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CLASS IV (201718)

Learning must cater to every type of learner to accommodate

the pace at which each child learns. Starting this year we bring

to you a set of Triple Track Worksheets, graded from simple

to challenging, hence offering something for each child. Let

your child attempt the worksheets, he/she is most comfortable

doing. Enhanced learning will then happen automatically.*

*A word of caution Please dont push your child to start with the highest difficulty level (Level-3).


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: English
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Florence Nightingale belonged to a wealthy family of London. Being rich and beautiful, she
was being daily invited to dance and dinner parties and life appeared to be a rosy affair.
But deep inside, she had a keen desire to serve the suffering humanity and, therefore,
decided to join a hospital. Nobody in the family approved of her decision, for the hospitals
of those days were dark and smelly places with hardly any facilities for the patients. And
the nurses were rough, ill-mannered and untrained.
(ii) Florence Nightingale, however, remained firm on her decision. Around the same time,
British soldiers wounded in the Crimean war were sent to an army hospital in Turkey.
Florence Nightingale volunteered to lead a group of nurses to Turkey to look after them.
This happened in 1854.
(iii) The hospital was even worse than the hospitals in London. For want of adequate space,
patients shared the beds and some even lay on blankets on the mud. Food and water were
insufficient. Medicines and bandages were in short supply. Many soldiers died because of
these poor conditions.
(iv) Florence Nightingale worked hard to improve the conditions. The floors were scrubbed and
drains cleaned. Food, clothes and medicines were available. At night, Florence Nightingale
went round the wars carrying a little lamp and comforting the soldiers in pain. That is how
she came to be known as the lady with the lamp.
(a) Tick the correct option:

(i) Florence Nightingale belonged to a.

poor family. rich family. middle class family.

(ii) Florence wanted to join ...................

school army hospital

(iii) Florence Nightingale wanted to lead a team of...

doctors. nurses. players.
(iv) .soldiers, who were wounded in the war were sent to the army hospital.
Turkish Chinese British

(v) The Crimean war took place in the year

1847. 1845. 1854.

(vi) In para (i) life appeared to be a rosy affair means the same as
life was very comfortable.
life was full of challenges.
life was very busy.

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

(vii) The opposite of beautiful (para i) is
lovely ugly wonderful

(b) Use the word invited in a sentence of your own.

2. Underline the verbs in the following sentences and name their tenses present,
past or future. One has been done for you.
Sharmila rode a horse for the first time yesterday. rode past tense
(a) Niti needed a new pair of shoes for school. ....................................................
(b) It rains very heavily here in June. ....................................................
(c) Rohit and Aditya are friends. ....................................................
(d) Arun will write a letter to his granny tomorrow. ....................................................
(e) She will go back to London very soon. ....................................................
(f) He goes for a walk every day. ....................................................
(g) Rekha did not come to school last week. ....................................................
(h) We will fly to Kolkata next Thursday. ....................................................
(i) The children visited a farm during the holidays. ....................................................
(j) Most people eat three meals a day. ....................................................

3. Choose the correct form of the verbs from those given in brackets and fill in the
The form of the verb to be filled in is given in brackets for you at the end of each
Dad usually ....reaches... (reach, reaches, will reach) his office very early. [Present tense]
(a) What shall we ............................. (do, did, will do) this morning? [Present tense]
(b) There ......................... (are, will, were) no stars in the sky last night. [Past tense]
(c) While I was sleeping, he......................(come, came, will come) into the room. [Past tense]
(d) Plants ......................... (need, needs, needed) sunlight and water to grow. [Present tense]
(e) Aman sometimes ............................ (lend, lends, will lend) me his bicycle. [Present tense]
(f) I .......................................... (take, taking, shall take) the dog for a walk. [Future tense]
(g) We ................................(misses, shall miss, missed) you when you leave. [Future tense]
(h) Yesterday Dad ............................ (take, took, will take) me to the carnival. [Past tense]
(i) Who ...................................... (invented, invent, will invent) the computer? [Past tense]
(j) The publisher ............................................ (will publish, shall publish, publish) the
dictionary in September. [Future tense]
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
Subject: Math
1. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Place Value of 8 in 28,794 is..

(b) 60,000+ 800+90=

(c) 4000-2000=3000-..

(d) 45 X .= 45,000

(e) Roman number for 34 is.

