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Progress Review of the Three-Year Plan (2010/11-2012/13)

The objective of the TYP was to bring about a visible improvement in the lives of common people by
triggering broad-based, employment-oriented, inclusive and equitable economic growth that would help
alleviate poverty and establish a sustainable peace. It's strategies included creating development
infrastructures, making governance and service delivery effective and mainstreaming trade in a fashion
that, in light of the nations future federal structure, promote regional balance. The TYP aimed for an
overall annual economic growth rate of 5.5 percent, with growth rates of 3.9 and 6.4 percent in the
agricultural and non-agricultural sectors respectively.

Objective, Goals, Strategy and Priorities of the Thirteenth Plan (2013-2017)

Long-Term Vision

To upgrade Nepal from a least developed to a developing country by 2022.


To bring about a direct positive change in the living standards of the general public by reducing the
economic and human poverty prevalent in the nation.

The main goal is to decrease the proportion of the population living below the poverty line to 18 percent.


1. Achieve inclusive, broad-based and sustainable economic growth by enhancing the contributions of the
private, government and cooperative sectors to the development process.

2. Develop physical infrastructure.

3. Enhance access to social services and improve the use and quality of those services.

4. Enhance good governance in the public and other sectors.

5. Empower targeted groups and sectors both socially and economically.

6. Implement development programmes which support climate change adaption.

7. Priorities pursuant to achieving its objective, the plan has identified the following priority areas.

Developing hydropower and other energies

Increasing the productivity, diversification and commercialization of the

agricultural sector

Developing the basic education, health, drinking water, and sanitation sectors
Promoting good governance

Developing roads and other physical infrastructure

Developing the tourism, industrial, and trade sectors, and

Protecting natural resources and the environment

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