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Topic: Linear programming formulations Date:17/07/2017

1. Giapettos Woodcarving, Inc., manufactures two types of wooden toys: soldiers

and trains. A soldier sells for $27 and uses $10 worth of raw materials. Each
soldier that is manufactured increases Giapettos variable labor and overhead
costs by $14. A train sells for $21 and uses $9 worth of raw materials. Each train
built increases Giapettos variable labor and overhead costs by $10. The
manufacture of wooden soldiers and trains requires two types of skilled labor:
carpentry and finishing. A soldier requires 2 hours of finishing labor and 1 hour of
carpentry labor. A train requires 1 hour of finishing and 1 hour of carpentry
labor. Each week, Giapetto can obtain all the needed raw material but only 100
finishing hours and 80 carpentry hours. Demand for trains is unlimited, but at
most 40 soldiers are bought each week. Giapetto wants to maximize weekly profit
(revenues costs). Formulate a mathematical model of Giapettos situation that
can be used to maximize Giapettos weekly profit.
2. A Furniture maker has 6 units of wood and 28 hours of free time, in which he will
make decorative screens. Two models have sold well in the past, so he will
restrict himself to those two. He estimates that model-I requires 2 units of wood
and 7 hours of time, while model-II requires 1 unit of wood and 8 hours of time.
The prices of models are $120 and $80, respectively. How many screens of each
model should the furniture maker assemble if he wishes to maximize his sales
3. A company manufactures two products X and Y, which require, the following
resources. The resources are the capacities machine M1, M2, and M3. The
available capacities are 50, 25 and 15hours respectively in the planning period.
Product X requires 1 hour of machine M2 and 1 hour of machine M3. Product Y
requires 2 hours of machine M1, 2 hours of machine M2 and 1 hour of machine
M3. The profit contribution of products X and Y are Rs.5/- and Rs.4/-
4. A retail store stocks two types of shirts A and B. These are packed in attractive
cardboard boxes. During a week the store can sell a maximum of 400 shirts of
type A and a maximum of 300 shirts of type B. The storage capacity, however, is
limited to a maximum of 600 of both types combined. Type A shirt fetches a profit
of Rs. 2/- per unit and type B a profit of Rs. 5/- per unit. How many of each type
the store should stock per week to maximize the total profit? Formulate a
mathematical model of the problem.
5. A small plant makes two types of automobile parts. It buys castings that are
machined, bored, and polished. The data is shown in the table given below.
Castings for part A $2 each; for part B they cost $3 each. They sell for $5 and $6,
respectively. The three machines have running costs of $20, $14 and $17.50 per
hour. Assuming that any combination of parts A and B can sold, what product mix
maximizes profit?

Part A Part B
Machining 25/hr 40/hr
Boring Capacity
Capacity 28/hr 35/hr
Polishing Capacity 35/hr 25/hr

6. A man operates a pushcart. He sells hotdogs and sodas. His cart can support 210
lbs. A hotdog weighs 2 ounces and a soda weighs 8 ounces. He knows from
experience that he must have atleast 60 sodas and atleast 80 hotdogs. He also
knows that for every two hotdogs he sells, he needs atleast one soda. Given he
makes 8$ profit on hotdog and 4$ profit on soda, find how many hotdogs and
sodas he must have in order to maximize profits.
7. An Automobile manufacturer makes cars and trucks in a factory that is divided
into two shops. Shop1, which performs basic assembly operation, must work
5man days on each truck but only 2man days on each car. Shop2, which performs
finishing operations, must work 3 man days on each car or truck that it produce.
Because of men and machine limitations shop1 has 180 man days per week
available while shop2 has 135 man days per week. If the manufacturer makes a
profit of $300 on each truck and $200 on each car, how many of each should he
produce to maximize the profit.
8. The Regal China Company produces two products daily plates and mugs. The
company has limited amounts of two resources used in the production of these
products clay and labor. Given these limited resources, the company desires to
know how many plates to produce each day, in order to Maximize profit. The two
products have the following resource requirements for production and profit per
item produced (i.e., the model parameters). There are 40 hours of labour and 120
pounds of clay available each day for production. Formulate this problem as a
linear programming model by defining each component of the model separately
and then combining the components into a single model.

