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Instructional Delivery of Computer Components

Week 5 Assignment

Eric Fonseca

Design Concepts & Application EDU 335

Dr. Angela Brasser

August 8th, 2016


Instructional Delivery of Computer Components

Following instructional design practices will ensure that the learner achieves the goal of

the course and transfers their knowledge outside of the learning environment. The design

document outlines how the instructional designer will meet the goals of the instruction by

analyzing the different aspects of the program. Identifying these components will create a

learning environment that is suited to the success of the learner and all those involved in the

design process. In this paper, the necessary measures will be presented that must be considered

when designing an online instruction as it relates to identifying, installing, and troubleshooting

computer components. The instructional design model guides the information that will be

presented to the learner and reduces the need for additional training which may be costly to the

project sponsor as well as the learner.

Executive Summary

This course will be designed for those that wish to learn how to update their devices, cut

costs, and upgrade their personal computer. These skills will allow individuals to ensure their

technology is current and works with the latest applications. The instruction will focus on

identifying computer components and their specifications to select the most appropriate for ones

system. Instruction will provide guidance for installing computer components correctly. Lastly,

instruction will identify problem-solving techniques to ensure computer components are working

properly. The training sessions will include video, computer-based training, and live webinars

for learners to interact. It will be imperative that activities for this training are interactive and

allow users to simulate a live environment so the learning can be transferred to their life outside

of instructional environment. Though there are many additional details to be determined before

the instruction is implemented the information provided here will outline what platforms and

outcomes should be utilized and the best way to meet those results.

Need and Audience Analysis

Technology is a standard in the life of almost everybody today. The use of

smartphones, tablets, and personal computers are used during work and in a persons home.

Technology is continually advancing and this causes peoples devices to become obsolete after a

short period. These items can become expensive to replace, and many have warranties that will

be broken if you try to upgrade them. Personal computers are an exception and if a person builds

their personal computer they can be upgraded and repaired for much less than sending them back

to the manufacturer. An instruction based on identifying, installing, and troubleshooting

computer components will address this need.

While upgrading a computer system is not a difficult task there is a common

misconception that a person needs special expertise to perform the building or upgrade of a

personal computing system. The designed instruction will show how simple this process is for

those who may feel they do not have the skills to perform these tasks. The instruction will be

designed for those individuals who may be thinking about creating or upgrading their system and

want to learn more about the process of doing so. The intended audience will have a basic

understanding of computers and how they operate, but their prior knowledge is limited on the

actual components found inside the computer tower itself. The audience will be a diverse group

of learners from different cultural backgrounds. The audience may also range widely in their age

range and as such should be designed for all age ranges. Though this course is not challenging

regarding the physical activity and process, but someone who has very little or no background

working with electronics may want to defer to someone who is more proficient in these areas.

The instruction does require the use of your hands and many pieces are very delicate so it is

important to consider this before one attempts to employ these procedures.

Learning Goals and Outcomes

Stating the goals and learning outcomes of instruction is necessary to ensure that a

clear purpose for the design is known. In fact, Cennamo and Kalk (2005) state All instruction is

designed and developed with some purpose in mind it wouldnt be instruction if it didnt have a

purpose (p. 41). The goal identified for the instruction of computer components is to educate

individuals of all ages who wish to save time and money on computer repairs how to determine

the appropriate computer parts for their system, install computer components, and problem-solve

issues with the components. This goal defines the target audience as well as what they should

achieve at the end of the course.

Another element in developing instruction is identifying the learning outcomes for the

intended participants. Learning outcomes allow a designer to describe the conditions that the

instruction will meet to achieve the instructional goal. In the example of computer building and

installation there are several key outcomes that the learner should be able to do upon the

completion of the course. First, the participant should identify computer components and their

specifications to determine which is the most appropriate for their needs. Second, the participant

upon completion will be able to demonstrate the proper installation of computer components.

Lastly, the learner will be able to problem-solve issues with computer components and update

their drivers. These outcomes will allow the designer to focus on what the instruction should

achieve and allow for a clear definition for assessments to be determined. The outcomes will

also allow for assessments to be written that will measure how well the individuals has met the

outcomes at the end of instruction.

Delivery Environment and Standards

Determining the environment in which the instruction is to be delivered allows the

designer to consider the best way to plan the instruction for the intended outcomes. There are

many types of delivery environments, and each has advantages and disadvantages. The

instruction of a computer component installation training may use a blended environment. A

blended environment is one that utilizes multiple delivery modes (Cennamo & Kalk, 2005).

Some of the methods that may be used are classroom instruction, Computer-based training, Web-

based training, and videos just to name a few. Each of these different environments must be

considered to determine which is the most appropriate for the design. Determining what delivery

environment is the most appropriate depends on many factors. Aggarwal (2000) states

Appropriate software and services selected for Web-based teaching and learning in a given

context will reflect decisions about educational strategy, goal, task, activities, time, place and

richness of interaction (p. 46). This quote describes many of the items that a designer must

consider when deciding which environments to select.

