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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859

Analysis of the Shape and Fractal Dimension of Medicinal Leaves by using Image
Processing Techniques
Mr. K.Nithiyanandhan and 2 Prof.T. Bhaskara Reddy
Department of Master of Computer & Applications, Brindavan College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
and Research Scholar, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Department of Computer Science & Technology, S. K. University, Anantapuram 515003. AP, India.
*Corresponding authors,1

Abstract:- Fractal analysis has been applied to describe various aspects connected with the complexity of plant morphology. In this work we
have determined the fractal dimension of leaves. Some plants are considered as important source of nutrition and as a result, these plants are
recommended for their therapeutic values. The common characteristic of such fractal objects is that their length depends on the length scale used
to measure it, and the fractal dimension tells us the precise nature of this dependence. We estimated Fractal Dimension of different kinds of
leaves by looking at their inner structure until to the cellular nucleus.

Keywords: Image Processing, Peepal Leaf Betel Leaf, Hibiscus Leaf medicinal, Digital Image.


1. INTRODUCTION The use of plants to heal or combat illness is probably as old

Image processing is a method to perform some operations as humankind. For centuries Native peoples of various
on an image, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract cultures have used plants as medicine for all sorts of healing.
some useful information from it. It is a type of signal Plants formed the basis of Indian and Chinese medicine for
processing in which input is an image and output may be as millennia, and they still are to this day. It is from these roots
image or characteristics/features associated with that image. that the Western pharmaceutical industry grew to be how
Nowadays, image processing is one among rapidly growing and what it is today. Unfortunately the modern view of
technologies. It forms core research area within engineering plants is very
and computer science disciplines too. different from what it was. We were once connected to
Image processing basically includes the following three nature, honored and respected nature, and tapped into its
steps: greatest potential, where plants were viewed and appreciated
Importing the image via image acquisition tools; with utmost reverence. In modern times, we are greatly
Analyzing and manipulating the image; disconnected from nature, where we often either fear or
Output in which the result can be an altered image disregard the presence and importance of plants. Most of the
or report that is based on image analysis. people cannot fathom from using wild edibles today,
There are two types of methods used for image whether it as food or medicine. Likewise, most cannot be
processing namely, analog and digital image processing. bothered to grow some of their own plants for culinary or
Analog image processing can be used for the hard copies medicinal purposes. So we extracted what we wanted out of
like printouts and photographs. Image analysts use various plants, synthesized it, and patented the final products as
fundamentals of interpretation while using these visual pharmaceuticals and various formulas were born. We even
techniques. Digital image processing techniques help in the modified entire plants and their species, both physically and
manipulation of the digital images by using computers. The genetically, in order to make them more profitable.
three general phases that all types of data have to undergo
while using digital technique are pre-processing, Within half of a century we have caused some of the most
enhancement, display, have information extraction. destructive damage upon this planetits people, living
beings, and ecosystems.
MEDICINAL LEAVES Plants: Our Food and Our Medicine

