Object-Oriented Analysis

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Object-oriented analysis

F ocused initially on the implementation aspects of software construction, the object-

oriented method quickly expanded to cover the totality of the software lifecycle. Of
particular interest has been the application of O-O ideas to the modeling of software
systems, or even of non-software systems and issues. This use of object technology to
present problems rather than solutions is known as object-oriented analysis.

In the past few years, many books have appeared on the topic and many specific
methods of object-oriented analysis have been proposed. The bibliography section lists
some of the best-known books, and Web addresses for some of the best-known methods.

Most of the concepts introduced in the preceding chapters are directly relevant to
object-oriented analysis. Here we will briefly review what make object-oriented analysis
special among other object-oriented topics, and what makes object-oriented analysis
different from other analysis methods.

Two points of terminology to avoid imagining differences where none exist. First,
you will encounter, as a synonym for analysis, the term system modeling, or just
modeling. Second, the computing science community tends to use the word specification
where information modeling folks talk about analysis; in particular, computing scientists
have devoted considerable efforts to devising methods and languages for formal
specification using mathematical techniques for purposes of system modeling. The goals
are the same, although the techniques may differ. In the past few years the two
communities information modelers and formal specifiers have been paying more
attention to each others contributions.


To understand analysis issues we must be aware of the roles of analysis in software
development and define requirements on an analysis method.


By devoting time to analysis and producing analysis documents we pursue seven goals:

Goals of performing analysis

A1 To understand the problem or problems that the eventual software
system, if any, should solve.
A2 To prompt relevant questions about the problem and the system.
A3 To provide a basis for answering questions about specific properties of
the problem and system.
A4 To decide what the system should do.
A5 To decide what the system should not do.
A6 To ascertain that the system will satisfy the needs of its users, and
define acceptance criteria (especially when the system is developed for
an outside customer under a contractual relationship).
A7 To provide a basis for the development of the system.

If analysis is being applied to a non-software system, or independently of a decision

to build a software system, A1, A2 and A3 may be the only relevant goals.
For a software system, the list assumes that analysis follows a stage of feasibility
study which has resulted in a decision to build a system. If, as sometimes happens, the two
stages are merged into one (not an absurd proposition, since you may need an in-depth
analysis to determine whether a satisfactory result is conceivable), the list needs another
item: A0, deciding whether to build a system.
Although related, the goals listed are distinct, prompting us in the rest of this chapter
to look for a set of complementary techniques; what is good for one of the goals may be
irrelevant to another.
Goals A2 and A3 are the least well covered in the analysis literature and deserve all
the emphasis they can get. One of the primary benefits of an analysis process,
independently of any document that it produces in the end, is that it leads you to ask the
relevant questions (A2): what is the maximum acceptable temperature? What are the
recognized categories of employees? How are bonds handled differently from stocks? By
providing you with a framework, which you will have to fill using input from people
competent in the application domain, an analysis method will help spot and remove
obscurities and ambiguities which can be fatal to a development. Nothing is worse than
discovering, at the last stage of implementation, that the marketing and engineering
departments of the client company have irreconcilable views of what equipment
maintenance means, that one of these views was taken by default, and that no one cared
to check what the actual order giver had in mind. As to A3, a good analysis document will
be the place to which everyone constantly goes back if delicate questions or conflicting
interpretations arise during the development process.

The practical requirements on the analysis process and supporting notations follow from
the above list of goals:

There must be a way to let non-software people contribute input to the analysis,
examine the results and discuss them (A1, A2).
The analysis must also have a form that is directly usable by software developers (A7).
The approach must scale up (A1).
The analysis notation must be able to express precise properties unambiguously (A3).
It must enable readers to get a quick glimpse of the overall organization of a system
or subsystem (A1, A7)
Scaling up (the third point) means catering to systems that are complex, large or both
the ones for which you most need analysis. The method should enable you to describe
the high-level structure of the problem or system, and to organize the description over
several layers of abstraction, so that you can at any time focus on as big or as small a part
of the system as you wish, while retaining the overall picture. Here, of course, the
structuring and abstracting facilities of object technology will be precious.
Scaling up also means that the criteria of extendibility and reusability, which have
guided much of our earlier discussions, are just as applicable to analysis as they are to
software design and implementation. Systems change, requiring their descriptions to
follow; and systems are similar to previous systems, prompting us to use libraries of
specification elements to build their specifications, just as we use libraries of software
components to build their implementations.

