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A Case Study of the British Coup

Against the U.S. Presidency
by Barbara Boyd

Aug. 7This report covers

events which occurred in June
of 2016, shortly after Donald
Trump secured the Republican
nomination for President
against every wing of the estab-
lishment Republican Party,
from so-called Tea Party con-
servatives like Ted Cruz, to Jeb
Bush, once thought a shoo-in to
become the President of the
United States. It aims to show
you the British hand in concoct-
ing the coup detat presently
underway against the President The Russian election meddling hoax begins. Here, CNN asks Prof. Stephen Cohen for his
of the United States. It does so opinion.
by taking you through British
intelligences role in the Russia meddled in the U.S. The Anglo-American elites are desperate and there-
election hoax, and the Trump Tower meeting on June fore reckless. The trans-Atlantic Ponzi scheme which
9, 2016. This meeting, which the media keeps hyping as is their financial empire teeters on the verge of col-
a smoking gun, demonstrating Trump campaign lapse, and with it, any remaining popular respect for
collusion with the Russians, has also drawn major at- their power or competence. They view China and
tention from Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, ac- Russia as rising world powers which will dominate the
cording to news reports. It has also been the subject of world based on superior economic programs, re-
recent hearings and investigations by the Senate Judi- sources, popular morale, and scientific competence.
ciary Committee and Senate Intelligence Committee. They have no answer within their dying system. Rather
We will not deal here with every aspect of the Brit- than joining in a new economic platform which could
ish role in the ongoing coup. Rather, we are only going truly advance humanity, as Lyndon and Helga La-
to focus on one month, June 2016, to demonstrate the Rouche have proposedan idea now flourishing in
incredible density of British operations aimed at swing- Chinas One Belt-One Road projectthey choose
ing the election toward Hillary Clinton and the geopo- to preserve the dominance of their power at any cost,
litical forces at work in this operation. and are propelling us, rapidly now, to a war which
The ongoing coup against Trump has exposed very could end the human race.
dirty Anglo-American geopolitical operations and the Most Americans are deeply disturbed by the ongo-
personages behind them, which were never intended ing coup against the President and dont believe that
for public view. That is the case with the events here. the accusations being made against him are true. But,

August 11, 2017 EIR There Was No Russian Hack 25

Senator Chuck Schumer.

Dramatis Personae
The target audience for EIR is the in-
Senator John McCain (left) at a hearing on cybersecurity. formed reader. Nevertheless, given the den-
sity of British operations into which we now
sail, and in order to keep the players straight,
they are ignorant of their British origins and intent. we provide this abbreviated cast of characters:
The British empire, that oligarchical grouping which
controls the worlds economy through the machina- Persons of Interest
tions of the City of London, Wall Street, and related Christopher Steelethe former British MI6 (the
soft- and hard-power institutions, is fighting for its foreign intelligence agency of the British govern-
survival against the potential represented by Donald ment) desk chief for Russia. The founder of Orbis
Trump. This empire is the occupying power which has Business Intelligence, Ltd., itself deeply connected to
destroyed the United States by the same methods it the highest levels Britains intelligence and financial
used to shock Russia into full-scale economic collapse elite. The author of the December 2016, dodgy dos-
and chaos in the 1990s, resulting in an overt genocide sier, which alleges massive Russian penetration of,
against the Russian population. If you dont know and influence over, the Trump presidential campaign.
about this genocide and its causes, you really cant un- Dmitri Alperovitchthe co-founder and chief tech-
derstand their demonization of Putin, who has restored nology officer of CrowdStrike. A Ukrainian-Ameri-
the Russian state. can who demonizes Putin, and a fellow at the Atlantic
In a rational world, the key figures in the coup Councils Digital Forensics Project, which itself op-
against the President would be engulfed in investiga- erates within NATOs British-inspired Strategic
tions by the Justice Department and Congress, and Communications Service. This organization employs
well on their way to prison. It is, after all, the British propaganda for war and has targeted Russian Presi-
and their U.S. pawns, on Wall Street and in Washing- dent Vladimir Putin.
tonnot the Russianswho have looted our country William (Bill) Browdera former associate of both
for decades and are now seeking to change the election British billionaire Robert Maxwell and international
result. But we do not live in a rational world presently. money launderer Edmond Safra, Browder made a
Rather, we now stand on the verge of an insane nuclear fortune in the post-1989 asset-stripping and looting
war. Since many in Congress and executive intelli- of Russia. Banned from Russia in 2005 as a threat to
gence agencies are active participants in the coup, it is state security. It was the arrest and death of Browders
now up to our nations citizens to rapidly educate accountant Sergei Magnitsky, which led to the anti-
themselves in order to procure safe passage for human- Russian Magnitsky Act sanctions. Browder, together
ity into the next 50 years. They must ensure that any with Safra, was the founder of Hermitage Capital
politician who stands in the way no longer holds elec- Management in 1996, a private investment fund
tive office. based in the unregulated tax havens of Guernsey and