Plants have been the part of our lives since the beginning of We really should be so grateful to plants for the food, health,
time. We get numerous products from plants, most of them and healing remedies they have provided, and continue to
not only good and beneficial for our health, but also crucial provide us with. Plants have been used as medicine and used
to our existence. In this essay we will explore the connection extensively as diverse healing modalities for millennia for
between plants, medicine, our food, and modern science. anything from external to internal infections, mental and
emotional imbalances, as well as for every imaginable
physical illness. We have come to use them as teas,
IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859
tinctures, oils, creams, and more. Everything that plants describes the complexity of a shape and characterizes the
provide is geared towards both preventing and healing scale-dependency of the pattern. This article presents an
imbalances, be they acute or chronic. For example, we know application of the fractal dimension in the analysis of leaves
that just by eating a diet high in plant foods, where about shape.
three-quarters of our daily food comes from plants, we can
effectively prevent and/or greatly reduce and/or reverse the The review article [7] says that on Organisms support
three main chronic diseases of our modern society: cancer, continual exchange with the environment so that they
type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. maintain in a state far from their thermodynamic
equilibrium. The plants maintain themselves under low
A segment of our sciences has focused on deciphering their entropy conditions, a necessary prerequisite to life. The
role in nutrition, which led us to learn in the past few concept of fractal dimension to describe structures, which
decades about a group of compounds look the same at all length scales, was first proposed by
called, phytonutrients beneficial compounds found only in Mandelbrot Objects are usually referred to as self-similar to
plants that can help prevent and even heal many diseases. indicate their scale-invariant structure. The common
The cruciferous family of plants, for example, is quickly characteristic of such fractal objects is that their length
gaining status as helping to ward off cancer due to the depends on the length scale used to measure it, and the
phytonutrient groups it contains. Plants also contain fractal dimension tells us the precise nature of this
outstanding vitamin and mineral profiles, and are the only dependence. Estimation of fractal dimension of leaf shape
sources of fiber. Finally, plants harness their energy directly was recently performed form various authors. The authors
from the sun and aside from the chlorophyll content in the estimated Fractal Dimension of different kinds of leaves
green parts of plants, there is also living energyChithat looking at their inner structure until to the cellular nucleus.
we obtain when we consume or use plants in their freshest,
most unadulterated forms. All of these factors make our In the review article [8] it is proposed for the first time that
human organism thrive, as intended for us as living beings there is a relationship between a fractal dimension of the
on this planet. leaf and a surface density of the image and was concluded
that together with other measures, the fractal dimensions
Fractals are complex geometric figures made up of small with surface density function could be used as a new
scale and large-scale structures that resemble one another. approach to taxonomical study of plants.
Generally, there are two types: geometric (regular) and non- The work [9] remarks that the increasing number of
geometric (irregular). A geometric fractal consists of large applications of fractal theory in the environmental sciences
and small structures that resemble precise duplication of reflects the recognized Importance of spatial and temporal
each other. In irregular fractals, there are also large and scale to the study of ecological systems and processes.
small structures, but they do not resemble each other.
Instead, the structures are geometrically related. Irregular The work [10] presents a novel method for detecting rice
fractals have many patterns in nature. Fractal geometry leaf disease using image processing technique called fractal
offers simple descriptions of some elaborate fern shapes [1]. dimension and chaos theory is proposed. The analysis of a
Structures that grow by continually repeating simple growth diseased leaf is carried out according to its image pattern
rules are suitable model for L-systems and fractal analysis and fractal dimension, and especially box-counting ratio
[2],[3],[4]. Talking about fractals we usually think of the calculation, and chaos, are applied to be able to identify the