Due to the student population of a computer component training being across a large

geographic area, online instruction is preferable. Classroom instruction would allow for better

oversight of the learners, but the cost in identifying instructors in locations across the country

would be extreme and in this case it would take a long period of time to locate qualified

personnel in several locations. An online instruction also allows for participants to work

independently as well as in an online group environment. Cennamo and Kalk (2005) describe

The timing and delivery of instructional episodes can be synchronous, with learners working

through the material in concert, or asynchronous, with learners working independently (p. 100).

A mixture off both Synchronous and Asynchronous works well in an online environment as it

allows for interaction with instructors but also allows for participants to work at their own pace.

The delivery platform will be the determining factor whether instruction will be synchronous or

asynchronous for this course.

Instructional design encompasses ensuring that the material being created is held to

certain standards. Instructional information should be portrayed in a way that as many

participants can take part as possible. Computer component training that is going to widespread

geographical area should be made accessible for those with certain disabilities. Section 508

standards identify instruction standards that should be met to assist those who may have

disabilities to access and attend the sessions (United States Access Board, 2000). Design

material will be held to these standards, and an accessibility specialist should be consulted.

Instruction terminology should be standard for materials to avoid confusion for the users.

Therefore, a standard terminology will be utilized for the design of material. The terminology

should use terms that are widely used in the Information technology field. Research will be

conducted to find the most appropriate vocabulary for use in materials. Terminology that the

participants may not be familiar with should be used sparingly. Only one or two vocabulary

words should be used per sentence to reduce the need for explanation of several new items at one

time. A glossary of vocabulary works and their definitions will be provided to the users and

housed on a central site that is easy for the participants to access.


Learning Assessment

After instruction is complete an assessment would be conducted to verify the goals of

the instruction were met. Banta and Palomba (2014) suggest The overriding purpose of

outcomes assessment is to understand how educational programs are working and to determine

whether they are contributing to student growth and development (p. 9). This statement shows

that assessment items should be created that determine if the outcomes have been achieved and

that knowledge was transferred to the learners. Individuals in the course regarding computer

component installation would perform a recall activity such as a multiple choice assessment to

ensure components and their specifications were obtained. Learners would also demonstrate

their ability to install a computer component, either in a live environment or by video recording,

which would be assessed by a checklist of the steps to confirm it was installed correctly. Finally,

learners would participate in a simulation created by the instructional designer that walks

through the process of problem-solving issues and updating of computer component drivers

which would be observed by a certified technician in a live-web environment. A rubric of steps

that must be performed during the installation and the troubleshooting should be created as an

assessment also. The rubric is an important piece of the assessment as it allows the instructor to

identify if the learner has met the set goals.

Content Organization and Sources

Clarifying how content will be organized during instruction is important because it

creates a flow of the material and reduces confusion of the learner. In identifying how the

content should be arranged for the instruction of installing and managing computer components,

there are several things that should be noted. Ordering the content by the practical application or

how one would perform identifying, installing, and troubleshooting components in the real world

would keep the learner from confusion outside of the instructional environment. One would first

identify the component that works well with their system and has the necessary specifications.

After selecting the component, it would then need to be installed into the computer system. After

installation if any problem arise it is imperative that a person knows how to solve any issues.

Identifying Subject Matter Experts and source material allow for materials to be fact

checked for consistency. The project regarding computer components will need to have at least

one Subject Matter Expert (SME), but there is a need for an A+ certified technician in computer

repair and support. The source material should lead to the learning outcomes, so it is essential to

spend time identifying material that is relevant to instruction. An A+ Certification Video would

be appropriate to identify basic computer terminology and component specifications. Articles

which discuss how best to install computer components, would be beneficial source material for

computer component installation. Articles on reputable websites or a SME that provides

techniques on troubleshooting components would be appropriate for the source material for

troubleshooting component issues.

Instructional Strategies

Instructional activities are the vehicle that learners will use to gather the information

being provided to them. Strategies must be interactive and engaging to keep the attention of the

learner and increase motivation. A video presentation will be an important way for staff to

identify the different computer components and specifications. This presentation will allow

students to identify the computer components that are best suited for their computer system. The

video will be an asynchronous approach as the user can view the video on their own time. Also,

an instructional game such as Jeopardy will enable them to test their knowledge of the computer

components. Demonstrating installation of the computer components will be enhanced by

observing a synchronous live demonstration by the instructor. A scenario will also be provided

to the learners to practice hands-on installation. This practice scenario will only be applicable if

the participants have access to materials to build a system so that may be a prerequisite that

should be noted. Lastly, troubleshooting computer components will include an asynchronous

interactive computer-based module that will allow individuals to learn how best to identify issues

with their hardware. Defining a training environment such as a cloud-based system that

participants could use to troubleshoot issues allows individuals to have a safe environment for

practicing techniques. These scenarios will all lead to the learning outcomes and the ultimate

goal of the instruction.

