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THE SHAPE OF TIME NN 66 .K@ €.7 Kubler, George, 19 The shape of time Por Sie ent ene end moo Rthro! Towa. ery © 26 ble Dei cin he Unie Sef Ane by Avie ened Thick a tbe iy ice pbc, by of Gpecenlag et umber 890 inside a ape A, sot Aer by a Universi Pes Ly asin Cnn by il Qe’ nveiy > SOLLERE LIBRARY peso TO MARTIN HEINEMANN Preamble Srammot, Fons, avo Doranion Cami p tl dfition of ata aymbolic language has omiated art sais nour century. Anew hazy of else choredupod the work ofa arasybalicexpresson thaseame Jneo fring. By the ens ar at oom made 1 connect with the ret of tory Tot the pice fas been high, for while seis of meaning re sed all our atteno, another delnion of a as aye of foumal slain, hereby seed nope. Tie ether definition tnutecs more dn scaing, Inthe same seve wpoech mater tore dan cing case sec precedes wating, and Deca wrtng ie ue aspen ase of 9p The oer dtinson of arta form remains amfhinable although every thinking pean wilaccope awn cat no Treaing ean be conveyed without for, Every messing £ Ipitesa ppont or a while, ora bolder These ae the bearers, Fang aod without then no meaning would eros om ‘met you ot fran you tome ride fons any pat of mature anyother par. “The Fooms of communication ae ely xparable fom any renin wansmision. th Tingoiies the forms are speech founds (phonemes) and gramme ons (morpbemes)- In mae ey are nots and eral fm architectre and sclpease they are isan void; aiming they ae tone an areas The aret farms canbe sensed indepen denly of meming ‘We know from lingunics in particule thatthe sero ele ments undergo mote or les regula evolutions in tine without ‘elton to mening as when certain phonetic sbi the hizory OF cognate langmages can be expsinod only by a hyposes of regular change. Thu phoneme 2, occurring insu easly age of 1 Tinguage, becomes phonene bats ltr sage, independesly ‘of meaning, and only ander de zal governing the phonetic sssure of the lngsage, The eglaity of Sie change isch thatthe phonemic anges a oven be wo to measure Gains Tetwoensecorded but undated examples of spec. Similar regularities probably govern the formal infatrecture of every ar Whenever symbols dates appear, however, We tex interferences that nay dip the regular evolution of dhe formal rye An iteference fom visa images is pest in leu al art, Even architects, which x commonly thought 9 Thck Bgl intton, guided fon one utterance to the next ‘by the images ofthe admired bailing of che pas, bh a and “The purge ofthese pages isto dea atti some of the norpholopal pblons of durin in seer and requence The feces are independeney of rcaning and image. They are roles that have gone waworked for moze than forty yes Since the te when students tured awe fom “mere formal- fan” tothe historia ecomsraction of symbolic complexes “The min framework: of these Hess wat st down at Gaylord Far in Wallingoed dating November and December in 1959 Tam grateful tomy fry and tons, andthe alae Gaylord, anu to my asocaes at Yale Univers, for hee many thought- Falcons othe demands ofa ee pens rote mex ofthe tex exly im tos in Naples, andthe Ginised manuscript tras abiited to Yale Univenity Pres in November of that Yeats For their preptive readings and valeble swegesions on is improvement Iam indebed to my collagues at Yale, Pro fesor Chace Seymour, je, Geonge H. Hamilton, Samer MEK. Crotty, GE, Hachinoo, Margaret Calli, George Heney, a to Profi Jes Ackerman of Harvard, whom ¥ tug eit yar ago at Yale. For st toward pli Lam gate- fat the Mature Scholars Fund of Yale Univer New Haven 15 May 1961 Contents ‘Spel, Form, a Dati Tun Hisrony oF Tinvot aod gen, Biological and psa! mctaphor, Siem sxc, Tae The Nae of ty OF anda. Sg Ry Sif nd Aden Sl eon 2. Cam raped figural ni. The taxonomy of aso oma Spon Ueda, Ope ad do ine Of n Rgnone Mes, Digi i. Teel sev The ec. Stay od pegeom a Seid Pt, an Chae Te eo ce, Spt tne A Meson pin. Lng ge Hora fe Died ed Reem: Obie and ins, Acie Tet and Shan Hpi The sypoogy of ei? lve Tis con, ad es "he Shops of Ti Pel vas, aids ad het Tenge The Ad di neal sim. Wandng sr ‘Smulteoa Hanes fiers of don Fiske neni: "Th pri obec of owl: Wi "he Epes of Form ond resin: lsalogia ‘insine.The Sesccias fsy, Th lanl pre 1. The History of Things Lee a sappone tha the ido of atc he expanded to ex wae the whale ange of anonade things, inloding all ool sc wing in ation che ele, ber and poe hings the work. By this view the mivene of matsmade things Simply coincide wth he ory ofa thes becomes an orgs tegument to dvie beer wiyeo considering everythi Save ade, This we may achive sooaer by proceeding fom art rahe thas Eon wc fori we dear from ix lon, all weless ings ae overlooked, but if we eke the deen of tings 1 on pot of sparc, then ural objects are propa en things we val move oles dea In lfc, the only token of binary casually 20 or sence ae the deiabeehings made by men. OF cous Soy dat mansade chings are desiable i sedundane, bec cma’ native ineia i oveccone only by dese, and nothing et made unl te dasable ‘Such things mark he page oF time with i rete accuracy shan we ino, ad they El ine with shapes of ited vay. Uke crosticeas we depend fr szvival upon a ower skeleton, ‘pon a sel fst cites ad bows filled with ngs belong ing to definable porns of the pax. Our ways of dsebing this viable pat ace ll mom awhonrd, The npeemade seuly of things kw than five huodzed years oly beginning wih dhe desriprion of works of atin the att’ Liographics of the Taian Renasance, The mecbod ws extended othe dsesicion of al Kinds of things only afer 1750, Todsy aclacology and ‘etiology wea of unter ele in gener The ior of re treaty of helene wel and int expesveprodacs of hur {nduty. The Easy ofthngs Begin teak kes salle family than people once thought "Tae oldest surviving things made by men are stone tool, A ‘ominsows series eu fom them eo the things of today. The sercshas branched many snes, and ih fen ran tint dead ‘nds, Whale requcnces of eoure cued when Snlies of anions Shed ont or whan iviiaionscollapae, bt he seam of hinge rover wis completly sled, Everything made now Telia or a vane of something inde ite ne ago and 50 ‘on back wight brea to the Rist morning of human cine. This ‘omtnoows connection ia ine ie contain lse divisions. The arative his rian always asthe prvioge of deciding that conn cus beer ito cei lengths than into at defend hs ent, ecrse history cats 28 ‘where with egal enc std good sory cam bein anywhere the ter chooes, For eter who aca beyond naratin che qusion ito find deaages in hinory wbece a cat wil saat dren pes of Tappening.* Many have thoaght eat £0 make che invenory ‘would lend toward sucha eslarged andertanding, The aebac- He never is 0 logis and antbroplogis clasfy thing by tir ws, having fiat spared mail and renal clr, orth ne wd idea Tie hain of, who spingel and sei prod, clasaly these lace by types, by schools, and by syle. School and aye ae the produc of the lng stocktaking of the ninetenh-eeaury borne of ae. ‘This wock-aking, however, cannot go on dle i dheoey i comes ta cd swith imeposchable and ireftale Lit ables, partie tain words when they are abe by too conte oat, sf in thir meaning a f with cancer or inion. Sle ove ofthese. Rs mamerble shades of meaning see 9 sgenall experience, Acone extreme tthe ee defined by enc Fool, of syle asthe Hi ds hows, de Himalayan range composed ofthe gretext monaent fl me, the schvane tnd wandad of arti valu. At the eter extreme i the oer jungle of averting eopy, where guolines and tie apes lave “styl,” and another zone where anneal fhions in shor are parvyed at “style” Im between isthe eae teain of “historic” yl cues, nations, douse, reigns regio, pei, craft, perony sad objec all have styles. A aspoemutic ning on binomial principles (Middle Minoan syle, ape Fei allows aniston of daved ode ae the whole araagement is unable: che key word has ieee meanings even nos limited binomial cote, signily- ingattine tbe coanmnon denominator atong»grovp oF objets, an at othe the impre of am individ uke ot ati. In the rot thee es syle chronologically worried: the con mon denominator may appear at widely seprted laos snd ‘ite leading to "Gothic Manner” and “Hellenic Baroque” In the sound seve spl ie cecal in ne but not im come tent Since the iftime of one art often embraces many "oj" the ndvidal and "syle ae by no mea exersious emis, The “syle Louis XVI" embraces the decades bee 8p, bathe tem fl wo pity the rary ap he aaa ne of arts practice under that monares le "The inumesselisetie ofa is rooted i the Lnbyeinekine network of dhe notion of syle ix ambiguities andi incom sisences miro sete activity a whole. Sle decibes © speci gic in ace beter than typeof existence ia ie. Tn the twentieth eazy, ander the imple of