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Math 8 -ENL

Mr. Dluginski
2017 2018
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! My name is
Mr. Dluginski and I am your eighth grade Math-ENL teacher. I am
looking forward to a very successful and exciting year here at
Robert Frost Middle School.

Course Overview:

Eighth grade mathematics is about (1) formulating and reasoning about

expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate
data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of
linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions
to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-
dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and
congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.

I try to provide pencils and
Three-ring binder (One-inch) pens throughout the school
Loose leaf paper year but I am not always
Pens and pencils able to keep up with the
demand. This will help to
Calculator is provided to STAY in class
make sure you will ALWAYS
have a writing utensil
during class.

Missing Class:

You are responsible for obtaining any missed work

o If you miss class, but are in school please see me that day
If you are absent the day of an exam, you are expected to make arrangements
with myself to make up the exam/quiz. If missing tests/quizzes are not made up a
zero will be given.

Tests, Projects, & Quizzes (70%)

Tests/Projects (40%)
There will be a test at the end of each unit
o All failing test grades will need to be signed by a parent/guardian
Quizzes (30%)
There will also be at least one quiz during each unit
o Some quizzes will be take home

Homework (15%)
All homework will be checked and will earn 0, 1, or 2 points
o 2 pts: entire assignment is complete with necessary work shown
o 1 pt: half the assignment is complete with necessary work shown
o 0 pts: homework is not complete or less than half the assignment is
completed with only answers shown

Participation (15%)
You are expected to be an active participant during class. This includes asking
questions, answering questions, volunteering to come up to the board, as well
as working with others during group or partner work. You will also need to
complete the Do Now assignment that will be on the board when you enter
the classroom.

Extra Help:

Any time you are absent or confused about a topic you should come to extra
help ASAP
You can find Mr. Dluginski in room A24B

Students are expected to:

a. Be considerate, courteous and respectful. Inappropriate behavior includes

rudeness, back talk, profanity, name-calling, putdowns, etc.
b. Listen to and follow directions of: teacher, administrators, and other adults in
c. Follow classroom and school rules.
d. Be on time and prepared for class. Bring books, paper, pencils and other
necessary classroom materials.
e. Keep hands, feet and objects to themselves. Inappropriate behavior includes:
shoving, kicking, tripping, hitting, horseplay, play fighting and fighting.
f. Have respect for school property and the property of others.

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