Stress Functions Choice

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460 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S JUNE, 1957


2 2.25
<P = 2 Pixi (i)
^^5. Pi
* " ^ * ^ - f t
^ ^ ^ where Pi = I ] any3 (2)
^"^ \ ^ i =o
^ and the an are constants to be determined, as are AT and the Pi.
The appropriate derivatives of this polynomial are

i = 0

.050 .100 .200

d4<p/dx2dy2 = X) Hi ~ 1)& V~ 2 \ (3)
\rT3 ,
- - 10% d*<p/dy* = YJ PilY^
i =0
_ _ _ _ _ 2 2 5 % J < D E T E R M I N I N G R E S I L I E N C Y OF L I N I N G )
where primes are used to indicate differentiation of the p{.
F I G. 2. The relative increase in transition Reynolds Number as With suitable shifts of indices, these partial derivatives can be
a function of the resistivity and resiliency of the lining. substituted into the biharmonic equation and the coefficients of
powers of x equated to zero. One obtains the recursion formula
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diaphragm. Small holes near the top and bottom made certain + 2(i - 2)(i - 3)A-2" +
that the inside of the lining was automatically filled with water
during the filling of the spin test container. The resiliency of i(i - l)(i - 2)0* - S)pi = 0 (4)
the lining could be varied by a change in the stretch of the rubber where pi == 0 for i > N. For i = N + 4, N + 3, N + 2, N + 1,
diaphragm. The elasticity module of the rubber was 133 psi. the recursion formula yields
The lining represented a damper which was to absorb oscillatory
energy of the boundary-layer flow, by a secondary oscillatory flow py = 0; pAl-2lv + 2N(N - DPN" = 0 )
through the resistivity of the lining.
=0; PN-F + 2(N - 1)(N - 2)pN-1ff = o f
Fig. 2 shows the result of the investigation. The result is
the relative increase of the transition Reynolds Number in the From this it can be seen t h a t the P are determined as a function
center of the cylindrical wall as a function of the two main param- of N-i.e., in any given problem, if a starting place were known,
eters of the damping liningthe resistivity and the resiliency. all of the polynomials in y could be determined with just the right
The maximum relative increase in transition Reynolds Number number of arbitrary constants to satisfy the biharmonic equation.
measured equalled 2.4. The result means that the transition Since the fourth derivative of px is zero, pN is at most of third
Reynolds Number of the properly tuned lining was 140 per cent degree. The stress function is then of (N + 3)rd degree in x and
greater than the transition Reynolds Number of the smooth y and of Ath degree in x. The problem then is how large to
rigid wall under equal conditions. make A", and this can be solved by considering the loading on the
Since the preliminary study has shown promise, carefully beam.
controlled tests will be conducted under more normal conditions, A theorem due to Weierstress states that any continuous func-
such as increasing instead of decreasing speed, and zero pressure tion can be represented as closely as one likes by a function of the
gradient in all three directions. n
type J ] qkXk. There will be no loss of generalit}' in assuming
t h a t the load on the beam is given in this form. In fact, since we
deal with an elastic system in which superposition applies, we
may consider the load on the beam to be simply qxn, where q is a
On Choosing Stress Functions in Rectangular
constant. In this case, it is clear t h at the bending moment on the
beam is a polynomial of (n + 2)nd degree. However, the bending
moment must be resisted by internal stresses. In terms of
F. W . Niedenfuhr stresses at a cross section of the beam, the bending moment per
Instructor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, The Ohio State unit width is written as an integral of the form
University, Columbus, Ohio r*yi f*yi N
February 1 5 , 1957 I y<rxxdy = | y YJ Pi"xidy (6)
J yi J y\ i= 0