Delivery Platform Interface

The delivery of the instruction will be done online. There are disadvantages to this

environment due to the lack of face to face interaction between the participant and the instructor.

Online training does have a lot of positive aspects to it. In fact, Lynch (2004) states The

electronic medium lends itself very well to discussion, brainstorming, sharing understandings,

clarifying misconceptions, and developing knowledge in a collaborative way. The online

environment is also a wonderful medium in which to promote critical thinking (p.41). A video

will be provided for the identification of computer components and how to install them which

will be available on an internet site for ease of access. The videos will also be available on DVD

for those who may have trouble accessing the internet. The delivery will be by live-web

(webinar) sessions regarding computer component installation, that will allow for the participants

to interact with the instructor for questions and to view training materials. Finally, a four-hour

computer-based module will be accessible on a website as well as a SharePoint which the users

can log in and interact. This module will be created utilizing a creation tool such as Articulate

Storyline, suitable for taking computer screens and adding links that the user will click on to take

them to the next step of the process.

As most of the course will be in the form of a video or webinar, the interface will not be

important for those aspects of the instruction. The computer-based training (CBT) is what will

be focused on for interface and navigation. The module will have a main menu with links to

each training objective that allows the individual to switch between those main headings. Those

primary objectives will have subcategories for each of the computer components being

addressed. There will be a play and a pause menu allowing individuals to work at their pace.

Also, volume controls that will adjust for those who may have trouble hearing. When in one of

the categories there will be links attached to the button the user must hit which will take you to

the next step in the program. There will be an assessment area at the end of the course and a

printable certificate for the attendee.

Instructional Media

Media is expanding rapidly in instructional design and has become a standard to enhance

the transfer of learning. In fact, Rabinowitz, Blumberg, and Everson (2004) state There are

many reasons for this expansion of educational media. One of the most important, certainly, lies

in the rapid technological advances that have led to the growing availability of VCRs, cable TV,

home computers, and the Internet (p. 3). Photographs of information technology components to

identify the differences between the parts allows learners to visualize the components. 2-D or 3-

D images would allow the users to determine the most important aspects of the components.

These images would work in conjunction with the instructional video that will also include

narration. During the live-web element diagrams of the process of installing the computer

components such as which item should be fitted first and where they should be installed would

be implemented. The final component of troubleshooting would include a computer-based

module with narration and moving images identifying best practices for troubleshooting.

Usability and Evaluation

A key element is to make sure that the technology is working properly before the

presentation to the audience. Testing of the technology will be completed by a subject matter

expert, a pilot team, and the instructional designer. The SME will be provided with a beta

version of the technology to determine if there are any issues with the material being presented.

A pilot team of users will utilize the materials and check if any of the functionality is not

working properly. Finally, the instructional designer will take feedback and perform testing

themselves to fix any problems. These people will continue testing the interface until no

additional issues are found. If there are many technical problems with the material, the

participants may become frustrated and lose motivation for learning.

The evaluation of the training material will be completed with the use of a spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet will be broken into parts of the main components for the instructional video,

online-web materials, and Computer-based training module. The spreadsheet will then further

split the material into parts of those main components. There will be an area where evaluators

can write their suggestions and notes which will be sent to the designer for further review.

Meetings will be conducted on a weekly basis until all issues have been addressed and a sign off

is retrieved from all the project sponsors.



Surely, following instructional design practices will lead to the learner achieving the goal

of the course and transferring their knowledge outside of the learning environment. The design

document outlines the how the instructional designer will meet the goals of the instruction by

analyzing the different aspects of the program. Identifying these components will create a

learning environment that is suited to success of the learner and all those involved in the design

process. This paper outlined the necessary measures that must be considered when designing an

online instruction as it relates to identifying, installing, and troubleshooting computer

components. Indeed, the instructional design model leads to a learner centered course and

reduces the need for additional training which may be costly to the project sponsor as well as the



Aggarwal, A. (2000). Web-based learning and teaching technologies: Opportunities and

challenges. Hershey, Pa: IGI Global.

Banta, T. W., & Palomba, C. A. (2014). Assessment essentials: Planning, implementing, and

improving assessment in higher education (2). Somerset, US: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved


Cennamo, K., & Kalk, D. (2005). Real world instructional design. Belmont, CA:

Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

Lynch, M. M. (2004). Learning Online: A Guide to Success in the Virtual Classroom. New York:


Rabinowitz, M., Blumberg, F., & Everson, H. T. (2004). The Design of Instruction and

Evaluation: Affordances of Using Media and Technology. Mahwah, N.J.: Routledge.

United States Access Board (2000). Section 508 Standards. Retrieved August 04, 2016, from


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