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Clinical and Experimental Immunology OR I GI NA L ART IC LE doi:10.1111/cei.


The key roles of complement and tissue factor in Escherichia

coli-induced coagulation in human whole blood

A. Landsem,* H. Fure,* Summary

D. Christiansen,* E. W. Nielsen,
The complement system and the Toll-like (TLR) co-receptor CD14 play
B. sterud, T. E. Mollnes***
important roles in innate immunity and sepsis. Tissue factor (TF) is a key
and O. L. Brekke*
*Research Laboratory and Department of initiating component in intravascular coagulation in sepsis, and long
Laboratory Medicine, Nordland Hospital, pentraxin 3 (PTX3) enhances the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced
Bod, Norway, Institute of Clinical Medicine, transcription of TF. The aim of this study was to study the mechanism by
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Troms, which complement and CD14 affects LPS- and Escherichia coli (E. coli)-
Norway, Department of Anesthesiology, induced coagulation in human blood. Fresh whole blood was anti-
Nordland Hospital and University of Nordland, coagulated with lepirudin, and incubated with ultra-purified LPS (100
Norway, K. G. Jebsen TREC, Institute of ng/ml) or with E. coli (1 3 107/ml). Inhibitors and controls included the C3
Medical Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, blocking peptide compstatin, an anti-CD14 F(ab0 )2 antibody and a control
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Troms,
F(ab0 )2. TF mRNA was measured using quantitative polymerase chain
Norway, K.G. Jebsen TREC, UiT The Arctic
reaction (qPCR) and monocyte TF surface expression by flow cytometry. TF
University of Norway, Troms, Norway,
functional activity in plasma microparticles was measured using an
**Department of Immunology, Oslo University
Hospital Rikshospitalet and K.G. Jebsen IRC,
amidolytic assay. Prothrombin fragment F 112 (PTF1.2) and PTX3 were
University of Oslo, Norway, and Centre of measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The effect of TF
Molecular Inflammation Research, Norwegian was examined using an anti-TF blocking antibody. E. coli increased plasma
University of Science and Technology, PTF1.2 and PTX3 levels markedly. This increase was reduced by 84>99%
Trondheim, Norway with compstatin, 5597% with anti-CD14 and > 99% with combined
inhibition (P < 005 for all). The combined inhibition was significantly (P <
005) more efficient than compstatin and anti-CD14 alone. The LPS- and E.
coliinduced TF mRNA levels, monocyte TF surface expression and TF
functional activity were reduced by > 99% (P < 005) with combined C3
and CD14 inhibition. LPS- and E. coliinduced PTF1.2 was reduced by 76
81% (P < 005) with anti-TF antibody. LPS and E. coli activated the
Accepted for publication 5 June 2015 coagulation system by a complement- and CD14-dependent up-regulation
Correspondence: A. Landsem, Research of TF, leading subsequently to prothrombin activation.
Laboratory, Nordland Hospital,
N-8092 Bod, Norway. Keywords: CD14, coagulation, complement, Escherichia coli, lipopolysac-
E-mail: charide, sepsis, whole blood

Introduction cytokines, including tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and

Sepsis is a life-threatening disease that affects 750 000 peo- interleukin (IL)21b, activate monocytes and enhance TF
ple in the United States each year [1], and may be associ- surface expression [3]. Long pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is an
ated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), acute-phase protein that enhances lipopolysaccharide
multi-organ failure and death. Sepsis is a systemic inflam- (LPS)-induced TF transcription [3,4]. Immunothrombosis
matory process that involves immunocompetent cells, the is caused by thrombocyte activation and thrombus forma-
complement system and coagulation. tion initiated by immune competent cells after activation
Tissue factor (TF) is not usually expressed by cells that by pathogens [5]. Thrombosis may limit inflammation and
contact the blood, and TF is normally not found in blood, the spread of pathogens. Immunothrombosis dysregulation
although very low TF levels have been detected in plasma leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) [5].
microparticles in healthy people [2]. Endotoxin and several Warr et al. showed that enhanced TF surface expression is

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A. Landsem et al.