de sybolic itexprtation of expeence, another decion of ay bas eke fou, Ie the stay of konogeapicl typer at aymbolic ex prewons of historia chnge, apesting under» revive sven feentcentury rubric ae "conslgy.” Mave cecealy sill he intone of scence have conjoined Hea and things ia an in ex upon the conditions of dco onsucr the hourie moment of Se hizory of science, and ‘histo dese happening tits point of ception The moment of discovery adits scceive anformations 3 truonal behavior ap eeovered a a ater of program by the ator of ience and by conlogid audi, Bu th ep only cvaine the beginning and the main arcltions of hitosal tubrance, Many other posible topic crowed upon the ation tr ns soon a4 we adit the idea da this ubtance poweses 2 Trwcte of which the disions ae noe merely the ivensions of he nano, Albough naaiat things rernin our mis tng evidence bet the old Taman pt really exited, the conventional meta~ phos wed o describe his vnble ps are mainly biological, We Fra withont station of the "bith of am ar" ofthe “eof a ‘le? ad the “deith ofa cool" of owesing,” “mara,” Sing” when we deeibe the powers of an ari. The feseoary mode of arangng the evidence is biographical, as if the single biographical unie wore She trae uni of sy. The a= tebled biogephis then ae grouped regionally (eg, “Urbis Stoo) or by syle and pace ("Reman Baroque) ina manner “apsly prtterned pon biological casicaone by #ypalogy, Tnorpbology, and dixebuton, “Twn Lameranions o7 Brocaarsy “Te ives of he artis have bon ge inthe Basatre of ait ever since Pippo Vist colesed anecdotes in 1381-2 ‘etc biography was expanded inthis ceatary with dacaments tod ext 1 gigindeproporsons as + necasary stage in the ‘preparation ofthe grand cutalogae of person and works, People teeing the isory of areas bograghy assume tae the ia ims ofthe historian ste to tecomtrect che evoltin of the person ote 4 the meaning. Beano Zev, fonts, paises atisichiography tan indopeable ecunent inte esining of young a. > ati, to authenticate nebuted works, and to discuss vs nba tion Scan” pbs te Ane Seopa eg etn Noro nhc oe ie pe no cna w= a The hiory of an asic problem, and the hitory of the ine Alvida rts tution ofc» puble, chs jistietion, which, however, conins the value of the history of at to mater of were pedagogical ly. In he long view Biographies nd xalogoes are only wy ston whe iis ay F ro overlook the continuous nature of sie ations. Thee F| teaiion canoe be tated properly in biogepi epi, Biography i «provisional way of sostning atic subtance, néa pact butt docs not sone teat the itor queton in ats Hive, nih alwys the gestion ofthe lation to wat his pre= ceded and to what wil fallow them, Indiul exranes The lie of ot at sighly unit of seudy in any biographical seve. But to make i the main ni of seuly in ce hiory ofa like dicosing the raroads of « ountey in ems ofthe experiences of singe traveler on ever | af them. To deeb esroale accu, we ate obliged odie regatd pesons and sates, forthe taal themselves ate the clement of continty, and not dhe taveler or che Fnctionticn The analogy ofthe track yl wel formation in the di canon of aris Each man's ewok ala wok in ete tenending beyoad lim in ether or both dieeons, dpenng ‘pon his poston nthe tak he oocupice. To dhe wu coord aes fixing the individual’ pasion Bis emperaent and bis ‘ening ther i alo the momento his eure, this bing he omen inthe tein ely, nd, or bie—with whic his bloga! opportunity cnnrdes, OF coun, one person ci anu does she rdons, epi inthe modem work inorder tofid heuer entrance, Without «good entrance he isn dan of waning his tie a» copyie regan training. rom thi poe of view we ean see the "univer ‘of tengectinent and sail et ofthe Renssance more spl iid individ! Epiliog many new tacks of development a foruatemo- hs dancin ever ycems witout the burden of gor Pgood or eon ine sequence. They suo depend upon the anion of tmper- a” crane ee ore chin ters, teva endowments with yee potion, Every potion fe taped, ait ee to de atin of crein range of eper fac When a specie empersnese interac witha fivorable pail of prevonlyanimapaed comeypence Thi ahi mon aa ifien ve, Th every bith ca be imagined fe payee wheel of fra one governing th ot tent ofr empernet and he eke ela ntact “tad ei in myoenc, Tales a predipotion: a tnd ppl ene Soper: Be mates he adios move qi: he eons {Done more Heel han thwe of is ome Glows Doe tedbcwreed ens abound a well ag ing cd to rar wth die blitey 2 song people whee {Bc wee segue nike of cr ee redo te probly mock more merous han cal voor allow ot pote. The gualty ented pope sae a mater of ind mare tan dee, bcaue the gros of le sil tartan pence. Tr ewanopon to dh teed than Tope Both wee lene, Beatin Ua and Gi Roman ao wee tet. Bot ce fellowes Bad tad Ibek They cae lt when he et war oer throgh no ae of tice own. ‘The neds of ame a such ttc pede= teson tle i magi, and th nm mie, whe iyi ew, the gest cierence eewecn whow school whether Leonardo wit more rT talent oc only a relively common prediiportion fe via ‘otdes without a wide range of difereniaton. Times 60d op pores der more tha the degree ofalent ‘OF course many othe cotiions mise enone lent: phy cal energy, dcable health, powers of eoncenaton, re aw of the ifs of fortune with which the ari i ot endowed. Dar our conceptions of artic genius underent such tsi ean ferrtion inthe romance agony ofthe ni hat we il toy unthinking idea “pei” a congeie = posi and aan inbor dxeneof kind among me, stead of as foretou keying engeher of disposition and s {num an excepsonally ficient ensty. There is 30 ear evidene ‘hat “gone” inheitabl. incidence under morris tion favorable to cat earsing, a with adopted cldren eared in the failes of profeional moc, marks "yeni" a « phenomenon of karing rather than of genetic, Parpore kas ao pce in Biology, but Nirory has no meaning without In chat ear trnfrof biologie ideas to histor treats of which o any race sve in the hia’ diion, both epology (hich the sudy of Kinds and varie) and morphology (e wud of forms) were misundentood. Hecase ther moves of ticlogieal deespton anno be made to accoums * fax popes, che istoran working with biological ideas aided the principal ain of hitory, whi ally fas been to identify and reeonrac the parialr probes to which any action ot thing mst coreapond a a ation. Somes the probe ‘ational one, nl somecimes ie ian anc one: we always my be sue tha every man-made ting aries fom a problem as 2 pepo scleion, Bilal and ply! maps, Towever wef ie for pedagogic purpss, che hiclogicl metaphor of syle as 2 se fence of feage was history misleading, for it batowed ‘pon the Flac ofeventsthe apes andthe Bhs vior of organi By the metaphor of the if-else behaves ike a plat. ts fit Teves ace stall and wetatvely shaped the leaves of its nl ifeare fll formed and she a aves pat Goth ace Sell agin bat nctly shaped, All ae ssa! by one a ‘hanging siacple of organization comumon to ll members of thnespeces, with vcians of eo ring in lfc avin fueat By the biological metaphor ofa abd tory, ye the {pecen, and sori sels ate is txonomic vance AS an ‘Spproxintin, nevenhela, thi merspoe ccopized the te hrc of ertin kinds of evn and i of Selena p= ‘tml explo ofthe, dof trea exch evene ta Tepes: nevee-berepesed en “fsb mod was eh mow po sity of hing. eines sem of meee dsm Eom pipe adenee wold have died the stnton ofa mere xgary han the pevaling Holgi mean: opecaly if ar eng in ere ih the ution af ome id of coy wth imp gern cre an ly pins ith ithe dre no, the gg of serodnanies might thw itd ter dan be pgs of bs and Mic Fay ig eben ty of meal cate ite one foe x mentor din Linseas forthe ‘Our choice of the "hiory of things” is more than a euphe= tise replace the bling upc of "material exe” This team is wed by zneopologiss co dinguish ides, o "mental cae from artfct Bat he “history of hings i iced to reanie ea ad object under the rubric of viel for he ean clades bok sac and works of abot replies and ‘iq examples, bh ook aad expresion—in hort ll mae cn worked by hsman and mde the guidance of exonected Wea developed in temporal sequence. From all hee things « shape in ime emerges vile por ofthe alesiv identity, ‘whether wbe, da, of mason, comes int beng This elEinage reflected in things a guide anda poi of reference tothe group forthe fue, and even ser iy Becomes the pote given 0 = Aough both the history of ae and the hitary of sons have these recent ogi in ce ightenth-rnyIing ofthe Baopean Enlightenment, or inert habitof epee cto the ancient dion between ibe tnd roechanial art, The separation bas had on regret ‘onsoquenes. A pincipal one io ong eclactance 1 ew the proces common wm both a and seenc ia the se Wstorid porate ‘Stewits and as, Today tis ofcn tematked that two printers who belong to dierent