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The University vol. 135 // iss. 1

Daily Kansan Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017


what to know


Student Senate decides Incoming seniors give Students have chances New deans discuss
against bringing Uber to incoming freshmen to get involved in local their biggest goals for
campus their best advice government this fall this year

p. 2 p. 8 p. 10 p. 14
Wednesday, August 16, 2017 K A N S A N .C O M / N E W S

Getting to know Chancellor Girod
NEWS MANAGEMENT New chancellor is genuine and down-to-earth, say former colleagues
Editor-in-chief REBEKAH LODOS
Conner Mitchell EMILY WELLBORN
Managing editor @EmWellborn
Omar Sanchez

Digital operations Before starting as the

editor Universitys top adminis-
Brady Maguire trator last July, Chancel-
lor Douglas Girod served
Social media editor as executive vice chan-
Emily Juszczyk cellor of the Universitys
Medical Center. Girod
Associate social
media editor said he is excited to start
Nathan Mize collaborating with others
in the University commu-
ADVERTISING nity and, according to his
MANAGEMENT former colleagues, Girod
is a down-to-earth, gen-
Business manager
Mitch Tamblyn uine and approachable
kind of leader.
SALES MANAGER Dr. Girod is a people
Baylee Parsons person, said Tom Field,
who worked under Girod
SECTION EDITORS as associate vice chancel-
lor for Organizational Im-
News editor
Darby VanHoutan provement at the Medical
Center. He enjoys and
Associate news editor excels at building and Sarah Wright / KANSAN
Emily Wellborn nurturing genuine, mean- Chancellor Douglas Girod discussed his plans for the University as he begins his first semester in office.
ingful relationships with
Sports editor others. ly, but really across the re- sources, said she enjoyed how to address those, he
Wes Dotson
The motorcycle-riding gion, across the state and We will continue our her time working directly said.
Associate sports editor surgeon, originally from really across the country. work to ensure KU with him. One way that Girod
Sean Collins Seattle, was announced as We have terrific support- is welcoming and Once he meets a per- plans on working with
the new chancellor on May ers actually around the inclusive and that son, he rarely ever forgets those around them, is by
Arts & culture editor 25 by the Kansas Board of world. Its an opportunity every Jayhawk feels a name, and he always re- collaborating with the in-
Courtney Bierman Regents. He took office to go out meet all of them valued. members personal details terim vice chancellor of
on July 1, after previous and hear what they have about people, Young said. public affairs to review the
Associate arts
& culture editor Chancellor Bernadette to say and hearing their Douglas Girod Girod has already begun position, before looking to
Josh McQuade Gray-Little stepped down. vision for KU as well is go- Chancellor to meet with some student fill it permanently.
Girod also said he is ing to be important going groups and has scheduled Tim Caboni, the former
Opinion editor excited to start building forward. residence on Aug. 22, the some events to meet stu- vice chancellor left the of-
Ryan Liston those relationships with Field also said the new- second day of classes. dents, including the coffee fice on July 1 to become
students, faculty, staff and ly appointed chancellor During these events, event. He looks forward to the president of Western
Visuals editor
alumni at the University in regularly co-sponsored its fun to watch the way meeting more and learning Kentucky University. Reg-
& design chief
Roxy Townsend his new position. the Medical Centers Tues- he energizes our students, what difficulties they face. gie Robinson, the director
Thats going to be re- day coffee breaks, aimed faculty and staff, and to Ive already met with of the School of Public Af-
Photo editor ally a lot of fun to get to at collaboration and net- see how he is energized by student leadership, Stu- fairs and Administration,
Missy Minear know everybody, but ob- working, to connect with them, Field said. He is dent Senate leadership, has been named as his
viously I just got to get students and pour coffee just a good guy. and look forward to meet- temporary replacement.
Copy chiefs
out and meet with a lot of for attendees. Girod will Chari Young, who ing with more student We want to make sure
Chandler Boese
Erin Brock people and as many groups be using his previous cof- worked closely with Girod groups as we go forward to we can tell people what it
as possible, he said. Not fee experience by serving in her role as associate vice really hear what challeng-
ADVISERS just on the campus, actual- coffee at the chancellors chancellor of Human Re- es theyre dealing with and SEE GIROD PAGE 4

Chief financial officer

Jon Schlitt

Editorial adviser
Gerri Berendzen Senate opts for SafeRide app over Uber
The University Daily Kansan is
the student newspaper of the
University of Kansas. The first copy
MONA AHMED time program does not,
is paid through the student activity @MonaAhmed Carter said in an email.
fee. Additional copies of The Kan- More than that, Kel-
san are 50 cents. Subscriptions Although it was a cam- say said, the applications
can be purchased at the Kansan
paign promise in the spring main goal is to reduce wait
business office, 2051A Dole Human
Development Center, 1000 Sunny-
election, Student Senate time to 15 minutes.
side Avenue, Lawrence, KS., 66045. leadership has decided not Were working on new
to implement a partner- technology to improve
The University Daily Kansan ship with Transportation pick-up times, Kelsay said.
(ISSN 0746-4967) is published on
Network Companies such Were looking to increase
Mondays and Thursdays during the
academic year except fall break,
as Uber, instead focusing the amount of drivers on
spring break and exams. It is pub- on creating an application the road, and with the data
lished weekly during the summer for the already existing from the app we can better
session excluding holidays. Annual SafeRide service. estimate and better plan.
subscriptions by mail are $250
Senate leaders declined Students tested a pro-
plus tax. Send address changes to
The University Daily Kansan, 2051A
two bid proposals: one totype of the app this sum-
Dole Human Development Center, from Uber and the other mer, Kelsay added. No spe-
1000 Sunnyside Avenue. a joint bid from Lyft and cifics were given on which
MV Transportation the students were able to try it
KANSAN MEDIA current company used by File Photo / KANSAN or how it performed.
PARTNERS the University for SafeRide MV Transportation has worked with a Dallas based company on an application to make In all, Carter said, Stu-
and buses. SafeRide much similar to Uber. The application is expected to become available to dent Senate executives saw
Check out KUJH-TV on Wow! of Zachary Kelsay, a stu- students this January, if not this fall. it more feasible to improve
Kansas Channel 31 in Lawrence for dent transportation coor- the current system than to
more on what youve read in to- dinator who goes between SafeRide program that we Kansan reached out to strictions and working on implement a new one.
days Kansan and other news. Also the Senate and the Parking have now. WSU to comment on its ways to increase efficien- Despite the current
see KUJHs website at
and Transit Department, Last spring, Student reason for termination, but cy, like adding cars, Kelsay setback, we will continue
said the Uber proposal was Body President Mady did not receive a response said. to work to do everything
KJHK is the student voice in radio.
rejected due to the esti- Womack and Student Body by the time of publication. According to Carter, an we can to ensure students
Whether its rock n roll or reggae,
sports or special events, KJHK 90.7 mated high cost of running Vice President Mattie Car- The University still has application-based SafeRide have an opportunity to
is for you. the program. ters campaign promised a contract with MV Trans- program would be more ef- benefit from the more effi-
We felt for what we to bring free Uber to the portation through Decem- ficient for students instead cient features offered in an
were getting, we didnt University, modeling the ber 2018, Kelsay said. In of the current system, application-based program
2000 Dole Human Development think it was worth the program after Wichita the meantime, Student where students contact in the future, Carter said.
Center 1000 Sunnyside Avenue money, Kelsay said. Be- State Universitys Shock- Senate will work on ex- the service by calling. Kelsay said the new
Lawrence, Kan., 66045 cause it is so expensive to er Ride partnership with panding SafeRide services. An application-based SafeRide app will go into
run a high frequency sys- Uber. Were working on an SafeRide program would effect when classes start
tem like that in Lawrence, However, as of July 13, app platform for the cur- provide the efficiency and on Aug. 21.
Newsroom: (785) 864-4552 we felt it would be more 2017, WSU terminated its rent SafeRide program peace of mind that a phone
Advertising: (785) 864-4358 appropriate to improve the contract with Uber. The where were removing re- call-based, 45-minute wait
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Construction improves campus access

PEYTON KRAUS line and traffic signal, city
@peytonkraus12 engineer David Cronin said.
Bicycle lanes have been
As school starts, con- added to 19th Street, as
struction season comes well as a sidewalk on the
to an end on-campus and north side, down to Ala-
roads are now open as stu- bama Street in order to fill
dents return to the Uni- the gap for pedestrians.
versity. This summer, road The intersection at Cres-
construction closed in- cent Road and Naismith
tersections at 19th Street Drive also underwent a ma-
and Naismith Drive, as well jor renovation this summer.
as Crescent Road and Na- A raised island was added
ismith Drive. in the middle, prohibiting
Memorial Drive, just off drivers from going west on
Jayhawk Boulevard, was also Crescent Road or north on
closed due to reconfiguring Naismith Drive. The Univer-
of sidewalks and parking sity Heights neighborhood
stalls. The busy roads on to the west of Jayhawk Bou-
campus are open and each levard was involved in the
have some new additions to addition and will continue
make driving, walking and to give feedback on it, Cro-
bicycling better and safer. nin said.
The entire intersection The plan we imple- Hannah Edelman / KANSAN
on the south edge of cam- mented this summer was A new median at the intersection of Naismith Road and Crescent Road is changing traffic patterns.
pus at 19th Street and Na- their preferred choice, so
ismith Drive was complete- after we get it open Im sure Crescent Road in order to cyclists to still ride west- sidewalk will be extended construction on the road in
ly redone. well see feedback from the allow Daisy Hill residents bound. and the Victory Eagle will the summer of 2019 for a
We did a full recon- neighbors once we get the cutting through the neigh- Next summer, there will move from in front of Dy- fourth and final phase.
struction, so that included street open and see how it borhood for class to not be more construction on che Hall to along Memorial
new concrete pavement, works, Cronin said. have to walk in the street. campus, including phase Drive to join the other war
curbing gutter, storm sew- A new sidewalk was also There is also a opening on three of the Memorial memorials. Depending on
er, sanitary sewer, water added to the south side of Crescent Road to allow bi- Drive project, in which the funding, there could still be

FROM GIROD PAGE 2 think, a lot of headway, we Russ Waitman, associ- Girod said. Its the student mired Girod for his ability people working closely with
clearly have a lot of work ate vice chancellor for En- that should be at the cen- to grasp subjects outside him will help his leadership
is we want them to do ex- left to do, and its also clear terprise Analytics, echoed ter of every conversation his area of expertise. and decision-making.
actly, Girod said. Tim was that diversity is so import- the opinion that Girod was and thinking about whats Field also said he ad- Hes a smart guy who is
really the third person in ant for the life of our cam- an inclusive leader for the best for the students to re- mired the chancellors in- surrounded by smart facul-
that role, and weve kind pus, really for the life of Medical Center. Waitman ally help drive our decision tellect, as well as for his ty, students and staff, Field
of restructured it each time our state, for the life of our did not work with Girod making as we think about inclusive leadership. said. As a great listener, he
as weve gotten better at it economy, that we really, daily, but reported to him how we move the institu- He cares, plain and pulls together his knowl-
and a better understanding ultimately, have to get this quarterly. tion forward. simple. He genuinely cares edge and ideas with those
of its workings. figured out. I think Dr. Girods foci David Antonacci, chief about KUs success, Field of others to make well-in-
Girod said one aspect were on consensus, trans- information officer at the said. formed, smart decisions.
of the University that he parency and deliberative Medical Center, said he ad- Field also said that the
wants to work on is out- He cares, plain and efforts for alignment,
reach, and the vice chan- simple. He genuinely Waitman said.
cellors office will play an cares about KUs Waitman also said
important role in this goal. success. that this approach would
KU should be and could be appreciated in future
be the destination institu- Tom Field talks with the legislature
tion of the Midwest, Girod Former Girod employee concerning funding for
said. We just got to tell our the University.
story a little bit better, I My sense is his at-
think. Girod took leadership of tention to consensus
In his first public mes- the Medical Centers Inclu- and transparency may
sage to the University on sion and Diversity Cabinet, be appreciated by the
July 12, Girod expressed his which Field said was an in- [Board of] Regents, legis-
desire to make the Universi- dication of the importance lature, governors office
ty an accepting place. he places on ensuring an and other campus stake-
We will continue our accepting culture on cam- holders, Waitman said.
work to ensure KU is wel- pus. Student feedback on Girod also said his
coming and inclusive and diversity issues was also goal this semester is to
that every Jayhawk feels welcomed by Girod, Field improve the student
valued, Girod said in the said. experience. He said he
message. He has included stu- wants to meet with stu-
One of those challenges dent representatives in all dents, faculty and staff
faced by many is diversity of the inclusion initiatives to understand what
on campus. Girod said that on campus, and he always improvements can be
working to change cam- takes time to hear stu- made.
pus culture will ultimately dent concerns and provide The students are
come from working with thoughtful response, said really the reason we are
faculty, staff and students. Chari Young, who served on here. We are first and
Its an issue that were the cabinet with Girod. I foremost an educational
all dealing with obviously have no doubt this will con- institution. We have lots
and its not a new issue, he tinue in his role as chancel- of missions, but that is
said. While weve made, I lor. really our core mission,
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Wednesday, August 16, 2017 K A N S A N .C O M /O P I N I O N

Text your FFA submissions
to 785-289-8351 or in the
Werner: Dont glorify mental illness
Free For All section on Columnist Laura Werner argues that flaunting mental health issues on social media is
harmful to others and society in general.

Oh that familiar
scent of coffee
creamer and print

If youre wondering
how sorority
recruitment is
going: I forgot I had
estrogen until a few
days ago.

Low key HYPED for

KU football to start
back up!

Anyone else just

watch Netflix all

I am gonna pig out

on Mrs. Es breakfast
this semester

I can already
hear the Wescoe

Am I on campus or
in a construction Illustration by Roxy Townsend

Leaving California to
come back to Kansas LAURA WERNER selfish nature, no one how depressed they are or Instead of talking every 40 seconds.
is ROUGH @laura_werner81 cares. In fact, if anything, it talking about how they feel about your own problems If you are wanting
just makes people feel bad anxious, more than likely on social media, make a to help people through
You know youre In this day and age, about their own selves for they arent actually dealing difference. social media, the National
a college student social media is a typical not having or doing those with that. Yes, people with Alliance on Mental
when you are signed place for people to vent. things. Just like David If someone is depressed, mental disorders need Illnesses has some great
up for all of the Theres nothing wrong Foster Wallace, the late they sleep all the time to know there are others ideas for posts you could
restaurants rewards with that, but sometimes it author of This is Water, and dont want to talk to out there like them. But, use.
programs can be viewed in a different would say regarding self- people, let alone tweet when everyone is talking If you are struggling with
light. Not every person centeredness: It is our about it. If someone truly about mental disorders a mental disorder, there are
Time to start my is familiar with mental default-setting, hard-wired has anxiety, they would like theyre this cool new sources that will give you
college diet again... disorders, and they do not into our boards at birth. be far too nervous to post thing, it makes it seem attention, the right kind
Pizza and beer understand the feelings of Because of that selfish about their feelings for less important. It makes of attention. Headquarters
those who are venting. nature, people will do everyone to see. others not want to get help Counseling Center has
Ill have my summer Social media can also anything to get a few more Feeling a little depressed because whats the point great counselors that are
body just in time for cause low self-esteem. likes. But you dont need to or anxious or moody if everyone feels like this? there to listen 24/7 at
winter this year According to Amanda get likes by bragging about does not mean you have So, by emphasizing the 785-841-2345 or NSPL at
MacMillan from TIME having a mental disorder. a mental disorder. If you importance of getting help 800-273-8255. If you go to
My calves are not Magazine, a survey Its not a new shirt or have been experiencing or providing resources for the University, Counseling
prepared for the states that Instagram is car. Its a disorder. Its those feelings for weeks people to try, it puts that and Psychological
hills connected to high levels something that should be or months at a time and idea in their head. Services provides
of anxiety, depression, taken seriously because it interferes with your This doesnt mean to supportive counselors or
Why is Wescoe Hall bullying and the fear of there are some people out ability to function, then just tweet the suicide psychologists to help. You
still here? missing out. After all, there who dont think its thats a problem. See the hotline every time a can also call 211 and they
Instagram is just a place funny or cute. There are difference? celebrity commits suicide. will help connect you with
I am so excited for to show off what you some people out there who People need to vent, Dont do it after something a service that is right for
the Kansas sunsets! have, make yourself look are truly struggling. but venting to all of your bad happens to a famous you.
better or post about where Yes, the purpose of Twitter followers is not person because its
How many lost youre vacationing for the social media is to express going to help you get better. happening every day to Laura Werner is a
freshmen are gonna summer. yourself. However, there More than likely, all you are people everywhere. Tweet sophomore from Kinsley
get in my way while I This should be are some lines that going to get is backlash for it now, post about it now, studying journalism and
walk to class? something people in your shouldnt be crossed. If it, making your problems because according to the psychology.
life would want to see, but people are tweeting or worse. Social media does World Health Organization,
My friends summer: because of peoples natural posting on Instagram about not equal therapy. someone commits suicide
camping in the
Rocky Mountains,

Swan: School and dating require balance

white water rafting
in the Grand Tetons,
Scuba Diving in
the Bahamas... My
summer: re-watching
Parks and Rec for KATY SWAN current boyfriend and fits of romantic relation- more time studying, which noticed the stress caused
the fifth time @catladykaty subsequently had the ships include happiness, meant we had to study by dating while trying to
worst academic semester self-growth and self-un- together, which may not excel in school. However,
I ate an entire 16 Youve just entered a of my college career. I am derstanding. But there are have been the most bene- being in a relationship also
inch pizza and four new relationship. Every- by no means blaming my obviously negative coun- ficial environment. reduced my stress, oddly.
breadsticks by thing seems easy. You boyfriend for this I ex- terparts, like stress about The aforementioned Having someone to
myself. How was think your life couldnt get clusively accuse myself of the relationship, increased study conducted at the support me and my college
your summer? better. You emerge from my negligence. I noticed dependence on the part- University of the Philip- endeavors is extremely
your blissful state momen- my grades slipping in al- ner, possible reduced pines shows that roman- helpful. I say writing off
My greatest tarily and log in to Black- most every class around self-esteem and, of course, tic relationships while in relationships altogether
achievement is board. You realize you were fall break. I procrastinated increased time spent with college lead to anxiety and is unwise; just try to find
watching every dead wrong. catching up, and come fi- the partner. poor grades. This study time for yourself and your
comedy special on Your grades have plum- nals, I was drowning. While I acknowledge was done on a small per- studies somewhere amidst
Netflix meted. Could it be due to Being in a romantic re- that neglecting studies and centage of the student all the fun.
all the classes you skipped lationship is a very import- other responsibilities be- body at the University of
Someone buy my to spend more time with ant part of the process of cause of dating can be sit- the Philippines (just the Katy Swan is a junior
textbooks please your new partner? All the growing up. It helps in the uational, and some people computer science majors), from El Dorado studying
and thank you papers and assignments development of the ability can successfully balance but I believe the effects of community health and psy-
you half-assed for the to maintain committed re- the two, I think this dilem- dating on grades ring true chology.
During the summer: same reason? lationships later on in life ma affects a large portion across the board.
I am so ready for I am a prime example and can be just plain fun. of the college population. While I feel as though
classes! During the of this problem. In late Research done at the Uni- My boyfriend noticed his I, for the most part, found
semester: When is September of this past versity of the Philippines grades slipping as well, equilibrium in my life in
the next break? year, I started dating my in Cebu shows the bene- and we vowed to spend my next semester, I still

KU seniors offer advice for new students

Where are my classes? How do I get involved? Do I really need a room-
mate? These are questions everyone has asked as a college freshman.
Theyre answered over time for most students, but the Kansan spoke
with a couple of the Universitys seniors to answer them for you now.

