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Algebra 1 Introductory Letter

Tutor: Sara Chappell

Phone: 904-726-8282

I look forward to studying algebra with the students this year. Algebra 1 is a foundational
math course to all higher-level math courses, including Geometry and Algebra 2, and is
essential for the study of Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and other sciences. The study
of mathematics reveals how our Creator is an amazing God of order. We appreciate this
when seeing the mathematical arrangement of the solar system and of the chemical
reactions in the tiniest cell. Throughout the universe we see Gods hand of order and
creativity. We are privileged to study this marvelous aspect of His creation.

The required supplies for this class are:

McDougal-Little Algebra 1 Student Textbook and Solutions Manual (2006 ed.)

3-ring binder (1 inch), notebook paper
Pencils, red pens, blue or black pens
Calculator with a square root function
Ruler or straightedge

This course will review pre-algebra skills and then progress to translating words into
algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities; working with signed numbers, solving,
graphing, and writing linear equations and inequalities from given conditions; solving
systems of equations and inequalities; polynomials and factoring; exponential, quadratic,
radical and rational functions.

I will work with the students in class to gain the best understanding of this subject as
possible. It is the students responsibility to keep on top of the homework assignments
so that we will be able to progress through the material in a timely manner. The
assignments from each lesson will typically consist of 20-30 problems that will cover the
material adequately. During class time we will address problems that students couldnt
solve at home and then move on to new material.

The Homework Grading Policy Sheet is very important and must be read and
understood by the parents and students. I have included this sheet. Parents have a
very important roll in this task. Parents and students must sign this document stating that
they understand these grading policies.

Test will be given at the end of each chapter. Students may complete the tests at home
any time before the due date, but they must take the test without the help of another
person, a computer, calculator, text, or notes. Parents should monitor the test-taking. The
tests are to be turned in to me in a sealed envelope and signed by the parents.

Final grades will be determined as follows:

Corrected Homework 35% Tests 60% Classroom behavior 5%
Because we are using the McDougall Little text, you will have access to
This may be helpful for some students to use for extra practice and clarifying of concepts.

Students should come to class prepared with assignments, assignment sheet and supplies.
We have very limited class time for teaching at PEP, and concentrated attention is
expected during that time. Students must refrain from activities that would distract from
the learning environment. Here are important rules to be followed for the classroom:

No talking while the tutor is talking!

Horseplay, sidebar conversations, passing notes and drawing will not be tolerated
Eat a good lunch before coming to class
Use the restroom between classes
Use a self-collecting sharpener during class
Hold your trash until you exit the room
Respect others in the classroom and never put down another student for their mistakes

This Algebra 1 class could be considered an honors level class. Because of its pace and
level of difficulty, some students may need to get extra help outside of class to keep up.
All of the PEP math teachers do private tutoring, or you may seek a tutor outside of PEP.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have I
would be glad to discuss them with you. Again, my email is and
my phone is 726-8282. I do not take text messages. May the Lord bless your family
throughout this school year and guide you into a greater knowledge of Him!

Please sign and bring to the first day of class:

I have read this Algebra 1 Introductory Letter and will abide by Mrs. Chappells

Student Signature

Parent Signature Date

I have read and understand the Homework Grading Policy Sheet and will abide by

Student Signature

Parent Signature Date

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