Received: Initiative Coordinator Attorney General'S Office

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Initiative Coordinator
Office of the Attorney General
1300 I Street RECEIVED
Sacramento, California 95814-2919
AUG 17 2017
August 17, 2017

Re: request for title and summary

Pursuant to Article II, Section 10(d) of the California Constitution, this letter respectfully requests
that the Attorney General prepare a circulating title and summary of the enclosed ballot
measure: The California Call for a Constitutional Convention ("Cal Con Con"). The proponent of
the initiative is Clare Hedin.
Also enclosed are the required signed statements pursuant to California Elections Code 9001 and
9608, and a check in the amount of$2000.
Please direct all inquiries and correspondence regarding this proposed initiative to:

Clare Hedin
The California Constitutional Convention Initiative Team



This measure shall be known as the California Calls for a Constitutional Convention ("Cal Con

SECTION 2. Findings and Declarations:

The current relationship between the Federal Government of The United States of America and
California prevents California, and other states, from taking ownership over their future and must
be revised.

1. Given that "California is - and must always be - a refuge of justice and opportunity for
people of all ages, backgrounds and aspirations - regardless of how you look, where you
live, what language you speak, or who you love;"
2. Given that the world has changed dramatically since 1787, and over the next Century
California will continue to invent the future, be it in Entertainment, IT, Medical
discoveries, Enviromnental Protection, Global Climate Disaster Mitigation, or Civil Rights
& Liberties;
3. Given that a Californian's vote has one seventieth the weight of a citizen of Wyoming in
the US Senate and has become functionally irrelevant in presidential elections;
4. Given that California receives approximately seventy-five cents in federal funding back for
every dollar Californians pay to the federal government in taxes, as compared to the USA
States average federal return in funding from taxes of $1.22/dollar;
5. Given that the US federal govermnent has seen increasing gridlock and citizens across the
country feel poorly represented by the federal government;
6. Given that California's government and people increasingly want to chart their own path
on issues ranging from - but not limited to - immigration, civil representation and
environmental protection and, given the US Constitution expressly designates states as
sovereign entities;
7. Given that Article V of the Constitution of the United States authorizes a process to
propose amendments to the United States Constitution through a Convention of the States;
8. Given that the authors of the original 1787 Constitution expressly included an article five
constitutional convention as a vehicle for state governments to rein in the potential for
federal tyranny and ensure America never again had a king;
9. Given that the tenth Amendment of the US Constitution reserves all powers not expressly
enumerated to the federal government to the states;
10. Given that throughout our nation's history, there have been over 700 applications from
state govermnents to call an article five constitutional convention including applications
from all fifty states;
11. Given that the Congress has failed to act despite the express constitutional direction of
Article Five of the US Constitution;
12. Given that the 1787 constitutional convention was only retroactively endorsed by the
Congress under the previous Articles of Confederation;
13. Given that California has successfully implemented the principle of subsidiarity, devolving
power more locally under the leadership of Governor Edmund G. Brown;
14. Given that Californians have expressed their interest in constitutional reform to address the
influx of money in politics in the wake of Citizens United vs. FEC;
15. Given that California has a deep commitment to open and pluralistic values protecting the
civil rights of all Californians as articulated in Finding # 1 above quoting from California's
state legislative leaders;
16. Given that California Governor Jerry Brown has successfully led California to achieve
greater economic growth than the nation as a whole since the great depression;
17. Given further that under Governor Brown's leadership, California:
1. "Increased - by tens of billions - support for our public schools and universities.
2. Provided health insurance to over five million more Californians.
3. Raised the minimum wage.
4. Reduced prison overcrowding and reformed our system of crime and punishment.
5. Made California a world leader in the fight against climate change.
6. Passed a water bond.
7. Built up a rainy day fund.
8. And closed a huge $27 billion deficit."
18. Given that in addition to these successes, Governor Brown has served as both California's
youngest and oldest governor, unique among all current sitting governors;
19. Given that California has a long tradition ofleading America- and indeed the world- in
social, political, environmental and technological advancement & protection;
20. Given that Californian's believe in the equality and inherent dignity of all persons;
21. Given that California's participation in an article five constitutional convention is an
excellent opportunity to advance specific issues dear to the hearts of many Californians,
including, but not limited to:
1. Protecting citizens from discrimination, harm or unfair treatment, from individuals
or groups.
2. Our state government unwaveringly protecting civilians rights to freedom of
expression and assembly as well as the equality of opportunity for all Californians.
3. Limiting corporate personhood for purposes of campaign finance and political
4. Requiring women, LGBTQ and all people - regardless of ethnicity, race, national
origin, gender - to receive equal pay for equal work;
5. Requiring the federal government to allocate funding to the states according to the
amount each respective state paid in federal taxes;
6. Enabling CA to negotiate binding agreements with other nations, subnational
states, and nongovernmental organizations to limit greenhouse gas emissions and
other environmentally threatening business practices;
7. Enabling CA to negotiate binding agreements with concerned and responding
governments, and other partners, dedicated to mitigating the impacts of worldwide
refugees, loss of lifestyles and land, due to impacts of Climate Change.
8. Should it be deemed necessary by the majority CA population, in order to defend
California's progressive values, civic values and environmental concerns, we must
create a clear and reasonable path for individual States to become independent, so
that CA can secede, if they so choose;
22. Given that California was seized undemocratically and annexed by the US in 1846 in an
act of naked imperial aggression;
23. We believe that justice for all requires constant vigilance and a thorough examination of
laws and governmental actions that disproportionately impact diverse segments of society.
These beliefs depend on resolutely defending these Californian values, which support
every individual's hopes and dreams for the future;
24. California hereby resolves to call a constitutional convention under Article Five of the US
Constitution to advance the cause of California and the freedom of all American states to
take ownership of their future.

