Durability of Prestressed Concrete Structures

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Rudolph Szilard, Dr.-Ing.

University of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii

Upon the request of Professor The survey used two types of

Franco Levi, President of the Fed- questionnaires obtained from the
eration Internationale de la Precon- Commission on Durability. The pri-
trainte, it was decided at the meet- mary purpose of the "short form"
ing of the FIP Commission on was to compare the number of pre-
Durability, held in Milan in Febru- stressed concrete structures actually
ary 1968, to form a subcommittee to built with the number of prestressed
investigate the actual performance concrete structures which have
of prestressed concrete structures. shown signs of distress. The "long
The main objectives of this world- form" detailed the materials and
wide survey on the durability of pre- techniques used in the construction
stressed concrete structures were: of these structures, including their
1. To obtain an estimate on the age, environmental conditions, etc.;
total number of prestressed this form obtained more information
.concrete structures built. on the causes of serious damage or
2. To determine the prevailing failure than was obtained in the
practice in each country re- short form.
garding the materials and con- The survey presented herein cov-
struction techniques used for ers the performance of prestressed
various types of prestressed concrete structures in the United
concrete structures. States, Canada, Japan, Australia,
3. To assess the number of pre- New Zealand, India, Ceylon, and
stressed concrete structures other Pacific and Far Eastern coun-
which have shown signs of seri- tries.
ous deteriorations or failures.
4. To investigate, if possible, the
causes of the damage and to United States. The use of prestressed
recommend preventive mea- concrete is relatively new in the
sures. United States, since the oldest pre-
62 PCI Journal
The durability of prestressed concrete structures and the prevailing
practice used in their construction were surveyed for the United
States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, and other
Pacific and Far Eastern countries. It was found that the cases of
distress or failures were exceedingly small, considering the vast
number of prestressed concrete structures actually built. The
analysis of the reported cases of failures indicates that the failures
were caused mostly by improper construction techniques and,
to a lesser degree, by improper design.

stressed concrete structure is ap- ies from 0.106 in. to 0.50 in.; the av-
proximately 18 years old. Although erage diameter is % in. The maxi-
the total number of prestressed con- mum diameter of the tendons varies
crete bridges reported in this survey from 7/ 6 in. to 0.60 in. Seventy-nine
was 6280, the author's previous sur- percent of the fabricators use -in.
vey^ l> indicates that there are ap- diameter tendons. The question on
proximately 13,000 prestressed con- heat-treatment in the questionnaire
crete highway bridges in service.
The same survey has shown more
than 90 percent of the prestressed
concrete bridges in the United States
are pretensioned, based on the num-
ber of bridges built. It is believed
that this percentage is misleading,
since precast, pretensioned bridges
are used mostly for small spans. A
comparison on the dollar value of
bridges estimates the volume of pre-
tensioned bridges in the neighbor-
hood of 75 percent.
In fabricating bridge girders using
pretensioning techniques, the most
commonly used tendon material is
the uncoated, cold-drawn, stress-re-
lieved single wire conforming to
ASTM Designation A421 (Fig. 1),
followed by seven-wire, stress-re-
lieved strand. The minimum nominal Fig. 1. Tendon material for preten-
diameter used in pretensioning var- sioning (USA)
October 1969 63
Posttensioning Number of
System Firms Using
(1) Freyssinet 15
(2) Stressteel 10
(3) CCL 3
2.6 (4) Anderson 2
(5) BBRV 2
(6) PI 2
(7) Prescon 2
(8) Atlas 2
(9) VSL 1

Fig. 2. Use of post-tensioning systems in the United States

was apparently misinterpreted since, lized high-strength alloy bars, V2 in.

as far as could be determined, steel to 1 3/s in. in diameter. The popular-
companies in the United States sup- ity of the various post-tensioning
ply only cold-drawn prestressing systems is shown in Fig. 2.
steel. The survey indicates that the use
The Freyssinet system is the most of portland cement (ASTM C150) is
widely used for post-tensioning predominant (Fig. 3) ; gravel mixed
bridge girders in the United States, with sand is the most commonly
followed closely by the Stressteel used aggregate (Fig. 4). The water-
system. The "new" Freyssinet sys- cement ratio is approximately 0.35 to
tem used 6 to 12 strands, % in. in 0.45 by weight (Fig. 5), which can
diameter. The Stressteel system uti- be considered quite favorable re-