choo noe only lave nothing to lea fom each eter but ae incapable of any generous com ‘ranitation with one nother about tee work. The ne dig iemidto be re of cmiss or bilogisswith diferent speci. [Koch a mennue of rerproalocson prevails betwen bers ofthe same profesin, how shall we onecve of comment cation beewoen 3 psr and a phys OF couse very lite ‘esi, The vale of any rpprochemene between the story ef sit and the history of cee is today the como tae of obolescance tha the mata wars of atte and scotia both sare in time. ‘The mos obviodt ex tpl inthe bisory of inversion, change, nergy, sack stam, clei, a inzralcomivoon engines, point chythms of prodscion an essere wich which andents ofthe hitry of at abo at falar, Science and ae otk del with need ied by the ‘mind at dhe hands in the neantsetreof thing, Tools and in uments, symbols and exprenats ll coeespond to need, and all rust pss through desig into mace aly experimental scene hd intimate connection with dh adie and worktops ofthe Renaivance, although aris her ‘pte eo gual tats wih the prince and pelts whowe ates they shaped. Today itis agin apparnt thatthe artis arctan, that he belongs co dine human grooping 8 foe fier, whore cling tt evoke a perpetal renewal of fr ‘ater, and thet seit nd nist are moe like one anther titans dan they are ike anyone ee, Fr our purpons of dir ing eb nature of happening in the word of things, che Sieraces botween sence and art are aevenles inedible, Sas much 9 ashe dliflrences teen reo ad lng, doe. Abtough a common gedient he two ore iedibly diferent: no Feeen nceity and Comes ae and beay, fal ean be ily explain as a wo of are, noe vie versa. A Rais alvays incisal simple, however elaborate ts mecha Sans may be, but a work of at which it «comple of many age and level ofeieroned intnsons, away niasially ‘Suplened, however simple i effet may rem, ‘hese phenomenon in Etrope and America, peshape staing 1950, the approaching exhason of se pombliey fnew cisovere of major eye inthe history of ar. Fach {pretton ince Winckelnaon as sble to mark out own erpere inde hry of art. Today there are no sich exited frome le Fist ws asic rth command ll sia ona the expense of ereeexpesions, Th romantic geersin Sipin elevated Gothic art tothe pederal, Some fin de ale cies and decors reinstated Roman Impetal ar. Others, preted the Inguors and the bord claberatons of a trove onthe ove hand, othe rele among them eiitvin and arcaie a, yak of ral ofthe aeration geacratons between ar sty of ceed and rape, and mono te gener thn tht wer decimated by the Fe World War The revival of uty Manne which fred davng the 19305 not only coincided with great soci disorders bu n= ‘lett a iorial eeonance between the men of the Reforms ton and those rion and denagogy.* Aer tht, noting was lef to dover ule ie was contemporary ed to the ext generation averted to arog in npr nen Ane sae C are The ase copboards and closes ofthe history of at have ay been tamed out and catalogued by goverment minster « Ecstion std Toi. Sen in tis penpesive of approaching completion, the anak ofthe caf ofthe history of at, thoogh bef, conan recut sitsatlons, A one extreme the pracieners el oppressed by de Filles of the record, Atte eter extreme weve worse thaprodial expenion lke the dinected by Plato in th ccrtc slogee with Ton. When Ton, te vain hago furades his boredom with all poets othe than Homer, Sots Sys. your auditor ithe le Unk of ht ci whic Ua, ‘deviled as held together by the power ofthe thpiodis and acs ae the mide links, of which the poe the fie” IE the flac of hicory is forever inigenbl, che besty of condi incomannicable, The puoi can sage few dues to the experience of work of ati be himself hy indeed experienced it. He may hope dat thx hints wil at the eae to seproduc his ow sensations and mena proce He ean commis nothing o persons not realy to eave te same path wih hi, nor can he obey any ld of aczacion bo. yond his own dect experience. ut horiane ate not midd Tinks, bd ee ison es in another gar. “The historias special comriton ithe dacovery oft smanfld shapes of tne. The aim ofthe historian, regards hr speialy i edn ito portray dane. He is commited {he detection and description ofthe dupe of ime, He ans, rede, compos, and ales a fc, ikea painter, who 2 rssh for the ety of the subject, mst covera pene set of proper hit wl lc recognition ll wile ennveyiy ‘new pereption of the subject. He dies ron the antigurin ae mav0UAN'S CosDATIANT fT sth cai warchr nh ath compoc of nw mic Te fom th coment performer, he far compo 3 seg om ten whe the entgornely roe, fun orrecnctsn eprint ne inaledy TE hpee Un fb on smal o coir shee Soe commenits «pcre which wa viet hi wien they ved i ad ekownfoe comengrua ‘ioe ie dtl fer edn of tin, wend cso ih ota mee nay aly fom bop ces, Diol ine ome EFeeerapcd drone ofecey peal lng “Shove cm fom bch ode tpn an “epee” syn Hicvl in, howerey, ero an varie ry acon t moc ncrmiten thn tcc he rv beware nfiely wale ren od qr Thread fen acon nin emigre cert, Geers of acon bend re thin ot oie ent tal we with ome sje ak begining dc Sp vat and he nr beeen hem eh es of 3. pening of hil Se Bilge contine de tke cv cl ver iso conti ol npn By gece ad grog fc, btn egy the tea of Shs bern cent dreaded, ie in ire ine the te of happening at las Gagne ce intel betwen "iin is or ave eh, We bow toy inl by what happens in by svn ange sd pe treme by making ie sccm of eens sng sae sng and by none cnt of yng a of cane ‘Wine docs w cn ur ened rena pr ofthe worl che min or know ofl ie TEs on vial evidence of ppl and lop dan Tecmo vito of al re and enc of ors 6 sei evry pads of Gaton pel er Giese over ppg wih he wae mean ry [Now that sblute confirmations by teeengs and eat docks tt band is stoning in recep to cove how ‘ery accunte ere ch oder gous of rave age sed upon ‘ala dock pe ysl method, rteneacy asec, aie oe ing method of measrement han the new blue cock, which ‘fen atl requive confirmation by exurd means, expecially when che evidence ills of xine “The eal clock, however, runs tainly upon ruined fag. iments of mater revered Grom refine hey and graveyar, From abandoned cies and based vig, Only the are of ms teri nate have survred: of mts and dance, of alk andi alluheartsoftemporal expression pecially nothing i kom, tHaewhore dan inthe Mediterranean world, ve through ta tional survivals mong rete groupe. Hence on working prot ‘of te exience of nae all oder people ii the visa ond, and it exits in matter and pce ater thn in ime apd sound "We depend for our extended knowlege ofthe burs pa imsnly spon the vble prodacs of man indiatry. Leto sp. pose a gradient beoween abuse ality and abvoite ae ps extremes ate only in our imaginton; haman produc tlways incorporate both tity ad atin wrying mixes, 2 foes conceal wihont he adiatre ofboth. Archaeo Togi sates ene extrac uly forte ke of information bout dhe cviizion! art ade ses qualitative marers fx thesake ofthe intrinsic weaning ofthe generic oman expevience The divine ofthe at. The sevestecnch-cncry acai separation bernee five and sf ate ft fll owe of fishin nearly a century ago From shout 180 the conception of "Be 2" wa clled a bowrgese abel. Afr 1900 fala, pros sepa and sunie caf wore thought to deserve eal ekg wh cout eyes apd metopolan schools under the democrat “alusion of twencdvcentury pola thought. By acta Tne of aac, "ine ar” was driven out of wn about 1g20 by He exponents finds deign, who preached the requirement a ‘evita and their comparvons. nivel good design, and who oppo a double standaed of eft wots a a dor sf bjs. Toa es ‘ame to embrace al aries instead of ex feblig some atthe expense of other This earn doce ofthe at nevertces erie many rane diferences of subaaace, Aechiecure and packaging tein the modern chook of design to gravitate eogether andet tems of emelapscalpse art the ign ofl oa fsa sl and coneines, pining exten to ince fat Me sehatic nity iy is geomeesie sytem, all vine ar ‘elope sols ard pan, rate of any ati be clawed a eo ‘ning hich ipnotes the tadional “fine incom by "Eine and "ale" For a purpaes wo urgnrditincion should be ade yee plce 4 great irene seperate tadional craft edaca- on fron the work of aise invention. The former ry ‘only spestion aco, ba the Ie depends apn depareree From all routine, Cf education i dhe ntvty of groups of leer performing identical actiom, but aie invention to gic he slay efor of inva pero. The dition iP worth teaining boone amiss working i dire cris in technical mates bu ly ia mater of design. A aveaver lars oothing about bis Tuam and dreds from study of the potter's wheel and kl, Ibbedation na raf ast be pon ensues of ht era (nly when he pores echnical fbi isnt can the qolies nd ee of dg in cher cai tia is te sliion in hit own The cond, rated tintion touches