A S AN EXAMPLE of plane strain, most books on the theory of

elasticity discuss the stresses in rectangular beams with dis-
This is by hypothesis a polynomial in x of degree no greater than
N. Equating the expressions for moment obtained from stresses
tributed loading. The problem is conveniently handled by means and loads, one obtains N = n + 2, where n is the degree of the
of Airy's stress function. None of the standard books on the sub- polynomial which expresses the load.
ject gives a general method of finding a polynomial stress function, When the load is expressed as a polynomial in x, then one
to fit a particular problem, however. The purpose of this note generates a polynomial stress function containing only inde-
is to present a general method which is especially useful when the pendent coefficients by repeated application of the recursion
load distribution is itself a polynomial. formula. Clearly this stress function satisfies the compatibility
In the absence of body forces, the stress function cp must satisfy condition. The remaining undetermined coefficients a{j are ob-
the compatibility condition A2<p = 0[A = (d 2 /dx 2 ) + (d2/dy2)] as tained from the boundary conditions.
well as certain boundary conditions. The boundary conditions The labor of calculating the remaining independent a^ can be
are usually stated in terms of the stresses which are obtained from reduced by a good choice of axes. In particular, if the x axis is
the stress function by the relations <rxx = d2<p/dy2, o-yy = b2<p/bx2t placed at the center of the beam so t h a t the top (loaded) surface is
and <rxy = d2<p/dxdy. It is easy to see t h a t choosing these ex- y = +c and the bottom (unloaded) surface is y = c, certain
pressions for the stresses satisfies the equilibrium equations in simplifications arise. These are perhaps best illustrated by an
two dimensions. example. Consider the cantilever beam loaded as shown in Fig.
The most general polynomial in x and y is 1. The boundary conditions at the top and bottom surfaces are

model to a heated air stream. The heat-transfer coefficients are

then evaluated by balancing the rate at which heat enters a unit
volume of the skin with the rate at which heat is stored and leaves
the skin. It is usual to minimize the skin thickness to keep the
temperature difference across the skin negligible and the lateral
conduction as small as possible. The use of a thin skin intro-
duces structural problems, particularly for blunt noses, where
the pressure ma3^ be sufficient to warp or fail the structure. To
overcome this difficulty, it is common to use a fill material for
added strength with the hope that onl}^ little heat ma3r flow out
the back face of the thin skin. It is the purpose of this note to
establish the magnitude of the error involved by neglecting the
presence of a fill material to show that, even for the best of fill
*-X materials, the errors might be quite significant.
If a thin skin backed by an insulating material is considered,
then the aerodynamic heat input (qaero) must equal the heat stored
in the skin (qstored) plus the heat removed by conduction through
the rear face {qcond). Lateral conduction may be neglected for
F I G . 1. simplicity inasmuch as its effects on the heat-transfer data can
be superposed in the usual manner. The heat balance then be-
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= q0xn at y = +c
= 0 at y = -c (7) Qaero =
Qstored "f" Qcond