Dfl,.^a rg ment ASTM C150


C. ASTM C175

Fig. 3. Use of various types of cement (USA)

64 PCI Journal
corrosion protection.
Although the above results have
been obtained for prestressed con-
crete bridges', in the author's opin-
ion they can be considered charac-
teristic for the prevailing practice of
the prestressed concrete, industry in
the United States since, in the major-
ity of cases, the very same firms are
engaged in producing other ` types of
prestressed concrete structures. The
fished stone
only notable exceptions are the con-
Fig. 4. Aggregates for pretensioned struction of prestressed concrete
girders (USA) tanks and pipes which, require cir-
cular rather than linear prestressing'
The most serious case of corrosion
-damage of the tendons in prestressed
garding the durability of prestressed concrete bridges was reported by the
concrete structures (2) Most construc- State of Washington( 3 >. The damage,
tion firms (55 percent) use some type occurred in a floating bridge over
of admixture, such as ryater reducers
and retarders. Vibrating the concrete
mix and curing the concrete are uni-
versal practices. The 28-day concrete
strength is always above the r<e-
qured 5000 psi. The author's previ-
ous survey' > ' indicates that the qual-
ity of concrete used in the United
States for pretensioned and post-ten-
sioned bridge structures is high.
Portland cement conforming to
ASTM Designation C150 is used al-
mbst exclusively for grouting. The
average water-cement ratio of the
grout is 0.35 to 0.45 by weight. In
the majority of cases, no aggregate is
used. The grouting technique varies Code No. Water-Cement
with the post-tensioning system.
While the ; survey shows that the ( 1 ), W < 0.3
quality of the grout materials is ex-
cellent, the author believes that cer- (2) 0.3 W < 0.35
tain improvements in the grouting (3) 0.35 < W < 0.4
techniques would be highly desir- C

abfe. In less than 4 percent of the (4) 0.4 W < 0.45

bridges, unbonded prestressing steel
is used. All major post-tensioning (5) 0.45 5 W < 0.5
systems used in the United States
(6) 0.5 5 W
have provisions for' unbonded post- C

tensioning techniques, utilizing vari-

ous types of coatings or grease for Fig. 5. Water-cement ratios (USA)
October 1969 65
CD Table 1. Condition survey of prestressed concrete structures

Wharves, Number of distressed

Industrial piers, Airport conditions not identified
Country Bridges Buildings Tanks structures quays runway Roads Other with type of structures
13,000 13,533 2,700 2,559 71 1 0 114 129*
U.S.A. 23* 3* 27* 1* 4t
it it 2t
3,100 358 5 106 1 0 0 35
Canada 42* 11
1t 2*
15,000 420 288 Combined
Japan 4* with 0 0 0 0 small*
Australia 1,380 30 80 50 10 0 0 3 small*
New 250 50 50 150 20 0 0 20 0
Republic 3,000 No report 0 0 0 0 0 0
of China 1*
116 8 1 6 0 0 1 6 small*
India 3*
Ceylon 300 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Guam 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0
v 1*