the wtitaian andthe relic nature of exch ofthe branches of artic practic. Tn thnsctae and the allied af, severe peas we wadtinal echnical tang and inher rasa ad lita, bow yer daringly i oblied wo expresve en, veapace and gaining Wkewis, every work hat is ecknia ee cookery of nnulanand raf practices upon which he expen fu formal combinations ate cri, fn addon, sclptre x patig convey dine menages sore dearly han architec ‘The communications or iconographic themes make the wk taran and rational obarscuse of any esthetic achievers “Thos rata, technique, and iconography all belong to th, sonrarstie mnerpnning ofthe "Bin a. The man pit i that works of at are not rons alow many tol ay sha quale of fine desig with works fe, ‘We ae in the presence of» work of at only when it hsm preponderant itaumentl i, and ohn ite eck and final fundaons ae not penne. When de technical fpzation or the rational onder of « ching overwelus ow teation, isan object of tne On thi poi Lodi antcpts the doce functionals of our century when be decled in the eighteenth ceeary that only however, mre correctly donee ame pin thatthe anno be judged heal, bot only night or consent. Short a work OF arts wel 22 tool swf Works of x fe unique at iveplaerle as took are common and pedal, Tue Narexe or Acrwaniry “Le pss ne ert qa’ connate acti Mais Pca retapps, Questa que eet dc que Pulte?” Foe years {queon the final and cpt question of his ife—sbsesed my tracer Hen Foilon, ipecialy during the black days fron 94010 1945 When he ded ia New Haven. The question ha Svs soo soc with ne ever since, and Tam now Bo clo othe ation hie idle, unes it be vo sugges that ce answer isa negation. Acuity when the igh sda beeches: icin ge beau betwen the tek ofthe wth i is vod ere ‘Spning forever throvgh tne the rupee betwen part and faire: gap ache pole of the revolving magnetic Hl a= fossa but okintcly cs. et he inercionic pane ‘Fen ndhng happening, Ist wad between event "Yet the instant of actly i all we ever can know diet. ‘he se of time emerges only in signa eelayed to ws a this qpeue by innumerable tags and by nenpeced bearers The Spal alike Kinetic energy stor stl the momen of noice tren che mass descend slog some potion of path to he Tene of the gravitational rytem. One may ak why thee tsgale are oe stil The ature of sgl that ts mesage isncsher her nor now, but ther aden, Hie is a signal es no longer embraced by the “now” of present being, pion of signal happen “now,” ba inp aed js tmaision bappeaed “the.” In any event, the present in- ‘satire plan upon which che sgnals ofall nga projected Io otler plhue of duttion gach us up waives ito the sane insane of becoming. (Our signa from the put ae very weak, and ove means for sscovering thir meaning al are most inperfce. Weds and Tet sear of all are shone signals coming fom the iil and terial moments of any wequrnce a bppening, for we ae on fare aboat ur Mes ofa coherent portion of te, The beyin- hings are mch busier than the endings, where at lene he ‘tanrophi action of extatal events canbe determined. The segmentation of history is sell an arbitrary and conventional suite, govemed by no verifable conception of historical en thie andthe datos, Now and inthe pat, met of the te ‘he majority of people lie by borrowed iss and upon erai= ‘ina acumulaons, yt at every moment the fabsc i being ‘done and «new one it woven to replace the oi, wile rom ro ry mn msronr OF nike time to ie the whole paten shakes and quiver, etd new sages and figure. Thee process of change ar all my. terior uncharted regione where he teaelee soa loses di nd semble in drkoea The cae guide or eed: pohaps the orngs and sketches put down inthe hes of Full of poets and mii, ery awh aici and arti maging + form, oc the range ed with eran a om are the hay cost ine oF this dark comineas of he ow," wheze te imptess of the Fae i ered by the pst “To other simul who live more by ines ha do us, she intan ofacaiy mat een fe be The re of ating fx sutomnc, ering fewer choices tha iaellgence, with ce ‘sis ar close and open unslectively. In his duration cic vo rely proeat tht the tnjecory Gon pas vo fae desriba {anight line rather than the infitely bifoeating eyes of human experene, The euiinant or ee ite mae lve tie snore at an exended prvene which endures a lng adhe in vidal, whl for ws, the angie comtins am ining ef roe inant, each wh fansmerble open choles ine. Fon aed in ation, ‘Whi should aay forever scape oor grap The usivece haa Bite veloiy which ants uot only ee pesd of ren bot alo the sped of oor porepions. The moment of acy slips to fat by the dow, ooane net of our seme. ‘The gale ror light ae now may have cued text lei by de ame token mien cannot ily sense any event stl fr it has happened, une i ory, unt is the ds and ashe that conc storm which we ell ee presen, and which pee ely cages dhtoophou ceston inated by the posi ha fil to anain cealston in any Sot only when they are ew ean acti sem fl, fas ond sr. Koowing the pa astonishing a per ornunos 28 Kovwing the sats, Astronomer ook only at old She There io ote gh fo hem to look at, Thi ol ght BPlead or ditaoe sare was ented Tong age and ie each ws hip inthe prose: Many hioricel evens, ike astronomical Foden ao ar log before choy ape suchas sere wets riders, & importa works of are made for ring fer= ‘imps The pyri mabitnce of hte doce ches talied clververs only centuries armenia aie the event, Hace stepomner and historians have hsm conamon: Both ovemed With appearances noted i the peent ae suring The aaogis between ars and woth of at cn profitably be punied. However fagmentry is condion, any work of arcs acally portion of areed happening, or an emanation ah tne vile ike an stronomical body, by alight chat originated wth dhe atvcy. When an imports work of are has wrerly Angpsed by derolson and digrs, we sill an dset is jeraratons upon other bode inte ld of inne, By th fae token wasks of ar escmble gravitational fl in their letting by “school,” And if we adit hae works of art om Jearanged in 2 tempor sie at connected expres tf pu ne eins graph ofan activity now sill but © ‘hse sequence will cmb an orbit in the few the repeat, and Senacsity ofthe “motions” involved ike the arronomer, the historia i engaged upon the por caja of tne. The scale se dren: haere time very shor, Tn my own presenta thosand cons of active busines le bat de historian and the anronomer both tape, rede, smatended wile Twrke hee words The insant admis eal compor, and color a eine which dsertes the tape of ve action we ce vest of polity es uneliaed, Aon ine. Higorcal ime indeed may occipy a stnion near th isthe ey ofthe storm: it isa dlamond with an infinesinal per ter of the proportional sie ofthe penile magaiades of ‘wih he ingots and bet of present pony ie, jn s man mela physi magne midway b= are dawn ino past events The empines of actuality an be Swen he an and che atoun st the proportional center of the _ sole system, both in gram of at and ia csi of ‘Both awtronomers and iris allo ancien signals iy compelling theories about ditnoe and compotion. The eonomer’ portion isthe historians dat; bis wlocty i og sequence onic ae Tike dusons,pererintios ate analy tovcanalcy. The astronomer and the hiram both dea wig pt event perceived inthe present. Here the pals diver, for the aronome's fae evens are physi and tecurey ‘ones while the hezrian’s ate huss and unpredicable can The forgoing aalogie ate neverter wl prompsing took agin athe mtare of hetril evidence, that we May be sre of ou ground when considering various ways of casi Signal sis of varying mngniade of which dh oovrtence a declan, by ine signal snlogou to thowe Knee energies impo in mses prevent fom filing These energies wndergo arog teaafrmatons between dhe ginal evet andthe present Te present interpetation of any pareve i of eure caly ante Soge in the peperaton ofthe origin. Ose puto Insets inthe category of mubeanial evens: eveats of whid the signal is caer by tater arranged in a pte seal today. n tis category we ae inserted es inthe nar gat of psc andbilopesciece, then ince aac signal history, and among act signals we are concep ex wo locus and instruments then withthe las weal of arian rots ofa TAIL subanilsigals canbe regarded both as anamibe an as nil commodions For intnce work of at wast ttkind of behavior by the artis, and cao sees, ikea rely2 the poi of depatar for imps tha ofa aan exec Imagnirodc in nee anion, Our lines of communiais Past events may be regarded a exter com {aon Se, Sad Me ew Yo 08-1 pte ps therefore originate signals which become co los emg Farther niga in at unbroken alenating s- Ror of eres sign creed even, sewed sigh raed events have atdergone the cyl alions of times, Jot cei hor, as when the fe of fxs (hina eo a emoraed inthe