fractal dimension. Topology is a branch of mathematics disease patterns self-similarity and to recreate the fractal.
which has essentially been developed in 20th century. It The images self-similarity is the disease infected one which
deals with questions of form and shape from a qualitative is same as when it is fully infected. This method is proposed
point of view. Two the of its basic notions are "dimension" as preliminary information for the development of an early
and "homeomorphism". Topology deals with the way shapes detection system or for developing knowledge based expert
can be pulled and distorted in a space that behaves like system or decision support system.
rubber [5].
In [11] it is mentioned that fractal analysis has been to
2. RELATED WORK describe various Applied Aspects connected with the
Morphology of plant complexity. In this work we fractal
In the review article [6] it is mentioned that on the fractal dimension of the Determined leaves from three species of
dimension can be used to quantify the shape of a natural Solanaceae in order to characterize the structure /
curve. Curves with similar degrees of irregularity will tend architecture of the are these leaves are determined . Samples
to have the same fractal dimension. The fractal exponent for Every species (pepper, tomato and eggplants) have been
IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859
the Collected from the greenhouse of the University of In order to determine the perimeter of a leaf, the outline of
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Iasi. the leaf has to be identified. After the image was converted
The leaves Were pressed, scanned and processed with the into a binary image, an edge detector (using the Sobel
Corel Photo-Paint one in order to use the software to Harf approximation to the derivative, returning points where the
determine the fractal dimension. The results showed that the gradient of the image is maximum) and boundary maker
fractal dimension of These vegetable leaves increases from (tracing the exterior boundaries of objects) were used to
pepper to tomato. But the fractal dimension is a fractional create an image that is completely black with a pixel wide
quantity and it is a direct measure of the relative degree of white outline of the leaf. This process did not ensure a
complexity of the leave. Tomato leaves and we have continuous boundary and hence a morphing application was
multiple sinuses Suggested That this complexity is related used to bridge pixel gaps in the outline. With noted pixel
to the necessity of light penetration through the plant. The locations outlining the leaf, rulers of standard measure
eggplant leaves have Between fractal dimension of the were created by locating pixels x apart and the distance
medium pepper and tomatoes. This Means That this Needs between these pixels was accumulated to determine the
assure eggplant structure of light and temperature. perimeter. The last distance that closed the outline was
either calculated as stated or was determined by finding the
3. PROBLEM SPECIFICATION distance between the last x away point and the first point
used and added to the accumulation of distances to
The main objective of the present study is to make a detailed determine the perimeter. Vlcek and Cheung (1986) state that
analysis of the fractal dimension of different medicinal Mandelbrot defined the fractal dimension, D, to be an
leaves in particular, Peepal Leaf, Betel Leaf ,Hibiscus Leaf inverse of a least-squares estimate of the slope of a line
etc by using the techniques of image processing given in the equation: log
methodologies. Different samples are taken and the N
b where is the
experiments are conducted.
curve segment or ruler, and (N ) is the total length of the
curve, and (1-D) is the slope of the line. Therefore the
The Medicinal properties of the samples are given briefly in
fractal dimension is found by subtracting the slope of the
Table 1.
line from 1.
In this work, the attention is focused on Canny Edge
The main goal of preprocessing is to identify the leaf in an
Detection Algorithm only.
image and discarding all other information other than the
The algorithm runs in 5 separate steps:
leaf shape and the codes are written in Matlab 7.0/7.4
1. Smoothing: Blurring of the image to remove noise.
Version. Study focus on perimeter method.
2. Finding gradients: The edges should be marked where the
gradients of the image has large magnitudes.
3. Non-maximum suppression: Only local maxima should
The experiments are conducted on the data, codes are
be marked as edges.
written using Matlab(7.0/7.4) version . The results are
4. Double thresholding: Potential edges are determined by
presented in Tables 2 to 6 and figures 1 to 20 respectively.
5. Edge tracking by hysteresis: Final edges are determined
Perimeter Method
by suppressing all edges that are not connected to a very
certain (strong) edge.