The clouds and the precipice

It is not easy to reconcile the last two requirements of the above list. The conflict, already
discussed in the context of abstract data types, has plagued analysis methods and
specification languages as long as they have existed. How do you express precise
properties unambiguously without saying too much? How do you provide readable
broad-brush structural descriptions without risking vagueness?
The analyst walks on a mountain path. On your left is the mountain top, deep
ensconced in clouds; this is the realm of the fuzzy. But you must also stay away, on your
right, from the precipice of overspecification, to which you might be perilously drawn if
your attempts to be precise tempt you to say too much, especially by giving out
implementation details instead of external properties of the system.
The risk of overspecification is ever present in the minds of people interested in
analysis. (It is said that, to gain the upper hand in a debate in this field, you should try
Approach X is nice, but isnt it a tad implementation-oriented ? The poor author of X,
reputation lost, career shattered, will not dare show up in a software gathering for the
next twenty years.) To avoid this pitfall, analysis methods have tended to err on the side
of the clouds, relying on formalisms that do a good job of capturing overall structures,
often through cloud-like graphical notations, but are quite limited when it comes to
expressing the semantic properties of systems as required to address goal A2 (answering
precise questions).

Many of the traditional analysis methods fit this description. Their success comes
from their ability to list the components of a system and describe their relations
graphically, making them the software equivalent of the block diagrams of other
engineering disciplines. But they are not too good at capturing the semantics. For software
projects this carries a risk: believing that you have completed a successful analysis when
all you have really done is to define the major components and their relations, leaving out
many deeper properties of the specification that may turn out to be critical.
Later in this chapter we will study ideas for reconciling the goals of structural
description and semantic precision.


Although the object-oriented analysis literature hardly mentions this point, the most
significant contribution of object technology to analysis is not technical but
organizational. Object technology does not just provide new ways of doing analysis; it
affects the very nature of the task and its role in the software process.

This change follows from the methods emphasis on reusability. If instead of

assuming that every new project must start from scratch, considering the customers
requirements as the Gospel, we bring into the picture the presence of a regularly growing
repertory of software components, some obtained (or obtainable) from the outside and
some developed as a result of in-house projects, the process becomes different: not the
execution of an order from above, but a negotiation.
A analysis as a

Developer B
The figure suggests this process: the customer starts with a requirement at A; you
counter with a proposal at B, covering perhaps only part of the requirements, or a slightly
different form of the requirements, but based for a large part on existing reusable
components and hence achievable at significantly less cost and sooner. The customer may
initially find the sacrifice of functionality too large; this opens a haggling phase which
should eventually lead to an acceptable compromise.
The haggling has always been there, of course. The customers requirements were
the Gospel only in some descriptions of the software process in the software engineering
literature, presenting an ideal view for pedagogical purposes, and perhaps in some
government contracts. In most normal situations, the developers had some freedom to
discuss requirements. But with the advent of object technology this officious phenomenon
becomes an official part of the software development process, and gains new prominence
with the development of reusable libraries.


Object technology also affects, of course, the techniques of analysis.
Here the most important thing to learn is that we have almost nothing to learn. The
framework defined in the preceding chapters has more than enough to get us started with
modeling. More than enough actually means too much: the notation includes an
operational part, made of two components which we do not need for analysis:
Instructions (assignments, loops, procedure calls, ) and all that goes with them.
Routine bodies of the do form (but we do need deferred routines to specify
operations without giving out their implementation).
If we ignore these imperative elements, we have a powerful system modeling
method and notation. In particular:
Classes will enable us to organize our system descriptions around object types, in
the broad sense of the word object defined in preceding chapters (covering not just
physical objects but also important concepts of the application domain).
The ADT approach the idea of characterizing objects by the applicable operations
and their properties yields clear, abstract, evolutionary specifications.
To capture inter-component relations, the two basic mechanisms of client and
inheritance are appropriate. The client relation, in particular, covers such
information modeling concepts as part of, association and aggregation.
As we saw in the discussion of objects, the distinction between reference and
expanded clients corresponds to the two basic kinds of modeling association.
Inheritance single, multiple and repeated addresses classification. Even such
seemingly specialized inheritance mechanisms as renaming will be precious to
model analysis concepts.
Assertions are essential to capture what was called above the semantics of systems:
properties other than structural. Design by Contract is a powerful guide to analysis.
Libraries of reusable classes will provide us especially through their higher-level
deferred classes with ready-made specification elements.
This does not necessarily mean that the approach seen so far covers all the needs of
system analysis (a question that will be discussed further below); but it certainly provides
the right basis. The following example will provide some evidence.


Let us see concretely how to apply the O-O concepts that we know to pure modeling.
The example involves organizing the schedule of a television station. Because it is
drawn from a familiar application area, we can start it (although we most likely could not
complete it) without the benefit of input from domain experts, future users etc.; we can
just, for the analysis exercise, rely on every laypersons understanding of TV.
Although the effort may be the prelude to the construction of a computerized system
to manage the stations programming automatically, this possibility is neither certain nor
relevant here; we are just interested in modeling.