26 There Was No Russian Hack EIR August 11, 2017

In the photo, MI6, Britains foreign intelligence

the Cayman Islands. Browder currently

operates with the international dope
money laundering bank, HSBC.
Various Congressional servants of the British, in- John McCain, Ben Cardin, and Joe Lieberman after a
cluding sitting Senators John McCain, Ben major lobbying campaign by very highly placed,
Cardin, Chuck Schumer, and those, like David Washington lobbyists.
Kramer, long associated, with Project Democ-
racy, a joint U.S.-British operation which has en- The Cardinal June Events
gaged in coups and regime change operations Some time in June 2016, Hillary Clintons cam-
throughout the world, including in Ukraine. Kramer paign took over an opposition research project on
was Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Donald Trump, which had previously been funded by
Human Rights, and Labor (2008-9), and president of Trumps Republican opponents. The contract was with
Freedom House (2010-2014). a Washington, D.C. firm called Fusion GPS, which, in
turn, employed a British firm, Orbis Business Intelli-
Institutions and Events of Interest gence, Ltd., and Orbis founder Christopher Steele.
Orbisa London-based private intelligence firm, Orbis was tasked with smearing Donald Trump as a
founded in 2009, Orbis is connected to the highest Manchurian candidate, a pawn of Russian intelli-
levels of British intelligence and the circles of former gence. Steele and Orbis had maintained a long relation-
Prime Minister Tony Blair. Supporters of Hillary ship, dating from 2010, with the FBI. The Clinton cam-
Clinton paid Orbis well over a million dollars to paign has admitted that it was already working with
produce dirt on Trumps Russia connections. Ukrainian intelligence to tar Trump with the Russian
Fusion GPSa strategic intelligence firm based in brush prior to the June 2016 contract with British intel-
Washington, D.C., founded in 2009. ligence and Orbis.
CrowdStrikea private American cybersecurity On June 12, 2016, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks an-
company, co-founded by Dmitri Alperovitch, which nounced that he was in possession of emails damaging
was hired by the Democratic National Committee to Hillary Clinton and would soon be publishing them.
(DNC), and was responsible for the initial claim that The purloined DNC emails showed, definitively, that
the Russians had hacked the DNC servers. the DNC, supposed to be neutral in the primary, was
GCHQ (the Government Communications Head- trying to destroy the rising campaign of fellow Demo-
quarters)essentially Britains equivalent of the Na- crat Bernie Sanders.1 Two days later, on June 14, the
tional Security Agency. DNC announced that its computers had been hacked by
Magnitsky Acta 2012 Act designed to punish
Russian officials for the death of Sergei Magnitsky in 1. The emails were subsequently published by WikiLeaks on the eve of
a Moscow prison in 2009. Sponsored by Senators the Democratic National Convention.

August 11, 2017 EIR There Was No Russian Hack 27

in the U.S. election and the Trump
campaign for colluding with them,
Bill Browder was filing a complaint
with the U.S. Department of Justice,
concerning four participants in the
Trump Tower meetingand others
for failure to register under the For-
eign Agents Registration Act.
Browders complaint claimed that
these people were engaged in unreg-
istered Russian lobbying activities,
namely, attempting to overturn the
Magnitsky Act. As we shall show,
much evidence points to Browder
being a deep penetration agent for
British intelligence and financial in-
terests, who thoroughly snookered
the U.S. Congress, and others, with
his Magnitsky Act tale. Browders
cc/Max Goldberg
recent appearance before the Senate
Jared Kushner (left) with Trump, at victory party after the Iowa caucuses. Judiciary Committee on July 27,
2017, concerning the Trump Tower
meeting and related events, played a
the Russians. The claim that the WikiLeaks emails were big role in the public relations campaign resulting in
the result of a Russian hack of DNC servers was au- imposition of new sanctions against Russia. These
thored by Dmitri Alperovitch of CrowdStrike. Alpero- sanctions are aimed at preventing the President from
vitch, as we shall see, is also deeply connected to establishing decent relations with the worlds only
NATO. other nuclear superpower, and they have been described
Three days earlier, on June 9, 2016, a meeting took as a declaration of economic war against Russia.
place in Trump Tower involving Donald Trump, Jr.,
Paul Manafort (the then-campaign manager for the The Very British Roots of This Entire Affair
Trump Presidential campaign), Jared Kushner, the It is, of course, by now widely acknowledged that
Presidents son-in-law, and five other people. Contrary the British dodgy dossier on Trump, authored by Chris-
to media accounts, only one of the participants in the topher Steele and Orbis, formed the initial backbone of
Trump Tower meeting was a Russian, the lawyer Nata- the FBIs investigation of the Trump campaign offi-
lia Veselnitskaya. By all accounts provided by partici- cially opened in July 2016, according to the testimony
pants, the meeting was very short, and involved the of former FBI Director James Comey. According to its
Magnitsky Act sanctions imposed by the U.S. Congress leaks to the Guardian and other British newspapers,
on certain Russians. Many consider these 2012 sanc- British intelligence had been loudly complaining about
tions to be the opening shot of the New Cold War. But Trumps softness on Russia to their American intel-
the emails setting up the meeting bear all the marks of ligence counterparts since 2015, demanding action, and
an intelligence agency entrapment attempt against the British spy agency, GCHQ, which monitors the
Donald Trump, Jr., designed to seal the Manchurian entire worlds Internet and telephone traffic had been
candidate label early on in the general election cam- tasked to target the American presidential political
paign. They specifically offered dirt on Hillary Clin- campaign, based on this concern.
ton to be provided by the Russian government itself. A May 18, 2017 court filing in the High Court of
On July 15, 2016, at the same time that the FBI was Justice in Britain by Christopher Steele and Orbis, fills
opening an investigation of the Russians for interfering out important aspects of the operation. The filing oc-

