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1. What did I learn from my internship experience in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitude?

My Internship in GSIS has been one full of learning and experience. In terms of knowledge relevant
to my field of study, I have how premiums are computed by the said firm that is a 9% EE Share
and a 12% ER share. I have also learned of the several product and loan offerings the institution
offers as well as the interest rate used on such offerings and the terms available for each offering
as well as the process involved in approving such loans and the basis of granting loanable amounts.

In terms of skills and attitude, I have learned to be questioning and to be conservative as to what
clients truly desire, as seemingly, clients say different things than what they truly desire.
Remember that the end goal in the end is to serve the clients true expectations and needs and in
order for that to happen you need to know their true purpose. As such it is necessary not to be
content with what they are simply saying but rather to delve further in order to be able to properly
assess and give closure to the clients concern. Also, inherent in Accounting is the communication
process, which I believe was greatly boosted through this internship.

I have also learned how to be patient and what it is truly like to be in the service of others. As GSIS
is a public service agency and having been placed in a position wherein I am able to assist
members and assess their concerns, I have been able to encounter different kinds of persons with
different kinds of personalities and those with difficult attitudes at that, those that tend not to
comply with existing regulations required by the bank seeing that it is unnecessary, ininto na
na ya which at the end of the day, if not complied with, will be to the clients detriment as their
bank account will not be activated causing delays in their availment of GSIS benefits and loan
offerings. I have learned how to assert and explain such necessity and at the same time to keep
patient and keep the tone of my voice consistent when handling such difficult clients who lose
their composure and to keep my composure 100% stable.

As a usually disorganized person, I have learned how to organize things so that they would look
neat and clean as compared to before.
2. One of the Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes Is to be an effective communicator which as
mentioned earlier was most applied in the discernment of a clients true purpose and concerns as
in many cases what they are saying is different from what they truly want. Further, being an
effective communicator also requires the use of ones proficiency in the English language when
the situation or client calls for it. In many cases I was able to encounter balikbayan pensioners
applying for a pension loan who have become adept in speaking the English language but less
eloquent in terms of speaking our lingua franca, along with proper and complete input from my
supervisors, a fruit of effective 2-way communication from our part, I am able to fully explain and
answer the questions of the pensioner regarding their pension loan.

In terms of being a socially responsible Christian, I believe I have been able to apply this by
ensuring and asserting the implementation of the Senior, PWD, and pregnant first policy in order
to ensure that these people are attended to first and not left to wait long that may be to the
detriment of their health.

In terms of being a critical thinker I believe I have been able to apply this attribute in the same
situation in which I am discerning a clients true concern, giving the proper form and referring
them to the proper counter.

3. How are these learnings helpful in preparing myself for professional life after college?

Learning from being exposed to different kinds of people enable me to be ready to face and learn
from different kinds of people with different kinds of personalities and face the pressures that
they may bring patiently and calmly and at the same time be discerning of their true desires and
expectations enabling me to possibly foster a good client relationship and a good employer-
employee relationship. A learning which may prove useful in any industry which I decide to work
in may it be in accounting which is preferred or in any other. Being able to use my classroom
learned English proficiency in real life has also tried and tested what is taught in the classroom
and has shown me that indeed this is useful for both my internship and my future employment

Working as an intern in GSIS has also exposed me to various insurance and loan product offerings
which give me a real world idea as to the insurance industry and perhaps may prove useful should
I decide to apply as an accountant for an insurance company and has exposed me to the reality
that one must also be careful of whatever credit agreement one applies for and the investment
decisions one make as it could be advantageous if properly assessed or disadvantageous, if the
4. What can I recommend for the improvement of the internship program?

I believe the internship office has put forth an effective, learning-centric, and worthwhile
experience for interns. I believe, however, one improvement that the internship program should
have is to ensure the compliance of the companies as to the goals presented in the endorsement
letter and at the same time ensure clearer, timelier, and more efficient communication as to the
submission of the requirements of the office.

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