SECTION 3. Purpose and Intent

Article XXXVI is added to the California Constitution as follows:


The Legislature of the State of California, speaking on behalf of the people of the State of
California, will apply to the United States Congress to call a constitutional convention pursuant to
Article V of the United States Constitution for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United
States Constitution that would;

1. Civil Rights:
1. Regardless of national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or race:
1. Protect all natural persons from discrimination, harm, or unfair treatment from
individual, corporate or organizational persecution;
2. Protect the people's right to experience a life of freedom and self-
determination, without violence, pollution or servitude.
3. Protect the people's right to live in full health and in a fully healthy Natural
4. Protect the people's right to sovereignty over our bodies, including but not
limited to women, and all choices that affect our body's health and wellness, as
determined by us, regardless of gender, age, religion, national origin, ethnicity,
sexual orientation or race.
5. Protect the people's right to privacy.
6. Protect all people's right to be joined in a mutually consenting marriage, no
matter the gender or sexuality of each party.
7. Abolish Corporate personhood for purposes of campaign finance and political
8. Provide free, reliable and safe Universal healthcare for all citizens, regardless
of medical history.
9. Provide free, high quality, Universal education.
10. Abolish Electoral College;
1. Failing this, operate on proportional representation within Electoral
college so that each State has a valid, proportional and vital voice.
2. Civil Community Rights:
1. Declare that we the people have sovereignty and self-determination over our
liberty, welfare, domestic tranquility and local economic development, above and
beyond any powers of those elected officials in service of the body politic:
1. Local community governance is the primary authority on the best use of, and
protection of, their own natural resources for economic development, for
Nature's needs to thrive, and for local community to thrive; all development
needs to be evaluated by each local community for its acceptable impact on
their environment so as to protect Nature's ability to be naturally regenerative,
and remain unpolluted and un-degraded. All local development needs to
progress in agreement between local community, local government and, where
necessary, state government.
2. Including, but not limited to, elected officials evaluating proposed individual,
organizational or business land and natural resource use that can and may
affect each local community: it is the local community's right to deny or adjust
local development, protect liberty, welfare and domestic tranquillity,
peaceably, as pertains to humanity, health, enviromnent's health, the future,
dignity and all natural person's inalienable freedoms and rights.
3. Local communities' health and wellbeing are above and beyond any
profiteering or use of natural resources, habitats, and ecosystems by private or
government groups and are based on the requirements and needs, as identified
by each affected community.
4. Declare that State, Local & Federal govermnents exist to protect and serve all
natural persons, Nature and all ecosystems rights to long, healthy, engaged
natural lives, of absolute personal freedom.
3. Wages:
I. All things being equal, require all people of equal skill to receive equal pay for
equal work, regardless of gender, age, religion, national origin, ethnicity,
sexual orientation or race.
2. Without question, women receive equal pay to men doing the same job.
3. Require each American state to have a minimum wage that provides for a
living wage along accordance with each state's actual cost of living regardless
of gender, age, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or race;
4. Federal taxes:
I. Modify Federal tax law to render Federal taxes negotiable:
1. State tax becomes primary.
2. Federal tax secondary and negotiable, based on the needs of each State - to be
determined by each State and the voters.
3. State govermnent negotiates Federal Taxes on its voters, and their respective
communities, behalf to fairly and equally represent voters' values and needs,
and those of their respective natural environments.
5. Protecting the dignity of all life:
1. Nature's Rights:
1. Recognize, respect and protect the natural environment as a sovereign, living,
