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ENGR ARQUIE REYES Ce bepeneenT i CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES CONSTRUCTION OF MODEL HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE LABORATORY BUILDING TABLE OF CONTENTS hecomviasnment f uw o 6 OW OPERATION: A. PAYMENTS: a. e Pavwent, Vv iteme tor every progrese of work ehali be compured in the following manner: relative weight of each of the the AKE by taking the ratio of each inet the i amount. relative weight by the contract amount ected velue of each component ure in computing the percentage of provided under eection B using the oF w ems wi imal unbalance cosy vracted item indicated in the bid percentage section B. ilv. but not more than once a month the may autmit a request for progress payments for regue: for payments shail be qineer and certified by the Area Y sitese and regione. ant delivered on project shail not be included Conse, to the 16% retention such as withholding vance paymeny or progress billing pperted with ! + Final Payment: i No final payment shall be effected without « final insvection which will be jointly conducted by the Area Hanager INFRACOM and ESEP-PICO representative. Final Payment Request shali be accompanied with the following documents. I Accomplishment heport. 2. Final Inspection Report $. Certificate of Acceptance and Turn-over 4. Flotures (6" x 7") 8. Building snd Gccupanoy Permit 8. As Built Plan, 7. Materiale Test Results &. Punchlist of Corrective tiorke 9. Affidavit of Release of Liens 0. Certificate of Turn-over of Revs Punchlisted works noted during the #inal inepec- nall be corrscted by the contractor within the period provided in the bid documents. jOMEY + the relsa: ef retention shall be made in revention money the project. upon substantial ention money upon completion : rk of the deficiencies ne final inspection and upon e guarantee bond equivalent tc the of the reter monev for ths period vear peo from the date the work was completed. if any menting agency ounents hereuncer Liste: shall bs paid only i upon compliance v e/Cwner“e Request and $WRORERTS. MPLISI Justification for ‘the Implementation of the V.0. Revised PERT/CEN Network if Contract Time Extension is necessary. 8. Minutes of the Neegtina/ Discussion between the RE and the Contractor regarding the proposed variation in. che contract requirements. nonatruction/Bid Bulletin issued affecting the apiation Order, i2 any. Fisturs (5 x 7; showing the slevation of the proposed V.0...before and after) Uther pertinent doduments supporting the request for vo ; reporting purposes, 8 — bi- monthly report’ Zor the progress of work ene ani recommendatione hall b= Resident Engineers fer each assigns gite/e to the Ares Hanager.. Likewise, ths shager sual snstuze and make appropriate ‘and coneclidate reporte, for INF MM.*s Secretariatel le computed based on 2 components of the the contractor ’s bid ative weight of each by taking the ratio of the cost of nent to the total contract amount. rogress report. compute for of accompliehment per sing the ratio of the i accomplishient againsy the each component. tion sf the weight of all ths project compansné te ail weighted project accompliahment. i | | Multiply the total weighted accomplishment with the total contract amount to get the value of the accomplisnment for the period. aj 7 VARIATION OF Variation Grder may be issued by the Implementing Agency only on the following condition: a decrease in contract score of letion of work items. ere there i work due vo the iaasification of a contracted (i.g.. garth excavation to in pian, design or field condition. ThA WORK: A. Where there is additional work needed and necessary for the completion, improvement and protection of the project. sub-surface or latent physical © project site differing 2 indicated in the contract i report. are at from tl chnical apprai) physical condition at x modification in plans, design is the leeigner. Minor deviations in r elevation, joints and other invsive additional retion of the heeident buy Buibigos fae ie ners: fa Engine Variation execution CHECKLIST cf Required Documents For Evaluation Fi 1. Contracter’s Request for V.0, 3. Detailed Computation and “Summarry of Work [tems/Components included in the V.0. 