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Formation of gametes is k.

a Gametogenesis
Transfer of sperms into the female genital tract is Insemination
Fusion of male and female gamete is k.a Fertilisation
Formation and development of blastocyst and its Implantation
attachment to the uterine wall is k.a
Embryonic Development is k.a Gestation
Delivery of the baby is k.a Parturition

Location of male reproductive system Pelvis region

Male reproductive system includes A pair of testes alongwith accessory ducts and the
external genitalia
Testes are situated within a pouch called Scrotum
Function of scrotum Helps in maintaining low temp. of the testes (2-
2.5C lower than the normal body temp) for
Shape of testes Oval
Length of testes 4-5 cm
Width of testes 2-3 cm
Each testis has ____ compartments 250
The compartments of testes are k.a Testicular lobules
Each lobule contains 1-3 highly coiled ___ Seminiferous tubule
Sperms are produced in Seminiferous tubule
2 types of cells in each Seminiferous tubule 1. Male germ cells
2. Sertoli cells
___ cells are k.a spermatogonia Male germ cells
Sperms are formed by _____ cell division Meiosis
Function of male germ cells Undergo meiotic divisions- form sperms
Function of Sertoli cells Provide nutrition to male germ cells
Regions outside the Seminiferous tubules are k.a Interstitial spaces
The interstitial spaces contain 1. Blood vessels
2. Interstitial cells (Leydig cells)
Testicular hormones are secreted by Leydig cells
Testicular hormones are also k.a Androgens

Male sex accessory ducts include 1. Rete testis

2. Vasa efferentia
3. Epididymis
4. Vas deferens

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