* Indicates number of damaged structures including local failures
t Indicates number of major failures (collapse)
seawater. Both Michigan and New The total number of reporting
York States reported spalling of the agencies in the United States was
concrete over prestressing wires as a slightly more than 100. Approxi-
result of pitting type of corrosion. mately 90 percent of the distress
Three other statesCalifornia, Penn- conditions reported (most of which
sylvania, and Marylandreported are repairable) can be grouped as
rust stains on prestressed concrete follows:
girders but no serious deterioration. 1. Local failures during the con-
Of the approximately 2700 pre- struction stage resulting from
stressed concrete tanks in service in improper connections
the United States, two have failed. shear failures of ledger beams.
The collapse of a ten-year old tank is 2. Damage during service life
attributed to an abnormally corro- caused by
sive environment( 4 ) which produced improper details of connec-
stress corrosion in the prestressing tions restraining, volume
wires. Poor concrete mix, insufficient change movements due to
depth of cover, unsuitable prestress- creep, shrinkage and temper-
ing wires, improper design, and se- ature
vere environmental conditions were loss of camber resulting from
the principle causes of severe deteri- errors in the design or design
oration. The long delay between assumptions.
prestressing and grouting, coupled Because of the more favorable en-
with corrosive environmental fac- vironmental conditions, corrosion of
tors, produced failures in the wires the prestressing steel is rarely a
of the post-tensioned cables in the problem in prestressed concrete
Richmond Reservoir in California(5). building construction.
The late Mr. Lyman, Executive Canada. This survey received excel-
Director of the Prestressed Concrete lent cooperation from Canadian gov-
Institute, estimated the total number ernment agencies and private firms
of incidents of deterioration (varying engaged in design and construction
from minor problems to failure con- of prestressed concrete structures.
ditions) to be less than 10 percent of Twenty-five agencies replied to the
the prestressed concrete structures FIP questionnaires. The results of
used for buildings. According to Mr. the replies to the short form ques-
Lyman's estimate, the total number tionnaires are given in Table 1.
of serious deterioration is less than As the responses to the long form
1 percent. questionnaires indicate, the prevail-
If we assume that the number of ing Canadian practices in design
distress conditions not identified and construction of prestressed con-
with a specific type of structure, crete structures are similar to those
given in the last column of Table 1, used in the United States. Probably
refers to buildings, and all distress the most notable exception is in the
conditions are failures, then the sur- configuration of bridges. In the
vey tends to verify the above esti- United States, the use of simply-
mate. Since these assumptions are supported, standard AASHO girders
quite severe, it is safe to say that with span lengths 40 to 100 ft. pre-
the total number of serious deteriora- vails; in Canada, the geometrical
tions is less than I percent of the configurations, coupled with the
total number of structures built. structural systems, show considerably
October 1969 67
Fig. 6. Structural systems used for bridges in Canada

more variation (Fig. 6). Most of the In such a highly corrosive en-
prestressed concrete structures were vironment, the deterioration of pre-
built during the last ten years. The stressed concrete bridges can be
age of the oldest reported bridge is sub-divided into three different pro-
approximately 14 years. As Table 1 cesses:
indicates, prestressed concrete struc- 1. Alterations in the physical
tures are used more for bridges than properties of the concrete.
for all other types of structures com- 2. Increased permeability.
bined. 3. Chemical alteration of the con-
The environmental conditions of crete which destroys its anti-
the cold winters in Canada are more corrosive mechanism.
severe than in most parts of the It has been found that prefabri-
United States, especially in the case cated, pretensioned concrete struc-
of bridges, where excessive applica- tures are predominant in Canada,
tion of de-icer salts (e.g. calcium but the use of the various post-ten-
chloride) on the roadway creates a sioning systems is considerably
highly corrosive environment. This higher than in the United States.
is most probably responsible for the The Freyssinet system is the most
more than 1 percent distress condi- popular followed by the BBR,
tion reported. Stressteel, and Magnel-Blaton sys-
68 PCI Journal
tems. More than 90 percent of the unit were attributed to the calcium
post-tensioned systems use grout for chloride used in the pneumatically
the protection of the tendons. Where placed concrete( 6 >. In the second
no grout is used, protective coatings case, serious failure occurred duri-,g
(e.g. asphalt) are applied to prevent the line tests of prestressed concrete
corrosion. pipes( 7 ). This failure has been at-
For pretensioned and post-ten- tributed partially to the manufac-
sioned systems alike, an almost ex- turing process which caused stress
clusive use of portland cement has corrosion in the prestressing wires.
been reported. The favorite aggre- Other fairly serious distress con-
gate is gravel and sand. The average ditions are attributed to production
water-cement ratio is in the vicinity problems such as:
of 0.4 by weight. The reported 28- 1. Use of unwashed aggregates.
day cylinder strengths is always 2. Inadequate storing and han-
above 5000 psi. Pneumatically dling of tendons.
placed concrete containing non-hy- 3. Improper curing techniques.
droscopic retarding admixtures is Faulty design of connections and
used for prestressed concrete tanks. inadequate allowance for volumetric
The survey shows that, in spite of changes (creep, shrinkage and tem-
the apparent lack of strict field in- perature) caused more than 50 per-
spections, the concrete used for pre- cent of the minor failures.
stressed concrete structures in Can- Japan. Detailed information on the
ada is of high quality. status of the prestressed concrete in-
Two collapse conditions of pre- dustry in Japan has been obtained
stressed concrete structures built in from the Prestressed Concrete En-
Canada could be analyzed closely. gineering Association, Tokyo.
In the first case, failures in the wires The first prestressed concrete
of a dome roof of a sprinkling filter bridge in Japan was built in 1952.

