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It was two oclock every student was in the hurry to reach their houses even the 6th

grader Mark Crilley was heading back towards his home. But at the mid of the way,

He spotted something odd. Something which was fallen on the

Road. He saw a Notebook fallen. It read The Note of Death.

Note? Death? I know what note means but we havent learn the other one in our
English class yet he spoke.

There was a pause.

I wanted a dairy, I will use this. It is brand new nothing written in it he murmured.

He took the notebook and in no time reached home. I am back to home he shouted.
He entered in his room and sat on his bed. He was very exhausted.

Maybe writing in my dairy would make me feel better he spoke to himself and started
to write today, when I went to school Staffy and Stag bullied me

The next day in the class

I have an announcement today. Some of you must know but Staffy and Stag passed
away last nightit seems they both suffered heart attacks the teacher announced.

Everyone was astonished. There were hushed whispers all around.

The two guys who had bullied me yesterday... wwhy? Mark thought.

The principal also had some talk and they all left. There were students who blocked
Marks way and bullied him. He was completely roasted after getting bullied by them. He
as usually came home and entered in his room. He then opened a dictionary and started
to find a word.

Death: being dead to die he read

Note of death - a notebook to die. No way it it cant be he spoke in an astonished


After that he in a shocked way started to write on his dairy today I was bullied by Ron,
William and Henry.

The next day in the school

There were so many whispers from the morning in the class.

But for both of them to have heart attacks for a coincidence it sure is creepy Mark
thought while sitting on his chair.

The teacher announced in a scared way last night Ron, William and Henry have
before the teacher could finish the whole classs hair stood on end. There was a long
pause. There were rumors in the whole class that the class is being cursed.

ItIt is that notebook mark thought while having a scared face.

After the bell rang he was rushing towards his house and was as fast as cheetah.

I have to hurry home and hide that notebook, if mom sees it oh! Thats Sam he saw
his classmate there with two tall men and he stopped at a glance.

AH! The police!! he shouted but it wasnt that loud for the police and Sam to hear.

Oh, yeah Sam was also bullied by those 5 kids, so hes being suspected by the
policehe thought.

There were two policemen one was pretty old and the second was a young one. After
that investigation the officers thanked Sam and fled from there. After that, Mark ran to
his home, entered in his room and opened his drawer. He holded his dairy tightly and he
was also having a slightly scared face but when he turned around his blood started to
curdle up after seeing a ghost like creature behind him.

AAH! Mark shouted

Dont get so surprised if that notebook would exist then there is nothing weird about
being a Death God the Death God spoke.

Dea...Death God? mark screamed with a frightened face

Yeah I am Kagemura, a loser of the Death God world who lost his The Note of Death in
the human world Kagemura explained.

There was a pause

Yes as you are thinking, the people whose name you write in that notebook Die
Kagemura continued.

After sometime Mark slowly- slowly understood what that Death god was telling. He
with a scared face was holding the dairy and was going to return it,
But then Kagemura spoke oh? You want to return it? Huh? Didnt you come to get this?
Hehehe, you really want to return it? If you have that, then you can erase anyone who
gets in your way of life and I already have a new one, so I dont need it.

Mark!! her mother knocked the door.

Hold on mom! Mark shouted.

Dont worry only you can hear and see me Kagemura explained, so Mark opened the
door. His mother told him that police has come downstairs and they want to talk with
him so he slowly-slowly went downstairs. The men introduced themselves and they also
told that they are special detectives by showing there proofs. They had some
investigation and they also had question to Mark. As the investigation went to long
Marks mom got tensed.

She spoke this is as you are suspecting him. Relax madam, there were 5 deaths
suffering from heart attack from a same class in just two days so we are just meeting the
friends of the victim The young detective replied.

There were heart attacks only because you didnt write the action with the name, for
e.g. ( if you write Name died with an accident = an accident will occur, if you only write
the name a heart attack will only occur ) Kagemura spoke.

After that, Taro the young detective and Sabastial the old detective went from Marks
house. They were off to their database, in the way they had a lot of talk.

The 5 heart attacks cant be a coincidence there is something wrong Taro said.

In the data room they research a lot related to the case. At the end they came to know
that there is someone who committed these works.

Taro we have to think like a criminal to defeat that criminal, Taro tell me what would
you do if you have ability to kill anyone, huh! Kill the detectives Sabastial asked.

Yeah Taro replied.

After doing so much of work Sabastial was going back to his home but then Taro
stopped him and spoke I would kill all
the people whom I think the world would be better without and create a world of piece
with just people who have kind hearts he answered.

I see. But that would probably mean youd have to kill the majority of mankind
Sabastial continued.
After some time in marks room at night

What are you thinking while holding this note-book so tightly Kagemura asked.

A peaceful world?Mark replied.

Hehehe, youre so young yet are thinking of fighting the evil in the world? Kagemura

No, not that large of a thing but maybe its better if I keep this notebook before
Mark could finish it Kagemura spoke exactly! I thought you were coward, but now I like
you Mark, Ill help you out with whatever you do. This notebook doesnt work unless you
know the face of the person whose name you write down.

Name and face hm Mark murmured.

After that, Mark peacefully slept but whole night he had nightmares related to the
deaths by the note of death. At midnight he was awake.