2. Do as directed:

(a) Complete the series 4500,4000,3500,., .,

(b) Find the number which is 980 more than 14,575.

(c) Find the product 354 X 57

(d) Expand 5,650 in two ways.

(e) Form the greatest and smallest 5 digit number by using 6,7,8,0,1.

3. The Guitar class fee is 4500 per child. What is the amount paid by 38

4. In a train there were 23,476 passengers, of which 8,978 were children. How
many were adults?
5. Subtract 5,600 from the sum of 15,675 and 3,245.

6. The population of a city in 2015 was 4,56,700. It increased by 23,678 in the next
year. What was the population of city in 2016?

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Science
ChapterTeeth and Microbes
1. Choose the correct option:
(a) A new born baby has
(i) 20 teeth (ii) No teeth (iii) Two teeth (iv) 32 teeth

(b) Milk is converted into curd by

(i) Bacteria (ii) Fungi (iii) Virus (iv) Protozoa

(c) . is important for healthy teeth and gums

(i) Iron (ii) Potassium (iii) Calcium (iv) Iodine

2. Match the following:

(i) Cracking Teeth Molars

(ii) Tearing Teeth Premolars

(iii) Cutting Teeth Canines

(iv) Grinding Teeth Incisors

3. Identify the microbes:

(a) (b)

.. ..

4. Put a tick for correct and a cross for an incorrect statement :

(a) There are 5 types of microbes ( )
(b) We can see bacteria only with a microscope ( )
(c) Everyone grows three sets of teeth ( )
(d) A dentist can clean a cavity in your teeth ( )
5. Define:
Dental Floss

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
Chapter: Food & Digestion
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) . is not a nutrient but is important for our body
(ii) The undigested food finally passes into the ..(Anus/ Liver)
(iii) . connects the mouth to the stomach (Pancreas/ Food pipe)
(iv) Vitamins and minerals are..foods (Protective/ Body building)
(v) .does not secrete digestive juices (Stomach / Intestine)

2. Identify the organs of digestion:

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)

.. .

3. Mark a tick for correct and cross for an incorrect statement :

(i) Proteins give energy to our body ( )

(ii) Roughage helps in easy removal of waste from the body ( )

(iii) Chewing makes the food soft and moist ( )

(iv) Sprouted grains are rich in fats ( )

(v) A balanced diet has only carbohydrates and proteins ( )

(vi) Calcium makes our bones and teeth strong ( )

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Social Science
1. Match the following:
(a) Andaman &Nicobar Island Gandhinagar

(b) Gujarat Chennai

(c) Kashmir Kohima

(d) Nagaland Port Blair

(e) Tami Nadu Srinagar

2. Draw a picture of each landform:





3. Tick the correct option:

(a) Patiala is an important city of:
(i) Delhi (ii) Punjab (iii) Bihar (iv) Uttar Pradesh

(b) The largest car maker in India , Maruti has a factory in:
(i) Gurgaon (ii) Jalandhar (iii) Dispur (iv) Agra

(c) Bihu is the harvest festival of:

(i) Bihar (ii) Punjab (iii) Assam (iv) West Bengal

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Computer Science
Chapter: 7 Logo commands

1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Centre of the screen is the of the turtle.
(b) All the arithmetic operators take ..inputs.
(c) You must give a .... between FD and the number of steps.
(d) .command clears the previous drawing from screen.
(e) After writing Logo primitive, press to execute them.

2. Write the output of the following:-

(b) PRINT 78 > 90
(d) PRINT DIFFERENCE 45 34 ....

3. Write the missing Operators to get the following output:

Command Output
(a) PR 45__ 5 9
(b) PR 50__ 2 48
(c) PR 50__ 5 250
(d) PR 32__ 78 FALSE

4. Explain the following primitives:-

(a) HOME
(b) PU
(c) RT

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

(d) CT

(e) Clean

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: French
Worksheet 1
1. Reliez les colonnes:
(a) Snail Festival de Cannes
(b) International film festival Escargot
(c) Painting Tour de France
(d) Perfume La Jaconde
(e) Bicycle race of France Parfum

2. crivez un mot pour les alphabets:

(a) E__________________
(b) G__________________
(c) R__________________
(d) T__________________
(e) Z__________________

3. Mettez le dialogue en ordre et rcrivez:

(a) Comment a va? __________________
(b) Au revoir. __________________
(c) a va bien merci. __________________
(d) bientt. __________________
(e) Salut Mansi. __________________

4. Comptez les nombres:

Voici__________________ bonbons. Voil __________________ Fromages.