= 0 at y = =bc or
In terms of the polynomials p , these become the sets of equations: h{Tadm - T) = (PcFr)skin(dT/dt) +
pn+7.{-\-c) = Qo (8) [ ( V ^ ) i f l , / V ' " , ] / 0 ' [T'W/U - X)V*]rfx (1)
pi( + c) = 0 (i = 2, 3, . . + 1) (9) where
Pi(-c) =0 (i = 2, 3, . + 2) (10) h = aerodynamic heat-transfer coefficient
Pi'( + c) = 0 {i = 1,2,. ^ + 2) (11) Tadw = adiabatic wall temperature
T = skin temperature
Pi'(-c) = 0 (* = 1, 2, . + 2) (12)
t = time
The last two sets of equations [Eqs. (11) and (12)] written in P = density
summation form are cp = specific heat
N k = thermal conductivity
jaiic>'-i = 0 (13) r = thickness
primes denote differentiation, and the subnotation skin and
1 0 ins refer to the skin and insulating fill material, respectively.
Z ic-iy- ^"^ (14)
In order to express Eq. (1) in its present form, it has been assumed
that there is no temperature variation across the skin, the inter-
Adding these together one obtains
face of the skin and the insulating material are at the same tem-
\(Pi-i)/2] perature, the insulating material is of infinite extent normal to
S (2^ + 1 ) ^ , ^ 1 ^ = = 0 (15) the skin, and the initial temperature distribution through the
model is constant. The assumption of no temperature difference
where [(Pi l ) / 2 ] is the greatest integer in (P$ l ) / 2 . across the skin corresponds very well with reality when thin-
Similarly, on substracting Eq. (14) from Eq. (13), skin metal models are used. Furthermore, for the illustrative
f(P ? :-2)/2] case to be presented, it agrees ver}r well with more exact calcula-
Z (2fc + 2K- ^ z c 2 * = 0 (16) tions in which the heat-conduction equation in the skin was used.
k=o If normal conduction through the rear face of the skin is im-
The sets of equations (8), (9), (10), (15), and (16) are very nearly portant, then the heat-transfer coefficient depends upon the com-
in triangular form and* are quite easy to solve. Together with plete past history of the heating process, and Eq. (1) (or a form
boundary conditions taken from the free end of the beam (x = 0) more suitable for numerical computation) must be used for the
they form a complete set to solve for all the a^. The boundary reduction of experimental data. To illustrate the magnitude
conditions intended here are the approximate ones that the thrust, of the heat flow into the insulating fill material, let us assume
shear, and moment have prescribed values at the ends of the first that it is negligible and compute the temperature time his-
beam. tory from the remaining terms as
T = Taia - (Tadw - TJe-" (2)
where T{ is the initial skin temperature and
a = h/(pcpr)skill
Normal Conduction Effects on Heat-Transfer
If the conduction correction is not too large so that we can
Data During Transient Heating of Thin-Skin
neglect the interaction between storage and conduction, we can
estimate its magnitude by substituting Eq. (2) into the appropri-
ate terms in Eq. (1) to obtain
M o r t o n Cooper and Edward E. Mayo
Aeronautical Engineers, Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, NACA, .,1/2
Qcond/Qstored = (2/y/ic) [( \/pCpk)ins/( pCpr)ski7i] ea^d^ (3a)
Langley Field, Va.
February 2 0 , 1957
= (2/\/v)[(V PCpk)ins/(pCpT)skia} y/t x

NE OF THE MOST commonly used methods to determine Kat)n/(2n

2 + !)(!)] (3b)
aerodynamic heat-transfer data is to expose a thin-skin
462 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S JUNE, 1957

Ap = 5.50 X lO-\du/dy)y=olA* (2)

where Ap is measured in lb.ft.~ and bu and by are measured in
ft.sec." 1 and f t , respectively. This equation applies to surface
.4 tubes used in air at standard or near-standard temperature and
h pressure. Substitution of (1/2)pui 2 for Ap, ujyi for (bu/by)y=0.,
.10/ and using a value for p of 0.00233 slug-ft.~ 3 yields

.2 y'i = 9.37 X 1 0 - % r 0 - 4 (3)