We concentrate on the schedule for a 24-hour period; the class (data abstraction)
SCHEDULE presents itself. A schedule contains a sequence of individual program
segments; let us start with
class SCHEDULE feature
segments: LIST [SEGMENT]
When doing analysis we must constantly watch ourselves for fear of lapsing into
overspecification. Is it overspecifying to use a LIST? No: LIST is a deferred class,
describing the abstract notion of sequence; and television programming is indeed
sequential, since one cannot broadcast two segments on the same station at the same time.
By using LIST we capture a property of the problem, not the solution.
Note in passing the importance of reusability: by using classes such as LIST you
immediately gain access to a whole set of features describing list operations: commands
such as put for adding elements, queries such as the number of elements count. Reusability
is as central to object-oriented analysis as it is to other O-O tasks.
What would be overspecifying here would be to equate the notion of schedule with See More on
that of list of segments. Object technology, as you will remember from the discussion of implicitness, page
abstract data types, is implicit; it describes abstractions by listing their properties. Here 149.
there will certainly be more to a schedule than the list of its segments, so we need a
separate class. Some of the other features of a schedule present themselves naturally:
description: "Twenty-four hour TV schedules"
deferred class SCHEDULE feature
segments: LIST [SEGMENT] is
-- The successive segments
air_time: DATE is
-- Twenty-four hour period for this schedule
set_air_time (t: DATE) is
-- Assign this schedule to be broadcast at time t.
t in_future

air_time = t
print is
-- Print paper version of schedule.

See Using asser- Note the use of deferred bodies. This is appropriate since by nature an analysis
tions for documen- document is implementation-independent and even design-independent; having no body,
tation: the short
form of a class,
deferred features are the proper tool. You could, of course, dispense with writing the
page 389. deferred specification and instead use a formalism such as that of short forms. But two
important arguments justify using the full notation:

By writing texts that conform to the syntax of the software notation, you can make
use of all the tools of the supporting software development environment. In
particular, the compiling mechanism will double up as a precious CASE (computer-
aided software engineering) tool, applying type rules and other validity constraints
to check the consistency of your specifications and detect contradictions and
ambiguities; and the browsing and documentation facilities of a good O-O
environment will be as useful for analysis as they are for design and implementation.

Using the software notation also means that, should you decide to proceed to the
design and implementation of a software system, you will be able to follow a smooth
transition path; your work will be to add new classes, effective versions of the
deferred features and new features. This supports the seamlessness of the approach,
discussed in the next chapter.

The class assumes a boolean query in_future on objects of type DATE; it only allows
setting air time for future dates. Note our first use of a precondition and postcondition to
express semantic properties of a system during analysis.


Rather than continuing to refine and enhance SCHEDULE, let us at this stage switch to
the notion of SEGMENT. We can start with the following features:

description: "Individual fragments of a broadcasting schedule"
deferred class SEGMENT feature
schedule: SCHEDULE is deferred end
-- Schedule to which segment belongs
index: INTEGER is deferred end
-- Position of segment in its schedule
starting_time, ending_time: INTEGER is deferred end
-- Beginning and end of scheduled air time

next: SEGMENT is deferred end

-- Segment to be played next, if any
sponsor: COMPANY is deferred end
-- Segments principal sponsor

rating: INTEGER is deferred end

-- Segments rating (for childrens viewing etc.)
Commands such as change_next, set_sponsor, set_rating omitted
Minimum_duration: INTEGER is 30
-- Minimum length of segments, in seconds
Maximum_interval: INTEGER is 2
-- Maximum time between two successive segments, in seconds
in_list: (1 <= index) and (index <= schedule segments count)

in_schedule: schedule segments item (index) = Current

next_in_list: (next /= Void) implies (schedule segments item (index + 1) = next)

no_next_iff_last: (next = Void) = (index = schedule segments count)

non_negative_rating: rating >= 0

positive times: (starting_time > 0) and (ending_time > 0)
sufficient_duration: ending_time starting_time >= Minimum_duration
decent_interval: (next starting_time) ending_time <= Maximum_interval

Each segment knows the schedule of which it is a part, expressed by the query
schedule, and its position in that schedule, expressed by index. It has a starting_time and
an ending_time; we could also add a query duration, with an invariant clause expressing
its relation to the previous two. Redundancy is acceptable in system analysis provided
redundant features express concepts of interest to users or developers, and the relations
between redundant elements are stated clearly through the invariant. Here, clauses in_list
and in_schedule of the invariant express the relation between a segments own index and
its position in the schedules list of segments.
A segment also knows about the segment that will follow, next. Invariant clauses
again express the consistency requirements: clause next_in_list indicates that if the
segment is at position i the next one is at position i +1; clause no_next_iff_last, that there
is a next if and only if the segment is not the last in its schedule.
The last two invariant clauses express constraints on durations: sufficient_duration
defines a minimum duration of 30 seconds for a program fragment to deserve being called
a segment, and decent_interval a maximum of two seconds for the time between two
successive segments (when the TV screen may go blank).
The class specification has taken two shortcuts that would almost certainly have to
be removed at the next iteration of the analysis process. First, times and durations have
been expressed as integers, measured in seconds; this is not abstract enough, and we
should be able to rely on library classes DATE, TIME and DURATION. Second, the notion
of SEGMENT covers two separate notions: a TV program fragment, which can be defined
independently of its scheduling time; and the scheduling of a certain program at a certain
time slot. To separate these two notions is easy; just add to SEGMENT an attribute

with a new class PROGRAM_FRAGMENT describing the content independently of its

scheduling. Feature duration should then appear in PROGRAM_FRAGMENT, and a new
invariant clause of SEGMENT should state

content duration = ending_time starting_time

For brevity the rest of this sketch continues to treat the content as part of the segment.
Such discussions are typical of what goes on during the analysis process, aided by the
object-oriented method: we examine various abstractions, discuss whether they justify
different classes, move features to other classes if we think they have been misassigned.

