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Consumer Electronics Development Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. University of Osaka Prefecture
1 Zusho Baba, Nagaokakyo, Kyoto 617, Japan 4-804 Mom-Umemachi, Sakai, Osaka 591, Japan

Abstract - When the motor thickness and the required

starting torque are set for an axial-field permanent --.
magnet brushless dc motor, the optimal ratio of the
permanent magnet thickness to armature winding
thickness is 2:1, because the copper loss of the
armature windings is kept to a minimum. This
conclusion is based on a new method presented here,
in which factors such as loop resistance, a radial
air-gap magnetic flux density approximated by curves
of second order, and an experimental formula for the
leakage coefficient are incorporated. The new method
is also applicable to estimating torque, current
and input power at the start. These items can be more
promptly estimated without a computor program and
the physical insight is more easily gained by the aid
of the new method than a three-dimensional finite
element method. This is true despite the fact that
the loop resistance and torque correction factor must
be measured, using a base motor. The calculated
values of torque, current and input power agree well
with the measured values.


Axial-field permanent magnet brushless dc motors Rotor Magnet yoke

have seen wide application in portable consumer I /
products such as camcorders, headphone stereos and
compact disc players, in which miniaturerization,
weight reduction and power savings are required.
Recently, demand for this type of motor has been
growing. In designing this type of motor it is Armature winding ' Coil ' yoke
important to determine the optimal shape and
dimensions for the magnet and armature windings. In
addition to this, compactness and high performance of Fig. 1. Analytical model for brushless dc motor
the electronic circuits must be achieved so that the
motor meets the tough requirements set for these
products. It is especially important to determine the
optimum ratio of the magnet thickness to armature
winding thickness under a fixed motor thickness. This
type of motor is popular, but there is not much
literature on the methods for estimating its . . . . . . . ..
characteristics and this topic had not been studied .. .. .. .. .. ....
, , ,.
. . . .. .. .. .. ....
. . . . ......
[1]-[4]. Recently, this topic came under study, where 1
E = a I I I E E k LI
I 1t.1.41
this optimum ratio is estimated by using motor
mobility U, [5]. But a formula for predicting ,U from
the shape, dimensions and material characteristics of
the motor are not reported in detail and its basis is
Fig. 2. (a) D-D Section in Fig. 1
not clear. Hence, the conventional methods are not
useful in this regard. Consequently, a new method for
predicting the optimum ratio of the magnet thickness
to armature winding thickness is needed. By selecting
Q Q / Q ! Q
the optimum ratio, power consumption is minimized for
a requireded stating torque.

The new method is also applicable to estimating

torque, current and input power at the start for
this type of motor. By the aid of three-dimensional
finite element method.these items may be estimated, Fig. 2. (b) Magnetic circuit
but the calculation process is time consuming and it
does not give enough physical insight. On the other Figure 1 shows an analytical model for the
hand, the new method has the advantage that the axial-field permanent magnet brushless dc motor. It
characteristics can be estimated promptly without a is a 8-pole, 3-phase, 6-armature winding motor.
computer program and phisical insight is easily Some components such as the position sensors,
gained. This paper contains an explanation of the frequency generator and electronic circuits are not
formulas, optimum solution and test verifications. shown and half of the rotor yoke is removed. Figure
2 (a) shows D-D cross-section view of the motor.
11 . AMPERE CONDUCTORS Of ARMATURE WINDINGS Figure 2 (b) shows a cross-section view developed
at a mean radius rc.
90KH 2935-5/90/ooo(M157$01.~~1990EFE
windings Fa are given by the following expression:
A. Armature Winding Resistance E
F,=N a I =-4NaRb (7)
The pitch angle of coil sides is 45" in mechanical
degrees (180" in electrical degrees). All quantities
are expressed in MKSA unit. The motor thickness h as Permanent - magnet
Inverter synchronous motor
shown in the front view in Fig.1 is expressed by the
following expression: I '" -
where L, and L, are magnet thickness and air-gap
length, respectively. L, is coil thickness and d is
the distace between magnet and coil. The total net C
copper area s of the coil sides becomes:

TTTTTT Position I I
where W, is coil width and K l z is copper space factor. Control sensor
An armature winding resistance is defined by the circuit
following equation:

Rb=P Q a/ S (3) Fig. 3 . Brushless dc motor drive system

where R, is designated a loop resistance in this

paper, and 1, is mean length per turn shown in the
winding B in Fig.1 and p is resisitivity of copper.
This equation is simple because it does not include
area of each conductor and number of conductors.
Therefore, it is convenient in calculating the
performance characteristics. In this paper, the loop T-
resistance R, and correction factor of starting torque Bo - (e) B b ( w t )
K, are determined through tests, as shown later in v \ ot
Fig.8. The motor used in the tests is referred to as a ( b) i b \ ( o t )
base motor. In this paper, suffixes 1 and 2 are added
to a quantity for the base motor and a new motor
under calculations, respectively. If it is not
necessary to make a distinction between the two
motors, subscripts may be ignored. Loop resistance R,,
of the new motor used in calculations is expressed by
the following equation:
Fig. 4 . Waveform of AGMFD and curents

Once the loop resistance Rbl of the base motor is 111 . DISTRIBUTION OF AIR-GAP MAGNETIC FLUX DENSITY
determined, the loop resistance R,, for designing a
new motor is able to be estimated from KI, and K, , A. Shape of Distribution
where K, and K, are ratio of lazto e,, and ratio of
s, to sl , respectively. The resistance per armature 1) Angular-Field Distribution :
winding R, is: The air-gap magnetic flux density defined here is
Z-directional component normal to the magnet surface
Ra=Na2 R, (5) which is needed to calculate the performance
characteristics (hereafter referred to as AGMFD). When
where N, is number of turns per the armature winding. the rotor revolves at the speed n , a measured AGMFD at
the central point P, of the coil sides of the
B. Armature Winding Current armature winding A in Fig. 1 varies along curve (9)
as shown in Fig. 4. Its waveform is in a medial state
Figure 3 shows the drive system of the brushless between a trapezoidal and sine wave. In this paper the
dc motor, which consists of a permanent magnet AGMFD waveform at point P l of the A phase armature
synchronous motor, inverter, position sensors and a winding is assumed to be a trapezoidal waveform having
control circuit. Figure 4 shows the timing chart of a flat top equal to 2 n / 3 electrical radians as
air-gap magnetic flux density and current. In the illustrated in Fig. 4, curve (d). The AGMFD at P, of
figure, ia(ot), curve (a); &(ut),curve (b) and i,(ut), curve(c) B phase armature winding and at P, of C phase
are in the idealized form of the phase current for armature winding is 2 d 3 and 4x13 electrical radians in
the A, B and C windings at the instant ut, time behind the AGMFD for phase A, respectively.
respectively. Where-n is revolutional speed and p is
number of poles (o=pnn). Since the back 2) Radial-field Distribution
electromotive forces across the windings are not Figure 5 shows the measured AGMFD along the center
induced in a static state, the starting current of line (a-a' ) of the coil side of A winding shown in
the armature winding I, is: Fig. 1. Curve (a),(b) and (c),(d) correspond to
air-gap length L,=lmm and L,=Smm, respectively. The
symbols $and $designate the AGMFD distribution when a
hall probe is placed near a magnet and coil yoke
where E is the voltage across two pair of windings, surface, respectively. The difference of the AGMFD
which is obtained by subtracting the resulting from the position of probe becomes more
collector-to-emitter and wire voltage drop from the significant, as L, increases. Curves (a) and (b)
supply voltage. Ampere conductors of the armature approximate the curves of the second order as clearly
shown in Fig. 5. It is then possible to assume the measured curve (b) as shown in Fig. 6.
curve (a) in Fig. 6 for the distribution of a radial
air-gap magnetic flux density B(x) at point x . Thus: B. Maximum Value of Air-Gap Magnetic Flux Density

B(x)=-O.SBo(x '-2) x52 (8) l)A Straight Line in a Demagnetization Curve:

The following equation is valid for a magnetic
The radius r on the line a-a' shown in Fig.1 is : circuit of the motor shown in Fig. 2(b), because of
the flux continuity [6]:
r=0.5(r,+r2)+0.5(rz-rl)x (9)
A,B,=uKB~A, (10)
When arbitrary radius r in Fig. 1 equals inner radius
of magnet rl , then x = - 1 and B(x)=0.5B0. When r equals where A, and A, are the mean area of magnet and
outer radius of magnet r2 , then x = l and B(x)=0.5Bo. air-gap, respectively. Bm is the mean magnetic flux
When r equals mean radius re , then x=O and B(x)=B, . density of the magnet and U is leakage coefficient of
Where Bo is the maximum value of AGMFD. Curve(b) in magnetic flux. Bo is the maximum value of magnetic
Fig. 6 is the mean value of curves(a) and (b) in flux density in the air gap and K is the ratio of the
Fig.5. The above assumption is valid because the mean value to maximum value for AGMFD. K is a new
calculated curve(a) by eqn.(8) agrees with the concept. The ferrite or rare earth magnet material has
a demagnetization curve, in which the portion above
the knee approximates a straight line. The operation
Magnet yoke on this part of the curve is reversible. The mean
r2.12 mm working point (B,,H,) is :