' .05
A number of surface tubes have been calibrated at Oxford Uni-
versity, 2 the surface tubes in this case being about 3/16 in. wide
and having the form shown in Fig. 1. It was found that the
2 3 effective center distance yi was represented by
Time, sec. yi/yd = 1.8D(yd*ui/vyi)--* (4)
F I G . 1. between the limits of 0.75 and 2.25 for logio(yd2Ui/pyi). Noting
t h a t Ui/yi Ud/y,i, the dimensionless group (yd2Ui/vyi) becomes
(y<iUd/v), which is assumed to be the Reynolds Number for the
From Eq. (3) we note t h a t the conduction term increases con- surface tubes considered.
tinuously relative to the heat stored in the skin. Furthermore, The height of the surface tube used by Giedt was approximately
we observe, as is physically evident, t h a t increasing the skin 0.0035 in. with an opening of 0.0030 in. The value of ya for this
thickness reduces the normal conduction to the insulator. Also, tube using the notation of Fig. 1 is 3.25 X 10~ 3 in. or 2.71 X
the conduction effect increases with heat-transfer coefficient 10 ~4 ft. With this value of yd and using the value of the kine-
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h and time t. Eq. (3) is plotted in Fig. 1 for a 0.030-in. skin steel matic viscosity v for air at standard temperature and pressure,
model backed by balsa wood, a substance having a low value Eq. (4) becomes
of pCpk and hence a good insulator. Heat-transfer coefficients
of 0.05 and 0.10-'Values which might occur in supersonic flight- yi = 4.97 X 1 0 - % r 0 - 2 5 (5)
are assumed. The values of yx given in Eqs. (3) and (5) are shown plotted in Fig.
As can be seen from Fig. 1, the magnitude of the conduction 2. The intensity of surface shear found from Eq. (3) is given by
term is quite significant. Hence, in the design of thin-skin
rw = 4.05 X 1 0 - V - 4
models for aerodynamic heating studies, the simplicity of data
reduction makes elimination of the insulating fill material far Using Eq. (4) in place of Eq. (3), the intensity of surface shear is
more preferable than attempting to account for its presence. I t given by
is of interest to note the similarity of the present problem with rw = 7.64 X 10-^i 1 - 2 5
that encountered in shock-tube heat-transfer-data reduction. 1
In the shock tube one reverses the design criterion and minimizes I t is interesting to plot the ratio yi/yd obtained from Giedt's
the storage term relative to the conduction term in order to equation against the surface-tube Reynolds Number for air at
maximize the surface-temperature rise with time. Only recently 1 standard temperature and pressure. This plot is compared with
has the importance of the neglected term been established for the other results 2 in Fig. 3. I t will be noted tha t Giedt's values of
shock tube. yi/ya are slightly greater than values represented by Eq. (4) and
considerably greater than values obtained from the curve sug-
gested by Taylor. 3
Thorn 4 produced a two-dimensional numerical solution for a
Vidal, Robert J., A Resistance Thermometer for Transient Surface Tem- surface tube in an ideal fluid. His solution indicates t hat adjacent
perature Measurements, Paper presented at American Rocket Society Meet-
ing, Buffalo, September 24-26, 1956.

i .Velocity u a K i J
yd yr~vei5city u, y fcV 0-004- y
f T Surface o f / \ T *
mounting plate Solder
Calibration of Surface T u b e s for M e a s u r e m e n t Surface tube
Surface tube tapping
of Surface Shear i n Fluids* effective centre

F I G . 1. Surface-tube nomenclature.
J. N. Hool
The New South Wales University of Technology, School of
Mechanical Engineering, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 4-0
February 1 8 , 1957

T HE DETERMINATION of the intensity of surface shear in a

flowing fluid using the surface-tube technique depends upon a 30|
knowledge of the position of the effective center of the surface
tube. If the distance of the effective center of the surface tube y*io*(ft.)
from the surface to which it is attached is yi and the velocity at
this point found from the surface-tube pitot-static pressure is U\,
the intensity of surface shear rw is given by
rw = v(ui/yi) (1)
it being assumed t h at Ui/yi approximates closely (bu/by) y ^ 0 for
very small values of yi.
Giedt, 1 using the Blasius-Hiemenz solution of the laminar \
layer, found for the surface tube used in his experiments t h a t the
surface-tube pitot-static pressure Ap is given by 20 40 60
u, (ft. sec.')
* Experimental values were obtained at the Engineering Laboratory,
Oxford University. F I G . 2. Surf ace-tube effective center distances.

The present problem is intended as a simple illustration of

. ^ BY 6. .TAYLOR strong dynamic pressure and Mach Number effects which may
occur in supersonic flows. Other induced roll phenomena may be
similarly explained, such as a reversal in the sign of the rolling
^ W . H . S I OT
moment of a banked missile at the higher Mach Numbers. The
wing-interference field can also contribute to the variation of a
missile's hinge moments with bank angle.