A segment has a primary sponsor, and a rating. Although here too we might benefit
from a separate class, rating has just been specified as an integer, with the convention that
a higher rating implies more restrictions; 0 means a segment accessible to all audiences.

Programs and commercials

Probing the notion of SEGMENT further, we distinguish two kinds: program segments and
commercial breaks (advertizing segments). This immediately suggests using inheritance:



See TAXOMA- This urge to use inheritance during analysis, by the way, is always suspect; you
NIA, 24.4, page should be wary of bouts of taxomania, prompting you to create spurious classes where
simple distinctive properties would suffice. The guiding criterion was given in the
description of inheritance: does each proposed class really correspond to a separate
abstraction, characterized by specific features and properties? Here the answer will be yes;
it is not difficult to think of features for both programs and commercials, as will be listed
in part below. Using inheritance will also yield the benefit of openness: we can add a new
heir such as INFOMERCIAL later to describe segments of a different kind.

We can start COMMERCIAL as follows:

description: "Advertizing segment"
deferred class COMMERCIAL inherit
rename sponsor as advertizer end

primary: PROGRAM is deferred
-- Program to which this commercial is attached
primary_index: INTEGER is deferred
-- Index of primary
set_primary (p: PROGRAM) is
-- Attach commercial to p.
program_exists: p /= Void
same_schedule: p schedule = schedule

before: p starting_time <= starting_time

index_updated: primary_index = p index

primary_updated: primary = p
meaningful_primary_index: primary_index = primary index

primary_before: primary starting_time <= starting_time

acceptable_sponsor: advertizer compatible (primary sponsor)

acceptable_rating: rating <= primary rating

Note the use of renaming, another example of a notational facility that at first sight
might have appeared to be useful mostly for implementation-level classes, but turns out to
be just as necessary for modeling. When a segment is a commercial, it is more appropriate
to refer to its sponsor as being its advertizer.
Every commercial segment is attached to an earlier program segment (not a
commercial), its primary, whose index in the schedule is primary_index. The first two
invariant clauses express consistency conditions; the last two express compatibility rules:
If a show has a sponsor, any advertizer during that show must be acceptable to it; you
do not advertize for Pepsi-Cola during a show sponsored by Coca-Cola. The query
compatible of class COMPANY might be given through some database.
The rating of a commercial must be compatible with that of its primary program: you
should not advertize for Bulldozer Massacre III on a toddlers program.
The notion of primary needs refinement. It becomes clear at this stage of our analysis
that we should really add a level: instead of a schedule being a succession of program
segments and commercials, we should view it as a succession of shows, where each show
(described by a class SHOW) has its own features, such as the shows sponsor, and a
succession of show segments and commercials. Such improvement and refinement,
developed as we gain more insight into the problem and learn from our first attempts, are
a normal component of the analysis process.

Business rules
We have seen how invariant clauses and other assertions can cover semantic constraints
of the application domain, also known in analysis parlance as business rules: in class
SCHEDULE, that one can schedule a segment only in the future; in SEGMENT, that the
interruption between two segments may not exceed a preset duration; in COMMERCIAL,
that a commercials rating must be compatible with that of the enclosing program.
It is indeed one of the principal contributions of the method that you can use
assertions and the principles of Design by Contract to express such rules along with the
structure, avoiding both the clouds and the precipice.
A practical warning however: even without any implementation commitment, there
is a risk of overspecification. In assertions of the analysis text, you should only include
business rules that have a high degree of certainty and durability. If any rule is subject to
change, use abstraction to express what you need but leave room for adaptation. For
example the rules on sponsor-advertizer compatibility can change; so the invariant of
COMMERCIAL stays away from overspecification by simply postulating a boolean-
valued query compatible in class COMPANY. One of the great advantages of analysis is
that you choose what you say and what you say not. State what is known if you specify
nothing, the specification will not be of much interest but no more. This is the same
comment that we encountered in the discussion of abstract data types: we want the truth,
all the relevant truth, but nothing more than the truth.
That ADT comments should be directly applicable here is no surprise: ADTs are a high-
level specification technique, and in fact the use of deferred classes with their assertions
as a tool for analysis, illustrated by the TV station example, is conceptually a variant of
ADT specification using software syntax.