KATIE BERNARD Willis: Youre definitely

@KatieJ_Bernard Willis: The freshman 15 going to be very con-
is very real. Work out fused as to where all
at the Ambler [Student your classes are. I took a
Mady Womack is the Recreation Center] and screenshot of my sched-
student body president do a lot of walking. The ule and saved it as my
here at the University. She buses look very entic- phone background, so
is from Overland Park and ing, but the hills will those first few weeks
majoring in economics. help you burn off those you get an idea.
Womack has been involved calories. With Crunchy
in the Dole Institute of Poli- Chicken Cheddar Wraps, Vescio-Franz: I just sort of
tics Student Advisory Board the freshman 15 is very went before school start-
and Alpha Chi Omega. real. ed and biked around
Paige Willis grew up as campus and got the lay-
an army kid, but is most re- Vescio-Franz: When youre out of campus before-
cently from Leavenworth. up late studying, its hand. Hannah Edelman / KANSAN
She is majoring in psychol- tempting to just order Student Body President Mady Womack, a senior, suggests freshmen get the most of their
ogy and womens studies pizza and Chinese food, WHAT SHOULD I DO IF college experience by getting involved on campus.
with a minor in history. and you always see take- IM STRESSED?
Willis is a member of Alpha out food coming in the
Gamma Delta and the Uni- doors... [The freshman Womack: Freshmen should
versitys Quidditch club. 15] is a serious possibil- make themselves aware Your first semester at college can be stressful, and if you ever are
Nick Vescio-Franz is a ity but it just depends, of the resources we have worrying about how you are doing, we have student services to support
member of the KU Cheer and is easy to avoid if on campus to support you in that time.
Squad. He is majoring in you make use of the rec them, whether thats Le-
English with a minor in and dont go too over- gal Services for Students Mady Womack
business and is from State board in the dining hall. or Watkins Health Cen- student body president
College, Pennsylvania. Prior ter. Your first semester at
to joining the cheer squad, HOW AND WHEN DO college can be stressful,
Vescio-Franz was part of an I NEED TO BUY TEXT- and if you ever are wor- about it on your own Week.
African drum ensemble at BOOKS? rying about how you are Willis: Lay down some and listen to the people
the University. doing, we have student ground rules of how the in the legislature. Vescio-Franz: Make an ef-
Willis: Wait until after services to support you room will run; everyone fort to join clubs and
WHAT SHOULD BE ON classes start. Your in that time. has pet peeves. WHAT ADVICE DOES push yourself to do
MY KU BUCKET LIST? teachers may tell you EVERY FRESHMAN NEED things that you wouldnt
dont need them. Vescio-Franz: Be realistic Vescio-Franz: If youre a TO HEAR? normally see yourself.
Womack: A game in Allen with your assumptions non-confrontational per- Doing that can open
Fieldhouse. Vescio-Franz: Rent your and be realistic with son, force yourself to talk to Womack: Get involved. doors to a lot of oppor-
textbooks off sites like yourself in the sense your roommate face-to-face There are many oppor- tunities... a lot of the
Willis: Visit the nest on the Amazon and Chegg. I that not everything is if you have [a] problem ... tunities for KU students best experiences that
top of the Oread. didnt do that my first going to be perfect from Dont start doing passive-ag- on our campus. Ive had at KU have
couple years and would the get-go. Nothing is gressive stuff. been getting involved in
Vescio-Franz: Spend a night pay several hundred dol- set in stone. If youre not Willis: Get involved with the things I never thought I
camping at Clinton Lake, lars. comfortable, try some- WHAT SHOULD I DO clubs. I had no idea how would do originally.
and get ice cream at Sylas thing new. ABOUT THE NEW CON- to play Quidditch, but I
and Maddys. MY CLASSES ARE ALL CEALED CARRY POLICY? was able to connect with
OVER CAMPUS. HOW DO IVE NEVER HAD A people of different ma-
IS THE FRESHMAN 15 I LEARN THE ROPES? ROOMMATE BEFORE, Willis: Everyone has a lot of jors and backgrounds
REAL? WHAT SHOULD I DO? mixed opinions. Learn Be involved during Hawk

Unique organizations provide students new skills

PEYTON KRAUS where meetings are, it is best to
@peytonkraus12 join the clubs Facebook page or
message the club on Rock Chalk
New Years may be a time to Central and ask to be added to its
create a new you, but for college weekly email list.
students, its a new school year
that brings the drive to try new CONCRETE CANOE TEAM
things. Whether youre new to the
University or youre back for an- Concrete Canoe allows engi-
other school year, the variety of neers to compete using their own
clubs on campus are a great way to original projects.
dive into a new hobby. This conference meet held in
the spring includes teams from
JEEVA-BOLLYWOOD across the Midwest, but the Uni-
FUSION DANCE TEAM versitys team is the reigning con-
ference champion, which led it to
the national competition last year
The Jeeva-Bollywood Fu- in Golden, Colorado.
sion Dance Team has combined Around 20 students helped to
Bhangra, hip-hop, Bharatnatyam, create the designs final form, but
modern and Bollywood dance any engineering student is wel-
styles for 10 years to create origi- come to help build the boat. From
nal dances. For four years now, the there, the best paddlers and most
team has competed nationwide as dedicated builders on the team are
the only competitive Bollywood chosen to compete in the race.
dance team in the state. A major in engineering is re-
We have our own pride, and quired to be in the club, but
at the same time its kind of scary CONTRIBUTED PHOTO past paddling experience is not.
because you dont know anyone The Universitys Concrete Canoe team members compete in a meet. Co-captain Joe Roubinek said he
else, co-captain Srishti Sharma fell out of the boat and into the
said of going to competitions like each of their new members. MINDFULNESS AND MEDITA- more or want to have that deeper water the first time he tried pad-
the ones in Boston, Wisconsin and In Jeeva, its always been im- TION CLUB relationship. dling for the club, but, eventually,
Texas that the team competed in portant that personality is over Along with learning to medi- Roubinek was one of the compet-
last year. Youre solely represent- dancing ability; an encouraging, Two years ago, the Mindfulness tate, the club has grown into a way itors taking the team to nationals.
ing Kansas. positive attitude fits in better, and Meditation Club was formed for students to get to know one It was a learning experience to
This year, the team has 10 re- Sharma said. for people who wanted to meditate another and feel comfortable in a find out things I really like to do,
turning dancers. Although the The team practices three times together and discuss their pro- group on campus, with about 30 to Roubinek said of his experience
minimum number to compete is a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays cesses. Now, the club has become 40 people attending each meeting. with Concrete Canoe.
only 12, the captains hope to have and Sundays from 6 to 9 p.m., an outreach effort to introduce This year, the group will be led The Concrete Canoe team is
16-20 competitors. Tryouts for the and it costs $75 each semester to students to meditation. by co-captains Matthew Farrahi based on voluntary work and al-
2017-2018 season are Aug. 29 to fund travel expenses, but the team The goal of meditation is to and Mike Thibodeau and will alter- lows students to help build when-
31 to kick off the school year. The hosts fundraisers throughout the better yourself, group found- nate days each week, allowing stu- ever works best with their sched-
coed team welcomes new compet- year. For students who may not er Danny Theisen said. It often dents to attend even if they have ule. To get involved, there are
itors to attend a workshop on Aug. want to compete but would like causes you to become more com- a conflict on one of the days. The monthly informational meetings
29 to learn a dance, an extra help to be part of the team, Jeeva is passionate, more open, and then sessions will usually be held at the to learn more about the club. They
session on Aug. 30 and the actu- also looking for managers to help when you have a bunch of peo- Malott Room in the Kansas Union respond to messages on Rock
al tryout on Aug. 31. The team is with behind-the-scenes work and ple striving for that same goal, on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. one week Chalk Central and on the group
looking for experienced dancers, team-building activities. they naturally want to be friends and Thursdays at 7 p.m. the next. Facebook page.
but they hope to find a lot more in or start to understand each other To find our exactly when and

November election gives students

chance to engage in local government

Miranda Anaya/KANSAN
Leslie Soden is the mayor of Lawrence. Soden became involved in politics 10 years ago when she joined the East Lawrence Neighborhood Association.

KATIE BERNARD tiple conversations, events between the two entities is the city commission elec- only vote in the elections According to Markus,
@KatieJ_Bernard and social media connec- is important. Looking for- tions that happen every if they are permanent resi- students can apply for sea-
tions to work to improve ward, Mayor Leslie Soden two years. On Aug. 1, the dents of Lawrence, there are sonal jobs with the city, as
For many, Lawrence is relationships with the city, said she expects changes, field was narrowed down still ways to get involved. well as volunteer for adviso-
just the town that happens KU and Haskell, Markus specifically from an admin- from eight candidates to The voter education co- ry boards and commissions
to surround the University said. istrative standpoint. six, knocking out Christian alition will have a candidate concerning everything from
of Kansas. Students come This has included cre- Lyche, a University sopho- forum, Soden said. Stu- housing to technology to
and go, but the local resi- ating a city liaison intern This past year, the more who ran for the office. dents should submit their hospitals. Students are also
dents and the city govern- position to facilitate con- city and universities Although there are no questions. free to attend public meet-
ment are there throughout versation between the city, had multiple major issues in this years In addition to city com- ings.
it all. the University and Haskell, conversations, election on Nov. 7, voters mission, Markus pointed All city commission
As far as students are specifically focusing on events and social will be able to decide if out that a sales tax renew- meetings, which take place
concerned, the city has ju- student organizations. media connections they are content with the al question will arrive on every Tuesday at 5:45 p.m.,
risdiction over things such Additionally, the city to work to improve current commissioners run- the ballot in November. are open to the public and
as basic city and sidewalk has to be involved in the relationships with the ning for re-election or if its The initiative will most di- allow public comment.
maintenance and down- approval and regulation of city, KU and Haskell, time for new faces. rectly impact students, as On the other hand,
town parking, but it main- campus construction proj- Of the six other candi- it allows voters to decide Soden said, the best way to
tains a close relationship ects such as road closures Tom Markus dates, the two candidates whether to keep or dump get involved might just be
with the University. connected to construction Lawrence city manager with the most votes will the additional .55 percent to get to know the commu-
According to Tom of dorms on 19th Street earn four-year terms as city sales tax paid in Lawrence nity.
Markus, Lawrence city and the new Earth, Energy Its going to be interest- commissioners while the businesses, Markus said. Appreciate everyones
manager, the citys relation- & Environmental Sciences ing to develop our relation- candidate with the third For students looking to differences and try to pay it
ship with both Haskell and building. ship with the new chancel- most votes will earn a two- get involved in Lawrence forward, Soden said.
KU is incredibly important. Because the University lor, Soden said. year term. government in ways be-
This past year the city is such a major part of Law- An event that will im- Mayor Leslie Soden said sides voting, there are mul-
and universities had mul- rence, a solid relationship pact students in the future that while students can tiple opportunities.

Campus carry worries remain for students, faculty

KATHY WONG & TANNER people angry, that could Without discussions, zalez said via email that he demanding. Barrett-Gon- the grade they deserve... I
HASSELL be controversial, because she said, students will not and other faculty mem- zalez said via email. While fear for my professors more
@KathyW0NG theyre afraid what form be able to challenge them- bers are transitioning their the program will continue than I worry about myself.
@thassell17 an outburst might take selves and open up new classes to a hybrid format, to be good, the level of rig-
when there are people who ways of seeing and think- catering to students who or demanded of students is For people with
Faculty and students are carrying weapons, she ing. According to Graham, have concerns about cam- bound to flag. depression or anxiety
voiced concerns leading said. I think thats a le- her office will be off lim- pus carry. Leibach said hes con- issues, I think
up to July 1, the day that gitimate reason for people its to students with con- Because the students cerned campus carry will its going to be a
brought concealed carry to to self-censor: They dont cealed weapons. didnt sign up for being in add another element of huge issue, myself
the University. As the fall want people to get hurt. Thats my choice, and a gun warehouse, and some fear to being on campus included,
semester begins, those con- In addition to Levin, oth- the one I will stick to. I will of them are extremely ap- throughout a school day,
cerns are still present. er professors voiced con- not meet with people in prehensive about being and will be damaging to Jackson Leibach
History department cerns about the effects of my office who are carrying, in a class with armed un- those with mental illnesses. senior
chair Eve Levins concerns campus carry in the class- and since I dont know who trained individuals sitting Its going to bring a lot
echoed those of other fac- room. is or isnt and, there is no right next to them, I see of anxiety for people. For Leibachs hope, he said,
ulty members regarding Maryemma Graham, registration requirement, it as only proper that they people with depression or is that campus carry wont
self-censoring and intim- professor of English, has my contact with students have the option to take the anxiety issues, I think its have detrimental effects on
idation in the classroom, decided to not teach this is going to be very limited class online to avoid that going to be a huge issue, campus, but ultimately he
while senior Jackson Lei- semester. to those I already know or dynamic, Barrett-Gonzalez myself included, he said. believes it will.
bach said he fears for the I wont be teaching in those who are dont have said via email. Its just one more thing to I hope things go flaw-
safety of his professors. the fall, and the passage of guns. Graham said. More than that, Bar- worry about on campus. lessly. I hope this decision
There is a fear, Levin this legislation cannot help Graham said she will rett-Gonzalez said, the Campus carry, Leibach doesnt impact anything,
said, that the presence of but affect lots of things, mostly meet in her office grading structure and feed- believes, will be particularly I hope it doesnt increase
firearms in the classroom Graham said via email. with students who are in- back for his classes will troubling for those who are crime rates, suicide rates. I
will hinder the free expres- Graham said that she ternational students or un- change. teaching. hope life can just continue
sion of ideas. has decided not to teach der 21 years old. According One of the major rea- The biggest fear I have on without anyone having
From what Ive heard because of the controver- to the National Rifle Asso- sons why students in our is for my professors. They to worry about it, Leibach
from some other faculty, sial nature of her field. Also, ciation website, only Unit- program have won more in- are required to do their said. But I dont think that
theres a lot of concern she said, during discussions ed States citizens over 21 ternational awards from our job without bias, and, if will be the case.
that faculty and students students will be more hesi- years old can buy weapons professional society than they are being subliminal-
both will self-censor that tant to express dissenting in Kansas. any other aerospace engi- ly threatened by students
they will not enunciate points of view from their Aerospace engineering neering department in the who are carrying, they still
opinions that could make classmates. professor Ron Barrett-Gon- world is that we were quite have to give those students

Advocacy groups work to enact change

EMILY BECKMAN the academic year, Piaz-
@emilybeckman7 za doesnt know what the
group will focus on this year
Among the Universitys specifically, but said she
boasted 600-plus student believes they will continue
groups on campus are a advocating and informing.
number of groups who are New members, Piazza
prepared to advocate and said, are always welcome
are already advocating to join Spectrum. To learn
for students. more, students can find the
Groups such as the His- group on Facebook or Twit-
panic American Leadership ter.
Organization, Spectrum, I think people have
Students United for Repro- been doing a really good
ductive and Gender Equity, job, at least since Ive been
and many others are ac- at KU, for trying to just
cepting new members this spread words of equality
fall. and inclusion and equi-
ty and acceptance around
HALO campus, Piazza said. Es-
HALO is a group that ad- pecially with the political
vocates for Latinx students climate right now, theres
on campus. The group hosts been some division for sure
events in order to provide on campus, and so I like to
education on Latinx affairs think that what Spectrum
and strives to shed light and what the other advo-
on issues within the Lat- cacy groups are doing on
inx community, according File photo / KANSAN campus is really important
to President Jonathan Ruiz for minorities.
Cervantes, a junior from
Kansas City, Kansas. one is able to take part in Were focused on all the not every single person vides education on LGBTQ Others
The group is working to HALOs meetings and serve aspects of reproductive jus- can make it to every single history and current events, These are only a few of
change its name to Latin on the executive board, ac- tice, they said. The right meeting, but we encourage according to Spectrums the advocacy groups on
American Student Union, cording to Ruiz Cervantes. to parent, the right to not people to come as often as Student Senate Chair campus. Other groups in-
as it feels the new name will Were very inclusive, parent, access to safe and they can, because were al- Emma Piazza, a junior from clude the Muslim Student
be more inclusive to Latinx he said. affordable birth control ways doing different stuff Iola. Association, Black Student
students, Ruiz Cervantes HALO will be deciding [and] abortion care. and giving different infor- Union and Multicultur-
said. on meeting dates soon, The group also works to mation at each meeting, The right to parent, al Student Government.
This year, Ruiz Cervant- and will share information provide resources to par- said Skyler Lucas, a senior the right to not While MSG is not solely an
es goal is to bring people through its Facebook page. ents. from Lenexa. parent, access to advocacy group per se, it
together. People who are parents To learn more, students safe and affordable does advocate for students.
What Im trying to do SURGE need access to child care can email surgeku@gmail. birth control [and] Our goal is for MSG is to
more for this year is kind of Another group carrying and resources that are hard com or find the groups abortion care. be an open, accessible place
work with other minority out advocacy work, primar- to come by, Whitson said. Facebook page. where people can come
groups [and] other student ily for reproductive justice, While the group doesnt Alicia Whitson speak their own truth and
groups, he said. Because is SURGE. Members, such have an official member- Spectrum senior then we can support or ad-
were all Jayhawks and were as previous president, Ali- ship, it has weekly meet- Student group Spectrum vocate on their behalf, said
all in this together. cia Whitson, a senior from ings and is always welcom- strives to bring together previous MSG chair Trinity
The group is always wel- Shawnee, consider it the ing newcomers. LGBTQ students and allies Since the group has not Carpenter, a graduate stu-
coming new members. Any- feminist voice on campus. We understand that on campus. The group pro- yet had its first meeting of dent from Richmond, Kan.

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Get Informed.
Get Involved.
Get Empowered.
EMILY TAYLOR CENTER FOR Twitter: @emilytaylorctr
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
4024 Wescoe Hall A Program of the Office of Diversity and Equity

A Hidden Gem: KU Libraries offer

valuable, but underused, resources

File photo / KANSAN

Anschutz Library is one of the many branches of the KU Libraries system, which include special research facilities, study spaces and online resources.

ter encourages students to er its you prefer a quiet temporary works, including we have on display, all the open house from 10:00 a.m.
explore the many resources study space, so maybe you books, manuscripts, films, time that were open... stu- to noon on the third floor of
that can be found online at want to come to Watson postcards and videos. dents are welcome to come Anschutz Library. Refresh-
The Universitys library and go up to the fifth floor, The library, which is in anytime, Whittaker said. ments will be served and
system employs over 100
I think a lot of students or maybe youre a little bit used by hundreds of un- Moreover, starting this students can meet librari-
full-time employees and
dont realize that you have more social and you like to dergraduate students each month, the Spencer will ans and learn more about
provides a number of ser-
access, by virtue of being an go to Anschutz, we have a year, is located directly be- display a new exhibit, en- the libraries. Additionally,
vices at no cost to the
enrolled KU student, to just lot of space over there. It hind Strong Hall. Its stacks titled To Make the World the same space will hold
student body, yet many of
thousands of databases, doesnt matter whats going are closed, but any student Safe for Democracy: Kansas a first-generation college
those services go unused by
and the libraries pay a lot of on, what you need, KU li- may enter the library to ac- and the Great War, which student meetup on Aug. 24
students, said Undergrad-
money to be subscribed to braries has a space for you. cess its historic collections. will run until December. from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.,
uate Engagement Librarian
these databases, and once Some of the collections where students can interact
Callie Wiygul Branstiter.
you graduate, unfortunate- It doesnt matter may also be viewed online. [Students] are always with librarians, too.
However, for new and re-
ly, you dont have access whats going on, what Additionally, anyone welcome to come in when As a librarian, I view my
turning students, learning
to many of them, Wiygul you need, KU libraries can now view the Spencers we have exhibits. We have kind of relationship with
how to take advantage of
Branstiter said. I encour- has a space for you. newly renovated North Gal- two to three large exhibits the student as a collabora-
library resources is as easy
age students to really take lery, which houses a perma- a year, and they vary on all tion. Were research part-
as approaching a reference
advantage to see what we Callie Wiygul Branstiter nent and interactive exhibit sorts of topics, Whittaker ners. Were here to help you.
desk, Wiygul Branstiter
have, see whats out there undergraduate that represents the Spen- said. If youre on Jayhawk No question is too small.
while theyre here. engagement librarian cers diverse holdings. Beth Boulevard, and you have Were more than just kind
Really, its just an in-
Wiygul Branstiter also Whittaker, director of the 10 or 15 minutes and you of books in the library,
formation desk. You can
encourages students to uti- Spencer Research Library, dont know what to do, pop Wiygul Branstiter said. We
approach anyone at any
lize interlibrary loans. While Watson and An- said the gallery can appeal in and check out an exhib- really want to help you be
of those desks, and ask a
If we dont physically schutz libraries provide di- to anyone. it and have an experience successful in kind of tack-
question, Wiygul Bransti-
have a copy of something verse services, the Kenneth Even if someone is with some original mate- ling your research, whether
ter said.
you need, or we dont have Spencer Research Library is not interested in doing re- rials, some archives, some thats a research paper or
Whether the question
it available through KU unique among University li- search, if they just want to photographs and then get its a capstone project may-
involves checking out a
libraries online system, braries as it houses the Uni- come in and look at one of on your way. be youre working on later
book or research consul-
we can retrieve it for you versitys archives as well as our exhibits or sort of check On Aug. 21, the Universi- in your program.
tations, Wiygul Branstiter
from another library, and ancient, medieval and con- out our antique furniture tys libraries are hosting an
said library staff are eager
its free, Wiygul Branstiter
to help.
Alternatively, if students
The libraries provide
are unable to make it to a
many other resources, in-
reference desk, the Uni-
cluding research consul-
versitys libraries provide
tations with field-specific
free, online consultations
librarians, an online library
through the Ask a Librari-
catalog, a retrieve-from-
an function at
shelf book-pickup ser-
vice, group study rooms
If you click on that
by reservation, up to $8 of
button, you can chat with
free printing a semester, a
a librarian, you can email
quick-record studio named
a librarian, you can give us
Studio K as well as devic-
a call. Thats really nice,
es available for checkout,
especially if youre in, say
which include: iPads, lap-
Anschutz Library and you
tops, headphones, mice,
dont want to give up your
calculators, chargers, voice
table, Wiygul Branstiter
recorders and dry-erase
said. You can just chat
with someone right there,
More than this, the
wherever youre sitting, and
Universitys libraries pride
you dont have to worry
themselves on their diverse
about leaving your stuff or
study spaces.
losing your table.
We are an open, inclu-
The libraries also pro-
sive environment. Were all
vide many online resources,
about KU libraries being a
like electronic books and
place for everyone, Wiygul
databases. Wiygul Bransti- File photo/ KANSAN
Branstiter said. Wheth- Students study in Anschutz Library.