28 There Was No Russian Hack EIR August 11, 2017

the Russia desk for Britains MI6 until 2009, and Sir
Andrew Wood, an associate at Steeles company, was
the British Ambassador to Moscow between 1995 and
2000. Wood is also an associate fellow of the Russia
and Eurasia Program at the Royal Institute of Interna-
tional Affairs at Chatham House in London, and served
as Russia adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair. Chris-
topher Burrows, Steeles partner in Orbis, lists himself
as a long-time high ranking British foreign service of-
ficer, although news accounts also place him in British
Christopher Steele has also acknowledged a long-
standing relationship to the FBI, centered in the FBIs
Eurasian Organized Crime Strike Force in New York
City, which media reports date to 2010, the same time
the relationship with Fusion GPS went into effect.
Steele acknowledges playing a major role in the years-
long FBI investigation of the International Federation
of Association Football (FIFA).3 He continued to work
with the FBIs Eurasian Organized Crime Strike Force
on Russian and Ukrainian matters from 2013 to 2016,
according to press accounts. Andrew McCabe, the ethi-
A sample from the mass medias pervasive campaign of cally challenged FBI Assistant Director now being in-
fabrications against Trump. vestigated for Hatch Act and other violations concerning
the Clinton sponsorship of his wifes campaign against
curred in the defamation suit brought against Steele and Virginia Senator Richard Black, led the Eurasian task
Orbis by Aleksej Gubarev2 and his companies, who force early in his career and has maintained contacts
were falsely accused of criminal activities in Steeles ever since. Many believe that McCabe was Steeles FBI
now infamous December 2016 dodgy dossier against handler and contact.
Trump. It was this salacious and disgusting dossier Although the public record of the doings of Fusion
which Comey used when Obamas intelligence chiefs GPS is sparse, more can be gleaned from the fact that
met with Trump in January 2017, in order to blackmail Fusion GPS principal Glenn Simpson lists himself as a
the President to abandon any idea of accommodation Senior Fellow at the neocon International Assessment
with Putin or Russia. When Trump didnt budge, and Strategy Center (IASC), specializing in corrup-
Steeles dossier was published by Buzzfeed, with a tion and transnational crime, a current preoccupation
stamp of approval from the intelligence chiefs. of the internationalized FBI which Robert Mueller cre-
According to the court filing, Fusion GPS and Orbis ated. IASCs President is Thor Ronay, formerly Vice-
have a confidentiality agreement governing an ongoing President of Frank Gaffneys Center for Security Policy.
business relationship dating back to 2010. The media Kenneth deGraffenreid is the senior fellow for intelli-
account up to this point has been that Fusion GPS, hired gence policy.
by Trumps GOP primary opponents to produce dirt on Executive Order 12333, partially authored by Ken-
Trump, reached out to Steele and his companies in June neth deGraffenreid during the Reagan Administration,
2016, when Fusions oppo work was taken over by allows U.S. intelligence agencies, including the FBI
Hillary Clintons donors. In case anyone doubts the
deep British intelligence ties at issue here: Steele ran
3. An investigation which claimed that Russia secured the 2018 World
Cup as a result of bribes, alleging deep relationships between FIFA (F-
2. A Russian tech expert who operates the global tech firm XBT dration Internationale de Football Association) and Russian orga-
Holding. nized crime.

August 11, 2017 EIR There Was No Russian Hack 29

and CIA, to outsource operations to private entities The Non-Existent Russian Hack of the DNC
like Fusion GPS and Orbis, and then to deny the result- According to a January 2017 report on Russian
ing relationship. It also governs most of the surveil- hacking, issued by Barack Obamas Director of Na-
lance activities conducted by U.S. agencies domesti- tional Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper, the Russians
cally and throughout the globe, and allows responsible were inside the DNC computer servers by July 2015;
officials to deny such activities. the DNC was notified, but did nothing about it for over
In the May 17, 2017 court filing, Christopher Steele a year. British press, including the Guardian, state that
and Orbis outline their attempts to influence the U.S. British intelligence warned its U.S. counterparts of the
election by smearing Donald Trump as a Russian agent Russian hack of the DNC in July 2015, but somehow
on behalf of Hillary Clintons candidacy. They state could not gain their attention. By December 2015, ac-
that, in September 2016, they briefed reporters from the cording to Clappers report, hundreds of paid Russian
New York Times, the Washington Post, the New Yorker, trolls associated with the St. Petersburg, Russia, Inter-
Yahoo News, and CNN about Christopher Steeles re- net Research Agency (IRA) had begun to advocate for
ports on Trump and Russia, and participated in further Trumps election. Stories about alleged new modes of
briefings with the New York Times, the Washington Russian propaganda involving the Internet and social
Post, and Yahoo News in October 2016. In late October, media had appeared in the British press throughout
Steele briefed a reporter from Mother Jones via Skype. 2014-2015, including British claims about the Internet
Senator John McCain and David Kramer, who was Mc- Research Agency, but only surfaced prominently in the
Cains agent, were briefed on the pre-election Steele United States after the issuance of Clappers report.
memoranda in December 2016, according to the filing. The citation of the IRA is yet another large British fin-
Sixteen such memoranda were produced prior to the gerprint on the hacking hoax.
election. It seems otherwise clear that the FBI was also On November 24, 2016, a mysterious entity called
a recipient of all of these memoranda, dating back to Propaganda or Not? produced a list of two hundred In-
June 2016, if not earlier. ternet sites that had allegedly been tasked by the Krem-
Steele and Orbis claim that the seventeenth memo, lin with relaying Russian propaganda and intoxicating
produced in December 2016, which referenced Gubarev U.S. public opinion, to the point that they elected
and the salacious and disgusting claim that Trump en- Donald Trump. They included just about every site with
gaged in perverse sexual activities at a Russian hotel, a record of opposition to the new Cold War, whether on
was solely produced to David Kramer,4 Senator John the right or left of the so-called political spectrum, and/
McCain, and a representative of the British security ser- or opposition more generally to Anglo-American geo-
vices. The December memo was the product of a col- political permanent warfare policies. The Washington
laboration between Steele, Sir Andrew Wood, Kramer, Posts production of this list set off a campaign by vari-
and a representative of the British security services, ous new entities, including one proposed for the U.S.
which began on November 18, 2017that is, almost State Department by Congress and Obama in the 2016
immediately following Trumps election as president. National Defense Authorization Act, to censor the news
Previously, David Kramer had held State Department by blacklisting and de-legitimizing these websites. Ac-
positions dedicated to Project Democracy. Project De- cording to French journalist Thierry Meyssan, Propa-
mocracy and its various offshoots, based on agreements ganda or Not? unites Polygraph, a Voice of America
between President Reagan and British Prime Minister (VOA) site; the Interpreter, a magazine of Mikhail
Margaret Thatcher, is the well-known mechanism for Khodorkovskys Institute for Modern Russia; the
producing coups, rigged elections, and regime change Center for European Policy Analysis; and Alperovitchs
in countries which fall into imperial disfavor. It seems Digital Forensics Service.
clear that in order to save themselves in the British law- In March 2017, in what must be viewed as a national
suit, Steele and Orbis are trying to make John McCain embarrassment, U.S. Senators on the Select Committee
and David Kramer the fall guys for their actions. on Intelligence Activities listenedin seemingly
amazed, mesmerized wonderas Thomas Rid of
4. Kramer is the former President of the CIA and NED quango, Free-
Kings College, London, Roy Godson, and other Brit-
dom House, a fellow of the Project for a New American Century, and a ish-schooled intelligence experts told them that thou-
close ally of John McCain. sands of paid Russian trolls had infiltrated the Ameri-