being with inalienable rights, that derive from existence, to continue to exist,
thrive, and evolve naturally; uncompromised by pollution, degradation,
damage or destruction. Nature shall include all land, water, air, plant, animal,
wildlife, wilderness, all living beings and naturally occurring ecosystems as
they exist as independent species and as interdependent groups and habitats
that support the essential well-being and workings of all life.
2. Make it irrevocable law that no individual, business entity, government or
organization shall pollute, degrade or over-use Nature.
1. Pollution to be defined as interfering with ecosystems' and human
systems' right and ability to flourish in their own local environment,
including loss oflifestyles and loss, delay or damage to systemic
2. Degrading to be defined as negatively affecting quality of life and
ability to regenerate or continue to identify as a species, an ecosystem
or habitat.
3. Overuse to be defined as interfering with Nature's ability to easily
regenerate itself and to thrive in her own naturally occurring cycles.
4. Reduce any and all degrading or harmful emissions or environmentally
damaging behaviours towards Nature or humans to 'levels required by
local and extended communities and municipalities, should those
extended communities also be affected' in order to secure our collective
future into a globally safe, healthy, liveable and sustainable planet, with
a healthy and peaceful quality of life, for all living beings.
3. Declare that where pollution, degradation or over-use has occurred, Nature has
the right to restoration.
1. This integral restoration is independent of the obligation on natural and
juridical persons or the State to indemnify the people and the collectives
that depend on the natural systems.
2. In the cases of severe or permanent environmental impact, including
those caused by the exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, the
State - in consultation and agreement with local communities, local
leaders and affected municipalities - will establish the most efficient
mechanisms for the restoration, and will adopt the adequate measures to
eliminate or mitigate the harmful environmental consequences.
3. The State, in consultation and agreement with local communities, local
leaders and affected municipalities, will apply precaution and restriction
measures in all the activities that can lead to the extinction of species,
the destruction of the ecosystems or the permanent alteration of the
natural cycles.
4. Declare that Nature is a freely living being with inalienable rights, and that no
individual, business entity, government, "owner" or organization shall inflict
violence or servitude on her.
5. Declare that Nature maintains the absolute and inherent right to a healthy,
peaceful, regenerative, existence. To fulfil this right;
1. We the people, in our communities are empowered and protected by
sovereign local law from pre-emption from private authorities, and from
any non-disclosures or secret acts by Local, State and Federal
representatives, to ensure and protect Nature's rights to clean and
healthy water, soil and air as a source oflife and to ensure that Natural
systems can continue to propagate themselves naturally, sustainably and
for the future of all organic life, without interruption, and that this
authority never be limited, pre-empted.
6. Nature is not mere property and is safe from violence and servitude.
7. Declare that every natural person shall have recourse to the law for all
violations of this article, with damages recurring in full to the injured
environmental system to ensure its prompt restoration. The natural
enviromnent shall not be deprived of its rights.
8. The State will motivate natural and juridical persons as well as groups and
organizations to protect nature; it will promote respect towards all the elements
that form a living, healthy, fully functioning ecosystem.
2. Human Community Rights of Nature:
1. Recognize that humans are an inseparable part of Nature - all that affects
Nature affects humans and all living beings.
2. Recognize human's paramount rights to a clean, healthy planet.
3. Recognize that Nature's health is inextricably tied to human health and must,
therefore, be maintained as a priority, above business, government or private
interests, that can be deemed to threaten said health and said entitlement to
4. Recognize that, in order to protect human quality of life and a peaceful
coexistence, each community must retain unfettered authority through local
