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Limited vocabulary
READWRI Week 1 & 2 - Reading Flexibility
5. Limited awareness and use of strategies
The Building Blocks
0 A main goal of readers

0 Reading flexibility is the goal of many reading classes. 1. Goal-oriented reading

0 We used to think that reading fast is the goal of successful readers. 2. Constant Practice

0 However, the developments in reading research show that reading fast is not the 3. Effective Strategy Use
only indicator of successful reading.
4. Self-directed reader
Reading flexibility is the ability to choose appropriate reading skill and reading rate to meet
ones reading purpose and to match text type, familiarity with the topic, and the difficulty of READING SKILLS AND PURPOSES
the words in the reading text.
1. Rapid Reading - to get the main idea (skim) or to locate specific information (scan)
Characteristics of flexible readers in a text

1. They have clear reading goals. They know when they need to read a text to get the 2. Previewing - Surveying to get a birds eye view of a text
main idea or to get specific details.
3. Literal reading - Noting and relating details; Looking for context clues; Identifying
2. They adjust their reading pace depending on their goals and the difficulty of the text patterns and development
4. Inferential reading - Drawing conclusions and predicting outcome based on
3. They are not bothered by difficult words, because they believe that they can
information in the text
understand the passage even if there are some unfamiliar words.

4. They match their reading strategies and reading goals. 5. Critical reading - Distinguishing facts from opinions and evaluating tone,
implications, and propaganda tools
5. They know that they do not have to read all reading passages intensively.
Text as Connected Discourse
6. They know when to skim, scan, or preview certain texts.
As a reader and a writer, getting involved with texts is inevitable. Readers read texts
7. They read a lot because they want to learn new things.
and writers write texts.
Do you have those characteristics? If not, dont worry, READING FLEXIBILITY just
This is why understanding the nature of text is an essential part of learning how to
requires practice. One way to start developing it is to address your own READING
read and write effectively.
BLOCKS which refer to the processes and perceptions that hinder you from
understanding the materials you are reading.
Text - It is a large unit of written language. It is actually connected discourse.
Reading Blocks
Discourse - Discourse can mean as an utterance, talk, speech, discussion, conversation, etc.
1. Lack of clear purpose in reading It is an expression of ideas. Thus, text is a group of ideas put together to make a point or one
central idea.
2. Lack of confidence in your reading ability
As opposed to what a discourse is, a text has a structure which requires the ideas in the
3. Lack of concentration discourse to be relevant to each other.
The author connected each idea to the others so that the reader will be able to understand
C. Topic Outline - uses words or phrases which are related to the topic of the essay
the main point in the text.

How do we organize a text to make it as a connected discourse after reading? D. Sentence Outline - uses complete declarative sentences

Techniques in selecting and organizing information Types of Outlining Format

A. Brainstorming list - Brainstorming is a process in which a group or a person

generates new ideas. Any idea is accepted when brainstorming. A person involved in this
process thinks more freely.

B. Graphic organizer - Graphic organizers are learning tools that you can use to map
text structures and to get the major point in the text

Some examples (pp.20-22): Mind mapping, Comparison and Contrast

Matrix, Fishbone map, & Flowchart

A graphic organizer (aka a map or word web) is usually a one-page form

with blank areas for someone to fill in with related ideas and information.

Some organizers are very specific; others can be used with many topics.

For the most part, the information on a graphic organizer could just as A. Number-Letter Format B. Decimal Format
easily be filled in on a form or written as a list.
Guidelines in making an outline
The organizer gives a writer another way to see the information.

Some of the organizers allow for the information to be written or drawn. 1. Make sure the ideas logically relate.

2. Make sure there is adequate supporting material.

Importance of Graphic Organizers
3. Make sure the symbols are correct.
1. They help you understand how things go together.
4. Make sure the elements are grammatically and logically parallel.
2. They help you remember information better.
5. Make sure the sentences use direct expression.
3. They make it easier to write your final draft.
4. They help organize any type of writing.
Fallon, C. (2015). 7 reading hacks to improve your literary skills. Retrieved from
Outlining -reading-hacks-to-
It provides you a birds eye-view of a written work .
Plata, S., et al. (2006). Keys to critical reading and writing 1. Laguna: Trailblazer
It organizes the ideas of your text to show the importance and connection of the Publications

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