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: German
1. Was passt zusammen!
(a) How would you greet your teachers?
(i) Hallo
(ii) Guten morgen!
(iii) Grss dich!

2. How would you greet your friends?

(i) Auf Wiedersehen
(ii) Danke, gut
(iii) Hallo

3. When you go to someones house in the evening you say?

(i) Gute Nacht
(ii) Guten Morgen
(iii) Guten Abend

4. How would you wish your teacher?

(i) Wie geht es Ihnen?
(ii) Wie gehts?
(iii) Hallo!

5. When taking leave of someone you say:

(i) Guten Tag
(ii) Danke, gut
(iii) Auf Wiedersehen!

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: English
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Florence Nightingale belonged to a wealthy family of London. Being rich and beautiful,
she was being daily invited to dance and dinner parties and life appeared to be a rosy
affair. But deep inside, she had a keen desire to serve the suffering humanity and,
therefore, decided to join a hospital. Nobody in the family approved of her decision, for the
hospitals of those days were dark and smelly places with hardly any facilities for the
patients. And the nurses were rough, ill-mannered and untrained.
(ii) Florence Nightingale, however, remained firm on her decision. Around the same time,
British soldiers wounded in the Crimean war were sent to an army hospital in Turkey.
Florence Nightingale volunteered to lead a group of nurses to Turkey to look after them.
This happened in 1854.
(iii)The hospital was even worse than the hospitals in London. For want of adequate space,
patients shared the beds and some even lay on blankets on the mud. Food and water were
insufficient. Medicines and bandages were in short supply. Many soldiers died because of
these poor conditions.
(iv) Florence Nightingale worked hard to improve the conditions. The floors were scrubbed
and drains cleaned. Food, clothes and medicines were available. At night, Florence
Nightingale went round the wars carrying a little lamp and comforting the soldiers in pain.
That is how she came to be known as the lady with the lamp.
(a) Tick the correct option:
(i) In the hospitals of those days.
nurses were untrained but facilities were good.
nurses were trained and but the facilities were poor.
nurses were trained and the facilities were good.
None of above.

(ii) In para (i) life appeared to be a rosy affair means the same as
life was very comfortable.
life was full of challenges.
life was very busy.
None of above.
(iii) The opposite of rough (para i) is
soft smooth gentle even
(b) How did Florence Nightingale come to be known as the lady with the lamp?

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

(c) Use the word serve in a sentence of your own.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs from those given in brackets.
Simple Past Tense:
(a) The tired traveller ......................... (sit) in the shade of a tree and ...................... (take)
some rest.
(b) I ............................. (sleep) late at night.
(c) The doctor .................................... (examine) the patient last night.
(d) He ............................ (drink) tea every morning.
Simple Present Tense:
(e) We never ................................. (cross) the road without looking.
(f) The telephone always ............................... (ring) when I enter the room.
(g) As soon as Mom ........................... (reach) her office she ......................... (reply) to her
Simple Future Tense:
(h) I expect school .............................. (close) early tomorrow.
(i) I ................................ (be) glad when the exams are over.
(j) They ..................................... (get) their exam results soon.

3. Choose the correct form of the verbs from those given in brackets and fill in the
(a) A bee always ............................. (buzz) as it .............................. (fly) around.
(b) The soldiers ........................ (march) at least ten miles every day.
(c) The cat ..................... (stay) indoors when it ......................... (snow)
(d) He shouted loudly but nobody ......................... (come) for his help.
(e) Sorry! I ............................ (dial) the wrong number.
(f) Arun ......................... (try) to mend the broken jug yesterday.
(g) Yesterday ................ (to be) not a fine day, but Monday and Tuesday .................... (to
(h) Dad was at home when I .................... (return) from school, but Mom .................. (to
be) not.
(j) After dinner Dad .....................(pay) the waiter for the meal.
(k) She ............................. (take) the dog to the vet tomorrow.
(l) I ................................... (make) a list of everything I need for the holiday.
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
Subject: Math
1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Predecessor of 3,45,600 is..

(b) The product of 2 non zero numbers can never be..