important in sepsis-induced DIC [6]. Therefore, TF surface American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA) or
expression inhibition may reduce the occurrence of DIC ultra-pure LPS (100 ng/ml) from E. coli 0111 (LPS-EB
during sepsis. Ultrapure; InvivoGen, Eugene, OR, USA) was added. The
LPS is the main cell wall component in Gram-negative time zero (T0) sample was processed immediately after
bacteria. LPS binds to pattern recognition receptors blood sampling. After 2 h of incubation at 378C, the blood
(PRRs), including Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 [7]. Myeloid was distributed into three different tubes. Citrate solution
differentiation protein 2 (MD-2) binds to the extracellular [32%, 1 : 9 (v/v)] was added immediately to the tubes
region of TLR-4 and is required for intracellular signalling before flow cytometric analysis. Ethylenediamine tetraace-
[8]. CD14 transports LPS from LPS binding protein (LBP) tic acid (EDTA, 10 mM) was added to the tubes for
to TLR-4 [9], and is also a co-receptor for TLR-1, -2, -3, -6, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and mRNA
-7 and -9 [10]. analysis. No additive was used in the tubes prior to TF
Complement is activated by LPS only at very high con- functional analysis in plasma microparticles. The tubes
centrations in human whole blood compared with whole were centrifuged for 15 min at 3220 g at 48C. The plasma
Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria [11]. E. coli bacteria acti- was stored at 2808C until it was analysed. The cell pellets
vate both the classical and alternative pathways of comple- were lysed using 13 Nucleic Acid Purification Lysis Solu-
ment [12]. We have shown previously that the E. coli- tion (Applied Biosystems, Warrington, UK), and the lysates
induced TF expression in human whole blood monocytes were stored at 2808C until mRNA analysis was performed.
is mainly complement- and CD14-dependent [13]. Com-
plement and CD14 inhibition may therefore reduce the E. Inhibitors and antibodies
coli-induced coagulation mediated by TF. The role of com- Anti-CD14 F(ab0 )2 (LPS concentration < 39 EU/ml) was
plement and CD14 on pure LPS-induced TF has, however, obtained from Diatec Monoclonals (Oslo, Norway). The
not been studied previously in the human whole blood C3 convertase inhibitor compstatin (lot CP20) and its cor-
model using lepirudin as anti-coagulant. responding control peptide, synthesized as described previ-
Because complement and CD14 are key molecules and ously [18], was a kind gift from Professor John Lambris.
co-operate in innate immunity [14,15], we hypothesized Compstatin was used at a final concentration of 20 mM.
previously that the combined upstream inhibition of com- The fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated anti-
plement and CD14 may limit sepsis-induced inflammation human TF antibody (product no. 4508CJ, clone VD8) was
and coagulation [14]. Combined complement and CD14 obtained from American Diagnostica, Inc. (Stamford, CT,
inhibition inhibits E. coli-induced cytokine release effi- USA). The isotype-matched control anti-HIV-1 gp120
ciently [16,17]. Other studies have shown that combined
(clone G3-519) was a kind gift from M. Fung (Tanox Inc.,
inhibition also inhibits efficiently complement receptor 3
Houston, TX, USA). The monoclonal mouse immunoglob-
(CR3) up-regulation, phagocytosis and oxidative burst
ulin (Ig)G1 blocking antibody (Sekisui 4509) against
[11,16]. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of
human TF [a-TF monoclonal antibody (mAb)] was
selective or combined inhibition of complement and CD14
obtained from American Diagnostica, Inc.
in LPS- or E. coli-induced coagulation and PTX3 release in
fresh human whole blood. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
Prothrombin fragment F 112 (PTF12) plasma levels were
Materials and methods R
measured using the EnzygnostV F1 1 2 (monoclonal) kit
(Dade Behring, Marburg GmbH, Germany). Human PTX3
Whole blood experiments was analysed using an ELISA kit from R&D Systems (Min-
Whole blood experiments were performed with blood from neapolis, MN, USA). Soluble TCC levels (sC5b-9) were
10 donors, as described previously [12]. The study was measured using a mAb against a specific C9 neoepitope in
approved by the regional ethics committee in Northern the TCC complex, as described previously [19]. An MRX
Norway Regional Health Authority. All equipment, tips microplate reader (Dynex Technologies, Denkendorf, Ger-
and solutions were endotoxin-free. Polypropylene tubes many) was used to measure optical densities. Cytokines
(45 ml; Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark) with lepirudin were analysed using the Bio-Plex Human Cytokine 27-plex
(RefludanV; Celgene, Uxbridge, UK; 50 mg/l) were used as cytokine multiplex panel from Bio-Rad Laboratories (Her-
anti-coagulant. Fresh blood (five parts) was distributed cules, CA, USA).
immediately into polypropylene tubes containing Dulbec-
Real-time-quantitative polymerase chain reaction
cos phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, one part), inhibitors
(RTqPCR) of tissue factor mRNA levels
or controls (one part). The samples were preincubated for
8 min at 378C. Immediately after the preincubation, PBS Total RNA was isolated from cell lysates using total RNA
with CaCl2 and MgCl2 (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, chemistry and the AB6100 nucleic acid prep station
USA), heat-inactivated E. coli (strain LE392, ATCC 33572; (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). The RNA

