need to set rules according to
R their own teens and not according to the S they know their teenager best,
6 has set for his own children.


Q136 1 Due to all these criminal activities

P because they use internet Q are trying to
R increase their internet security S now-a-days many banks
6 as well to run their administration


Q137 1 If a player lacks confidence,

P then he will Q it is his time
R hesitate when S or is unsure of himself,
6 to hit a goal.


Q138 1 The best way to gain self-confidence

P inside yourself Q and believe that you have the ability
R to overcome all obstacles and challenges S is to look deep
6 that you are faced with.


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Q139 1 In the story Mr. Know All, Max Kelada,

P annoys all the passengers Q a voyager on the ship
R by entering their S traveling from San Francisco
6 conversations uninvitingly.


Q140 1 It is pertinent to mention that heavy resources

P scientists devote their entire life to explore Q discovering things that
R the realities of nature for finding and S are assigned to developing of new knowledge and
6 are useful for the human beings.


Q141 1 The bather simply

P and often a washcloth, Q gets wet,
R stands under the water, S scrubs with soap
6 and then rinses off.


Q142 1 Jataka Tales, like the tales of panchatantra

P for moral behaviour Q being passed on from generation to
R are very old and have a long tradition of S generation serving as source
6 for humans in general.


Q143 1 These stories are mainly

P self-sacrifice, honesty,morality and other Q didactic values to
R and are meant to teach the values of S about past incarnations of Buddha,
6 a common person.


Q144 1 Scientific knowledge

P have caused the oceans and atmosphere Q makes us understand
R as to how continuous changes S to transform, altering
6 the climate of world.


Q145 1 Almost every nation in the world

P on economic fronts, discoveries through science Q as well as technological developments
R is involved in competing with others S provides huge support

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6 to meet this objective.


Q146 1 As the current was very swift

P it looks several minutes Q and strong and was
R but finally I came to S following in opposite direction,
6 the bank with the boy safely.


Directions: In question nos 147 to 158 out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted
for the given words/sentences.
Q147. A sly look that is lustful
(A) Leer (B) Lore (C) Lark (D) Littoral

Q148. Fond of entertaining guests.

(A) hospitality (B) Hospitable (C) hospitalized (D) Gesture

Q149.Deep in thought
(A) Meditation (B) Pensive (C) Pesky (D) Purloin

Q150.Without risk of punishment

(A) Impudent (B) Impunity (C) Inexorable (D) Imperturable

Q151.Excessive preoccupation with one's health

(A) Hypochondria (B) Malaise (C) Disaffected (D) Malinger

Q152. The worship of idols or images

(A) Atheism (B) Theism (C) Idolatry (D) Iconoclasm

Q153. Something that is poisonous or unhealthy

(A) Trivial (B) Toxic (C) Torpid (D) Tragic

Q154. A remedy for all diseases

(A) Amnesia (B) Panacea (C) Intelligentsia (D) Parasol

Q155. A hater of mankind

(A) Misanthrope (B) Misogynist (C) Philanthropist (D) Misogamist

Q156. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks

(A) Megalomania (B) Dipsomania (C) Kleptomania (D) Pyromania

Q157. The study of birds

(A) mycology (B) ornithology (C) oology (D) ecology

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Q158. A small village or a group of houses.

(A) community (B) settlement (C) hamlet (D) colony

Directions In question nos 159 to 178 a sentence has been given in active or passive voice.Out of the four
alternatives suggested select the one which best expresses the same sentence in active/passive voice and
mark your answer in the answer sheet.

Q159. Circumstances will oblige me to go.

(A) I will oblige the circumstances and go. (B) I shall be obliged to go by the circumstances.
(C) Under the circumstances, I should go. (D) I would be obliged by the circumstances to go.

Q160. We waste much time on trifles.

(A) Much time was wasted on trifles. (B) Much time will be wasted on trifles.
(C) Much time is wasted by us on trifles. (D) Much time is wasted on trifles.

Q161. Mr. Sen asked him a question.

(A) He was asked a question Mr. Sen. (B) He was asked a question to Mr. Sen.
(C)He was asked a question by Mr. Sen. (D) A question was being asked by Mr. Sen.

Q162. People speak English all over the world.

(A) English is spoken all over the world. (B) English was spoken all over the world.
(C) English was spoken by people. (D) English is spoken by people.

Q163. The teacher punished the boys who had not done their home work.
(A) The boys who had not done their homework had been punished by their teacher.
(B) The boys were punished by their teacher who had not done their homework.
(C) The boys who had not done their homework were punished by the teacher.
(D) The boys who had not done their homework were being punished by the teacher.

Q164. The Principal has granted to him a scholarship.

(A) A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal. (B) He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.
(C) He has granted a scholarship by the Principal. (D) A scholarship was granted to him by the Principal.

Q165. Somebody told me that there had been an explosion in the Town Hall.
(A) I was told by somebody about the explosion in the Town Hall.
(B) I was told about the explosion in the Town Hall.
(C) I was informed that there was an explosion in the Town Hall.
(D) I was told by somebody that there had been an explosion in the Town Hall.

Q166. Why havent they allowed you to go?

(A)Why you havent been allowed to go? (B) Why havent you been allowed to go?
(C)Why were you not allowed to go? (D)Why you were not allowed to go?

Q167. Has anybody done all the work?

(A) Have all the work been done by somebody? (B) Somebody has done all the work.
(C)The work has been done by somebody. (D) Has all the work been done by somebody?