Although we have only begun the TV station programming example, we have gone far
enough to understand the general principles of the approach. What is striking is how
powerful and intuitive the concepts and notation are for general, software-independent
system modeling, even though they were initially developed (in earlier chapters) for
software purposes and, to the superficial observer, may even appear to address just
programming issues. Here they come out in their full scope: as a general-purpose method
and notation for describing systems of many kinds, covering the structure of systems as
well as fine aspects of their semantics, and able to tackle complexity as well as evolution.
Nothing in a specification of the kind illustrated above is implementation-related, or
even software-related, or even computer-related. We are using the concepts of object
technology for purely descriptive purposes; no computer need enter the picture.
Of course if you or your customer do decide to go ahead and build a software system
for managing TV station programming, you will have the tremendous advantage of a
description that is already in a software-like form, syntactically and structurally. The
transition to a design and implementation will proceed seamlessly in the same framework;
you may even be able to retain many of the analysis classes as is in the final system, with
implementations provided in proper descendants.


The use of specifications expressed in a software-like language, illustrated by the TV
station example, raises an obvious question of practicality in normal industrial
What can cause some skepticism is that the people who will have to review the
analysis document may not all be comfortable with such notations; more than any other
stage, analysis is the time for collaboration with application domain experts, future users,
managers, contract administrators. Can we expect to them to read a specification that at first
sight looks like a software text (although it is a pure model), and possibly contribute to it?
Surprisingly often, the answer is yes. Understanding the part of the notation that
serves for analysis, as illustrated by the preceding example, does not require in-depth
software expertise, simply an understanding of elements of the basic laws of logic and
organized reasoning in any discipline. I can attest to having used such specifications
successfully with people of widely different backgrounds and education.
But this is not the end of the story. A core of formalism-averse people may remain,
whose input you will still need. And even those who appreciate the power of the formalism
will need other views, in particular graphical representations. In fact the recurrent fights
about graphics versus formalism, formalism versus natural language, are pointless. In
practice the description of a non-trivial system requires several complementary views,
such as:
A formal text, as illustrated in the preceding example.
A graphical representation, showing system structures in terms of bubble and
arrow diagrams (also used in one instance for the example). Here the graphs will
show classes, clusters, objects, and relations such as client and inheritance.
A natural-language requirements document.
Perhaps a tabular form, as appears in the presentation of the BON method below.
Each such view has its unique advantages, addressing some of the multiple goals of
analysis defined at the beginning of this chapter; each has limitations that may make it
irrelevant to other goals. In particular:
Natural-language documents are irreplaceable for conveying essential ideas and STUDYING A
explaining fine nuances. But they are notoriously prone to imprecision and REQUIREMENTS
ambiguity, as we saw in the critique of the underline the nouns approach. 1, page 720.
Tabular representations are useful to collect a set of related properties, such as the
principal characteristics of a class parents, features, invariant.
Graphical representations are excellent for describing structural properties of a
problem or system by showing the components and their relations. This explains the
success of bubble-and-arrow descriptions as promoted by structured analysis.
But they are severely limited when it comes to expressing precise semantic
properties, as required by item A3 of the list of analysis goals (answering specific

questions). For example a graphical description is not the best place to look at for an
answer to the question what is the maximum length of a commercial break?.
Formal textual representations, such as the notation of this book, are the best tool for
answering such precise questions, although they cannot compete with graphical
representation when the goal is simply to get a quick understanding of how a system
is organized.
The usual argument for graphical representations over textual ones is the clich that a
picture is worth a thousand words. It has its share of truth; block diagrams are indeed
unsurpassed to convey to the reader the overall impression of a structure. But the proverb
conveniently ignores the details that the words can carry, the imprecision that can affect
the picture, and the errors that it can contain. The next time someone invites you to use
a diagram as the final specification of some delicate aspect of a system, look at the comics
page of the daily paper: the find the differences between these two variants teasers do
not ask you to rack your eyes and brain over two sentences or two paragraphs, but to find
the hidden differences between two deceptively similar pictures.
So what we need with a good analysis method is a way to use each one of these views
as the need arises, switching freely from one to the other.
The question then arises of how to maintain consistency between the various views.
The solution is to use one of the views as the reference, and to rely on software tools to
make sure that additions and changes get propagated to all views. The best candidate to
serve as reference the only credible one, in fact is the formal text, precisely because
it is the only one that is both defined rigorously and able to cover semantics as well as
structural properties.
With this approach, the use of formal software-like descriptions is not exclusive of
other styles, and you can use a variety of tools adapted to the expertise levels and personal
tastes of the analysis participants (software people, managers, end users). For the formal
text, the software development environment may be appropriate: we have seen in
particular that the compiler can double as an analysis support tool thanks to its facilities
for checking type rules and other validity constraints, although its code generation
mechanism is irrelevant at this stage. For the graphical notation, you will use a graphical
CASE tool, apt at producing and manipulating structure charts. For the natural language
texts, document manipulation and management systems can help. Tables can also have
specific tool support. The various tools involved can be either separate or integrated in an
analysis or development workbench.
Graphical or tabular input will immediately be reflected in the formal representation;
for example if the graphical view showed a class C inheriting from a class A
link A B