(c) The number to be multiplied is called

(d) 45+ 54 XCVIII (Use < ,> or =)

(e) Minuend-..= Difference.

2. Do as directed:

(a) Write 5,46,098 in expanded form.

(b) What is difference in the value of a decade and a century?

(c) Arrange in descending order- XCV,XXXIX, LVIII , XL.

(d) Multiply 2546 and 37.

3. In a shopping mall, the number of people visiting in a week was 90,450. If the
number on first three days was 28,790, 35,400 and 9,876, find the total
number of people visiting the rest of the week.

4. If 454 kg of wheat per day is needed for manufacturing breads in a factory,

how many kilograms of wheat will be required in a year(not a leap year)?

5. Subtract the sum of 2,90,990 and 16,787 from 4 lakhs.

6. A toy manufacturing unit makes 4 different types of toys, each of 315 daily. Find
the total number of toys made in 10 days.

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Science
Teeth and Microbes

1. Name the following :

(i) The chisel shaped teeth at the front of each jaw ..
(ii) A thread used to clean between two teeth ...
(iii) The mineral important for healthy teeth and gums
(iv) The yellow sticky coating on the teeth ..

2. Fill in the blanks :

(i) ..are the useful as well as harmful microbes
(ii) .. your mouth after every meal
(iii) is the hardest substance in our body
(iv) .. grow rapidly wherever they get warmth, moisture, food and air

3. Complete the following table :


Pre Molars

4. Write atleast three differences between temporary and permanent teeth

Temporary teeth Permanent Teeth

5. Draw the internal structure of a healthy tooth showing its internal layers

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Chapter Food and Digestion

1. Label the diagram of the digestive system of a human:

2. Give one word for the following:

(i) The digestive liquid in our mouth
(ii) The digestive juice produced by liver ..
(iii) This makes food soft and easy to digest ..
(iv) We add this to preserve pickle .
(v) Food cooked by this method does not lose its nutrition

3. Define the following :

(i) Preservation


(ii) Balanced diet


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Social Science
1. Write True or False:

(a) Perennial rivers are rivers which have water throughout the year. ( )

(b) The rivers bring fertile soil ,known as silt from the upper region. ( )

(c) The Hugli and Padma are tributaries of River Ganga. ( )

(d) The River Brahmaputra is known as Tsangpo in Bangladesh. ( )

(e) The place where the River Yamuna joins the River Ganga is known as Sangam.
( )
2. Today more and more people go on adventure tourism. Certain precautions must
be taken while going on boat rides or river rafting.

Make a list of these precautions for your safety.


3. Why do people living on the banks of the river shift their homes just before the


4. What makes India a land of unity in diversity?

5. List down some important industries in India?

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Computer Science
Chapter: 7 Logo commands

1. State whether the following statements are True or False. Also write the correct
(a) Turtle is square in shape. ( )
(b) The turtle can be turned in only the right direction. ( )
(c) Bye command helps us to exit from MSW Logo. ( )
(d) * symbol is used for division. ( )
(e) PR [Sum 30 25] will give the result 55. ( )
(f) To add two numbers the command is SUM. ( )
(g) Logo can work with many operators. ( )

2. Write down logo commands to get the desired result.

(a) PR . 8 4
(b) PR . 25 3
(c) PR . 72 54
(d) PR . 12 14

3. Write Logo primitives to perform the following operations.

(b) Solve 300+60
(b) Find and display the answer for 30 multiplied with 4.
(c) Add 35,45, 95 and 129.
(d) Give Logo command to divide 72 by 6.

4. What are the different arithmetic operations that logo can perform? Specify the
respective logo commands also.

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: French

1. Identifiez et crivez en Franais:




2. Cochez les bonnes rponses:

(a) La Capitale de la France
(i) Paris (ii) Lyon (iii) Bordeaux
(b) Le nom dun muse
(i) Le notre-dame (ii) Muse du Louvre (iii) La tour Eiffel
(c) Lempereur de France
(i) Didou (ii) Napolon Bonaparte (iii) La Jaconde
(d) La France se trouve sur le continent de
(i) Afrique (ii) Europe (iii) Amrique
3. Traduisez en franais:
(a) Baby _____________________
(b) Owl _____________________
(c) Bird _____________________
(d) Honey _____________________
(e) Tail _____________________

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: German
Worksheet 2
1. Was passt zusammen!
(a) Dienstag Sunday ( )
(b) Freitag Tuesday ( )
(c) Montag Friday ( )
(d) Sonntag Saturday ( )
(e) Samstag Monday ( )

2. Male
(a) - vier .

(b) - zwei .

