Shoehorn Quotes

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Act One Scene 3

Bridie: Before I could stop her, she was yelling out and waving, Yoo- hoo, chaps, I say, Yoo hoo!
(calmly) But by then I could see the ships flag.

And now on stage, we see a large Japanese flag, the blood-red rising sun, which is gradually and
brilliantly illuminated as the scene continues.

Act One Scene 4

Sheila: Up goes the flag. He calls out Keirei! And everybody bows including Lipstick Larry. (To
Bridie) Ill never know how you managed to do it stitch a rusty pin into his loin cloth.

Act One Scene 5

Shiela: We forgot the Japs we forgot our hunger our boils barb-wire - everything Together we
made this glorious sound that rose above the camp above the jungle above the war rose and
rose and took us with it. Fifty voices set us free.

Bridie: Fifty voices and a shoe-horn

Act Two Scene 11

Bridie: What do Bach and Beethoven have in common?

Sheila: The look on Bridies face! Shed thought Id come down with a fever.

Bridie: Well what do they have in common?

Bridie: They both wrote Sonatas

Sheila: A Sonata is..

Bridie: (Peeved) Im perfectly capable of telling him. (To camera) The Sonata is a piece for two
musical instruments.

Sheila: Our voices representing instruments We both still had voices Bridie and I and since the
choir couldnt sing any more, it was up to us to carry on. Miss dryburgh would have wanted that.

Bridie: Sheila worked out a medley

Sheila: A Sonata, Bridie please

Bridie: Two voices. Four movements. Fur Elise, Country Garden, Humoresque and Danny Boy.

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