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ARO rR ee 2014 C-DRN-N-OBUA aftr / MATHEMATICS wea-ua I/ Paper I utes ane: rin 2 ‘fea 3: 260 Time allowed : Three Hours \Maximum Marks : 250 serra & fire Rafe ager prver sent ar #9 et Peres arg sh ears UG : 08 ora en Bah ah aa 3 footer & ven fee ste otto at wt eel a at ah wea 3 33 #1 yer sear 1 sit 5 start & ae arc) 3 & cas tus & naa an ea ya Pel ate reat sa RT 1 rs mes 3 fas eds ar? Te & 1 wea & seat wal rer 3 fed ard eae Rarer sey ones aera sar rey 8, ite Fe TMH wT ETE IT Spore are- ae (Ra ah.&,) See & Ha Yes ater Ee ear we Par an aie | Air rea it a ‘sft wre 3 fe me sete HE es ct af araeens@h ah arg ait a wer ie, an 54) Pile AE | aan ap 7 Bh, eer ar rare saa rT rad sa B | weak & sch A) rar aoe ae 1 af ter ae, he BBC HY Tear eh Te Te BAC FATA: aT 7 BF 1 re -ae- PTH GTC BGT GON Pe aT rs Bis wh eae a TET IEA TET | Question Paper Specific Instructions Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions : There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI-and in ENGLISH. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. Questions no. 1 and § are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each section. The number of marks carried by a question /part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Assume suitable data, if considered yecessary, and indicate the same clearly. Unless and otherwise indicated, symbols and notations carry their usual standard meaning. Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. C-DRN-N-OBUA 1 USA SECTION A Ql. ax wet d aH Gin; ‘Answer all the questions : 10x5=50 (a) (b) (o) we Bee R? & ara Afere, vt fH Van Wa wfede a ae 2, sel fa V WH xy Bada 2 aM W afen (1, 2, 3) am ales (1, -1, 1) % ga aia fear Tra arene (a) 2 | Find one vector in R° which generates the intersection of V and W, where V is the xy plane and W is the space generated by the vectors (1, 2, 8) and (1, -1, D. 10 ries cfs a ede aiarsit ar weit axes, strogg (AfgwR) oO 1 -8 -2 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 1 1 -2 0 A atte ara FA | Using elementary row or column operations, find the rank of the matrix 10 Oo 1 -8 -1 o 0 1 1 8 1 0 2|" 1 1 -2 0 fag fife fe eX cosx+1=0 % Ft areafaw Api H sta o* sinx +1=0 wre arden aot fra 2 | Prove that between two real roots of e* cos x + 1 = 0, a real root of *sinx +1=0 lies. 10 C-DRN-N-OBUA 2 @) Apts Fife: 1 loge ‘ ») ay 14x Evaluate : 10 1 loge +x) ay +x’ (e) -Tdam Aaa fh aN A x+y + 2=0 WH yrtmexy=0 wrmitta (ea) Raroil F area 2 Examine whether the plane x+y +2=0 cuts the cone yz + 2x +xy=0 in perpendicular lines. . 10 2. (a) Fa aif f Voit Wher sreafbal é RAAT V= (a,b,c, d):b-2c+d = 0) 3K W= ((a,b,¢,d):a=d,b = 2c}. @ V, G W, Gi) VN Wr aan Sk Prem are Fife | Let V and W be the following subspaces of R¢ : V= (a,b, c,d): b-2c+d=0} and W= ((a,b,¢,d):a=d, b= 2c). Find a basis and the dimension of (i) V, (ii) W, (iii) VN W. 15 ® @ AM ps a ats Ae a alla x+y +2 =6, x+y + 32= 10, x4 2y + A= wr (1) aN Bet AER, (2) UH aifeca eet @, (3) orate wel Investigate the values of A and 1 so that the equations x + y + z= 6, x + 2y + 3z = 10, x + 2y + Az =p have (1) no solution, (2) a unique solution, (3) an infinite number of solutions. 10. C-DRN-N-OBUA 3 Qs. © (b) (©) @ arog a [ ’ & fae dah Aer aha arate Sm ike ora waar ayer gra Sif | era Gi, A> 4A4—7A5 4 11A?-A- 101% aa Frefta sreqg of ara fifa | 14 Verify Cayley - Hamilton theorem for the matrix A = I i and hence find its inverse. Also, find the matrix represented by Ab — 4a4—7A9 4114?—A- 101. Wa x+y =u, y = uv HI HAT HA A, BATH ff {xy (1 —x—y)}"? dx dy ar aie Yard x= 0, y=0 WH x+y=1 & aw ag oa Ae 1 By using the transformation x + y'= u, y = uv, evaluate the integral JJ ey (Q-x—y)}!? dx dy taken over the area enclosed by the straight lines x=0, y=0 and x+y=1. we tS ner oes & aoe Ft Sard ara Sie SH A a fied H rte fat oT a | Find the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius a. ax’ + by* + e2%=1 FT Ix my +nz=0 % ge wird x24 y? +2? & aafterat an fram ar are Afae | vio A serfs carer ifs | Find the maximum or minimum. values of x? + y? + 2” subject to the conditions ax” + by? +cz”=1 and ix + my + nz = 0. Interpret the result geometrically. -2 2 -3 @ mn vife fA=| 2 1 -6 |. A% ante art oft da ont -1-2 0 ‘afeat at ara =Aifere | -2 2-3 Let A = 2 1 ~6 |. Find the eigen values of A and the -1-2 0 corresponding eigen vectors. Gi) fang Hifi fas Bees orege & angie ari ar fede a 1 eT 2 | Prove that the eigen values of a unitary matrix have absolute value 1. C-DRN-N-OBUA 4 10 15 15 20 Q4. (b) ©) (there x? + y? + 24x + oy =4 & fegal & Reais are Aire fas wae Grae, Wade Oxy +2Q2=1 H aAMs | Find the co-ordinates