30 There Was No Russian Hack EIR August 11, 2017

can mind with Russian-generated conspiracy theories together to oppose the fabricated reasons for the Iraq
and swung the election to Donald Trump. The seem- War. You can see the complete interview of former CIA
ingly brain-dead Senators embraced this narrative Officer Ray McGovern, conducted by LaRouche PACs
wholeheartedly. Jason Ross, about the VIPS memo here.
All of this anti-Russia frenzy, of course, finds its In their memo, the VIPS point to the CIAs Marble
supposed justification in the original claim by Crowd- Framework, an anti-forensic computer framework
Strike of Russian hacking of DNC servers. Yet, on July which allows for obfuscation of cyberattacks, and false
24, 2017, the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for flag attribution by the CIA. Thus the source code for
Sanity (VIPS) released a Memorandum to the Presi- any given malware program can be replaced with an-
dent, demonstrating that there was no Russian hack of other language. This then gives CIA malware the ap-
the DNC. Rather, the original WikiLeaks document pearance of having originated from one of these lan-
trove was produced by a leak from inside the DNC, not guage-groups, as a means to throw off forensic
a hack. According to the VIPS memo, a second and sub- investigators.
sequent leak from the DNC was altered in a cut and
paste job to make it look like it was the product of a The Trump Tower Meeting
very crude Russian hack, brazenly leaving Russian Undoubtedly, by the time of the June 9, 2016 Trump
fingerprints all over the fabrication, and done in such a Tower meeting, the British governments Trump File
way as to both discredit the initial leak, and to present a was already overflowing with potential ammunition to
false narrative of Russian interference in the U.S. Pres- use against candidate Trump, including a full history of
idential election. The VIPS are veterans of U.S. intelli- Donald Trumps sponsorship of the 2013 Miss Uni-
gence agencies, and include William Binney, the former verse pageant in Moscow; Trumps real estate dealings
technical director of the NSA. They originally banded with Russians anywhere in the world; all of candidate

The Russian Agent Information Warfare Initiative, also to counter al-

leged Russian propaganda, with heavy support
Smear Campaign from the Khodorkovsky familys Institute of
Modern Russia in New York. Mikhail Khodor-
The targeting of the activities of the Internet Re- kovsky is an exiled Russian oligarch who plotted a
search Agency in the January 2017 DNIs report coup against Vladimir Putin on behalf of his west-
shows this aspect of the so-called Russian Active ern backers, who include Londons Lord Roths-
Measures campaign against Hillary Clinton to be a child, George Soros, and the Bush family. The
fiction, with deep roots in a British-created NATO Washington Posts neocon Anne Applebaum is
intelligence operation called the Strategic Commu- cited by Meyssan as the creator of the Information
nications Service (SCA). From its inception, the Warfare Initiative.
SCA incorporated a service of the Atlantic Council, The Center for European Policy Analysis is a
the Digital Forensics Service. CrowdStrikes Dimitri pseudopod of the National Endowment for Democ-
Alperovitch is, as previously stated, a senior fellow racy and the U.S. intelligence community. It has con-
in this project. centrated its attacks on the Russian broadcasters RT
According to French journalist Thierry Meys- and Sputnik, which of course, became central targets
san, as part of this operation, in September 2014, of DNI Clappers phony January 2017 report on Rus-
the British government created the 77th Brigade, a sian hacking. Most analysts say that the first target of
unit tasked with countering foreign propaganda, this NATO campaign was countering any news or
which worked with the U.S. military in Europe to person favorable to the Russian position concerning
interfere with websites considered to be distribut- Ukraine, or any news revealing the Nazi proclivities
ing Russian propaganda. In the U.S., the Washing- of the persons the U.S. State Department supported
ton Center for European Policy Analysis created the in its Ukrainian regime-change operation.