Table 1
Sl. Name of Medicinal Properties
No the Leaf
01 Castrol oil Cooked with milk, leaves are used as poultices for certain kinds of ulcers. To increase the
Leaf woman's secretion of milk, leaves are pounded and applied over the breast as poultice.
02 Hibiscus Hibiscus leaf contains lots of Vitamin C which when consumed in the form of tea and other
Leaf extracts helps to build immunity to common cold and cough. It will help you to get over
your cold lot more quickly.
03 Papaya The leaves of papaya tree are used for treating nervous pains and elephantoid growths.
Leaf Papaya leaf is used in herbal medicine to remove intestinal worms. Papaya leaf has less of

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859
the protein-dissolving papain than the fruit, so it is less likely to "dissolve" the worms, but it
contains tannins that the fruit does not
04 Alo vera Aloe vera gel is widely known to relieve sunburn and help heal wounds
Leaf Aloe vera contains many vitamins and minerals vital for proper growth and function of all
the bodys systems. Aloe vera contains antioxidant vitamins A, C and E plus vitamin
B12, folic acid and choline. It provides 12 anthraquinones or compounds known as
05 Brami Leaf A traditional, therapeutic herb native to India, brahmi is commonly used in
Ayurvedic medicine as a memory enhancer, aphrodisiac, and general tonic. Its impact on
cognitive performance has prompted a number of investigations into its positive benefits.
06 Eucalyptus Leaves In both fresh and dried form, leaves of eucalyptus are used as air fresheners and in
Leaf medicinal teas. The dried leaves and oil are used to make medicine. Though
eucalyptus is used medicinally for many purposes, there isn't enough scientific evidence so
far to rate it as effective for any of them. Eucalyptus leaf is used for infections, fever, upset
stomach, and to help loosen coughs.
07 Peepal Leaf This tree of life has also got the medicinal value. The juice of its leaves extracted by holding
them near the fire can be used as the ear drop. Its power bark has been used to heal the
wounds for years.
The leaves are used to treat constipation.
08 Tulasi Leaf Tulsi leaves are widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines. It is known to
promote the longevity of life. The extracts obtained from the plant are extensively brought
to use for curing various diseases such as the common cold, inflammation, malaria, heart
disease, headaches etc.
09 Guva Leaf Guava leaves contain an essential oil rich in caryophyllene, nerolidiol, beta bisabolene, arom
and reno, p-selinene. Also contain flavonoids, beta sitosterol, titerpenoides, leucocyanidins
and about 10% of tannins. The high presence of tannins give to Guava antidiarrheal
properties, also have demonstrated pharmacological activity as antibacterial, antioxidant,
antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-anemic, hemostatic and sedative.
10 Karpoora In Ayurveda karpooravalli leaf is used to treat cold and cough. Viral fever also can be
valli Leaf treated with the help of ajwain leaves. These leaves are very beneficial in treating stomach
pain and many other stomach disorders. karpooravalli rasam recipe is one of the best dish to
cure stomach related disorders.
11 Menthi The use of its leaves internally as well as externally is helpful over swelling and burning
Leaf sensation. It stops the falling of hair. This leaf is highly beneficial for treating poor liver
functions and dyspepsia. It is also helpful in treating gastric problems and other intestinal
issues. It is also used for curing dysentery and diarrhea. These leaves are also used in the
powdered form for treating GI issues, as well as allergies or congestion of the upper
respiratory zone
12 Thondakai The leaves, fruit and roots show anti-diabetic effect. Plant leaves are used to treat ring
Leaf worms, scabies, sinuses, UTI and respiratory ailments. Leaves have cooling effect on body
and causes sweating which helps to reduce fever. The leaves are grinded to make paste. This
paste is applied externally on affected area. Excess body heat In case of excessive body
heat, extract five teaspoon juice of ivy-gourd leaves and drinks with a glass of water, thrice a
day for three days.
13 Cotton In Asia and Africa the major disease of cotton is caused by the Cotton leaf curl Gemini virus
Leaf . Leaves of infected cotton curl upward and bear leaf-like enations on the underside along
with vein thickening. Plants infected early in the season are stunted and yield is reduced
drastically. This virus devastated the Pakistan cotton industry in early 1990s where it caused
an estimated yield reduction of 30-35%.
14 Neem Leaf Neem leaf paste is applied to the skin to treat acne, and in a similar vein is used
for measles and chicken sufferers. Practitioners of traditional Indian medicine recommend
that patients suffering from chicken pox sleep on Neem leaves. A decoction prepared from

