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Phyer Name/Rpca [Den Héctor 3 Eldrik eve Unaligned male Human Fighter (Weaponmaster) 7 Medium 2570 Character Sheet foe ean —Weoht Size Day TotalxP v= Action Points Ration Points PeHnes Aten Fos i 1 2 ° ; eet: REF fm WILL Defenses id ‘Gain a standard action this tun. ‘Special: You are reset to one action point when you Conditional Boruses tea eee es. Yo gn a ston Pork Hit Points a ae | Second Wind (one per encounter) MaxHP as Used sioodied 22) fect: You spend a healing surge and regainnit | Abilities Ponts equa to your surge vais. You gana 42° | > Corrente He Points Sonu tal defences unt the start of your next Cec un = 16 |, Death Saving Throw Fé 18 5 10 |} 4 Healing Surges Resistances/Vulnerabilities 2 \o Surge Valve Surges ; 3 2 Ht a3 Current Conditions and Effects Current Conditions: Basic Attacks ‘Acrobatics Dexterity z Melee Arcana Intelligence 3 Tnescapable Greataxe +1 Athletics Strength [LS 7 Blut? Charisma oO Combat Statistics and Senses Diplomacy charisma a ‘Strength vs AC Damage Dungeoneering Wisdom z Bg 2 Ranged Endurance Constitution [_10 Conditional Modifiers ‘Crossbow Heal Wisdom History Intelligence T peed 5 4 1d8+1 Insight Wisdom Special Moverent Desterty AC ‘Domoge Intimidate’ Charisma o Nature Wisdom = - TD] | tanguages Perception Wisdom z Common, Draconic Religion Intelligence T — Z stealth Dexterity T Streetwise Charsma [5] Special Senses: Nocmal Thievery Dexterity Don Histor Player Name Eldrik Character Name Character Details Equipment Background Head ih - Omen Neck Theme Arms Hands Mannerisms and Appearance. Pe Rings ines ofttiand Personality Traits er A ai Tnseple Grate Mo Drarven Ginna 7 Adventuring Compan; Tattoo Feet xiFous ‘Companions and Allies Other Equipment anion “reat Flint and Stee) ° ate Session and Campaign Notes ter Notes 22 Carrying Capacity = dibs.) Treasure Normal 160 Heavy |_ 320 Max | 800 on Héctor Player Name Racial Features Bonus Feat Choose an extra feat at 1st level jonus Sk! Trained In one additional class skill. Class/Other Features Battlerager Vigor Temp hp when yau hit with melee or close; double with invigorating, temp HP if miss with Invigorating, +2 damage in light armor with ‘some weapons Feats Mark of Sentinel Shift before or after using an opportunity attack, perform certain rituals Eldrik Character Name Heroic Ettort |Gain the Heroic Effort power lHuman Defense Bonuses |+1 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Wil [combat challenge Mark foes you attack. They get -2 to attacks not|You gain a fighter talent including you. Make basic melee attack against Jadjacent marked foe who shifts or makes attack not including you. Mark lasts until end of your ‘next turn or marked by other Combat Superiority [Add + [Wis mod] to opportunity attack rolls. Hit lends foe's movement (if any) this action. Resilient Focus lyou gain a +2 feat bonus to saving throws. |switt Recovery +3/4/5 (by tier) to healing surge value, Human Power Selection (Choose an option for your human character. Fighter Talents Eldrik a |Action Point Level 3 Human Fighter (Weaponmaster) [ea |Base action points: 1 SOME 1G vo Trobatice —Devterty 7 Bd | aaa 3 (4s) 18 Athletics ‘Strength + 8 Bit Charsma a [se RET | a : Fe ocx RUE 2 Endurance Constluten +10 [ao ]gem o | MGM | | es ‘Wisdom 77 13] || Hoy ietigene 1 tot TEE wis EM Insght Wisdom 2 (2) to Intimidate Charisma ° co feature Wisdom 2 13 Perception Wisdom 2 Relgon— tneligence 1 Steath Dexter 2 sooctt You ere reste ctor poe Se ‘Streetiise cherisma 28 | |lwhen you take an extended rest. You gain Thievery Dexterty 1 an action point each milestone Player Name: Don Héctor indicates a tained Sa Keywords: Marta, Weapon [Eect! Whenever af enemy marked by