82 C 2015 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 182: 8189
LPS- and E. coli-induced complement activation and coagulation

concentrations were analysed using a NanoDrop 2000c [panel (a) in the figures] or E. coli [panel (b) in the fig-
(Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wilmington, DE, USA). cDNA ures]. One-way repeated-measures analysis of variance
was synthesized from 50 ng of total RNA using a High (ANOVA) with Dunnetts multiple comparisons test was used
Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription kit and a 2720 to compare samples treated with inhibitors and their corre-
Thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems) and was stored at sponding LPS- or E. coli-positive controls. One-way
2808C. The TF mRNA levels were measured using the repeated-measures ANOVA with Tukeys multiple compari-
7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems), sons test was used to analyse differences between combined
TaqMan Fast Universal PCR Master Mix reagents and and single inhibition with compstatin and anti-CD14. The
predeveloped TaqManV gene expression assays. TF results were considered statistically significant when P
(Hs00175225_m1) was the target gene, and human beta-2- < 005. The background activation (negative control) was
microglobulin (B2M, assay ID 4326319E; Applied Biosys- subtracted from the positive control and the intervention
tems) was used as a reference gene. We used 3 ml cDNA for groups before calculating the percentage inhibition by the
RTqPCR, and the samples were analysed in triplicate. The different inhibitors.
relative TF mRNA levels were measured using the compar-
ative delta-delta Ct method. The TF mRNA levels in the
samples after 2-h incubation with PBS only were set to 1 Results
and used to calibrate the results.
The effects of selective and combined complement
Flow cytometric analysis of TF surface expression and CD14 inhibition on LPS- and E. coli-induced
Monocyte TF surface expression was analysed using a BD PTF1.2 level
LSR II flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA, LPS- and E. coli-induced coagulation was assessed by meas-
USA). Whole blood (125 ml) was stained with FITC- uring PTF12 levels. Incubation with ultra-pure E. coli LPS
conjugated anti-human TF (product no. 4508CJ, clone (100 ng/ml) for 2 h increased the PTF12 level by 86-fold,
VD8; American Diagnostica, Inc.) and phycoerythrin (PE)-
from 065 nmol/l in the PBS control to 56 nmol/l (Fig.
conjugated anti-CD14 (Becton Dickinson) antibodies.
1a). We then examined the role of complement by adding
IgG1 FITC (BD 345815) was used as an isotype-matched
the selective C3 convertase inhibitor compstatin. The role
control. The blood was incubated for 15 min at room tem-
of CD14 was evaluated by adding an anti-CD14 blocking
perature in the dark. Easy lyse (S2364, Dako Cytomation,
F(ab0 )2. The LPS-induced PTF12 levels were reduced effi-
Glostrup, Denmark) was added to the blood and incubated
ciently and significantly (P < 005) by selective comple-
for 15 min at room temperature to lyse the red blood cells.
ment and CD14 inhibition to 096 and 097 nmol/l,
PBS with 01% (w/v) bovine serum albumin was used to
wash and resuspend the leucocytes. Monocytes and granu-
Incubation with E. coli (1 3 107/ml) for 2 h enhanced
locytes were gated in a PE/side-scatter (SSC) dot-plot. The
PTF12 levels from 15 nmol/l in the PBS control to 120
results are shown as the median fluorescent intensity
nmol/l (Fig. 1b). Compstatin significantly (P < 005)
reduced PTF12 levels to 33 nmol/l, anti-CD14 signifi-
TF functional activity in plasma microparticles cantly (P < 005) reduced the PTF1.2 levels to 6.3 nmol/l
and combined complement and CD14 inhibition signifi-
TF functional activity in plasma microparticles was ana-
cantly (P < 005) reduced PTF12 levels to 079 nmol/l.
lysed as described previously by Engstad et al. [20].
The combined inhibition was significantly (P < 005) more
Platelet-poor plasma was centrifuged at 40 000 g for 90
efficient than the inhibition with anti-CD14 and compsta-
min (48C) to isolate the microparticles. Thereafter, 200 ml
tin alone.
of 015 M NaCl was used to resuspend the microparticles.
TF functional activity was measured in a two-stage amido-
The effect of selective and combined complement and
lytic assay. The assay was based on the ability of TF to
accelerate the activation of FX by FVII. Further, FXa in the
CD14 inhibition on LPS- and E. coli-induced TF
presence of FVa activates prothrombin to form thrombin
mRNA up-regulation
[20]. TF mRNA levels were measured by RTqPCR. The results
are given as the relative quantity (RQ) of mRNA to the
Statistical analysis mRNA level in the control sample, which was incubated
GraphPad Prism version 60 from GraphPad Software (San with PBS only for 2 h and set to 1. LPS increased the TF
Diego, CA, USA) was used for the statistical analyses. Any mRNA levels significantly (P < 005) by 59-fold. LPS-
skewed results were transformed logarithmically. The induced TF mRNA up-regulation was reduced significantly
results were analysed using paired Students t-test between (P < 005) to 03 RQ by anti-CD14 and compstatin com-
baseline samples with PBS only and samples with LPS bined (Fig. 2a).

