QUIZ - Circle The Correct Answer

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Name: _____________ Date: ____________

QUIZ - Circle the correct answer:

1. Which Biblical event is commemorated by the Passover holiday?
o The Creation of the world
o The Exodus from Egypt
o The Parable of the Mustard Seed
o The Parable of the Prodigal Son
2. Which biblical person is the hero of the Passover story?
o Abraham
o Isaac
o Moses
o King David
3. Which of the following animated movie is about the
o Beauty and the Beast
o Sleeping Beauty
o The Prince of Egypt
o The Jungle Book
4. Pharaoh refused Gods command to:
o Let the people go
o Let the people grow
o Let the people die
o Let the people glow

MATCH- Match these plagues with their number place:

Water turns to blood 3rd Plague Lice

2nd Plague 1st Plague Frogs

4th Plague 6th Plague Flies

Disease on Livestock Boils 5th Plague

8th Plague Locusts Darkness

Hail and Fire 10th Plague 7th Plague

9th Plague Death of First-borns

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