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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1015 1019

Reliable method for Authorized Deduplication by Using Hybrid Cloud
Bhaskar G. Asst prof Navya
Dept of CSE M.Tech
Dept of CSE
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
Tumkur , Karnataka ,India
Tumkur , Karnataka ,India e-mail:

Abstract Information deduplication is one of vital data compression procedures for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating information and
has been broadly utilized as a part of cloud storage to diminish the measure of storage room and spare transmission capacity .To ensure secrecy
of delicate information while supporting deduplication, united encryption system has been proposed to scramble the information before out
sourcing. For better assurance of information security , primary endeavor is to formally address the issue of approved information deduplication
.Unique in relation to conventional deduplication frameworks ,the proposed security display bolsters differential benefits of clients in copy check
other than information itself. A few new deduplication developments are displayed supporting approved copy check in a hybrid cloud
environments. Security investigation shows that this plan is secure as far as definitions determined in proposed security demonstrate. As a proof
of idea, the usage of a model of the proposed approved copy check conspire and additionally the lead testbed tests utilizing the model causes
negligible overhead contrasted with ordinary operations.

Keywords- Deduplication, Confidentiality, Hybrid cloud.


I. INTRODUCTION itself. Subsequently this plan acquires negligible overhead

contrasted with ordinary operations.
Cloud computing gives numerous "virtualized" assets to
clients as administrations over whole Internet, while When joining publicly accessible clouds with a privately
concealing platform and execution points of interest. These maintained virtual infrastructure in a hybrid cloud, hybrid
days cloud specialist organizations offer both highly available cloud innovation can open up new open doors for
storage and greatly parallel computing assets at generally low organizations. Hybrid cloud design comprises of an open
expenses. GMAIL is one of the best cases of cloud storage cloud and a private cloud Some fundamental data lives in the
which is utilized by vast majority of us consistently. One of attempt's private cloud while other data is secured in and
the real issues of cloud storage administrations is the accessible from an public cloud. Not at all like existing
administration of the continually expanding volume of information deduplication frameworks, private cloud is
information[1]. To make information administration versatile included as an intermediary to permit information
in cloud computing, deduplication has been an outstanding proprietor/clients to safely perform copy check with
procedure which is being utilized by vast majority of clients. differential benefits.
Information deduplication is one of vital data compression
Information proprietors just outsource their information
procedures which is utilized to eliminate duplicate copies of storage by using public cloud while information operation is
information. Deduplication can occur at document level or
overseen in private cloud. Another deduplication framework
either block level. For document level deduplication, it
supporting differential copy check is proposed under this
eliminates duplicate copies of same record..Deduplication can
hybrid cloud design where S-CSP lives in people in general
likewise happen at block level, eliminates duplicate blocks of
cloud. Client is just permitted to play out copy check for
information that happen in non-indistinguishable records. documents set apart with corresponding privileges.
To secure confidentiality of delicate information while
In particular, this is a propelled plan to bolster more grounded
supporting deduplication, the convergent encryption procedure
security by encoding document with differential privilege
has been proposed to scramble the information before
keys. In this way, clients without comparing benefits can't
outsourcing. To better ensure information security, an