MSG still finding identity in first year

ANGIE BALDELOMAR like Black Student Union understanding between
@AngieBaldelomar and the Hispanic American the two organizations, she
Leadership Organization, as said.
With its first official year well as a tie-dye station and Davis agreed and said
about to start, the recently free food. within both MSG and
funded Multicultural Andrew Davis, MSG Student Senate, people
Student Government chief of staff, said the have a desire to make a
is planning to focus on event is aimed at helping difference and care about
community outreach. incoming and current issues that are happening
Chiquita Jackson, MSG students get to know the to all the community.
president, said being an resources and organizations However, outreach and
active presence on campus at the University. building relationships with
is the groups main focus. Trinity Carpenter, last the community is the top
Our goal is just to be years MSG president, said priority, Jackson said.
more present, create more she has spent the summer What were wanting
events for marginalized helping to make sure that to do is were wanting
identities, create a new leadership has the to fill out some seats, so
comfortable environment, ability to uphold the goals were wanting to get more
create a student body where for MSG established by participation into MSG and
the marginalized identities the founders, not to forget have our body grow, she
can trust with their issues where it stemmed from. said. Thats our main focus,
to make sure that their Thats why I have full File photo/KANSAN reaching out to people and
voices are heard, she said. faith in for the leadership Members of the multicultural student government discuss their agenda in a meeting on let them know that we have
After two years of April 27 in the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Ive chosen, Carpenter open availability for them.
battling, MSGs funding said. Davis said the welcome
was approved in June 2017, This is even more marginalized students on Besides community national elections. event will hopefully
making this the first official important because MSG is campus. outreach, some of MSGs Jackson said she hopes be a catalyst for the
year it will operate with a one of the first one of its MSG will have the main areas of focus the relationship MSG has organization.
budget. kind, Carpenter said. Davis opportunity to be a will include working on with Student Senate will Were really counting
The first event they have acknowledges this fact, and trailblazer for others, creating a consistent idea continue. on this to be the kind of
planned is a welcome event is aware of the challenge it Carpenter said. of what MSG wants to be, Weve been doing really platform that jumpstarts
on Aug. 19, a part of Hawk represents. Theres is no model for programming by bringing well working together, I MSG for the semester, so
Week. This is a huge thing, he MSG and I need people to speakers to talk on issues dont feel like the Student students can come out and
The event, titled MSG said. A lot of this is very understand that, no other affecting the multicultural Senate and MSG will clash get involved, he said.
Presents: We Out Here, new for us, so were learning MSG exists [like it] and communities, and helping as theyve been in the
will have over 25 different how to govern in a way that thats why our success is so marginalized students past due to the fact that
multicultural organizations, is mindful of particularly important, she said. get involved in local and there has been a common

Senate executives look to revamp operations, image

ANGIE BALDELOMAR Senate executive staff said she is looking forward My goal is make them on some of their campaign this year, Womack said
@AngieBaldelomar members say they are to working with senators even more purposeful, kind platforms over the summer, being able to effectively
ready for Senate to be again. of like University Senate but couldnt give specific communicate with the
back in full session. Im looking forward to committees, a lot of them details. student body about Senate
Now that summer is A lot of them right now
Student Body having the Senate back, actually do stuff, she said. will be a hurdle.
winding down, Student are kind of paused, not
President Mady Womack so that we can work on This would help with I think one of the
revising the rules and their other goal, she said, because were done, but problems with Student
regulations and multiple of making senators more because a lot of them are Senate is that we have an
other things, getting to accountable. out for bid, and we cant important influence on
work with student groups, In the first few weeks, talk about them, Carter campus, but we dont really
making sure their events Womack expects to finish said. have the presence that we
happen, she said. the interview process to Another goal for should, she said. So were
Mattie Carter, student find the two directors Womack and Carter is going to be working very
body vice president, agreed for the Jayhawk First making Student Senate a hard to make sure that
with Womack. She said Program, a sophomore peer more inclusive and open students know that we have
they want to revitalize mentorship program that environment. resources for them and that
and restructure Senate is carrying over from last I think we have a huge we are there to support
committees. For that years administration. opportunity to make Senate them and to accomplish
purpose, Carter has been Although some of more inclusive, more open, things that they want to see
working on making some their plans are on pause, more accessible, and to happen at the University.
changes to the charges of mostly because July and achieve some of the things After being funded in
the committees that appear August seem to be popular we set out to do in regards April 2017, this year will
on the appendices section vacation months, Carter to student safety, Womack be the first official year of
of the Student Senate Rules and Womack said they said. the Multicultural Student
and Regulations. have been steadily working On the challenges for Government, and Carter
said she is excited to see
how the relationship with
Students and MSG develops.
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be able to collaborate with
COUNSELING SERVICES them, Carter said.

Business, social welfare deans begin tenures


Not only will new stu-

dents be joining the hill
this month for the 2017-18
academic year, but two new
faces in University admin-
istration will be working on
campus for the first time as
L. Paige Fields and Mi-
chelle Carney are the two
new deans of the School of
Business and the School of
Social Welfare, respectively.

School of Social Wel-

fare Dean Michelle
Carney, who is a native of
Georgia, came to Kansas to
return to the Midwest and
further her endeavors with-
in social welfare.
When this opportunity
came available, I thought it
would be a good chance to
get back in the Midwest,
Carney said.
Carney, who attended
Ohio State University for
her bachelors and doctor-
ate degrees, said she is glad
Missy Minear/KANSAN
to be a little bit closer to In her first year as the dean of the School of Social Welfare, Michelle Mohr Carney will work to build relationships with students, faculty and staff.
continue the success that sas. olina and Louisiana State can expand on existing upper levels of administra-
My goals are really to has been seen at the School Theres a great interest University. programs, you can increase tion here, in terms of where
get to know folks and of Social Welfare up to this in having social welfare in One of the things about enrollment, you can de- they see the School of Busi-
begin to live this new point. According to U.S. west Kansas, she said. the job that was very at- crease some programs, you ness fitting into the whole.
vision and support News and World Report, the tractive is the momentum can start entirely new pro- Currently, Fields added,
student groups as I Universitys School of So- School of Business that has been built by hav- grams. the biggest challenge is hav-
can cial Welfare is ranked 22nd Dean L. Paige Fields ing [now-Provost] Neeli The business school has ing so many people to meet
in the nation for its graduate Fields comes to the Uni- [Bendapudi] in the dean po- not worked on a strategic and things she wants to ac-
Michelle Carney program. versity from San Antonio, sition here and she was able plan for a while, Fields said, complish in a short period
Social Welfare Dean Carney said she hopes to where she was the dean and to raise the funds for this because of the new build- of time.
interact with both students professor at the School of wonderful facility that we ing. However, she said the During the strategic
and staff throughout the Business at Trinity Univer- have, Fields said. school is now on the right plan, Im not foreseeing any
In addition to Ohio State Fields said she would like track to begin developing
academic year, with time to sity. She started her role as difficulty in terms of par-
University, she has had past to expand off the facility that plan.
meet with students. School of Business dean on ticipation or buy-in. I dont
teaching and leadership po- success from Capitol Feder- So, what I want to do is
My goals are really to July 1. think thats going to be dif-
sitions at the University of al Hall by working on a stra- come in, make sure that I
get to know folks and begin Fields has previously ficult. Theres only one me
Georgia, University of South tegic plan for the School of know the people here, the
to live this new vision and worked at Texas A&M Uni- to go out and do all of this,
Carolina and Arizona State Business. faculty, staff, the different
support student groups as I versity, the University of Ar- she said. Just being able to
University. Carney was most We have opportunities directors and leaders in the
can, she said. izona and the University of be in so many places will be
recently the director of the now that we did not have different areas inside the
Carney said she wants Kentucky. Along with that, a challenge.
School of Social Work at Ar- before, but there are a lot school, she said. Also, get
to be active within the Jay- Fields spent time furthering
izona State University. of different directions you input from other deans and
hawk community and focus her own education at both
Carney said she hopes to could go, she said. You the upper leadership, the
particularly on western Kan- the University of South Car-

Teaching assistants in the field seek institutional

support and training to address safety concerns
HAILEY DIXON gether to develop a training
@_hailey_dixon course for these types of
trips, like the recent one
When University grad- Oleniacz took her geology
uate teaching assistant students on. According to
Brittney Oleniacz packed Oleniacz, this could include
for her geology class trip to intervention training or
Colorado, she had to worry sexual assault training.
about the traveling basics, A good start, she said,
like not forgetting to pack would be to sit down with
a toothbrush and grabbing the deans and talk about
the right clothes. approving a potential
However, one concern course like this for field
that stood apart from the teaching assistants.
rest was her and her stu- In addition to increas-
dents safety. ing the support for field
Sometimes its not teaching assistants, both
safe, Oleniacz said. Some- Oleniacz and Student Sen-
times its not safe walking ate Graduate Affairs Direc-
near cliffs. W tor Katherine Merriweather
Safety and health for hope to accomplish other
both students and field goals for graduate students,
teaching assistants is some- graduate teaching assis-
thing that Oleniacz is urging tants and field teaching as-
the University to recognize sistants.
in the academic year as she Merriweather said that
continues to advocate for she would like to reach out
her constituents, like grad- Contributed photo to her constituents and see
Brittney Oleniacz, University graduate teaching assistant and field TA, instructs one of her students Morgan Johannes-
uate teaching assistants. sen, a junior studying geology and chemistry, during a geology trip this summer. what their concerns are.
I love my department Aspects that she would
and I think they support Erinn Barcomb-Peter- associate vice provost for semesters to qualify under field TA, Oleniacz said she like to set into motion are
me, Oleniacz said. I dont son, Director for News and Human Resource Manage- the Universitys plan for has to rely on herself to day care for graduate stu-
think the institution sup- Media Relations for the ment, a subsidy for health health insurance. protect her students and dents children, a gradu-
ports me. University, said a federal plans to eligible graduate Graduate students can work through problems. ate student orientation
Currently at the Uni- ruling last year inhibited student employees was no still enroll in the Kansas I think we should be and a bridge program for
versity, Oleniacz said, no how KU and other institu- longer offered after Aug. 1, Board of Regents health in- trained in multicultur- first-generation graduate
health insurance or health tions offer health insurance 2017. surance plan, but no longer al competency, she said. students.
subsidies are being offered to graduate students. According to the Univer- receive a health insurance Things are said, and we I have three degrees,
for field teaching assistants In a letter sent last fall sity, a graduate student has premium subsidy from the have to be able to manage and I still face that deficien-
like her. on behalf of Michael Rob- to hold at least a 50 percent University, according to the these things. cy that comes from being a
We need the University erts, dean of Graduate appointment for a mini- letter. Going forward, Oleniacz first generation college stu-
to watch out for us, she said. Studies, and Mike Rounds, mum of eight consecutive While on the trips as a wants to bring field TAs to- dent, Oleniacz said.

What to know about campus transportation

File photo/KANSAN
The 43 Red bus continues onto its next stop at Snow Hall while the 42 Orange bus stops at Bailey Hall.

TANNER HASSELL wouldnt say it was intim- routes and times, Kelsay should reference the web- drunk driving, but also students are taken care of.
@thassell17 idating using the buses, said, all times and routes site when confused about for protecting them from For students with a long-
more just weird using are available through Goo- routes or times. drunk drivers, he said. term or short-term disabil-
For students on and off buses for the first time. gle Maps. Always trust the web- Even if youre walking, ity, Kelsay said J-lift is a
campus, the buses, SafeBus Transportation Coor- site. The times are sched- youre still at risk. Especial- door-to-door service trans-
and SafeRide provide a free dinator at KU on Wheels, uled, Nussbaum said. ly on wild nights in a col- portation service available.
and safe method of trans- Zachary Kelsay, a junior Your KU ID is When you need to stop, lege town. I think its a very The idea is, if you have
portation. from Independence, Mis- essentially a bus pull the string. Some peo- reliable and important ser- a disability that prevents
Heres a few things to souri, said the most im- pass, and I think ple dont know that at first vice for students to have. you from making it to class,
know about public trans- portant thing to remember thats important and just ride wherever. Kelsay said the SafeRide they will come and pick
portation at the University is all buses on campus and for students to For students trying to system is undergoing im- you up and make sure you
explained by KU on Wheels in Lawrence are free to stu- remember, navigate campus after the provements to address is- get there on time. You just
and a student who utilizes dents. day routes end, Kelsay said sues with pickups and safe- have to set it up in advance
the free transportation. Your KU ID is essen- Zachary Kelsay the new Route 44 will be ty concerns. with the AAAC (Academic
Jaden Nussbaum, a tially a bus pass, and I Transportation coordinator available from 5:30 p.m. Were experimenting Achievement and Access
sophomore from Rose Hill think thats important for to 10:30 p.m. For getting with new ways to improve Center).
majoring in behavioral neu- students to remember, If you go to the route around town at night, Safe- efficiency of pickups. So Nussbaum said the bus-
roscience and education, Kelsay said. Additionally, planning on Maps, and you Bus and SafeRide are two basically reducing the wait es are a service all students
said the bus system was a virtually every major loca- click the transit option, more free options available time, he said. All of the should utilize, particularly
bit strange to him initially. tion in town can be reached Kelsay said. So if you have to students, according to drivers have over 40 hours because they are paying for
It was weird because through the bus system. A any location in the city of Kelsay. of training, all the cars have it.
Id never ridden a public lot of students use the bus Lawrence, you can type SafeBus is really im- cameras and theyre all in I would encourage ev-
bus before; I came from a system to get groceries, in the starting and ending portant because it allows radio contact with the dis- eryone to use the buses;
small town. It wasnt really to go to Walmart, to go to location and Maps will cal- students downtown to have patcher. Its a lot safer than the service is coming out of
an adventure for me, I just work and to get to class. culate the best routes avail- a reliable way home. I think an Uber ride or a Lyft ride, your tuition, he said.
Googled what bus to take For students who have able. its important, not only for and its a little bit more
and I was good, he said. I difficulties navigating the Nussbaum said students preventing students from monitored to make sure

CAPS offers mental health support to students

EMILY BECKMAN anxiety-inducing, Brandt Fees start at $15 per for an appointment, some- make that work. is the key to succeeding
@emilybeckman7 said. visit for current students thing she found frustrating In order to do what stu- or failing in college, quite
She recalls visiting who have paid the required as a former patient. dents are here to do, which honestly, she said. And
Emma Brandt, Univer- CAPS biweekly throughout CAPS campus fee. This As someone that had is to accomplish their ac- that sounds really drastic,
sity alumna from Kearney, the majority of her fresh- includes individual and to wait six weeks for an ademic goals and grow so- but if youre constantly
Nebraska, is preparing to man year. This was not her group therapy sessions. appointment it kind of felt cially and personally and feeling like youre drown-
become an audiologist first experience with ther- Psychiatric evaluations like, OK, you say each stu- be successful in that way ... ing, theres no way youre
and shes been taking care apy, as she saw a therapist and extended psychiatric dents mental health is im- you have to be taking care going to perform well on
of her mental health along throughout high school. visits are $70; brief fol- portant, but when Im ac- of your whole self, Vargas objective things like tests
the way. But without the referral low-up psychiatric visits tually calling you for help, said. That includes your and papers and classes and
During her time at the from a doctor at Watkins, are $30 per session. youre pushing me to the physical health and your assignments.
University, Brandt recalls she said, she might not I got really great care, backburner, Brandt said. mental health. Brandt, who graduated
utilizing Counseling and have known CAPS was Brandt said. And for that According to Vargas, from the University in May,
Psychological Services to available to students. kind of price Id say it students will be given an You have to be taking is starting graduate school
help with her anxiety. First, I had a really awe- should definitely be a stu- appointment date and care of your whole this month at the Univer-
as a freshman, when she some experience [at CAPS] dents first line of defense. time on the day they in- self, that includes sity of Nebraska-Lincoln
was referred to CAPS after that first year of college, While her experienc- quire about scheduling your physical health to pursue her doctorate
a visit to Watkins Health Brandt said. es were positive overall, their first appointment. and your mental in audiology. She plans to
Services where she was CAPS offers individu- Brandt said her only frus- The wait time for an ap- health. ask about graduate mental
diagnosed with chronic mi- al counseling, individual tration with the service pointment depends on the health services there.
graines then again as a therapy, group therapy was the amount of time she time of year along with the Emma Brandt Im not ashamed to say
senior. and psychiatric therapy. had to wait when schedul- students availability and University alumna that therapy is something
Having to deal with Groups include a Mindful- ing an appointment her flexibility.This might take a that I enjoy and that has
chronic migraines and your ness Group, Grief and Loss senior year, after she had week or two, she said, but Brandt believes that made my quality of life tre-
first semester of college Group, and more, according dropped off the radar shouldnt be much longer. mental health is every- mendously higher, Brandt
and being what felt like to Christian Vargas, staff from CAPS for a couple of However, if a student thing. said.
eight million light-years psychologist and outreach years. She recalls having expresses that they cannot I would say that taking
away from home is pretty coordinator for CAPS. to wait around six weeks wait that long, CAPS will care of your mental health

what to watch


Previewing the Kansas Tough schedules await Student tickets for Why its time to believe
football teams season volleyball, womens Allen Fieldhouse in Kansas football again
basketball reallocated
p. 2 p. 7 p. 9 p. 13

Kansas football offensive preview:

Potential for growth at every position
WESLEY DOTSON Matthews are expected to offseason. The list recogniz-
@WesDotsonUDK help contribute to a Kansas es outstanding receivers in
backfield that ranked ninth college football. Sims caught
Despite taking a small in the conference in 2016. 72 passes for 859 yards and
step forward offensively in Matthews, a teammate hauled in seven touchdowns
2016, Kansas football still of Benders last season at last season.
has plenty of room to grow Itawamba Community Col- The Jayhawks will also
at every position this upcom- lege, ran a team-best 808 see their first glimpse of
ing season. yards as a freshman and 645 sophomore Daylon Charlot,
The Jayhawks averaged yards as a sophomore. He who transferred from Ala-
359.5 yards per game last also recorded nine touch- bama in 2016. Charlot was a
year. They are hoping to downs in his two seasons at consensus four-star recruit
improve on their offensive the school. and was ranked No. 59 in the
output with the addition of Williams is a four-star re- ESPN300 coming out of high
former TCU offensive coor- cruit according to Rivals. He school.
dinator Doug Meacham to finished his high school ca- Charlot caught two pass-
the coaching staff. reer ranked 10th all-time on es for nine yards in five
Meacham led the Horned Missy Minear/KANSAN the state of Texas rushing games of limited action for
Frogs to a top-three total of- Then-freshman quarterback Carter Stanley finds a receiver against Iowa State on list, according to KU Athlet- the Crimson Tide in 2015.
fense ranking in the Big 12 Nov. 12, 2016. ics. His role is expected to grow
in two of the past three sea- exponentially for the Jay-
sons. name a starter at quarter- Mike Leach, then playing at without a solidified prima- Receiving Corps hawks in 2017.
Hes one of the best back prior to the season Itawamba Community Col- ry running back. The team Key returners: WR Steven Returning senior Bob-
offensive minds in college opener. lege in 2016. should receive more depth Sims Jr., WR Daylon Charlot by Hartzog Jr. will provide
football, Kansas coach Da- However, it figures that In nine games, Bender from the position with a (sat out 2016 due to NCAA experience to an unit that
vid Beaty said during the either sophomore Carter completed 65 percent of his bevy of returners and addi- transfer rules), WR Bobby includes freshmen Takulve
annual Big 12 Football Media Stanley, or his roommate, ju- passes and threw for 2,733 tions. Hartzog Jr. Williams and Kenyon Tabor.
Days. Bringing him to Law- nior newcomer Peyton Bend- yards and 21 touchdowns. Sophomore Khalil Her- Key additions: TE Kenyon Tabor, a consensus three-
rence was an incredible ad- er, will do the job in the Sept. Kansas ranked ninth in bert figures to receive more Tabor, WR Takulve Williams star recruit from Derby, was
dition to an already amazing 2 game against Southeast the Big 12 last season in pass carries this season with the Key losses: WR LaQuvi- rated the fifth-best player in
group of coaches and men Missouri State. offense with 240.4 yards per loss of Keaun Kinner. Her- onte Gonzalez, WR Keegan the state of Kansas by Rivals.
that we have at our place. Stanley started the last game. bert ran for 189 yards and Brewer Williams, a New Orleans
three games of the season three touchdowns on a mere native and three-star recruit
Quarterback and helped Kansas to a 24- Running Back 44 carries in eight games last Although the dismissal according to 247sports, was
Key returner: Carter Stan- 21 overtime win over Texas. Key returners: Khalil Her- season. of senior LaQuvionte Gonza- recognized to the NOLA
ley He finished with 959 pass- bert, Denzell Evans, Taylor Junior Taylor Martin will lez potentially weakens the All-Metro team as a return
Key addition: Peyton ing yards, six touchdowns Martin also return to the Jayhawks. Kansas offense, it will still specialist. He returned two
Bender and six interceptions in nine Key additions: Dom Wil- He was a red zone force for return its No. 1 receiver from kickoffs and two punts for
Key losses: Montell Cozart, games of action last season. liams, Octavius Matthews Kansas last season with his last season: junior Steven touchdowns and averaged
Ryan Willis, Deondre Ford As for Bender, he will Key loss: Keaun Kinner four touchdowns on 91 car- Sims Jr. 25.8 return yards on punts in
be joining the Jayhawks ries. Sims was added to the his high school career.
For the second straight after starting his career at Like at quarterback, Kan- Freshman Dom Williams 2017 Preseason Biletnikoff
season, Beaty has yet to Washington State for coach sas will enter the season and junior transfer Octavius Award watch list during the

Veteran defensive core, new talent offer promise

@raeleyy pass rushers in the confer- experience and stats to back
ence and is predicted to be it up, it may take some time
With a lone Big 12 win a first-round pick in many to adjust to their heavy-
over Texas to stand on last NFL mock drafts. weight Big 12 opponents.
season, the Kansas defense My main [goal] is to ba- But Wise feels the defense
is putting its hopes into the sically beat all the numbers is prepared.
hands of a skillful return- that I put up last season, Overall, as a whole, I
ing core as well as a hand- Armstrong told the Law- think the defense is ready,
ful of talented new players. rence Journal-World in July. Wise said in a Kansas Ath-
While every season thus far With 10 sacks in 2016, letics release. It is starting
with coach David Beaty has Armstrong is the only re- to click even more. Things
brought improvement, this turner who totaled more were clicking before but
year brings more optimism than four sacks. This stat they are starting to click
for success than ever before will be crucial for the Jay- with us finally getting a
in his previous two seasons. hawks to improve upon in chance to put on the pads
Six defensive starters order to keep opponent and run around and hit each
departed, but a pack of six scoring down after allow- other, communicate back
starters will be returning, ing over 30 points in eight and forth from the safeties
leaving the Jayhawks with games throughout last sea- to the corners and the line-
ample experience on the de- son. backers. Everyone is looking
fensive side. Defensive end Josh good.
Ehambe is someone to look File Photo/KANSAN
Defensive Line out for to increase the over- Linebackers Oklahoma receiver Dede Westbrook outruns Kansas defensive tackle Daniel Wise.
Key Returners: Dorance all sack total. The junior Key Returners: Joe Dineen
Armstrong Jr., Daniel Wise, recorded four sacks in the Jr., Keith Loneker Jr. year and will be expected Kansas biggest loss came reer-high 11 tackles.
Josh Ehambe, Deelsaac Davis Jayhawks spring game and Key Losses: Courtney Ar- to help fill the void of Ar- with safety Fish Smith- Cornerbacks Marnez
Key Losses: Damani Mos- is expected to compete for a nick nick. Loneker is confident son, who was signed by the Ogletree and Brandon Stew-
by starting position on the de- in what his role will be. Washington Redskins as art, who accrued a combined
Transfers: Willie McCaleb, fensive line this fall. Lawrence native Joe That instinct has got to a free agent following the 59 tackles, have graduated,
JJ Holmes 2016 senior Damani Dineen Jr.s return may be come from my dad grow- 2017 NFL Draft. He start- but the position should be
Mosby is the most notable the most anticipated of any ing up around football for- ed in all 12 games and led filled with some ease.
Junior defensive end departure, but his third- Kansas player this year. The ever and watching football. the defense in tackles. His Sophomore cornerback
Dorance Armstrong Jr. and best seven tackles for loss redshirt junior started in Some of it is maybe God departure emphasizes just transfer Hasan Defense, a
junior defensive tackle Dan- shouldnt be too difficult to three games before suffering given, but a lot of it comes how little experience the native of Kilgore College,
iel Wise are expected to be make up for this season. a hamstring injury at Mem- from my dad and being able secondary has, leaving the Texas, has drawn much at-
the duo that will not only Transfer defensive end phis last September. to feed off of his knowledge Jayhawks to largely rely on tention and earned a three-
make the biggest impact Willie McCaleb collected Though Dineens previ- of the game, Loneker said transfers and underclass- star rating from Rivals,
on the defensive side of the 42 total tackles, leading ous season was cut short, at the Big 12 media day in men to step up. ESPN and 247sports.
field this season, but also his team with 16.5 tackles- he was still able to make a July. The lone top defensive Another player that may
provide strong leadership for-loss and 10 sacks in his sizable impact on the field. This group of lineback- back returning is sopho- fill the position is junior
for newcomers. 2016 season at Northwest He totaled 16 tackles, and ers, though not overflowing more safety Mike Lee, who cornerback Shakial Taylor, a
Wise, a 2016 All Big 12 Mississippi Community Col- while his talent wasnt able with depth, has the poten- was selected to the 2016 transfer from Mesa Commu-
second-team honoree, start- lege. He was also selected to to be displayed in full last tial to build off of Dineen All-Big 12 Honorable Men- nity College. He racked up
ed in 11 games last year, the Mississippi Association year, he will be a key to this and last seasons improve- tion. He had 70 solo tackles 42 tackles, the third most
making 10 tackles for loss, of Community and Junior teams defensive success. ments. on the year and should re- among secondary players on
along with three sacks and Colleges first team last year. The departure of Court- place Smithson as a leader his team in 2016.
two blocked kicks. Hutchinson Communi- ney Arnick will likely leave a Secondary in tackles. The secondary is by far
The majority of the hype, ty College junior transfer gap in the Jayhawks tackle Key Returners: Mike Lee Tevin Shaw is another the most inexperienced
however, has surround- J.J. Holmes was touted as a production. He recorded 67 Key Losses: Tevin Shaw, player whose absence the portion of the defense,
ed Armstrong, the new- three-star defensive tackle tackles in his senior season Fish Smithson, Marnez Ogle- Jayhawk defense will feel. but if underclassmen and
ly-named unanimous Big 12 by Rivals and should also be last year and tallied a team- tree, Brandon Stewart He had 56 tackles last sea- transfers can take on their
Preseason Defensive Player in the mix for playing time. high seven tackles for loss. Transfers: Hasan Defense, son and a played a crucial respective duties, improve-
of the Year. Armstrong is Though these junior col- Junior Keith Loneker Shakial Taylor part in a surprise victo- ment should be feasible.
regarded as one of the best lege transfers come in with Jr. had 28 solo tackles last ry over Texas with a ca-

Soccer falls in preseason opener

File Photo/KANSAN
Then-freshman forward Mandi Duggan drives the ball to the net during a 2016 playoff game against Missouri.

SHAUN GOODWIN beat to the ball all over the the game through a close- going forward. and senior forward Lois all of the freshmen in the
@ShaunGoodwinUDK field, said Kansas coach range header from senior We have a couple of Heuchan, as well as a close second half worked a lot
Mark Francis. In the air, Karly Stuenkel in the 28th others thatll be able to fill range volley over the bar better Ceri [Holland], Izzy
Just three days removed on the ground, in every line minute, it was the injury of that spot. Today there were from sophomore defender [Cavalcante], Kat [Castro],
from being voted to finish of the field the back line, Kansas sophomore forward a couple of spots where we Addisyn Merrick, Kansas Avery [Hall] when she came
second in the Big 12 pre- midfield and upfront. Mandi Duggan that cast a were a little bit thin, but could not draw level. in. All the freshmen that
season coaches poll, Iowa shadow over the game in weve also kids that are In the final minute of came in looked night and
defeated Kansas soccer 1-0 I think all of the first half. coming back, Francis said, the game, sophomore mid- day from the first half.
on Saturday in a friendly the freshmen in Just seconds after com- singling out freshman for- fielder Sophie Maierhofer Francis will look to rest
match. the second half ing on as a substitute, Dug- ward Kailey Lane, who he had a shot deflect off an his players in the coming
Iowa, who finished sec- worked a lot gan challenged for a ball and expects to be back in action Iowa defender and onto the days before preparing for
ond-to-last in the Big 10 better All the immediately went down in- next week. outside of the post. The Kansas next two games
in 2016 with a conference freshmen that jured as the ball ricocheted Kansas came out stron- chance summed up a frus- at Rock Chalk Park in the
record of 2-9-0, traveled to came in looked away. After several minutes, ger in the second half, at- trating afternoon for Kan- Rock Chalk Invitational in
Rock Chalk Park with no night and day Duggan was helped off the tempting four shots in the sas. the coming week.
other intentions but to win. from the first field and Iowa went on to first 15 minutes of the half Despite the loss, Francis Kansas will play former
From the first whistle, Iowa half. score the only goal of the as many as they managed was pleased with the show- Big 12 rival Nebraska on Fri-
had Kansas on its back foot, game moments later. in the entire first half. They ing in the second half. day at 7 p.m. before facing
spending a majority of the Mark Francis Although Duggan joins also limited Iowa to just a We had a lot of young off against Central Michi-
first half in Kansas final Kansas Coach a growing list of injured single shot the entirety of kids out there. A lot of gan on Sunday at 1 p.m.
third. players who can play on the the second half. them were just scared, first
My biggest beef with wing, such as junior Anna Despite golden oppor- college game; 45 minutes,
them at halftime was the Although Iowa managed Courtney, Francis is not tunities to score for sopho- get that out of your sys-
fact that we were getting to score the only goal of worried about the situation more forward Katie McClure tem, Francis said. I think

Kelsie Payne headlines Kansas preseason awards

TIFFANY LITTLER three-time AVCA All-Ameri-
@TiffanyLittler can. Last season, she recorded
a total of 16 assist-dig dou-
Senior right side hitter Kel- ble-doubles.
sie Payne is starting her final Rigdon earned AVCA
season at Kansas with big All-American Honorable Men-
honors. The conference an- tion and All-Big 12 First Team
nounced Wednesday that the honors after her 2016 perfor-
All-American is the Preseason mance. She led the Big 12 and
Big 12 Player of the Year for ranked 12th in the nation in
the second straight season. aces per set with 0.47.
After leading the Jayhawks These awards are [a] great
to the programs first-ever Big sign of the respect that Kel-
12 championship last sea- sie, Ainise and Madison have
son, she earned the postsea- earned around the league,
son Big 12 Player of the Year Kansas coach Ray Bechard
award. The All-Big 12 First said in a Kansas Athletics
Team member boasts Kansas news release. At the same
records for career hitting per- time, we are not going to be
centage and is within reach of complacent because we are
owning the programs career a veteran team. We have had
kills record. some great moments in the
Fellow seniors, setter Ain- last couple years, but we want
ise Havili and outside hitter the best moments to be still
Madison Rigdon, were also ahead of them.
named to the Preseason All- Kansas will open the 2017
Big 12 Team. season on Aug. 25 in Raleigh, File Photo/KANSAN
Havili, the back-to-back North Carolina at the Wolf- Then-junior right side hitter Kelsie Payne puts the ball over the net during a loss to Creighton in the 2016
Big 12 Setter of the Year, is a pack Invitational. NCAA Tournament.
17 - 27
Build your schedule at
Kick off your KU career in a big way. Learn about campus life, traditions,
and important resources.

Big 12 picks Dorance Armstrong Jr. as

Preseason Defensive Player of the Year
WESLEY DOTSON A dominant 2016 season
@WesDotsonUDK saw Armstrong, a Houston
native, record a team-high
The Big 12 is expecting 10 sacks (the most by a Kan-
another standout year from sas player in a single season
Kansas junior defensive end since 2001), 20 tackles for
Dorance Armstrong Jr. loss, three forced fumbles
The conference named and two fumble recoveries
Armstrong its Big 12 Pre- in his sophomore campaign.
season Defensive Player of Rounding out the awards
the Year on Wednesday. were Oklahoma senior quar-
Armstrong was also the terback Baker Mayfield,
only unanimous selection who was tabbed the confer-
for defense for the Presea- ences Preseason Offensive
son All-Big 12 First Team. Player of the Year, and West
The selection makes Virginia quarterback Will
Armstrong the first Kan- Grier, who was selected as
sas player to be named a the conferences Preseason
preseason individual award Newcomer of the Year.
winner during the schools Armstrong and the Kan-
time playing in the Big 12 sas team will begin the
Conference. 2017 season on Saturday,
The 6-foot-4 Armstrong Sept. 2 against Southeast
is also the first Kansas Missouri State at Memorial
player to be unanimously Stadium.
selected for the Preseason File Photo/KANSAN
All-Big 12 Football Team. Then-sophomore defensive end Dorance Armstrong Jr. blocks a TCU player on Oct. 8 at Memorial Stadium.

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Kansas coach David Beaty high fives players as they come off the field.

Beaty excited to add energetic coach in Meacham

Doug Meacham one of the best offensive minds in college football, Beaty says
WESLEY DOTSON coaching days in Texas. work with the guy. So, that grind for these guys is a Its going to be fun instantaneous impact at
@WesDotsonUDK The two first met while relationship started a long lot more than what a lot watching him put his TCU, Meacham served as
Meacham was recruiting time ago. of people know. Its very personality into it, Beaty the offensive coordinator
When Kansas football from Beatys schools. This past offseason, difficult. Doug has done said. The concepts are all and quarterbacks coach
coach David Beaty joined Beaty served as head coach Beaty made that such a great job of making very similar, but like all the for Houston.
the program in 2015, he of North Dallas in 2001 aspiration a reality when sure that we have fun guys that kind of live in Beaty is hoping
knew he ultimately wanted and Irving MacArthur he hired Meacham to join every day. Hes a guy that this offense, everyone has Meacham can have an
his longtime friend Doug from 2002-05. the Kansas coaching staff is infectious and you just their own little personality impact at Kansas similar to
Meacham as his offensive in January after three want to be around him. and twist on it. Its really the impact he had for the
coordinator. Bringing him to successful seasons at TCU. Hes one of those people. interesting watching him TCU offense as the season
I called him 10 times Lawrence was an Hes one of the best Meacham will be tasked instill that. approaches.
and offered him so much. incredible addi- offensive minds in college with turning around a Kansas has already had [The players] love
I told him, Look, you can tion to an already football, Beaty said. Kansas offense that has one position change on being around Doug
have all the money. Ill hire amazing group of Bringing him to Lawrence ranked last in the Big 12 offense this offseason Meacham because he is so
everyone else for a dollar, coaches and men was an incredible addition in total offense in each of with junior Ryan Schadler much fun and hes really
Beaty said during the Big that we have at our to an already amazing the past three seasons. moving to wide receiver. good at what hes done,
12 Football Media Days place. group of coaches and men Under Meacham, TCU I dont know [if] I Beaty said.
in Frisco, Texas. You can that we have at our place. ranked second in 2014 would have thought to His leadership over the
have it all, whats it going David Beaty Beaty said the addition (533 yards per game), third do that, Beaty said. We last three years and what
to take to get you here? Kansas coach of Meacham to the roster in 2015 (562.8 yards per really think that he might he was able to do with
Because I just think that has also provided an extra game) and seventh in 2016 be a really nice answer for coach [Gary] Patterson
much of him. amount of energy during (463.2 yards per game). us at that wide out spot. and those guys at TCU
Beaty and Meachams [Meacham] taught me practices. Beaty said he is eager Hes done nothing but really excited about Doug.
football relationship a lot of ball, spent a lot This game of football, to see the Kansas offense great things for us.
together dates back of time with him, Beaty its tough on these guys, formulate into Meachams Prior to making
to Beatys high school said. Always wanted to Beaty said. A day-to-day air raid style. what Beaty called an

Sporting KC, MLS introduce video referee

SHAUN GOODWIN I think having instant
@ShaunGoodwinUDK replay is tremendous, its
great for the growth of the
There was a notable league, Kansas City coach
difference Aug. 6 as Peter Vermes said. It was
Sporting Kansas Citys and about time for FIFA to make
Atlanta Uniteds players this decision. Youve got to
filed onto the field before get up with the today. Weve
kickoff. As is customary got all this technology, and
before any sporting event, we should be using it.
the PA announcer listed off VAR was first seriously
the names of all the referees called into question in
officiating the game. Kansas Citys 1-1 tie with
But tagged onto the end Atlanta United. In the
was a new position the 30th minute of the game,
video assistant referee. Kansas City forward Gerso
Sitting in a room looking Fernandes cut inside and
over Childrens Mercy Park, took a shot from the edge
VAR Juan Guzman Jr. sat of the box that struck
in front of a collection of Atlanta defender Mikey
screens, with the ability Ambroses hand, with the
to view every single replay ball eventually trickling
seconds after it happened. through to goalkeeper Brad
The VAR is a creation Guzan.
collaborated between MLS
and The International Foot-
ball Association, the orga-
nization that oversees the It was about time File Photo/KANSAN
rules of soccer worldwide, for FIFA to make Defender Graham Zusi fights with a Real Salt Lake defender for the ball. Sporting Kansas City defeated Real Salt
to aid in the decision mak- this decision, Lake 3-0 on April 29 at Childrens Mercy Park.
ing of head referees during youve got to get
competitive fixtures. up with the today. continue. Kansas City finally took Later in the match, the 92nd minute of play
While the VAR may Im sure they did, they the lead in the 58th minute, the answer to Atlantas to silence the group of
seem a little overpowered, it Peter Vermes check every play, Vermes when forward Latif Blessing troubles in front of goal on supporters in The Cauldron
can only be used, in which Sporting KC coach said on the handball. So was brought down in the Sunday night came through who had just begun
the head referee has made a Im assuming they felt that box trying to skip past its player labeled The chanting I believe that we
clear and obvious error. wasnt a clear and obvious Atlanta defender Leandro Answer. will win.
There are four instances With the instant replay type of thing. Gonzlez Prez. As Blessing After playing five Despite scoring the
in which VAR can be used: on the two large video The general feel of the ran past, Prez brought seasons with Kansas City, tying goal, Peterson refused
If there is an error in the boards showing a handball, game was that of a Sunday up a high arm and shoved Jacob Peterson earned the to celebrate in front of his
awarding, or lack of, a goal, thousands of people afternoon pub league game Blessing down, causing nickname The Answer former club.
the awarding or lack thereof around the stadium started in England, with sloppy Atlanta fans to call for the due to his ability to play in With little time to
a penalty, if a player is shouting in uproar, with play and brash tackles VAR to disallow the penalty. multiple positions. But on respond, Kansas City
undeservedly given a red members of The Cauldron throughout the game. It Kansas City midfielder the night, he was a problem dropped two late points
card, or a clear red card was chanting V-A-R. But was the perfect game to Benny Feilhaber, who for Kansas City. to finish the game at a
missed, and the mistaken referee Chris Penso refused bring VAR into action, with replaced midfielder Coming on as a 1-1 deadlock. In the draw,
identity of a player by the to make the VAR motion Atlanta committing 20 Cristian Lobato at halftime, substitute in the 68th Sporting KC extended its
referee when handing out a large square box with fouls and Kansas City an dispatched the penalty minute, Peterson grabbed home unbeaten streak to
cards. his hands, and let play additional 10. coolly. the equalizing goal in 21 games.