and you interactively redirect the arrow to point to B, the tools will automatically change
the inherit clause of the formal text to reflect the change. Conversely, if you edit the
formal description, the graphical and tabular representations will be updated.
It is more difficult for tools to process changes in natural-language descriptions. But
if the document manipulation system enforces structured system descriptions, with
chapters, sections and paragraphs, it is possible to keep links between the formal text and
the natural-language requirements document, for example to indicate that a certain class
or feature is connected to a certain paragraph of the requirements; this is particularly
useful when the environment also provides configuration management tools, so that when
something changes in the requirements the tools can, if not update the formal description,
at least alert you to the change and produce a list of all the elements that depended, directly
or indirectly, on the modified part.
The other direction is interesting too: producing natural-language descriptions from
formal texts. The idea is simply to reconstruct, from a formal system description, a
natural-language text that would express the same information in a form that will not scare
the more formalism-averse members of the target readership. It is not hard indeed to think
of a tool that, starting from our analysis sketch, would produce a fake English form such as
1. System concepts
The concepts of this system are:
SCHEDULE is discussed in section 2; SEGMENT is discussed in section 3; [etc.]
2. The notion of SCHEDULE

4. The notion of COMMERCIAL
4.1 General description:
Advertizing segments
4.2 Source notions.
The notion of COMMERCIAL is a specialized case of the notion
of SEGMENT and has all its operations and properties,
except for redefined ones as listed below.
4.2 Renamed operations.
What is called sponsor for SEGMENT is called advertizer for COMMERCIAL.

4.3 Redefined operations

4.4 New operations
The following operations characterize a COMMERCIAL:
primary, a query returning a PROGRAM
Needs: none [Arguments, if any, would be listed here]
Program to which commercial is attached
Input conditions:

Result conditions:

Other operations
4.5 Constraints
An English-like rendition of the invariant properties
4. The notion of PROGRAM

All the English sentences (The concepts of this system are, The following
operations characterize a and so on) are drawn from a standard set of predefined
formulae, so they are not really natural language; but the illusion can be strong enough
to make the result palatable to non-technical people, with the guarantee that it is consistent
with the more formal view since it has been mechanically derived from it.
Although I do not know any tool that has explored this idea very far, the goal seems
reachable. A project to build such a tool would be several orders of magnitude more
realistic than long-going efforts in the reverse direction (attempts at automatic analysis of
natural-language requirements documents) which have never been able to produce much,
because of the inherent difficulty of analyzing natural language. Here we are interested in
natural language generation, an easier task (in the same way that speech synthesis has
progressed faster than speech recognition).
What makes this possible is the generality of the formal notation and, especially, its
support for assertions, allowing us to include useful semantic properties in the generated
natural-language texts. Without assertions we would remain in the vague in the clouds.


Here is a list of some of the best-known methods of O-O analysis, listed in the approximate
order of their public appearance. Although the description focuses on the analysis
component of the methods, note that most of them also include design-related or even
implementation-related components. The short summaries cannot do justice to the methods;
to learn more, see the books and Web pages listed in the bibliographic notes to this chapter.
The Coad-Yourdon method initially resulted from an effort to objectify ideas
coming from structured analysis. It involves five stages: finding classes and objects,
starting from the application domain and analyzing system responsibilities; identifying
structures by looking for generalization-specialization and whole-part relationships;
defining subjects (class-object groups); defining attributes; defining services.
The OMT method (Object Modeling Technique) combines concepts of object
technology with those of entity-relation modeling. The method includes a static model,
based on the concepts of class, attribute, operation, relation and aggregation, and a
dynamic model based on event-state diagrams, describing in an abstract way the intended
behavior of the system.

