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To implement Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) and Inverse Discrete Fourier

Transform(IDFT) in MATLAB and to verify the results for different types of


1.Write a program to compute and plot the N-point DFT X[k] of a sequence x[n] of
length N.Also compute and plot the N-point IDFT x[n] of X[k].Plot both magnitude
an phase spectrum.Also implement radix-2 FFTalgorithm for N=2m.Make 'N' a
variable.Verify the result using "fft" function in MATLAB.
2.Test the DFT program by computing DFT for

a)rectangular function

b)sinusoidal signal

c)unit impulse

Try to reconstruct the signals back from the spectrum using your IDFT
program.Observe the effect of zero padding using different number of samples,
while plotting the spectrum

a)Circular convolution and

b)linear convolution

using convolution theorm of DFT and demonstrate your results.

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