C 2015 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 182: 8189
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A. Landsem et al.

(a) (a)
PTF1.2 (nmol/l)

Ctrl. Ctrl.

PTF1.2 (nmol/l)

Ctrl. Ctrl.

Fig. 1. The effect of selective complement and CD14 inhibition on Fig. 2. The effect of selective complement and CD14 inhibition on
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and Escherichia coli (E.coli)-induced lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and Escherichia coli (E.coli)-induced tissue
coagulation, as assessed by measuring prothrombin fragment F 112 factor (TF) mRNA up-regulation. LPS (100 ng/ml) (a) or E. coli (1
(PTF1.2) levels in the plasma. Fresh human whole blood was 3 107/ml) (b) was added to whole blood and incubated for 2 h. The
incubated for 2 h with LPS (100 ng/ml) (a) or E. coli (1 3 107/ml) inhibitors and controls that were added are described in the legend
(b) in the presence of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), anti-CD14 for Fig. 1. TF mRNA was measured using real-timequantitative
F(ab0 )2 (aCD14, 10 mg/ml), compstatin (Comp., 20 mM), compstatin polymerase chain reaction (RTqPCR). TF mRNA levels in the
and anti-CD14 F(ab)2 combined (Comp. 1 aCD14) or a control samples without stimulus and inhibitor [phosphate-buffered saline
peptide (Ctrl.). PTF1.2 levels were analysed using enzyme-linked (PBS) control] were set to 1 and used to calibrate the assay. The
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and are shown as nmol/l. The values results are given as the relative quantity (RQ) to the calibrator. The
are given as the means with 95% confidence interval (CI) from values are given as the means with 95% confidence interval (CI)
separate experiments with different blood donors (n56). #P < 005: from separate experiments with different blood donors (n 5 6).
comparison between phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) alone and LPS #
P < 005: comparison between PBS alone and with LPS (a) or
(a) or E. coli (b). * P < 005: comparison between LPS (a) or E. coli E. coli, (b). *P < 005: comparison between LPS (a) or E. coli (b)
(b) and the inhibitors/controls. P < 005: selective comparison and the inhibitors/controls. P < 005: selective comparison between
between single and combined inhibition with compstatin and anti- single and combined inhibition with compstatin and anti-CD14.
CD-14. T0 represents sample obtained at time zero.

The effect of selective and combined complement and

Incubation with E. coli increased the TF mRNA levels by
CD14 inhibition on LPS- and E. coli-induced
65-fold after 2 h of incubation (Fig. 2b). The combined
monocyte TF surface expression
complement and CD14 inhibition was most efficient, reduc-
ing the TF mRNA level significantly (P < 005) to 09 RQ. Whole blood monocyte TF surface expression was meas-
Compstatin reduced the E. coli-induced TF mRNA levels sig- ured by flow cytometry (Fig. 3). Incubation with LPS
nificantly (P < 005) to 19 RQ. In comparison, anti-CD14 increased TF surface expression by 31-fold, from 88 MFI
alone did not reduce E. coli-induced TF mRNA levels. in the PBS control to 275 MFI after 2 h of incubation (Fig.