uamumbered dally prayers of Chia yeah os, he original event most andergo the cyl a last cep the orginal events signal and ove consequent 3s} in Te inedacble minimums oF histori pening thas r= ‘sony an evens ogee withisipalsand perso epable Freprodcing the signal "Reo inal evens etaced fran the sgn are che penis prodoct of hoc rez. Isso schoa’s task to Wea and total the evidence. He not concerned pisaily ‘hte sige ocher dana evidence, o with ee commotion Gey produce. The dee commotion in tora ar the peop tetory of psycho s. Hlere we ate ited ily ee signals hala the the erdins]peoblms are which lace tn he history of ings, Fo instance, a work oF art only Ch red ofan event but it sits ov signal, dtely moving ther toes co iepeat or #9 improve salon. In isl ar, che iso vero is cnveyed by soc angie thing alike tren tory, which canocms eeievable events beyond phy recovery ad signaled only inditety by text Rag. Hisorial Knowledge conte of tanaisions whi the ender, the ign, and the receiver all aze vase Treating the atabity ofthe enesge, Since the receiver of {ial becomes i ender inthe normal couse of hrc femtmision (the discoverer of docsment sly ists dtr), we may test recive and senders togeber under the ing of cay. Tach ey inthe occasion of ome deformation original signal, Cert deal ee insane and they ‘te droppodin the ray ethers hove an importance cowferzed by thir elaionship to evens acerring nthe moment of the ey, Pr snd so they ae exaggeested. One relay may wit fr reson of temeramneto ares ce tradvonl apt othe ig not will emphasize their wovely. ven the hirian subject hi dence wo these seins, altogh he ave to reove : be pene Each eehy willingly or anwizingly deform the signal ae carding t0 his own hitorcal postion. The reby tansmits omposte signal compennd only in pr ofthe meget ak reaseed, and in par of imps cout! by te slay ele iso ee ever ea be complete no ant be even ete corr, bec of the mccoive flys cat deform the mesg “The conditions of eeasision neversle ate not 10 defective thar hori knowledge it ingouible, Acial events always ence srong figs, which the nil menage willy recon, ‘Asercs of elas may rs in the gradi appearance ofthe ‘ma exited by the event Ta mat ated dese i the ive dsspor: the ancient derpo i only a ce hitory, In addon, many objective sides or tals of he bioran’ + aciviy, sch as chronological bles of event, cannot exly be deformed ‘Oskar exampleare che persteace of certain elpiousexprestons through log periods and der gree demi presutes, The :ejavention of myth isa eae in pot: when an taint vesion ‘becom uninlligbly biol ew version, rec comet porary terms, performs theme od expaatory purposes? The esentl condition of historical knowlege i dat the coven shoud be within range tha some sigal should prove pst evizence, Ancient rime conti vst dhrtone without sighs of ay kind dae we en now resev, Even the eveats ofthe past feor hour ae spnely documented, when we coder the 0 0 thie documentation. Prior 3000.6 the tate REN Ms A an ‘mpc aumento peng eft ete. Bae pnt Commie he Ce (a a of enamived duration dntgrates more and more the father Ge go back. Tg Finis, che oe mere of historical signals Mealy exceed the capacity of any infvidoalor group tin petal the sgl mallee meaing. A pina ai of che fnoransheefoce ie co condenee the musky snd MMexlney of hissgnls by wing vaio schemes of eset {Gut ml pare a te edn of rbving the segpaace in al its “tena he wing of sory ba many exenely pac Stal the papow in hin. for example, she juga “Shel ins corey expend upon te eerie of Soy gree dan tte evant chem reguied for eel soponeg, Atte eet exten, when Twit to meton Chats cl {bet mesmencns, cyto prove the dt 143: Tom ret Grebe ecomdeey Sle deed fond soe th ferven the ercmen ancl tacng» bled Boor Inet wis asta pene abou te ane energy wpa eth gal Gong ble p ino the Borin he Socios Tine a pimary igual—meaning the evidence coma othe vet ily rege a pet ene of egy fri de don sd irene heigl as Ben Broght ini cas be peued at fac fhe cont of the righ de tecton yh wy the fundamental eterno of history tin to tect nd ein yiay sil om he ps tndty ol Torche mot pate cn Kory comer wih che chbortion of ele meage apn be singe founda orld priya re complex menagesave widely sarin ges ei. Some te Gai eiing i che Ins of be inept le, Oder ste ough prin fi voyage 0 Arseriy, do not need #9 phe eoacem spe tater of dats, place, nd gent. To tis to hitorical rath uch a howe reasonable explanations of toyth ill eben. 18 Sell osher complex menage ate probably simulated by eid primary signals of which or undereanding incomplete. Thee Ese fom extended dations ad fom the ager wits of pe raphy and population; dey are complex, ly pereied signa which have lle wo do wih hitaial marae. Only eran new eatitcl metho come nea Yo thei detection, wich athe remarable exiootatintcal doves ade in glotochconclgy, the dy ofthe rate of change of languages gp. 60-6) SeurStowats aND ApuEEN Stowars “These remarks ofr petal msinly v0 one das of hitor. cal signal eo dixngih ther from the moceabvions merge, ‘of nother Kind which we have not yet diced. Thee ote sigal inca writing, ae aed to he selignl and hey quite different mi being adherent ater an autogenous, "Thevalé signal ean be paraphrased a the mite extent declare mo chins. For expe he hammer pon the workbench signals hai andl for graying and tht the pen a exe ion ofthe weft reat dive the mal tween the ls ofthe plank to Sem and Aa wat, The adberet signal, = tamed on she ames, say only tnt the design i patented under prowted uade-m les, vk and manufceuted a contd A ine painting aloo isucs a signal ts cols and thie iaribion on the pline ofthe framed canvas sigal that by raking certain optical concesont the viewer wall enjoy the simales cos experence of real fe blended wi Hains of bn ‘amis of chances apne an prods, which ou ‘wring Iai of lnguge rakes ovedoc, Since we xn tens dan wo ely ita the common cenency of wl sone of euler gesmeare sociology, atopy, economia, Oa ampere canon elanin ofthe Kf To de economics age acnding vo he mar: Mling or sing dred foe anaes the woe of Toe hcg wi ch pn el [in oni dg i la vy wih the cos ha diva Une vorying string to ay |oacion cork athe ee nga of eal eno eo es rely | Fasr AND Stow Harring rou carr dinction between prime objets and fave the ne reson to thew dete our wl conven (26 nage antherline of agement. Ta exten of mnt of tnetnesseplting the repnal concordance of da, [0 eis oa lage publi, whith may Site codon “when we define dation by pan, theives of men and dein |Jonge. When change is waned che publi ite require only ef oer eetres chy dsen dratony ond dhe drt PONE oF exzsos upon te smal pdt, Paii de- sci ifr fom the of or refs or halk cit, by oc. |e eogsns oly wot exis i vento and ass ing iene ses of intervals and periods. The convening [wb minds ura mere upon ier ponies, whor specu Jos nl combinations bry sn akogeter diferent ae ner, resin of experiments comping of guage nevechl give ws nly the slr yer andi ma ples or divsons wo deeb all hoe kinds of dain, (ete her ava linked St Thoms Aquinas speculated in the chitceth cera oon 1a segues be atu of the Une of angel allowing toon |The senon iene Sere ne tne cndison} he arvved he eldtsnlon of thereto tbe ng, Pt al aman kids of oct, where mos objec re made [Thoma uleand dhs dvn: bee" dso wae oe omy cele But he dvson by esos and rep Sordi berwecn ime snd city, faving egnnng brn [mses ols fox peat soc a wll forse eal com ee ea of |poond and che cours of eighenthaentary Tarope, Thee fray Kinds of wefatao dare dr Gey ane erey [9 replica witows a xg and he Gly of ongiale lisng reste on ett, so indstrcble cht heir survival may, [808 back dtc ote gener of human xi, 1F we wis we mise examine the sequence tnd. The conception is aoe inppte forall we kaow,ltely approach iniiy Jexplore te nature of chan ‘Conining ou aeaton tee history mote han che Fa of [Fe smam-nade things, what condone men we eke ito acco | The reps say dtcly ret such magus as wet to expla the varhle te of changer The social scent de- eatin, and’ eng but thse opie do aot dove [coon forthe incidence ofthe erga o prime expressions om which te epee desive. Prime expreioa ia tra cout i Formal equens. Tis concepion supp that inventions te not iste eves, hue Inked positions of which we can ene out te connections. The ides of eration alo presppons gency of oter conditions. The order of alition may scribe metal colewe a am epipbenomenoa, dati 3b the rnecesary ret of ce operation of forces which the soci nits have already forsulated and charted, For insance, ei sects spre of em energy than linge one and they ee ea sequen lew able ons con eatepries, Such quanti |' cl ben eli Rene pt | - be Smead the guns maybe ned by oie. Aho, bt tn ode if bot he coment ca Som: Une