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ECE 109L Signal Spectra and Signal Processing AVG

Exercise No. 1
Introduction to MATLAB and its basic commands

1. Introduce and be familiarize of MATLAB and its basic commands.

2. Generate program in Matlab.
3. Evaluate students skills in programming or using Matlab software.


1 PC with MATLAB Software per student


This is a very important tool used for making long complicated calculations and plotting graphs of different functions depending
upon our requirement. Using MATLAB an m-file is created in which the basic operations are performed which leads to simple short and
simple computations of some very complicated problems in no or very short time. Some very important functions performed by MATLAB
are given as follows:

Matrix computations
Vector Analysis
Differential Equations computations
Integration is possible
Computer language programming
Graph Plots
2-D & 3-D Plots

Some basic MATLAB commands are given as follows: Where A & B are any arbitrary integers
A+B Adding an element to a Vector:
A-B Show Grid
grid on / off
A*B Plotting
Plot (variable)
Division: Plot (variable, symbol)
Power: axis([X Y])
Adding a new row in a matrix
Power Of each Element individually: B(row,:) = [ ]
A. ^B
Range Specification:
B= A
A: B

Square-Root: Eigen Values:

A=sqrt (B) eig( )

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ECE 109L Signal Spectra and Signal Processing AVG

Singular Value Decomposition svd(A)

Polynomial coefficients

The "poly" function generates a vector containing the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial
p = round(poly(A))
roots( )

Vector Convolution
q = conv(p,p)

nMagic square
M = magic(n)

M = magic(n) returns an n-by-n matrix constructed from the integers 1 through n^2 with equal row and column sums. The
order n must be a scalar greater than or equal to 3.

This is called a magic square because the sum of the elements in each column is the same.

Basic Matrix Operations:

This is a demonstration of some aspects of the MATLAB language.


Creating a Vector:

1. Lets create a simple vector with 9 elements called a or name your vector in any variable. Write your output below.

2. Now let's add 2 to each element of our vector, a, and store the result in a new vector. Notice how MATLAB requires no special
handling of vector or matrix math. Write the result and your observation.

3. Plot the result of our vector addition with grid lines. Draw the output graph.

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ECE 109L Signal Spectra and Signal Processing AVG

4. Make a plot of the result of the vector using bar graph. Draw the output graph.

5. Mark the points of the graph on procedure no. 3 using asterisk symbol and define the axis X 0 10; and Y 0 10 respectively.

Creating a matrix:

1. Create a 3 x 3 matrix; name your matrix in any variable. Write your code and output below.
1 2 0
2 5 -1
4 10 -1

2. Add a new row in your matrix and store it in a new variable. Write your code and output below.

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ECE 109L Signal Spectra and Signal Processing AVG

3. Add a new column in your matrix and store it in a new variable.


4. Transpose your original matrix.


Matrix Multiplication:

5. Multiply the two matrixes. The original matrix and transpose matrix

6. Multiply the original Matrix by corresponding elements.


7. Find the inverse of a matrix in procedure no. 1 in creating a matrix.


8. Then illustrate the fact that a matrix times its inverse is the identity matrix.

Eigen Values

9. Obtain eigen values of the matrix in procedure no. 1


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ECE 109L Signal Spectra and Signal Processing AVG

Singular Value Decomposition

10. Obtain the singular value decomposition of the matrix in procedure no. 1

Polynomial coefficients

11. Generate the polynomial of matrix in procedure no. 1 and determine its roots.

Vector Convolution

12. Convolve the vector from the procedure no. 11.


13. Convolve the vector from the procedure no. 11 to the result of problem no. 12 and plot the result.

14. Obtain the Magic square of the matrix in procedure no. 1. And the sum.


1. Explain the importance of knowing the basic MATLAB instructions and command; How MATLAB requires no
special handling of vector or matrix math.


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