900 900

800 800
700 \ 700 ,,,
600 / \ / 600 " +
I Pa 6
0 w 500 Bridges 500

gc 400 400 ai

300 300

f" 200 200 F'

100 100

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
Fig. 7. Growth of the prestressing industry in Japan
October 1969 69
Table 2. Total production of prestressed concrete structures in Japan up to 1968

Type of structure Total Prestressing

Highway bridges Length: 1.53 x 10 6 ft. Pretensioned
2.02 x 10 6 ft. Post-tensioned
Railroad bridges Length: 2.08 x 10 3 ft. Pretensioned
254.0 x 103 ft. Post-tensioned
Buildings Area: 3.6 x 106 sq. ft. Not reported
Tanks Number: 288 Not reported

Thus, the use of prestressed concrete the year 1959.

is also relatively new in this highly The use of portland cement is pre-
industrialized country. During the dominant for prestressed concrete
last years, however, the use of pre- structures as well as for the grout.
stressed concrete structures has The average water-cement ratio is
gained a considerable momentum. 0.35 to 0.45 by weight, and the 28-
This impressive growth is shown in day cylinder strength of the concrete
Fig. 7. Based on the total number of is always above 5500 psi. Conse-
prestressed concrete structures, Ja- quently, the concrete used in Japan
pan is currently second after the for prestressed concrete structures
United States in the countries sur- is of high quality. Generally, no
veyed by the author (Table 1). As aggregate is used in the grout. Water
Table 2 indicates, more than 60 per- reducing, retarding, and other type
cent of the prestressed concrete admixtures are frequently added to
bridges are post-tensioned, while in the grout.
all other countries surveyed the pre- In 1959, the fractures of heat-
tensioning technique is prevailing. treated prestressing wires were ob-
The average length of prestressed served at two construction sites. In
concrete bridges is 160 ft. A highway both cases the wires failed during
bridge has been built with an im- storage before prestressing had been
pressive span length of 530 ft. applied. These prestressing wires
The Freyssinet system is the most had been delivered in coils of 5 ft.
popular post-tensioning system in diameter, producing high initial
Japan, as in the other countries sur- bending stresses. Prestressing wires
veyed. The second place is occupied were exposed to excessive salt water
by the BBRV, followed by Dywidag. spray at one construction site during
Unbonded tendons are not used for a typhoon. Approximately 20 per-
any structure of importance. In pre- cent of the wires failed shortly after
tensioning the most commonly used the coils were exposed to this highly
tendon is the uncoated, cold-drawn, corrosive environment. The author
stress-relieved wire, followed by the believes that these failures were
seven-wire strand. It should be caused by stress corrosion (3 ). About
noted that heat-treated wires were 3 percent of the same type of pre-
also fabricated and used before stressing wires failed at another con-
70 PC] Journal
struction site, although they were that prestressed concrete structures
not exposed to any known corrosion are used mostly for bridges. The
environment. In both cases the 7-mm average span lengths are 30 ft. to 140
wires failed transaxially. After these ft. In Australia, prestressed concrete
failures, heat-treated wires were not has almost superceded other forms
used in Japan for prestressed con- of construction for highway bridges
crete structures of importance. and is extensively used for railroad
Some failures of cold-drawn wires bridges. No failure or severe dam-
during the prestressing operation ages have been reported. The minor
were also reported. Investigations distress conditions are mainly due to
indicated that defects acquired dur- inadequate construction techniques.
ing the manufacturing process In New Zealand, the conditions
caused these conditions. are similar in many respects to those
No actual collapse of structures in in Australia, as reported by the N. Z.
service have been reported. The Portland Cement Association. The
relatively small number of distress construction techniques in both
conditions can be attributed to: countries generally follow the
1. Improper details of connec- British and American practices
tions. rather than the European construc-
2. Cracking of grout due to freez- tion methods.