84 C 2015 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 182: 8189
LPS- and E. coli-induced complement activation and coagulation

(a) 3a). The combined inhibition with compstatin and anti-

CD14 was most efficient, significantly (P < 005) reducing
Monocyte TF (MFI)

LPS-induced TF surface expression to 76 MFI. Both anti-

CD14 and compstatin alone significantly (P < 005)
reduced the LPS-induced TF surface expression to 110 and
151 MFI, respectively.
Incubation with E. coli significantly (P < 005) increased
the TF surface expression by 37-fold, from 309 MFI in the
PBS control to 1152 MFI after 2 h of incubation (Fig. 3b).
Consistent with previous findings [13], compstatin and
anti-CD14 combined were most efficient, significantly (P
Ctrl. < 005) reducing E. coli-induced TF surface expression to
157 MFI. Compstatin alone significantly (P < 005)
reduced TF surface expression to 495 MFI, and anti-CD14
significantly (P < 005) reduced TF expression to 614 MFI.
An example of the histogram from the flow cytometric
(b) analysis of the TF surface expression is shown in Fig. 3.

The effect of selective and combined complement and

Monocyte TF (MFI)

CD14 inhibition on LPS- and E. coli-induced TF

functional activity in plasma microparticles
Incubation with LPS (100 ng/ml) for 2 h significantly (P <
005) increased the TF functional activity in plasma micro-
particles by 65-fold, from 006 to 039 mU/ml (Fig. 4a). The
combined inhibition with compstatin and anti-CD14 signifi-
cantly (P < 005) reduced LPS-induced TF functional activ-
ity to 002 mU/ml compared to compstatin alone.
Ctrl. Incubation with E. coli (1 3 107/ml) for 2 h significantly
(P < 005) increased TF functional activity in plasma
microparticles by 62-fold, from 013 to 081 mU/ml (Fig.
4b). Consistent with previous findings [13], combined
compstatin and anti-CD14 significantly (P < 005) reduced
the functional activity to 006 mU/ml. The combined inhi-
bition was significantly (P < 005) more efficient than inhi-
bition with anti-CD14 and compstatin alone.

The effect of an anti-TF blocking antibody

on LPS-and E. coli-induced coagulation
Incubation with LPS (100 ng/ml) for 2 h increased PTF12
levels by 23-fold, from 061 in the PBS control to 138
nmol/l (Fig. 5a). The anti-TF blocking mAb significantly
(P < 005) reduced PTF12 levels to 31 nmol/l, whereas
the control mAb did not reduce PTF12 levels.

Tissue factor (MFI) given as the means with 95% confidence interval (CI) from separate
experiments with different blood donors (n 5 6). #P < 005:
Fig. 3. The effect of selective complement and CD14 inhibition on comparison between phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) alone and LPS
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and Escherichia coli (E.coli)-induced (a) or E. coli (b). *P < 005: comparison between with LPS (a) or E.
monocyte tissue factor (TF) surface expression. Fresh human whole coli (b) and the inhibitors/controls. P < 0.05: selective comparison
blood was incubated for 2 h with LPS (100 ng/ml) (a) or E. coli (1 between single and combined inhibition with compstatin and anti-
3 107/ml) (b). The inhibitors and controls were added as described CD14. (c) Histogram of TF surface expression on monocytes in one
in the legend for Fig. 1. Monocyte tissue factor (TF) surface of six donors analysed using flow cytometry after 2 h incubation
expression was analysed using flow cytometry, and the results are with PBS (light grey), E. coli (medium grey), E. coli plus compstatin
expressed as the median fluorescence intensity (MFI). The values are and anti-CD14F(ab0 )2 combined (dark grey).

C 2015 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 182: 8189
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A. Landsem et al.

(a) (a)
TF activity (mU/ml)

PTF1.2 (nmol/l)
Ctrl. Ctrl.