(c) - sieben.

(d) - sechs .

(e) - drei .

3. Flle die Lcken

(a) M rz
(c) .anuar
(e) Ap .

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: English
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Florence Nightingale belonged to a wealthy family of London. Being rich and
beautiful, she was being daily invited to dance and dinner parties and life appeared
to be a rosy affair. But deep inside, she had a keen desire to serve the suffering
humanity and, therefore, decided to join a hospital. Nobody in the family approved
of her decision, for the hospitals of those days were dark and smelly places with
hardly any facilities for the patients. And the nurses were rough, ill-mannered and
(ii) Florence Nightingale, however, remained firm on her decision. Around the same
time, British soldiers wounded in the Crimean war were sent to an army hospital in
Turkey. Florence Nightingale volunteered to lead a group of nurses to Turkey to look
after them. This happened in 1854.
(iii) The hospital was even worse than the hospitals in London. For want of adequate
space, patients shared the beds and some even lay on blankets on the mud. Food
and water were insufficient. Medicines and bandages were in short supply. Many
soldiers died because of these poor conditions.
(iv) Florence Nightingale worked hard to improve the conditions. The floors were
scrubbed and drains cleaned. Food, clothes and medicines were available. At night,
Florence Nightingale went round the wars carrying a little lamp and comforting the
soldiers in pain. That is how she came to be known as the lady with the lamp.
(a) Tick the correct option:

The synonym of firm (para ii) is

soft shaky determined loose
(b) Complete the following sentences:
Nightingale belonged to a
(c) Answer the following questions:
(i) Why did Nightingale decide to join a hospital?
(ii) What was the condition of hospitals in those days?

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

(e) Use the word insufficient in a sentence of your own.

2. Here is a conversation between two friends. They have forgotten to put some
verbs. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
Sahil: Human beings ............. (to be ) very cruel. They do not love plants and animals.
Manish: I dont agree with you.
Sahil: Yesterday I ................. (see) a boy who ................ (to be) throwing stones at the
birds. I ..................... (feel) very bad.
Manish: But my friend, Reema, ................. (to be) very sweet. She never ........................
(throw) stones at the birds.
Sahil: Ok, fine. Tomorrow that boy ........................... (come) again. We both ...................
(sit) together and watch from here.
That day both the friends ......................... (keep) watching for that boy but he
............ (do) not come.
3. Choose the correct form of the verbs from those given in brackets and fill in the
Last night a robber ............................ (enter) our house when we .................... (to be)
asleep. He .......................... (throw) a stone at the window and .......................... (break)
the window pane. I ............................. (hear) some sound but ..................... (think) it
was a dream. in the morning we ............................ (see) that everything in the drawing
room ................... (to be) topsy-turvy. I screamed, Look! Something ..................... (to
be) missing. We must ................... (call) the police. My father at once ...................
(inform) the police. The police ........................ (come) and ..................... (catch) the thief
the next day. Now the police ..................... (ask) questions from him and ......................
(punish) him accordingly.
4. Change the following sentences first in Simple Past and then in Simple Future.
Add the words yesterday and tomorrow wherever necessary.
(a) I go to school by bus.
(b) They swam across the pool.

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
Subject: Math
1. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Largest 5 digit even number is.

(b) Multiplying 26 by 200 is same as m ultiplying by 100.

(c) 145-98=(Roman Numeration)

(d) 56,789 . =34,500

(e) 8 X 25=200, then 16 X25= .

2. Do as directed:
(a) Form the largest and smallest 6 digit number using 1,5,9,0.

(b) Add 7788 to the product of 984 and 60.

(c) Find the minuend when subtrahend is 7,68,950 and difference is 16,456.

(d) Complete the series-1,23,450,1,21,425, 1,19,400, , .., ..

(e) Make the smallest number using all the digits in 69,032 and the largest number
using all the digits in 29,789. Find the difference of the numbers thus formed.

3. A factory produces 3875 toy cars in a month.How many will it manufacture in

2 years?