August 11, 2017 EIR There Was No Russian Hack 31

even sent, we already have the following intel-
ligence services in motion and attempting to
concoct illicit dirt about Trump and Putin: Brit-
ish intelligence; Ukrainian intelligence; the
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
(ODNI), the FBI, and the CIA in the United
States; and NATOs Strategic Communications
and its U.S. offshoots. But even thats not every-
body involved. According to Foreign Policy
magazine and others, on July 11, 2017, a hacker
going by the name of Johnnie Walker pub-
lished a trove of emails from the private account
of Robert Otto, an individual tasked to a secre-
tive unit in the U.S. State Department focused on
Russia. Newsweek magazine states that Otto is
the nations foremost intelligence expert con-
cerning Russia. To date, those emails have not
Donald Trump, Jr.
been authenticated; however, they contain an
emailpurported to be on the day of the Trump
Trumps conciliatory statements toward Russia; com- Tower meetingbetween Otto and Kyle Parker, staffer
plaints that campaign advisor Michael Flynn was soft on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, featuring
on Russia and a rebel against the U.S. intelligence es- a picture of Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskayas
tablishment from within that establishment; and sur- house in Russia. Parker acclaims himself as the actual
veillance of Trumps campaign manager, Paul Manafort, author of the Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia
who was considered an outright enemy of Anglo-Amer- and a close friend of Bill Browder. Veselnitskaya claims
ican interests, given his political work for the former that her children have been threatened as a result of her
President of Ukraine, Victor Yanukovych and his Party participation in a legal case questioning the bona fides
of the Regions. As previously mentioned, Yanukovych of Bill Browder and the foundations of the Magnitsky
was ousted in the Ukrainian coup directed by the Na- Act.
tional Endowment for Democracy (NED), the U.S. The picture of her house suggests yet another level
State Departments Victoria Nuland, and Barack of intelligence community surveillance and involve-
Obama, which reversed the results of an election previ- ment with the Trump Tower meeting.
ously certified as free and fair by all Western observers.
In addition, Carter Page, who volunteered for the Trump The Set-Up
campaign as a foreign policy walk-in, had a variety of On June 3, 2016, Donald Trump, Jr. received an
business dealings in Russia and had already functioned email from publicist Ron Goldstone, a former British
as an FBI informant in a major FBI case against Rus- tabloid journalist who now operates out of the United
sian organized crime figures. States. Goldstones Facebook account appears to indi-
The official British government file also probably cate that he is presently on a break from his businesses
included reports and photos from surveillance of apart- and on a world tour of gay bathhouses, in which the
ments at Trump Tower associated with a then-ongoing proudly obese Goldstone takes pictures of himself
investigation of a Russian organized crime ring said to wearing various strange hats and shirts in the company
operate there. Individuals involved in the FIFA corrup- of young men. Who is financing this tour apparently
tion investigation also lived there. The FIFA investiga- outside the reach of Grand Jury subpoenas? Goldstone
tion was worked by the FBI Eurasian Organized Crime has also been photographed with the actress and stand-
Strike Force and Christopher Steele. up comic Kathy Griffin, who famously posted a picture
So, before the crazy email setting up the Trump of herself with President Trumps severed head.
Tower meeting, and setting up Donald Trump, Jr., is Here is the pertinent content from the first email:

32 There Was No Russian Hack EIR August 11, 2017

Liberty Release of May 19, 2016, does point out that
the Prosecutor General, Yuri Chaika, was pursuing a
violation of U.S. laws involving $37 million in taxes
due to the Russian government by William Browder,
Browders U.S. lawyer Jamison Firestone, and the
Ziff Brothers, a New York firm long associated with
William Browder. On June 4, Chaika told a national
Russian television audience that he had presented this
claim to U.S. authorities for action. The Ziffs and
Browder were contributors to the Clinton Global Ini-
tiative. Chaika and the Russian government have oth-
erwise campaigned very publicly for repeal of Mag-
nitsky Act sanctions against Russians, calling them
the product of a scam and a fraud by Bill Browder. We
will treat Browder much more fully below. But, as
previously noted, Browder is also a big-time repre-
sentative of London financial and intelligence inter-
The actual twenty-minute Trump Tower meeting in-
nataliaveselnitskaya/facebook volved Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, who
Natalia Veselnitskaya did most of the speaking by all accounts; Rinat Akhmet-
shin, a well-known Washington, D.C.-based lobbyist
and American citizen; Ike Kaveladze, a U.S. citizen and
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with vice-president at one of the Agalarovs companies; Ron
Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to Goldstone; and the translator for Natalia Veselnitskaya,
provide the Trump campaign with some official Anatoli Samochornov. Samochornov is also an Ameri-
documents and information that would incrimi- can citizen who worked with Veselnitskaya frequently,
nate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and since she does not speak English. He has also worked
would be very useful to your father. This is obvi- extensively for the FBI and the U.S. State Department.
ously very high level and sensitive information None of these people have Putins ear or present ap-
but is part of Russia and its governments sup- parent connections to Russian intelligence. Although
port for Mr. Trumphelped along by Aras and Akhmetshin has been linked to Russian counterintel-
Emin.5 [Emphasis added] ligence repeatedly in the news media, that all appears to
be based on his bragging about his two-year stint as a
Aras is Aras Agalarov. Emin is his son, a Russian young man in the Russian military.
billionaire who brought the Miss Universe pageant to Any sound investigation would focus on who, out of
Moscow. the small army of intelligence operatives watching this
There is no Crown prosecutor of Russia. The meeting, designed and implemented the clear entrap-
position does not exist. A Radio Free Europe, Radio ment attempt against Donald Trump, Jr., for later use.
Since it was surveilled and recorded by multiple intel-
5. Aras Agalarov and Emin Agalarov partnered with Trump for the ligence agencies, probably tripping all over one another
2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Emin is an Azerbaijani pop
star whose publicist is Ron Goldstone. According to a very useful article
at the time like Keystone Cops, why was the Trump
(see https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-07-11/trump-s- Tower meeting only surfaced as the smoking gun re-
low-level-russian-connection) in Bloomberg News, they are not particu- cently? Goldstones first email to Trump reads like any
larly close to Putin, although they are major builders in Russia. Their planted FBI missive or planted evidence, awkward and
base of operations is the Moscow regional government. Stating that in-
dividuals who operate at this level in Russia have Putins ear would be
inconsistent in its own internal contentyour father,
equivalent to saying that the Bronx Borough President was implement- Mr. Trump, and Aras and Emin are working for the
ing foreign policy on behalf of the U.S. President. Russian government, and they are working on your