ing. Republic of China (Taiwan). During
3. Inadequate placing of tendons. the last ten years, a considerable
4. Inadequate reinforcement of number of prestressed concrete
the concrete at the anchorage. highway bridges have been con-
Of considerable interest is the re- structed in Taiwan. The average
port obtained on the performance of span length used in multispan
prestressed concrete structures dur- bridges is approximately 120 ft. No
ing severe earthquakes. The typical major failures have been reported.
distress conditions produced by One detailed report by the Taiwan
large seismic motions were: Highway Bureau on a distress con-
1. Spalling of the ends of girders dition indicates extensive cracks in
produced by "hammering".
the 126 ft. girders before prestress-
2. Development of cracks (verti- ing has been applied. The cracks
cal and horizontal) at the top of
have been caused by excessive set-
concrete abutments or piers
tlement of the formwork. The use of
supporting girders when the
portland cement is predominant.
motion of the girders was pre-
The leading post-tensioning system
vented by shear dowels.
is the Freyssinet system. The 28-day
3. "Hammering" of rocker bear- cylinder strength of the concrete is
ings against the neighboring
always over 5000 psi. No report has
concrete surfaces.
been obtained on the use of pre-
4. Settlement of supports due to stressed concrete structures for
liquidation of the foundation
buildings and other types of struc-
materials, such as sand and silt. tures.
Australia and New Zealand. Infor-
mation pertinent to Australia has India. Although the number of pre-
been obtained from the Australian stressed concrete structures built in
Prestressed Concrete Institute, the India is comparatively small, the
Main Roads Department, and two data obtained from the Concrete
other agencies. The reports indicate Association of India are quite de-
October 1969 71
tailed. The details of prestressed web, resulting in complete collapse.
concrete structures were also re- Minor failures are attributed to;
ceived from five major contracting 1. Faulty placement of tendons.
firms. 2. Settlement of temporary sup-
Table 1 indicates that, in India ports.
also, most of the prestressed con- 3. Cement used was subjected to
crete structures actuall y built are weathering during transport
bridges. The prevailing tendency in and/or storage.
India is the utilization of prestressed
concrete for major bridge structures Other countries. The Office of the
Chief Bridge Engineer in Ceylon re-
with quite respectable span lengths
up to 257 ft. This partially explains ports no failures. Prestressed con-
crete structures in Ceylon are used
the almost exclusive use of the
predominantly for bridges. Guam
Freyssinet system for precast and
reports minor damages due to pre-
cast-in-place girders. The average
mature detensioning. In American
diameter of the wires is 7 mm with a
Samoa and the Philippines, no pre-
smooth surface. All reported struc-
stressed concrete structures have
tures were built during the last ten
been built to date. No reports have
years. The climatic conditions to
been obtained from Korea, Vietnam,
which the structures are exposed
Pakistan, Thailand, and mainland
vary from a tropical climate with
China. Although all Latin American
high humidity and temperatures to a
countries have been contacted, no
coldclimate. Other environmental
reply has been obtained to date.
conditions show similar extremes
Mr. Ben C. Lerwick, Tr., FIP rep-
such as partially-immersed and
resentative of PCI, called the au-
open-air conditions.
thor's attention to a serious distress
The exclusive use of portland ce-
condition "at San Nicolas Bay, Peru,
ment is reported. The average water-
where prestressed concrete piles
cement ratio of the concrete is in the
made and driven about 1959 or 1960
vicinity of 0.40 by weight. Crushed
are disintegrating. These were made
stone (granite) was reported as the
on the site, which is a coastal desert,
primary choice for aggregate, fol-
using local aggregates and standard
lowed by gravel plus sand. The 28-
Types I and II cement, and were
day cylinder strength of the concrete
pretensioned. About one year ago
was always above 5000 psi. All post-
extensivecracking was discovered
tensioned structures are grouted. along the corners. This has been