ain cess on en sled inthe sequence of fms ely apptet to many of serve we poem coy nt el age of Ge Sua mgece, Conic, and enone pate we Inked roo lied sins flow one ase ng Dei ner flowing ot tn con f+ pg Ren of hye never on como, Bese ofthe complete ofa ety af he Pp ty come ino view mie guetta on her conten Bu che apeanecs a wily eure if ves of gre cond on ee Begun has hy ae ike de {fd maton vibe ny under pc The ply of i 1 condo ‘Mowe eelly avalible fr ob The pace and tone of an nti’ ican ell us ach aboot his hire ation, ltoogh ‘oscar Hives are uninteresting. They ll sally at tine divisions: appeniaeshi, early commiaions, martage, fry, ‘matte works, pop ani followers, Sometimes the artis travel and occasionally his path cone how of moe colofal pene, Celia, who at ne an which kepe im ftom she diel bosines ofa. ‘The indvidal in earch fa pensooalexpreson, when com fronted with ee loa sack of pois aval to hi spon Iiscnrance, muse slr he components e wil we, Thi gra 2ecommodstion beeen temperament and formal oppor, eines th aie ography, Our evidence sine fo eet Aha hae withstood the asks of ene: weave only the "sce esl” ontanmes tall thee cheney adjutant between the Indiv an his moment, st fom them all only fo types emerge, of which ou knowledge icone Burope and the st. Asaliteray gute, acti Biography was nor practied tewkee Dy dctton 2 fxn quence excnd the apc of any adit o ecu f poste oe Mune He cm ‘Feros image sore than he cn exces, What he ex ‘Serle a of quence in which che postions bt ot he ie ne dna, Dowty dw he ‘Sees dpend upon his ooo he oes, pon his once fs the frac (p33) Anant exits Been Sik of tse opponiin andes componding baman ex here are slow-paced, patient pints, such as Clue Lorain sel Pad Case whe ves comin only oe se prble Both en were aia ii ddan oe poral olde Fee hey were ae nding oumoded wader for hei |G. By wel upon his Bolognese peeecono, Domeni- tino ate Care, Chl me he nce of tomavo-Cananian anigty, CHa uel wo Pou ike omen Penh ners than re a tecnico. The teeniins ae not mere Boga cee nor ae Sey epee afin alone, The aoxyoos mal pines of Hence snd Bose cones wih thee of Ee sevencenchceeny and ih Cee at ncee sages | Spry ireguar crass lla dy fhe | sur ercte of nape, wiih probaly wil coma fr funy gestions mow upon egal wpeicable rhein. The ope Sows oly thw te prod wica te a | ecanty of special vocation alow peoons oft rominacve Cede ce Tere wo achive te iil vats of ex cane, ‘Under tse cndtons and fora long ol pictues ot se devetes uve, pes of etn eonpetament wl fed ommend to mer ei alge wih x eonemporary foronce ges contned op tens asked by Rape “Manet scoped the challenge pt hi by Velie he mod aa se ws mee fom el We is pony shorn ent the epg oe formes ike «new map reporting ubexpeced rea Bie ft copy ct ean, Sti sen ibang more cn ld he ano eh Solace wl patna ke henge ioe “Alger ie om hw sive a of dg two bn inary ne etn Tec Teor ies hr veri ange figs sallody que al cess me Un or worn icy, nt Vat oo sel find es tract ready fr fi shor» geenn fom wow wl rend and a thce pny ese alton i nyt aedy je oC nie Tee eer ome th pp of the wee me ‘occur when 2 whole scity hae heen rexel slong new ies cf fore afer gest upheavals, when for» centry er two the cndesly complexed coneguets, implications, and der: tions of novel exizendl astmptions mse be set inorder a exploited. The grea concrataan of thee vente aes appear in Renaissance Ualy, where they outed s «rong. ible soil eype der the patronage of mercant pines ad soull nobiy, of popes and andar. Alber, Leoaedo, sd ‘Michelangelo ate i mort ckbrutd alan repreetatives Jlleson was ah even rate eye, the atest, ‘Thee epochs of soci dplscement when new matey tke ‘conto ate ofcourse no always period of ati enewa The ‘evolutionary rnformason of Preach atonal ile tthe eloe st ano s10W Haron % te cghzenth cau wine new an king ion ere ws 20 funda attic nation compare 69 fib enya lyn gr sew a Psse come fom goverment ees Tate me ena ena He when ale fre sop sll pean he eto, Ate vee un ele ng by a of revatio, the pce alent of single proBeas artesian ela func ‘wade wheal supe: dat any prod of ine corm niomly pared stare sch the eg | Clade dng opting uti lo wkinonel pon Gee fv tn the Hoy oF bc, He th dan ago eof nptered or lied pubes Zain ins ind lend ee complished al hoa of pubes wee appar, Themen ft geeaton of ines had lade chee butt move or te poson it | ised ote en pon si append eo het fm i fee pin tating sof ms Br wmode pbi of te dy fA very went men wih Evrae entrant ao have | ber of the available positions and thus to anticipate their successors fa reed gacatony cveo mhmteaing sccer few sss beth cen nich hey ae a en ple Micilinges iste maw neal of hese prope si | ny ave ben ani, Sach men prin he work |tea Ew yes the restr sevenlgncation wl dowland | Bosouly eae: thy ae le by extra Sat of | eSpnaten to dep fue dw of fret ely compa pojeston The fat ce aly ible to ci tenprie appens more cary hiss nh por Tang long afer Oe een ences he en ta ange tn be ro ino rman eines bye aon of ch atin 7 Cera he biographical purrs among ait canbe ide fied, The number i smal ergs only Bease 50 ew bap apis f the worlds ars dts ae preverved us likely because te vaiion of type tiered snall among the lve of iwentive pens. Thus Hokeal esembles Ue 2 an obseive piace of & type to which Pier di Coun Rembrandt, aad Van Gogh also belong a only and with, ‘men wo whom painting was # complete ie, They ate see rinative and patie, nor verse and pole bt slay ren who tally occupy the pouitons given hein Upon prior enuances Buen aches, how work demands pe ‘tou views, ca be found among their number: ee exe ‘of Francesco Boctomini and Guarino Goan belong this oh sesive group by the strange, inten, and complete fay wi wich they clothed ei Ioely, imaginary wodde ‘A conuaing pei the evngelat whee mission is ine | prow the isle Wodld by the imposition of is ow seni, NNo majoarchtect ofthe prea eacury his en able o prac without asuming this evanged garb The misionaryarn soften a vigorous teacher and aprile writer Rowing bet whe he isin command of academies of right practice. A Cabri, the leader of French architectural tate, of Prank Hyd ‘Wigh and Sir Joris Reyuode ate examples, Hach of them ‘ered an toe tate oanded upon sted convention tris, which the older men took fo an aritortc tation, and which Weight took fom HL H. Richardson td Loss Saliva, Two dine kinds of ianovators oct in the hinory of at The rest of hem ae the precio ike Brielle, Masses ‘or enatlo, whore power of invention find a proper ena 20 oftener han once ev knowledge are opened the rebel who szedes from his radon the beter to have bit ‘own way either by allcing its tone like Caravaggio, of by lalenging it entice val, like Picawo. The precursor may err centri, when new domains of ough thes ere. "The othe kind | wor Axo stow uarraxane om ote sruniniveor an ob sit ike Ce. Wao ee kl he rcar qu ess win Teel poms pecmarca ave soininobe way, el wie eel appean in coe cae the wy ee ty niced or pcos new the el ees tee daeging om ie genune procant mel ope ep te we of 4 ntl di, whee pg ae lang bee the orem Ge oan fnew bbe Te hl He fan Gs hs sao ne bt ofa od eopolian eden The ce condone apo at i ay bevy fro dat hsb od Pssst wei hwo nel ofan ier gle Ges, wn Zeal s glint find» pe fr ae Slow of cixy ike de cron ofthe ely hem, The Sar Sc rbd who ape leone ge of yh piety ome le ras oe agit fie nl work, Ganga ot ‘cbrnted example inthe special form of be arts a bourgeois Sige canning thereon craic of Pian Bo Seto aon pine wget tT Thr de types omen: homes 3 fe, ob Shon coal. Ofcnne ey ctl ocipy he ser Gia qn ich surreal te opporties ‘Perea yw pg lovato fos good se. Tt ison {ar upon» apecal temperment ela for fs Azer olay, ish ege weds Ld of eng ina he dea, Sie he men en whe mii ve oe ein Sos Ty, ym oa ctl Gm wich wl ewe pred ge em tc xcs Are ook ater socees onda ir ic Lecomes | npoa wm ican he exacts of ay vary of essen | The bohemian cannot be identified before the seventeenth cen- ‘yin Barope or Chia Inde in older sci ie is hly ty | the borin Herween caret were mech ew appar sek | ‘icy ave win, the canine and obese ten meer lke recuse and rebel, rye ae rags mem cnt the et easton noted ode. the Mille Agee ‘Svs rt ema ile hid th corporate oe tutch an guild. Greco-Ronan snd Chinese hors re fort inany dei conto of viel ans les A oy ames and ines of ex ate all we ave above Hgyptan dynam! atins. The records of the other cvzations of aay i America, Afi, and Ina tell thing of arti liven, Net de azchaclogical second repeatedly shows the presence of com nected series of rapidly banging suanafacture inthe ccs and slower one in the provinces and in the county, all man feting the presence of pertoos whom we ean ella They did noel lout eget tte ame ine