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Change the following sentences from singular to plural.

1. This exercise is easy. These exercise are easy.
2. This room is too small for our furniture. These rooms are too small for our furniture.
3. That pen on the floor is Sarahs. Those pens on the floor are Sarahs.
4. This stack of CDs belongs to William. These stacks of CDs belongs to William.
5. That boy on the other side of the street is Georges brother.
Those boys on the other side of the street are Georges brothers.
6. That book is out of date. Those books are out of date.
7. That purse on the table is Elizabeths. Those purses on the table are Elizabeths.
8. This is my chair. These are my chairs.
9. That is Henrys pen. That is Henrys pen
10. This message is for you. These messages are for you
11. That letter on the table is for Ms. Thaler. Those letters on the table are for Ms. Thaler
12. This is my pen, not Sandys. These are my pens, not Sandys
13. That mountain in the distance forms part of the Rocky Mountains.
Those mountains in the distance forms part of the Rocky Mountains
14. This car belongs to my father. These cars belongs to my father
15. That office at the end of the hall is the administrators office.
Those offices at the end of the hall are the administrators office
16. This chair is very comfortable. These chairs are very comfortable


Choose the correct object pronoun form.
1. I often see (they, them) after work. I often see them after work.
2. She lives near (we, us). She lives near us.
3. We always go to lunch together with (she, her). We always go to lunch together with her.
4. He teaches (we, us) English. He teaches us English.
5. She sits near (I, me) during class. She sits near me during class.
6. I know both of (they, them) well. I know both of them well.
7. I always speak to (he, him) in English. I always speak to him in English.
8. What is the matter with (he, him) today? 8. What is the matter with him today?
9. He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning. He explains the lesson to us each morning.
10. There are some letters here for you and (I, me). There are some letters here for you and me.
11. We want to divide the money between (we, us). We want to divide the money between us.
12. I know her sister and (she, her). I know her sister and her.
13. The Venezuelan lady know (they, them) both well. The Venezuelan lady know them both well.
14. Mr. Johnson often helps Susan and (I, me). Mr. Johnson often helps Susan and me.
15. He sends (she, her) a lot of presents. He sends her a lot of presents.
16. She seldom speaks to (we, us) in Spanish. She seldom speaks to us in Spanish.
17. He looks at (she, her) during the class. He looks at her during the class.
18. She always helps (I, me) with my clients. She always helps me with my clients-
19. He always sits between Amy and (I, me). 19. He always sits between Amy and me.
20. He wants to talk with (they, them). He wants to talk with them.

Substitute the correct object pronoun for the word or words in italics.
1. I see Mr. Park during coffee break every morning. I see him during coffee break every morning.
2. I seat near Grace and Frances during the lesson. I seat near them during the lesson.
3. All the boys like Mary very much. All the boys like she very much.
4. I often see you and your sister in the supermarket. I often see you and her in the supermarket.
5. He always goes to the movies with his parents. He always goes to the movies with them.
6. I know both boys very well. I know them very well.
7. Frank always waits for Al and me after work. Frank always waits for us after work.
8. He drives Sue and Cal to work every morning. He drives they to work every morning
9. I sit next to Carlos. I sit next to him.
10. I also sit directly in front of Marsha. I also sit directly in front of him.
11. He writes a lot of letters to his relatives. He writes a lot of letters to them.
12. This book belongs to William. This book belongs to him.
13. I know the dentist very well. I know him very well
14. I understand Miss McGrady. I understand her.
15. The doctor relies on her assistant. The doctor relies on her.
16. He always speaks to his students in English. He always speaks to them in English.
17. Everyone in our house play cards except my brother. Everyone in our house play cards except him.
18. He sends his parents money every week. He sends them money every week
19. I talked to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson yesterday. I talked to them yesterday.
20. She saw the women after school. She saw her after school.

Give the negative imperative form of the following sentences.

1. (Sit) there. Sit there. Dont sit there.
2. (Give) this to Sally. Give this to Sally. Dont give this to Sally.
3. (Open) the door. Open the door. Dont open the door.
4. (Close) the door. Close the door. Dont close the door.
5. (Wait) in the outer office. Wait in the outer office. Dont wait in the outer office.
6. (Call) him in the morning. Call him in the morning. Dont call him in the morning.
7. (Let) him talk with her. Let him talk with her. Dont let him talk with her.
8. (Let) them talk. Let them talk. Dont them talk.
9. (Turn) off the light. Turn off the light. Dont turn off the light.
10. (Put) your feet on the chair. Put your feet on the chair. Dont put your feet on the chair.
11. (Drop) this in the mailbox. Drop this in the mailbox. Dont drop this in the mailbox.
12. (Leave) your books there. Leave your books there. Dont leave your books there.
13. (Let) Alexandra know about this. Let Alexandra know about this. Dont let Alexandra know about this.
14. (Help) Jason with his homework. Help Jason with his homework. Dont help Jason with his homework.
15. (Send) money. Send money. Dont send money.

Page 18 - Make the sentences in Exercise A more polite by adding please at the beginning or end.
1. (Sit) there. Please sit there. Sit there, please.
2. (Give) this to Sally. Please Give this to Sally. Dont give this to Sally, please.
3. (Open) the door. Please open the door. Dont open the door, please.
4. (Close) the door. Please close the door. Dont close the door, please.
5. (Wait) in the outer office. Please wait in the outer office. Dont wait in the outer office, please.
6. (Call) him in the morning. Please call him in the morning. Dont call him in the morning, please.
7. (Let) him talk with her. Please let him talk with her. Dont let him talk with her, please.
8. (Let) them talk. Please let them talk. Dont them talk, please.
9. (Turn) off the light. Please turn off the light. Dont turn off the light, please.
10. (Put) your feet on the chair. Please put your feet on the chair. Dont put your feet on the chair, please.
11. (Drop) this in the mailbox. Please drop this in the mailbox. Dont drop this in the mailbox, please.
12. (Leave) your books there. Please leave your books there. Dont leave your books there, please.
13. (Let) Alexandra know about this. Please let Alexandra know about this. Dont let Alexandra know about
this, please.
14. (Help) Jason with his homework. Please help Jason with his homework. Dont help Jason with his
homework, please.
15. (Send) money. Please send money. Dont send money, please.

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