August 11, 2017 EIR There Was No Russian Hack 33

behalf on this sensitive and official matter,
and I am putting that in an email. Trump Jr.
and others say that no opposition research
about Clinton was offered at the meeting,
which instead focused on the Byzantine in-
trigue which is the international battle about
the Magnitsky Act. Trump Jr. obviously
couldnt follow the dense threads and found
the discussion inane.
Veselnitskaya, herself, had been paroled
into the United States to serve as the Russian
lawyer for the Russian businessman Denis
Katsyv in a bizarre legal proceeding brought
by former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in the
Southern District of New York, based solely
on allegations made by Bill Browder con-
cerning the tax fraud allegations that led to the William Browder
U.S. Magnitsky Act. At the time of the Trump
Tower meeting, however, Veselnitskaya was
traveling on a business visa issued by the U.S. Depart- nitsky Act sanctions against Russia and to kill the 2016
ment of State, after having previously been denied such legislative expansion of the Magnitsky Act in the U.S.
a visa, and after efforts by the U.S. Attorney for the Congress.
Southern District of New York to prevent any free travel
by her in the United States at all. Immigration attorneys The Bill Browder File
I have spoken with say this situation is unusual, To hear Browder tell it,in his Congressional testi-
strange. mony on July 27, in countless performances through-
Following the Trump Tower meeting, Veselnits- out the world, and in his book, Red NoticeBill
kaya, Akhmetshin, and Samochornov were involved in Browder, the grandson of Earl Browder, the General
the showing of a film critical of Bill Browder by Andrei Secretary of the Communist Party U.S.A., is a super-
Nekrasov, at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on savvy investor who made a fortune in Russia from the
June 13, as well as in lobbying Congress against the middle 1990s until 2005. Bill championed anti-cor-
Magnitsky Act. The Newseum showing of Nekrasovs ruption measures, such as shareholders values, and
anti-Browder film was emceed by renowned investiga- initially had Putins backing in name-and-shame
tive reporter Seymour Hersh. campaigns leading to the cleaning up the image of cer-
On July 15, 2016, at the same time that James tain companies including Yukos, the state oil enter-
Comey opened an FBI investigation of Russian inter- prise. Suddenly, Browder alleges, Putin turned on him
ference in the U.S. election, Bill Browders Hermitage and banned him from Russia in 2005 as a threat to
Capital Management filed a complaint with the Justice state security. Thereafter, a Russian criminal gang,
Department accusing a plethora of individuals of vio- functioning out of the Interior Ministry and the Fed-
lating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, including eral Security Service (FSB), deployed to steal
Akhmetshin, Veselnitskaya, Samochornov, Chris Browders companies out from under him, resulting in
Cooper (a former Wall Street Journal reporter and a tax fraud against the Russian government to the tune
leader of the Potomac Square Group, a Washington, of $230 million. Putin is in on all of this, says Browder,
D.C. lobbying firm), former Democratic Congressman because he has deals with Russias criminal mafia and
Ron Dellums, Howard Schweitzer of Cozens, OConnor oligarchs which have made him the worlds richest
Public Strategies, and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. man and is himself a heartless, ruthless, and cold-
Browder claims that all were involved directly in a blooded murderer. Anyone voicing a different view is
campaign steered by Putin himself to overturn the Mag- an enabler of murder, including former U.S. Secre-

34 There Was No Russian Hack EIR August 11, 2017

tary of State John Kerry, whom
Browder calls a Putin lackey.
Thats the narrative, according
to Browder.
Also, as Browder tells it, his
Russian lawyer, Sergei Mag-
nitsky, blew the whistle on the tax
fraud scheme, was jailed by Putin
as a result, and died in jail in 2009
after being denied medical atten-
tion, tortured, and finally beaten to
death by Russian prison guards. In
2012, the U.S. Congress, led by
Senators John McCain and Ben
Cardin, working through Kyle
Parker, wrote sanctions against the
Russians who Browder claims
were involved in Magnitskys
death, banning their travel and EIRNS/Rachel Douglas
During the looting of Russia in the 1990s, many Russians were reduced to digging in the
their use of financial institutions. trash.
Despite Secretary Kerrys opposi-
tion, President Obama signed
these sanctions into law. Russia responded by banning a super lone entrepreneur, making millions for undis-
the adoption of Russian children in the United States closed clients, buying and selling former state assets,
and sanctioning various U.S. officials involved in the and all the while not speaking a word of Russian. He
War on Iraq. Hence Donald Trump, Jr.s initial state- claims that he became an uber capitalist buccaneer in
ment that he remembered the Trump Tower meeting to reaction to his Communist grandfather and his mathe-
be about Russian adoptions. matician parents. Recently he has claimed that he re-
Even minimal research shows that Browders narra- nounced his American citizenship and became a British
tive cannot possibly hold water. Our own, initial, re- citizen because his grandmother was harassed during
search into Bill Browders story, mostly following the McCarthy period. More skeptical observers say it
leads from his own account in Red Notice, indicates was to avoid U.S. taxes.
that his career shows all of the characteristics of a The average lifespan of the Russian male declined
sponsored deep-penetration agent, acting in an intelli- to fifty-four years as a result of the Anglo-American as-
gence and operational capacity for the the very same sault, the former economic infrastructure of the country
Anglo-American interests that looted and destroyed the was sold at basement prices to Western interests, the
Russian economy in the 1990s and early 2000s. The country was flooded with drugs, the population suf-
destruction of Russias economy was an entirely delib- fered negative growth rates, Russian scientists and en-
erate Anglo-American wrecking operation engineered gineers fled the country, and millions suffered com-
through Thatcherite shock therapy, with a helping pletely unnecessary deaths. This was a foreign-imposed
hand from economists Larry Summers and Jeffrey policy of calculated economic genocide. While there
Sachs. This led to control of the ruined economy and are many books documenting this process, we only note
state enterprises by Russian oligarchs, who acted as here that the ultimate Anglo-American goal was to split
straw-men for Western financial and intelligence inter- Russia into three separate countries and prevent it from
ests centered in the City of London. Their methods in- ever again functioning as a nation-state, while taking
cluded the use of criminal gangs to facilitate wholesale Western ownership of the countrys huge natural re-
looting of the state and the population. sources. Vladimir Putin stopped all of this and began
During this period, Mr. Browder portrays himself as the process of rebuilding Russia. That is the real reason