The analyses of the two maior re- found to extend from mean tide to
ported failures show that one was sea bottom. Attempts to coat the
caused by flood and, consequently, piles with epoxy mortar have been
no inadequate design or construction unsuccessful. The problem is be-
method could be blamed for it. The lieved due to a combination of un-
other major failure was due to the sound aggregates and alkali-aggre-
inadequate design provisions of all gate reactivity."
standard codes which do not have
provisions to eliminate torsional in- CONCLUSIONS AND
stability during the launching of the RECOMMENDATIONS
prestressed concrete girder. The ro-
tational movement of the girder In all of the countries surveyed,
created vertical cracks along the the use of prestressed concrete struc-
72 PCI Journal
tures is relatively new. Prestressed The use of heat-treated prestressing
concrete is used largely for bridge steel is not recommended.
structures, followed closely by
buildings. In most countries sur- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
veyed, with the notable exception
of Japan, pretensioning dominates. The author wishes to express his
The large number of prestressed gratitude to his numerous colleagues
concrete tanks is surprising, since in the United States and abroad for
these require a special prestressing their active cooperation in the sur-
technique and an exceptionally high vey. Special appreciation is due to
quality, impervious concrete. Con- Mr. K. G. Tamberg, Bridge Re-
sidering the large number of pre- search Engineer, Department of
stressed concrete structures actually Highways, Ontario, Canada, to the
built, the total number of distress late Mr. R. J. Lyman, Executive Di-
conditions, varying from minor rector of the Prestressed Concrete
damages to complete collapse, is Institute (U.S.A.), and to Dr. Shuji
exceedingly small. Distressed con- Inomata, Prestressed Concrete As-
ditions are caused mostly by im- sociation (Japan), for their vigorous
proper construction techniques and, support of this work.
to a lesser degree, by improper de-
sign and use of faulty materials. REFERENCES
Noteworthy are the recommenda-
1. Szilard, R., "Present Practice Regarding
tions of the Prestressed Concrete Corrosion Protection of Tendons in Pre-
Engineering Association of Japan stressed Concrete Bridges in the
for proper aseismic design which in- U.S.A.," University of Denver, DRI In-
cludes the exclusive use of bonded terim Report No. 952-6705-I, May 1967.
tendons. Furthermore, it is recom- 2. Szilard, R. and Wallevik, 0., "Effec-
mended that seismic forces should tiveness of Concrete Cover in Corrosion
Protection of Prestressing Steel," paper
be transmitted by the most direct presented at the meeting of the Com-
path. For this reason the use of mission on Durability of Prestressed
rubber buffers or other devices be- Concrete Structures (F.LP.) held Feb.
tween the individual simply sup- 22-23, 1968, in Milan, Italy.
ported girders of adjacent spans is 3. Szilard, R., "Corrosion and Corrosion
Protection of Tendons in Prestressed
encouraged in bridge construction.
Concrete Bridges," Journal of American
For buildings, the monolithic con- Concrete Institute, January 1969, pp.
struction should be emphasized; 42-59.
consequently, special attention 4. "Corrosion Destroys Prestressed Tank,"
should be paid to connection de- Engineering News-Record, January 25,
tails. 1962, p. 6.
The author finds a pronounced 5. "Wires Break in Prestressed Reservoir,"
Engineering News-Record, June 2, 1955.
need for detailed international speci-
6. Bouvy, J. J., "Some Problems Concern-
fications covering all phases of de-
ing High Tensile Steel from the User's
sign and construction, including ex- Point of View," Proceedings of the Sec-
tensive specifications for all materials ond F.I.P. Congress, Amsterdam, 1953,
used in prestressed concrete struc- Cement and Concrete Association, Lon-
tures. Furthermore, the introduction don. 1955, pp. 164-177.
of strict field inspection and quality 7. Legget, R. F., "Failure of Prestressed
Concrete Pipe in Regina, Saskatche-
control tests could have virtually wan," Paper No. 6587, Proceedings of
eliminated the small number of fail- Institute of Civil Engineers, Canada,
ures that do exist at the present time. 1962, pp. 11-20.
October 1969 73

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