where He is the coecive force at the point in which

the straight line intersects the field-strength H
Y I i t
0.6 r I mm
I mm
axis and is called hypothetical magnetomotive force.
,ur is recoil permeability. H, is the field strength of
the magnet.[7] By applying the well-known line
4 integral theorem to the magnetic circuit, the
following expression is valid:

O t
0.4 L,H,=f LgH,

where f is the magnetomotive force loss coefficient.

Ignoring magnetomotive force loss of the yoke (f=l)
and substituting eqns. (11) and (12) into (lo), since
H,=Bo/po is valid, the maximum value of the AGMFD is :

V.8 ,
,ur approximately equals permeability of free space
,uo(=41cx10-7H/m). K=0.83 is obtained from eqn. ( 8 ) , and
A,=A, is true for the motor discussed in this paper.
r Cmml
2) Leakage Coefficient :
Fig. 5. Measured radial-AGMFD
Looking at the formula for a leakage coefficient
U of eqn.(l3), the equivalent diameter of the magnet
,-Magnet yoke dm is expressed by:
05(r~-r1) +0 5 ( r ~ - r 1 )
The magnet stand-alone permeance coefficient pe can be
calculated by:[81,[91

This formula is applicable only to a ferrite and rare

earth magnet having a linear B-H curve. On the other
hand, an effective permeance coefficient pu is
expressed by:

Accordingly, from Eqns.(l5) and (16), U is:

U=l+Pg /Pu (17)

In reference [8], it is experimentally confirmed that

X both leakage coefficients in eqn.(l7) are
approximately the same, regardless of whether a
Fig. 6. Approximation of Radial-AGMFD magnet is inserted into the motor as shown in Fig.1
0.8 1 I (e) Armature reaction is negligible.
Nd - Fe- B Magnet (f) The torque correction factor K, is determined
from measured values by using the base motor, to
0.7 correct the effect of waveforms.

He = 780 X IO3 A t / m Starting torque T, is given by :

T,=Cl Bo Fa
0.4 r4-0.5(rl+rz)
where x-
Wb 0- 0.5(rz-rl)
E 7 1
0.3 r3-0.5(r1+r2)
0.2 (See, Appendix A for the derivation of eqn.(l8))
When the effective length of conductors and magnet
conform to the special dimensional condition in Fig.6
0.I ( r1=r3 ,xi=-1 ; r2=r4, x o = l ) , eqn.(l8) can be
simplified and expressed by:
l 1 1 , / , / , 1 , 1 , / , / , ~ ,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 s T,=4KC. (0.83)-BoNaIs(r12-r;) (22)

Lg Cmml It can be seen that the torque is reduced to 83 % of

the torque in uniform distribution.
Fig. 7. Maximim values of AGMFD
or it is a single unit. In this paper, this
approximation is applied. TABLE I shows the test motor specifications for
verification of the new method, where motor A is a
C. Comparison with Measurements base motor to determine the constants R, and &, and
B, C and D are the motors for calculations. Figure 8
Fig.7 shows a comparison of the calculated values shows a calculation procedure for this new method.
(solid line) with measured values (dotted line ) to
verify the accuracy of the expression shown in
eqn.(l3) for AGMFD. The curves are obtained by varying TABLE 1
L, and L, The magnet specifications are listed in REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS OF MOTORS
the upper-right hand corner of Fig. 7. Maximum
AGMFD Bo was measured by positioning a hall probe, so
as to meet the following conditions for each
Z : gap center ( 0.5L, ) in Fig. 5
Radial : r,=gmm in Fig. 5
Angular: pole center(symbo1v) in Fig. 2(b)
For a relatively thin magnet (Lm=lmm,L,=2mm) , the e, I mm I 32 I
calculated values are in excellent agreement with the S mm2 2.04
measured ones. On the contrary, for a thick magnet KL 1.o 0.82 I 1.09 I 2.16
( L m = 4 m m ), the results do not agree well. This is the K, 1.o 0.82 I 0.81 I 8.58
results of the assumption that MMF losses of the yoke R, I xlO-4.R 2.9
are negligible( f=l in eqn. (12) ) . From curves
(a),(b) and (e) in Fig. 5 shown as an example, for
the range 12 L, 5 5 mm, the approximations using
curves of the second order, which are expressed by
eqn. (e), are valid. L, outside of this range are
useless, because cost performance is inadequate. From
the above model verification, the approximations in
eqns.(8), (13) and (17) are sufficient, if the
applicable range is taken into consideration.