of the points on the sphere x? + y? +2? — 4x + 2y = 4, the tangent planes at which are parallel to the plane 2x ~ y + 22 = 1. Gi) fry Are fH afte ax? + by? + cz + Qux + Qvy + Qwztd=0 TH aaise fe sem (afin) @ hh @ tent, a ate Ties ax? + by? + cz? =1 % BnAe Ix + my + nz =p we whredea fegai w ara waa 0S x = )-(ER 8) sans & Show that the linés drawn from the origin parallel to the normals to the central conicoid ax” + by” + cz” = 1, at its points of intersection with the plane lx + my + nz = p generate the cone (Bema a b c sferacrns & aaa 2 = 0% gr yer chigeia aus ~ yehe z=0 & ale FZ (a. cos 6, bsin 6, 0) FB a sere tansit & antler gra Alfa | Find the equations of the two generating lines through any point x2 y? (a cos 6, b sin 8, 0), of the principal elliptic section te =1, 2=0, of the hyperboloid by the plane 2 = 0. C-DRN-N-OBUA 5 10 10 15 15 weB SECTION B QS. at weil oe afar : Answer all the questions : (a) (b) © ‘afta cere fi ly +x f(x? + y?)] dx + fy lx? +y*)-x] dy=0 Al ofa areraset attopeot et fh Ax? + y), (x? + y?) IH Rew Ger 2, Wh AMay sae le AaB TM FAH Zap SUE YE STATS FH araaReH TfleReT AY fx? + y2) = (2+ 2)? & fore ser AAA | Justify that a differential equation of the form : ly +x f(x? + y)] dx + ly fx? + y?)— x] dy=0, where fx? + y2) is an arbitrary function of (x? + y?), is not an exact differential equation and is an integrating factor for it. Hence x? +y solve this differential equation for flx2 + y2) = (x2 + y2)?. ae am ara aifsre farees fare Re exe er aT A sell gre rer gar 8, SAT fg 7 fant & | Find the curve for which the part of the tangent cut-off by the axes is bisected at the point of tangency. Ge ao oe ate aad ale (S.H.M.), % OR ares (sada) T, STA ah Oa Wega He eT 2 ae ae OH ferg PA Tae 2, el fF OP =b, OPA fem 3 | fag Hie fe asm en aH wa ae PH ame chem @, Toes (t)e A particle is performing a simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) of period T about a centre O with amplitude a and it passes through a point P, where OP = b in the direction OP. Prove that the time which elapses before it returns to Pis © cos} ()- ® C-DRN-N-OBUA 6 10x5=50 10 10 (d) (e) Q6. (a) (b) © 2 WOR WHEAT AB AM AC, wets 1a, AK AR-wT a Fe 8 aT AT 1 farm faa seater ga ot RG 3 1 ale eet ate ai 208, at wie art fargia & wet 2 1, rae oF tae ge Afar | ‘Two equal uniform rods AB and AC, each of length J, aré freely jointed at’A and rest on a smooth fixed vertical circle of radius r. If 26 is the angle between the rods, then find the relation between J, r and @, by using the principle of virtual work. WH rW)=teost i +tsint j, O) SAA mw Ue om St Seat Foe ARR fg 8H eh faa (a fixe areft) 1 cong St SA A ew gor 2, St Uw Aes sara feat ste 23 fe saat an oJe wen wee 2 | ao a aT ae a SAG Aes TE wa wifes tard & ERS se Sang ara Sif ‘A particle of mass m, hanging vertically from a fixed point by a light inextensible cord of length 1, is struck by a horizontal blow which imparts to it a velocity 2,/g/. Find the velocity and height of the particle from the level of its initial position when the cord becomes slack. 15 (©) wan days (aRR Ama) ABCDE aunt ad TRan wet at Sige waT ~ en 2, stg AS vem TH 2 aT BC DES Fe fegot aH siete : eel og & GU ag art we F otra 3 | ge ws 4 wht ara Sifare | A regular pentagon ABCDE, formed of equal heavy uniform bars jointed together, is suspended from the joint A, and is maintained in form by-a light rod joining the middle points of BC and DE. Find the stress in this rod. 20 Q8. (a) Bachet TAHT M(x, y) dx + Nx, y) dy = 0 & fara vate ard aire fare anf SHO FATE WOH, (x + y) BI GEA Bt | Sa ear A ATH TH FAT A 7 HATS eH TAHT (x? + xy) dx + (y? + xy) dy = 0 FT BATH PTH WT apifare ae get HIRE Find the sufficient condition for the differential equation M(x, y) dx + N(x, y) dy = 0 to have an integrating factor as a function of (x + y). What will be the integrating factor in that case ? Hence find the integrating factor for the differential equation (x? + xy) dx + (y? + xy) dy = 0, and solve it. 15 (C-DRN-N-OBUA 8 (>) WH BO ya Gai GH Ta TT BoM 2, Pra cam (ata xs A at) uy 28 ame ya Bw are Hamer ao PPE | waa 8 | a & 9a 1 wrafers ater ara Fifer | wet TH aT I A particle is acted on by a force parallel to the axis of y whose acceleration (always towards the axis of x) is py"? and when y =a, it is projected parallel to the axis of x with velocity |2. Find the a parametric equation of the path of the particle. Here p is a constant. (@) wR A aAeT oy +y=8e%sint, y(0)=0, y(0)=0 BP AUTH BGI & wat a eet Fifa | Solve the initial value problem 4 +y=8e%sint, y(0)=0, y'(0)=0 by using Laplace-transform. C-DRN-N-OBUA 9 15 20

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