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3rd Year B.B.S.

2nd Term Improvement Examination 1994

Department of Management
Subject: Quantitative Analysis in Management
Course No: 323

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 40

(N.B. Marks for each question are given on the right margin. Answer any four question)
1. a) Discuss briefly the importance and use of Index Number in business and 03
b) What is Fishers Index? Why is it called ideal? 02
c) Show with the help of the following data that the Time and Factor Reversal 05
Test are satisfied by Fishers Ideal formula for Index Number construction.
Commodit Base Year Base Year Current Year Current Year
y Price (Tk.) Quantity (Kg) Price (Tk.) Quantity (Kg)
A 6 50 10 56
B 2 100 2 120
C 4 60 6 60
D 10 30 12 24
E 8 40 12 36

2. a) What do your understand by Time Series? 01

b) State the components of Time Series. 03
c) Compute the trend value for the following data using the method of Least 06
Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
Y 83 60 54 21 22 13 23

3. a) Distinguish between interpolation and extrapolation. 05

b) Estimate the premium payable at the ages of 23 and 42 years from the 05
following data:
Age in Years 20 25 30 35 40 45
Premium in 30 33 37 42 48 57
4. a) What is a hypothesis? What characteristics it must possess in order to e a 04
good research hypothesis?
b) Distinguish between the followings: 06
I) Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis ii) One tailed and Two
tailed test
iii) Type I error and Type II error
5. a) What do you mean by feasibility polygon?
b) Draw a feasibility polygon of the following linear programming problem
and find out the optimal solution:
Maximize Z = 3X + 3Y
subject to 5X + 5Y 25
7X + Y 21

6. Write short notes on:

a) Index number b) Seasonal variation
c) Decision variable d) Moving average method.
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