a the etc ofthe pinipl ey, whee moce cae of forms ‘oer than thee ae tales to eal them For inane, peo, vive puising today mainly aac rebels, while the pre- ‘sor ad the ruminatives eer pant a obscure men unde + prosecve coloration that abide them from succes, or dey belong to other guide ike sage design or avering ot, where hele pecs dipascions are more ungemly needed hen ia -ntng for fiuhioabl eer. In clder odes, ewer sequences in acive development stone ine, andthe opponniss fo the whole spectrum of temperaments were ceesponlngly sore modest, Tikes, cows and ete. A provisional explanation ofthe fst tnd slow changes ia the history of things now emerges. Th ‘ervesion of men to whom se caer, of en who spend al ‘heir ime in the prodcion of we things, oceans the hi fiom dow eof kappening. I ial soc of fw handed familie, where everyone mo rae food most of de tie by des olin hank envgonnent tet i never enough margin ‘yond subitence to allo the formation of the speciaaed | Freie ange of cal dof, of comalative lab, of roucine om growing ood In such piso atiena who we exempt » ists, or hat change fds th manatacer how dang, set wth minor vations, which teoogh the geneetions iid cbaraceric pase "The pattern recubls tha ofthe changes inthe dings made under more complicated socal srutne:eshowe the expected propresion foun early to ate sematic age within the diferent Fins of por, hosting, ad ial nsuuments. Distnt frs Jaoes suena ene anohes, Wisin the scope of thee or fou gevcruion a cear shape coresponing tothe physcal iensty Ofte ie can be deed by the atest sent. Du the pro freon, dhe sce and te tape all are more muted and Fess dint ean in Inger roi, an the pace is lowe, Less lappens; fewer inversions occur and there ir He concios seledefiniton of the ee by i manuteues This contra selects only extreme caer—the Say ube of few scores of fie erogging survive, ud he vst meeopo> Tith iy ceas aad ledgse eer the medtatons of many inventive minds exempliy the mow soggsh and dhe most vera Kinds of cng. Betven then 3 {emia pooes too singlet pp the gran {pa consnualy smooth on. Betwees London o aia he fc tier of Amazin cr New Goines, the galas of Tonos epic wih bol igh des of Sepa seve tence ‘Able demopaphic size i inlevat, Soll ce have se ca en oy moe Sa he Trepp An urn eting i otemary nage com ep {lm fete ecarence ff happening The sing ban sehen he piped ery dale sen a lease ee Teer gro of kr tn eran nd pra ayn Whe Labor of fod-growing rir poplaon are ea sou eens oF BeBa Toy Ua i alone i noe enodgh. The provines all ave cig, but the edie of proving cy lies proverbial. i teding Beas the province cy iste an organ chat ay cn ey reesive and rey mesg fro the higher nervous centers cannot iste many meager of fs own, othe tha of pain ‘icon; and it active elements perenialy emigrate to he trae cnr of happening, where the central Jeciions of te whole group aze rade, and where the constrain of poe Aras fogether «cas of patoas for the inventions and des fof the art. Thee ae true metopolitn conto. They the only necenary aad aleqeate conditions forthe appara: the rap historical pace dat bv aaye naked ie ate cha "Ths we have for societal phases to come in thi dicson ‘ofthe veloc of atic evens (1) bali, eto face wih ratte and unable wo alfred are; (2) province owas and clit with die derivative art fncuding thee capital cats ‘which pei only in government; (3) bal soci lade profesional emamen with originating powers; (4) cts ‘or nurs which sae che invisible yee alimate orders, Te tbe Taion peraint to Geeco-Roman civiliton, to Chine dy. sic ier, and othe modern weld sine 1800 wih it polite cal division by ruling states and colonial empires and by cain ce dawing to themselves the flower of provincl talent, ‘is valid lo for dhe whan cviiaons of ancient Attic, The raaking of provincial citer a le favorable eviromess thm ‘tba societies which have tai own craft tations may seem aubiuary baz sje in regard to the condions of eign amis aciviy: an Ashani bouzeworker in mi-ninctethe century Afica was perhaps more fvorbly stunted ean art ‘han bis contemporary collect in Chicago or Mosul wo were Tnited to the aking oF provincial replies and wef stereotypes. In medicral Earope before 1400 diferent scheme i nese feudal cours, the abbeys, and the cables were de reese was he eosin province, ad he lrget es d= role upon te intent proses of the royal cour for {fete aces to fvor and powre Felling the | ial cies ow wo eater imports bt etl 180 the ny |r pinay cours of Eorope were toe ceo of ari ex bene taking ely racy» proviocl reason tothe gest sich fn oe dc roa nt than, for instance, the dasa dacky of Weinat “ ed Goethe. Toy the lvling of the word by ak pee oy Sole of amin and dna The fewer Lior cinars of prongs fda. seem seg or he x nooner we ced cai. Te pcm and hel old aw one erin cba ty ort pon if wes non-sonfrmiysogroe omen, Only the ic ce of power a por Toe fi hit aac coup, he range By Fete‘ oeaed men and the rms cn Woe Serato Dre tning and fomaton ee Oa hey spl sre tine ot cour of che sc of pana Teac pn oft ao a bapening Tote word here a oly ow pant voce he sry of ings One stead ae of case ei Islan ined vcs ie ite cco erretion Sra to aera of change, The sit ose Sots afr en in ning aon sco gr ar, Ten anomeced cents Heino the ae sty. The i= Sey en invention ha many neces oh pe Son cacao when so te rofonl et ih Sar Inne fone moter work come 0 eae St indapeaeny yess, fom common pes tel dia mee i inorar variant of at lapping cn be dened a Fiche ces and a fewranivensty towns remain as the pus of mcs damon: a problem rev cy tc, lke Hero's atm engin, or Greco oman aie Peiting Inthe enc of porting enone tat teniguc, the iveaton he nga nob centri un hove coions ae rode ht slow reer te iveve conaience of nae ecg “Thismcoitt mode of happening hs pd ant confined the prnl ee of caton bur inepae i pes ad is fil comers ae extend sow vo Bree mend The ll ange of aii exe, fom presnon $9 nhl, ths can unl ely wader metropolitan conto, Wien wide elton of sve soqenes aaa: Fa happen depends upon fvrble conn ef paroage anita ile dow happening he ies province oF tbl stingy ire nether patronage noe posites of care eit ting Ite 2 more rapid explorton ofthe various clases offre, Tas Snares of Tae ‘The urbe of ay fr things to occ time is probaly 0 more unlimited than the number of ways in which mater occas space. The difeley with dling the eyo of Sime ha always bon to find a slab Gserpion of dation, which would vary according t events wile measuring chem sxpine «fined se. Hinory his uo periodic able of cement, and no clsfiacion of types or spec eas only solar tit and few old ways of groping evens” be poral sree any principle of lasing vents be prefered othe pone concepcion that every event is unigor and tndesable, then must fllow tae aed evens wiles dng given portion of ime in an order varying beween dene and spare arty. The 1 on et 6, De pr ein, er | ase we are conidering contain evens slated as progresive ons to problems of which che reqiremens ae mifed |fy ech sucsive solution, A rapid succesion of events i « oo seay slow saccenon with many iterations is sane. rie hicry of ait oveaonaly happens ut one gevertion, leven one individal achieve many new postons not nly ene quence bur in a hole at of equenon, At the othe Parone a given need wll suis for generations or even cee fats wide fra solions, We lave are examined he fomstences under the beading offs and slow bappesing. They fave boon explained at contingene upon posan in the sere tad wpon she varying pace of neato in dierent enters of replition. Let ws now look at free waits in the aay of onl aes An Apel by Ztail and sherk a co oe i pray ths sores, Each pcre ab ern lone bu he fe non adc ch wo ve en Fup en eget 3 coor wack of an prec ones an occupying ei pe, Many ting hve ‘iar group ropes which rege hes ob peeve in {recone ode ingen hl tinge a equnce paces been it an one intend by te aces the ‘ered Gc nd ears prt of poblicoasan of mons Sent ao hold be append plated and any stings ply mes each obese pion asus From which total cai ect igh aah onprt wost fa ache prt 2 pose sia value ts addition ots ows vale ab a object, Usually ove comprehension of thing is acomgles unt postion value fan be reared or rowed. Hence the same hing can be ite diferncly vad av an objec separate from cone, and Sa corponte work ini intended soning, Greco-Roman att {NSS Th ft Son Ya avo No 4 dyn gly upon posinal values Pioasa Ina and the contain pediment artes aA oto Parcson ar ea. Ofen te poston alae as inerpetation a when Ol and New Tene oi 0 pe by the pull, atetypes, and pedis that have bey prs of Csi eaching sine bre Poets Dita "To the obvios vals acing fom spl postion we add anoter ctegory scring Sous tengo poston. Docc bo work of exit tide