Product Labor Clay (lbs./unit) Profit

(hours/unit) (Rs./unit)
Plate 1 4 4
Mug 2 3 5

9. Fauji Foundation produces a cereal SUNFLOWER, which they advertise as

meeting the minimum daily requirements for vitamins A and D. The mixing
department of the company uses three main ingredients in making the cereal-
wheat, oats, and rice, all three of which contain amounts of vitamin A and D. Given
that each box of cereal must contain minimum amounts of vitamin A and D, the
company has instructed the mixing department determine how many ounces of
each ingredient should go into each box of cereal in order to minimize total cost.
This problem differs from the previous one in that its objective is to minimize

cost, rather than Maximize profit. Each ingredient has the following vitamin
contribution and requirement per box. The cost of one ounce of wheat is Rs. 0.4,
the cost of an ounce of oats is Rs. 0.6, and the cost of one ounce of rice is Rs. 0.2.
Vitamin contributions are

Vitamin (mg./oz. Rice
(mg./oz) Milligrams
) (mg./oz.

A 10 20 8 100

D 07 14 12 70

10. United Chemical Company produces a chemical mixture for a customer in 1,

000 - pound batches. The mixture contains three ingredients - zinc, mercury, and
potassium. The mixture must conform to formula specifications (i.e., a recipe)
supplied by the customer. The company wants to know the amount of each
ingredient to put in the mixture that will meet all the requirements of the mix and
minimize total cost. The formula for each batch of the mixture consists of the
following specifications:
a. The mixture must contain at least 200 lbs. of mercury.
b. The mixture must contain at least 300 lbs. of zinc.

c. The mixture must contain at least 100 lbs. of potassium.

The cost per pound for mercury is Rs. 4; for zinc, Rs. 8; and for potassium, Rs. 9.

11. The Bata Shoe Company has contracted with an advertising firm to
determine the types and amount of advertising it should have for its stores. The
three types of advertising available are radio and television commercials and
newspaper ads. The retail store desires to know the number of each type of
advertisement it should purchase in order to Maximize exposure. It is estimated
that each ad and commercial will reach the following potential audience and cost
the following amount.

Type of Advertisement Exposure (people/ad or Cost in Rs.

Television commercial 20,000 15,000
Radio commercial 12,000 8,000
Newspaper ad 9,000 4,000
The following resource constraints exist:

a. There is a budget limit of Rs. 100,000 available for advertising.


b. The television station has enough time available for four commercials.
c. The radio station has enough time available for ten radio commercials.

d. The newspaper has enough space available for seven ads.
e. The advertising agency has time and staff to produce at most a total of
fifteen commercials ads

12. PARLOK Ltd has two products Heaven and Hell. To produce one unit of
Heaven, 2 units of material X and 4 units of material Y are required. To produce
one unit of Hell, 3 units of material X and 2 units of material Y are required. Only
16 units of material X and 16 units of material Y are available. Material X cost Rs.
2.50 per unit and Material Y cost Rs. 0.25 per unit respectively.

13. The Best Stuffing Company manufactures two types of packing tins- round &
flat. Major production facilities involved are cutting and joining. The cutting
department can process 200 round tins or 400 flat tins per hour. The joining
department can process 400 round tins or 200 flat tins per hour. If the
contribution towards profit for a round tin is the same as that of a flat tin, what is
the optimal production level?

14. Dorian makes luxury cars and jeeps for high-income men and women. It
wishes to advertise with 1 minute spots in comedy shows and football games.
Each comedy spot costs $50K and is seen by 7M high-income women and 2M
high-income men. Each football spot costs $100K and is seen by 2M high-income
women and 12M high-income men. How can Dorian reach 28M high-income
women and 24M high- income men at the least cost?