law-making to protect and sustain a clean, healthy and abundant natural
5. Recognize and protects individual and community needs for a sustainable and
healthy quality of life and that each community is able to maintain access to
clean water, air, food and wilderness without burden.
6. Recognize these needs and rights and that all economic, business, government
or individual activity is subject to prohibition by the community majority in
which the activity is proposed.
7. Recognize that no business practice is more important than respecting and
protecting Nature's and the community's inherent needs for a clean and healthy
lifestyle and uninterrupted life cycles. Therefore, adjusting all economic and
social practices to protect Nature's rights to health and needs to regenerate in
her own Natural cycles.
8. Recognize that all organic and synthetic waste product creation must be
designed and manufactured so that it can be reintegrated back into the cycle of
life without harm to the Natural environment or to human environments, to
secure the future of all natural life on the planet.
9. Work with local communities to ensure that no local or foreign business or
government negatively affects the quality of life in their natural environment.
3. Nature & Community's health abroad:
1. Recognize that USA businesses working abroad are standard bearers for
highest USA environmental and human ethical standards.
1. USA businesses, private authority's, organizations and individuals
operate in observance of highest environmental standards on foreign
lands or waters; i.e. in accordance with all natural persons and all natural
systems' right to a healthy and regenerative life, and in service of foreign
locally based natural person's inalienable rights to rely on their local
enviromnent for their sustenance and health, according to the highest
global and local environmental standards, whichever assures highest
quality of life for all local living inhabitants, if higher than USA
1. Failure to do the above renders any offending USA private
authority, business, individual or organization subject to USA
judiciary process.
2. Create an international coalition to mitigate the impacts of industrialization on
all people's lifestyles, access to natural resources, access to healthy
environment and needs to adopt new infrastructures and income-bearing
opportunities in the face of climate crisis loss due to, but not limited to; rising
sea levels, loss of air quality, soil degradation, loss of forests, mountain
degradation, land, sea and air pollution, loss of land mass, loss of freshwater.
4. Clean Energy Commitment:
1. State and Federal Governments to convert from extraction fuel to sustainable
clean energy sources for business practice, organizational and residential use,
in accordance with the most rigorous global scientific standards necessary to
ensure Planetary, Ecosystem and Human health.
6. State Independence:
1. Create a clear and reasonable path for States to achieve complete independence
from the United States should any state so chose.

The People of the State of California hereby instruct their state elected officials to communicate
with and support any other American state that is interested in calling a constitutional convention
regardless of that American states' reasons for calling for an Article V Constitutional Convention,
with the intent to get enough American states to call for an Article V Constitutional Convention so
that it happens.

SECTION 4. Severability

If any provision of this measure, or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional, the remaining provisions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and
effect, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.

SECTION 5. Proponent Standing

Notwithstanding any other provision oflaw, if the state, government agency, or any of its officials
fail to defend the constitutionality of this measure, following its approval by the voters, any other
government employer, the proponent, or in his or her absence, any citizen of this state shall have
the authority to intervene in any court action challenging the constitutionality of this measure for
the purpose of defending its constitutionality, whether such action is in trial court, on appeal, or on
discretionary review by the Supreme Court of California or the Supreme Court of the United
States. The fees and costs of defending the action shall be a charge on funds appropriated to the
Attorney General, which shall be satisfied promptly.

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