File Photo/KANSAN
Senior wide receiver LaQuvionte Gonzalez makes a catch and is taken down by three defenders during the spring game.

Team bonds at lake after Gonzalez dismissal

first of the fall camp. So in our program, Beaty said. was Octavius Matthews season at Kansas, also junior linebacker Keith
the long run, the decision Although he didnt that kid I dont think playing linebacker. Loneker Jr. and sophomore
for him to part ways with give a specific reason for has even swam in his life Defensive coordinator safety Bryce Torneden
Despite the dismissal us is going to be the best Gonzalezs dismissal, Beaty before, and he got up the Clint Bowen, who played bring a hometown flair to
of would-be senior wide decision for both us and said Gonzalez had some first time, Beaty said. Its alongside his brother the defensive line as all
receiver LaQuvionte him. characteristics that were amazing how athletic he is. Charley Bowen for Kansas graduated from Lawrence-
Gonzalez from the Kansas Gonzalez was dismissed difficult to fix. For the more from 1991 to 1994, is area high schools.
football program on July 30, less than a year after He is not a bad person, experienced players, excited to see the chemistry The Jayhawks will
coach David Beaty insisted completing a personal- he is not a bad kid, and the chemistry formed in between the pair. continue practicing
during a media availability best year for the Jayhawks, anybody who gets him is preseason camp already I do know when Charley throughout the month of
that there is a great bond recording 729 receiving going to be getting a special exists like it does for and I are together, it was August until the season
between his team heading yards on 62 receptions kid, Beaty said. Lawrence-based brothers always kind of neat to look kicks off on Sep. 2 in
into the season. with three receiving Beaty also shed light Joe and Jay Dineen. over and see your brother Memorial Stadium against
You guys know how touchdowns. on a recent team building Joe is a redshirt-junior there and have that feeling, Southeast Missouri State.
much I love and care for We have standards that exercise at Clinton Lake on linebacker expected to Bowen said. So Im sure at
Quiv. But, I love this team we expect our players to Monday: surfing. make a big impact on the some point and time theyll
just as much as I love follow, and if they fail to do For some of the players, Jayhawk defense after get on the field together
him, if not more, Beaty that, at some point, there it was the first time theyd missing most of last season and have a little laugh in
said following Tuesday will be including and up to stepped foot in a lake. with an injury. Jay will the huddle.
mornings practice, the dismissal and removal from I think most impressive be entering his freshman The Dineen brothers,

Wait nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year


Former Kansas libero

Cassie Wait can add
another accolade to her
successful career with the
volleyball program.
Wait was nominated by
Kansas Athletics for the
2017 NCAA Woman of the
Year award on Tuesday.
In 2016, Wait, a three-
year starter at libero, led
the Jayhawks to their first-
ever Big 12 Conference
title. She also earned Big
12 Libero of the Year
and Kansas City Sports
Commission Sportswoman
of the Year honors.
According to the
NCAAs official website,
the NCAA Woman of
the Year award honors
graduating female college
athletes who no longer
have eligibility and
distinguished themselves
in academics, athletics, Missy Minear/KANSAN
service and leadership Then-senior libero Cassie Wait celebrates after a point against West Virginia. Kansas won in three sets.
through their collegiate
careers. finished her first academic in digs per set (5.10) and field), Oklahoma States 30 honorees with 10 from those nine.
Wait graduated with a year at the Universitys finished second in career Courtney Dike (soccer), coming from each division. The top 30 honorees
business degree in three School of Law. digs at Kansas (1,958). Texas Gia Doonan (rowing) From the top 30, the will be recognized and the
years in May 2016 with a Wait was a key player Wait is one of seven Big and Baylors Blair Shankle selection committee will 2017 NCAA Woman of the
3.90 GPA before enrolling in leading the Jayhawks to 12 athletes nominated by (tennis). determine the top three Year will be announced
in law school, according their first-ever Final Four her school for the award. In the next step of the honorees from each at the annual award
to Kansas Athletics. She appearance in 2015. She Others include Kansas selection process, NCAA division and announce ceremony on Oct. 22 in
is a three-time Academic also finished her career States Katie Brand conferences will select the nine finalists in Indianapolis.
All-Big 12 First Team with 104 wins and holds (volleyball), West Virginias up to two conference September.
honoree and a member of the programs best four- Kadeisha Buchanan nominees from each of The NCAA Committee
the Universitys Honors year winning percentage (soccer), Oklahomas the school nominees. on Womens Athletics
Program. (.819). During her senior Jennifer Carmichael The committee will then chooses the 2017
The Gardner-native just season, Wait led the Big 12 (outdoor track and then choose the top NCAA Woman of the Year

Reallocation of Allen Fieldhouse seats

will lower student ticket prices in 2017
Wesley Dotson Grant-eligible students,
@WesDotsonUDK Marchiony said. That
displayed to us a genuine
A new agreement concern for students who
reached last month otherwise would not be
between the Universitys able to attend the games,
Student Senate and Kansas and we were very happy
Athletics will reallocate a to make that part of this
part of the student section arrangement.
in Allen Fieldhouse to This is the second time
donors, as well as lower in the past three years
the price of student ticket Kansas Athletics has
prices next season. relocated student seating,
Section 19 which is according to the Kansas
located behind Kansas City Star.
bench in the middle and In 2014, Kansas
upper sections will be Athletics switched 120
reallocated to boosters, seats in Section U
which will directly lower located directly in front of
the student all-sports Section 19 to a donor
combo pack from $179 location as a response to
to $159. The section has the Universitys student
about 400 seats, according government voting to
to Associate Athletic eliminate a student fee that
provided Kansas Athletics
with more than $1 million
I dont think this
arrangement will
However, Marchiony
have any effect File Photo/KANSAN
said he doesnt believe this
on the student The Kansas student section cheers at the end of the alma mater.
newest change will impact
experience; the
driving forces behind the According to the Kansas the cost of football and and first-generation the student experience at
students will
agreement was the decline City Star, Kansas Athletics mens basketball game students. Allen Fieldhouse.
continue to make
in student attendance. has typically reserved tickets. Kansas Athletics will I dont think this
game day at Allen
The key fact, and the around 4,000 seats for We give a lot of credit reserve 20 season tickets arrangement will have
Fieldhouse the
fact that made this all work students for home games, to KU student leadership, for these students, and any effect on the student
so well for students and but student attendance which was purposeful in its those seats will be given experience; the students
[Kansas] Athletics, is that has declined recently. desire to lower the price of away for free through a will continue to make game
advantage that it
students were not using Students will now be student season tickets and lottery on a game-by-game day at Allen Fieldhouse
has always been.
nearly the number of seats strictly assigned to the end saw this as a way to gain basis. the awe-inspiring home-
that were allotted to them, zone sections behind each something for students We also credit student court advantage that it has
Jim Marchiony
Marchiony said. That basket, as well as corner without sacrificing leadership for caring always been, Marchiony
associate athletic director
means that Athletics isnt sections 20 and 21. anything, Marchiony said. enough about their fellow said.
taking away seats from Marchiony said the The agreement will also students to ask Athletics
Director Jim Marchiony. students, and students agreement will benefit have another benefiter: Pell to provide 20 free tickets
One of the main arent losing seats. students, as it will lower Grant-eligible, low-income every game for Pell

Miranda Anaya/KANSAN
Kansas Athletics is planning to raise $300 million to renovate Memorial Stadium, a facility originally opened in 1921.

Memorial Stadium to undergo $300

million renovation, add indoor facility
WESLEY DOTSON hosted by Kansas football practice fields and uses there. because its a great time a fan experience nowa-
@WesDotsonUDK coach David Beaty at the Anschutz Sports Pavilion Zenger, who recently to be at KU, Beaty said, days, and we want these
Well Bar in Kansas City. when the weather forces had his contract extend- according to the Law- people to be comfortable
Kansas Athletics has a The project will in- practices inside. ed through 2021 in May, rence Journal-World. I and really enjoy their
plan in place to upgrade clude an indoor practice It will be something has put a focus on im- mean [Zenger] has done time there.
Memorial Stadium with facility, and Zenger is that will be just that proving the football pro- so much here. For him to The final version of
$300 million worth of expecting to receive ren- next step in transcending gram. clear the deck and kind the plan is expected to be
renovation. derings in the next three our program to the next His new contract also of make room for foot- sent out to the public in
Athletic director weeks. level, Beaty said at the includes perks, including ball right now, and hes September.
Sheahon Zenger an- Kansas currently does event, according to the a $40,000 bonus if the a football guy at heart,
nounced the renovation not have an indoor prac- Star. We really do have football team has a win- knowing our fans deserve
plan on Wednesday at the tice facility. Instead, the to keep up with the facil- ning record. a really nice stadium.
Football in June event team has two outdoor ity war that goes on out Its exciting for me Beaty continued, Its

Quick facts on Royals first-round pick Nick Pratto

WESLEY DOTSON the Royals selected high The lefty still pitches for first time Pratto had been ship game against Ham- als. Kansas Citys first-
@WesDotsonUDK schooler Nick Pratto with his Huntington Beach on the national stage. amatsu Minami of Japan. round pick has a value of
the No. 14 pick on June High School team, but Pratto was a Little Pratto has committed $3,727,600.
The Kansas City Roy- 12. his bat is what made him League World Series hero to USC, but he is like-
als might have found Pratto, a native of a first-round selection. in 2011 when he deliv- ly to sign with the Roy-
their first baseman of the Huntington Beach, Cal- After hearing his name ered a game-winning sin-
future. ifornia, entered the sea- called at the draft, the gle for his Ocean View
In the 2017 MLB Draft, son as a two-way talent. moment still wasnt the team in the champion-

8th-ranked Kansas volleyball program set

to face tough nonconference opponents
WESLEY DOTSON The regular season will
@WesDotsonUDK open on the road against
NC State on Aug. 25. The
Kansas volleyball coach teams will face each other
Ray Bechard released a twice at the Wolfpack In-
nonconference schedule vitational in Raleigh, North
on Monday that features Carolina.
several stout opponents for Kansas will also play
the Jayhawks in the 2017 Missouri State during that
season. weekend.
We have the most com- The fact that we are
petitive home nonconfer- playing NC State twice
ence schedule that we have on its home floor will be a
ever had, paired with chal- great challenge for our team
lenging lineup of matches opening up, Bechard said
away from home, Bechard in the release. Then you
said in a Kansas Athletics sandwich those matches
news release. That jumps with a Missouri State team
out at me initially the most likely favored to win a
opportunity we have to competitive Missouri Valley
entertain some really good
teams and to make a large
This is shaping up
footprint on the national
to be one of the
most competitive
The complete 2017 vol-
home nonconfer-
leyball schedule is now
ence schedules in
the nation.
Three of the Jayhawks
four home nonconference
Ray Bechard
matches will be against
Kansas coach File Photo/KANSAN
Kentucky, Purdue and
Creighton all partici- Coach Ray Bechard cheers on the team in the final game of a match.
pants in the 2016 NCAA Conference it shapes up hawks will play the Wild- Bechard said in the release. ment. nity to put a national foot-
tournament. to be a challenging opening cats on Sept. 4. We are excited that we can The Jayhawks will print in a lot of different
Before hosting these weekend. Kansas, the reigning Big play three teams that feel matchup against the two places if we can have some
teams, Kansas will host Kansas will then make a 12 champion, is 28-2 at like they can be top 10 in joint hosts of the event on success, Bechard said in
UMKC in an exhibition stop in Utah for the Wolf- home in the last two sea- the country and a Belmont Sept. 15. The team will face the release.
game on Aug. 19 at Horejsi pack Invitational. The Jay- sons. team that will certainly be San Jose State that after- Kansas will be at-
Family Athletics Center. hawks will face Utah Valley Later in the Kansas Invi- one of the favorites to win noon, followed by a match tempting to capture a sec-
This season will mark on Aug. 31, followed by tational, the team will play its league. Our fans will be against Santa Clara. Kansas ond-straight Big 12 cham-
the first time the NCAA is Long Beach State on Sept. Belmont and Purdue on treated to some great vol- will conclude the noncon- pionship and a trip to the
allowing exhibition match- 1 and Montana on Sept. 2. Sept. 8 and conclude with leyball. ference slate against Idaho Final Four for the second
es between institutions in The Jayhawks will return Creighton on Sept. 9. Kansas final weekend of on Sept. 16. time in the last three years
volleyball. The match will to Lawrence for a four-game This is shaping up to be the nonconference sched- The good thing about in 2017. The team finished
be replacing the teams an- homestand that will start one of the most competi- ule will take place in the this is when you look at the 27-3 last season.
nual Crimson & Blue Scrim- with Kentucky in the Kan- tive home nonconference Bay Area at the Santa Clara overall depth of our sched-
mage. sas Invitational. The Jay- schedules in the nation, / San Jose State Tourna- ule, it gives us an opportu-

Womens basketball faces daunting schedule

win mark. a trip to the round of 16 in
WESLEY DOTSON Kansas will open the sea- the Womens National Invi-
@WesDotsonUDK son with an 11-game home- tational Tournament.
stand that will include two Other teams the Jay-
After a disappointing exhibitions against Emporia hawks will face who will
8-22 record in coach Bran- State on Oct. 29 and Pitts- be coming off a 20-plus
don Schneiders second burg State on Nov. 5. win season include Texas
season with the program, The Jayhawks first reg- Southern, Rice and Camp-
the Kansas womens bas- ular-season game will be bell.
ketball team will aim to against Campbell on Nov. Kansas returns three
improve upon its noncon- 12. The matchup will mark starters in 2017-18, includ-
ference play when the team the first time in history the ing senior guard Jessica
plays two power-five con- teams play each other. Washington, who was the
ference opponents in the Eight more nonconfer- 2017 Big 12 Newcomer of
2017-18 season. ence games will follow, with the Year. Washington aver-
The teams nonconfer- the homestand concluding aged 17.1 points, 2.8 assists
ence schedule was released against Southeast Missouri and 4.1 rebounds last sea-
on June 13, and nine of the on Dec. 10. son.
11 games will be played in- Kansas closes out its The Jayhawks finished
side Allen Fieldhouse. nonconference lineup with 2-16 in the Big 12 and 6-6
The schedule also in- a pair of road games against in nonconference play in
cludes four opponents that St. Johns on Dec. 18 and 2016-17.
appeared in the 2017 post- Iona on Dec. 20 before be-
season, including Wom- ginning Big 12 Conference
Associated Press ens Basketball Invitational play.
Kansas coach Brandon Schneider gestures to his team during the first quarter of champion Rice, and four Last season, St. Johns
an NCAA college basketball game against TCU in the Big 12 womens tournament in teams that reached the 20- posted a 22-12 record and
Oklahoma City, Friday, March 4, 2016. Kansas won 81-64.

Two-way player Gabby Simpson to transfer to

Kansas volleyball from University of Colorado
WESLEY DOTSON release and reached out to Simpson played as both a ure at Colorado. Springs, Colorado, native, Taylor Alexander, fresh-
@WesDotsonUDK us, we were thrilled, coach right-side hitter and setter She totaled 818 kills played in only 22 matches man setter Annika Carlson,
Ray Bechard said in a Kan- during her three-year ten- (2.4 kills per set) and 1,216 last season due to injury. sophomore middle blocker
A versatile force is set to sas Athletics news release. assists (3.6 assists per set) However, she helped the Mmachi Nwoke as 2017
join the Kansas volleyball We feel Kansas is a great fit as both a right-side hitter team to upsets of No. 13 newcomers for the reigning
After Gabby got
team next season. for her. She has one year of and a setter in two seasons. Penn State, No. 17 Illinois, Big 12-champion Jayhawks.
her release and
Senior Gabby Simpson eligibility left at this point, Simpson was also a two- No. 13 Washington State Kansas finished 27-3
reached out to us,
announced on Tuesday she and there is an opportunity time All-Pac 12 honorable and No. 12 UCLA. and 15-1 in Big 12 play last
we were thrilled.
will be joining the Jayhawks for her to impact our team mention selection, and she Her 215 kills in 2016 season.
We feel Kansas is a
after her release from Colo- from both a physical and a recorded 16 double-dou- ranked third on the team,
great fit for her.
rado. She will have one year skill-level perspective im- bles and a Colorado-record and her 477 assists ranked
of eligibility left when she mediately. seven triple-doubles in second.
Ray Bechard
arrives to the program. Although she is 2016. Simpson will join Kan-
Kansas coach
After Gabby got her left-handed, the 6-foot-3 Simpson, a Colorado sas senior middle blocker

Kansas golfs Spencer pushes the limits

against former teammate Chase Hanna
the entire weekend. and I was really happy Hanna when he posted It was special, Hanna Champion events and the
Both Hanna and for him, he played great, two-straight 5-under 67 said. Going down the line, Watson Challenge five
One person stood in Spencer are graduates of Hanna said. He played outings to earn a victory. I was kind of neck-and- times, has given him advice
Kansas sophomore golfer Shawnee Mission East High just about flawless golf for However, Hanna, neck with Tom Watson on how to take the next
Andy Spencers path to a School and have spent the 36 holes that I played a former standout at the entire back nine. So it step as Hanna prepares to
title at the 2017 Watson time together dating back with him. And if it couldnt Kansas, is no stranger to was pretty special to come enter professional golf.
Challenge this past June: to their high school days. be me that won, Im sure this event. He won the away with the victory in Hes definitely served
former Kansas teammate Hanna said the event, happy that he got it done. Watson Challenge in 2015 that situation. Its certainly as a role model and a
Chase Hanna. which was played at Hanna led the pack after and said he relished every a good memory Ill have person for inspiration,
Spencer went on to win Milburn Country Club, was the first round on Friday moment while battling forever. Hanna said. Just the way
the annual challenge in one of the best efforts he with a 3-under 69. But with legendary Kansas City Hanna said Watson, he conducts himself on the
Overland Park, but Hanna has seen from Spencer. over the final two rounds, golfer Tom Watson for the who has won 39 PGA SEE SPENCER PAGE
served as stiff competition Were close friends Spencer pulled away from title that year. Tour events, 14 PGA Tour B12

Hannah Edelman/KANSAN
Led by sophomore Taylor Martin, the Jayhawks run out to take on the Texas Longhorns in November.