3. Justification for the Implementation of V0. Hinutes of the Neeting/Discussion between the R.E. and the Contractor regarding the provosed V.0. lvewinge or Shop Lrawings showing the limits. messurement. elevation of the proposed V.0. 6. Pictures shawing the elevation of the prop: O.. before and afteri 7. Bid/Construction Bulletin affecting the wo Time #xtengion may be granted to the contractor for the circumstances provided in the bid documents and the Area Hanager.Evaluat BRR of P.D, 1594 subject to the approval of the on o£ Time Extension Request i shail be based on the following: ‘Time tension due to Approved Variation Order 2. The total numver of dave for the conetruction of Ve ffectina the original work schedule. Activities falling in the Critical Fath of the submitted PERT/CHM Network. t Extension due to Force Majeure activities affected by ‘ Fodamage of in-placed structure to be repaired andvor reinstalle: ely affect the work echedule. Tine Extension he numbsr er 4 ev eround aperopriave government agency : its that affects the or Bar Chart nt Uonetruction/Bid Bullettin iesued by the implementing | Agency pertaining to the construction of the project that would affect the approved PERT/UPH network. a. Other pertinent documents that would support the Time Extension Request. JOBSITE DOCUMBNTARRY REQUIREMENTS: Resident Engineer shall maintain os separate construction logbook and weather chart to record ali the evente trangpiring during the conatruction. FERT- Bar mall be displaved in the construction office andver must be readily available at the stion jobsite. necesest const) to have a uniform germat and procedure fo accomplizhing construction logbook . hereunder are the hat @hail be inputted, ae follows: entrizs Activities undertaken for the dav y ascomplishmant indicating quantities of thins itenz actually scnstructed or installed. ieliveries ction materiais on site 4. Manpower indicating work aceignmsnte. &, EroblemayIasues encountered ai esting or as deemed necessary ted by the Resident Engineers to discuss in the construction. Preblene her officials shali be referred 1ager. Minutes of the meeting omplighment report shall ve eubmivted ; dobsite a Project the units te the implemenvati Ll be attended by the Area ESEP-PICO and Financ: on mesting shaii bs held sident. Engineer sv the sardina| and the nal Level. It. ADMINISTRATIVE A. Salaries of the Area Managers (AN) shall'be drawn at the gnated regional office identified as official etation ef the AM. Salaries of the Kesident Engineers (RE‘s) ehall be drawn at the regional office where hisvher project sitve/s is located or as maybe directed of the AN depending je proximity of the assigned sites nearest to the nal fiice or most convenient for the RE and regional iy Tims Record (iTR) sf the AM shall'be recorded at the assigned regional office official station subject to the rules snd requirements of the regional office. DIR or the Resident Engineer chall be signed by the AM noted by hg principal of the school concerned as designated official station of the hz ses & Per Diem: uravelling expenses and per diem shall be in accounting and auditing rulee to travel of the AN shall be 4; Likewise, Authority to Travel Engingers chali bs approved by the Ares the traveliing expensea and per be supported with che collowing dosumente: the claim uuppertin a per dism of aa irom vhe designated official ination of the approved official iron: an Re cor pu spss Le "PROGRESS BILLING FLOW DIAGRAM i cunts RERDEST ACCONPLTENMENT TORE Hat RESEDENT BUGLNEE ‘unubatys/" ent TRS BLEW tis? cP Sunt Tape eae AREA HAHAGER RESIDENT ENGINEER GERTIFUCATE OF PAYMENTS GNUNGEMEMT VOUCHER | FINAL BILLING FLOW DIAGRAM | 8 au Re cor by conte? weet jon with iSei-Picoe wRER-PICO Sad apeneves DY a effects i AREA HANNGER RESIDENT ENGINEER CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENTS DISHURSENENT VOUCHER i FLOW CHART OF TURN - OVER yen 294 ferried oneoge en toons hen (ara (or asd 49 worse CaNTEE ATO, wo guegau iugunstiaegay Hepatbee et Che Pia hi pyar SUPALONENT OF SELENE AND TECHNOL OGY TenGecr rat and GOronee bilveatens Peart . POURING PEUMTE ae PREIPLE EET rons traction of GSEP Mover High School