PTF1.2 (nmol/l)
TF activity (mU/ml)


Fig. 5. The effect of an anti- tissue factor (TF) blocking antibody on

Fig. 4. The effect of selective complement and CD14 inhibition on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and Escherichia coli (E.coli)-induced
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and Escherichia coli (E.coli)-induced tissue coagulation, as assessed by measuring prothrombin fragment F 112
factor (TF) functional activity in plasma microparticles. Fresh human (PTF1.2) levels. LPS (100 ng/ml) (a) or E. coli (1 3 107/ml) (b)
whole blood was incubated for 2 h with LPS (100 ng/ml) (a) or E. coli were added to human whole blood and incubated for 2 h.
(1 3 107/ml) (b). The inhibitors and controls that were added are Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), anti-TF (aTF, 5 mg/ml) or an
described in the legend for Fig. 1. Plasma microparticles were isolated isotype control antibody (Ctrl., 5 mg/ml) were added before
using high-speed centrifugation, and TF functional activity was stimulation with LPS or E. coli. Plasma PTF1.2 levels were measured
analysed using a amidolytic assay and expressed as mU/ml. The values by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and expressed as
are given as the means with 95% confidence interval (CI) from nmol/l. The values are given as the means with 95% CI from
separate experiments with different blood donors (n 5 6). #P < 005: separate experiments with different blood donors (n 5 7). #P < 005:
comparison between phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) alone and LPS comparison between PBS alone and LPS (a) or E. coli (b). *P <
(a) or E. coli (b). *P < 005: comparison between LPS (a) or E. coli (b) 005: comparison between LPS (a) or E. coli (b) and anti-TF or the
and the inhibitors/controls. P < 005: selective comparison between isotype control antibody.
single and combined inhibition with compstatin and anti-CD14.

Incubation with E. coli (1 3 107/ml) increased PTF12 with LPS for 2 h increased PTX3 levels by 22-fold, from 34
levels by 23-fold, from 083 nmol/l in the PBS control to in the PBS control to 75 ng/ml (Fig. 6a). Anti-CD14 and
187 nmol/l (Fig. 5b). Again, the anti-TF blocking mAb compstatin alone reduced LPS-induced PTX3 release signifi-
reduced PTF12 levels significantly (P < 005) to 52 nmol/l. cantly (P < 005) to 40 and 32 ng/ml, respectively. Com-
bined anti-CD14 and compstatin reduced LPS-induced
PTX3 levels significantly (P < 005) to 13 ng/ml. The com-
The effect of selective and combined complement and
bined inhibition was significantly (P < 005) more efficient
CD14 inhibition on LPS- and E. coli-induced PTX3
than the inhibition with anti-CD14 and compstatin alone.
Incubation with E. coli (1 3 107/ml) for 2 h enhanced
Next, we examined the effect of compstatin and anti-CD14 PTX3 levels significantly (P < 005) by 17-fold, from 40
on LPS- and E. coli-induced PTX3 release (Fig. 6). Incubation ng/ml in the PBS control to 68 ng/ml (Fig. 6b). Anti-CD14

86 C 2015 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 182: 8189
LPS- and E. coli-induced complement activation and coagulation

(a) LPS- and E. coli-induced coagulation efficiently, as assessed

by measuring PTF12 levels in human whole blood. Com-
bined complement and CD14 inhibition efficiently inhib-
PTX3 (ng/ml)

ited LPS-induced TF mRNA levels, monocyte TF surface

expression and TF functional activity in plasma micropar-
ticles. Consistent with previous data using other E. coli
concentrations [13], we confirmed that this was also the
case for E. coli-induced TF induction. Most importantly,
we documented that a blocking mAb against TF nearly
abolished both the LPS and E. coli-induced increase in
PTF12 level, indicating that prothrombin activation is TF-
Ctrl. dependent and that the upstream activation was largely
complement- and CD14-mediated. These findings might
have important implications for the treatment of DIC in
(b) The significant effect of the C3 convertase inhibitor
compstatin on LPS- and E. coli-induced coagulation indi-
cates a key role for complement activation in coagulation.
It is well known that E. coli bacteria activate both the classi-
PTX3 (ng/ml)