Dzwierzynski: After years of struggle,

its time to believe in KU football again
BRENDAN DZWIERZYNSKI Receiver Steven Sims career in Mike Leachs football all goes back to 33rd-best 2018 recruit- homa, were more snuff
@BrendanDzw Jr. in on award watch true air raid system at hiring Beaty. It hasnt ing class per 247Sports, film than football game.
lists to start the season, Washington State, so he been a smooth run by any despite only a handful of There has been a lot of
Its been years since a phenomenal sign for an knows the gist of the Kan- means for Beaty, with the wins in his tenure. The re- bad football under the
there was any real hype offense that has ranged sas offense well enough. winless season in 2015 cruits are improving every Kansas Jayhawks banner
around Kansas football. from bad to unwatchable People forget that and painful play calling year and so is the team in in recent memory.
Now, with the season ap- dreck over the past sev- Stanley was the quarter- marring his first two sea- general. Success breeds Thats the past,
proaching, players being eral seasons, dating back back for Kansas when the sons in Lawrence. But, success. though. Being skeptical
named to watch lists and to the Turner Gill disaster Jayhawks beat the Texas the key is improvement, It may feel like grasp- is an understandable ap-
even a semblance of hope and Charlie Weis reign of Longhorns last season, a something hes shown ing at straws to put so proach considering the
for the future surround- destruction. massive win for the pro- since arriving. much stock in potential programs futility. But, it
ing the program, fans are Even at quarterback, gram. Winning games at all and hope. But although wasnt that long ago that
finally getting a chance where theres not a defin- Up and down the ros- is an important part of a the plight of Kansas foot- Kansas went to back-to-
to be excited for the Jay- itive starter at this point, ter, theres reason to be coachs job, so that was ball is well known across back bowl games and was
hawks. theres more to look for- excited. Two former four- a clear step up last sea- the map, it doesnt really at least competing with
Frankly, its about ward to behind center star recruits from Ala- son. And, by hiring Doug sink in how dreadful the conference foes. It wont
time. than theres been since bama, sophomore wide Meacham to take over as team has been until its be long until we see that
Its been a long time at least the days before receiver Daylon Charlot offensive coordinator, the verbalized or written in again, either.
since Kansas had a roster Michael Cummings knee and junior offensive line- program is clearly ded- plain sight. Kansas may not be a
as talented as its current was shredded by one of man Charles Baldwin, are icated to improving the The most recent crop of bowl team this season,
one. Junior defensive end the dumbest spring game eligible this season. on-field product. (Defen- four-year graduates from but it will certainly be a
Dorance Armstrong Jr. is plays of all-time. Junior defensive tackle sive coordinator Clint the University saw eight better team than it has
the headliner for the new Whether its redshirt Daniel Wise leads a defen- Bowen deserves a shout wins over the course of been over the past sever-
era of Kansas standouts, sophomore Carter Stanley sive interior that has the out as well due to the de- four seasons. That group al years. The program is
entering 2017 as the Pre- or junior transfer Peyton girth and strength to im- fenses vast improvement was in the first weeks of distancing itself from bad
season Big 12 Defensive Bender, it feels as though pose on opposing offen- over the course of 2016). their freshman year of players, bad hires and the
Player of the Year. coach David Beatys mod- sive lines. And, of course, Beaty was known as high school when Kan- unending negativity (or
But, unlike in past ified Air Raid offense is sophomore safety Mike a great recruiter while sas last won on the road. worse, apathy) of the past
years when Kansas might in good (or at least better) Lee is quickly ascending at Texas A&M, where he They were eighth-graders more and more every day.
have one standout player hands. to the ranks of the best was the Aggies recruit- when Kansas last won a Theres reason to final-
from a roster filled with Neither passer has safeties in college foot- ing coordinator and wide conference game on the ly have faith in the Jay-
mediocrity (or worse), much in-game experience, ball. receivers coach. Hes car- road. hawks.
there are multiple Jay- but they have enough to Its been a slow pro- ried that over with him to Games like Homecom-
hawks receiving attention be an asset to the offense. cess, but the drawn-out Kansas, where, as of July ing 2015, a four-hour,
heading into the season. Bender started his college turnaround for Kansas 20, the Jayhawks have the 55-point blowout to Okla-

FROM SPENCER and hes a pretty good his mark on the mens golf record with a 10-under 61
PAGE B12 ball striker. I think as he program and became a star at the Kaanapali Collegiate
continues to progress and golfer after four seasons Classic in November 2016.
golf course. Hes just given he continues to get better with the team. Both Hanna and
me a little bit of advice he can achieve some great Spencer are competing
about what it takes to get things. in the Southwestern Golf
to the next level and what Hanna also said one I think the skys Amateur this week from
to expect at the next level. of Spencers greatest the limit for June 14-17 in Scottsdale,
This past weekends strengths which could Andy. Hes got tall Arizona.
event marked the fourth also continue to grow length and hes a However, while Hanna
time that Hanna has is his putting. Fittingly, pretty good ball will attempt to enter the
played in the challenge Spencer tallied an event- striker. I think realm of professional golf
with Watson. high 16 birdies to secure a as he continues in the coming months,
I just [enjoy] to see how seven-stroke victory over to progress and Spencer will return for his
he goes about his business Hanna. he continues to second season at Kansas in
really to see what he Over the final round on get better he can the fall.
does to make him good, Sunday, Spencer tallied achieve some great Hanna will be expecting
Hanna said. birdies on holes No. 3, No. things. nothing but growth from
As for Spencer, Hanna 5 and No. 8 over the front his friend.
Chase Hanna
marveled about the nine, while adding two Im so excited to follow
former Kansas player
potential he believes he more on the back at holes him these next three
Photo Courtesy of Kansas Athletics has at Kansas. No. 14 and No. 16. He years, Hanna said.
Sophomore golfer Andy Spencer won the 2017 Watson I think the skys the never scored above par on Hanna set a school
Challenge this weekend at Milburn Country Club, beat- limit for Andy, Hanna the day. record and was one stroke
ing out former teammate Chase Hanna. said. Hes got tall length But for Hanna, he left from tying the NCAA

1 1 1 1 Ind iana St re e t | 78 5 . 2 9 4. 6 400 | he reka ns a s . com


Kansas coach Bill Self says Sacramento

Kings a great place for Frank Mason III

Missy Minear / KANSAN

Former guard Frank Mason III looks to make a pass inside against Purdue on March 23.

WESLEY DOTSON They talked to us about another point guard. Is [Ma- seen turnover in both the DeAaron Fox both will be the first player in Kansas
@WesDotsonUDK Frank for months about son] as big a priority? head coaching position and great for their franchise to- and Big 12 history to av-
how much they loved him, Despite the Kings se- front office over the past gether. erage more than 20 points
Early in the draft scout- Self said. They brought lecting Fox, Mason still several years. (20.9) and five assists (5.2)
Hell bring a
ing process, the Sacramen- him out there twice to work heard his name called from Sacramento has had in a single season in 2016-
toughness to their
to Kings took a liking to him out. the team that has shown nine different coaches 17. His 20.9 points per
culture that will be
former Kansas guard Frank However, doubt of the the most interest in him since 2006 and has won game average ranked first
very positive. I think
Mason III. On June 22, the Kings drafting Mason crept ever since the draft process less than 40 games each of in the conference.
he and DeAaron Fox
Kings made Mason the into Selfs mind after the started. those past 11 seasons. His stellar season also
both will be great
newest member of their or- team drafted Kentucky That tells me right there Self said he thinks Ma- helped propel Mason to
for their franchise
ganization. guard DeAaron Fox with how much they like Frank if sons mentality will con- a top six ranking in both
Sacramento drafted Ma- the No. 5 overall pick. they want him on the ros- tribute to creating a posi- points (1,885) and assists
son in the second round We thought that [No. ter so much after they took tive culture the Kings have (576) in Kansas history.
Bill Self
(34th overall) of the 2017 34 overall] would be a good Fox, Self said. I think its a been searching for. Mason is the first Jay-
Kansas coach
NBA Draft. backstop for [Mason], just great place for him. I think His value will be even hawk in the history of the
After he was selected, because we didnt think hell have an opportunity to more so than what he does Kansas program to rank
Kansas coach Bill Self said hed fall past that, Self not only make the team but on the court, Self said. After winning national sixth or higher in both cat-
the Kings have been in- said. But when they took play a lot. Hell bring a toughness to player of the year honors egories.
trigued by Mason for sever- Fox with their first pick, Mason will join a strug- their culture that will be from 10 different media
al months. now all of a sudden, theres gling Kings team that has very positive. I think he and outlets, Mason also became

JUCO softball star Brynn Minor transfers to Kansas

@WesDotsonUDK as a two-way talent. She
led Butler in numerous
offensive categories this
The Kansas softball season, including setting
team will be adding a single-season records in
significant piece to its batting average (.497) and
roster for next season. home runs (30).
Butler Community She also posted a
College star Brynn Minor 12-0 record with a 1.07
announced in a tweet on ERA and five saves in
Saturday that she will be 34 appearances on the
transferring to Kansas to mound.
continue her collegiate Minor ends her Butler
career. career as the Grizzlies
Minor, a Wichita native, all-time leader in batting
was named the 2017 average (.478), hits (174),
Dudley NJCAA Softball doubles (41) and ERA
Player of the Year on June (1.03). She also finished
15. second all-time in RBIs
She helped the Grizzlies (144) and third in both
to a 58-1 record and a home runs (36) and runs
second-straight NJCAA scored (132).
national championship The Jayhawks finished
this past season. Minor led 24-28 and 3-14 in Big 12
Butler to an overall record Conference play this past
of 111-5 over the past two season.
seasons. Missy Minear / KANSAN
Minor is also regarded The Jayhawks huddle after scoring a run against Oklahoma on April 14.

what to do


An interview with Head downtown to Gluten-free bakery Previewing the

Comedy Central star survey Y2K or protect opens on biggest movies of the
Nikki Glaser the rules of basketball Massachusetts Street fall season
p. 2 p. 5 p. 9 p. 11
arts & culture Wednesday, August 16, 2017 K A N S A N .C O M /A R T S A N D C U LT U R E

An interview with KU grad Nikki Glaser

COURTNEY BIERMAN I really want to do a scripted raw and so angry about that
@courtbierman show in which I can act a lit- its hard to make it funny.
tle bit more because thats I find that when I talk
Nikki Glaser has had an something that Ive been re- about Trump onstage at
intense year. ally into doing. Im just kind all, it kind of takes away
Glaser, a Comedy Cen- of trying to throw myself from the fun of the show
tral star and 2006 Univer- into acting a little bit more, because theres this like
sity graduate, experienced and Im going to be filming unbridled rage that bubbles
unemployment, a breakup a small role in Amy Schum- to the surface that nobody
and a presidential election ers new movie that shes wants at a comedy show. I
all in the same week. Com- shooting right now. Things can tell that anyone who
edy Central publicly an- like that. Im developing my doesnt laugh, they proba-
nounced the cancellation own scripted series that is bly voted for him, and then
of Glasers television show
Not Safe with Nikki Gla-
serwithin days of Donald I just want so badly for [women]
Trumps win.
Not Safe, which ran for to understand that first of all
20 episodes, branded itself
as a raunchy sex comedy, they cant be perfect, and they
highlighted by video seg-
ments in which Glaser at- shouldnt want to be.
tends foot fetish parties or
asks her parents about their
sex lives. Nikki Glaser
Losing her show doesnt Comedienne, University alumna
mean Glaser hasnt been
busy. Shes writing a lot,
and she wants to do more in very, very pre-develop- I end up hating that part of
acting. Her hour-long com- ment of which I cant speak the crowd. Its not worth it
edy special Perfect de- of anything. for myself to alienate those
buted on Comedy Central Thats the bummer people.
last year, and shes one of about losing a TV show; it On Twitter and Insta-
six comedians featured in takes like two years for it gram Im very outspoken
Netflixs The Standups, to even get on TV, and then about my political views
released last month. Glaser when its done you have to and my hatred for this pres-
also had a few choice words start that process all over idency. And people always
for Ann Coulter during the again. go Youre alienating half
Roast of Rob Lowe last of your fan base! and my
September. UDK: The week Not Safe answer is always, Good. I
The Free State Festi- was canceled was a really, dont want you as my fan
val welcomed Glaser as a really bad week for you. Did base. I hate you and your
headliner over the summer. it feel like the end of the decision to vote for him so
It was a homecoming for world? much that I dont want any-
Glaser, who hadnt been to thing to do with you, and
Lawrence since 2008 (she NG: I knew the show was I would rather you spend Contributed Photo
thinks). ending before it was an- your money on guns or 2006 University alumna Nikki Glaser is keeping busy with a variety of projects.
The Kansan caught up nounced, but it got an- whatever the f--- you buy.
with Glaser to talk about nounced the same week want to partake in it! UDK: How has your every- UDK: Comedians are prob-
her post-Not Safe down- that Trump won, and then UDK: Youve talked about I think its natural for day life changed since Not ably disadvantaged if they
time and the role of come- my boyfriend and I broke being aware of the fact that kids to try to lift that veil Safe? didnt grow up on the coast.
dians during the Trump ad- up. Were back together, young girls follow you on and see whats going on on Did you feel like you were a
ministration. which is great, but at the social media. At the same the adult side of things, and NG: The best part about it couple steps behind when
time it felt like it was a huge time, your comedy prob- a big part of my comedy is is that I can afford to eat you first went to L.A.?
UDK: I know its been a life-change. Like everything ably isnt something that trying to making women wherever I want and have
tough year, but you real- was kind of changing. That really young girls should be and young girls feel better dogs and like donate money NG: I think its best for
ly seem like youve been week was a bummer for watching or maybe they about who they are. And I whenever I want to as often comedians to not start on
thriving. Was losing Not many reasons the least of should? just want so badly for them as I want. And get to buy the coasts. That seems
Safe kind of bittersweet? which was honestly my per- to understand that first of the shirt that I want. I guess counterintuitive. Its nice
sonal and professional life. NG: I grapple with that at all they cant be perfect, the main thing is that Im to get really good in your
NIKKI GLASER: Its some- times because there are and they shouldnt want to not rich by any means, but small town and become one
thing I had so much fun UDK: Since the election things where Ill have some- be. just being financially stable of the best comics on the
doing, but Ive always done it doesnt really seem like one be like, My daugh- Body image stuff is real- and being able to survive in Kansas City scene, because
stand-up. The nice thing your comedy has changed ter wants to come see ly important to me because a city like L.A. or New York then when you go to L.A.,
about this business for me in the way that a lot of other you!And Im like, Why I grew up with an eating dis- and have my own place you start at the bottom, but
is that when projects fall by comedians have been more are you letting your daugh- order well into my twenties, feels really good. at least you have this kind
the wayside, I always have political in their stand-up. ter look at what I have to and its just such a pain in I always grew up think- of confidence from coming
stand-up that I can just Was that a conscious deci- say? the ass and its avoidable if ing I wanted to be Helen from a smaller town where
kind of throw myself into. sion? But then I also think we just have more honest Hunts character in What you were the top dog.
about how I grew up watch- conversations about what Women Want, where she I think its harder for co-
UDK: And it sounds like NG: It kind of is because ing things that I shouldnt should really be expected wears simple, cute little medians who start in L.A. or
a lot of really interesting Im aware and as angry as have been watching for my of us women, and what be- pencil skirts with blazers, New York because everyone
things have been coming any other intelligent person age. Because I was a halfway ing happy as a women is all and she has her own apart- knows them on the scene
your way. Can you give us is right now and I mean intelligent child, I knew that about. I want to do whatev- ment, and shes a working as this like new comedi-
any preview of whats to that very passive aggres- they were adult concepts er I can to prevent another woman, independent, sin- an. Whereas if you come
come? Or is it all under sively. Im just as mad as I that maybe I couldnt put girl from feeling that way gle. Ive kind of achieved in pretty seasoned already,
wraps? should be and talk about into practice myself, but at ever. Because its such a that in my own way with- at least youll be remem-
it amongst my friends and least I was aware that these waste of time. out having to put together bered as someone who has
NG: Everythings kind of in my loved ones a ton, but its conversations were hap- PowerPoint presentations, the chops as opposed to a
development right now, but also something that Im so pening, and I wasnt like, I and it feels pretty good. brand-new beginner.

(MARCH 21-APRIL 19) (MAY 21-JUNE 20 (JULY 23-AUG. 22) (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22) (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) (JAN. 20-FEB. 18)
Compulsive desires Youre more assertive Friends and loved Its not a good time Listen for when its Romance could seem
cause problems. for the next two days. ones pester you. to travel or advance time to be firm and tangled up or distant.
Revelations can Try not to run over Breakdowns require an idea. Avoid conflict when to be flexible. Take extra care of
rock a romance. anyone. Protect your consideration. Focus with authority. Relax Compromise is yourself. Resist the
Communication builds own interests without on group activities and study the situation. required today and desire to run. Recharge
bridges today and infringing on anyone over the next few days. Love lurks behind the tomorrow. your batteries.
tomorrow. elses. Confer with allies. . scenes.


(APRIL 20-MAY 20) (JUNE 21-JULY 22) (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) (FEB. 19-MARCH 20)
Avoid shopping or Youre more assertive Anticipate changes Invest in the highest The workload increases A domestic whirlwind
risk overspending. for the next two days. at work. Navigate a quality. Opposites for the next two days. spins you. Maintain
Temptation abounds. Try not to run over professional conflict attract even more so Go slow around the objectivity despite
Pay bills before getting anyone. Protect your of interests. Consider now. Get your shared tricky parts. Watch conflicting sensibilities.
treats. Generate a own interests without options before taking affairs in order together for hidden dangers. Make your home more
positive balance sheet infringing on anyone action. Consequences over the next few days. Balance moments of comfortable over the
over the next few days. elses. could be long lasting. intensity with peace. next few days.