The Shlaer-Mellor method is original in its emphasis on producing models that lend
themselves to simulation and execution, making it possible to validate model behavior
independently of any design or implementation. To separate concerns, it divides the problem
into a number of domains: application domain, service domains (such as the user interface
domain), software architecture domain, implementation domains (such as operating system
or language). Rather than seamless development, its model for the development process uses
translation to link the domains together into code for final system construction.
The presence of architecture, design and implementation models in Shlaer-Mellor and
some of the following methods illustrates the comment made above that the methods
ambition often extends beyond analysis to cover a large part of the lifecycle, or all of it.
In the Martin-Odell method, also known as OOIE (Object-Oriented Information
Engineering), analysis consists of two parts: object structure analysis, which identifies the
object types and their composition and inheritance relations; and object behavior analysis,
which defines the dynamic model by considering object states and the events that may
change these states. The events are considered first, leading to the identification of classes.
The Booch method uses a logical model (class and object structure) and a physical
model (module and process architecture), including both static and dynamic components,
and relying on numerous graphical symbols. It is intended to be subsumed by the Unified
Modeling Language (see below).
The OOSE method (Object-Oriented Software Engineering), also known as See Use cases,
Jacobsons method or as Objectory, the name of the original supporting tool, relies on use page 738.
cases (scenarios) to elicit classes. It distinguishes five use case models: domain object
model, analysis model (the use cases structured by the analysis), design model,
implementation model, testing model.
The OSA method (for Object-oriented Systems Analysis) is meant to provide a
general model of the analysis process rather than a step-by-step procedure. It consists of
three parts: the object-relationship model, which describes objects and classes as well as
their relations with each other and with the real world; the object-behavior model,
which provides the dynamic view through states, transitions, events, actions and
exceptions; and the object-interaction model, specifying possible interactions between
objects. The method also supports a notion of view, as well as generalization and
specialization, which apply to both the interaction and behavior models.
The Fusion method seeks to combine some of the best ideas of earlier methods. For
analysis it includes an object model, devoted to the problem domain, and an interface
model, describing system behavior. The interface model is itself made of an operation
model, specifying events and the resulting operations, and a lifecycle model, describing
scenarios that guide the evolution of the system. Analysts should maintain a data
dictionary which collects all the information from the various models.
The Syntropy method defines three models: the essential model is a model of a real Citation from the
or imaginary situation, [having nothing] to do with software: it describes the elements of Syntropy Web page
listed in the bibliog-
the situation, their structure and behavior. The specification model is an abstract model
raphy section.
that treats the system as a stimulus-response mechanism, assuming unlimited hardware
resources. The implementation model takes into account the actual computing environment.
Each model may be expressed along several views: a type view describing object types and
their static properties; state views, similar to the state transition diagrams of OMT, to

describe dynamic behavior; and mechanisms diagrams for implementation. The method
also supports a notion of viewpoint to describe various interfaces to the same objects, going
beyond the mere separation of interface and implementation provided by O-O languages.
The MOSES method involves five models: object-class; event, showing class
collaboration by describing what messages are triggered as a result of calling a service on
an object; objectcharts, to model state-transition dynamics; inheritance; and service
structure, to show data flow. Like the Business Object Notation reviewed in the next
section, MOSES emphasizes the importance of contracts in specifying a class, using
preconditions, postconditions and invariants in the style of the present book. Its fountain
process model defines a number of standard documents to be produced at each stage.
The SOMA method (Semantic Object Modeling Approach) uses a Task Object
Model to capture the requirements and transforms them into a Business Object Model.
It is one of the few methods to have benefited from formal approaches, using a notion of
contract to describe business rules applying to objects.
At the time of writing, two separate efforts are progressing to unify existing methods.
One, led by Brian Henderson-Sellers, Don Firesmith, Ian Graham and Jim Odell, is
intended to produce an OPEN (the retained name) unified method. The other, by Rational
Corporation, is starting from the OMT, Booch and Jacobson methods to define a Unified
Modeling Language.


Each of the approaches listed in the preceding sections has its strong points. The method
that seems to provide the most benefit for the least complexity is Nersons and Waldns
Business Object Notation; let us take a slightly closer look at it to gain some insight into
what a comprehensive approach to O-O analysis requires. This brief presentation will only
sketch the principal features of the method, limiting itself to its contribution to analysis;
for more details, and to explore design and implementation aspects, see the Waldn-
Nerson book cited in the bibliography.
The Business Object Notation started as a graphical formalism for representing
system structures. The original name was kept, even though BON has grown from just a
notation to a complete development method. BON has been used in many different
application areas for the analysis and development of systems, some very complex.
BON is based on three principles: seamlessness, reversibility and contracting.
Seamlessness is the use of a continuous process throughout the software lifecycle.
Reversibility is the support for both forward and backward engineering: from analysis to
design and implementation, and back. Contracting (remember Design by Contract) is the
precise definition, for each software element, of the associated semantic properties; BON
is almost the only one among the popular analysis methods to use a full-fledged assertion
mechanism, allowing analysts to specify not only the structure of a system but also its
semantics (constraints, invariants, properties of the expected results).
Several other properties make BON stand out among O-O methods:
It is meant to scale up, in the sense explained at the beginning of this chapter.
Various facilities and conventions enable you to choose the level of abstraction of a