cal and alternative complement pathways [12]. E. coli bac-

teria phagocytosis can be reduced significantly by
complement inhibition at the C3 level [12]. Reduced phag-
ocytosis of E. coli due to compstatin most probably reduces
immune stimulation and cytokine release in whole blood
monocytes and other phagocytes [11,16]. Additionally,
reduced E. coli-induced C5a formation and cytokine release
by compstatin could explain why complement inhibition
was more effective than selective CD14 inhibition at reduc-
ing E. coli-induced coagulation [21]. Our results further
indicate that complement activation is involved early on in
Fig. 6. The effect of selective complement and CD14 inhibition on TF-mediated LPS- and E. coli-induced coagulation.
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and Escherichia coli (E.coli)-induced long Although previous studies on E. coli-induced complement
pentraxin 3 (PTX3) release. Fresh human whole blood was incubated activation detected TCC after 10 min of incubation [12],
for 2 h with LPS (100 ng/ml) (a) or E. coli (1 3 107/ml) (b). The
monocyte TF surface expression does not appear for 23 h
inhibitor and control concentrations are indicated in the legend of Fig.
[13]. Therefore, we speculate that the initial complement
1. Plasma PTX3 levels were measured by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and expressed as ng/ml. The values are activation up-regulates TF mRNA, followed by enhanced
given as the means with 95% confidence interval (CI) from separate monocyte TF surface expression and subsequent coagula-
experiments with different blood donors (n 5 6). #P < 005: tion. Although LPS added to whole blood only modestly
comparison between phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) alone and LPS activates complement [11], complement inhibition with
(a) or E. coli (b). *P < 005: comparison between LPS (a) or E. coli (b) compstatin reduced LPS-induced coagulation efficiently.
and the inhibitors/controls. P < 005: selective comparison between Thus, it is tempting to speculate that blocking even a low
single and combined inhibition with compstatin and anti-CD14. degree of LPS-induced complement activation is sufficient
to attenuate TF expression.
and compstatin alone reduced PTX3 levels significantly
CD14 is especially important for LPS-induced inflam-
(P < 005) to 41 and 35 ng/ml, respectively. The combined
mation [22]. Therefore, the impressive effect of anti-CD14
inhibition with compstatin and anti-CD14 reduced PTX3
on LPS-induced coagulation and TF expression was
levels significantly (P < 005) to 15 ng/ml. The combined
expected. The CD14 antibody hinders LPSLBP complex
inhibition was significantly (P < 005) more efficient than
binding to and activation of the TLR-4/CD14/MD2 com-
the inhibition with anti-CD14 and compstatin alone.
plex [23]. However, anti-CD14 had only a minor effect on
E. coli-induced coagulation. Hellerud et al. demonstrated
that by increasing the concentration of an LPS-deficient
Neisseria meningitidis strain 10-fold, the inflammatory
In this study we show for the first time, to our knowledge, response was the same as for the wild-type, LPS-containing
that combined complement and CD14 inhibition inhibited bacteria. Clearly, molecules on Gram-negative bacteria

C 2015 British Society for Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 182: 8189
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A. Landsem et al.

other than LPS are able to activate the inflammatory pivotal co-operation between complement and CD14/TLRs
responses and coagulation [24]. in immunothrombosis. Combined inhibition of comple-
LPS- and E. coli-induced PTX3 release was reduced sig- ment and CD14 is suggested to prevent TF up-regulation
nificantly by both complement- and CD14 inhibition alone and the subsequent prothrombin activation and coagula-
and in combination. PTX3 has a number of functions in tion leading to DIC in sepsis.
innate immunity in general, and in complement in particu-
lar [25]. On one hand, high PTX3 levels during sepsis are Acknowledgements
associated with mortality [26]. PTX3 levels are increased by
This study was supported by grants from The Northern
certain cytokines, including TNF and pathogen-associated
Norway Regional Health Authority and the Somatic
molecular patterns (PAMPs) such as LPS and microorgan-
research fund at Nordland Hospital, Bod, Norway, The
isms [27]. Interestingly, PTX3 also enhances TF surface
Research Council of Norway, The Norwegian Council on
expression [28], binds to antigens or other activating surfa-
Cardiovascular Disease, The Southern and Eastern Norway
ces and activates both the classical and lectin complement
Regional Health Authority, Odd Fellow Foundation and the
pathways [27]. On the other hand, PTX3 seems to be pro-
European Communitys Seventh Framework Programme
tective, indicated by LPS-induced inflammation in PTX3
under grant agreement no. 602699 (DIREKT).
knock-out mice [29], as a previous study indicated that the
interaction between PTX3 and P-selectin might reduce leu-
cocyte recruitment to the inflammatory site, leading to Disclosure
reduced local inflammation [30], and that between PTX3
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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