Well, of course youre having dreams like that. Youve killed 5 people in two days and
youre just a normal humanKagemura explained,

KilledI wasnt trying to Mark replied

If thats the reason so you should use this, the death eraser. Kagemura explained that
this eraser can erase the name in the notebook and make the person alive if the body is
not burned. So, Mark used the eraser and slept.

The next day in the data room

Taro in a hurry came in the data room and spoke while running Inspector! The 5 kids
have come back to life!

What back to life they quickly ran to the class so they could have some talk with the

In the class

Detective Taro and Sabastial introduced themselves to the class and they were going to
talk to the victims. If they said that they bullied you, then you will be suspected
Kagemura spoke to Mark

They asked the victims what happened that day, so Henry spoke that day, we before
Henry could finish, he and his friends started to feel pain and then had heart attacks.
Taro call the ambulance Sabastial spoke. After that, they both also suffered heart
attacks and died.

You didnt Kagemura spoke. Huh? No it was not me, the notebook is Mark spoke. In
the end, the 5 students and the 2 detectives died of heart attacks. This caused the school
to be closed for a while.

The next day

What the heck happened? Why did those 5 kids and the detectives die Mark spoke in a
tensed way while sitting on his chair in his room.

You really didnt write in your notebook again Kagemura asked. I told you thatI
didnt Mark replied. Now those detectives are involved, the police are probably
getting down to business with the investigation Kagemura explained.

After that, Mark switched on the T.V. and opened a news channel. There was news
broadcasting that from last night all the criminals are dying by heart attacks.

The only thing I can think of is that there is another note of death Mark spoke.

So someone wrote in another note of death someone who doesnt know that if you
dont write the cause of death, theyll all be heart attack Kagemura spoke.

What do you mean by that Mark asked.

Truth is that I dropped another note of death, Hehehe, silly me Kagemura spoke.

There was a pause

But now its confirmed, someone who found the other notebook, scared of the truth
being revealed, wrote those 7 names but the truth the one bullied was me Mark
thought. Ive got it! He shouted he quickly ran and went downstairs and then ran

Meanwhile in Sams house.

Die! Die! Die! All of you he was speaking while writing in a notebook. Sam Mark
shouted while watching from the window of Sams house and then he jumped over Sam.

Stop Mark shouted.

Dont stop me! After I write your name, Ill write mine and die! Sam replied. Its my
entire fault not yours. First one to write their 5 name was me! But you were the one
most suspected by the police so when those 5 came back; you thought youd be
suspected again and Before Mark could finish, Sam cried Its too late now.

Its not too late! Use this Death eraser, if you erase the names you wrote in the
notebook with this, theyll come to life Mark explained while erasing the names in the

That time those 5 came back to life because I used this eraser He continued. What the
heck are this notebook and eraser? Sam asked. Then Mark closed the notebook and put
it in his hands and spoke Lets take this notebook to the police. Our only choice left is to
tell the truth and get them understand.

So, Sam and Mark went to the Police station and asked for Detective Sabastial and
Detective Taro, but a police man told that they passed away.

They asked for the hospital the detectives were taken to but before they could finish
they saw the Detectives entering the police station.

Inspector, are you alright!?Mark Shouted. You kids are the one we before detective
Sabastial could finish Mark interrupted please listen to what we have to say.

So, Detective Sabastial with Detective Taro took those kids with them in their Data room
and Mark explained them the story that what happened to them.

I cant believe in such a ridiculous story Detective Taro told. Its true. People whose
names are written in this notebook Mark explained while showing that notebook.

It doesnt matter how many times you say the same thing!! Now stop bugging the
grownups and go home! Detective Taro shouted.

No, wait. Lets listen Detective Sabastial recommended.

I was the one who wrote the names in the notebook first. But I didnt thought they
would die. So I got scared and tried erasing the names with the eraser I found with the
notebook. Then they came back to life Mark continued.

This time its coming back to life with an eraser? These childish games are before taro
could finish Sabastial interrupted Shut up Taro.

Then Mark told everything about how Sam got this, what happened next, in a brief
manner but he didnt told anything related to the Death God.

I just cant believe it Taro spoke while facing Sabastial.

If I can prove that this notebook works, will you forgive us?Mark asked.

There was a pause.

Well, if thats true, you have committed no crime I will take responsibility Sabastial

Sam write my name in the notebook. And once they are confirmed Im dad erase it. Oh,
after writing my name, write peaceful death a heart attack seems painful Mark
explained Sam while holding him the eraser.

So, Sam opened the notebook and started to write Mark peaceful death.

After some few seconds, Mark felt no connection with his body and fell down on the
floor. Detective Taro checked Marks nerves and spoke heHes dead. This couldnt be a

The eraser Detective Sabastial shouted. Sam quickly erased the name and thus in few
seconds Mark came to life.

Are you ok?Sabastial asked.

If you still dont believe me. You could try another person Mark asked.

Thats necessary. We believe Sabastial told.

Listen Taro, Dont tell anyone about this notebook. Same for you guys. Something this
much terrific shouldnt exist in this world Detective Sabastial explained.

So they burned the notebook and thus, one of the Note of Death turned to dust,
therefore remained a secret forever. But no one ever knew about the Death God.

After that time, in Marks house

I was watching you Mark. You are pretty smart, Hehehe. So how was it? The world of
the dead Kagemura asked.

The End.

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