te inked segues tn on very man-made object sine the remus any, ng ie poston day Tipton al coordinates of lac, gs, and eqn. The age fm 0 tas no oaly he cunt vale in eos pend sar ie war ad! age sho as retical in terms he po on of hing nthe psc og Syteomtic age enlarges our conerpron of hisoril postion “Te iden eqs tha worl cach things th several caging spc of frm in whichis cccorence belongs. Hence de ssl names of things ae inadequate because they ate 09 ener 1c is too brondy inci to speak ofthe sytem age of 2 English country hoa Hike Sevenoaks, bu during many ecm ares we ean consider only spat and the ies fo thee ene fication when we exablch emai ages, A great sat, fre senpl, bu in 1360 would be 2 very new for in its ca, Sx gt singe ob a Sp nd tn ly a carie than the opening yest of the snteenth century A re modeling in 1760 that impowod unymmesticd, gocicing ‘rity upon aa older hoot by John Webb (1611-74) was like ite very new in the fornia of piusgue acitectrl TEN eet, Oto gn he ais gua on mae pence een Spine isle the We eu ws ae nt ca of inate | Pid ade legs Thos very hingise comple avin ot ely wis cach with » irene yen age, but Iavng {fo cer of elo, o pect, ech wth on ge ke ny ‘her orgnzaton of rata sch as 4 mana, of which she flood andthe serves are of det bilgi tgs, and Geo an he shin of diene nem ag erage duon can be meued bythe eo manda of Joule age and sper ge, tore ine ces to be emo se of many coveopes, in non wo being mere Ao fem Fae to pat doug the promt. Tine envelopes wich all fave dient contours inthe ese Sa ey are daraions de ne bythe cont cn be groped ely by lage ane all mies of saps, We ne not once now wih che dxn ive dhpes of penal ie, aloagh ead fw an sey in Is ow exnce the pracnoe of wich pata, comport of tx andes of th ne ston They extend eos ‘Hava enperins een te tre of «ew econ! Sin the apes and form of dive Garon which ether ae feng ta single han lives or which rau de tine of foe than one pean at cllcive deans. The swale El of vad saps ihe anal eopof mane hin ae faly red bythe pment indus mdr commercial ian by cour prea pial epmeswhere fasion teu the sre osard matic of gh sol cla. The ages Tapes lke metapaesey ace very ow they dimly sgt ther pence the ane formsof hua tine: Weer car ion Aste ealture; prio, barra, and pie 1o- Gary. fa beeen st he conventional prods bse! upon the the decinal sem, etape che el aantage ofthe conary is dat ie oregon 9 no neta ot dete trite rythm of happening where, nls it be dhe Cceologial mood overaking people atthe approach of solr yar and a 2 rillenary number or the fi desde Inguors indice an po by mee numerical pallian with the 190% of French Terror, Fe either to erry ort its teh pas, Ye is cenaily nothing in the hinoy of art coxpondig ea we cones conventionally recognized ypan of Grece-Rowan a Wea oaoatd wih tn enter ote slleni, fom Soo to Ap. 40, 04 pouible donation, Dut no ott alley Aluesions come to mind, and the Greco-Roman one depen ‘pon arbitrary cit at both begining and en Rather shan eke space to review the eylcl conceptions of “ncesary” hoa duaios which belong fo ano hind of speci, we might consider more clay the periods that ‘5 0 correspond to now “working” Graton and ner, in the history of things. A yea is sutly vali coats round of the sess. Many srs of wor fi ic span. The Ima fa ages perepbly in yar, ad forward pas in sy dezl are po ft yest by you. The Roman luuram of five years os et planing of the sci state I 2 1pan fo humm afi chan the deca 0 fori the mote pratce which ito long fe Ppactial plas, and to shor for many seconds, The dca is only 2 decimal postin in he cena. Bot dhe de etary ace acierary ters ster than working (ther eis peered a shot dation ike the 52-year Ptiod ofthe Mexican peop, compored of four inditon of 1 yeas each, Ie conesponds roughly 2 he length ofa ad. ‘existence, Ths eonespondence may have oon coincidental, at the sa-yearcjle was construced for asrologeal we by an agricul people, yp tke combination of th salir yee with ‘tua ees year a day long. More othe poin than ou eentry ite length of hua generation. Is ierenlycalalited according vo dierent pe 61 tg A a ov and in dierene pid in demographic aude its ex Med 325 yer, bum general sory run (0 32-23 ye Ste logcr duration pst corresponds bere to the happen og of general events while the ler figure matches the simple | Sppenng of biologie eeplaeient, Tee generous approach cu cena, and emg be dhoughe tht soch a eye would be tefl in on etsy, conespondng to the eevlasions of fshion, tere the er oft {fer having ben te generation of fea rears of fihion rege low than lala entry, and fey are subject defrag inexnences from other sectors 0 app, st Krosher and Richardion showed in thei ema the say bred lade’ uns sno abo 1650.7 The indie os odee, We have n0 costonary cnc aration conesponding citer to single Le expecancics (be Bila “hescore and ten” is the exception) orto che wai imate of the length of a genention (25-3 yes). Both of toune have capidly canged i the past centary. Beare 1800 Te expeetaney difeed litle fom she expecanes recy es std fr pales man who 2 rene Prenchnen, woold be expeced by 2 modern acny 19 tay les than 25 year. In thir own time, of eos, dhs p= tgandparete in closer and Friture, cd by te ciden,eeurns 9 favor in granchiren, In practic, however, these ike Roman and ancien sos wer fice by no nich de: some people ved beg tau otkes ded young, but no one hep very clos ech ‘working dviton of human lif were theeine mach ie ng as they ae todey. Ini, children, and alee yom ‘tcc, and old ads wore the xual age wes, OF te only cc lt four concen ws, embracing the productive Mica of aaa and crafren, fons about twelve a fiicen yee age opwans Hence the working Ltime ofthe man of at ay be pues about 60 yeas of which probly oxly so are sen fill power. We may tke 50-60 years the wna daation of art's lie, eter than any fgore over o,f four peri prepanion illowed by ety idl nd ae matoty—eas Tasing abou 15 yeas rereble the indicts of the Roman calendar as-well s the climacteric periods of devclopmened prychology. In any case, eh term "indcon” beter thane ‘dead of convoronal age ‘The decade is 30 sort that fen fl to mitch the sgnieane shifts a ait i-work Periods longer thn the indition mi therm again: someting sore than tn and es cha ewenty yeas bet corresponds beth to the viel periods of biography a well aco the ea sage in the hitory of form, ‘Let us tum fom are biography tothe don of th liked sees ofevents which nally engage. Cerin dates of tchnial developmen inthe history ofa sequite abou sya for their Formation std 6o yar for ce fie systematic tppliasion. The eaaly history of lrge-scale vibra cor suction in Gothic archtecrre began ste ede rane abort ‘Ao. 1145 and all dhe components ofthe Gothic pal aey were in exience by 100, Some ides of he question sete frst formolition in Anglo-Novinanteioy, and tei ik tial pid a endarng from roto to aiga. Two dint wages ‘of Snvetve elaboration ate presen che pone hee is hat exch Tass about €o years. A smit phenomenon ithe appearance of (Geek vse ping in tv ges faut Go years xc, hinged 6 510.86, Other example ar dhe developmen ofthe pct |uem of the Reamer i cena Ialy during above sixty sin he ifseth centers, ore sppeaeaice ofl tc-ime hice afer 180 inthe United States nd Bacope, Each of Go serie ad is prodeome ofeatcod experimen precoding ibe min campaign. This saggesion of doubled 6o-ysr dns fo cern im eran seqpencs in che hor of arti an empicil one. No orien of "necenacy” volton bas governed the observation Fvegth Sal dierences of opinion might aie about begin Sg and coding date, but noone would contd te magni Sa el in any one of thee instance, especially when ie ‘as thac we are orang abou "spe far” bu only sbour the hitoy of opal Gorm smog related exsrples occuring fine! ope he dsm embraces only de geen ofthe invention ene oo, ath he tine we the rem aed eer Sreny ins mech lege gon econ ety Seine pion sponds o what a oi fread the “cc” wage hea of Tid te re tx 1200 in nonin Hance ote High Reaimance ison ly Nor-Euopean cramps wih snes dobetgedorwions Meoyanerh ibe orth ff Gah cunts nor Jone wood Moc pens afer Ij. The example al ca comment, ivan nO tell heme an expesite eure and proving fsb tm of aig ie ng fel we Se ow The general vary of the doubled oye deni of oor a0 yer in sages fete oman and ph Crlorion seer mach toe verfion and may more trumps before we can now whether eso depends vps {pei Kind of ctu orgiedon, The pre-Caluntin American evidence aay erngly anges sich 9 mol 1 pole ee ed by plo ping 04 sown exo OF DUEATOg to msi ional ain inthe Dordogue an he Cana caves which vay in pes and exreionsbowt ts tel Trench and Spanh patting inthe eventch etry Oo Fy So

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