play out the copy check. Furthermore,such unapproved clients
endeavor is made to formally address the issue of approved can't unscramble the ciphertext. In this manner, it is secure as
information deduplication. Not the same as conventional
far as definitions determined in proposed security demonstrate.
deduplication frameworks, the differential privileges of clients
are further considered in copy check other than information
IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1015 1019
In the architecture of framework there are three important
Secure deduplication with efficient and reliable
modules . public cloud , client, private cloud. To begin
convergent key management
whether client need to transfer reports on people in public
Convergent encryption has been extensively adopted for cloud then client initially scramble that record with the
secure deduplication, a critical issue of making convergent convergent key and a short time later sends it to public cloud
encryption practical is to efficiently and reliably manage a meanwhile client similarly makes the key for that archive and
huge number of convergent keys. It makes first attempt to sends that key to the people of private cloud with the ultimate
formally address the problem of achieving efficient and objective of security. We utilize one wildly used algorithm for
reliable key management in secure deduplication. First it deduplication in the public cloud. The algorithm is used to
introduces a baseline approach in which each user holds an avoid the duplicate copies of reports which is documented to
independent master key for encrypting convergent keys and the people of public cloud. From now on it in like manner
outsourcing them to cloud. confines the transmission limit that infers it requires the less
storage space in public cloud for securing the archives. The
Message-locked encryption and secure deduplication individuals means unapproved ones can also get to or store the
data. so on looking this we can easily convey that the people in
Message-Locked Encryption (MLE) scheme is a
public cloud is not so secured. Generally speaking for
symmetric encryption scheme in which key used for
providing more prominent security, clients can use the private
encryption and decryption is itself derived from message.
cloud rather than public cloud. The key is created by the
Instances of this primitive are seen in widespread deployment
client at the time of transferring record and store that to the
and applications for the purpose of secure deduplication. Say a
private cloud. He/She sends request to the public cloud at the
user Alice stores a file M and Bob requests to store same file
point when client needs to downloads the document that
M. Observing that M is already stored, server, instead of
he/she is uploaded . public cloud provides the set of records
storing a second copy of M, simply updates meta data
that are transferred to the various clients of public cloud in
associated to M to indicate that Bob and Alice both stored M.
light of the fact that there is no security is given in the public
In this way, no file is stored more than once. Thus, this
cloud and we can undoubtedly make a note that there is no
reduces storage costs for a file.
constrain for accessing data in public cloud . when the client is
DESIGN working with private cloud he/she chooses one of the
documents from the set of records after this private cloud
communicates to him/her something specific just like to enter
the key. Therefore the client needs to enter the key that he/she
provided for that record. The private cloud checks the key for
that document which is entered by the client and if the key
which is provided by the client is right that implies client is
substantial then the private cloud suggests the admittance to
that client to download the document efficiently then client
downloads the document from the public cloud and decrypt
that record by utilizing the alike convergent key which is
Fig.1: Architecture of Secure Authorized Deduplication utilized at the time of encrypt that document in this manner
System client can utilize the design.
Some secure primitives used in our secure
deduplication Convergent encryption