Serence taberatory Bai tding proaeer Gite Lancer ian GON TRAC HA SSHMGIE CH DAH an i Oats bane ab von TNE (SEAN Ob POUICENG POURTNG Gr raearton Toran BOn UE HE CONCH EE Gotert s a PARGE DO bpm Gr Cone Econ : oe Eee EOUIHHERE NEEDED & MATERA S ORL IVERED ‘ory. Concrete Miser Cement _ Hovis Auar eae les - SO Gaeta vite tor tater Other Hetisae # Format te aoe br COneI bigeer ot APPROVED . HISAPPRUVED : 00 CONDITIONAL + REQUESTED IY avpRuveD LY = NOTE, Powering permet ot eguerted thrce (42 days prior to Pes ee beaten jive ing. thane ree tepet ef peur ing request, Wale tetas tee wil fhe auescary requircernts to faeeitalh way) Unger’ ah the ey wee and materials ne ed chit atin per timaedt stenetural component subject Toor [Nit Etitj seta ds sim esters obree gang, Femme pour ingp/dsh¥5e2 sae hn: Loyal le of tse HiLLippines DREAICTIREE OF SCHONGK AND TAINLY Houtlvowe ting aud Beton Reventon Predict e WU enrTUL aR, atyNet went See settee IRQIKCE : Conatrwetton ef RSKI Maybe NE efones — CUNTHATOR CaRETHACE AMAA Hance SUK 200 ATK SEPARTED LOCATION NGO CTMPLRTLON WATE, ook Amaaatt ' 2 Compla tend Ta WE oo : Pn Two Hew tout Hweurtent Mork TOTAL ‘ : C1 eanesrRUCTION ACTIVES = TEE = BOWERS 1SSURE. AND: ACTON UNDRTETAKINE : Sibel uted toys Uproport/datitfet | \ } i | ' bony aoe 2evatey yapytee Waos vuyuuns sutatie Wy esanst TSCvEseP FH7 Republic of the Fhilippines DEPARTRENT CF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Engineering and Science Education Project Project Title + ESP Fogel High Se Project Location/Region { Vardeci 2 Order No. 1 Requested aacunts Evaluates amounts Approved Anount: 1 Original Contract Aacunt: Geiginad Contract Durst This Variation Grose Tine Extension : Revised Contract aaount Revised Contract Dur. 2 1 Evaluated & Contoraedsaccented by? ares Waneger Tentractor 1 Reconaonding fpprovelt Approved: : eee. LEOPOLDO V. 935.799. Dr. ESTRELLA F. ALABASTRO. Chairman, DUSTHWide Infracone AAtachsents = TE. Detaties Computations and Suzssry of ork Itens. Zi Qustification for impleacating the V5. ve 3. Minutes of the Nesting/Dsseussiony 7 AL Drawing showing the 1ieite, seasurenente, and clevations of the proposed ¥.0. Bb. Pictures (S" 4 7732 nd after tne works. & 5S ta support the Ws, Note This Variation Order ss Savalid unless signed by tl above authorized persons/efticials. 2. Taapering, crasures, typecver, aithost the initials of votora/ssiiisez TSC/eser FB Republic of the Philippines DEPARTHENT OF SCIENCE AND’ TECHNOLOGY Engineering and Science EBvcation Pre, Tine =) NSION RzOUEST Projec* Site Meo. Location/Region Requested Tiae Extension: C.D. co, Original Date Startes Original Contrast Dar. Griginal Completion Date : Vine Extension : Revised Conpietionn Pst Revised Camteact Dar- Evaluated ty? Contoreed/accopted by: : Approved = Brea Tana Attachsents He Detailed Computations of the Ms, af Daye te BL Justification ae to the caused/gr the contract Line. 3. Rffigavit from agpropriate Gov't. agency cortitying the favents that affects the construction works. 4. Approved ariginal PERT/CEN or Bar Charts BL Revised FERI/COM or Barchart &: Other pertinent docuonts to support the 7.2. aetonded. 4 of extending Hoter 1. Inte Tine Extension Request is invalid unies signed by the above authorized persens/officials. 2. Tanpering, erasures, typeover, without the initials of the qulhorized persons wil] make UNie T.E.R, invalid lertorasastisc? TSC/ESEP FHS Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Gen. Santos Aves, Bicutan, Taguig, tm ENGINEERING aiio SCIENCE EDUCATION PROJECT CERTIFICATE OF PaYnENT Y CONSTRUCTION GF ESE WODEL HS SCHENC Payoent Ko LegoRATORY BUILDING Project {Locations Region Hontractor + REMARKS CCONGTRUCTLON CONTRACT DATA/INFORNATION : ORIGINAL CONTRACT. AMOUNT: ORIGINAL CONST'N PERIOD ___cD ADDITIONAL ANT. /UO # ADDITIONAL CONST 'N PERIODS co ForAL CONTRACT AUNT TOTAL CONSTRUCTEON PROD :____cD % OF contract PAID =, 2 OF YORK DONE = TENE ELAPSED =, 4. TOTAL CONTRACT aroun... P i 21 ADVANCE PATHENT (2F) ‘ a. Previous Recovonent/s bl Balance of A : 3. PREVIOUS CERTIFICATE/S ae e 2. Cumulative Retention 2 Cumutative WH Tay ec) Ciquidated Dacages a vat ‘2. Recoupmant, Deduction TOFAL DEDUETION . NET aenounT RECEIVER > 4, BALANCE BEFORE