you {is adjacent to you and shits or makes an ‘attack that does not include you asa target, ‘you can make 2 melee basic attack against that enemy. Tnescapable Greataxe #1: 17 ve AC, ii2¥ Melee ve2p00 ‘Target: One creature Yau resort We enple attack you earned wien you fist picked up @ melee weapon. Keyword: Weapon Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: SW) + Str modifier (+3) damage. [Encounter Spec (Crossbow: +4 ve. AC, 1o0+1 d9ms3e Ranged weapon Target: One creature You reser to the simple atack you earned when you Mist poked up a ranged weapon. Keyword: Weapon [Attacks Dexterity vs. AC Hits LW] + Dex medifier (+2) damaoe. Level 21: 2(W] + Dex modifier (+2) The feel ot Your Weapon crunching against the enemy puts your heart back inthe fight. Keywords: Invigorating, Martial, Weapon rength vs. AC ‘nit 0H) + Str modifi (+3) damage. Level 24: 2[0] + Ste moar (43) amas, damage. Fighter Atack sic Atack ldasic Atack Ci 4 ar aste 4 eee 4 eee: Eaeeerrer Melee weapon Target: One Melee cope ‘Target: One Melee weapon eco tape pceparny st fom yr an Yau ative stone aloria your morietum te corr you forward ita a second stke agaist nother enemy. Keywords: Maal, Weacon Primary Target: One ature Primary Attack: Strength ve. AC ‘Wit 0] Ste mir (43) damage, ans you an shit square Mako the secondary attack ‘Secondary Target: ne crete ther than the Secondary Attack: Strength +2 vs. Ac Hits IW] + Str mace (62) damage {72 ateraper Vue bans to damage ros whenever Fiahter Ateck & ighter Attack 4 [later Attack 3 usd) bee ec Inescapable Greataxe +1: +7 vs. Reflex, 151250 eamose Melee weapon Target: One Wit @ care ska, you find @ week spot your enemy's defenses. Keywords: Martil, Weapon aac strength vs. Rete Wit if] + Ste oder (+3) damage, and you gain a-+4 power bonus to attack ois ‘against the target unt the end of your next ‘Special: Wnen making an opportunity ‘attack, you can use this power in place of a ‘melee basic attack Tescapable Greataxe #1: +7 v5. AC, 212+ damage Melee weapon Target: One Tera ack your BaTaSaH with ha of Bens Keywords: Inigerating, Mai, Weapon Primary attacks Strength v8. AC ‘is 206] + Sr mir (3) mage ane you puen {he tage sue You then Se square to 2 Ssauare te trae Yorated, Make 9 Seconaary tack Seat the tree HW) + Sir moder (43) damage, ard you ‘ushthetargt 2 equares ad oc prone Mise Wo damage ad you pach he target 2 Personal Your arm focus and unbridled eneray means ‘that failure snot an option. “Trigger: You miss with an atack or fala saving throw. kt¥ect! You gait a #4 Fadl bonus to the ‘attec rll or the saving throw. Fighter Attack 3 ted | When te foe crumples, you move forward 0 ‘ad your next opponent. Koyword: Marts! Requirement: You must have reduced @ ‘ponminion enemy to 0 it points during ths tum. lect: Yau shift Up 16 your speed and gain » ‘bonus to your next damage rll made before the end of your next turn equal to the ‘numberof squares you moved trom your starting poston, Fighter Usiity 2 tea | Yeu have eperary ht pues ateroper Wg ighter Attack 1 Used | ‘Armor Bonus: check: -1 Speed: -1 Enhancement: +1 AC Property: You gain an item bonus to Endurance checks equal tothe armor’s enhancement bonus. Power (Daily * Healing): Free Action. ‘You regain hit points as if you had spent healing surce. man Racial Power Used 0) Sees Damage: 1012 Proficiency Bonus: 2 Properties: High Crt Enhancement: +1 attack rolls and ‘damage rolls Critical: +166 damage Property: Each time you miss a target with this weapon, you gain @ cumulative +1 bonus (up to the weapon's ‘ennancement bonus) to your next attack roll with this weepon against the same target. The bonus ends if you attack a diferent target or when you hit.

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