system or subsystem description, to zoom in on a component, to hide parts of a

description. This selective hiding is preferable, in my opinion, to the use of multiple
models illustrated by some of the preceding methods: here, for seamlessness and
reversibility, you keep a single model; but you can at any time decide what aspects
are relevant to your needs of the moment, and hide the rest.
BON, created in the nineteen-nineties, was designed under the assumption that its
users would have access to computing resources, not just paper and whiteboards.
This makes it possible to use powerful tools to display complex information, free
from the tyranny of fixed-size areas such as paper pages. Such a tool is sketched in
the last chapter of this book. For small examples, the method can of course be used
with pencil and paper.
For all its ambition, especially its ability to cover large and complex systems, the
method is notable for its simplicity. It only involves a small number of basic
concepts. Note in particular that the formalism can be described over two pages; the
most important elements appear below and on the facing page.
BONs support for large systems relies in part on the notion of cluster, denoting a For further discus-
group of logically related classes. Clusters can include subclusters, so that the result is a sion of clusters see
nested structure allowing analysts to work on various levels at different times. Some of the 1, page 923.
clusters may of course be libraries; the method puts a strong emphasis on reuse.
The static part of the model focuses on classes and clusters; the dynamic part
describes objects, object interactions and possible scenarios for message sequencing.
BON recognizes the need for several complementary formalisms, explained earlier
in this chapter. (The assumed availability of software tools is essential here: with a manual
process, multiple views would raise the issue of how to maintain the consistency of the
model; tools can ensure it automatically.) The formalisms include a textual notation, a
tabular form and graphical diagrams.
The textual notation is similar to the notation of this book; but since it does not have
to be directly compilable, it can use a few extensions in the area of assertions, including
delta a to specify that a feature can change an attribute a, forall and exists to express logic
formulae of first-order predicate calculus, and set operators such as member_of.
The tabular form is convenient to summarize the properties of a class compactly.
Here is the general form of a tabular class chart:

Part: Constraints are

CLASS Class_name
Short description Indexing information
Inherits from

The graphical notation is extremely simple, so as to be easy to learn and remember.

The principal conventions, static as well as dynamic, appear below.


types of the Cluster (with some classes) Inter-class relations
Object Name Inherits from
Notation name
(After Expanded client
[Waldn 1995], (aggregation)
used with
permission.) Multiplicity of relations
23 3

Class: generic, effective, deferred, reused, persistent, interfaced, root.


Class: detailed interface

NAME Features
name*, name+, name++ deferred, effective, redefined
Parent classes name: TYPE input argument
? ! precondition, postcondition
Public features
Assertion operators
A, B,
name feature may change attribute name
Features selectively @,
exported to A, B current object, void reference
Invariant , , |, symbols for predicate calculus operations
Class invariant , membership operators


Object group (with some objects) Object Name

Objects Name
(one or more)

Inter-object relations
Message passing
(with message number from scenario)

The method defines a precise process for analysis and development, consisting of
seven tasks. The order of tasks corresponds to an ideal process, but the method recognizes
that in practice it is subject to variation and iteration, as implied in fact by the very concept
of reversibility. The standard tasks are:
B1 Delineate system borderline: identify what the system will include and not
include; define major subsystems, user metaphors, functionality, reused libraries.
B2 List candidate classes: produce first list of classes based on problem domain.
B3 Select classes and group into clusters: organize classes in logical groups, decide
what classes will be deferred, persistent, externally interfaced etc.
B4 Define classes: expand the initial definition of classes to specify each of them in
terms of queries, commands and constraints.
B5 Sketch system behavior: define charts for object creation, events and scenarios.
B6 Define public features: finalize class interfaces.
B7 Refine system.
Throughout the process, the method prescribes keeping a glossary of terms of the
technical domain. Experience shows this to be an essential tool for any large application
project, both to give non-experts a place to go when they do not understand some of the
domain experts jargon, and to make sure that the experts actually agree on the terms (it is
surprising to see how often the process reveals that they do not!).
More generally, the method specifies for each step is a precise list of its deliverables:
documents that the manager is entitled to expect as a result of the steps work. This
precision in defining organizational responsibilities makes BON not only an analysis and
design method but also a strategic tool for project management.

The principal reference on the Business Object Notation is [Waldn 1995]. The basic Add the ritual http://
concepts were introduced in [Nerson 1992]. A Web page is available at www.tools.com/ as a prefix to all Web
Here are the principal references on other methods, with associated Web addresses.
Coad-Yourdon: [Coad 1990], www.oi.com; OMT: [Rumbaugh 1991]; Shlaer-Mellor
[Shlaer 1992], www.projtech.com; Martin-Odell, [Martin 1992]; Booch: [Booch 1994];
OOSE: [Jacobson 1992]; OSA: [Embley 1992], osm7.cs.byu.edu/OSA.html; Syntropy:
[Cook 1994], www.objectdesigners.co.uk/syntropy; Fusion, [Coleman 1994]; MOSES:
[Henderson-Sellers 1994], www.csse.swin.edu.au/cotar/OPEN/OPEN.html; SOMA,
[Graham 1995].
On the OPEN method convergence project see [Henderson-Sellers 1996];
[Computer 1996] is a discussion of Rationals Unified Modeling Language effort (Booch-
Katsuya Amako maintains a set of descriptions of O-O methods, along with other
useful O-O information, at arkhp1.kek.jp/~amako/OOInfo.html.

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