Everything to know about the solar eclipse

BRITTANIE SMITH University will pass out
@britters__smith glasses outside various
campus locations that day,
Can you think of a including GSP, Oliver Hall,
better way to celebrate the Mrs. Es, Strong Hall, Dyche
first day of classes than Hall, Wescoe Beach and
with a solar eclipse? other locations that will be
On Aug. 21, a total subsequently promoted on
solar eclipse will be visible University social media.
within the United States. Jen Humphrey, the
According to a NASA director of external affairs
press release, this is the at the KU Biodiversity
first time in 99 years that Institute and Natural
the sun has been totally History Museum, said that
covered. Barbara Anthony- the eclipse watch party
Twarog, a professor of at Shenk Fields is open
physics and astronomy to the public and is free
at the University, said of cost, though there will
that the next solar eclipse be vendors such as food
visible in the United States trucks, to grab a bite to eat
wont happen until the during the lunch hour.
year 2024. Humphrey said that
In Lawrence, the sun the institute wanted to
will be about 99 percent host a come-and-go event
covered at 1:07 p.m. for Lawrence residents
according to Anthony- who cant make it to an
Twarog. Observers will be Associated Press Photo area of totality due to
able to see the moon begin The annular solar eclipse is seen as the sun sets behind the Rocky Mountains from downtown Denver on May 20, 2012. circumstances such as
moving toward the sun work or school that day.
around 11:30 a.m. and it Boulevard, to name a few. sky will be more prominent. It is crucial to remember the bright part of the sun Bus 29 on the KU bus
will end around 2:30 p.m. Over a three-hour If we were in the path of that looking at the sun visible, it would not be safe route has many stops near
To celebrate the eclipse, period, onlookers will be totality, we would be able without proper eye to look at the it without the Shenk Fields Complex
there will be many watch able to see the moon align to see the corona. Typically protection is extremely eclipse glasses, Anthony- such as Crestline Drive
parties hosted throughout itself with the Earth and the moon gives off too dangerous even looking Twarog said. and Clinton Parkway or
the Lawrence community. sun. Anthony-Twarog said much light, making it hard through a phone or using a She also said that there Lawrence Avenue and
There will be watch parties that when the moon is to see a lot of stars at night, camera can be potentially will be a limited number Clinton Parkway.
at Shenk Fields Complex, covering 99 percent of the but during totality, stars damaging to the eyes. of eclipse glasses available
Clinton Lake, and outside sun, it will gradually darken will be more visible to the Even here, when there to the public at the Shenk Edited by Erin Brock
of Marvin Hall on Jayhawk outside, and features in the naked eye. is less than 1 percent of Fields Complex, but the

The Granada aims for memorable concert experiences

MYLAN JONES | @thislanismylan

The atmosphere at The Granada is electric. The music is

loud, the artist is interacting with the crowd, and everyone
seems to be having a great time. You sing along to each song,
and leave knowing that money and time were well spent.
Located on Massachusetts Street, The Granada Theater
is an iconic hub of local and national music.
As one of the many venues in Lawrence, it holds up quite
a bit when it comes to ensuring the amusement of its guests.
A lot of people coming here already know about the ven-
ue. We have a pretty large following on our social media,
promotions manager Eli Mitchell said. We do a lot of shows,
mostly country but occasionally metal and hip-hop, which
target people that live outside of Lawrence.
Seeing as how Lawrence is a music hub, the staff at The
Granada is very willing to work within the scene and grow
along with the community, according to Mary Costello, cur-
rent manager of The Granada.
We love working with local artists and we try to as much
as possible, she said. A lot of tours carry support, but
were always allowed to put in requests whenever there is
an opening. Were also involved in local events like the Field
Day Fest and Assjamz. And the first Live on Mass event we
did showcase all local artists.
The staff work along with Student Union Activities and
the KJHK student radio station for certain shows. Two shows Sarah Wright/KANSAN
in particular are coming up that SUA and KJHK are sponsor- The Granada Theater is one of the many homes to Lawrences bustling live music scene, hosting many concerts and
ing: Princess Nokia on Sept. 28 and GoldLink on Oct. 4. parties throughout the year.
SUA and KJHK are always great to work with, Costello
said. Theyre always on top of it. Every show we have done
with them has been a success.
Whether its genres or artists that The Granada books, it
definitely wants to have something for everyone, Costello This is where some of the most
We always try to find ways to improve and stay con- talented artists will come and
nected with concert goers through our social platforms,
she said. play as they are blowing up. The
It is not only the kind of music that is presented at these
concerts that entice many concert goers. The size of the next time they would tour through
venue also plays to The Granadas advantage.
Were kind of that perfect size for artists that would play the Midwest, you would not be
between that smaller club level like Replay or Jackpot before
bigger venues like Uptown or Sprint Center, Costello said. able to see them in as intimate of
We also have tiered levels. Our capacity is 1,000, but if the
show is more intimate, 500 or less people, then we have cur- a space.
tains that we can draw to make the room smaller.
The Granada and its staff always look to make concerts Mary Costello
great experiences and to add to the legacy of Lawrence be- Granada manager
ing a great place for artists all over.
We have a hard working and attentive staff that wants
to make sure that everyone is enjoying the show and staying
safe, Costello said. This is where some of the most talent-
ed artists will come and play as they are blowing up. The Im excited for the Lords of Acid show, which is right
next time they would tour through the Midwest, you would up my alley, its like industrial techno, Mitchell said.
not be able to see them in as intimate of a space. After hearing what the staff members are looking
Costello said that the shows within the next few months forward to, maybe you are able to find something that
seem to be very diverse and there is something for everyone appeals to your musical interests. There are quite a few
to enjoy. shows lined up for the next couple of months, with
Im interested to see Emo Nite, which is this pop punk genres that will appeal to everyone.
dance party that really took off in L.A., he said. Weve got For more information on the venue and upcoming
Molotov, which is always great, and then Angel Olsen, Thun- shows, check out The Granada website.

A guide to Lawrence coffee shops

COURTNEY BIERMAN Whats a college town without coffee shops? Lawrence has plenty of quiet spaces that happen
@courtbierman to sell caffeinated beverages. If youre looking for something within walking distance of campus,
check these out on your next date night or when the thought of another night of studying at the
library becomes unbearable.

638 Massachusetts St.

HOURS: Monday through

Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 7:30

a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

This small but lively

spot is in attached to
Liberty Hall (although the
entrance is one door down)
this makes it a perfect spot
to grab an evening cuppa,
maybe before heading next
door for a movie or concert.

WI-FI? Free and unlimited


and muffins

Missy Minear/KANSAN

ALCHEMY COFFEE A lack of a menu means

AND BAKE HOUSE Alchemy is probably
1901 Massachusetts St. more suited for coffee
(moving to 816 enthusiasts than novices.
Massachusetts St. this fall) If youre willing to give it a
shot, ask the barista what
HOURS: they recommendor, you
Monday through Saturday: can never go wrong with
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. a black coffee. Seating is
extremely limited (which is
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. probably why its moving
locations), so it might not
be your best bet during
busy hours.

WI-FI? Free and unlimited


cookies, cakes, pies,
granola bars and sweet
bread make sure to try
a breakfast sandwich on a
biscuit baked in-house

File photo/KANSAN

Miranda Anaya/KANSAN File photo/KANSAN

17 E 7th St a Lawrence staple. Purchase of food or 722 Massachusetts St HOUSE
Featuring plenty of beverage gets you three 1025 Massachusetts St.
HOURS: seating, an expansive and hours HOURS: Monday through Saturday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Monday: until midnight eclectic menu, and a quirky HOURS: Monday through
Tuesday: 7 a.m. to atmosphere, this coffee FOOD OPTIONS? This coffee shop features friendly baristas and plenty Saturday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
midnight shop has a lot of customer Pastries, sandwiches, and of open space. Its attached to an art gallery and Christian
Wednesday: 7 a.m. loyalty especially during a full cereal bar next to the bookstore (disclaimer: the owners prefer to say the store Sunday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
to 24 hours finals week, when students barista counter reflects a Christian worldview), so the seating area might
Thursday through Sunday: take advantage of its 24- feature a different kind of customer base than other shops WI-FI? Free and unlimited
24 hours hour schedule. in town.
WI-FI? Free and unlimited delicious array of pastries
and breakfast foods

Striped Cow brings eclectic products to Lawrence

RACHEL GAYLOR but she also wants input
@raegay218 from customers.
I want to try to figure
Striped Cow in down- out and cater to what our
town Lawrence has pro- clientele are looking for,
vided residents with new she said. We are always
options for art, jewelry, asking people if there is
candles and miscellaneous anything in particular that
items for the last two they are looking for or
The eclectic shop, which Ive been trying to
includes a small barber- find a lot of new and
shop in back, is the sister upcoming artisans as
store of Third Planet across far as jewelry goes.
the street in the 800 block
of Massachusetts Street, Nicole Manriquez
which is owned and operat- Striped Cow owner
ed by the same people.
Nicole Manriquez, a Cal-
ifornia native whos called how can we accommodate
Lawrence home for 12 them.
years, is a former buyer for Manriquez would also
Third Planet and the cur- love to see the number of
rent manager and buyer for shops increase, whether
the Striped Cow. that be more shops in Law-
We had been wanting to rence or locations around
expand for some time now, Kansas City.
Manriquez said. And it all Cheyenne Coopman, Missy Minear/KANSAN
started coming together an Emporia native, works The Striped Cow is a recent addition to downtown Lawrence. The store is located at 835 Massachusetts St..
around Thanksgiving. We at the shop and was in-
wanted to bring something troduced to Manriquez
that was sort of unique. through a mutual friend ple can feel comfortable
The art comes from all since she has previous retail and safe for each individual.
over. Art is acquired from experience, especially with I want people to re-
smaller companies or arti- new stores. member our individuality,
sans that Manriquez found My co-workers are so she said. We carry super
through trade shows. friendly, Coopman said. unique and special piec-
Ive been doing a lot Nicole is like a dream come es that you really couldnt
of research, she said. Ive true. Working here has been find any other places, but
been trying to find a lot of as well. Working here, its so that can bring so much
new and upcoming artisans relaxed, the energy is really happiness to somebody.
as far as jewelry goes. That good; they just really take Striped Cow is open
is something we definitely care of you and each other. Monday through Saturday
want to support. Striped Cows eclectic from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and
Manriquez said that her collection and unique style Sunday from 12 p.m. to 7
favorite pieces come from is what Coopman would p.m. More information can
an artist who specializes in like it to be known for, as be found on the shops
stained glass and jewelry, well as a place where peo- Facebook page. Missy Minear/KANSAN
The Striped Cow offers shoppers jewelry, art and many other items.

Breakout Lawrence tests

puzzle-solving abilities
BRIANNA CHILDERS bug but he gets arrested the near future, Breakout
@breeanuhh3 and you have to finish the Lawrence will rebrand Mass
job for him. Street Stock Exchange
Hefferon said that in to make it a little more
Breakout Lawrence Mass Street Stock Exchange appealing for first-timers.
opened in March of last the players are a team of While the rooms arent
year with only room. Since detectives who encounter exactly the same as they
then, the organization a trader in the organization were when they first
has boomed in popularity, who has decided to bring opened, Hefferon said the
enough to add three more down the market. The goal is to improve the games
escape rooms. players goal is to identify and make them cleaner and
Paul Hefferon, general the trader and override the less difficult.
manager at Breakout code. Its a little strange to
Lawrence, said that its I personally love Stock have a business where two-
an enclosed environment Exchange, but its the most thirds of the people that
where players are put in difficult, he said. I think come through here fail, he
a locked room and each people think they need said. But even if you fail,
room, which holds two to to know about finances, you accomplish a lot.
eight players, has its own and the fact its our lowest With Breakout Lawrence
theme and storyline. escape rate scares people being on Mass Street,
Rather than in a movie off. Hefferon said there isnt
watching a hero act out Kelsey Schenk, a junior much room to build another
a story, you become the at the University, has room. Instead theyll have
hero of your own story, played Y2K with friends to replace an old room with
Hefferon said. We give you and Rules of Basketball a new one.
a mission to accomplish, with her dad at Breakout My guess is that Y2K
and we give you 60 minutes Lawrence. Schenk said she will be the one that we end
to do that. was surprised by how well up replacing because most
Breakout Lawrence has she and her friends worked people have played it, he
a wide variety of rooms. together. said. We still get a lot of
Its room themes are Y2K, When I was with my first timers and it takes a
Rules of Basketball, Mass friends, there was a lot of while for people to try them
Street Stock Exchange, and excited screams when we all and we have very few
Civil War. Hefferon said would figure out one of people who have tried all
that the process of putting the clues, she said. Its four, but they are generally
together a room takes definitely easier when the most enthusiastic and
around six months from theres more than two loyal customers.
concept to completion. people. Hefferon said his
The Y2K room, the most Schenk and her dad favorite part about working
popular among customers, did Rules of Basketball by at Breakout Lawrence is
follows a post apocalyptic themselves and didnt solve people watching and that
storyline, set on Dec. 31, the room, but she said that people are really interesting.
1999 at 11 p.m. they still had a great time Everyone approaches
In real life people were trying to do it and it was a it a different way and
nervous about what would fun way to spend time with everyone has different hang
happen when 2000 hit him. ups, he said. I think what
because they didnt know Breakout Lawrence was makes us fun is that we
how computer systems Schenks first escape room are emotionally invested
would react, Hefferon said. experience . After that, she in all groups. We get super
We are putting them in started looking for other excited and I may be more
that tension, and your host escape rooms closer to excited than them.
is a secret computer hacker her hometown of Jackson,

From bars, to ice cream, to burgers: Heres

where to find the best discounts in LFK
@britters__smith card at specific restaurants The Sandbar The Burger Stand Louises Bar Papa Kenos
can help you get a student
You may have heard discount although some $2 drinks on Tuesdays. $5 chicken sandwich on Schooner Night, which $2 cheese pizza slice
a rumor that college of these deals are open to Tuesdays. includes $3.50, 32 ounce Monday through
students are always broke the public and not just to Quintons Bar and beers. Thursday with a
and hungry fortunately students. Deli $5 burger and fries meal student ID.
for you, there are a lot of Heres a compilation of after 10 p.m. The Eldridge Hotel
ways to save money in some of the best discounts $1 tacos on Tuesdays. Dempseys Burger
Lawrence. in town. This doesnt The Jayhawk Cafe Martini Night on Pub
Your KU ID card does include every shop in Sylas and Maddys Thursday, get half priced
more than just swipe Lawrence, so it is always Dollar Night on martinis. Half priced burgers
you into your dorm room a good idea to ask if they Buy one get one scoop Wednesday, which with a student ID on
or help you print at the offer a student discount. with student ID on includes shots, singles Tuesdays.
library. Presenting this Tuesdays. and beers.

Free Beer Friday starting

at 3 p.m.

Christian Hardy/KANSAN
The rotating menu posted behind the bar at Mass Street Fish House and Raw Bar, which was opened in
December 2016 by Ayrick Madeira.

Oysters in Kansas? Mass Street Fish House provides

fresh fish, despite being 800 miles from saltwater
CHRISTIAN S. HARDY of the country. the University, he dropped one farm in the Olympic Teaching the public in Its easy to chalk that
@ByHardy But that stigma is exactly out, realizing his real Mountains in Washington, seafood we are in the touch of Lawrence up to
what Madeira, along with passion was in the kitchen. farmed oysters himself, and Midwest, but its really easy just how ingrained Madeira,
Ayrick Madeira is fully his staff, is trying to shake. Hes worked with Tellers, stayed in a log cabin, a la to get straight-from-the- and the rest of his staff, is
aware why you might During an hour at the Fish helped open Merchants, Bon Iver, except seafood. ocean seafood nowadays. in the community.
question this place before House, something along then started selling In my opinion, in the For as much of the Fish Theres one more thing
you step inside. Mass Street the lines of, It doesnt seafood around Kansas Midwest, its meat and Houses products that are that has helped keep the
Fish House and Raw Bar smell like fish in here, City for Northeast Seafood potatoes, so how do you get imported, the restaurant is Mass Street Fish House
is, quite literally, a fish out was uttered a half-dozen Products. people to try other things? still finding ways to connect relatively busy since it first
of water a fish house times, a testament to the Madeira, as well as Madeira said. They dont to the community, too. opened in December: The
and raw bar in the middle freshness of the seafood OBoyle and most others trust seafood in the last 30 Much of the produce restaurant is original, and
of Lawrence, Kansas, Madeira is selling. at the raw bar, can tell any years... but were wide open OBoyle uses is vended its continued to fill a niche,
where the closest body of My personal mantra, given customer where the with what were doing. by local farms, and he and do it well. Madeira is
saltwater is over 800 miles since I order all the seafood, fish or oyster came from, OBoyle is keen on occasionally uses products very aware of that, too.
away. is I only order it if its fresh, when it was in the water, sharing his knowledge, too. from the Lawrence Farmers Downtown (Lawrence)
There is, without a Madeira, 29, said. Good what time it came out, how Both Madeira and OBoyle Market to craft something has a lot of restaurants,
doubt, a stigma that products, good ingredients, it is farmed he knows it aim to share the knowledge special, which is where so you want to try to
comes with seafood in the they speak for themselves. all. they have of seafood with OBoyle said he finds his do something thats not
Midwest. Part of it is valid: The restaurant is a Before he opened the their staff, knowing that passion and inspiration in covered by somebody else,
Most everyone has heard culmination of Madeiras Fish House, he toured clam is maybe the best way locally sourcing products to Madeira said. A raw bar
horror stories about a friend prior experience paired and oyster farms looking that information can be mix with imported seafood. and a fish house, nobodys
eating clam chowder and with the influence of his for the right ones to put conveyed to the public. Flowers that occasionally done this big like we have...
smelled the foul scent that Lawrence friends and his on his rotating menu of Knowledge is the appear on the patio or on We want to be considered
can linger in grocery stores. executive chef Kealan oysters that come from the biggest thing, said OBoyle, tables in the restaurant are one of the staples of the
Seafood is not always seen OBoyle hes met along East and West Coasts, fresh who is in his first executive from a bartenders mother, Lawrence community.
in the best light in this part the way. Three years in at and salt water. He went to chef position at age 25. who lives in Lawrence.

Illustration by Gracie Williams/KANSAN

Smith: Fashion tips and backpack,

snack must-haves for syllabus week
BRITTANIE SMITH introduce you to the best starting to become a bigger Nike Shorts a lot of walking this week, August heat are tiring.
@britters__smith T-shirts ever! Theyve been trend on campus. These so now definitely isnt the Headphones make the
growing in popularity on sandals are technically These are a fashion time to break in those cute walk to and between classes
Welcome to the Hill, college campuses because made for hiking, but since staple in every college new shoes. In an online less boring.
new Jayhawks! There arent theyre cute, comfortable KU has so many hills, its students wardrobe because Kansan poll, 90 percent of A planner to keep track
many rules in college, but and come in a variety of like hiking your way to who wants to wear jeans or students who responded of upcoming assignments
when it comes to syllabus pastel hues. People here class, right? Same thing. restrictive shorts when they said they would rather dress (most classes will have an
week readiness, weve tend to get these shirts These sandals offer a lot of dont have to? No one, thats comfortably to class than introduction day, but after
got you covered with oversized, so they can be support and have an ankle right! We college students dress to look nice. Taking that its time to get down to
some fashion trends and worn looser than a fitted strap, unlike most pairs of are very against pants, and the time to look picture- business).
backpack must-haves! tee. Birks, which means they well find any reason to not perfect isnt worth losing Snacks are important
wont slip off your feet if wear them. Since you cant precious minutes of sleep. as well to avoid a growling
Comfort Colors Chacos and Birkenstocks youre sprinting to catch go pants-less to class, Nikes stomach. A full day of
your bus yeah, that really are the next best option. Backpack Must-Haves classes could mean your
If you havent heard Birkenstocks have been happens. Whether you dress up or lunch hour will be later in
of Comfort Colors before popular for a few years down, make sure to keep it A water bottle because the day.
coming to college, let me now, but Chaco sandals are comfortable. Youll be doing the walks to class in this

Jones: Summer music fell mostly flat


Summer jams this year

were a meh out of 10.
I will say this: We got a
decent amount of music this
summer. I was able to add
a few albums to my library
throughout the season. But
there were a lot of projects
that did not live up to expec-
tations. Or if they sounded
cool at first, they got old after
a few listens.
As far as extremely an-
ticipated projects go, there
seemed to be more disap-
pointments than things that
Associated Press Photo
were really satisfying.
Jay-Z performs during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate
I hoped that Lil Yatchy,
Hillary Clinton in Cleveland on Nov. 4, 2016.
an artist many people our
age adore, would finally re-
lease a solid body of work tracks here and there. It pains very dark and sexy. With me to tears just by listening
that I could at least slightly me since I was expecting songs like Prom, The to what Jay thought about
support. But even after he good or at least decent Weekend, and even Doves himself after cheating on Bey.
released some singles, I could music from all of them. in the Wind, the changes The whole album is a look Associated Press Photo
tell that it was not going to But I would be lying if I are very present and clear. into Jay-Zs life apart from SZA attends the Black Girls Rock! Awards at the New
be what many fans wanted. said nothing good came out Those three tracks happen to the music. Jersey Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Aug. 5,
Other artists such as Bryson of the last few months. be some of my favorite. After It has been very inter- 2017, in Newark, N.J.
Tiller, DJ Khaled and Young There are three albums hearing the album, I hope I esting watching Tyler, the
Thug didnt release projects that I have kept in heavy rota- am able to see her when she Creator grow as an artist. He lyrics mostly covering the sic was decent. I would be
that were as good as previous tion since their release. Ctrl visits The Uptown Theater in started with darker albums subject of love. lying if I said it was trash or
work or that really warranted by SZA, 4:44 by Jay-Z, and Kansas City. Fingers crossed. Bastard, Goblin and Now Flower Boy is here. awful when it really was not.
a release at this time. Flower Boy by Tyler The Jay. Hova. Jigga. The leg- even Wolf to some extent, Its everything I wanted from Though I found myself listen-
Then we had quite a few Creator are my favorite al- endary Jay-Z dropped his which incorporated a lot of a Tyler album. The instru- ing to earlier releases, that is
releases that were just all bums of the summer. These 13th again, his 13th stu- things that I did not want to mentals are his best yet and no reason to denounce what
right. Some projects had a three cover a lot of what I love dio album. even try to defend. And then the features add to the whole was released this season. I am
few great summer songs, but about music. 4:44 is an extremely theres Cherry Bomb. Parts presentation. He even has excited to see what the rest
nothing that stood out too SZAs Ctrl was every- personal album for Jay. He of Cherry Bomb seemed quite a few bars throughout. of the year has in store for us.
much. With artists like Gu- thing I wanted it to be and explores his decisions and ex- awkward, but I could sense I hope that Tyler goes on May more good music come
cci Mane, 21 Savage, Calvin more. The production and periences throughout his life potential in the album since tour again so I can see these our way.
Harris and even Vic Mensa, songwriting were light and regarding his family, Beyon- it capitalized on what I liked songs performed. All fingers
their projects did not provide playful at one moment and c and his music career. The about Tylers music: very lush crossed at this point.
much besides a few good then changed to something title track almost brought production combined with Look, this summers mu-