Convergent encryption [2] ,[3] provides data confidentiality

in deduplication. A data owner derives a convergent key from
each original data copy and encrypts data copy with
convergent key.
KeyGenCE(M) ! K is the key generation algorithm that
maps a data copy M to convergent key K

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1015 1019
EncCE(K,M) ! C is symmetric encryption algorithm that
takes both convergent key K and data copy M as inputs
and then outputs a ciphertext C.
DecCE(K,C) ! M is decryption algorithm that takes both
the ciphertext C and convergent key K as inputs and
then outputs original data copy M; and
TagGen(M) ! T(M) is the tag generation algorithm that
maps original data copy M and outputs a tag T(M).
DecSE(,C) !Original message M will be out put of
secret k and ciphertext C in symmetric decryption
Proof of ownership.
Notion of proof of ownership (PoW) enables users to prove
their ownership of data copies to storage server. However
PoW is implemented as an interactive algorithm (denoted
byPoW) run by a prover (i.e., user) and a verifier (
server). Authorized deduplication system mainly includes 3

S-CSP for the public cloud:

Explanation behind this component to fill in as an information

storage administration in the public cloud .The information is
stored on the half of the client S-CSP. S-CSP wipe out the
duplicate information using deduplication and keep the Fig2:Activity diagram for the system
original information as it is by all accounts. S-SCP essence
used to reduce the capacity cost .The S-CSP has plenteous
limit restrain and the computational power. Right when client
We have proposed another deduplication framework
send separate sign for getting to his/her document from public
for the accompanying:
cloud S-CSP matches this sign with inside on the off chance
Differential Authorization: Each approved client can get
that it coordinated then just he/she send the record or
his/her individual token of his record to perform copy check in
ciphertext Cf with sign ,an abort signal is sent to client by
light of his privileges. Under this supposition, any client can't
he/she. Subsequent to accepting document the convergent key
produce a token for copy look at of his privileges or without
KF is utilized by the client to decrypt the record.
the aid from the private cloud server.
Authorized copy Check: Authorized client can utilize his/her
Information Users:Client is a substance that is needed to
individual private keys to create inquiry for certain record and
outsource information storage to S-CSP and get to the privileges he/she claimed with assistance of private cloud,
information later. In a storage framework supporting
while people in general cloud performs copy check
deduplication , client just transfers exceptional straightforwardly and tells the client if there is any copy.
information however does not transfer any copy
information to spare the transfer data transfer capacity,
Unforgeability of document token/copy check token:
which might be possessed by a similar utilize or
Unauthorized[4] clients without proper privileges or should be
distinctive clients. Each and every document is secured
prevented from getting or creating document tokens for copy
with convergent encryption key and privilege keys to
check of any record put away at S-CSP. Copy check token of
understand the approved deduplication with differential
clients should be issued from private cloud server in our plan.
Private Cloud:Compared and conventional deduplication
Followings are limit calls used as a piece of structure
architecture in cloud computing, this is another element
presented for encouraging client's protected utilization of
FileTag(File) - It identifies SHA-1 hash of the File as File Tag
cloud administration. Private Keys are overseen by private
CopyCheckReq(Token) - It needs the Storage Server for Copy
cloud keeping in mind the end goal to give them benefits
Check of the document.
according to their assignment.

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1015 1019
FileEncrypt(File) - It encodes the record with Convergent Document Downloading:
Encryption using 256-piece AES computation in cipher block When client needs to download document that he/she has
chaining (CBC) mode, where the convergent key is from transfer on public cloud. He/she make a request to public
SHA-256 Hashing of the report; cloud then, public cloud give a set of records that numerous
FileUploadReq(FileID, File, Token) It exchanges the File clients are transfer on it. Among that client select one of the
information to the Storage Server if the archive is Unique and records from set of documents and enter download alternative
updates the File Token set away. around then a message is sent by private cloud to enter key for
FileStore(FileID, File, Token) - It stores the record on Disk document produced via client then, key is entered by client
and updates the Mapping. for document that he/she is created, then private cloud look
into key for that document, if key is right this implies that
client is substantial at exactly that point, client from public
V. IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS & DISCUSSION cloud can download the document generally client cannot
download the document .As and when the documents are
Following are the operations performed over the hybrid downloaded from the public cloud by the client that is in the
cloud: encrypted format, subsequently the client on utilizing the same
Document Uploading: symmetric key decrypts the document.
whereas client need to transfer the document to public cloud,
at that time client with the use of symmetric keys first encrypt Document updating:
the document which is to be transfer and send it to the Public When client needs to update the document which is to be
cloud. In this meantime client produces the key for that transfer on the public cloud. A request is made by He/she to
document and send it to the private cloud. Thus client can the public cloud then, A set of documents is given by the
transfer the document into the public cloud.
public cloud , that numerous clients are transfer on it. In that
client choose

Fig 5: Token submission

Fig 3:Token received as mail

Fig.6:User activation

Fig 4:User details about activation

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1015 1019
In this paper, idea of authorized information deduplication
was proposed to ensure information security by including
differential privileges of clients in copy check. We
additionally exhibited a few new deduplication
developments supporting approved copy check in hybrid
cloud environment, in which copy check tokens of records
are created by private cloud server with private keys.
Security examination shows that our plans are secure as far
as insider and outsider attacks determined in proposed
security model.


Currently deduplication is possible only at file name level. It
can be enhanced by making deduplication possible at
content level by block wise comparison.
In future, uploading, updating, and downloading of images,
huge documents, videos, and other file formats can be made
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[4] Gaurav Kakariya , Prof. Sonali Rangdale "A Hybrid
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Applications, Volume VIII, Issue I, October 14.

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @

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