15. The Apex Television Company has to decide on the number of 27- and 20-
inch sets to be produced at one of its factories. Market research indicates that at
most 40 of the 27-inch sets and 10 of the 20-inch sets can be sold per month. The
maximum number of work-hours available is 500 per month. A 27-inch set re-
quires 20 work-hours and a 20-inch set requires 10 work-hours. Each 27-inch set
sold produces a profit of $120 and each 20-inch set produces a profit of $80. A
wholesaler has agreed to purchase all the television sets produced if the numbers
do not exceed the maxima indicated by the market research.

16. A company produces two products A and B. The sales volume of A is atleast
80% of the total sales of both A and B. However the company cannot sell more
than 100 units of A per day. Both products use one raw material, of which the
maximum daily availability is 240lb. The usage rates of raw material are 2lb per
unit of A and 4lb per unit of B. the profit units for A and B are $20 and $50,
respectively. Determine the optimal product mix of the company.

17. An assembly line consisting of three consecutive stations produces two radio

models: HiFi-1 AND HiFi-2. The following table provides the assembly times for
the three workstations. The daily maintenance for stations 1,2 and 3 consumes
10%,14%, and 12%, respectively, of the maximum 480 minutes available for each
station each day. Determine the optimal product mix that will minimize the idle(
or unused) times in the three workstations.

Minutes per Unit

HiFi-1 HiFi-2

1 6 4

2 5 5

3 4 6

18. Charging a Blast Furnace An iron foundry has a firm order to produce 1000
pounds of castings containing atleast 0.45percent manganese and between
3.25percent and 5.50percent silicon. As these particular castings are a special
order, there are no suitable castings on hand. The castings sell for $0.45 per
pound. The foundry has three types of pig iron available in essentially unlimited
amounts, with the following properties:

Type of Pig Iron


Silicon 4% 1% 0.6%

Manganese 0.45% 0.5% 0.4%

Further, the production process is such that pure manganese can also be added
directly to the melt. The costs of the various possible inputs are:

Pig A$21/thousand pounds

Pig B$25/thousand pounds

Pig C $15/thousand pounds

Manganese $8/pound.

It costs 0.5 cents to melt down a pound of pig iron. Out of what inputs should the
foundry produce the castings in order to maximize profits?

19. Suppose that a custom molder has one injection-molding machine and two
different dies to fit the machine. Due to differences in number of cavities and
cycle times, with the first die he can produce 100 cases of six-ounce juice glasses
in six hours, while with the second die he can produce 100 cases of ten-ounce
fancy cocktail glasses in five hours. He prefers to operate only on a schedule of 60
hours of production per week. He stores the weeks production in his own
stockroom where he has an effective capacity of 15,000 cubic feet. A case of six-
ounce juice glasses requires 10 cubic feet of storage space, while a case of ten-
ounce cocktail glasses requires 20 cubic feet due to special packaging. The
contribution of the six-ounce juice glasses is $5.00 per case; however, the only
customer available will not accept more than 800 cases per week. The
contribution of the ten-ounce cocktail glasses is $4.50 per case and there is no
limit on the amount that can be sold. How many cases of each type of glass should
be produced each week in order to maximize the total contribution?

20. Reddy mikks produces both interior and exterior paints from two raw
materials, M1 and M2. The following table provides the basic data of the problem.

Tons of Raw material per ton of Maximum daily

Exterior paint Interior paint (tons)

Raw material, M1 6 4 24

Raw material, M2 1 2 6

Profit per Ton

5 4

A market survey indicates that the daily demand for interior paint cannot exceed
that for exterior paint by more than one ton. Also the maximum daily demand for
interior paint is 2 tons.

Reddy mikks want to determine the optimum product mix of interior and exterior
paints that maximizes the total daily profit

Construct each of the following constraints and express it with a linear left hand side
and a constant right hand side:

i. The daily demand for interior paint exceeds that of exterior paint by at
least 1 ton.
ii. The daily usage of raw material M2 in tons is at most 6 and at least 3.
iii. The demand for interior paint cannot be less than the demand for
exterior paint.

iv. The minimum quantity that should be produced of both the interior
and exterior paint is 3tons.
v. The proportion of interior paint to the total production of both
interior and exterior paints must not exceed 5.

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