FIG. 3. Surface-tube results plotted nondimensionally. A simple strip theory may be used to calculate the rolling
moment for the cruciform missile of Fig. 1. The rolling moment
L is then given by the integral
to the leading edge of a surface tube the streamlines are at an
angle of slightly less than 45 to the direction of motion.
The surface tubes used by various workers differ in outside
->f- (aq) cz i (i)

shape and in the form of the leading edge. Surface tubes of in which the section lift-curve slope is denoted by a and dynamic
reasonable width and with the upper inclined surfaces adjacent to pressure by q. The induced rolling moment arises from small
the leading edges at angles of less than 45 to the direction of differences in the lift coefficient and the dynamic pressure from
motion will have flow patterns adjacent to the surface-tube open- free-stream values, so t h a t
ings governed largely by the value of yd. Surface tubes of this
L/d = a0fS_ (Aq) cz dz + qo / : (Aa) cz dz (2)
Downloaded by VIRGINIA TECH on November 6, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.3876

form should have comparable calibration curves when plotted as

in Fig. 3. Surface tubes with the upper inclined surfaces adjacent The local lift-curve slope is given by the Ackeret value, 4 -f-
to the leading edges at angles of greater than 45 will have the 1, which may be expanded in powers of the Mach
leading edges submerged in a standing eddy. In this case the
Number increment to give
flow pattern adjacent to the surface-tube opening will be governed
very largely by the outside dimension Y of the surface tube. Aa/ao = - [ A f o V W - 1)1 (AM/Mo) (3)
Within the framework of a small-disturbance theory, local
Mach Number and dynamic pressure are linearly related to the
Giedt, W. H., Effect of Turbulence Level of Incident Air Stream on Local perturbation velocity in the free-stream direction, <f>x. Use of the
Heat Transfer and Skin Friction on a Cylinder, Journal of the Aeronautical linearized Bernoulli equation and the isentropic flow relations
Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 725-730, November, 1951.
Hool, J. N., Measurement of Skin Friction Using Surface Tubes, Aircraft lead to
Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 324, pp. 52-54, 1956. AM/M0 = {1 + [ ( 7 - l ) / 2 ] Mo2} (d>x/V)
3 (4)
Taylor, G. I., Measurements with a Half FHot Tube, Proceedings of the
Royal Society, Series A, Vol. 166, pp. 476-481, 1938.
Thorn, A., The Flow at the Mouth of a Stanton Pitot, Aeronautical Re-
search Council (Great Britain), Report No. 15228, 1952.

Induced Rolling M o m e n t s a t Supersonic


George S, Campbell*
Research Engineer, Weapon Systems Development Laboratories,
Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, Calif.
February 2 1 , 1957
F I G . 1. Geometry of the induced-roll problem.

R ECENT supersonic wind-tunnel tests of a missile have shown

peculiar rolling-moment effects which were not expected on V
the basis of the usual slender-body theories. One of the problems \
encountered on a cruciform missile configuration may be described
with the help of Fig. 1. I t is desired to maneuver the missile in
\ V

the vertical plane, but a disturbance of some kind results in \ \

deflection of the vertical control by an amount 5. Although \ q EF FE CT
linearized theory would not predict a rolling moment for this
condition, the wind-tunnel results exhibited a strong induced o
\ >
rolling moment. \
It is the purpose of this note to provide a quantitative explana-
tion of this rolling moment and to compare the calculated results ^ V.
with available measurements. The explanation given relates M EF FECT
the induced roll to a variation in dynamic pressure and local Mach
Number above the main lifting surface, shown shaded in Fig. 1.
Small disturbances and isentropic flow have been assumed for the
calculation of this wing-interference effect. Any additional effects
due to shock-wave losses from body or wing shock waves should T(3TAL- E0.(8 )
be considered as soon as suitable methods become available. 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2


f Funds for this study were provided by Wright Air Development Center.
* The writer wishes to acknowledge the contributions of W. M. Bleakney FIG. 2. Mach Number dependence of the induced rolling
and R. H. Edwards in pointing out the basic causes of the induced rolling moment due to dynamic pressure and local Mach Number
moments considered in the present note. effects. f(M0) is proportional to C\\ see Eq. (7).

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