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859
Neem roots is ingested to relieve fever in traditional Indian medicine.
15 Bilva Leaf Belpatra means leaves of the Belva tree. Bilva leaves or the Belpatra is an important item
while worshipping Lord Shiva. This leaf is trifoliate which signifies the holy Trinity:
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. It also signifies the three eyes of Lord Shiva. Belpatra has great
medicinal values. It's trifoliate shape signifies the three components or 'gunas' namely the
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The Sattva guna is the positive energies while the Tamas is the
negative forces. It is believed that the centre part of the Bilva leaf has the natural
characteristic to attract the Sattva or the positive energies towards itself. So, when a person
affected by negative energies touches the Belpatra, the positive energies are transferred to
16 Coriander Coriander leaves when digested turn sweet and alleviate irritations in the intestines. They
Leaf stimulate appetite and help in easy digestion too. They have magnesium, potassium and
fiber in plenty. So regular consumption boosts immunity and purifies blood. They stimulate
insulin production and hence help prevent diabetes. In addition, coriander leaves are rich in
Vitamin C, Vitamin K and protein. They also contain small amounts of calcium,
phosphorous, potassium, thiamin, niacin and carotene.
17 Grape Leaf A single serving of grape leaves is full of nutrients and has a low glycemic . Monitoring
one's glycemic load is important, especially for diabetics, since it measures the effect of food
on blood-sugar levels. A daily total glycemic load target for the average, healthy adult is 100
or less, making grape leaves a healthy choice. Individuals with diabetes or metabolic
syndrome should aim for a lower number.
Grape leaves have been used for centuries and are still used in herbal applications,
particularly red grape leaves. Other uses for grape leaves include the treatment of diarrhea,
heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine hemorrhage, canker sores and excess vaginal discharge.
18 Kongora Gongura are an excellent source of folate and a very good source of vitamin B6, both of
Leaf which are needed to keep levels of homocysteine, a potentially dangerous molecule, low.
They are rich in calcium, iron, zinc and Vitamin A In addition, they also are a very good
source of riboflavin, another important B vitamin for cardiovascular health since it is
necessary for the proper functioning of B6.Gongura leaves are an excellent source of folate,
riboflavin, iron, zinc, anti-oxidants and vitamins A, B6 and C. Gongura is a very rich source
of Iron, vitamins, folic acid and anti-oxidants essential for human nutrition.
19 Oak Leaf It is used to treat diarrhea, dysentary, and rectal bleeding. The tea or infusion can be drunk
to correct diarrhea or dysentary, but can also be used as an enema. At one time, oak enemas
were the primary approach to the treatment of extreme cases of dysentary as it causes a very
rapid correction of the problem. It is effective in the treatment of inflammatory skin
problems, including frostbite and chilblains. Oak bark can be added to bathwater to treat
large areas of damaged skin rather than applying it directly to affected areas.
20 Betel Leaf Betel leaf is an amazing analgesic that offers relief from pain. It can be used to alleviate pain
caused due to cuts, bruises, rashes, inflammation (internal as well as external), indigestion,
constipation, etc. You can simply make a paste of betel leaf and apply to it the bruised area
You can also chew betel leaves and drink its juice to get relief from internal pain.
Betel leaf contains the goodness of antioxidants. Antioxidants clear free radicals from the
body. This restores the normal PH level of an upset stomach

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859

Figure 1 Castrol oil Leaf Figure 6 Eucalyptus Figure 11 Menthi leaf Figure 16 Coriander