Fall concert preview: SZA, Princess Nokia among

acts headed to Lawrence area in upcoming season
DEASIA PAIGE reflected on her previous country band, then Drew nist, a tomboy, Afro-Nuy- at The Granada the crowd with his hit song
@deasia_paige mixtapes, was revamped Holcomb and The Neigh- orican (a mix of New York Also presented by Stu- Crew.
with this album. It relays bors is the concert for you. and Puerto Rican), and an dent Union Activities and
Many new acts are head- messages of transparency, The band defies the genre independent hip-hop artist KJHK, rapper GoldLink will Big Thief:
ed to Lawrence as a part of love, disappointment, and of country music by impos- whos passionate about tell- come to Lawrence as part Thursday, October 12 at
the fall concert lineup. Al- failure in life and relation- ing a fusion of rock, folk and ing womens stories. Rep- of his At What Cost North The Bottleneck
though each artist has their ships all in her attempt to even R&B into its sound. Its ping her Spanish Harlem American Tour. At What Big Thief is a new band
own unique sound, their emphasize that its okay to songs range from the bla- roots, Princess Nokia has Cost is definitely remi- whose sound lies between
similar styles and bohemian not have it all together. The tantly country vibe of What made it her business to en- niscent of the go-go music the folk and rock. It have a
dimensions instantly make only woman signed to Top Would I Do Without You to sure that all of those identi- genre that originated in his very distinct sound thats
them interesting to watch, Dawg Entertainment soni- the airy folk sound of its ties are reflected in her mu- hometown of Washington, coupled with vivid and
and thats what makes each cally illustrated her comfort new single Rowdy Heart, sic. More importantly, shes D.C. In fact, every track viv- meaningful lyrics, as heard
of their concerts equally ap- with not being in control of Broken Wing. Although the unapologetic about infusing idly illustrates the vibes, on its debut album Mas-
pealing. her life, and obviously that band has been around since her fluid identity with her style and environment of terpiece released last year.
message resonated with the 2006, it has managed to stay sound. Her different styles D.C. Its an interesting fo- Lead by the soft yet power-
SZA- ctrl Tour: Sun- many listeners who went underground throughout its were reflected with her de- cal point of an album be- ful vocals of Adrianne Lenk-
day, September 3 at The on social media to say how career. The concert will of- but album 1992 last year. cause the DMV (D.C-Mary- er, whose sound doesnt fit
Uptown Theater this masterpiece related to fer a glimpse into what the Therefore, you cant really land-Virginia) area isnt the into a box, the band creates
Fresh from basking in the their lives. The critically ac- somewhat obscure Texas predict what youll expe- typical location that artists intense, avantgarde vibes
success of her debut album claimed album has already band is all about. rience from attending her emphasize on their albums; that makes its rhythm dif-
ctrl, SZA is embarking on a been deemed among the concert, but you can ex- its usually Chicago, New ficult to describe in just
nationwide tour to promote best of the year, and her Princess Nokia: pect Princess Nokia to be York, Los Angeles, or At- one paragraph. Thats why
her debut album, and shes concert will not disappoint. Thursday, September 28 authentic and amaze the lanta. GoldLink does a great seeing it live would give the
headed to Kansas City this at The Granada audience while doing it. job of celebrating the colors audience a better idea of its
Labor Day weekend. ctrl Drew Holcomb and Its hard to really limit The concert is presented by and dimensions that paints sound because it isnt really
has put SZA on a musical The Neighbors: Satur- Princess Nokia to one genre KJHK and Student Union a picture of the D.C. aesthet- reminiscent of any existing
pedestal because it defied day, September 16 at or style. Shes the type of Activities ic. His concert will be filled folk group.
the traditional borders of Liberty Hall artist whos really adamant with that same vibe, infused
rhythm and blues. Her al- If youre interested in about not being monolithic. GoldLink: with shades of funk not
ternative sound, which was hearing a non-traditional Shes queer, black, a femi- Wednesday, October 4 to mention that hell excite

Former chemistry teachers daughter was

the inspiration for new gluten-free bakery
a store was sudden, but
shes able to apply her
years of teaching to her
Kelly Dempewolf, owner new profession because
of Shana Cake, got the idea baking is basically edible
to open a bakery from her chemistry.
daughter. Dempewolfs When you start to take
daughter has a gluten out all of the ingredients,
allergy and Dempewolf you really need to know the
wanted her to be able to science behind it to find
feel like she wasnt missing out how to make it taste
out. good, she said. It truly is
I was a chemistry chemistry, and its really
teacher for 10 years, and I more of what I have always
spent a lot of time around done.
teenagers and they will As to how she makes
cheat because they want sure her food tastes good,
to feel like their friends, Dempewolf said that
Dempewolf said. she uses her son as a
Shana Cake, which benchmark because he can
opened in Lawrence in eat whatever he wants.
April, wants to be able to The hardest part was
provide delicious treats and trying to find patterns
food for people with food because if you look
allergies. The bakerys food at regular cookbooks,
doesnt include gluten, chocolate cake recipes are
wheat, soy, dairy, corn, pretty much the same,
or nut products. Instead, she said. When you start Sarah Wright/KANSAN
Dempewolf uses brown rice looking at gluten free and Shana Cake, located on Massachusetts Street, sells allergy-safe baked goods.
flour, potato starch, and vegan, they are extremely
millet in place of gluten, varied. the cake is her familys Dempewolf said that for people who cant eat Shana Cake has become
and coconut milk in place Dempewolf said one of favorite item in the store. her favorite part about anywhere else and for our go-to anytime we have
of dairy. She also orders the most popular items McCalls son has an egg owning Shana Cake is the them to feel normal and eat a special occasion or need
a special corn starch-free served is oatmeal crme and peanut allergy, and she customers and knowing anything that wont make a treat, McCall said. The
powdered sugar in from pies, which she said said he was very excited to they have cried in the store them sick, Dempewolf treats are just as yummy as
Pennsylvania. have been described by have multiple choices that because its the first time said. you would find at a regular
The bakery serves a wide customers as spectacular. were egg-free. they can safely bring their McCall said this is the bakery with the added
variety of food ranging from She said another favorite He insisted that we all child with food allergies to first allergy-friendly bakery bonus that no one feels
sweets to bread and pizza is banana split cake. Kaelyn get egg-free items so that a bakery. they have discovered and excluded.
crusts. McCall, a resident of he could sample multiple Knowing that its they think its really great
Dempewolf said opening Lawrence, agrees. She said things, McCall said. not just a cupcake shop and fills an unmet need. Edited by Erin Brock

Andrea Ringgenberg/KANSAN
Local businesses can struggle during the summer months without the influx of student shoppers.

Lawrence shops welcome return of student business

JOSH MCQUADE 95,358 residents, according Manager Maren Ludwig said Summer in Lawrence Love Garden Sounds said.
@L0neW0lfMcQuade to the United States Census the students may leave, brings many events is a bit indifferent toward Corcoran said the foot
Bureau. but that opens the door to including the Lawrence summer, as its product does traffic within the store
The end of finals and Should all enrolled other sections of business. Farmers Market and the not expire as a restaurants increases during the school
beginning of summer is a students at the University Theres a drop in Lawrence Busker Festival. would. The recent increase year, allowing for word of
time many students wait for leave for the summer, the student population, These events bring an influx in vinyl collectors amongst mouth to spread.
the whole year. However, Lawrence businesses lose but more townsfolk of residents and visitors to the younger generations The end of the school
local businesses are left more than a quarter of their come downtown in the downtown, simulating the allows Love Garden Sounds year is also a month after
with fewer customers to patrons. summertime, Ludwig said. busy days when school is in to thrive in a college setting. the largest day for both
market to. Lawrences variety of The best time for session. However, when the young record stores and collectors,
According to the businesses each view the business, according Although Mass Street people leave, the business Record Store Day, which
University of Kansas summer in its own way. to Ludwig, is during Soda is not heavily affected may slow down. carries the business into
Office of Research and Some greet the summer graduation, as it is the in the summer, it does not Were a bit insulated the summer.
Planning, 24,892 students with open arms, while time when students bring reach the same level of from the summer slow- With the summer
were enrolled at the others have to buckle down their families to celebrate profits as they would while down, our business is coming to an end, local
University for the fall of and survive. along with them. The school is in session. roughly the same when Lawrence businesses will
2016 semester. These Mass Street Soda is same applies to the end of Home football games students are not in town, be welcoming a new wave of
students make up about one of the businesses summer when parents drop give us some of our best Kelly Corcoran, the owner students into their stores.
26 percent of Lawrences that enjoys the summer. off their children. days, Ludwig said. of Love Gardens Sounds,

What to listen to on KJHK campus radio


Many see Lawrence as

a hub for the arts. As more
people become involved,
the arts community will
only grow larger. For
those who are into the
music scene, try looking
to radio station KJHK
90.7 FM.
KJHK is the
Universitys student-run
radio station. Established
in 1975, the station is
an outlet for students to
express themselves and
the community continues
to grow more and more.

KJHK is what the

students want it
to be.

Mike MacFarland
KJHK general manager

The stations slogan

provides a clear idea of
what it plays: Its dubbed
The Sound Alternative.
Sarah Wright/KANSAN
We basically play
KJHK is the student-run radio station on the Universitys campus.
things that are not all
over the radio, said KJHK MacFarland. want to play, they have win situation for both is interested in playing for students to join the
content director Jean- About half of KJHKs that freedom of choosing parties. local folk artists. station and get involved
Jaques Corbier. Some of airtime is dedicated to what they want. When it came to the KJHK is what the with large groups of
the music can be local or New Music Rotation With Lawrence being type of local artists the students want it to be, people, regardless of
regional. programming, according home to such a lively staff wanted to showcase MacFarland said. Not major.
A large variety of to their website. The rest music culture, KJHK tries more of, there were a just on the FM side of We have film,
genres are played on the of the day is dedicated to to be a part of the scene. variety of answers. The things. There are many business, journalism,
station. The DJs even programs such as Jazz in The station is often used staff wants to capitalize options for students who different positions to
have blocks of time the Morning and student to promote local artists. on its platform and would like to be a part cater to everyone,
dedicated to specific reporting in the evening. Its a symbiotic support others whenever of it. By getting involved Corbier said. Theres
genres. There is a lot of It is not that we do relationship, MacFarland possible. you can come across a lot quite a bit of diversity
freedom when it comes not play enough of one said. By playing their Corbier wanted to of opportunities that you here.
to what the students genre compared to the music, we provide content find more hip-hop could add to your resume, For information on
want to hear and play on other, MacFarland said. for our listeners while artists to showcase on perhaps. how to join KJHK, go on
the station, according to The students on the providing the artists with the station. Ellie Fehlig, Corbier said there the Join Us link on kjhk.
general manager Mike station decide what they the promotion. Its a win- the multimedia director, are many opportunities org.

Fall movies: Horror, reboots and superheroes


After a pretty stellar

summer for movies, the
fall season has a lot to live
up to. Luckily the roster
of titles coming out within
the next few months is
very reassuring. Dont miss
out on this seasons most
promising movies.

September 8

Tim Currys Pennywise

the Dancing Clown first
scared the bejesus out of Associated Press Photo
television audiences in the Harrison Ford, left, and Ana de Armas attend the Warner Bros. Blade Runner panel
1990 miniseries It. 27
years later, Bill Skarsgrd inevitable. And this film should satisfy die-hard Mother!
is taking his turn as the looks like its putting all fans, while also allowing September 15
carnivorous clown with a cards on the table with a new fans to join in.
hunger for children, and the stellar cast that includes the Horror movies are
scares look to be in heavy return of Taron Egerton as notorious for being cheesy,
supply. Eggsy, Colin Firth as Harry low-budget and just plain
Hart and the addition of Goodbye Christopher terrible. With Oscar winning
Battle of the Sexes Julianne Moore, Channing Robin director Darren Aronofsky AP PHOTO
September 22 Tatum, Elton John and October 13 and a high caliber cast Jason Momoa poses with his Aquaman trident at the
more. Its sure to have just led by Oscar winners Warner Bros. Justice League panel on day three of
The film marks a reunion as many action-packed, This films title just Jennifer Lawrence and Comic-Con International on Saturday, July 22, 2017, in
for stars Emma Stone and James Bond-on-steroids brings a wave of nostalgia Javier Bardem, Mother! is
Steve Carrell, who co- scenes as the first film. mixed with an odd tinge likely to avoid the pitfalls
starred in 2011s Crazy, of sadness, doesnt it? of traditional horror. Ridley without a lightsaber. steam against its Marvel
Stupid Love. But this time, Blade Runner 2049 Christopher Robin was Aronofsky has proved Murder on the Orient Universe competitor.
the duo is playing real October 6 one of Winnie-the-Poohs himself to be very good at Express is basically a With a hefty roster of
people, with Stone as young best friends, of course, but psychological scares with Whodunnit with your superheroes, including
tennis superstar Billie Jean Reboots, sequels and this film isnt really about Black Swan. It remains to favorite celebrities dressed Batman, Aquaman and
King and Carrell as tennis prequels seem to keep that Christopher Robin. be seen whether this film in old timey garb. Its not an The Flash, Justice League
veteran Bobby Riggs. Set in Hollywood alive as of late, Its about Christopher will follow Aronofskys original film (shocking!), but is likely to be pretty darn
1973, Battle of the Sexes and Blade Runner 2049 is Robin Milne and his father previous work or venture its putting a modern stamp similar to most superhero
follows the events during another addition to the pile. A. A. Milne, the author into new territory. on the premise, which was films. Theres action, and
and surrounding the titular Luckily, the pile is mostly who famously created the Regardless, Mother! looks originally published in a probably a bit of romance.
famed exhibition match in comprised of quality yellow teddy bear Winnie- to be a satisfying visit to book by Agatha Christie, Superman is probably going
which King and Riggs went franchise installments, the-Pooh. Goodbye the movie theater. and then used for the 1974 to come back to life (hes
head-to-head. and if the trailer is any Christopher Robin gives film of the same name. listed in the cast in IMDB,
indication, this film will insight into Milnes the Murder on the Orient after all). Lets just hope
Kingsman: The Golden fit in favorably among the troubled life and the Express Justice League Jared Letos Joker doesnt
Circle others. With the return creative inspiration he drew November 10 November 17 find his way into this one.
September 22 of Harrison Ford and the from his son.
addition of Ryan Gosling, Kenneth Branagh and With the recent release of
After the solid critical who was just 2 years old a giant, grey mustache. the critical and commercial
and commercial success when the original Blade Dame Judi Dench. Leslie success Wonder Woman,
of Kingsman: The Secret Runner was released, Odom Jr. with hair. Josh the DC Universe is
Service, a sequel was Blade Runner 2049 Gad and a cigarette. Daisy finally picking up some

How a Latin American studies lecturers knowledge of

indigenous languages and cultures inspired a rock opera
@breeanuhh3 traveling, she also teach- on her so that she will talk
es a class at the University positively about his people.
Three times a week, called Language and Soci- Then a rival faction kidnaps
Laura Hobson Herlihys ety in Latin America. the anthropologist and
radio show, called Waik- Fleming said that he breaks the spell, turning
na Sangni/Mairin Blu, is learned a lot from Herlihy her into a blue woman.
broadcast in Nicaraguan in when he took her class a Herlihy started a Go-
the indigenous language, few years after going on the FundMe page to push the
Miskito. Whenever she gets study abroad trip. musical to the next step.
the chance, she calls into Laura really has a pas- Her goal is to have the mu-
the show so that she can sion for what she does that sical play in Nicaragua first
explain to the listeners the I dont get to see a lot from and then eventually bring it
stories behind the songs other teachers, Fleming to the United States.
that she wrote. She speaks said. A part of the rea- Right now, Herlihy uses
the Miskito language with son is that she really cares her radio show to broadcast
enthusiasm and the words about her students and her songs to the people in
flow out as if its her native wants them to get involved Nicaragua and surrounding
language. in stuff because thats the areas.
But Herlihy, a New Or- best way they learn. People really like to
leans native and lecturer Missy Minear/KANSAN During those study read the story, and they are
of Latin American and Ca- Laura Hobson Herlihy, a lecturer of Latin American and Caribbean studies, has a abroad trips, Herlihy was so in love with their leader,
ribbean studies at the Uni- radio show in Nicaragua. The show is in Miskito, which Herlihy began learning while given the same phone she said. I was picking up
versity, didnt start learning living in Honduras in 1991. from the study abroad de- on the energy because ev-
the language of the Miskito partment which had text eryone is talking about this
people, a Native American spoken by about 200,000 her to the Miskito people a study abroad trip to Nica- messages that Herlihy ex- guy and you hear from peo-
ethnic group in Central people and includes words was their diversity and how ragua starting in 2009. changed with the Miskito ple whats important, and I
America, until she lived in like Naksa, which means they are so different from Will Fleming, a Univer- leader, Brooklyn Rivera. tapped into that.
the rain forest in Honduras hello, and Tingki which other indigenous people. sity graduate, said that he I didnt want to lose Herlihy, who takes a few
for six months in 1991. means thank you. They are part black, part went on the trip because, at them, and I wrote them trips to Nicaragua on her
The kids really taught Herlihy said she really British, part Indian, and be- the time, he was debating down and I got the idea to own a few times a year, said
me the language, and ev- got interested in indigenous cause of their cultural mix whether or not he wanted fictionalize this account her favorite part about be-
ery day the children would languages while she was go- and racial mix, I really liked to major in anthropology. and turn them into songs, ing there is the creative at-
come to my house because ing to school at Tulane Uni- that combination, Herlihy I learned that the way Herlihy said. mosphere.
I had music and art sup- versity for her undergrad- said. They are really strong, and life in Lawrence is very Since then, Herlihy has Speaking an Indian lan-
plies, Herlihy said. They uate studies. While there, in your face, kind of aggres- different from how other written the lyrics to 27 guage is my passion and it
would come over and I she learned the language of sive people, and I guess I people live in the world, songs and hopes to one day also has a boost of creativi-
would study the language the Aztecs. like people like that. and that there are plenty of create a rock opera out of ty, Herlihy said. I feel im-
and the kids would practice It was just a natural Herlihy got the opportu- other great things that I can them. portant there because Im a
with me. thing as an anthropologist nity to share her experienc- do with my life that I hav- Herlihys idea for the radio persona there, and its
It took Herlihy about a to learn the language, Her- es with students at the Uni- ent even thought about, opera follows an anthropol- like being a celebrity.
year to learn the language. lihy said. versity when she was given he said. ogist and the Miskito lead-
The Miskito language is Herlihy said what drew the chance to take them on When Herlihy isnt er, who casts a love magic
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2017 Midcontinent Communications. All rights reserved. This limited-time offer is available to new and qualifying customers adding internet service only. Offer expires 12/31/2017. Midco Internet 30 (reg. $39.99/mo.) will return to monthly rate once promotional pricing has expired. Customer is responsible for modem purchase or lease required for Midco Internet. Modem
lease price is $7/mo. for standard modem or $10/mo. for wireless. DOCSIS 3.0 modem is required to connect multiple devices. Actual internet speeds may vary depending on your computer or mobile devices capacity, the number of devices accessing the internet at once and web traffic. Speeds may also be impacted by third-party equipment (such as your computer
or router). Price does not include taxes, franchise fee, broadcast retransmission or other fees. Midco Internet 30 installation is $50.

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