4. Gopal had 54378 left in his bank account after buying a car. If he had an
amount of 6,07,995 in his account before buying the car, what is the cost of

5. The air fare from city A to city B is 8975, from city B to city C is 12,350 and
from city C to city D is 24,565. If Maya has to travel from A to D through B
and C, how much does she have to spend on travel by air?

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Science
Chapter: Teeth and Microbes
1. Observe the picture below and label the types of teeth:

A - .. E - .

B - . F - .

C - .... G -

D - . H -

2. Give two examples of each of the following :

(a) Kinds of Microbes . ..
(b) Diseases caused by bacteria .
(c) Foods good for healthy teeth and gums .

3. Think and answer:

(a) What will happen if
(i) You do not brush your teeth

(b) The fruit you eat is not washed properly

(i) Megha is 28 years old. She has two children. Deep is 4 years old and Diya is 2
months old. Now answer the following questions

(c) What type of teeth does Megha have and how many ?

(i) What type of teeth does Deep have?

(ii) How many teeth does Diya have?

(iii) If Megha loses one molar tooth, will it appear again ?

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
Chapter: Food and Digestion

1. Identify the organ A and write its function:


2. Answer the following:

(a) Name the parts of mouth that help in digestion. How do they help?

(b) What happens to the food that our body cannot digest?

(c) Roughage does not have any nutrients but is important for our body. Why ?

3. What would happen if:

(i) You do not exercise regularly


Milk is not kept in a refrigerator


TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: Social Science

Which continent does this map represents? India is a part of this continent.
How many water bodies surround India? Name them.
Which water body is named after India?
What is the southern part of India called?

1. Give reasons for the following:

(a) Northern plains are very fertile.
(b) Punjab is also known as wheat bowl of India

2. Name the Following:

(a) Rivers that flow throughout the year....
(b) A river flowing into a large river...
(c) Territories that are directly under the control of central government..
(d) A city that serves as the capital of two states of India..
(e) A landlocked neighbouring country of India..

3. Take a political map of India. Mark only the union territories of India.

NEW DELHI, Indias capital is one of the most polluted cities in the world. what
steps can we take to prevent pollution?
TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
Subject: Computer Science
Chapter: 7 Logo commands

1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) ..stops the program execution temporarily.
(b) The .. command orders the turtle to disappear from the screen.
(c) The primitive orders the turtle to lift up the pen from the screen.
(d) primitive is used to save time and reduce the length of the procedure.
(e) We type commands in the .. box.

2. Make the shapes for the following commands:

(a) RT 90 (b) FD 60 (c) FD 60 (d) FD 60

FD 20 BK 60 BK 60 RT 90

BK 10 RT 90 RT 90 FD 120

LT 90 FD 40 LT 90 FD 40 RT 90 FD 60

FD 30 FD 60 RT 90

RT 90 FD 120

FD 10

BK 20

3. Write the commands to compute the following:

(a) The cost of 30 pens is ` 500. What is the cost of one pen?

(b) The cost of one mango is ` 5. Rohan purchased 25 mangoes. How much did Rohan

(c) Divide 53 with 4 and print the remainder.

(d) 50 greater than 89

(e) Display the message I am an Indian.

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4
Subject: German
1. Antworte die Fragen.

(a) The capital of Germany

(b) Two rivers of Germany

(i). (ii)..

(c) Three neighbouring countries of Germany

(i).. (ii)

(d) The currency of Germany .

(e) The longest river of Germany ..

2. Male die Deutsche Fahne Bunt aus.

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

Subject: French
Worksheet 3
1. Trouvez les mots:
(a) rfcean ___________________
(b) esnie ___________________
(c) jbnooru ___________________
(d) uleb ___________________
(e) clabn ___________________
(f) uroeg ___________________

2. Traduisez en franais:
(a) Welcome ___________________
(b) Flag ___________________
(c) Friends ___________________

3. pelez bien:
(a) damein ___________________
(b) Pa mal ___________________
(c) Bon nuit ___________________
(d) Teegr ___________________
(e) Vash ___________________

4. Ajoutez les nombres:

(a) Quinze + deux = ___________________
(b) Six + Huit = ___________________
(c) Cinq + Onze = ___________________

5. Dessinez et coloriez:
Un souris

Une montre

TTP Worksheets (April& May 2017) Class 4

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