The following assumptions are made to derive an

expression for starting torque:
(a) Starting torque. in this paper is the mean value
and ripple torque is not taken into consideration.
(b) Waveform of angular AGMFD distribution is a
trapezoidal, B, ( a t ) , Bb(at), B,(at) ,as shown in
Fig. 4.
(c) Radial-field AGMFD distribution is approximated by
a curve of the 2nd order as shown by eqn.(8) and
curve (a) in Fig.6.
(d) Armature windings are rectangular in the cross
section (w,*L, ) .
The active length of conductors Fig. 8 . Calculation procedure
lies radially from r3 to r4 as shown in Fig. 1 and
the effects of W, on torque are ignored.
and (19), its value is 0.8. When the magnet size (inner
radius , outer radius , thickness), the coil size
(radius of effective length and thickness ), magnet
material and clearance are given, the ampere
conductors of the armature windings are determined by
the procedure shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 11 shows the
results obtained by calcu?ation in comparison to the
results obtained by testing for ampere conductors of
the armature windings Fa , and starting torque T,. On
the other hand, the number of turns N, are determined
from this Fa and Rb shown in Fig. 10, by eqn. (7).

O.' t

We now look at the method for determining the

Fig. 9. Calculated AGMFD and measured AGMFD optimum ratio of magnet thickness to armature winding
thickness to minimize the armature copper loss in a
fixed starting torque. Since the axial-field
permanent magnet brushless dc motor is coreless, the
5.0 r K L .KS iron loss and friction loss are negligible. Therefore
x 10- 4R 9 - it is possible that the power consumption in a static
4.0 8 - state equals the copper loss of armature windings
7 - Pi=4IS2R,. Substituting eqn. ( 7 ) into I, and eqn. (5)
into R,, P i = 4 F i R b is obtained. Substituting eqn. (3)
3.0 6 -
into R b , this loss is expressed by :
Rb 5 -
2.0 4 -
3 -
The armature copper loss corresponds to the given
1.o 2 -
required starting torque is expressed by :
1 -
L I C2{ (oKA-1)L,+h)2
A B C D Am
Fig. 10. Calculated loop resistance and measured L;(h-d-L,)

loop resistance

Fa At Ts
I20 -Calculated (See Appendix B for the derivation of eqn. (24)).
The magnet thickness L, is a variable and
llO[ ---- Measured parameters are fixed in eqn.(24). is a constant

- - 50
100 PI (W1 Bo [wb / m2]
90 -' 10.0 I .o

80 - No turn -- 40 9.0 0.9

300 .-
70 - 8.0 0.8
60 - -- 30 7.0 0.7
50 - 200 - 6.0 0.6
40 - -- 20
5.0 0.5
30 -
100 -
4.0 0.4
20 -
-- 10
3.O 0.3
IO - 2.0 0.2
1 I I I I I

A B C D I .o 0.I
Fig. 11. Number of turns determined from given
0 0.5 1.0 I .5 2.0 2.5
Magnet thickness, h n Cmml
Figure. 9 shows the calculated values using eqn.(l3)
in comparison to the measured values for AGMFD. The 2.6 2.1 I .6 I. I 0.6 0.I
results agree within an error range of 10%. The loop
resistance R, of the base motor is determined from the Coil thickness, Lc [mml
resistance per armature winding R, and number of
Fig. 12. Minimum Power COnSUUIptiOII
turns N, by eqn. (5). In Figure 10, the calculated
R, is compared with'the measured R,. The results agree
within an error range of 10 %. Loop resistance is a value. If A,=A, is valid and L, is small in eqn.(24),
useful concept, because we can visually judge to what the condition (ukA$A,-l)L,<< h is obtained. For
extent K,, and K, of the motor under calculation example, the parameter values for motor B shown in
differ from that of a base motor. The correction TABLE I are U =1.34 , k=0.83 , Lm(max)=2.6mm ,h=3.1mm
factor of the starting torque Kc was determined from ,and the value (~kA,/A,-l)L,=0.29mm are obtained.
the measured values of the base motor by eqns. (18) Then, eqn. (24) is simplified and the following
equation is obtained. *0.5(r2-rl)dx (AI)
C2 h2 Since 2 out of 3 phases usually operate as shown in
Pi= Fig.4, 4 sets of the armature windings produce the
L i (h-d-L,) starting torque. By integrating eqn.(Al) along the
effective length of winding xiCxSxo, the entire
By replacing the denominator of eqn. (26) with G(L,) starting torque is obtained and the result is :
,the following equation is obtained:

G ( L, )=Li(h-d-L,) O< L, Sh-d (27)

By integrating eqn.(A2), the following result is
For the maximum value of eqn. (27), winding copper obtained:
loss is reduced to a minimum value. This is achieved
under the following condition: T,=KcBoN,I,[(r2-r1)2( x2 -$)+(ri-r$(2x-$)]:p (A3)

Substituting eqn.(7) into eqn. (A3) and replacing the

factor in the square bracket with the constant c l ,
Figure 12 shows AGMFD and the copper loss obtained by eqn. (18) is obtained.
calculations in comparison with measurements for
various magnet thickness under h=3.lmm. From these APPENDIX B : ARMATURE WINDING COPPER LOSS
results, the new method is verified, because copper
loss was minimized for the value Lm=1.73mm and Substituting eqn. (13) into Bo for eqn. (18),and
Lc=0.87mm, according to the theory. The consideration this result into eqn. (23),the following equation is
for minimum power consumption has been restricted to obtained:
the static state. Fortunately, as eqns. (18) and (26)
are also valid, when the motor rotates. Then, the
condition shown in eqn. ( 2 8 ) is also valid for the
revolving state.
Substituting eqn. (2) into s for eqn.(Bl), the
VI1 . CONCLUSIONS following equation is obtained :

The new method for deciding the Dptimal ratio of 4pQ, ( z T) ' { u k(Ag/Am)Lm+L,}2 (BZ)
the permanent magnet thickness to armature winding p.=
thickness for axial-field permanent magnet brushless ' L: (h-d-L,) dcK,2 cl 4 He
dc motors has been presented and based on the
following items. Substituting eqn. (1) into eqn. (B2),the following
equation is obtained :
A new concept of a loop resistance of an armature
winding, which is determined from the cross
sectional dimensions( width and thickness ) and (B3)
length per mean turn of it, is incorporated.
The new concept for estimating the magnetic flux
density in the air gap is incorporated. Its Introducing the constant c 2 and rearranging eqn.(B3),
approximation consists of a radial-field eqn.(24) is obtained.
distribution by a curve of the second order and
the experimental expressions for a leakage flux. REFERENCE
These two concepts are useful in considering the
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ratio, this method is applicable also to the Feuilet,"Minimization of Torque Ripple in DC Motor
calculation of the torque, current and input power of Drives",in Conf. Rec. 1985 20th, Annu. Meet. IEEE
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convenient in comparison with the conventional method, K.Matsuoka and S. Obata,"Automatic Desighn Method
though the loop resistance and correction factor of of Brushless DC Motors for VCRs", IEEE Trans. on
starting torque must be measured. The calculated Consumer Electronics, ~01.35, no. 3, pp. 642-648,
results are in agreement with the measureed one August 1989.
within an error range of 10%. Therefore, this new R. J. Parker and R. J. Studder, Permanent Magnet
method has been proven. and Their Application. New York: John and Sons
Inc., p115, 1962.
APPENDIX A : DERIVATION OF TORQUE EQUATION Ookawa, Eikyu Jishaku Kaitenki (Permanent-Magnet
Rotary Machines ) . Tokyo: Sogo Denshi Shuppan, p.
The starting torque dT, acting on an element d r at 67, 1978.
P shown in Fig. 6 based on eqns. ( 8 ) and (9) is Ookawa, Ferrite Jishaku Kaitenki NO Sekkei (
expressed by: Design of Ferrite-Magnet Rotatinq Machines ) .
Tokyo: TDK Co., 82p, 1984.
dT,=-0.5KC BoN,I, (x2-2){0.5(rl+r2)+0.5(r2-r, ) x } TDK FB FERRITE MAGNETS DATA CATALOG , Tokyo: TDK
Co., BNME872-015B, p. 28., 1987.

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