THIS CERTIFICATE oP 3. THIS CERTIFICATE a : > a. 10% Retention BL itholding Tax G1 AP Recoupeent fd. Ciquigated Darages : 1 e: Wihholding Valuenidded Tae t TOTAL DEDUCTION P NET AMOUNT RECEIVER : 16, BALANCE AFTER THIS CERTIFICATE ° : AMOUNT DUE & PAYRELE TH CERTIFICATE: Prepared byt JraansDOST-Uide Infracon.: Ne Resident Engineer checnea by: fren any PERTINENT INE ORMAT IONE: ‘TW/Check No. Name of Bank Dates Ietued/Racoived c0p/4sKNS2 zogwasp/tuound 4019423 009 ayy rew09 ayes Te270y202 sebevey res . sosuibea yueprsey + pawstjuea bly paseegeg 3UNLUNDS: Seas" } NOTJOBeNI JO 31¢0 : Preece} sana £wotosorieoo7 up agen suayt pe eabe 1013"29U09 242 + BLN + -ow/3L1S 193¢084 SoWON 3OTL33NNOI/ONINTHMSH 40 LSTNSNNE ypefoag voqieanp3 s2uayog pur burveau;bu3 BONBIS 20 INSULUYEDE yg aun Jo 331anday CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ProperTile Consivuclion of €6EP Lab. Bit Date of Sub, Completion Project sites : Date Started : Location ‘Completion Date Contractor % of Aceomplchment Gontract Amt. Date Issued Seope Of Work: “The Contractor shall furnish among ethers; materials, labor, equipment, fer the construction ot ESEP Leboratory Building in zecorrelance with the plang, specifications and contract requirements MW. Certification: ‘Thie ie to eartity that the Scope of Work embodied in the Contract Documents is substantially completed in aceercance with the plans, specification andl contract requirements on the above mentioned date, A punch lit of remaining tem of works are eppended herewith as pert of the Final inepection Psport. The failure of the Contractor to implement the Kem of works in the punch latin the giien period does not alter the responsiblity ofthe Contractor to complete the work provided in te contrect document, Contractor Resident Engineer Ill, Recommendations: i ‘The following hereby recommends the substantia! completion of the projectand the suspension of contract time on the condition that the Contractor shall complete the remaining ated inthe punch iis within 15.CD reckoned from the cate of kouance of this tien, insurance, provided in the executon of the contract shatl be has been fully completed and work items in certifiente. Usites, 6 of the Contractor unt such time the pro! the responsibil tumed.over fo the Ow INFRA-Technical Stat? Approved: Usee, Leopoldo ¥. Adis; PA.D. Chairman, DOST-WIDE infrasirusture Committee FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Proper Tae So) = Laboraeory Sulaing Project Sieitio, Date Started Lecation:Region rapletion Cate contractor aviced Completion Date Contract Amount _ : ate of inspection Le FINDINGS ¢ iniag Works. } Wi, REMARKS : , i, RECOMMENDATIONS area Manager PICO-ESEP Representative CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE AND TURN-OVER Project This Construction of EGEP Hoaal High Gslence Laboratory Guldinge > Project store Contract Amount Location Date Started ‘Contractor Date Completed 1. Scope Of Work: ‘The Contractor shall! furnigh among others, materia, labor, equipment, for the conctruction of EGEP Laboratery Building in accorence withthe plans, opecttications and contract requirements WL, Certification: ‘This isto certify that the CONTRACTOR has fully completed the construction of the abovemen- ied the scope of works required in the bid documents tioned project and has furnisived and come! all in accordance with the plans and specitications, “This sto certity further that te Gentactor hae completed the remaining werks noted in the punchlist within the given period provided in the Certiticate of Substantial Completion and agrees to correct any construction defects accruing ator the eeceptence of the project within one year ‘guarantee period Contractor Resitem Engineer i, Recommendations: We hereby recommends the acceptance and tuin-over of the Project to the OWNER aa eccribed in tem Land ea Hgnager MFRA-Technical Stott Approved: see, Leopoldo ¥. AbIS. PH.D. ‘Sharman, 0937 ¥ADE mtrasnunture Commies 1V. Acceptance and Turnover ‘The OWHER satisfactorily accept the Prolet and assume poseecion of the building ana and equipment inatallod, responsible for the ut Dr. Eswella F. Alabastro otvoeran-cnarge, PIeo-RoEP

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