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Q168. Cigarette smoking causes two million deaths annually in the industrial states.
(A) Cigarette smoking has been causing two million deaths annually in the industrial states.
(B) Two million deaths are caused annually by cigarette smoking in the industrial states.
(C) Two million deaths are being caused by cigarette smoking annually in the industrial states.
(D)Two million deaths have been caused annually by cigarette smoking in the industrial states

Q169. You surprise me.

(A) I am to be surprised (B) You are surprised
(C) I am surprised (D) Me is surprised

Q170. The boys killed the snake with a stick.

(A) The snake was killed by the boys with a stick. (B) A stick was killed by the boys with a snake.
(C) A snake with a stick was killed by the boys. (D) A snake is killed by the boys with a stick.

Q171. Let me do this.

(A) Let us do this. (B) This be done by me.
(C) Let this be done by me. (D) Let do this.

Q172. The tiger caught a fox.

(A) A fox has been caught by the tiger. (B) A fox was caught by the tiger.
(C) A fox is caught by the tiger. (D) A fox had been caught by the tiger.

Q173. Someone has lit the fire.

(A) The fire was lit by someone. (B) You are requested to light the fire by someone.
(C) The fire has been lit by someone. (D) The fire had been lit by someone.

Q174. What do you sell?

(A) What is sold by you? (B) What is sell by you?
(C) What is sold? (D) What is being sold?

Q175 How many flowers have you plucked?

(A) How many flowers had you plucked? (B) How many flowers were plucked by you?
( C) How many flowers you have plucked? (D)How many flowers have been plucked by you?

Q176. Which teacher taught you?

(A) Which teacher were you taught by? (B) Which teacher were you taught ?
(C ) By which teacher were you taught by? (D ) Which teacher you were taught by?

Q177. Sheela was searching for a job in the city.

(A) A job was being searched for in the city by Sheela.
(B) A job was being searched in the city by Sheela.
(C ) A job was being searched in the city for Sheela.
(D ) A job was searched in the city by Sheela.

Q178. She asked me if I could answer all the questions in the paper.

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(A) I were asked if I could answer all the questions in the paper.
(B) I was asked if I could answer all the question in the paper.
(C) I was asked if I could answer all the questions in the paper.
(D) I was asked if I answered all the questions in the paper.

Directions: In questions 179 to 200 a part of the sentence is underline (D) Below are given alternatives part
a, b and c which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative .In case no improvement is
needed your answer is (D)

Q179. Most of the participating members at the fair, which was organized by the students, were Mathematics
(A) Mathematic teachers (B) Mathematics teacher
(C) Teacher in mathematics (D) No improvement

Q180. Americans do not object my calling them by their first names.

(A) my calling the (B) to my calling them
(C) been called (D) No Improvement

Q181. The NYC building at New York City is high as every other building in the United States of America.
(A) high than every other building (B) as high as every other building
(C) higher than any other building (D) No improvement

Q182. But here again, there are allegations of indiscriminate reclamations and acquisition to the farmland by
the Adanis.
(A) reclamations and also acquisition by the farmland (B) reclamation as well as acquisition of farmland
(C) Reclamation and acquisition of farmland (D) No improvement

Q183. It is a three-years degree course.

(A) an three-years degree course (B) a three-year degree course
(C) a three years degree course (D) No improvement

Q184. As soon as winter sets in, the number of tourists start increasing suddenly.
(A) the number of tourists are increased (B) the amount of tourists start increasing
(C) the number of tourists increase (D) No improvement

Q185. Is respect really preferable than money ?

(A) Preferable to money? (B) Preferred, or money?
(C) Preferable than money ? (D) No improvement

Q186. He speaks not only English but French as well.

(A) as well French. (B) also French
(C) but French. (D) No improvement

Q187. Changu is as tall if not, taller than Chanchu.

(A) as tall, if not, taller than (B) as tall as, if not taller to
(C) as tall as, if not taller than (D) No improvement

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Q188. The bigger dilemma facing these mega stores is how to retain customers after the novelty wear thin.
(A) wears thin (B) cools down (C) wears off (D) No improvement

Q189. He needs a reliable servant.

(A) is needing (B) need (C) is needed (D) No improvement

Q190. He was rejected because he was too young.

(A) so (B) hence (C) though (D) No improvement

Q191. I hope that I shall get a First Class.

(A) I feel that (B) I hope (C) I am doing (D) No improvement

Q192. The new Sultan has been able to face all opposition.
(A) have been (B) is being (C) has had been (D) No improvement.

Q193. The watchman was on alert all night.

(A) was on the alert (B) was off the alert (C) was alert (D) No improvement.

Q194. Rice is to the Japanese what the potato is to many Europeans

(A) Japanese (B) the Japanese people (C) Japanese people (D) No improvement.

Q195 Its a long time since you didn't come to see me.
(A) came to (B) came not (C) come to (D) No improvement.

Q196 He comes here often, don't he?

(A) is he (B) does he (C) doesnt he (D) No improvement.

Q197 She did not like the movie, nor I did

(A) nor did I (B) nor I liked it (C) nor I like it (D) No improvement.

Q198. The Victorian Era noted the end of human dependence on religion.
(A) marked (B) showed (C) indicated (D) No improvement.

Q199. The enemy, beaten at every point, fled from the field
(A) having been beaten (B) was beaten (C) to be beaten (D) No improvement

Q200. She teaches us grammar, isnt it ?

(A) isnt she ? (B) doesn't she ? (C) doesn't it ? (D) No improvement

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