MIS - Desalter Case Study

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Real Time, Online Multiphase Separation

with The TRACERCO ProfilerTM
Desalter Applications: A Case Study

Within many refineries there is a growing When applied to the relatively dirty service experienced
within a desalter a number of existing interface control
tendency to process heavier crudes or instruments have been found to demonstrate many
blend these with lighter feed stocks. shortcomings. Upon a request by a major oil refiner,
During crude oil refining, it is Tracerco redesigned its TRACERCO ProfilerTM instrument
that is commonly used in three phase separation devices
advantageous to optimise the blend to within the upstream oil and gas industry to withstand the
reduce overall feedstock costs whilst at the elevated operating temperatures typically experienced
within a desalter vessel.
same time ensuring the final mix can be
This case study offers information on the development and
adequately processed with minimal upset. application of a profiling instrument that provides vertical
real time phase density measurement in desalter vessels.
One fundamental need within a refinery process is the
It allows the position and extent of oil, emulsion, water and
efficient separation of wastewater from crude feedstock
solids to be measured.
using a desalter vessel after water washing the material
to reduce chloride levels and suspended solids. In order to
optimise this separation requirement, appropriate vessel
and internals design must be used alongside reliable level
and interface instrumentation.

Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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Instrumentation used in Desalter Vessels Displacement Interface Gauges

There are many types of interface instruments available Displacement instruments are the most commonly used
that are used to measure critical levels within desalter instrument within desalters for interface level control over
vessels. The most common include displacement many years. The instrument consists of a submerged body
systems, differential pressure, capacitance probes, (displacer) suspended in the fluids, the weight of which is
microwave, guided wave radar, ultrasonic, thermal balanced by an upward force exerted on it by
conductivity and nucleonic. From these, only four have a particular level of fluid. As the level changes, the force
shown reasonable reliability for interface measurement. increases or decreases and this results in a vertical
These include displacement, capacitance, guided wave movement of the displacer indicating a change in interface
radar and nucleonic. However, there are distinct limitations level. The force exerted depends on the density of each
for these instrument types when an emulsion band (rag layer) fluid; therefore, if this characteristic changes significantly
occurs within the desalter separation process. the density change will be interpreted as a change in level.
The principles of measurement of these instruments If the displacer is immersed in an emulsion it will give an
are examined in more detail below. output corresponding to the average density over its
range, thus giving a false interface reading.
Capacitance Probes Within desalters an internal displacer is normally installed
Capacitance probes measure electrical characteristics of inside the vessel within a stilling well. The stilling well
fluids in which they have contact. As an interface level rises provides protection for the suspended displacer tube and
on the probe, the measured capacitance changes as the some damping of the fluids being measured. The major
probe goes from complete immersion in oil (0% on the drawback with an internal displacer, as opposed to a bridle
interface level range), to complete immersion in water mounted displacer, is maintenance. If a problem occurs
(100% on the interface level range). The problem with this with an internal stilling well instrument, then the only way
method is that if the electrical characteristics of either fluid to get access is to shutdown, depressurise the vessel and
change significantly from the expected values, as will remove the instrument. Obviously this is undesirable in
happen when different feedstocks are introduced to the a continuous refinery operation.
vessel or when emulsions (rag layers) are formed, then the
capacitance measured may change. This in turn could be Guided Wave Radar
interpreted incorrectly as a change in level to operators and Guided Wave Radar works in much the same way as
inappropriate control actions taken. In addition, capacitance conventional radar. An electromagnetic energy signal is
probes only measure a very small distance into a particular transmitted from an antenna. When it reaches a definitive
fluid. If the process materials measured are dirty, interface point some of this energy is reflected back. Time
capacitance probes are rapidly rendered inoperable. Domain Reflectometry measures the transit time to this
Therefore, this type of instrument is most suited to point and back, allowing calculation of the interface
measurement within fluids that are relatively clean and not position. The system utilises a guide that is in contact with
prone to coating surfaces. It is also advantageous to have the liquids. This is used to transmit the electromagnetic
a well defined step change in density. In practice, this is radiation pulses to reduce signal degradation through the
rarely the case in a desalter. It is also important to note that liquid. The technology relies upon back reflection of the
this type of instrument only provides a single point signal from the interface position. Unless there is a clearly
measurement at the probe position. defined interface, there will be no point at which this will
occur. Unlike displacement, capacitance and nuclear
instruments which will measure an approximate or average
interface position when a rag layer is present, the signal
from Guided Wave Radar technology will continue to the
bottom of the vessel and no interface measurement will be
observed. An example of this is shown in figure 2.

Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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Figure 1: General arrangement - Internally mounted source Figure 2: Rag layer presence resulting in Guided Wave Radar signal loss

Conventional Radiation Instruments However, if in the case of an interface where the two
Conventional nucleonic interface gauges use a radioactive phases are difficult to separate and hence an emulsion
source or sources, that are mounted internally using a band (rag layer) is formed, the system will continue to
sealed dip-pipe that looks similar to a thermo-well. The measure bulk density at the detector.
radioactive source is located at the end of the dip-pipe Using its calibration algorithm the instrument will offer an
inside the vessel. Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement. interface point. This point will be based upon the average
One or more radioactive sources are located within a density position between phases and will not take into
sealed dip-pipe inside the vessel. When the source beam consideration the upper and lower parts of the interface
shines through the phase of lower density, the signal gradient. In a worst case situation, if an emulsion band
intensity at the external detector is high. When the more spreads to a position greater than the vertical
dense material phase increases through the vessel the measurement width of the detector, the system will
radiation intensity at the detector is reduced. Through continue to select an interface position using the 50% bulk
calibration of the system using the densities of both fluids density reading. This will occur even though the lower
involved, the interface position within the vessel can be phase is mixed and present above the average interface
measured and controlled. measurement range and the upper phase is mixed and
present below the average measurement point.

Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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Figure 3: Views of Density Profiler in a Desalter Vessel Figure 4: Detail of single source and single detector

Density Profiling Technology A narrow dip-pipe holds an array of low energy gamma
Density profiling technology can define all fluids inside a emitters. The other dip-pipes hold a vertical array of up
separation vessel to a greater degree than conventional to 150 radiation sensors. Each sensor is matched to the
instruments. It measures the density and extent of different radiation source on the same plane as shown in figure 4.
phases within a vessel. It maps different densities of On the screen the fluid density at each vertical point is
materials such as gases, liquids and interface spans depicted.
between phases. These materials can be separated into Principle of Operation
different user variable density bands or phases. The
interface of the various phases can then be calculated with Radioactive level measurement methods are normally
respect to the vessel height. based on absorption of radiation. The absorption principle
utilises the reduction in radiation passing through the
In place of traditional single point measurements for interface process material with increasing mass density. The
and bulk level, an operator can measure the position of each difference in the absorption coefficient for radioactive
phase in real time and determine the quality of each interface. materials between oil, water and solids is sufficiently
This level of measurement gives the operator confidence to large to detect interface levels. Ion sensors detect the
increase fluid throughput and minimise the use of various radiation passing through the process material. An ion
separation enhancement chemicals. sensor is a gas ionisation detector. An electric field is
The information provided can also be used to applied between two electrodes in a gas (e.g. argon) filled
automatically control interface levels in a DCS system and tube. The radioactive signal produces an ionisation
influence the injection of effect chemicals. process in the gas and because of the electric field the
A density profiler is housed in dip-pipes (sealed pockets free electrons and positive ions produce an electric
similar to thermo-wells) installed within the vessel through current that is proportional to the amount of radiation.
a single flange as shown in figure 3.

Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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Figure 5: Schematic diagram of a typical profiler system

Materials of Construction The material between the two dip-pipes will attenuate the
Due to its density, titanium was chosen for the dip-pipes radiation and so the intensity of radiation seen by a
as it is relatively transparent to the low energy radiation radiation sensor is related to the density of the intervening
emitted from the sources. If steel dip-pipes were used the material. Each sensor produces a train of voltage pulses
radiation employed would require a higher energy source. as its output signal. The rate at which these pulses are
This high energy radiation is less sensitive to density produced is directly proportional to the intensity of the
changes. This would make it necessary to employ a much radiation incident on the sensor that is determined by the
larger source to detector separation, in the region of density of the process fluid at the sensor elevation.
500mm between the dip-pipes, i.e. more than one vessel Pulses from the radiation sensor are counted in the signal
nozzle would be required. In addition, because radiation processor unit mounted above the dip-pipe assembly.
from a higher energy source is difficult to shield, the beam The count period is user selectable so that the random
from each source would appear as a patch covering about nature of the radiation pulses can be smoothed out.These
150mm vertical length on the detector assembly. This counts are transmitted for analysis via a fibre optic link and
would mean that vertical resolution would be at least a converter to a PLC that collects the information and
150mm for a higher energy source based profiler calculates the density of the material for each individual
compared with 30mm for lower energy emitting devices. radiation sensor. Thus, a density profile of the vessel can
It is the use of low density, high strength titanium for the be achieved. Density bands are allocated for each of the
dip-pipes that make it possible to use low energy sources different phases, the top level of these phases can then
in the profiler. Lower energy sources are much easier to be calculated with respect to vessel or instrument height.
shield, allowing a much smaller source/detector distance, These heights and phase band thickness can then be
which allows a single nozzle on the vessel and allows used for control loop process variables. Instrument set
much improved vertical resolution, and hence provides a up is shown in figure 5.
better density profile.

Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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Figure 7: Showing desalter profiler output in the control

system. Green is oil and blue is the water phase

Figure 6: Showing installation of the profiler into the desalter vessel

Profiler Application in Desalters The operations team had stabilised

Over the last few years The TRACERCO Profiler has the interface level through use of The
been widely used in many upstream oil and gas separation
applications. However it had never been used within a TRACERCO ProfilerTM. This resulted in
desalter due to temperature limitations. Typical desalter a very small rag layer, clean outlet
temperatures are above the allowable intrinsically safe
certification temperature of 125oC. water and zero process upsets.
In 2004 a major refiner approached Tracerco to determine
if a profiling unit could be modified to operate at
temperatures up to 250oC. The solution was to use the
existing profiler design that had been well proven in the
field at lower temperatures with the addition of a cooling
system surrounding the detector tube.

Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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Installation Closing Remarks

The unit was commissioned in Spring 2005 as a part of A density profiler system has been designed, manufactured
a Crude Unit Turnaround. The installation required an 8 and used within a high temperature desalter system over a
nozzle to be fitted to the vessel at an appropriate position. seven-year time period. It has shown that the technology
The system was designed to allow measurement within the allows the accurate measurement of phases including oil,
water phase up through the interface and into the lower emulsion (rag layer), water and solids/sludge in real time.
grid of the desalter vessel. The cooling system has also proven itself to be robust and
very efficient at maintaining detector temperatures at
Operational Experience appropriate levels. The experiences gained from use of the
The use of The TRACERCO Profiler started in Spring instrument has resulted in a number of measurable benefits
2005. After a short period of time operations started to to be realised including the elimination of unplanned desalter
utilise the device as the primary interface level indicator. shutdowns, reduced chemical usage, increased fluid
A diagram showing the instrument output from the desalter throughput and the capability to handle more challenging
is shown in figure 7. crude blend ratios. The system has been adopted by many
other sites allowing them to obtain similar benefits.
By mid year 2005 the operations team had stabilised the
interface level through use of The TRACERCO ProfilerTM. References
This resulted in a very small emulsion band (rag layer),
clean outlet water and zero process upsets. Operations R.P. Lees, Tracerco and J.S.Charlton, Tracerco The
also used The TRACERCO Profiler to fine-tune chemical Future of Three Phase Separator Control presented at the
usage and mud washing of the vessel. SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition,
Melbourne, Australia, 8 10 October 2002,
Closely reviewing output data from The TRACERCO SPE 77891
ProfilerTM and running a series of tests the customer has
achieved the following: P Hewitt, Tracerco Nuclear Gauging for Difficult Interface
Control, ISA Canada Technology Show, Sarnia February
Operator confidence to run the interface level at or within 22nd 2005
the lower electrostatic grid thus optimising separation of Presented in 9th Topical Conference on Refinery Processing (TA015) - #55
difficult blends Advances in Desalting of the 2006 Spring A.I.Ch.E Meeting, Orlando, FL, April 23-27, 2006
Increased upstream desalter mixing to enhance removal Paul Hewitt and Scott Vidrine, Tracerco
The A.I.Ch.E. shall not be responsible for statements or opinions contained in its publications
of chloride carry over to downstream vessels thus
reducing corrosion and fouling issues. This has reduced
carry over of chloride levels from 3-4 ppm to 1-2 ppm
Increased blending ratios of lower quality crudes with
enhanced margin of refined products
Optimisation of emulsion and asphaltene reducing
chemicals within the desalting process leading to
considerable cost savings
The elimination of process upsets resulting from water
carryover or oil carry under from the desalter vessel

Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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Contact Us:
Tel: +44 (0)1642 375500 Email: tracerco@tracerco.com For more information on
For your local representative please visit our website: The TRACERCO Profiler TM

www.tracerco.com/contact-us scan the QR code.

Tracerco Limited is a subsidiary of Johnson Matthey PLC, 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4AB.
Registered in England No. 4496566. Tracerco is a trading name of Tracerco Limited.
TRACERCO, The TRACERCO Profiler, Johnson Matthey and the Johnson Matthey logo are trademarks of
the Johnson Matthey Group of companies.


Measurement Instruments and Servicing

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