August 11, 2017 EIR There Was No Russian Hack 35

Putin is demonized by the British and their allies in employees of his British publishing empire. He died by
Washington and Wall Street, and why Browder paints somehow falling off his yacht in the midst of his com-
himself as Putins Number One enemy. panies financial distress.
Browders investment career begins with an ap- Browder next ended up on the Russia desk of Salo-
prenticeship at an investment company owned by Brit- mon Brothers in London after his sojourn with Max-
ish mega-publisher Robert Maxwell. Maxwell has been well. Readers of the Wall Street confessional, Liars
named in accounts too numerous to mention, as a joint Poker, will immediately see the implications of that.
British-Israeli spy, and as a double agent for the British Browder even makes a self-conscious reference to
with the Russians. According to recently released docu- Liars Poker in his own account, while attempting to
ments, he carried a request by Mikhail Gorbachov to distance himself from what has been publicly ac-
Margaret Thatcher in 1990, for a $20 billion loan in knowledged to have been a nest of outright thievery.
order to continue the British policy of perestroika as the At Salomon Brothers, Browder discovers that he can
Russian economy began to fall part. Maxwell famously make millions of dollars buying Russia assets, which
looted millions of dollars from the pension funds of the are valued dirt cheap under Yeltsins privatization pro-

... In my personal opinion it is an absolute abomina-

Browder and Safra tion.
The Money Plane operation accounted for more
than $40 billion dollars pumped into Russian orga-
Browder cites Edmond Safra as his mentor and nized crime between 1994-1996, and the players
closest confidant, as well as his Russian business were Safras Republic National Bank of New York
partner. and the New York Federal Reserve. Various officials
Safra, who was murdered in an arson fire in 1999, in the United States did not even try to dispute Freid-
was perhaps the king of worldwide money launder- mans account. Instead, they covered up its implica-
ing for political intelligence purposes, at TD Bank (a tions in public relations horsepucky. The coverup
subsidiary of Toronto-Dominion Bank in Canada) was led by none other than U.S. Senator, then Con-
and at Republic Bank of New York. In 1989, the gressman, Charles Schumer (NY). In the first two
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and U.S. years after the Soviet Unions collapse, an estimated
Customs linked Republic and Safra to major money $60 to $70 billion worth of material assetsweap-
laundering schemes by the Medelln Cartel and a ons, oil, gold, and artwork, were outright stolen out
Swiss company that was a laundromat for Syrian and of the country by organized crime networks on the
East Bloc heroin profits. TD Bank and Safra also receiving end of freshly printed U.S. dollars. For the
played a role in the George H.W. Bush/Oliver North bank participation in this scheme, Safras bank
Iran Contra drug and money laundering operations. earned a huge fee. Far more profitable, however, was
In 1996, Robert Friedman published an extraordi- actually the moving and laundering of dirty money
nary article in New York magazine entitled, The by buying Russia assets. For that, Safra required
Money Plane. Five nights a week, crisp, uncircu- ground troops in Russia, which suggests the actual
lated, $100 bills were being flown by the planeload role of Browder and Hermitage under his tutelage.
from JFK International Airport nonstop to Moscow Maybe thats why Browder had security in Russia
where the money became part of the Russian mafias consisting of former British and Mossad agents.
vast international crime syndicate operations then Others have speculated that Safra and his assets, in-
engaged in brutally looting and cannibalizing the cluding Browder, were the major backers of the Rus-
former Soviet Union. According to an official of the sian oligarch, Boris Berezovsky. According to Rus-
Federal Comptroller of the Currency, cited by Robert sian reports, Berezovsky sought to end his own exile
Friedman, That money is used to support organized by producing documents showing that Browder was
crime: It is used to support black market operations. an MI6 and CIA agent code-named Solomon.

36 There Was No Russian Hack EIR August 11, 2017

grams. But, allegedly, he cant get Salomon to fully that HSBCs continued operation was necessary for the
recognize his brilliance, so he decides to strike out on stability of the worlds financial system, against strident
his own. internal opposition from investigators in the case who
Somehow, Benny Steinmetz, the Israeli diamond insisted the HSBC must be shut down. On February 9,
billionaire and Edmond Safra, the British/Israeli finan- 2015, the International Consortium of Investigative
cier and intelligence agent,both major players in the Journalists released leaked documents showing that
world of dirty financeappear out of the blue in HSBC Private Bank (Suisse), Browders exact partner
Browders story, and invest in his company, Hermitage in Hermitage, serviced a mix of tax-dodging pluto-
Capital Management, to the tune of $25 million. That is crats, dictators bagmen, blood diamond dealers, co-
it concerning what Browder discloses about his inves- caine traffickers, and Al Qaeda financiers, in the words
tors. The $25 million is a fairly paltry operating fund for of the Washington Post.
someone who claims to have ended up being Russias To finish out the deep British pedigree, Browder
largest foreign investor. states that no one less than Tony Blair himselfthe
Stranger still, even before the Safra investment, we Prime Ministerwas prepared to raise the issue with
learn from Browders account that he is co-hosting Putin himself, of getting Browders passport back, at
major events at the World Economic Forum at Davos the G8 summit in 2006.
and receiving confidences from former Russian Fi-
nance Minister Boris Fyodorov, this while he is still, The Magnitsky Myth
purportedly, an unknown thirty-something Moscow It is 100% permissiblebordering on obliga-
businessman. toryto spout the most insane, evidence-free
It is clear that Browder and Safra profited initially conspiracy theories if they involve Russia and
from the entirely corrupt loans for shares program Putin. Glenn Greenwald
under Yeltsin, which resulted in the looting of former
state assets by foreign, mostly British interests. Sham- In 2013, Preet Bhahara, the U.S. Attorney for the
ing and Naming campaigns are, of course, hostile Southern District of New York, brought a legal action
takeover techniques perfected by the City of London against Prevezon Holdings and related companies, and
and Wall Street, and a powerful weapon used to gain Denis Katsyv (Case No. 1:13-cv-06326, U.S. v. Preve-
assets at an artificially depressed price. zon Holdings, et al.). The case sought forfeiture of
Following Safras 1999 murder, Browders next assets from Prevezon and other companies associated
sponsor and administrator for Hermitage was the Swiss with the Katsyv family in Russia, based on the allega-
private branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking tion that these companies had laundered some of the
Corporation. HSBC is perhaps the most corrupt bank- funds from the $230 million tax theft alleged by
ing and intelligence operation in human history. HSBC Browder. The Russian governments position has con-
is a strategic asset of the British oligarchy. Famously, sistently been that Browder engaged in tax fraud in
HSBC was founded to launder the dope money pour- Russia, that his companies were under investigation
ing in from Britains opium war against China. Ever from 2002 forward for this fraud, and that Magnitsky,
since, HSBC has not deviated at all from criminal ac- Browders long-time accountant, had come up with
tivity, and has been cited repeatedly in the United schemes to facilitate the fraud. Browder was convicted
States and abroad for drug-money laundering, terrorist in absentia of tax fraud by Russia in 2013. The Rus-
arms financing, and other black-market activities. sians have also alleged that Browder used proxy Rus-
HSBCs most recent dustup with U.S. authorities in- sian purchasers to illegally attempt to take a major posi-
volved a 2012 deferred prosecution agreement signed tion in Gazprom, the oil company that is considered to
off on by the Department of Justice after HSBC was be a state asset. They also suspect that Browder himself
found to have laundered millions of dollars for Mexi- was involved in engineering the tax fraud against their
cos Sinaloa drug cartel. government in order to deflect from his own crimes.
Former FBI Director Comey joined HSBCs Board The Homeland Security case agent in the Prevezon
to supervise this agreement shortly before being ap- case testified that the governments case was based
pointed as FBI Director. The Justice Department argued solely on Browders account, and that he hoped a