Figure 7

Figure 12

Figure 7 Peepal leaf Figure 12 Thondakai leaf

Figure 2. Hibiscus leaf
Figure 17 Grape leaf

Figure 1

Figure 8 Tulasi Figure13 Cotton leaf

Figure 3 Papaya leaf

Figure 18 Kongora

Figure 14 Neem

Figure 9 Kova leaf

Figure 4 Alo vera Figure 19 Oak

Figure 5 Brami Figure 15 Bilva leaf

Figure 20 Betel Le
Figure 10 Karpoora valli

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859
Table 2 Fractal Dimension of the medicinal leaves on the (1.0901-1.0173)
Sl. Name of Name of the Value of N Find the Class with Fractal
No the family Name of the Leaf number of pixels regard to Value
Figures that make the Fractal
outline Dimension
01 Figure5 plantaginaceae Brami Leaf 1197 g1 1.0901
02 Figure13 Malvaceae Cotton Leaf 2988 g1 1.0761
03 Figure4 Aloaceae Alo vera Leaf 614 g1 1.0756
04 Figure2 Malvaceae Hibiscus Leaf 1213 g2 1.0596
05 Figure14 Meliaceae Neem Leaf 522 g2 1.0513
06 Figure9 Myrtaceae Guava Leaf 521 g3 1.0435
07 Figure20 Piperaceae Betel Leaf 954 g3 1.0209
08 Figure7 Moraceae Peepal Leaf 1306 g3 1.0203
09 Figure10 Lamiaceae Karpoora valli 2608 g3 1.0173

Table 2 displays the fractal value of different species like Brami Leaf, Cotton Leaf , Alovera Leaf, Hibiscus Leaf, Neem Leaf,
Guava Leaf, Betel Leaf, Peepal Leaf, Karpoora valli Leaf with different family. In group g1 the values are lie in the range
1.0901 to 1.0761. Similarly in group g2 the values are lie in the range 1.0596 to 1.0513 and in group g3 the values lie in the
1.0535 to 1.0173.

Table 3 Fractal Dimension of the medicinal leaves on the (1.1960-1.1083)

Sl. Name of Name of the Value of N Find the Class with regard Fractal
No the family Name of the number of pixels that to Fractal Value
Figures Leaf make the outline Dimension
01 Figure19 Fagaceae Oak Leaf 417 g4 1.1960
02 Figure12 Cucurbits Thondai Leaf 382 g4 1.1844
03 Figure6 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus Leaf 264 g4 1.1635
04 Figure3 Caricaceae Papaya Leaf 2709 g4 1.1621
05 Figure17 Vitaceae Grape Leaf 560 g5 1.1463
06 Figure1 Euphorbiaceae Castrol oil Leaf 718 g5 1.1372
07 Figure18 Malvaceae Gongora Leaf 396 g5 1.1296
08 Figure11 Fabaceae Menthi Leaf 593 g5 1.1266
09 Figure8 Lamiaceae Tulasi Leaf 282 g5 1.1083

Table 3 displays the fractal value of different species like Oak Leaf , Thondai Leaf , Eucalyptus Leaf , Papaya Leaf, Grape Leaf,
Castroil oil Leaf, Gongora Leaf , Menthi Leaf, Tulasi Leaf with different family. In group g4 the values lie in the range 1.1960 to
1.1621. Similarly in group g5 the values are lie in the 1.1463 to 1.1083.

Table 4 Fractal Dimension of the medicinal leaves on the (1.2120)

Sl. Name of Name of the Value of N Find the Class with regard Fractal
No the family Name of the number of pixels that to Fractal Value
Figures Leaf make the outline Dimension
01 Figure15 Rutaceae Bilva Leaf 852 g6 1.2120

Table 4 displays the fractal value of Bilva Leaf with family. In group g6 the value in the range is 1.2120

Table 5 Fractal Dimension of the medicinal leaves on the (1.7398)

Sl. Name of Name of the Value of N Find the Class with regard Fractal
No the Figures family Name of the number of pixels that to Fractal Value
Leaf make the outline Dimension
01 Figure16 Apiaceae Coriander Leaf 67 g7 1.7398
Table 5 displays the fractal value of Coriander Leaf with family. In group g7 the value in the is 1.7398

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 852 859
Table 6 Fractal Dimension of the medicinal leaves on the (1.0761-1.1296)

Value of N Class with

Name of the Name of the Name of the Find the number of regard to
Sl.No Fractal Value
Figures family Leaf pixels that make the Fractal
outline Dimension
1 Figure13 Malvaceae Cotton Leaf 2988 g1 1.0761
2 Figure2 Malvaceae Hibiscus Leaf 1213 g2 1.0596
3 Figure18 Malvaceae Gongora Leaf 396 g5 1.1296

Table 6 displays the fractal value of different species like REFERENCES

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