August 11, 2017 EIR There Was No Russian Hack 37

Grand Jury convened by the U.S. attorney, and the case far ahead of the 2007 date when Browder said he first
itself, would produce sufficient evidence to back the hired him. According to the Russians, Magnitsky was
Browder/U.S. government claims. Normally, in U.S. not arrested because he was the whistleblower on the
legal proceedings, the evidence is largely in hand before $230 million fraud against the Russian treasury, but
a case is filed, and criminal grand jury proceedings are because he was implicated in Browders own tax fraud.
not convened to support a civil proceeding. The Katsyv The Russians say that Magnitsky did die tragically in a
family interests are long-time Russian clients of Natalia Russian jail because of medical neglect, but insist that
Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer in the Trump Jr. he was not beaten to death as alleged by Browder.
meeting. There were also huge holes in Browders story
The case was settled after extensive pre-trial litiga- about the alleged $230 million fraud against the Rus-
tion, with about $6 million being paid to the U.S. Trea- sian treasury. According to accounts of Browders de-
sury by the defendants. How an alleged fraud against position in the Prevezon case, he claimed fifty times
the Russian treasury ends up in the U.S. Treasury is a that he couldnt remember details about the story he
remarkable phenomenon. There was no admission of has told millions of times, and constantly deferred to
wrongdoing by the Russian defendants. Both sides de- his team, and to a trove of purloined documents
clared victory. It is noteworthy that Browders compa- gathered in violation of Russian and other privacy
nies were not harmed by the alleged fraudhe had al- laws. Browder answered I dont know, a full two
ready spirited his profits out of Russia at the time he hundred eleven times. It was the first time Browder had
was barred. Rather, Browder and the United States at- been subjected to cross-examination of his story, as he
tempted to claim that the Hongkong and Shanghai has repeatedly avoided legal process.
Banking Corporation was the victim of the fraud al- As for the discrepancies flowing from Andrei Nekra-
leged by Browder. sovs film about Browder, we cant tell you about them
Facts emerging from this caseand the documen- first hand, because Browder, his National Endowment
tary film prepared by Putin critic cum Browder critic for Democracy congressional and lobbyist cronies, and
Andrei Nekrasovhave caused many, even in the his British protectors, have waged a worldwide cam-
mainstream U.S. media, to review the narrative ex- paign to prevent the film from being shown. Lawsuits
pounded by Browder. See, for example the NBC News from Browder have greeted any distribution company
story of July 24, 2017, the Legal Battle Behind the willing to show the film. When the film was shown at
Trump Tower Meeting, questioning Browders ac- the Newseum, in Washington, D.C., in June 2016,
count of Magnitskys death and noting a finding by shortly after the Trump Tower meeting, Kyle Parker,
Judge William H. Pauley III in the Prevezon case that a Browders House Foreign Affairs Committee handler,
2013 Council of Europe report on the Magnitsky case and others of his ilk, organized to disrupt the showing.
was unreliable because it did not fairly examine both And, the showing of the film itself is part of Browders
sides of the controversy. Justice Department claim that those who organized the
Based on what we have set forth here, which is showing had to register under the Foreign Agents Reg-
readily available to anyone with a degree of research istration Act. Yet, Browder himself used many of Wash-
skill and patience, why did the U.S. Senate Judiciary ingtons most powerful lobbyists to sell his dubious
Committee give Bill Browder a full two hours to spout story to Congress, tapping for the task such luminaries
his anti-Putin tirade on July 27, treating him as a human as Jonathan Winer of APCO Worldwide and Juleanna
rights hero? According to accounts of Browders depo- GloverDick Cheneys former spokeswoman, press
sition in the Prevezon case, he was confronted by evi- aide to candidate John McCain, and lobbying partner to
dence proving that Sergei Magnitsky was his long- former Attorney General John Ashcroft.
time accountant and not a lawyer. Magnitsky was So, folks, thats just the deep British pedigree to
deeply implicated in devising various schemes for events in one month, June 2016, events which are car-
Browder to avoid Russian taxes, including using dis- dinal, seminal, to the ongoing coupand existential as
abled Russian citizens as straw shareholders. Mag- to the future of our Republic. When will the nation find
nitsky had been questioned about this and other tax ir- the guts to take up Lyndon LaRouches call: Stop the
regularities by the Russian Interior Ministry in 2006, Coup, Cancel the British, Save the People!?

38 There Was No Russian Hack EIR August 11, 2017

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